1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Forsyth County (GA) Democratic Party.
Governing Authority and Duties
2.1 The County Committee shall be the governing authority of the Forsyth County (GA)
Democratic Party (FCGDP).
Membership, County Committee Districts, Apportionment, and Election of
3.1 Any person over the age of 18, who resides in and is registered to vote in Forsyth County
(GA), and who shall declare himself or herself to be a member of the Democratic Party, shall be
entitled to membership in the Forsyth Co. (GA) Democratic Party (FCGDP).
3.2 Any member of the Forsyth County (GA) Democratic Party (FCGDP) is eligible to be
elected to the County Committee.
3.3 The County Committee shall have a total of 5 Districts coinciding with County
Commission districts and a maximum of 5 at-large County Committee members d for a
maximum of 30 County Committee members.
3.3.1 To insure that proper representation of the Commission District is maintained, the number
of County Committee members can be re-apportioned per district, once the 2010 census results
are known and by an amendment to these Bylaws.
3.3.2 The number of County Committee members will remain the same to the total County as
long as the population of the County does not exceed 250,000. An additional County Committee
member will be added for every 10,000 population over the previous limit.
3.3.3 Regardless of population changes, the 2 at-large County Committee member positions will
be maintained.
3.3.4 The most recent apportionment of County Committee members is in Exhibit I, which is
part of these By-laws. Each County Committee member will be assigned a number per district.
3.4 All Party members (as defined in 3.1) are eligible to vote for CountyCommittee members.
3.4.1 All odd numbered positions per district will be elected in Gubernatorial election years
and all even numbered positions per district shall be elected in Presidential election years. 6/2/2011
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3.4.2 Newly created County committee posts can be filled by a caucus vote of all Party members
as defined in 3.1. The first term of the odd or even newly created County Committee members
may be variable if the date of election does not coincide with the dates of 3.4.1. The second and
subsequent terms of these newly created County Committees will be elected as described in
3.4.3 The Party County Caucus shall be held within 45 days following the General Primary. If
the County Committee does not officially set a time and place, the County Chair shall set
the time and place of the Caucus.
3.4.4 The candidate receiving the highest number of votes shall be elected without the necessity
of a run-off.
3.4.5 Public notice of the election shall be given by posting the notice in a prominent place in the
County Courthouse and by publishing the same in a newspaper of general circulation in the
County at least once a week for the four weeks preceding the closing of qualifications for such
3.4.6 All County Party members will vote for all the candidates running to fill the At-Large
County Committee Posts. All other elections will be divided by district with County Party
members who are residents of the particular district voting only for the County Committee
candidates of that District.
3.4.7 The County Committee Chair may appoint chairs of County Committee Districts at
his/her discretion.
3.5 All newly elected members shall take office on the 1st day of the 1st month after their
election. Members elected in normal election cycles shall serve for 4 years. Filled vacancy posts
will serve the unexpired term of that post. Newly created posts will have terms as described in
3.6 From time to time, the CountyCommittee may include as members of the
CountyCommittee, Ex Officio Members. The CountyCommittee with a 50% quorum, and a 2/3
affirmative vote will incorporate these ex-officio members into the by-laws. All ex-officio
members will have the same rights as regular CountyCommittee members. The number of ex-
officio members at any one time cannot exceed 20% of the elected CountyCommittee members.
3.7 The dues to be paid by each member is specified in Attachment II. No member will be
denied participation for failure to pay.
Officers and Executive County Committee
4.1. The County Committee shall elect officers no later than December 31 of even numbered
years, to take office January 1 of the following year, or immediately following the election,
whichever is earlier. The new Chair shall immediately upon taking office notify the State County
Committee Chair and appropriate Congressional District Chair of his/her election.
4.2. The County Committee shall elect from its membership the following officers: a Chair,
and 2 Vice-chairs (First Vice-Chair, Affirmative Action Vice-Chair, ), a Secretary, and a
Treasurer. When possible, the Vice-Chairs shall be equally divided as to gender. The person
receiving the majority of votes for election to an office shall be declared elected.
4.4. The Executive County Committee shall consist of the officers and shall act on behalf of
the County Committee between County Committee meetings.
Vacancies and Removal
5.1 All vacancies in existing County Committee Posts or Officer positions shall be filled by
election by the remaining County Committee members, provided at least three such members
remain. 6/2/2011
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5.1.1 For the purposes of these By-Laws, filling recently created posts or Officer positions will
not be considered a vacancy and are not subject to clause 5.1 and instead will be voted on as
specified in 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.5, 3.4.6 , 3.5, 4.1 and 4.3.
5.2 In the event that less than 3 County Committee members remain or that the Chair resigns
and the remaining County Committee members fail to act promptly (in excess of a month after
the vacancy is created), the Congressional District Chair may appoint an Acting Chair and an
Acting Secretary with the purpose of calling for elections to fill the vacant positions. The
Congressional District Chair must inform of this action in writing to the County Party and the
Democratic Party of Georgia.
5.3 County Committee members and officers may be removed by the County Committee for
cause, with reasonable notice, and with the opportunity to be heard, by a 2/3 vote of the County
Committee provided a 40% quorum is met.
5.4 Any person subject to removal shall receive written notice of the alleged reasons for
5.5 The removal procedure shall be conducted by a sub- Committee appointed by the County
Committee Chair. Where the Chair is the subject of the removal procedure, the sub-Committee
shall be appointed by a majority of the other County Committee Officers.
5.6 The person to be removed shall have the right to be informed of all persons who will be
witnesses against him/her and who will testify in support of the charges against him/her, at least
ten days before a hearing on said charges before the full County Committee.
5.7 The person to be removed shall have the right to counsel and to present all witnesses,
documents and arguments in support of his/her position. The sub Committee which has
tendered the charges may likewise have counsel and present witnesses, documents, and
arguments in support of its position.
CountyCommittee Records
6.1. The CountyCommittee shall maintain records of all financial transactions, kept on a
calendar year basis, and a list of unpaid obligations. Financial records shall be audited
each year with a report provided to the CountyCommittee no later than the March
meeting following the end of the organization year.
6.2. The CountyCommittee will file an annual report of financial transactions with the State
Democratic Party of Georgia no later than February 15 of each year.
Meetings and Voting
7.3 Quorum.
A quorum for conduct of CountyCommittee business shall be 15 % of the Members,
unless otherwise required in these Bylaws.
7.4 No person shall be entitled to more than one vote. Secret ballot shall be permissible only
when electing CountyCommittee members and State Convention Delegates.
7.5 All meetings of each body of the CountyCommittee shall be open to the public unless the
CountyCommittee votes to go into Executive Session.
7.6 Unless otherwise provided for, Robert’s Rules of Order most recently revised shall govern
the conduct of all meetings. 6/2/2011
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Operating Sub- Committees
8.1. The Chair of the CountyCommittee will nominate and the CountyCommittee will approve
Chairs of Operating sub-committees (OSC’s) to effectively implement the approved plans of the
FC(G)DP. These Chairs will report to the Chair of the CountyCommittee. Operating sub-
committee members, other than the Chairs, are not required to be CountyCommittee members.
8.2 The Chair may establish any Operating sub-committees (OSC’s) it deems necessary
requiring a simple majority approval from the CountyCommittee.
8.3 All recommended actions proposed by these sub-committees must be ratified by the
County Committee by simple majority before action is taken
8.4 The Affirmative Action Sub-Committee will be chaired by the Affirmative Action Vice-Chair
who will be selected from among CountyParty members who are also State Committee members
and when elected, automatically, becomes an ex-officio member of the State Affirmative Action
committee. .
General Provisions
9.1 There shall be no discrimination in the conduct of County Committee affairs on the basis
of sexual orientation, race, religion, color, handicap, national origin, or age.
9.2 The County Committee, and affiliates, are prohibited from supporting a Democratic
candidate who has opposition during a primary or Democratic opposition during a special
election. 6/2/2011