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Calculation Sheet of Pc-I Pre-Tensioning 24.54M: 1. Initial Data

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Design standard: 22TCN - 272 - 05
Live Load: HL-93
c Weff c


Total width of cross section Wb = 12.00 m

Walk & Bicycle Lane Width wp = 2.00 m
Carriage Way Width w = 7.00 m
Width of Curb c = 0.50 m
Number of girder n = 7.00 girders
Depth of Girder Section h = 1143 mm
Spacing of girder S = 1.75 m
Distance from CL of external girder to extreme edge of deck slab S1 = 0.75 m
Length of Girder L = 24.54 m
Length Span between Bearings Ls = 24.24 m
Skew angle of bridge a = 90 deg.
Thickness of wearing surface t w = 50 mm
1.2.1. Prestressing Steel
Prestress classification: ASTM A416-90a ‘Uncoated Seven Wires Stress Relieved Strand for Pre-stressed Concrete”
Type of presstresing steel: Low-relaxation
Modulus of elasticity Ep = 197000 MPa
Tensile strength fpu = 1860 MPa
Yield strength fpy = 1674 MPa
Stress limits for Pretensioning Tendons
Immediately prior transfer 0.75fpu = 1395 MPa
At Service limit state after losses 0.80fpy = 1339 MPa
Strand Properties
Nominal diameter Dp = 12.7 mm
Nominal Area Ap = 99 mm2
Stress in the prestressing steel at jacking fpj = 1395 MPa
Jacking Force Pj = 138 KN
1.2.2. Reinforcing Steel Enter "1" for ASTM A615
Reinf . Standard: 0 (Enter "0" for TCVN 1651-2-2008, "1" for ASTM A615) Enter "0" for TCVN 1651-1
Modulus of elasticity Es = 200000 Mpa
Yield strength for deform bar fy = 400 Mpa
Yield strength for round bar fyr = 300 Mpa

Reinforcing bar Area

Diameter 10 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32
(mm2) 79 151 202 254 314 380 491 616 801
1.2.3. Concrete
Density of concrete gc = 24.5 KN/m3
Coefficient of thermal expansion for normal concrete = 1.08E-05 / 0C
Poisson's ratio p = 0.2
Average ambient relative humidity H = 75 %
PC-I Girder
Specified compressive strength of concrete at 28 days f'c = 50 Mpa
Compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress f'ci = 42.5 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity Ec = 38007 Mpa
Eci = 35041 Mpa
Modulus of rupture for normal concrete fr = 4.45 Mpa
Limits of compressive stress of concerete at time of initial prestress 0.6f'ci = 25.50 Mpa
Limits of tensile stress of concrete at time of initial prestress 0.58Ö f'c = -3.78 Mpa
Limits of compressive stress of concrete at service limit state after losses
Due to the sum of eff. pretress, permanent loads and transient loads 0.6f'c = 30.00 Mpa
Due to the sum of effective prestress and permanent loads 0.45f'c = 22.50 Mpa
Due to live load and 1/2 the sum of eff. prestress and permanent loads 0.4f'c = 20.00 Mpa
Limits of tensile stress of concrete at limit state after losses
Moderate corrosion conditions (for stage II) 0.5Öf'c = -3.54 Mpa
Severe corrosive conditions (for stage III) 0.25Öf'c = -1.77 Mpa
Cast-in-place Slab
Specified compressive strength of concrete at 28 days f'cs = 30 Mpa
Modulus of elasticity Ecs = 29440 Mpa
Limits of compressive stress of concrete at service limit state after losses
Due to the sum of effective prestress and permanent loads 0.45f'cs = 13.50 Mpa
Due to live load and 1/2 the sum of eff. prestress and permanent loads 0.4f'cs = 12.00 Mpa
Material Modulus Ratio
npi = Ep/Eci = 5.622
np = Ep/Ec = 5.183
nsi = Ep/Eci = 5.708
ns = Ep/Ec = 5.262
ncs = Eci/Ec = 0.775
Cross-section Dimensions at Middle section Notes:
- Counter-clockwise adds to section
- Counter-clockwise adds to section
- Clockwise subtracts from section
- Clockwise subtracts from section

e Precast Plank
j a 178
k b 190
c 483
c d 114
h m e 178
f -
g 180
j -
b k 410
m 178
a n 558

Cross-section Dimensions at End section


f (mm)
e Precast Plank
a 178
d b 74
c 891
d -
k e -
f -
g 180
h m
j -
k -
m 410
n 558

2.1. Properties of Section at End section

Point yi zi A-i Sy-i Sz-i Iyi Iz-i Iyz-i Pi

(mm) (mm) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4) (mm)
1 0 0 - - - - - - -
2 254 0 - - - - - - 254.0
3 279 20 0.0051 0.00010 0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 0.00004 32.0
4 279 178 0.0441 0.00873 0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 0.00365 158.0
5 205 252 0.0338 0.01454 0.01637 0.00474 0.00599 0.00523 104.7
6 205 1143 0.1827 0.25480 0.07489 0.30284 0.02303 0.07835 891.0
7 -205 1143 0.4686 1.07129 - 1.83672 0.01969 - 410.0
8 -205 252 0.1827 0.25480 -0.07489 0.30284 0.02303 -0.07835 891.0
9 -279 178 0.0338 0.01454 -0.01637 0.00474 0.00599 -0.00523 104.7
10 -279 20 0.0441 0.00873 -0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 -0.00365 158.0
11 -254 0 0.0051 0.00010 -0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 -0.00004 32.0
12 0 0 - - - - - - 254.0

Total 0.5000 0.2713 - 0.2046 0.0084 -0.0000 3289.3

A = 0.500 m2
1000 ey = 0.000 m
ez = 0.543 m
800 Iy = 0.057 m4
Iz = 0.008 m4
Ix = -0.000 m4
yb = 0.543 m
yt = 0.600 m
200 Sb = 0.106 m3
St = 0.096 m3
A/P = 152 mm
-400 -200 0 200 400
2.2. Properties of Section at Middle section

Point yi zi A-i Sy-i Sz-i Iyi Iz-i Iyz-i Pi

(mm) (mm) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4) (mm)
1 0 0 - - - - - - -
2 254 0 - - - - - - 254.0
3 279 20 0.0051 0.00010 0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 0.00004 32.0
4 279 178 0.0441 0.00873 0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 0.00365 158.0
5 89 368 0.0868 0.04741 0.03195 0.02020 0.00960 0.01230 268.7
6 89 851 0.0430 0.05240 0.00765 0.05041 0.00102 0.00700 483.0
7 205 965 -0.0886 -0.16084 -0.02604 -0.21936 -0.00604 -0.03576 162.6
8 205 1143 0.0365 0.07692 0.01496 0.12190 0.00460 0.02365 178.0
9 -205 1143 0.4686 1.07129 - 1.83672 0.01969 - 410.0
10 -205 965 0.0365 0.07692 -0.01496 0.12190 0.00460 -0.02365 178.0
11 -89 851 -0.0886 -0.16084 0.02604 -0.21936 -0.00604 0.03576 162.6
12 -89 368 0.0430 0.05240 -0.00765 0.05041 0.00102 -0.00700 483.0
13 -279 178 0.0868 0.04741 -0.03195 0.02020 0.00960 -0.01230 268.7
14 -279 20 0.0441 0.00873 -0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 -0.00365 158.0
15 -254 0 0.0051 0.00010 -0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 -0.00004 32.0
16 0 0 - - - - - - 254.0

Total 0.3612 0.1868 - 0.1488 0.0051 -0.0000 3482.7

A = 0.361 m2
ey = 0.000 m
ez = 0.517 m
800 Iy = 0.052 m4
Iz = 0.005 m4
600 Ix = -0.000 m4
yb = 0.517 m
yt = 0.626 m
Sb = 0.101 m3
St = 0.083 m3
A/P = 104 mm
-400 -200 0 200 400
2.3. Properties of Comp.Section at End section
2.3.1. For internal girder
Effective width of slab is:
B1' = min (1/4 Ls, S, 12g + m) = 1.75 m
Because concrete class of slab and girder is different, the width of slab should be modified:
Modulus ratio n= Ecs / Ec= 0.775
Therefore, effective width of slab is: B' = 1.36 m

Point yi zi A-i Sy-i Sz-i Iyi Iz-i Iyz-i Pi

(mm) (mm) (m )
(m ) 3
(m ) 3
(m )
(m )4
(m )
1 0 0 - - - - - - -
2 254 0 - - - - - - 254.0
3 279 20 0.0051 0.00010 0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 0.00004 32.0
4 279 178 0.0441 0.00873 0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 0.00365 158.0
5 205 252 0.0338 0.01454 0.01637 0.00474 0.00599 0.00523 104.7
6 205 1143 0.1827 0.25480 0.07489 0.30284 0.02303 0.07835 891.0
7 678 1143 -0.5404 -1.23531 -0.47703 -2.11793 -0.34603 -0.81787 472.8
8 678 1323 0.1220 0.30085 0.16538 0.55741 0.16813 0.30586 180.0
9 -678 1323 1.7934 4.74530 - 9.41704 0.82384 - 1355.5
10 -678 1143 0.1220 0.30085 -0.16538 0.55741 0.16813 -0.30586 180.0
11 -205 1143 -0.5404 -1.23531 0.47703 -2.11793 -0.34603 0.81787 472.8
12 -205 252 0.1827 0.25480 -0.07489 0.30284 0.02303 -0.07835 891.0
13 -279 178 0.0338 0.01454 -0.01637 0.00474 0.00599 -0.00523 104.7
14 -279 20 0.0441 0.00873 -0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 -0.00365 158.0
15 -254 0 0.0051 0.00010 -0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 -0.00004 32.0
16 0 0 - - - - - - 254.0

Total 0.7439 0.5721 - 0.5762 0.0457 0.0000 5540.4

1323 1323 A = 0.744 m2
1200 ey = 0.000 m
1143 1143 1143 1143
ez = 0.769 m
Iy = 0.136 m4
800 Iz = 0.046 m4
Ix = 0.000 m4
yb = 0.769 m
400 yt = 0.554 m
Sb = 0.177 m3
252 252
178 200 178 St = 0.246 m3
20 A/P = 134 mm
0 0 0 020
-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
2.3.2. For external girder
Effective width of slab is:
B2' = min (B1'/2+1/8 Ls, B1'/2+S1, 6g+max(m/2+k/4)) = 1.27 m
Modulus ratio n= Ecs / Ec= 0.775
Therefore, effective width of slab is: B' = 0.98 m

Point yi zi A-i Sy-i Sz-i Iyi Iz-i Iyz-i Pi

(mm) (mm) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4) (mm)
1 0 0 - - - - - - -
2 254 0 - - - - - - 254.0
3 279 20 0.0051 0.00010 0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 0.00004 32.0
4 279 178 0.0441 0.00873 0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 0.00365 158.0
5 205 252 0.0338 0.01454 0.01637 0.00474 0.00599 0.00523 104.7
6 205 1143 0.1827 0.25480 0.07489 0.30284 0.02303 0.07835 891.0
7 492 1143 -0.3286 -0.75108 -0.22915 -1.28772 -0.12665 -0.39288 287.4
8 492 1323 0.0886 0.21859 0.08730 0.40500 0.06449 0.16147 180.0
9 -492 1323 1.3030 3.44780 - 6.84215 0.31599 - 984.9
10 -492 1143 0.0886 0.21859 -0.08730 0.40500 0.06449 -0.16147 180.0
11 -205 1143 -0.3286 -0.75108 0.22915 -1.28772 -0.12665 0.39288 287.4
12 -205 252 0.1827 0.25480 -0.07489 0.30284 0.02303 -0.07835 891.0
13 -279 178 0.0338 0.01454 -0.01637 0.00474 0.00599 -0.00523 104.7
14 -279 20 0.0441 0.00873 -0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 -0.00365 158.0
15 -254 0 0.0051 0.00010 -0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 -0.00004 32.0
16 0 0 - - - - - - 254.0

Total 0.6772 0.4899 - 0.4746 0.0227 -0.0000 4799.1

1323 1323 A = 0.677 m2
1200 ey = 0.000 m
1143 1143 1143 1143
ez = 0.723 m
Iy = 0.120 m4
800 Iz = 0.023 m4
Ix = -0.000 m4
yb = 0.723 m
400 yt = 0.600 m
Sb = 0.166 m3
252 252
178 200 178 St = 0.201 m3
20 A/P = 141 mm
0 0 0 020
-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
2.4. Properties of Comp.Section at Middle section
2.4.1. For internal girder

Point yi zi A-i Sy-i Sz-i Iyi Iz-i Iyz-i Pi

(mm) (mm) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4) (mm)
1 0 0 - - - - - - -
2 254 0 - - - - - - 254.0
3 279 20 0.0051 0.00010 0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 0.00004 32.0
4 279 178 0.0441 0.00873 0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 0.00365 158.0
5 89 368 0.0868 0.04741 0.03195 0.02020 0.00960 0.01230 268.7
6 89 851 0.0430 0.05240 0.00765 0.05041 0.00102 0.00700 483.0
7 205 965 -0.0886 -0.16084 -0.02604 -0.21936 -0.00604 -0.03576 162.6
8 205 1143 0.0365 0.07692 0.01496 0.12190 0.00460 0.02365 178.0
9 678 1143 -0.5404 -1.23531 -0.47703 -2.11793 -0.34603 -0.81787 472.8
10 678 1323 0.1220 0.30085 0.16538 0.55741 0.16813 0.30586 180.0
11 -678 1323 1.7934 4.74530 - 9.41704 0.82384 - 1355.5
12 -678 1143 0.1220 0.30085 -0.16538 0.55741 0.16813 -0.30586 180.0
13 -205 1143 -0.5404 -1.23531 0.47703 -2.11793 -0.34603 0.81787 472.8
14 -205 965 0.0365 0.07692 -0.01496 0.12190 0.00460 -0.02365 178.0
15 -89 851 -0.0886 -0.16084 0.02604 -0.21936 -0.00604 0.03576 162.6
16 -89 368 0.0430 0.05240 -0.00765 0.05041 0.00102 -0.00700 483.0
17 -279 178 0.0868 0.04741 -0.03195 0.02020 0.00960 -0.01230 268.7
18 -279 20 0.0441 0.00873 -0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 -0.00365 158.0
19 -254 0 0.0051 0.00010 -0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 -0.00004 32.0
20 0 0 - - - - - - 254.0

Total 0.6052 0.4876 - 0.5205 0.0424 -0.0000 5733.8

1323 1323 A = 0.605 m2
1200 ey = 0.000 m
1143 1143 1143 1143
ez = 0.806 m
965 965 Iy = 0.128 m4
851 851 Iz
800 = 0.042 m4
Ix = -0.000 m4
yb = 0.806 m
400 yt = 0.517 m
368 368
Sb = 0.158 m3
178 200 178 St = 0.247 m3
0 0 0 020
A/P = 106 mm
-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000
2.4.2. For external girder

Point yi zi A-i Sy-i Sz-i Iyi Iz-i Iyz-i Pi

(mm) (mm) (m2) (m3) (m3) (m4) (m4) (m4) (mm)
1 0 0 - - - - - - -
2 254 0 - - - - - - 254.0
3 279 20 0.0051 0.00010 0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 0.00004 32.0
4 279 178 0.0441 0.00873 0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 0.00365 158.0
5 89 368 0.0868 0.04741 0.03195 0.02020 0.00960 0.01230 268.7
6 89 851 0.0430 0.05240 0.00765 0.05041 0.00102 0.00700 483.0
7 205 965 -0.0886 -0.16084 -0.02604 -0.21936 -0.00604 -0.03576 162.6
8 205 1143 0.0365 0.07692 0.01496 0.12190 0.00460 0.02365 178.0
9 492 1143 -0.3286 -0.75108 -0.22915 -1.28772 -0.12665 -0.39288 287.4
10 492 1323 0.0886 0.21859 0.08730 0.40500 0.06449 0.16147 180.0
11 -492 1323 1.3030 3.44780 - 6.84215 0.31599 - 984.9
12 -492 1143 0.0886 0.21859 -0.08730 0.40500 0.06449 -0.16147 180.0
13 -205 1143 -0.3286 -0.75108 0.22915 -1.28772 -0.12665 0.39288 287.4
14 -205 965 0.0365 0.07692 -0.01496 0.12190 0.00460 -0.02365 178.0
15 -89 851 -0.0886 -0.16084 0.02604 -0.21936 -0.00604 0.03576 162.6
16 -89 368 0.0430 0.05240 -0.00765 0.05041 0.00102 -0.00700 483.0
17 -279 178 0.0868 0.04741 -0.03195 0.02020 0.00960 -0.01230 268.7
18 -279 20 0.0441 0.00873 -0.02460 0.00157 0.01029 -0.00365 158.0
19 -254 0 0.0051 0.00010 -0.00271 0.00000 0.00108 -0.00004 32.0
20 0 0 - - - - - - 254.0

Total 0.5385 0.4054 - 0.4188 0.0194 0.0000 4992.5

1323 1323 A = 0.538 m2
1200 ey = 0.000 m
1143 1143 1143 1143
ez = 0.753 m
965 965 Iy = 0.114 m4
851 851 Iz
800 = 0.019 m4
Ix = 0.000 m4
yb = 0.753 m
400 yt = 0.570 m
368 368
Sb = 0.151 m3
178 200 178 St = 0.199 m3
0 0 0 020
A/P = 108 mm
-1000 -800 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000

Strands profile: offset from soffit (mm)

Strand no. Number At bearing (Ltt/2)
of strand yps0 yps4
GROUP I nps mm mm
31 32
29 30
27 28
1…10 10 50 50
25 26
11…18 8 95 95
50 2@45 38

19 20 21 22 23 24
11 12 13 14
1 2 3 4 5 6
15 16 17 18
7 8 9 10 19…24 6 140 140
69 3@45 3@50 3@45 69
25,26 2 730 73
27,28 2 775 95
29,30 2 820 118
31,32 2 865 140

nstr = 32 Strands
Parameters of strands
Strand no. L a tan(a) sin(a) cos(a)
(mm) (deg)
1…10 24540.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
11…18 24540.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
19…24 24540.0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000
25,26 24586.8 4.079 0.071 0.071 0.997
27,28 24590.1 4.218 0.074 0.074 0.997
29,30 24593.4 4.357 0.076 0.076 0.997
31,32 24596.9 4.496 0.079 0.078 0.997

Center of strands from bottom (Cps) and top (dp) of girder

Center unit At bearing (Ltt/2)

Cps m 0.265 0.092
dp m 0.878 1.051
The concrete section properties will be calculated in three main stages:
Stage I : Girder Manufacture
Stage II : Casting deck slab
Stage III : Service.

L1 L2 L3 L2 L1

L1 = 0.150 m
L2 = 0.920 m
Hg L3 = 22.400 m
L1 + L2 = 1.070 m



xi/Ls Section Profile of Strands

xi Row A Row B Row C Row D Row E Row F Row G Total Astrands z
No.=10 No.=8 No.=6 No.=2 No.=2 No.=2 No.=2
(m) (strands) (strands) (strands) (strands) (strands) (strands) (strands) (strands) (m2) (m)
0.000 0.000 50 95 140 730 775 820 865 32 0.003158 0.2650
0.006 0.150 50 95 140 719 764 809 853 32 0.003158 0.2622
0.044 1.070 50 95 140 654 696 738 781 32 0.003158 0.2449
0.050 1.212 50 95 140 644 686 728 770 32 0.003158 0.2423
0.100 2.424 50 95 140 557 596 635 674 32 0.003158 0.2196
0.150 3.636 50 95 140 471 507 543 579 32 0.003158 0.1968
0.200 4.848 50 95 140 384 417 451 484 32 0.003158 0.1741
0.250 6.060 50 95 140 298 328 358 388 32 0.003158 0.1514
0.300 7.272 50 95 140 211 239 266 293 32 0.003158 0.1287
0.350 8.484 50 95 140 125 149 174 198 32 0.003158 0.1060
0.400 9.696 50 95 140 73 95 118 140 32 0.003158 0.0923
0.450 10.908 50 95 140 73 95 118 140 32 0.003158 0.0923
0.500 12.120 50 95 140 73 95 118 140 32 0.003158 0.0923
Notes: - Astrands: total area of all strands.
- z: distance from bottom of girder to centroid of all strands.

Section Stage I (at time of initial prestress) - Stage II

xi/Ls xi Hsec Aconc. Iconc. econc. eb_(I) et_(I) Asec_(I) Isec_(I)
(m) (m) (m )
(m )
(m) (m) (m) (m )
0.000 0.000 1.143 0.5000 0.0574 0.5426 0.5347 0.6083 0.5145 0.0585
0.006 0.150 1.143 0.5000 0.0574 0.5426 0.5346 0.6084 0.5145 0.0585
0.044 1.070 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5426 0.5310 0.6120 0.3758 0.0535
0.050 1.212 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5064 0.6366 0.3758 0.0533
0.100 2.424 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5056 0.6374 0.3758 0.0535
0.150 3.636 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5047 0.6383 0.3758 0.0537
0.200 4.848 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5038 0.6392 0.3758 0.0539
0.250 6.060 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5029 0.6401 0.3758 0.0541
0.300 7.272 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5020 0.6410 0.3758 0.0544
0.350 8.484 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5011 0.6419 0.3758 0.0546
0.400 9.696 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5006 0.6424 0.3758 0.0548
0.450 10.908 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5006 0.6424 0.3758 0.0548
0.500 12.120 1.143 0.3612 0.0523 0.5171 0.5006 0.6424 0.3758 0.0548
Section Stage III - For internal girder
xi/Ls xi Hsec Hgirder Aconc. Iconc. econc. eb_(III) et_(III) et_slab_(III) Asec_(III) Isec_(III)
(m) (m) (m) (m )
(m )
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m ) 2
0.000 0.000 1.323 1.143 0.7439 0.1362 0.7690 0.7602 0.3828 0.5628 0.7572 0.1395
0.006 0.150 1.323 1.143 0.7439 0.1362 0.7690 0.7602 0.3828 0.5628 0.7572 0.1395
0.044 1.070 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7937 0.3493 0.5293 0.6184 0.1316
0.050 1.212 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7937 0.3493 0.5293 0.6184 0.1317
0.100 2.424 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7932 0.3498 0.5298 0.6184 0.1320
0.150 3.636 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7927 0.3503 0.5303 0.6184 0.1323
0.200 4.848 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7922 0.3508 0.5308 0.6184 0.1327
0.250 6.060 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7917 0.3513 0.5313 0.6184 0.1331
0.300 7.272 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7913 0.3517 0.5317 0.6184 0.1335
0.350 8.484 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7908 0.3522 0.5322 0.6184 0.1339
0.400 9.696 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7905 0.3525 0.5325 0.6184 0.1341
0.450 10.908 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7905 0.3525 0.5325 0.6184 0.1341
0.500 12.120 1.323 1.143 0.6052 0.1276 0.8057 0.7905 0.3525 0.5325 0.6184 0.1341
- eb_(I), eb_(III): distance from bottom of girder to centroid of girder and composite girder
included all strands, respectively.
- et_(I), et_(III): distance from top of girder to centroid of girder and composite girder
included all strands, respectively.
- et_slab_(III): distance from top of slab to centroid of composite girder included all strands.
- Asec_(I), Asec_(III): area of girder and composite girder included all strands, respectively.
- Isec_(I), Isec_(III): moment of inertia of girder and composite girder included all strands, respectively.

Section Stage III - For external girder

xi/Ls xi Hsec Hgirder Aconc. Iconc. econc. eb_(III) et_(III) et_slab_(III) Asec_(III) Isec_(III)
(m) (m) (m) (m )
(m )
(m) (m) (m) (m) (m ) 2
0.000 0.000 1.323 1.143 0.6772 0.1203 0.7233 0.7146 0.4284 0.6084 0.6904 0.1230
0.006 0.150 1.323 1.143 0.6772 0.1203 0.7233 0.7145 0.4285 0.6085 0.6904 0.1230
0.044 1.070 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7406 0.4024 0.5824 0.5517 0.1170
0.050 1.212 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7406 0.4024 0.5824 0.5517 0.1170
0.100 2.424 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7400 0.4030 0.5830 0.5517 0.1173
0.150 3.636 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7395 0.4035 0.5835 0.5517 0.1177
0.200 4.848 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7389 0.4041 0.5841 0.5517 0.1180
0.250 6.060 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7384 0.4046 0.5846 0.5517 0.1183
0.300 7.272 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7378 0.4052 0.5852 0.5517 0.1187
0.350 8.484 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7373 0.4057 0.5857 0.5517 0.1191
0.400 9.696 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7370 0.4060 0.5860 0.5517 0.1193
0.450 10.908 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7370 0.4060 0.5860 0.5517 0.1193
0.500 12.120 1.323 1.143 0.5385 0.1137 0.7528 0.7370 0.4060 0.5860 0.5517 0.1193
1.Distribution factor of moment
• Spacing of girders S= 1750.00 mm
• Depth of girder d= 1143.00 mm
• Depth of concrete slab ts = 180.00 mm
• Effective length of span L= 24240.00 mm
• Distance from the center of ex-girder to in-edge of curb Sc = 250.00 mm
• Number of girders Nb = 7 girders
• The longitudinal stiffness parameter: Kg = n (I + A.eg2) Kg = 3E+11
n= Ec / Ecs= 1.29
I= 5E+10 mm4
A= 361214 mm2
eg = 716 mm
1.1. Interior girder
Strength limit state, service limit state
1.1.1. For one design lane loaded
Gi = 0.06 + ( S / 4300 )0.4 ( S / L ) 0.3 (Kg / L . Ts3)0.1 Gi = 0.403
1.1.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
Gi = 0.075 + ( S / 2900 )0.6 ( S / L ) 0.2 (Kg / L . Ts3)0.1 Gi = 0.547
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 1.1.1 & 1.1.2 ) Gi = 0.547
For fatigue limit state
GF = Gi / 1.2 GF = 0.336
1.2. Exterior girder
1.2.1. For one design lane loaded ( lever rule )
Ge= (S + Sc -1200)/S) Gi = 0.457
1.2.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
• Distance from the ex-web of ex-girder to in-edge of curb de = 161.00 mm
Ge = e.Gi = ( 0.77 + de/2800 ).Gi Ge = 0.452
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 1.2.1 & 1.2.2 ) Gi = 0.457
2.Distribution factor of shear force
2.1. Interior girder
Strength limit state, service limit state
2.1.1. For one design lane loaded
Gi = 0.36 + ( S / 7600 ) Gi = 0.590
2.1.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
Gi = 0.2 + ( S / 7600 )0.8 ( S / 10700 ) 0.1 Gi = 0.458
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 2.1.1 & 2.1.2 ) Gi = 0.590
For fatigue limit state
GF = Gi / 1.2 GF = 0.492
2.2. Exterior girder
2.2.1. For one design lane loaded ( lever rule )
Ge= (S + Sc -1200)/S) Ge = 0.457
2.2.2. Two or more design lanes loaded
Ge = e.Gi = ( 0.6 + de/3000 ).Gi Ge = 0.299
• Conclusion : ( use larger value of 2.2.1 & 2.2.2 ) Ge = 0.457

5.1. Deadload
Seftweight of Girder DC1 = 9.654 KN/m
Seftweight of Precast Plank DC2 = 0.000 KN/m
Seftweight of Cast-in-place Slab : for internal girder DC3 = 7.718 KN/m
: for external girder DC3 = 6.505 KN/m
Seftweight of Diaphragms DC4 = 0.955 KN/m
Dead load of Curb : for internal girder DC5 = 0.000 KN/m
: for external girder DC5 = 5.292 KN/m
Dead load of Wearing Surface : for internal girder DW1 = 1.969 KN/m
: for external girder DW1 = 1.659 KN/m
Dead load of Railing : for internal girder DW2 = 0.000 KN/m
: for external girder DW2 = 0.200 KN/m
Dead load of Utilities DW3 = 0.000 KN/m
5.1.1. For internal girder

Section MOMENT (KNm)

xi Stage I Stage II Stage III
Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to
(m) DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 DW1 DW2 DW3
0.000 0.000 - - - - - - - -
0.006 0.150 17.4 - 13.9 1.7 - 3.6 - -
0.044 1.070 119.7 - 95.7 11.8 - 24.4 - -
0.050 1.212 134.7 - 107.7 13.3 - 27.5 - -
0.100 2.424 255.3 - 204.1 25.3 - 52.1 - -
0.150 3.636 361.6 - 289.1 35.8 - 73.7 - -
0.200 4.848 453.8 - 362.8 44.9 - 92.5 - -
0.250 6.060 531.8 - 425.1 52.6 - 108.4 - -
0.300 7.272 595.6 - 476.1 58.9 - 121.5 - -
0.350 8.484 645.3 - 515.8 63.8 - 131.6 - -
0.400 9.696 680.7 - 544.2 67.3 - 138.8 - -
0.450 10.908 702.0 - 561.2 69.5 - 143.2 - -
0.500 12.120 709.1 - 566.8 70.2 - 144.6 - -

Section SHEAR (KN)

xi Stage I Stage II Stage III
Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to
(m) DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 DW1 DW2 DW3
0.000 0.000 117.0 - 93.5 11.6 - 23.9 - -
0.006 0.150 115.6 - 92.4 11.4 - 23.6 - -
0.044 1.070 106.7 - 85.3 10.6 - 21.8 - -
0.050 1.212 105.3 - 84.2 10.4 - 21.5 - -
0.100 2.424 93.6 - 74.8 9.3 - 19.1 - -
0.150 3.636 81.9 - 65.5 8.1 - 16.7 - -
0.200 4.848 70.2 - 56.1 6.9 - 14.3 - -
0.250 6.060 58.5 - 46.8 5.8 - 11.9 - -
0.300 7.272 46.8 - 37.4 4.6 - 9.5 - -
0.350 8.484 35.1 - 28.1 3.5 - 7.2 - -
0.400 9.696 23.4 - 18.7 2.3 - 4.8 - -
0.450 10.908 11.7 - 9.4 1.2 - 2.4 - -
0.500 12.120 - - - - - - - -
5.1.2. For external girder

Section MOMENT (KNm)

xi Stage I Stage II Stage III
Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to
(m) DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 DW1 DW2 DW3
0.000 0.000 - - - - - - - -
0.006 0.150 17.4 - 11.8 1.7 9.6 3.0 0.4 -
0.044 1.070 119.7 - 80.6 11.8 65.6 20.6 2.5 -
0.050 1.212 134.7 - 90.8 13.3 73.8 23.2 2.8 -
0.100 2.424 255.3 - 172.0 25.3 139.9 43.9 5.3 -
0.150 3.636 361.6 - 243.7 35.8 198.2 62.2 7.5 -
0.200 4.848 453.8 - 305.8 44.9 248.8 78.0 9.4 -
0.250 6.060 531.8 - 358.3 52.6 291.5 91.4 11.0 -
0.300 7.272 595.6 - 401.3 58.9 326.5 102.4 12.3 -
0.350 8.484 645.3 - 434.8 63.8 353.7 110.9 13.4 -
0.400 9.696 680.7 - 458.6 67.3 373.1 117.0 14.1 -
0.450 10.908 702.0 - 473.0 69.5 384.8 120.7 14.5 -
0.500 12.120 709.1 - 477.8 70.2 388.7 121.9 14.7 -

Section SHEAR (KN)

xi Stage I Stage II Stage III
Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to Due to
(m) DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 DC5 DW1 DW2 DW3
0.000 0.000 117.0 - 78.8 11.6 64.1 20.1 2.4 -
0.006 0.150 115.6 - 77.9 11.4 63.3 19.9 2.4 -
0.044 1.070 106.7 - 71.9 10.6 58.5 18.3 2.2 -
0.050 1.212 105.3 - 71.0 10.4 57.7 18.1 2.2 -
0.100 2.424 93.6 - 63.1 9.3 51.3 16.1 1.9 -
0.150 3.636 81.9 - 55.2 8.1 44.9 14.1 1.7 -
0.200 4.848 70.2 - 47.3 6.9 38.5 12.1 1.5 -
0.250 6.060 58.5 - 39.4 5.8 32.1 10.1 1.2 -
0.300 7.272 46.8 - 31.5 4.6 25.7 8.0 1.0 -
0.350 8.484 35.1 - 23.7 3.5 19.2 6.0 0.7 -
0.400 9.696 23.4 - 15.8 2.3 12.8 4.0 0.5 -
0.450 10.908 11.7 - 7.9 1.2 6.4 2.0 0.2 -
0.500 12.120 - - - - - - - -

5.2. Liveload
Number of lanes nL = 3 Lanes
Mutiple Presence Factors of Live Load m = 0.850

Live load Dynamic Load Allowance

Forces Wheel Spacing Component IM
Design Truck Deck Joint - All Limit States 75%
P1 35 kN V1 4.3m All Other Components
P2 145 kN V2 4.3m Fatigue and Fracture Limit State 15%
P3 145 kN All Other Limit States 25%
Design Tandem
P4 110 kN V3 1.2m
P5 110 kN
Design Lane Load
WL 9.3 kN/m

Design Truck Design Tandem


110kN 110kN

Lane load m
V1 = 4.3m V2 = 4.3m - 9.0m 9.3 kN/m

35kN m 145kN 145kN

• Inm
the below table,mcaculation for one design m
lane loaded, is not composed of distribution factor
• With Truck load : Vz =(145•(L-x)+ 145•(L-x-4.3) + 35•(L-x-8.6))/L
My =(145•(L-x)•x + 145•(L-x-4.3)•x + 35•(L-x-2•4.3)•x)/L
• With lane load : Vz =9.3•(L-x)2/(2•L) M = P•x•(L - x)/L kN.m
My =9.3•(L-x)•x/2 V = P•(L - x)/L kN
• In fatigue My =(145•(L-x)•x + 145•(L-x-9)•x + 35•(L-x-13.3)•x)/L

No Section Truck load + IM Lane Load Fatigue

x(m) Truck load Truck load + IM Truck load TL+IM
Vz ( kN ) My ( kNm ) Vz ( kN ) My ( kNm ) Vz ( kN ) My( kNm ) My ( kNm ) My ( kNm )
0.000 0.000 286.861 0.000 358.576 0.000 112.716 0.000 0.000
0.006 0.150 284.849 42.727 356.062 53.409 111.325 16.803 37.492 43.116
0.044 1.070 272.514 291.590 340.643 364.488 102.985 115.282 254.246 292.383
0.050 1.212 270.611 327.980 338.263 409.975 101.726 129.781 285.680 328.532
0.100 2.424 254.361 616.570 317.951 770.713 91.300 245.901 531.970 611.766
0.150 3.636 238.111 865.770 297.638 1082.213 81.437 348.360 738.870 849.701
0.200 4.848 221.861 1075.580 277.326 1344.475 72.138 437.158 906.380 1042.337
0.250 6.060 205.611 1246.000 257.013 1557.500 63.403 512.294 1034.500 1189.675
0.300 7.272 189.361 1377.030 236.701 1721.288 55.231 573.770 1123.230 1291.715
0.350 8.484 173.111 1468.670 216.388 1835.838 47.623 621.584 1172.570 1348.456
0.400 9.696 156.861 1520.920 196.076 1901.150 40.578 655.737 1182.520 1359.898
0.450 10.908 140.611 1533.780 175.763 1917.225 34.097 676.228 1153.080 1326.042
0.500 12.120 124.361 1507.250 155.451 1884.063 28.179 683.059 1084.250 1246.888
• With Tandem Load :Vz =(110•(L-x)+ 110•(L-x-1.2))/L
My =(110•(L-x)•x + 110•(L-x-1.2)•x)/L
M = P•x•(L - x)/L kN.m
• With lane load : Vz =9.3•(L-x)2/(2•L) V = P•(L - x)/L kN
My =9.3•(L-x)•x/2

No Section Tandem + IM Lane Load Fatigue

x(m) Tandem Tandem+IM Tandem Tandem+IM
Vz ( kN ) My ( kNm ) Vz ( kN ) My ( kNm ) Vz ( kN ) My( kNm ) My ( kNm ) My ( kNm )
0.000 0.000 214.554 0.000 268.193 0.000 112.716 0.000 0.000 0.000
0.006 0.150 213.193 31.979 266.491 39.974 111.325 16.803 31.979 36.776
0.044 1.070 204.843 219.182 256.054 273.978 102.985 115.282 219.182 252.060
0.050 1.212 203.554 246.708 254.443 308.385 101.726 129.781 246.708 283.714
0.100 2.424 192.554 466.752 240.693 583.440 91.300 245.901 466.752 536.765
0.150 3.636 181.554 660.132 226.943 825.165 81.437 348.360 660.132 759.152
0.200 4.848 170.554 826.848 213.193 1033.560 72.138 437.158 826.848 950.875
0.250 6.060 159.554 966.900 199.443 1208.625 63.403 512.294 966.900 1111.935
0.300 7.272 148.554 1080.288 185.693 1350.360 55.231 573.770 1080.288 1242.331
0.350 8.484 137.554 1167.012 171.943 1458.765 47.623 621.584 1167.012 1342.064
0.400 9.696 126.554 1227.072 158.193 1533.840 40.578 655.737 1227.072 1411.133
0.450 10.908 115.554 1260.468 144.443 1575.585 34.097 676.228 1260.468 1449.538
0.500 12.120 104.554 1267.200 130.693 1584.000 28.179 683.059 1267.200 1457.280

No Section LIVE LOAD (Total) LIVE LOAD (ex-beam) LIVE LOAD (in-beam)
xi Moment Shear Moment Shear Moment Shear
(m) KNm KN KNm KN KNm KN
0.000 0.000 0.0 471.3 0.0 215.4 0.0 278.2
0.006 0.150 70.2 467.4 32.1 213.7 38.4 275.9
0.044 1.070 479.8 443.6 219.3 202.8 262.3 261.9
0.050 1.212 539.8 440.0 246.7 201.1 295.1 259.7
0.100 2.424 1016.6 409.3 464.7 187.1 555.8 241.6
0.150 3.636 1430.6 379.1 654.0 173.3 782.1 223.8
0.200 4.848 1781.6 349.5 814.5 159.8 974.1 206.3
0.250 6.060 2069.8 320.4 946.2 146.5 1131.6 189.1
0.300 7.272 2295.1 291.9 1049.2 133.5 1254.8 172.3
0.350 8.484 2457.4 264.0 1123.4 120.7 1343.5 155.8
0.400 9.696 2556.9 236.7 1168.9 108.2 1397.9 139.7
0.450 10.908 2593.5 209.9 1185.6 95.9 1417.9 123.9
0.500 12.120 2567.1 183.6 1173.5 83.9 1403.5 108.4
The total factored force effect shall be taken as: Q = S hi gi Qi
Where: hi = Load modifier
Qi = Force effects
gi = Load factors
Load Combination Load Factors (g i) Load Modifiers
Limit State DC DW LL hD hR hI hi
Strength - I 1.25 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Service - I 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Service - III 1.00 1.00 0.80 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
DC : Dead load structural components
DW : Dead load of wearing surfaces and utilities
LL : Vehicular live load
hD : a factor relating to ductility
hR : a factor relating to redundancy
hI : a factor relating to operational importance
hi = hD.hR.hI > 0.95 : for maximum value of gi
hi = 1/(hD.hR.hI)  1.0 : for minimum value of gi
6.1. For internal girder

Section MOMENT (KNm)

(m) Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Service-III
0.000 0.000 - - - - - - -
0.006 0.150 21.8 17.4 19.6 15.7 72.5 41.9 34.3
0.044 1.070 149.6 119.7 134.4 107.5 495.6 286.7 234.2
0.050 1.212 168.4 134.7 151.3 121.0 557.6 322.6 263.6
0.100 2.424 319.1 255.3 286.6 229.3 1050.7 607.9 496.7
0.150 3.636 452.0 361.6 406.1 324.9 1479.3 855.9 699.4
0.200 4.848 567.3 453.8 509.6 407.7 1843.4 1066.6 871.8
0.250 6.060 664.8 531.8 597.2 477.7 2143.0 1240.1 1013.7
0.300 7.272 744.5 595.6 668.8 535.1 2378.0 1376.2 1125.3
0.350 8.484 806.6 645.3 724.6 579.7 2548.6 1475.1 1206.4
0.400 9.696 850.9 680.7 764.4 611.5 2654.6 1536.7 1257.1
0.450 10.908 877.5 702.0 788.3 630.6 2696.1 1561.1 1277.5
0.500 12.120 886.3 709.1 796.2 637.0 2673.0 1548.1 1267.4

Section SHEAR (KN)

(m) Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Service-III
0.000 0.000 146.3 117.0 131.4 105.1 522.6 302.0 246.4
0.006 0.150 144.5 115.6 129.8 103.8 518.1 299.4 244.3
0.044 1.070 133.3 106.7 119.8 95.8 490.9 283.6 231.2
0.050 1.212 131.6 105.3 118.3 94.6 486.7 281.2 229.2
0.100 2.424 117.0 93.6 105.1 84.1 451.4 260.7 212.3
0.150 3.636 102.4 81.9 92.0 73.6 416.6 240.5 195.7
0.200 4.848 87.8 70.2 78.8 63.1 382.5 220.6 179.3
0.250 6.060 73.1 58.5 65.7 52.6 348.9 201.1 163.2
0.300 7.272 58.5 46.8 52.6 42.0 315.9 181.9 147.4
0.350 8.484 43.9 35.1 39.4 31.5 283.5 163.0 131.8
0.400 9.696 29.3 23.4 26.3 21.0 251.6 144.5 116.5
0.450 10.908 14.6 11.7 13.1 10.5 220.4 126.3 101.5
0.500 12.120 - - - - 189.7 108.4 86.7

6.2. For external girder

Section MOMENT (KNm)

(m) Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Service-III
0.000 0.000 - - - - - - -
0.006 0.150 21.8 17.4 16.8 13.5 73.2 45.0 38.6
0.044 1.070 149.6 119.7 115.6 92.5 500.4 308.0 264.1
0.050 1.212 168.4 134.7 130.1 104.1 563.0 346.5 297.2
0.100 2.424 319.1 255.3 246.6 197.2 1061.9 653.8 560.9
0.150 3.636 452.0 361.6 349.3 279.4 1496.7 921.9 791.1
0.200 4.848 567.3 453.8 438.3 350.7 1867.4 1150.6 987.7
0.250 6.060 664.8 531.8 513.7 410.9 2173.9 1340.1 1150.9
0.300 7.272 744.5 595.6 575.3 460.2 2416.2 1490.4 1280.5
0.350 8.484 806.6 645.3 623.2 498.6 2594.5 1601.4 1376.7
0.400 9.696 850.9 680.7 657.5 526.0 2708.6 1673.1 1439.3
0.450 10.908 877.5 702.0 678.0 542.4 2758.6 1705.6 1468.5
0.500 12.120 886.3 709.1 684.9 547.9 2744.4 1698.8 1464.1

Section SHEAR (KN)

(m) Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Strength-I Service-I Service-III
0.000 0.000 146.3 117.0 113.0 90.4 491.0 302.1 259.0
0.006 0.150 144.5 115.6 111.6 89.3 486.5 299.3 256.5
0.044 1.070 133.3 106.7 103.0 82.4 458.8 281.8 241.3
0.050 1.212 131.6 105.3 101.7 81.4 454.6 279.1 238.9
0.100 2.424 117.0 93.6 90.4 72.3 418.6 256.4 219.0
0.150 3.636 102.4 81.9 79.1 63.3 383.0 234.0 199.3
0.200 4.848 87.8 70.2 67.8 54.2 348.0 211.8 179.8
0.250 6.060 73.1 58.5 56.5 45.2 313.3 189.8 160.5
0.300 7.272 58.5 46.8 45.2 36.2 279.1 168.1 141.4
0.350 8.484 43.9 35.1 33.9 27.1 245.4 146.7 122.6
0.400 9.696 29.3 23.4 22.6 18.1 212.1 125.5 103.9
0.450 10.908 14.6 11.7 11.3 9.0 179.3 104.6 85.4
0.500 12.120 - - - - 146.9 83.9 67.2
7.1. Loss due to Elastic Shortening Ep
The loss due to elastic shortening in pre-tensioned members shall be taken as: Δf pES = f cgp
E ci
fcgp : sum of concrete stresses at the center of gravity of prestresing tendons due to prestressing
force at transfer and the self weight of the member at section of maximum moment


xi/Ls xi fcgp1 fcgp2 fcgp3 fcgp DfpES
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 8.56 5.48 - 14.04 78.95
0.006 0.150 8.56 5.59 -0.08 14.07 79.11
0.044 1.070 11.72 6.74 -0.64 17.82 100.21
0.050 1.212 11.72 5.77 -0.67 16.82 94.58
0.100 2.424 11.72 6.74 -1.36 17.09 96.11
0.150 3.636 11.72 7.77 -2.07 17.43 97.97
0.200 4.848 11.72 8.88 -2.78 17.83 100.24
0.250 6.060 11.72 10.05 -3.45 18.33 103.03
0.300 7.272 11.72 11.29 -4.09 18.93 106.41
0.350 8.484 11.72 12.59 -4.67 19.65 110.47
0.400 9.696 11.72 13.41 -5.07 20.06 112.78
0.450 10.908 11.72 13.41 -5.23 19.90 111.89
0.500 12.120 11.72 13.41 -5.28 19.85 111.59

fcgp1 : due to Axial Compression of Prestressing Force

fcgp2 : due to of Prestressing Force
fcgp3 : due to Girder Self-weight (Stage 1)
7.2. Loss due to Shrinkage
For pretensioned members, Loss of prestress due to shrinkage may be taken as:
DfpSR = e shEp

The strain due to shrinkage, esh, at time, t, mat be taken as:

ε sh=−k s k h (35 .t0+t )0 . 51×10 −3

t : Drying time (day)

kh : Humidity Factor
kh = (140-H ) / 70 for H < 80%
kh = 3(100-H )/ 70 for H ³ 80% = 0.929 kh
ks : Size factor specified Figure of AASHTO LRFD 2004 or taken as:

k s=
26 e 0 .0142 ( A / P )+t
] [ 1064−3 .70( A / P)
923 ]
Item Stage II Stage III
Drying time, t (day) 100 10950
Volume to Surface ratio, A/P (mm) 104 106
kh 0.929 0.929
ks 0.501 0.725
Strain due to shrinkage, esh -0.00018 -0.00034
Loss due to Shrinkage, DfpSR (MPa) 34.61 67.42
7.3. Loss due to Creep
Prestress loss due to creep may be taken as:

At Casting deck slab: Δf pCR−II =f cgp ψ II E p /E c

At Service: Δf pCR−III =( f cgp ψ III−1 + Δcdp− M2 ψ III −2 +Δ cdp−M 3 ψ III −3 ) E p /E c

fcgp : Concrete stress at center of gravity of prestressing steel at tranfer
Dfcdp : Change in concrete stress at center of gravity of prestressing steel due to permanent loads,
with the exception of the load acting at the time the prestressing force is applied.
The creep coefficient may be estimated as:
0. 6
H ( t −t i )
ψ ( t , t i )=3. 5 k c k f 1 .58− t )
120 i−0 . 118 10 . 0+ ( t −t i ) 0. 6
kf = 62/(42+f'c) : Factor for the effect of concrete strength
t : Maturity of concrete (day)
ti : Age of concrete when load is initially applied (day)
kc : Factor for the effect of the volume-to-surface ratio of the component specified
Figure of AASHTO LRFD 2004 or taken as:

( t −t i )
[ 26 e 0. 0142 ( A / P ) + ( t −t i )
( t −t i )
45+ ( t −t i )
] [ 1. 80 +1 . 77 e−0. 0213 ( A / P )
2. 587 ]

Item Stage II Stage III

ti (day) 3 30 100 150
Maturity of concrete (day) 100 10950 10950 10950
Volume to Surface ratio, P/A (mm) 103.7 106 106 106
kc 0.520 0.763 0.763 0.763
kf 0.674 0.674 0.674 0.674
Creep coefficient, (t,ti) 0.627 1.109 0.962 0.917


fcgp MDL2 MDL3 Dfcdp-M2 Dfcdp-M3 Stage II Stage III
(m) (Mpa) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 14.04 - - - - 45.62 80.71
0.006 0.150 14.07 15.67 12.92 0.14 0.05 45.71 81.80
0.044 1.070 17.82 107.51 88.65 1.06 0.37 57.91 109.48
0.050 1.212 16.82 121.03 99.80 1.14 0.42 54.65 104.36
0.100 2.424 17.09 229.31 189.09 2.15 0.82 55.54 112.88
0.150 3.636 17.43 324.86 267.88 3.03 1.21 56.61 121.00
0.200 4.848 17.83 407.67 336.16 3.79 1.57 57.93 128.78
0.250 6.060 18.33 477.74 393.94 4.41 1.90 59.53 136.31
0.300 7.272 18.93 535.06 441.21 4.91 2.19 61.49 143.65
0.350 8.484 19.65 579.65 477.98 5.28 2.44 63.84 150.88
0.400 9.696 20.06 611.50 504.24 5.55 2.62 65.17 155.43
0.450 10.908 19.90 630.61 520.00 5.73 2.71 64.65 155.77
0.500 12.120 19.85 636.98 525.25 5.78 2.73 64.48 155.89

MDL2 : Moment due to Stage 2 Dead Load

MDL3 : Moment due to Stage 3 Dead Load
7.4. Loss due to Relaxation
7.4.1. At Transfer
log(24 t ) f pj
For low-relaxation strand: Δf pR 1 =
40 . 0 [
f py ]
+0. 55 f pj

t : Time estimated in days from stressing to tranfer t = 3 days
DfpR1 = 18.35 Mpa
7.4.2. After Transfer
For pretensioning with stress-relieved strands:
Δf pR2 =138−0 . 4 Δf pES −0 .2( Δf pSR +Δf pCR )
For low relation prestress steel, loss due to relaxation, DfpR2, is taken 30% of Df*pR2


Stage II Stage III
xi/Ls DfpES
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 78.95 34.61 45.62 27.11 67.42 80.71 23.04
0.006 0.150 79.11 34.61 45.71 27.09 67.42 81.80 22.95
0.044 1.070 100.21 34.61 57.91 23.82 67.42 109.48 18.76
0.050 1.212 94.58 34.61 54.65 24.70 67.42 104.36 19.74
0.100 2.424 96.11 34.61 55.54 24.46 67.42 112.88 19.05
0.150 3.636 97.97 34.61 56.61 24.17 67.42 121.00 18.34
0.200 4.848 100.24 34.61 57.93 23.82 67.42 128.78 17.60
0.250 6.060 103.03 34.61 59.53 23.39 67.42 136.31 16.81
0.300 7.272 106.41 34.61 61.49 22.86 67.42 143.65 15.97
0.350 8.484 110.47 34.61 63.84 22.24 67.42 150.88 15.05
0.400 9.696 112.78 34.61 65.17 21.88 67.42 155.43 14.50
0.450 10.908 111.89 34.61 64.65 22.02 67.42 155.77 14.58
0.500 12.120 111.59 34.61 64.48 22.06 67.42 155.89 14.61
7.5. Total loss of Prestress
In posstension members, total loss of prestress taken as: DfpT = D fpES + D fpSR + D fpCR +
Where: DfpT : Total loss ( MPa) DfpR2
DfpES : Loss due to elastic shortening (MPa)
DfpSR : Loss due to shrinkage (MPa)
DfpCR : Loss due to creep of concrete (MPa)
DfpR2 : Loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer (MPa)

Section Loss of Prestress

xi/Ls xi DfpT-I DfpT-II DfpT-III
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 97.3 186.3 250.1
0.006 0.150 97.5 186.5 251.3
0.044 1.070 118.6 216.5 295.9
0.050 1.212 112.9 208.5 286.1
0.100 2.424 114.5 210.7 295.5
0.150 3.636 116.3 213.4 304.7
0.200 4.848 118.6 216.6 314.0
0.250 6.060 121.4 220.6 323.6
0.300 7.272 124.8 225.4 333.4
0.350 8.484 128.8 231.2 343.8
0.400 9.696 131.1 234.4 350.1
0.450 10.908 130.2 233.2 349.7
0.500 12.120 129.9 232.7 349.5
7.6. Transfer and development length
7.6.1. Transfer length
Formula: lt = 60 . Dp = 762 mm (
7.6.2. Development length
Formula: ld ≥ k. (0.15fps - 0.097.fpe) . Db (
- k = 1 for fully bonded strands
- k = 2.0 for partially debonded strands
- fps: average stress in prestressing steel at the time for which the nominal resistance of the member
is required (Mpa) æ cö ÷
fps = fpu ççç1- k ÷ ÷
çè ÷
dp ø
æ f ö ÷
k = 2ççç1,04 - py ÷÷
çè ÷
fpu ø
- fpu: tensile strength
- fpy: yield strength
- dp: distance from top of slab to centroid of strands
- c: distance between the neutral axis and the compressive face, is taken by Part - 8. To simplify the
calculations, c is taken by the maximum value of internal and external girder.
- fpe: effective stress in the prestressing steel after looses (Mpa)
fpe = fpj - ∆fpT-i
- fpj: stress in the prestressing steel at jacking
- fpT-i: total loss at the stage (i)
- Db: nominal strand diameter (mm)

Section k dp (mm) c (mm) fps (Mpa) fpe-I (Mpa) fpe-II (Mpa) fpe-III (Mpa)
xi/Ls xi
0.000 0.000 0.28 1058.00 118.91 1801.47 1297.69 1208.71 1144.89
0.006 0.150 0.28 1060.81 118.92 1801.62 1297.54 1208.48 1143.72
0.044 1.070 0.28 1078.06 118.98 1802.52 1276.44 1178.45 1099.13
0.050 1.212 0.28 1080.72 118.99 1802.66 1282.07 1186.47 1108.91
0.100 2.424 0.28 1103.43 119.06 1803.81 1280.54 1184.29 1099.55
0.150 3.636 0.28 1126.15 119.13 1804.91 1278.68 1181.65 1090.28
0.200 4.848 0.28 1148.87 119.20 1805.96 1276.40 1178.41 1080.96
0.250 6.060 0.28 1171.58 119.27 1806.98 1273.62 1174.44 1071.43
0.300 7.272 0.28 1194.30 119.34 1807.96 1270.24 1169.63 1061.56
0.350 8.484 0.28 1217.02 119.40 1808.91 1266.17 1163.85 1051.18
0.400 9.696 0.28 1230.75 119.43 1809.46 1263.87 1160.57 1044.88
0.450 10.908 0.28 1230.75 119.43 1809.46 1264.76 1161.84 1045.34
0.500 12.120 0.28 1230.75 119.43 1809.46 1265.06 1162.26 1045.50
Average 1805.78 1276.39 1178.39 1083.64

Therefore, development length is:

For stage I: ld = 1868 mm : for fully bonded strands
ld = 3735 mm : for partially debonded strands
For stage II: ld = 1988 mm : for fully bonded strands
ld = 3977 mm : for partially debonded strands
For stage III ld = 2105 mm : for fully bonded strands
ld = 4210 mm : for partially debonded strands
Group 2:
Group 1:
c .l b e a r in g


A 24540/2=12270 B

Bonded Strand

Lengh of debonded strands:

Debonded Strand

8 strands
24 strands

32 strands
No. of bonded strands = 24 Gr o u p 1: 24 S t r a n d s f u l l y b o n d e d Gr o u p 2: 8 St r a n d s p a r t ia l l y d e b o n d e d
L=1160 No. of bonded strands = 32

1.16 m
9220 3050



p .s f o r c e in g r o u p 1
lt ld

Section A-A

lt ld p .s f o r c e in g r o u p 2

Section B-B
For Stage I
Section Dis. From P.S Prestressing Force after losses
xi/Ls xi Girder End Fully Partially Group 1 Group 2 Total
(m) (m) (Mpa) (Mpa) KN KN KN
-0.150 0.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0 0 0
0.000 0.000 0.150 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.006 0.150 0.300 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.044 1.070 1.220 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.050 1.212 1.362 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.100 2.424 2.574 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.150 3.636 3.786 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.200 4.848 4.998 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.250 6.060 6.210 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.300 7.272 7.422 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.350 8.484 8.634 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.400 9.696 9.846 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.450 10.908 11.058 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.500 12.120 12.270 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

For Stage II
Section Dis. From P.S Prestressing Force after losses
xi/Ls xi Girder End Fully Partially Group 1 Group 2 Total
(m) (m) (Mpa) (Mpa) KN KN KN
-0.150 0.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0 0 0
0.000 0.000 0.150 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.006 0.150 0.300 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.044 1.070 1.220 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.050 1.212 1.362 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.100 2.424 2.574 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.150 3.636 3.786 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.200 4.848 4.998 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.250 6.060 6.210 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.300 7.272 7.422 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.350 8.484 8.634 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.400 9.696 9.846 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.450 10.908 11.058 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.500 12.120 12.270 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!

For Stage III

Section Dis. From P.S Prestressing Force after losses
xi/Ls xi Girder End Fully Partially Group 1 Group 2 Total
(m) (m) (Mpa) (Mpa) KN KN KN
-0.150 0.000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 0 0 0
0.000 0.000 0.150 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.006 0.150 0.300 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.044 1.070 1.220 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.050 1.212 1.362 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.100 2.424 2.574 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.150 3.636 3.786 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.200 4.848 4.998 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.250 6.060 6.210 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.300 7.272 7.422 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.350 8.484 8.634 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.400 9.696 9.846 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.450 10.908 11.058 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
0.500 12.120 12.270 #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
C.L bearing


0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Total Jacking Force Total Group 1 Group 2
C.L bearing



0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Total Jacking Force Total Group 1 Group 2
C.L bearing



0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00
Total Jacking Force Total Group 1 Group 2
fg-top : Stress at Top Fiber of Girder (MPa)
fg-bot : Stress at Bottom Fiber of Girder (MPa)
fs-top : Stress at Top Fiber of Cast-in-place Slab (MPa)
fgL-comp : Compresion stress Limit of Girder Concrete (MPa)
fsL-comp : Compresion stress Limit of Cast-in-place Slab Concrete (MPa)
fgL-tens : Tension Stress Limit of Girder Concrete (MPa)
Np : Axial Force due to Prestressing Load
Mp : Moment due to Prestressing Load
Mi : Moment due to Loads during Stage "i"
D Np
: Axial Force due to Loss of Prestressing Load
: Moment due to Loss of Prestressing Load
8.1. Stress check in Stage I

Sec. STAGE I ( At Tranfer)

xi/Ls xi Asec_(I) Isec_(I) et_(I) eb_(I) Np Mp M1 fg-top fg-bot fgL-comp fgL-tens
(m) (m2) (m4) (m) (m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) 25.50 -3.78
0.000 0.000 0.515 0.058 0.608 0.535 ### ### - ### ### ### ###
0.006 0.150 0.515 0.059 0.608 0.535 ### ### 17 ### ### ### ###
0.044 1.070 0.376 0.054 0.612 0.531 ### ### 120 ### ### ### ###
0.050 1.212 0.376 0.053 0.637 0.506 ### ### 135 ### ### ### ###
0.100 2.424 0.376 0.054 0.637 0.506 ### ### 255 ### ### ### ###
0.150 3.636 0.376 0.054 0.638 0.505 ### ### 362 ### ### ### ###
0.200 4.848 0.376 0.054 0.639 0.504 ### ### 454 ### ### ### ###
0.250 6.060 0.376 0.054 0.640 0.503 ### ### 532 ### ### ### ###
0.300 7.272 0.376 0.054 0.641 0.502 ### ### 596 ### ### ### ###
0.350 8.484 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 645 ### ### ### ###
0.400 9.696 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 681 ### ### ### ###
0.450 10.908 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 702 ### ### ### ###
0.500 12.120 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 709 ### ### ### ###
Stress (MPa)








0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
-5.0 Distance (m)
Compresion Limit Tension Limit Stress at Top Fiber of Girder Stress at Bottom Fiber of Girder
8.2. Stress check in Stage II

xi/Ls xi Asec_(II) Isec_(II) et_(II) eb_(II) D Np DMp M2 fg-top fg-bot fgL-comp fgL-tens
(m) (m2) (m4) (m) (m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) 30.00 -3.78
0.000 0.000 0.515 0.058 0.608 0.535 ### ### - ### ### ### ###
0.006 0.150 0.515 0.059 0.608 0.535 ### ### 16 ### ### ### ###
0.044 1.070 0.376 0.054 0.612 0.531 ### ### 108 ### ### ### ###
0.050 1.212 0.376 0.053 0.637 0.506 ### ### 121 ### ### ### ###
0.100 2.424 0.376 0.054 0.637 0.506 ### ### 229 ### ### ### ###
0.150 3.636 0.376 0.054 0.638 0.505 ### ### 325 ### ### ### ###
0.200 4.848 0.376 0.054 0.639 0.504 ### ### 408 ### ### ### ###
0.250 6.060 0.376 0.054 0.640 0.503 ### ### 478 ### ### ### ###
0.300 7.272 0.376 0.054 0.641 0.502 ### ### 535 ### ### ### ###
0.350 8.484 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 580 ### ### ### ###
0.400 9.696 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 612 ### ### ### ###
0.450 10.908 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 631 ### ### ### ###
0.500 12.120 0.376 0.055 0.642 0.501 ### ### 637 ### ### ### ###
Notes: M2 is taken by maximum value of internal & external girder.
Stress (MPa)


-5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0Distance (m) 15.0 20.0

Compresion Limit Tension Limit Stress at Top Fiber of Girder Stress at Bottom Fiber of Girder

8.3. Stress check in Stage III

8.3.1. For internal girder Check girder Stresses
xi/Ls xi Asec_(III) Isec_(III) et_(III) eb_(III) DNp DMp M3-ser1 M3-ser3 fg-top fg-bot fgL-comp fgL-tens
(m) (m2) (m4) (m) (m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) 30.00 -1.77
0.000 0.000 0.757 0.140 0.383 0.760 ### ### - 0 ### ### ### ###
0.006 0.150 0.757 0.140 0.383 0.760 ### ### 42 34.266 ### ### ### ###
0.044 1.070 0.618 0.132 0.349 0.794 ### ### 287 234.25 ### ### ### ###
0.050 1.212 0.618 0.132 0.349 0.794 ### ### 323 263.55 ### ### ### ###
0.100 2.424 0.618 0.132 0.350 0.793 ### ### 608 496.7 ### ### ### ###
0.150 3.636 0.618 0.132 0.350 0.793 ### ### 856 699.45 ### ### ### ###
0.200 4.848 0.618 0.133 0.351 0.792 ### ### 1067 871.79 ### ### ### ###
0.250 6.060 0.618 0.133 0.351 0.792 ### ### 1240 1014 ### ### ### ###
0.300 7.272 0.618 0.133 0.352 0.791 ### ### 1376 1125 ### ### ### ###
0.350 8.484 0.618 0.134 0.352 0.791 ### ### 1475 1206 ### ### ### ###
0.400 9.696 0.618 0.134 0.353 0.790 ### ### 1537 1257 ### ### ### ###
0.450 10.908 0.618 0.134 0.353 0.790 ### ### 1561 1277 ### ### ### ###
0.500 12.120 0.618 0.134 0.353 0.790 ### ### 1548 1267 ### ### ### ### Check slab Stresses
xi/Ls Sec. STAGE III
xi Asec_(III) Isec_(III) et_sl_(III) eb_sl_(III) DNp DMp M3-ser1 M3-ser3 fs-top fs-bot fsL-comp
(m) (m2) (m4) (m) (m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) 13.50
0.000 0.000 0.757 0.140 0.563 0.383 ### ### - 0 ### ### ###
0.006 0.150 0.757 0.140 0.563 0.383 ### ### 42 34.266 ### ### ###
0.044 1.070 0.618 0.132 0.529 0.349 ### ### 287 234.25 ### ### ###
0.050 1.212 0.618 0.132 0.529 0.349 ### ### 323 263.55 ### ### ###
0.100 2.424 0.618 0.132 0.530 0.350 ### ### 608 496.7 ### ### ###
0.150 3.636 0.618 0.132 0.530 0.350 ### ### 856 699.45 ### ### ###
0.200 4.848 0.618 0.133 0.531 0.351 ### ### 1067 871.79 ### ### ###
0.250 6.060 0.618 0.133 0.531 0.351 ### ### 1240 1014 ### ### ###
0.300 7.272 0.618 0.133 0.532 0.352 ### ### 1376 1125 ### ### ###
0.350 8.484 0.618 0.134 0.532 0.352 ### ### 1475 1206 ### ### ###
0.400 9.696 0.618 0.134 0.533 0.353 ### ### 1537 1257 ### ### ###
0.450 10.908 0.618 0.134 0.533 0.353 ### ### 1561 1277 ### ### ###
0.500 12.120 0.618 0.134 0.533 0.353 ### ### 1548 1267 ### ### ###
Stress (MPa)


0.0 5.0 10.0 Distance (m) 15.0 20.0
Compresion Limit for Girder Tension Limit for Girder Stress at Top Fiber of Girder
Stress at Bottom Fiber of Girder
Stress (MPa)


0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
-5.0 Distance (m)

Compresion Limit for Slab Stress at Top Fiber of Slab Stress at Bottom Fiber of Slab
8.3.2. For external girder Check girder Stresses
xi/Ls xi Asec_(III) Isec_(III) et_(III) eb_(III) DNp DMp M3-ser1 M3-ser3 fg-top fg-bot fgL-comp fgL-tens
(m) (m2) (m4) (m) (m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) 30.00 -1.77
0.000 0.000 0.690 0.123 0.428 0.715 ### ### - 0 ### ### ### ###
0.006 0.150 0.690 0.123 0.428 0.715 ### ### 45 38.598 ### ### ### ###
0.044 1.070 0.552 0.117 0.402 0.741 ### ### 308 264.11 ### ### ### ###
0.050 1.212 0.552 0.117 0.402 0.741 ### ### 347 297.19 ### ### ### ###
0.100 2.424 0.552 0.117 0.403 0.740 ### ### 654 560.88 ### ### ### ###
0.150 3.636 0.552 0.118 0.404 0.739 ### ### 922 791.06 ### ### ### ###
0.200 4.848 0.552 0.118 0.404 0.739 ### ### 1151 987.73 ### ### ### ###
0.250 6.060 0.552 0.118 0.405 0.738 ### ### 1340 1151 ### ### ### ###
0.300 7.272 0.552 0.119 0.405 0.738 ### ### 1490 1281 ### ### ### ###
0.350 8.484 0.552 0.119 0.406 0.737 ### ### 1601 1377 ### ### ### ###
0.400 9.696 0.552 0.119 0.406 0.737 ### ### 1673 1439 ### ### ### ###
0.450 10.908 0.552 0.119 0.406 0.737 ### ### 1706 1468 ### ### ### ###
0.500 12.120 0.552 0.119 0.406 0.737 ### ### 1699 1464 ### ### ### ### Check slab Stresses

xi/Ls Sec. STAGE III
xi Asec_(III) Isec_(III) et_sl_(III) eb_sl_(III) DNp DMp M3-ser1 M3-ser3 fs-top fs-bot fsL-comp
(m) (m2) (m4) (m) (m) (KN) (KNm) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa) 13.50
0.000 0.000 0.690 0.123 0.608 0.428 ### ### - 0 ### ### ###
0.006 0.150 0.690 0.123 0.608 0.428 ### ### 45 38.598 ### ### ###
0.044 1.070 0.552 0.117 0.582 0.402 ### ### 308 264.11 ### ### ###
0.050 1.212 0.552 0.117 0.582 0.402 ### ### 347 297.19 ### ### ###
0.100 2.424 0.552 0.117 0.583 0.403 ### ### 654 560.88 ### ### ###
0.150 3.636 0.552 0.118 0.584 0.404 ### ### 922 791.06 ### ### ###
0.200 4.848 0.552 0.118 0.584 0.404 ### ### 1151 987.73 ### ### ###
0.250 6.060 0.552 0.118 0.585 0.405 ### ### 1340 1151 ### ### ###
0.300 7.272 0.552 0.119 0.585 0.405 ### ### 1490 1281 ### ### ###
0.350 8.484 0.552 0.119 0.586 0.406 ### ### 1601 1377 ### ### ###
0.400 9.696 0.552 0.119 0.586 0.406 ### ### 1673 1439 ### ### ###
0.450 10.908 0.552 0.119 0.586 0.406 ### ### 1706 1468 ### ### ###
0.500 12.120 0.552 0.119 0.586 0.406 ### ### 1699 1464 ### ### ###
Stress (MPa)


0.0 5.0 10.0 Distance (m) 15.0 20.0
Compresion Limit for Girder Tension Limit for Girder Stress at Top Fiber of Girder
Stress at Bottom Fiber of Girder
Stress (MPa)


0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0
-5.0 Distance (m)

Compresion Limit for Slab Stress at Top Fiber of Slab Stress at Bottom Fiber of Slab
8.1. Resistance Factor
Resistance factor for Flexure: jm = 1.0
Resistance factor for Shear: jv = 0.9
8.2. Flexural
8.2.1. Flexural resistance
Mr = j mMn
The factored resistance, Mr, shall be taken as:
The normal flexural resistance, Mn, shall be taken as:

When hf < a: a a a a hf
M n = A ps f ps d p −
2 ) (2 ) 2 ( )
+ A s f y d s− − A ' s f y d ' s− + 0 .85 f ' c ( b−bw ) β 1 hf −
2 2 ( )
a a a
When hf > a:
M n = A ps f ps d p −
2 ) ( )
+ A s f y d s− − A ' s f y d ' s−
2 2 ( )
where: Aps : Arer of prestressing steel
fps : Average stress in prestressing steel when fpe  0.5fpu

c f py
f ps =f pu 1−k
dp ) where: (
k =2 1 .04−
f pu ) = 0.280

dp : Distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of prestressing tendons

As : Area of tension reinforcement
ds : Distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of tensile reinforcement
A's : Area of cpmpression reinforcement
d's : Distance from extreme compression fiber to the centroid of compression reinforcement
b : Width of compressive face
bw : Web width
hf : Compresion flange depth
a = b1c : depth of the equivalent stress block
b1 : Stress block factor b1 = 0.693
c : Distance between the neutral axis and the compressive face
A ps f pu + A s f y − A ' s f y −0 . 85 β 1 f ' c ( b−b w ) h f A ps f pu + A s f y −A ' s f y
c1= c 2=
f f
0 . 85 f ' c β 1 b+ kA p pu 0. 85 f ' c β 1 b+ kA p pu
s dp s dp

8.2.2. Limits for Reinforcement

Maximum Reinforcement
The maximum amount reinforcement shall be such that: ≤0 . 42
for which:
de : Effective depth from the extreme compression fiber to the centroid of the tensile
for in the tensile reinforcement.
A ps f ps d p + A s f y d s
A ps f ps+ A s f y
Minimum Reinforcement
The amount of tensile reinforcement shall be adequate to develop a factorad flexural resistance, M r, at least equal to
the lesser of:
• 1.2 times the cracking moment, Mcr, determined on the basis of elastic stress distribution and
the modulus of rupture, fr, of the concrete;
• 1.33 times the factored moment.
Cracking moment, Mcr, may be taken as: Mcr = Sc fr
where: Sc : Section modulus of gross section
fr : Modulus of rupture. For normal density concrete: f r =0. 63 √ f ' c
f r =0. 63 √ f ' c
8.3. Shear
8.3.1. Regions requiring transverse reinforcement
Excep for slabs, footings, and culverts, transverse reinforcement shall be provided where: Vu > 0.5jv(Vc+Vp)
where: Vu : Factored shear force
Vc : Nominal shear resistance of concrete
Vp : Component of prestressing force in direction of the shear force
8.3.2. Minimum transverse reinforcement
bv s
The area of transverse reinforcement shall not be less than: A v min =0 . 083 √ f ' c
Avmin : Area of a transverse reinforcement within distance "s"
s : Spacing of transverse reinforcement
bv = b
8.3.3. Maximum spacing of transverse reinforcement
The spacing of the transverse reinforcement shall not exceed the following:
• If vu < 0.125f'c, then: s  0.8dv  600mm
• If vu  0.125f'c, then: s  0.4dv  300mm
where: dv = de -a/2 : Effective shear depth; it need not be taken to be less than the greater of 0.9d e of 0.72h
vu : Shear stress
8.3.4. Norminal shear resistance
The norminal shear resistance, Vn, shall be determined as the lesser of:
Vn1 = Vc + Vs + Vp
Vn2 = 0.25f'cbvdv + Vp
for which:
A v f y d v ( cot gθ +cot gα )sin α
V c =0 .083 β √ f ' c b v d v and V s=
b : Factor indicating ability of diagonally crackes concrete to transmit tension
q : Angle of inclination of diagonal compressive stresses
a : Angle of inclination of transverse reinforcement to longitudinal axis
Determination of b and q: V u −ϕV p
• The shear stress on the concrete shall be determined as: vu=
ϕb v d v

• The strain in the reinforcement on the flexural tension side of the member shall be determined as:
If the section contains at least the minumum transverse reinforcement:


ε x 1=
( dv
+0 . 5 N u +0 . 5 ( V u −V p ) cot gθ− A ps f p 0
) ≤0 . 001
2 ( Es A s + E p A ps )

If the section contains less than the minimum transverse reinforcement:


ε x 2=
( dv
+ 0. 5 N u + 0. 5 ( V u −V p ) cot gθ− A ps f p 0
) ≤0 . 002
E s A s + E p A ps

If the value of e x is negative, the strain shall be taken as:


ε x 3=
( dv
+ 0. 5 N u + 0. 5 ( V u −V p ) cot gθ− A ps f p 0
2( E c A c + E s A s + E p A ps )

where: fp0 : Stress in prestressing steel when the surrounding concrete is 0.

Ac : Area of concrete on the flexural tension side

• The crack spacing parameter sxe shall be determined as: s xe =s x ≤2000 mm
a g + 16
where: ag : Maximum aggregate size
sx = min(dv,maximum distance between layers of long. crack control Reinf.)
8.4. Checking for internal girder
xi/Ls xi Mu Vu Nu h b bw hf dp ds d's
(m) KNm KN KN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
0.000 0.000 - 800 - 1323 1750 410 180 1058 1263 60
0.006 0.150 114 792 - 1323 1750 410 180 1061 1263 60
0.044 1.070 780 744 - 1323 1750 294 194 1078 1263 60
0.050 1.212 877 737 - 1323 1750 178 211 1081 1263 60
0.100 2.424 1656 673 - 1323 1750 178 211 1103 1263 60
0.150 3.636 2337 611 - 1323 1750 178 211 1126 1263 60
0.200 4.848 2920 549 - 1323 1750 178 211 1149 1263 60
0.250 6.060 3405 488 - 1323 1750 178 211 1172 1263 60
0.300 7.272 3791 427 - 1323 1750 178 211 1194 1263 60
0.350 8.484 4080 367 - 1323 1750 178 211 1217 1263 60
0.400 9.696 4270 307 - 1323 1750 178 211 1231 1263 60
0.450 10.908 4362 248 - 1323 1750 178 211 1231 1263 60
0.500 12.120 4356 190 - 1323 1750 178 211 1231 1263 60

Section Pre. Steel Tension Reinforcement Compression Reinforcement Transverse Reinforcement

xi Aps Ds ns As D's n's A's Dv nv Av sv
(m) mm2 mm bars mm2 mm bars mm2 mm bars mm2 mm
0.000 3158 - - - - 10 8 628 100
0.150 3158 - - - - 10 8 628 100
1.070 3158 - - - - 10 6 471 150
1.212 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
2.424 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
3.636 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
4.848 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
6.060 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
7.272 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
8.484 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
9.696 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
10.908 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
12.120 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200

Section "1"="Include Design value a

", c1 c2 fps Mn Mr
xi c a< or >hf
"2"="Exclud Check Check
e" Comp.
(m) Reinf. mm mm mm mm Mpa KNm KNm
0.000 2 -90 111 111 77 Exclude < 1806 5815 5815 OK
0.150 2 -90 111 111 77 Exclude < 1806 5831 5831 OK
1.070 2 -239 111 111 77 Exclude < 1807 5932 5932 OK
1.212 2 -577 111 111 77 Exclude < 1807 5948 5948 OK
2.424 2 -579 111 111 77 Exclude < 1808 6081 6081 OK
3.636 2 -582 111 111 77 Exclude < 1809 6214 6214 OK
4.848 2 -585 111 111 77 Exclude < 1810 6347 6347 OK
6.060 2 -587 111 111 77 Exclude < 1811 6480 6480 OK
7.272 2 -589 111 111 77 Exclude < 1812 6613 6613 OK
8.484 2 -592 111 111 77 Exclude < 1812 6746 6746 OK
9.696 2 -593 111 111 77 Exclude < 1813 6827 6827 OK
10.908 2 -593 111 111 77 Exclude < 1813 6827 6827 OK
12.120 2 -593 111 111 77 Exclude < 1813 6827 6827 OK
Section Maximum Reinforcement: Minimum Reinforcement:
xi de c/de Sc Mcr 1.2Mcr 1.33Mu Min
Check Check
(m) mm mm3 KNm KNm KNm KNm
0.000 1058 0.105 OK 1.84E+08 817 981 - - OK
0.150 1061 0.104 OK 1.84E+08 818 981 151 151 OK
1.070 1078 0.103 OK 1.66E+08 739 886 1037 886 OK
1.212 1081 0.102 OK 1.66E+08 739 887 1167 887 OK
2.424 1103 0.100 OK 1.66E+08 741 890 2203 890 OK
3.636 1126 0.098 OK 1.67E+08 744 892 3109 892 OK
4.848 1149 0.097 OK 1.68E+08 746 895 3884 895 OK
6.060 1172 0.095 OK 1.68E+08 749 899 4529 899 OK
7.272 1194 0.093 OK 1.69E+08 751 902 5043 902 OK
8.484 1217 0.091 OK 1.69E+08 754 905 5426 905 OK
9.696 1231 0.090 OK 1.70E+08 756 907 5679 907 OK
10.908 1231 0.090 OK 1.70E+08 756 907 5801 907 OK
12.120 1231 0.090 OK 1.70E+08 756 907 5793 907 OK

Section Regions requiring trans. Reinf. Min. Trans. Reinf. Maximum spacing of Transverse Reinf.
xi dv bv Avmin vu 0.125f'c smax
Check Check Check
(m) mm mm mm2 Mpa Mpa mm
0.000 1020 410 Need 60 OK 2.13 6.25 600 OK
0.150 1022 410 Need 60 OK 2.10 6.25 600 OK
1.070 1040 294 Need 65 OK 2.70 6.25 600 OK
1.212 1042 178 Need 52 OK 4.41 6.25 600 OK
2.424 1065 178 Need 52 OK 3.95 6.25 600 OK
3.636 1088 178 Need 52 OK 3.51 6.25 600 OK
4.848 1110 178 Need 52 OK 3.09 6.25 600 OK
6.060 1133 178 Need 52 OK 2.69 6.25 600 OK
7.272 1156 178 Need 52 OK 2.31 6.25 600 OK
8.484 1179 178 Need 52 OK 1.94 6.25 600 OK
9.696 1192 178 Need 52 OK 1.61 6.25 600 OK
10.908 1192 178 no Need - - 1.30 6.25 - -
12.120 1192 178 no Need - - 0.99 6.25 - -

Section Suppose value of q Choice

a fp0
xi q ex1 ex2 ex3 ex Check vu/f'c 1000e x
(m) deg. Mpa deg.
0.000 90 - 30.00 0.00056 0.00111 0.00006 0.00056 OK 0.043 0.56
0.150 90 - 30.90 0.00062 0.00124 0.00007 0.00062 OK 0.042 0.62
1.070 90 1395 27.00 -0.00235 -0.00470 -0.00037 -0.00037 OK 0.054 -0.37
1.212 90 1395 24.05 -0.00220 -0.00440 -0.00054 -0.00054 OK 0.088 -0.54
2.424 90 1395 25.49 -0.00172 -0.00345 -0.00042 -0.00042 OK 0.079 -0.42
3.636 90 1395 26.86 -0.00133 -0.00266 -0.00032 -0.00032 OK 0.070 -0.32
4.848 90 1395 27.00 -0.00099 -0.00199 -0.00024 -0.00024 OK 0.062 -0.24
6.060 90 1395 27.00 -0.00074 -0.00148 -0.00018 -0.00018 OK 0.054 -0.18
7.272 90 1395 27.00 -0.00057 -0.00114 -0.00014 -0.00014 OK 0.046 -0.14
8.484 90 1395 27.00 -0.00047 -0.00094 -0.00011 -0.00011 OK 0.039 -0.11
9.696 90 1395 27.00 -0.00042 -0.00084 -0.00010 -0.00010 OK 0.032 -0.10
10.908 90 1395 27.00 -0.00041 -0.00081 -0.00010 -0.00081 OK 0.026 -0.81
12.120 90 1395 27.00 -0.00046 -0.00091 -0.00011 -0.00091 OK 0.020 -0.91
Section Long. Crack control Reinf. For no need Trans. Reinf. or Av < Avmin
xi DL AL sL ag sx sxe 0.003bv*sx
(m) mm mm2 mm mm mm mm mm2
0.000 10 157 160 - - - - -
0.150 10 157 160 - - - - -
1.070 10 157 160 - - - - -
1.212 10 157 160 - - - - -
2.424 10 157 160 - - - - -
3.636 10 157 160 - - - - -
4.848 10 157 160 - - - - -
6.060 10 157 160 - - - - -
7.272 10 157 160 - - - - -
8.484 10 157 160 - - - - -
9.696 10 157 160 - - - - -
10.908 10 157 160 - 160 350 85 OK
12.120 10 157 160 - 160 350 85 OK

q b Vc Vs Vp Vn1 Vn2 Vn Vr
xi Check
(m) deg. KN KN KN KN KN KN KN
0.000 29.91 2.48 608 4452 - 5060 5226 5060 4554 OK
0.150 30.94 2.44 601 4284 - 4885 5240 4885 4396 OK
1.070 27.00 4.88 875 2563 - 3438 3821 3438 3095 OK
1.212 25.15 4.02 438 1743 - 2181 2319 2181 1963 OK
2.424 26.45 4.62 515 1681 - 2195 2370 2195 1976 OK
3.636 27.00 4.88 555 1676 - 2230 2420 2230 2007 OK
4.848 27.00 4.88 566 1711 - 2277 2471 2277 2049 OK
6.060 27.00 4.88 578 1746 - 2323 2521 2323 2091 OK
7.272 27.00 4.88 589 1781 - 2370 2572 2370 2133 OK
8.484 27.00 4.88 601 1816 - 2417 2622 2417 2175 OK
9.696 27.00 4.88 608 1837 - 2445 2653 2445 2200 OK
10.908 27.00 4.88 608 1837 - 2445 2653 2445 2200 OK
12.120 27.00 4.88 608 1837 - 2445 2653 2445 2200 OK
Moment (KNm)









0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0

Flexural Resistance Distance (m) Factored Moment

Shear (KN)

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0

Shear Resistance Distance (m) Factored Shear

8.5. Checking for external girder
xi/Ls xi Mu Vu Nu h b bw hf dp ds d's
(m) KNm KN KN mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
0.000 0.000 - 750 - 1323 1625 410 180 1058 1263 60
0.006 0.150 112 743 - 1323 1625 410 180 1061 1263 60
0.044 1.070 766 695 - 1323 1625 294 195 1078 1263 60
0.050 1.212 862 688 - 1323 1625 178 214 1081 1263 60
0.100 2.424 1628 626 - 1323 1625 178 214 1103 1263 60
0.150 3.636 2298 565 - 1323 1625 178 214 1126 1263 60
0.200 4.848 2873 504 - 1323 1625 178 214 1149 1263 60
0.250 6.060 3352 443 - 1323 1625 178 214 1172 1263 60
0.300 7.272 3736 383 - 1323 1625 178 214 1194 1263 60
0.350 8.484 4024 323 - 1323 1625 178 214 1217 1263 60
0.400 9.696 4217 264 - 1323 1625 178 214 1231 1263 60
0.450 10.908 4314 205 - 1323 1625 178 214 1231 1263 60
0.500 12.120 4316 147 - 1323 1625 178 214 1231 1263 60

Section Pre. Steel Tension Reinforcement Compression Reinforcement Transverse Reinforcement

xi Aps Ds ns As D's n's A's Dv nv Av sv
(m) mm2 mm bars mm2 mm bars mm2 mm bars mm2 mm
0.000 3158 - - - - 10 8 628 100
0.150 3158 - - - - 10 8 628 100
1.070 3158 - - - - 10 6 471 150
1.212 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
2.424 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
3.636 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
4.848 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
6.060 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
7.272 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
8.484 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
9.696 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
10.908 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200
12.120 3158 - - - - 10 5 393 200

Section "1"="Include Design value a

", c1 c2 fps Mn Mr
xi c a< or >hf
"2"="Exclud Check Check
e" Comp.
(m) Reinf. mm mm mm mm Mpa KNm KNm
0.000 2 -41 119 119 82 Exclude < 1801 5785 5785 OK
0.150 2 -41 119 119 82 Exclude < 1802 5802 5802 OK
1.070 2 -173 119 119 82 Exclude < 1803 5903 5903 OK
1.212 2 -477 119 119 82 Exclude < 1803 5918 5918 OK
2.424 2 -479 119 119 82 Exclude < 1804 6051 6051 OK
3.636 2 -481 119 119 83 Exclude < 1805 6184 6184 OK
4.848 2 -483 119 119 83 Exclude < 1806 6318 6318 OK
6.060 2 -485 119 119 83 Exclude < 1807 6451 6451 OK
7.272 2 -487 119 119 83 Exclude < 1808 6584 6584 OK
8.484 2 -489 119 119 83 Exclude < 1809 6717 6717 OK
9.696 2 -490 119 119 83 Exclude < 1809 6797 6797 OK
10.908 2 -490 119 119 83 Exclude < 1809 6797 6797 OK
12.120 2 -490 119 119 83 Exclude < 1809 6797 6797 OK
Section Maximum Reinforcement: Minimum Reinforcement:
xi de c/de Sc Mcr 1.2Mcr 1.33Mu Min
Check Check
(m) mm mm3 KNm KNm KNm KNm
0.000 1058 0.112 OK 1.84E+08 817 981 - - OK
0.150 1061 0.112 OK 1.84E+08 818 981 149 149 OK
1.070 1078 0.110 OK 1.66E+08 739 886 1018 886 OK
1.212 1081 0.110 OK 1.66E+08 739 887 1146 887 OK
2.424 1103 0.108 OK 1.66E+08 741 890 2165 890 OK
3.636 1126 0.106 OK 1.67E+08 744 892 3056 892 OK
4.848 1149 0.104 OK 1.68E+08 746 895 3821 895 OK
6.060 1172 0.102 OK 1.68E+08 749 899 4459 899 OK
7.272 1194 0.100 OK 1.69E+08 751 902 4969 902 OK
8.484 1217 0.098 OK 1.69E+08 754 905 5352 905 OK
9.696 1231 0.097 OK 1.70E+08 756 907 5609 907 OK
10.908 1231 0.097 OK 1.70E+08 756 907 5738 907 OK
12.120 1231 0.097 OK 1.70E+08 756 907 5740 907 OK

Section Regions requiring trans. Reinf. Min. Trans. Reinf. Maximum spacing of Transverse Reinf.
xi dv bv Avmin vu 0.125f'c smax
Check Check Check
(m) mm mm mm2 Mpa Mpa mm
0.000 1017 410 Need 60 OK 2.00 6.25 600 OK
0.150 1020 410 Need 60 OK 1.97 6.25 600 OK
1.070 1037 294 Need 65 OK 2.53 6.25 600 OK
1.212 1039 178 Need 52 OK 4.13 6.25 600 OK
2.424 1062 178 Need 52 OK 3.68 6.25 600 OK
3.636 1085 178 Need 52 OK 3.25 6.25 600 OK
4.848 1108 178 Need 52 OK 2.84 6.25 600 OK
6.060 1130 178 Need 52 OK 2.45 6.25 600 OK
7.272 1153 178 Need 52 OK 2.07 6.25 600 OK
8.484 1176 178 Need 52 OK 1.72 6.25 600 OK
9.696 1189 178 no Need - - 1.39 6.25 - -
10.908 1189 178 no Need - - 1.08 6.25 - -
12.120 1189 178 no Need - - 0.77 6.25 - -

Section Suppose value of q Choice

a fp0
xi q ex1 ex2 ex3 ex Check vu/f'c 1000ex
(m) deg. Mpa deg.
0.000 90 - 29.66 0.00053 0.00106 0.00006 0.00053 OK 0.040 0.53
0.150 90 - 30.64 0.00059 0.00118 0.00007 0.00059 OK 0.039 0.59
1.070 90 1395 27.00 -0.00240 -0.00480 -0.00037 -0.00037 OK 0.051 -0.37
1.212 90 1395 24.05 -0.00226 -0.00451 -0.00055 -0.00055 OK 0.083 -0.55
2.424 90 1395 25.49 -0.00178 -0.00356 -0.00043 -0.00043 OK 0.074 -0.43
3.636 90 1395 26.86 -0.00139 -0.00278 -0.00034 -0.00034 OK 0.065 -0.34
4.848 90 1395 27.00 -0.00106 -0.00212 -0.00026 -0.00026 OK 0.057 -0.26
6.060 90 1395 27.00 -0.00081 -0.00162 -0.00020 -0.00020 OK 0.049 -0.20
7.272 90 1395 27.00 -0.00063 -0.00127 -0.00015 -0.00015 OK 0.041 -0.15
8.484 90 1395 27.00 -0.00054 -0.00107 -0.00013 -0.00013 OK 0.034 -0.13
9.696 90 1395 27.00 -0.00048 -0.00097 -0.00012 -0.00097 OK 0.028 -0.97
10.908 90 1395 27.00 -0.00046 -0.00093 -0.00011 -0.00093 OK 0.022 -0.93
12.120 90 1395 27.00 -0.00051 -0.00102 -0.00012 -0.00102 OK 0.015 -1.02
Section Long. Crack control Reinf. For no need Trans. Reinf. or Av < Avmin
xi DL AL sL ag sx sxe 0.003bv*sx
(m) mm mm2 mm mm mm mm mm2
0.000 10 157 160 - - - - -
0.150 10 157 160 - - - - -
1.070 10 157 160 - - - - -
1.212 10 157 160 - - - - -
2.424 10 157 160 - - - - -
3.636 10 157 160 - - - - -
4.848 10 157 160 - - - - -
6.060 10 157 160 - - - - -
7.272 10 157 160 - - - - -
8.484 10 157 160 - - - - -
9.696 10 157 160 - 160 350 85 OK
10.908 10 157 160 - 160 350 85 OK
12.120 10 157 160 - 160 350 85 OK

q b Vc Vs Vp Vn1 Vn2 Vn Vr
xi Check
(m) deg. KN KN KN KN KN KN KN
0.000 29.91 2.48 606 4440 - 5046 5211 5046 4542 OK
0.150 30.94 2.44 599 4272 - 4871 5226 4871 4384 OK
1.070 27.00 4.88 873 2556 - 3429 3810 3429 3086 OK
1.212 25.15 4.02 437 1738 - 2175 2313 2175 1958 OK
2.424 26.45 4.62 513 1676 - 2189 2363 2189 1970 OK
3.636 27.00 4.88 553 1671 - 2224 2414 2224 2002 OK
4.848 27.00 4.88 565 1706 - 2271 2464 2271 2044 OK
6.060 27.00 4.88 576 1741 - 2318 2515 2318 2086 OK
7.272 27.00 4.88 588 1776 - 2364 2565 2364 2128 OK
8.484 27.00 4.88 599 1811 - 2411 2616 2411 2170 OK
9.696 27.00 4.88 606 1832 - 2439 2646 2439 2195 OK
10.908 27.00 4.88 606 1832 - 2439 2646 2439 2195 OK
12.120 27.00 4.88 606 1832 - 2439 2646 2439 2195 OK
Moment (KNm)









0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0

Flexural Resistance Distance (m) Factored Moment

Shear (KN)

0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0

Shear Resistance Distance (m) Factored Shear

Prepared by

1 Input

Effective length of span Lp = 24.24 m Concrete of girder fc ' = 50 Mpa

Temperature range: Tmax = 47.00 0C Eb = ###
Tmin = 10.00 C
Concrete of slab fc ' = 30 Mpa
dT = 37.00 C
Eb = ###
h : Depth of link slab h = 180 mm Ln : Length of link slab Ln = 2050 mm
B : Width of link slab B = 1340 mm C : Length of any gap C= 350 mm
between the two adjacent girders

2 Calculation internal force

2-1 Internal force due to angle and vertical displacement

a Angle displacement
0,7 . M Lp
3 . Es . J
In which:
Left span Right span Units
MH : Moment due to service load at stage III MH = 2956 2956 KN.m
Lp : Effective length of span Lp = 24240 24240 mm
h : The factor considered space-working h = 1 1
E : Elastic modulus of concrete E= 38007 38007 Mpa
J : Moment of inertial of girder J = 1.362.E+11 1.362.E+11 mm4
Left angle j t = 0,7x1.0E+06 ### x 24240 / ### x1.362.E+11) =0.00040 Rad
Right angle jp = 0,7x1.0E+06 ### x 24240 / ### x1.362.E+11) =0.00040 Rad
b Vertical displacement
Formula: y = ( Ln - C ) x 0,5 x j =
Ln : Length of link slab Ln = 2050 mm
C = 350 mm
Left displacement yt = ( 2050 - 350)x0.5 x 0.0004 = 0.343 mm
Right displacement yp = ( 2050 - 350)x0.5 x 0.0004 = 0.343 mm

c Moment at the fix section of link slab

2. En.Jn . K 2 . En. Jn. K
M=− xϕ t − xϕ p
Ln Ln
In which:
Left Right
En : Elastic modulus of slab En = 29440 29440 Mpa
Jn : Moment of inertial of link slab Jn = 651240000 651240000 mm4
h : Depth of link slab h = 180 180 mm
B : Width of link slab B = 1340 1340 mm
Ln : Length of link slab Ln = 2050 2050 mm
K : Reduce stiff factor K = 0.8 0.8
MT : Moment due to dead load at the stage III MT = 1491 1491 KN.m
j: Rotation angle due to dead load at the stage III j = 0.00040 0.00040 Rad
Moment at the fix section:
M = ### ### ### x 0.8 / x 2050 +
### x 651240000 ### x 0.8 / x 2050 = -12080880.7 N.mm
= -12.08 KN.m
Length of left and right span is the same, so shear force is zero.

2-2 Internal force due to longitudinal slope of bridge

Formula: Nd = n . Pf . i = 29.52 KN
Pf : Weight of span Pf = 245.98 KN
i : Longitudinal slope i = 0.04
n : Number of span n = 3

2-3 Internal force due to locally live load

Impact factor: 1 + m= 1.25

Load factor: n = 1.75

a Moment at the fix section

p . d . ln d
Mn=− (3− 2 ). n .(1+ μ )
24 ln
In which:
p : Load distribution in the longitudinal of bridge p = P /( b1 .d) ### KN.m2
P : Weight of one axles P = 145 KN
b1 : Width transfers force down to link slab in transverse b1 = 0.8 m
d : Length transfer force down to link slab in longitudinal d = 0.18 m
B : Width of link slab B = 1.34 m
Length of link slab: Ln* = 2.05 m
Mn = -101.338022 KN.m

b Shear at the fix section

Formula: Qn = p . d . (1 + m ) . n .B . 0.5 = 266 KN.

c Moment at the middle span section 2

Formula: p . d . ln d 2d 96 KN.m
Mg= ( 3+ 2 − ). n .(1+ μ )=
24 ln ln
Shear force is zero.

2-4 Internal force due to sub-dead load and selfweight

a Moment at the fix section

Formula: 2
−n . q . Lb
Mgt =
= -1.25 x 7.4169 x ### 3.247 KN.m
In which:
q : Uniform dead load q= 7.42 KN/m
h : Depth of link slab h = 0.18 m
h* : Depth of surfacing wearing h* = 0.05 m
B : Width of link slab B = 1.34 m
n: Load factor n = 1.25
Ln : Length of link slab Ln = 2.05 m

b Shear at the fix section

Qnt = n . q . Lb2 . 0.5 =

= 1.25 x 7.4169 x 2.05 = 9.50 KN

c Moment at the middle span section

−n . q . Lb 2
Mgt =
−n . q . Lb 2
Mgt =
= 1.25 x 7.4169 x 2.05^2 / 24 = 1.623 KN.m
Effective length of link slab Ln* = 2.05 m
Q = 0
2-5 Internal force due to temperature
Nt=−n . fi . Ai=
3 x 0.05 x ### 37 KN.m
In which:
n : Number fixed bearing of continuous deck slab n = 3
fi : Bearing friction factor fi = 0.05
Ai : Reaction of bearing Ai = 246 KN

3 Combination force

Components Fix section Middle section Axial

M (KN.m) Q (KN) M (KN.m) Q (KN) KN
Combination 1
- Angle and vertical displacement -12.08 - - - -
- Axial due to longitudinal slope of bridge 29.52
Sum: -12.08 0.000 0.000 0.000 29.518
Combination 2
- Live load at the link slab -101.34 265.64 95.91 -
- Dead load of link slab 3.25 9.50 1.62 -
- Axial due to longitudinal slope of bridge 29.52
Sum: -98 275.147 97.536 0.000 29.518
Combination 3
- Displacement at the service stage -12.08 - - - -
- Live load at the link slab -101.34 265.64 95.91 - 0.00
- Dead load of link slab 3.25 9.50 1.62 - 0.00
- Axial due to temperature 0.00 0.00 245.98
- Axial due to longitudinal slope of bridge 29.52
Sum: -110 275 98 0 276
Conclusion: Choose fix section to check

4 Checking section
Slab section:
Depth of slab: H = 180 mm
Effective depth: Ho= 132.6 mm
Caculate width: B = 1340 mm

Cheking at the fix section

Design shear for per unit length of slab Qtt = 205 KN
Effective Web

Design moment for per unit length of slab Mtt = 82 KN.m

Design axial for per unit length of slab Ntt = 206 KN
Section: B= 1000 mm
H= 180 mm

Checking limit moment Av

Tensile reinforcement
Diameter of bar D = 22 mm
Number of bar n = 8
Distance from edge of tensile fiber to central of bar c = 47.4 mm
Area of bars As = 2914 mm2
Yield strength fy = 400 Mpa
d = 132.6 mm
Compressive reinforcement
Diameter of bar D = 0 mm
Number of bar n = 0
Distance between bar-layers s= 0 mm
Distance from edge of compressive fiber to central of bar c = 47.4 mm
Area of bars A's = 0 mm2
dp= 133
Prestress tendon
Diameter of tendon D = 0 mm2
Number of tendon n = 0
Distance between tendon-layers s= 0 mm
Distance from edge of compressive fiber to central of tendon c = 65 mm
Area of tendons Aps = 0 mm2
dp= 115
Yield strength fpy = 1670 Mpa
Elastic modulus of tendon Esp = 197000.00 Mpa
Class of concrete 30 fc = 30 Mpa Mpa
Resistance factor F = 0.9
Distance from extreme compressive fiber to centroid of tensile reinforcement
a = (Aps.fps+As*fy-A'sf'y) / (0,85 *f'c * b )
a = (0 x 1670 ### x 400 -0 x400)
/ ( 0.85 x 30 x 1340 ) = 34.116 mm
Limit moment
F Mn = F ( Aps * fpy * ( dp - 0.5 * a )+ ( As * fy * ( d - 0.5 * a )- ( As' * fy' * ( ds' - 0.5 * a )
F Mn = 0.9 x (0 x 1670 x (115 - 0.5 ###
### x 400 x (132.6 - 0.5 ###
- (0 x 400 x (65 - 0.5 ### ) =
Mn = 121 kN.m > Mmax = 82 OK

Crack checking
Balanced bar ratio Pmin >= 0,03 f'c/fy = = 0.23%
r = 1.2% > 0.23% OK
Stress in tensile reinforcement fs = z / (dc . A ) 1/3
dc = 50 mm
Effect area A = 17478 mm2
z = 30000 N/mm
Fsall = 30000 / ( 50 ### ) 1/3 =
313.78 Mpa > 0,6 fy = 240 Mpa
Stress in bar follow formula as: fs = Ms / (As . j . d )
Ms = 62 kN.m ( Service load design )
As = 2914.35 mm2 As* = 0.00
Ej = 1- k/3 ; k = sqrt (2.p.n + (p.n)^2))-p.n ; p = As/(b.d) ; n= Es/b
Elastic modulus of concrete Ec = 38007 Mpa
Elastic modulus of steel Es = 200,000 Mpa
n = 5.26
p = 1.208% k = 0.299
j = 0.900 d = 132.6 mm
Check fs = 179 Mpa < Fsall = 240 Mpa OK

Checking limit shear

Formula: Vn = Vc + Vs = 313 KN
Effective Web

Vn = 0,25 . f'c . bv . dv = 994.5 KN

In which: Vc = 0,0083 x bv x dv x Ö f'c = 6.02812492 KN

bv = 1000 mm dv = 133 mm
Vs = ( Av x fy x dv x (cotagq + cotga) sina )/ s = 307 KN
Shear reinforcement Av
Diameter of bar D = 12 mm
Spacing of bars s= 150 mm
Number of bar n' = 8
Area of bars Av = 867.08 mm2
Bar inclination a = 90 degree
Factor b = 2 q = 45 degree a
Yield strength fy = 400 Mpa
The norminal shear resistance Vn = = 313 KN > 205 OK
Bảng tra deta q
V/f'c 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2
0.05 27 27 28.5 29 33 36 41 43 v/f'c1
0.075 27 27 27.5 30 33.5 36 40 42 v/f'c2
0.1 23.5 24 26.5 30.5 34 36 38 39 ex1
0.125 23.5 26 28 31.5 34 36 37 38 ex2
0.15 25 27 29 32 34 36 36.5 37
0.175 26.5 28 30 32.5 34 36 35.5 36
0.2 27.5 29 31 33 34 34.5 35 36
0.225 29 30.5 32 33 34 34.5 36.5 39
0.25 30 31 32 33 34 35.5 38.5 41.5
Bảng tra góc beta
V/f'c 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2
0.05 4.88 3.99 3.49 2.51 2.37 2.23 1.95 1.72
0.075 4.88 3.65 3.01 2.47 2.33 2.16 1.9 1.65 v/f'c1
0.1 3.26 2.61 2.54 2.41 2.28 2.09 1.72 1.45 v/f'c2
0.125 2.6 2.57 2.5 2.37 2.18 2.01 1.6 1.35 ex1
0.15 2.55 2.5 2.45 2.28 2.06 1.93 1.5 1.24 ex2
0.175 2.5 2.41 2.39 2.2 1.95 1.74 1.21 1
0.2 2.45 2.37 2.33 2.1 1.82 1.58 1.21 1
0.225 2.37 2.33 2.27 1.92 1.67 1.43 1.18 1.14
0.25 2.3 2.28 2.01 1.64 1.52 1.4 130 1.25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Mặt cắt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ex x 1000 0.556934 0.621471 -0.36512 -0.537338 -0.420674 -0.324454 -0.242743 -0.180982
v/f'c 0.042539 0.042002 0.05409 0.088222 0.078946 0.070124 0.061728 0.053732
deta q1 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q2 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q3 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q4 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q12 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q34 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q31 29 29 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q41 33 33 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q3141 29.91094 30.94354 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
deta q 29.91 30.94 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

Giá trị thực tế q

beta b1 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b2 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b3 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b4 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b12 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b34 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b31 2.51 2.51 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b41 2.37 2.37 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b3141 2.478117 2.441976 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
beta b 2.48 2.44 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
10 11 12 13
Tra deta
9 10 11 12 13 Mặt cắt
-0.13866 -0.114649 -0.102652 -0.810088 -0.91061 v/f'c1
0.046114 0.03885 0.032162 0.025981 0.019862 v/f'c2
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A ex1
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A ex2
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
#N/A #N/A 0.05 0.075 0.075 0.05 0.05 0.05 #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A 0.075 0.1 0.1 0.075 0.075 0.075 #N/A #N/A
0.5 0.5 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
0.75 0.75 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

11 12 13
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
#N/A #N/A #N/A
10.1. Input data
Sec. Width, b = 800 mm h1
Hg B
= 1143 mm
h6 E'
hh = 0 mm hh E
h4 a1 a3
h1 = 100 mm A
h2 = 943 mm Hg D h2
h3 Nu
= 100 mm Vu
h4 = 100 mm C a h5
F 450 F'
h5 = 1143 mm h3
h6 = -200 mm
dh = 800 mm d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 Tension
dD = 1200 mm Comprestion
d1 = 350 mm dh dD
d2 = 450 mm
d3 = 100 mm
d4 = 1000 mm Reaction (KN)
d5 = 100 mm Comb. Vu Nu
d6 = 1212 mm Strength I 800 0
a1 -20.0 deg. Service I 524 0
a2 43.3 deg.
a3 -9.4 deg.
10.2. Axial force from Strut-and-Tie model
Force (KN) 2341.7 -2200.7 745.2 -338.0 -466.8 -1808.0 1315.4 -1166.5 800.3

10.3. Ties Check

The area of reinforcement required for Tie: As-required = N/(jfy)
where: Resistance Factor j = 0.90
two-legged two-legged
U bars Closed Stirrups Closed Stirrups
Framing bars 2 4


bars U bars

Member AD BC CF EF
Mark 1 2 3 4
N (N) -2200741 745238 1315395 800269
As-required (mm2) -6113 2070 3654 2223
Diameter (mm) 32 22 20 16
Number 8 10 14 12
Spacing (mm) 100 100 100 100
Area, As (mm2) 6408 7600 4396 4848

Beam-End Design Date: 12/09/2021 Page: 54 of 63

10.4. Truts Check
Limiting compresive stress in Strut:
f 'c
f cu= ≤0 . 85 f ' c for which: e 1 = es + (es + 0.002)cotg2as
0 . 8+170 ε 1
as : The smalest angle between the compressive strut and adjoining tension ties
es : The tensile strain in the concrete in the direction of the tension tie
Required width for strut: wstrut-required = (N/j - fyAss)/(fcub)
Acs : The effective cross-section area of Strut
Ass : Area of reinforcement in the trut
j : Resistance factor j = 0.70




N (N) -2341728 338026 466753 1166458 1808010
es (mm/mm) 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020 0.0020
as (deg.) -20.0 -9.4 90.0 46.7 46.7
e1 (mm/mm) 0.0323 0.1489 0.0020 0.0056 0.0056
fcu (Mpa) 8.0 1.9 42.5 28.7 28.7
Diameter (mm) - - - - -
Reinf. Number - - - - -
Area, Ass (mm2) - - - - -
wstrut-required (mm) -525 315 20 73 113
Choice wstrut (mm) 150 100 50 200 300
Note: Checking whether Strut width fit in the space available
10.5. Design the Nodal Zone and Check the Anchorages
To satisfy the stress limit in node A and D, the tie reinforcement must engage an effective depth of concrete
at least equal to: N AD
ϕf cu b for which: fcu = nf'c
Resistance factor j = 0.70
For node anchorage only tie n = 0.75
fcu = 37.50 Mpa
NAD/(jfcub) = -105 mm
Check: OK
10.6. Check crack control reinforcement
Horizontal Reinforcement
Space of Horizotal Reinforcement sh = 150 mm
Diameter of Horizoltal Reinforcement Dh = 16 mm
Area of Horizontal Reinforcement Ah = 404 mm2
Ratio of reinforcement area to gross concrete area Ah/(b*sh) = 0.0034
Check: OK
Vertical Reinforcement
Space of Vertical Reinforcement sv = 150 mm
Diameter of Vertical Reinforcement D = 16 mm
Area of Vertical Reinforcement Av = 404 mm2
Ratio of reinforcement area to gross concrete area Av/(b*sv) = 0.0034
Check: OK

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Sec. STAGE 1 ( At Tranfer) STAGE 2 STAGE 3
For internal girder For external girder
No xi
xi fg-top fg-bot fgL-comp fgL-tens fg-top fg-bot fgL-comp fgL-tens fs-top fs-bot fg-top fg-bot fs-top fs-bot fg-top fg-bot fsL-comp fgL-comp
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
1 0.000 0.000 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
2 0.006 0.150 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
3 0.044 1.070 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
4 0.050 1.212 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
5 0.100 2.424 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
6 0.150 3.636 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
7 0.200 4.848 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
8 0.250 6.060 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
9 0.300 7.272 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
10 0.350 8.484 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
11 0.400 9.696 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
12 0.450 10.908 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
13 0.500 12.120 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
12 0.550 13.332 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
11 0.600 14.544 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
10 0.650 15.756 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
9 0.700 16.968 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
8 0.750 18.180 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
7 0.800 19.392 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
6 0.850 20.604 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
5 0.900 21.816 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
4 0.950 23.028 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
3 0.956 23.170 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
2 0.994 24.090 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
1 1.000 24.240 ### ### 25.50 -3.78 ### ### 30.00 -3.78 ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### 13.50 30.00
For internal girder For external girder
fgL-tens Mu Mr Qu Qr Mu Mr Qu Qr
(Mpa) KNm KNm KNm KNm KNm KNm KNm KNm
-1.77 - 5815 800 4554 - 5785 750 4542
-1.77 114 5831 792 4396 112 5802 743 4384
-1.77 780 5932 744 3095 766 5903 695 3086
-1.77 877 5948 737 1963 862 5918 688 1958
-1.77 1656 6081 673 1976 1628 6051 626 1970
-1.77 2337 6214 611 2007 2298 6184 565 2002
-1.77 2920 6347 549 2049 2873 6318 504 2044
-1.77 3405 6480 488 2091 3352 6451 443 2086
-1.77 3791 6613 427 2133 3736 6584 383 2128
-1.77 4080 6746 367 2175 4024 6717 323 2170
-1.77 4270 6827 307 2200 4217 6797 264 2195
-1.77 4362 6827 248 2200 4314 6797 205 2195
-1.77 4356 6827 190 2200 4316 6797 147 2195
-1.77 4362 6827 248 2200 4314 6797 205 2195
-1.77 4270 6827 307 2200 4217 6797 264 2195
-1.77 4080 6746 367 2175 4024 6717 323 2170
-1.77 3791 6613 427 2133 3736 6584 383 2128
-1.77 3405 6480 488 2091 3352 6451 443 2086
-1.77 2920 6347 549 2049 2873 6318 504 2044
-1.77 2337 6214 611 2007 2298 6184 565 2002
-1.77 1656 6081 673 1976 1628 6051 626 1970
-1.77 877 5948 737 1963 862 5918 688 1958
-1.77 780 5932 744 3095 766 5903 695 3086
-1.77 114 5831 792 4396 112 5802 743 4384
-1.77 - 5815 800 4554 - 5785 750 4542
Caculate the q and b in table A.
1000ex vu/f'c for Calculate Value of q
0.5569 0.0425 7 8 0.5 0.75 1 0.05 29 33 29.91094 29.91094 7 8

q ### ex x 1000 0.5569

= q ###
b ### v/f'c =0.0425 b ###
7 8
0.5 0.75
1 0.05 29 33 29.91094

Table Values of q for Sections with Transverse Reinforcement

vu/f'c exx1000
-0.200 -0.100 -0.050 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.0750 1 22.300 20.400 21.000 21.800 24.300 26.600 30.500 33.700 36.400
0.1000 2 18.100 20.400 21.400 22.500 24.900 27.100 30.800 34.000 36.700
0.1250 3 19.900 21.900 22.800 23.700 25.900 27.900 31.400 34.400 37.000
0.1500 4 21.600 23.300 24.200 25.000 26.900 28.800 32.100 34.900 37.300
0.1750 5 23.200 24.700 25.500 26.200 28.000 29.700 32.700 35.200 36.800
0.2000 6 24.700 26.100 26.700 27.400 29.000 30.600 32.800 34.500 36.100
0.2250 7 26.100 27.300 27.900 28.500 30.000 30.800 32.300 34.000 35.700
0.2500 8 27.500 28.600 29.100 29.700 30.600 31.300 32.800 34.300 35.800

Table Values of b for Sections with Transverse Reinforcement

vu/f'c exx1000
-0.200 -0.100 -0.050 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0.0750 1 6.320 4.750 4.100 3.750 3.240 2.940 2.590 2.380 2.230
0.1000 2 3.790 3.380 3.240 3.140 2.910 2.750 2.500 2.320 2.180
0.1250 3 3.180 2.990 2.940 2.870 2.740 2.620 2.420 2.260 2.130
0.1500 4 2.880 2.790 2.780 2.720 2.600 2.520 2.360 2.210 2.080
0.1750 5 2.730 2.660 2.650 2.600 2.520 2.440 2.280 2.140 1.960
0.2000 6 2.630 2.590 2.520 2.510 2.430 2.370 2.140 1.940 1.790
0.2250 7 2.530 2.450 2.420 2.400 2.340 2.140 1.860 1.730 1.640
0.2500 8 2.390 2.390 2.330 2.330 2.120 1.930 1.700 1.580 1.500

Table - Values of q for Sections with Transverse Reinforcement

v/f'c ex x 1000
-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
<= 0.05 1 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 28.5 29.0 33.0 36.0 41.0 43.0 0.05
0.075 2 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.5 30.0 33.5 36.0 40.0 42.0 0.075
0.1 3 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.5 24.0 26.5 30.5 34.0 36.0 38.0 39.0 0.1
0.125 4 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.5 26.0 28.0 31.5 34.0 36.0 37.0 38.0 0.125
0.15 5 22.0 22.5 23.5 25.0 27.0 29.0 32.0 34.0 36.0 36.5 37.0 0.15
0.175 6 23.5 24.0 25.0 26.5 28.0 30.0 32.5 34.0 35.0 35.5 36.0 0.175
0.2 7 25.0 25.5 26.5 27.5 29.0 31.0 33.0 34.0 34.5 35.0 36.0 0.2
0.225 8 26.5 27.0 27.5 29.0 30.5 32.0 33.0 34.0 34.5 36.5 39.0 0.225
0.25 9 28.0 28.5 29.0 30.0 31.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.5 38.5 41.5 0.25
-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2

x 0.5569 7 8x 0.556934
y 0.0425 0.5 0.75 y 0.042539
1 0.05 2.51 2.37 2.478117

Table Values of q for Sections with Less than Minimum Transverse Reinforcement
sxe exx1000
(mm) -0.200 -0.100 -0.050 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.500 2.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
130 25.400 25.500 25.900 26.400 27.700 28.900 30.900 32.400 33.700 35.600 37.200
250 27.600 27.600 28.300 29.300 31.600 33.500 36.300 38.400 40.100 42.700 44.700
380 29.500 29.500 29.700 31.100 34.100 36.500 39.900 42.400 44.400 47.400 49.700
500 31.200 31.200 31.200 32.300 36.000 38.800 42.700 45.500 47.600 50.900 53.400
750 34.100 34.100 34.100 34.200 38.900 42.300 46.900 50.100 52.600 56.300 59.000
1000 36.600 36.600 36.600 36.600 41.200 45.000 50.200 53.700 56.300 60.200 63.000
1500 40.800 40.800 40.800 40.800 44.500 49.200 55.100 58.900 61.800 65.800 68.600
2000 44.300 44.300 44.300 44.330 47.400 52.300 58.700 62.800 65.700 69.700 72.400

Table Values of q and b for Sections with Less than Minimum Transverse Reinforcement
sxe exx1000
(mm) -0.200 -0.100 -0.050 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.500 0.750 1.000 1.500 2.000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
130 6.360 6.060 5.560 5.150 4.410 3.910 3.260 2.860 2.580 2.210 1.960
250 5.780 5.780 5.380 4.890 4.050 3.520 2.880 2.500 2.230 1.880 1.650
380 5.340 5.340 5.270 4.730 3.820 3.280 2.640 2.260 2.010 1.680 1.460
500 4.990 4.990 4.990 4.610 3.650 3.090 2.460 2.090 1.850 1.520 1.310
750 4.460 4.460 4.460 4.430 3.390 2.820 2.190 1.840 1.600 1.300 1.100
1000 4.060 4.060 4.060 4.060 3.200 2.620 2.000 1.660 1.430 1.140 0.950
1500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 2.920 2.320 1.720 1.400 1.180 0.920 0.750
2000 3.100 3.100 3.100 3.100 2.710 2.110 1.520 1.210 1.010 0.760 0.620

Table - Values of b for Sections with Transverse Reinforcement

v/f'c ex x 1000
-0.2 -0.15 -0.1 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.5 2
<= 0.05 1 6.8 6.2 5.6 4.9 4.0 3.5 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.7 0.05
0.075 2 6.8 6.2 5.6 4.9 3.7 3.0 2.5 2.3 2.2 1.9 1.7 0.075
0.1 3 6.5 5.9 5.3 3.3 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.7 1.5 0.1
0.125 4 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.4 0.125
0.15 5 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.3 2.1 1.9 1.5 1.2 0.15
0.175 6 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.7 1.2 1.0 0.175
0.2 7 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.0 0.2
0.225 8 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.4 1.2 1.1 0.225
0.25 9 2.4 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.3 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.3 0.25

7.1. Loss due to Elastic Shortening
The loss due to elastic shortening in pre-tensioned members shall be taken as: Δf pES = f cgp
Where: E ci
fcgp : sum of concrete stresses at the center of gravity of prestresing tendons due to prestressing
force at transfer and the self weight of the member at section of maximum moment


xi/Ls xi fcgp1 fcgp2 fcgp3 fcgp DfpES
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 8.56 5.48 - 14.04 78.95
0.006 0.150 8.56 5.59 -0.08 14.07 79.11
0.044 1.070 11.72 6.74 -0.64 17.82 100.21
0.050 1.212 11.72 5.77 -0.67 16.82 94.58
0.100 2.424 11.72 6.74 -1.36 17.09 96.11
0.150 3.636 11.72 7.77 -2.07 17.43 97.97
0.200 4.848 11.72 8.88 -2.78 17.83 100.24
0.250 6.060 11.72 10.05 -3.45 18.33 103.03
0.300 7.272 11.72 11.29 -4.09 18.93 106.41
0.350 8.484 11.72 12.59 -4.67 19.65 110.47
0.400 9.696 11.72 13.41 -5.07 20.06 112.78
0.450 10.908 11.72 13.41 -5.23 19.90 111.89
0.500 12.120 11.72 13.41 -5.28 19.85 111.59

fcgp1 : due to Axial Compression of Prestressing Force

fcgp2 : due to of Prestressing Force
fcgp3 : due to Girder Self-weight (Stage 1)

7.2. Loss due to Shrinkage

For pretensioned members, Loss of prestress due to shrinkage may be taken as:

Δf pSR =(117−1 . 03 H ) =39.750 Mpa

7.3. Loss due to Creep

Prestress loss due to creep may be taken as: Δf pCR=12 . 0 f cgp −7 . 0 Δf cdp ≥0
fcgp : Concrete stress at center of gravity of prestressing steel at tranfer
Dfcdp : Change in concrete stress at center of gravity of prestressing steel due to permanent loads,
with the exception of the load acting at the time the prestressing force is applied.


xi/Ls xi fcgp MDL2 MDL3 Dfcdp DfpCR
(m) (Mpa) (KNm) (KNm) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 14.04 - - - 168.52
0.006 0.150 14.07 15.67 3.56 0.09 168.26
0.044 1.070 17.82 107.51 24.40 0.68 209.16
0.050 1.212 16.82 121.03 27.47 0.71 196.86
0.100 2.424 17.09 229.31 52.06 1.45 194.97
0.150 3.636 17.43 324.86 73.75 2.19 193.74
0.200 4.848 17.83 407.67 92.54 2.92 193.50
0.250 6.060 18.33 477.74 108.45 3.62 194.55
0.300 7.272 18.93 535.06 121.46 4.28 197.19
0.350 8.484 19.65 579.65 131.59 4.87 201.74
0.400 9.696 20.06 611.50 138.82 5.28 203.76
0.450 10.908 19.90 630.61 143.15 5.45 200.70
0.500 12.120 19.85 636.98 144.60 5.50 199.68

MDL2 : Moment due to Stage 2 Dead Load

MDL3 : Moment due to Stage 3 Dead Load

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7.1. Loss due to Elastic Shortening
The loss due to elastic shortening in pre-tensioned members shall be taken as: Δf pES = f cgp
E ci
7.4. Loss due to Relaxation
7.4.1. At Transfer
For low-relaxation strand:
log(24 t ) f pj
Δf pR 1 =
40 . 0 [
f py ]
+ 0. 55 f pj

t : Time estimated in days from stressing to tranfer t = 5 days
DfpR1 = 20.54 Mpa
7.4.2. After Transfer
For pretensioning with stress-relieved strands:
Δf pR 2 =138−0 .4 Δf pES −0 . 2( Δf pSR +Δf pCR )
For low relation prestress steel, loss due to relaxation, DfpR2, is taken 30% of Df*pR2


xi/Ls xi DfpES DfpSR DfpCR Df*pR2 DfpR2
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 78.95 39.75 168.52 64.76 19.43
0.006 0.150 79.11 39.75 168.26 64.75 19.43
0.044 1.070 100.21 39.75 209.16 48.14 14.44
0.050 1.212 94.58 39.75 196.86 52.85 15.85
0.100 2.424 96.11 39.75 194.97 52.61 15.78
0.150 3.636 97.97 39.75 193.74 52.11 15.63
0.200 4.848 100.24 39.75 193.50 51.25 15.38
0.250 6.060 103.03 39.75 194.55 49.93 14.98
0.300 7.272 106.41 39.75 197.19 48.05 14.41
0.350 8.484 110.47 39.75 201.74 45.51 13.65
0.400 9.696 112.78 39.75 203.76 44.19 13.26
0.450 10.908 111.89 39.75 200.70 45.16 13.55
0.500 12.120 111.59 39.75 199.68 45.48 13.64

7.5. Total loss of Prestress

In posstension members, total loss of prestress taken as: DfpT = D fpES + D fpSR + D fpCR + D fpR2

Where: DfpT : total loss ( MPa)

DfpES : loss due to elastic shortening (MPa)
DfpSR : loss due to shrinkage (MPa)
DfpCR : loss due to creep of concrete (MPa)
DfpR2 : loss due to relaxation of steel after transfer (MPa)


xi/Ls xi DfpES DfpSR DfpCR DfpR1 DfpR2 Dfpi DfpT
(m) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa) (Mpa)
0.000 0.000 78.95 39.75 168.52 20.54 19.43 99.50 306.65
0.006 0.150 79.11 39.75 168.26 20.54 19.43 99.66 306.55
0.044 1.070 100.21 39.75 209.16 20.54 14.44 120.75 363.55
0.050 1.212 94.58 39.75 196.86 20.54 15.85 115.12 347.04
0.100 2.424 96.11 39.75 194.97 20.54 15.78 116.65 346.61
0.150 3.636 97.97 39.75 193.74 20.54 15.63 118.51 347.10
0.200 4.848 100.24 39.75 193.50 20.54 15.38 120.79 348.87
0.250 6.060 103.03 39.75 194.55 20.54 14.98 123.57 352.30
0.300 7.272 106.41 39.75 197.19 20.54 14.41 126.96 357.77
0.350 8.484 110.47 39.75 201.74 20.54 13.65 131.02 365.62
0.400 9.696 112.78 39.75 203.76 20.54 13.26 133.32 369.54
0.450 10.908 111.89 39.75 200.70 20.54 13.55 132.43 365.88
0.500 12.120 111.59 39.75 199.68 20.54 13.64 132.13 364.66

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