Riding The Waves
Riding The Waves
Riding The Waves
1 Have you ever done any water sports, like surfing or water 2 Read the article. Why do people go
skiing? If so, what was it like? If not, what kind of water typhoon surfing in Taiwan? Find at
sport would you most like to try? Why? least three reasons.
1 very year between June and hotel for surfers. The best waves –
experienced typhoon surfers will
October, four or five typhoons hit from a surfer’s point of view – occur
travel far and wide in order to find
the coast of Taiwan with strong winds just before or after a storm hits.
giant waves. Over 15 years ago,
extra reading:
and heavy rain. Around Taiwan, 3 The sport, which was once dominated Australian surfer, Ross Clarke-Jones,
typhoons usually kill between 10 and by Westerners living in Taiwan, has set himself the challenge of riding
20 people annually, with as few as taken off locally in the last few years. all the biggest waves on the planet.
three deaths in 2006 and as many as Some Taiwanese teenagers surf to That ambition has taken him all over
643 in 2009. But for a growing group rebel against the older generation the world in search of typhoons.
of surfers, the typhoons generate the who disapprove of the sport. Others At 45, Clarke-Jones shows no signs
perfect conditions for their sport – do it to challenge themselves and to of slowing down, despite suffering
typhoon surfing. beat records. About 200 people go several near-drownings and a number
2 Typhoons can generate big waves, surfing during each typhoon. of broken bones. But the risks appear
known as swells, of three to four 4 The Taiwanese authorities are keen to be worth it in order to be part of
metres along the coast of Taiwan, to discourage the growing interest in the surfing community. ‘The best
but waves of up to 32.5 metres were this extreme sport and have declared thing out of nearly 30 years of surfing
recorded during Typhoon Kosa in typhoon surfing illegal. Dramatic is the great people I’ve met and the
2007. ‘Typhoon swells are probably films of the surfers shown by local places I’ve been to along the way. It’s
the best surfable waves in Taiwan,’ television networks emphasise the just incredible ... it’s priceless what
said Chris Hsia, 30, who runs a small dangers of the sport and often get surfing has given me.’
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