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Pirouz Daftarian PhD

Activities as the director of Biological Modifiers Core Facility

With some years of (immune)therapeutics discovery and (immune)diagnostics experi
ence, currently, I am serve as a director at Wallace H. Coulter Center for Trans
lational Research, an assistant research professor in the department of Microbio
logy and Immunology, Miller school of Medicine, University of Miami. I have esta
blished/been leading of a Biological Modifiers Laboratory. Biological Modifiers
Laboratory combined with cGMP/cGTP Core Facilities act as incubator for translat
ing promising projects for commercialization. My core offers immunemonitoring an
d assay development (1 related patent that I am the first inventor of), generati
on of monoclonal antibodies (1 related patent that I am the first inventor of),
novel gene therapy immunonization methods (1 related patent that I am the first
inventor of), purification/expression of fusion proteins, and designing immunoge
nic long peptide or proteins (1 related patent that I am an inventor of).
The core facility offers therapeutic and diagnostic monoclonal antibody generati
on, characterization (in vivo and in vitro efficacy studies), and optimization a
ssays for products, target identification, immune monitoring assays, protein pro
duction, ELISPOT, Multiplex/ Luminex, Flow cytometry, ELISA, FLISA, IFA, in-cell
western, CTL, Multiplex/ Luminex, ligand binding affinity, designing biomarker
assays, assay development, in vivo studies on mouse (tumor, infectious diseases
and autoimmune) models, and designing immunogenic peptides/proteins. I am respon
sible for product/project development, the budget, cost center, business plan, a
nd interface between the center and users.
I have made novel biodegradable nanoparticle platform that
1. has a large cargo space,
2. binds to nucleic acids/proteins via electrostatic bonds and drugs (I can expl
ain how)
3. targets specific, in vivo, cells / tissues (ongoing research on particles tar
geting APC, MDSC, non small cell carcinoma, or neuron cells). A major vaccine gl
obal player is testing (under an agreement with UM) one of the platforms.
Examples of ongoing projects:
* Paclitaxel via its albumin with our nanoparticle, conveniently (electrostatic)
see below, we have delivered albumin using our particle
* IL-12, to make cancer opsonized for immune system
* Genetic vaccination for leishmaniasis, malaria and melanoma
I work on i) mouse tumor models such as TRAMP-C2, MC-38, B16F10, and CT26, ii) i
nfectious diseases models, leishmaniasis, malaria, HIV and vaccinia, and iii) au
toimmune disorders such as colitis, diabetes and biliary atresia. I have used
various vaccine platforms, viral vector (vv and MVA-based) vaccine, fusion prote
in/long peptide and DNA vaccines/therapeutics and them wrapped in liposome deliv
ery platform (the first inventor of an issued patent on the latter).
More recently, I invented nanoparticle based platforms for i) cell specific drug
delivery and ii) immunogenicity assays (the first inventor of both PCTs). One
version is a nanoparticle platform that makes complex with RNA/ DNA, escort them
on into APC (antigen displayer cells), one can therefore assess the T cell medi
ated responses in blood of recipient, upon any intervention (e.g. mix the partic
le with a nucleic acids or biologics, add it to the PBMC of recipient and measur
e IFN-*, if higher than background the recipient will have adverse reactions to
the biologic. Indeed, unlike antibody responses, the assessment of T cell cell i
mmunogenicity is challenging, I have developed a non toxic, targeted nanoparticl
e-based method for conversion of APCs in human PBMC to antigen displayer cells f
or rapid, low cost generation of properly configured pathogen/biologic epitopes
with generalizable applicability for accurate monitoring of cellular immunogenic
ity. Indeed, I showed that the particles decorated with our APC ligands binds to
APC of baboon (papio hamadryas), and cynomolgus monkeys (macaca fascicularis).
I also participated in the development of late stage production includes scale-u
p / characterization / validation for the liposome and for the nanoparticle plat
form. I have had several pre-IND meetings (FDA and Health Canada) defending/disc
ussing liposome and nanoparticle platforms. Before moving to WHCC at Immunovacci
ne Inc, as a Head Research Scientist, I had the following mandates: designing ca
ncer vaccines improving / adapting the liposome platform of the company, testing
this platform in animal models, establishing all related immunomonitory to asse
ss the efficacy of the vaccines and the durability of mounted responses. The out
comes including, i) one issued international patent (I am the first inventor), i
i) three peer-reviewed publications, iii) completed manufacturing scale-up in No
v. 07, and iv) FDA clearance to proceed with Phase I of the therapeutic cancer v
accine DPX-0907 in Dec. 09 (since APL, 09, I was an advisor to the company). My
recent R&D activities at UM relates to two inventions i) a nanoparticle DC targe
ting platform for vaccination, and ii) a nanoparticle based platform for T cell
immunomonitoring and immunotoxicity of biologics (the first inventor in both PCT
Summary of activities / outcomes
* Assessing immune responses elicited by vaccines/ immunotherapies using
* Designing immunotherapeutics: viral vector and non-viral /gene based, peptide
based, and liposome based
* established a core facility offers contract service under GLP, immunogenicity,
immunomonitoring (e.g. upon vaccination / intervention); the core facility offe
rs ELISPOT, FACS, ELISA, Multiplex/Luminex, FLISA, in-cell western, protein prod
uction mammalian system, generation of mAbs, designing immunogenic long peptide,
epitope prediction.
* 23% increase in projects in second year due to introduction of novel services
/methods in the BMC core facility
* completed 32 projects for UM and biotech companies including immunoevaluation
and immunogenicity studies (human, monkey, mice sera, PBMC, or splenocytes)
* expert in assay development, adaptation with client needs
* the first inventor in 4 PCT's on drug discovery and immunodiagnostics.
* The world's largest vaccine company is negotiating with UM on an evaluation ag
* The platform was among 7 selected by Inlet VC for commercialization.
* 6 years biotech experience, pre-IND meetings, writing/updating SOPs/history-fi
les, protocols, managing my personnel, initiating collaborations, publishing in
peer reviewed journals, proposing new research ideas, identifying companies to
contract-out when needed, planning toxicity/ safety/scaleup, presenting for big-
pharmas/investors executives and training personnel for immunological techniques
* worked on implantable or spontaneous (tumor) animal models
* worked on autoimmune animal models for insult to extrahepatic bile ducts, coli
tis and the induction of tolerance
Each year, I have completed some 25 mAb production projects and similar number o
f other services as sponsored research, contract/fee-for-service and other agree
ments at my core. Projects resulted in generation of monoclonal antibodies, puri
fication/expression of fusion proteins, and novel gene-based immunizations or de
signing immunogenic long peptide or proteins. Indeed, UM tech transfer has filed
three patents based on my inventions as well as five additional invention discl
osures. I have generated therapeutic mAbs that are now outsourced for humanizati
on, the target conditions includes inflammasome activity CNS injury. Similarly
mAbs made for diagnostics, includes anti-Ziconotide mAbs that being licensed (dr
ug with reported revenue of $16.5 million, in 08/09 from Prialt). There is no in
expensive, widely available immunomonitoring assay for the drug. Most our peptid
e projects involve poor immunogenicity and I am told that have been unsuccessful
in companies or other laboratories. I design a novel two version fusion peptid
es strategy; a low cost process followed by a prime/boost that result in i) mini
mal nonspecific humoral responses and ii) high specific titers in 24 days. I hav
e also optimized a process that most of our fusions results in some 1000 clones
and a HTS method for double screening. Our translational center acts as an incub
ator, helping promising UM project to move towards a product. The center has cGM
P, and provides business, marketing and regulatory expertise to investigators. I
manage all aspects of the core facility including training personnel, updating
SOPs, assay development, animal protocol, business plan, negotiations for outsou
rcing and cost center.
As I come from industry and now work in the industry side of the University of M
iami. I think of the feasibility of a "product" from the first experimental desi
gn and at the bench; is it safe, scalable, cost-effective and efficacious? Recen
tly, I have been focusing on circular biodegradable nanoparticles platforms for
the cell/tissue targeted delivery for i) drug cell specific targeted delivery an
d ii) diagnostics tools. I conceived that one can couple nanoparticles with lar
ge cargo space and some cell specific ligands to make targeted therapeutics or d
iagnostics. Such cell specific ligands coupled particles may carry drugs/DNA/RNA
or proteins. Ongoing research include, i) autoimmunity, "Peptide coated dendrim
er to induce antigen specific tolerance in NOD mice" and particles targeting is
let cells transplants, ii) particles targeting neuron cells, iii) targeting smal
l cell lung carcinomas, and iv) a surface modifies nanoparticle with a universal
penetrating ligand that carries its cargo into any cell. I can elaborate on the
se novel nanoparticles generally; some details may require a CDA. Indeed, I am
invited to deliver talks on similar applications in GBV-2010 in Cannes France ne
xt month ( The particle m
ay be tuned to bind cell membrane increasing the bio-reactive needed to enhance
yield of donor cells in example growth factor or immunosuppressive molecules/rec
eptors to islet transplants or increase bioavailability / delivery of rhBMP-2 (w
e are examining both). The latter is ideal for purified donor cells.
The current immunogenicity/immunotoxicity diagnostics methods offer limited usef
ulness for predicting potent T cell toxicity of biologics or when T cell immmuno
monitory is needed. Health promotion, the recent economic challenges, and the ri
se of life expectancy call-for/ press on the urgent need of (cost)effective dise
ase determinants. It is now known that to mount protection, vaccines/immunothera
pies need to elicit effective T cell mediated immune responses for cancers and m
ajority of remaining pathogens. On the other hand such responses are unwanted i
n autoimmune responses and when present against biologics. We are testing a comp
lex of RNA from donor islet cells and our nanoparticle mixed with PBMC of recipi
ent/predict such adverse T cell responses, it is very exciting to see if we can
predict / monitor rejection. Other example is to test the efficacy of cancer vac
cines/immunotherapeutics (with a >$ 50 billion book business) that requires the
direct presentation of endogenously processed (tumor or pathogen peptides) to T
cells and is MHC restricted. Unlike humoral responses, the evaluation of T cell
responses is complicated and costly. Currently, there is no universally accepted
method for measuring T cell responses to upon vaccination or other intervention
s, preventing effective monitoring vaccine efficacy. The upsetting low success (
2.6% "objective response rate") of cancer vaccines trails is connected to the la
ck of accurate immune monitoring methods as a verdict for a GO / No GO decision,
e.g. to move to next phase clinical trial, is based on T cell response to vacc
Current methods use a cocktail of peptide epitopes of numerous MHCs /HLAs to loa
d PBMC of the vaccinated persons. Such epitopes i) are not complete as not all e
pitopes are known, ii) result in an artificial / exaggerated number of epitopes
on APC that does not mirror the physiological condition, iii) are costly, and mo
st importantly iv) have poor or no correlation with protection. We simply add to
the PBMC of vaccinated persons, a complex of RNAs of vaccine antigens and nanop
article and measure IFN-g the morning after.
Synapses/highlight of previous R&D activities
Prior to UM, I was the Head Research Scientist of Immunology at ImmunoVaccine In
c. where I led "water in oil liposome based" therapeutic cancer vaccine delivery
projects (HPV-related, melanoma, and breast cancer) and established an immunomo
notory laboratory for this company. I led the research and development of two pr
ojects from pre-clinical to phase I. I was in charge of setting up the immunolog
y division. writing/updating/overlooking SOPs/history-files, writing protocols,
managing my personnel, attending pre-IND meetings with FDA divisions, initiating
many collaborations with other industries and academia, publishing data in peer
reviewed journals, proposing new research ideas, participating in identifying c
ompanies to contract-out not-fit but necessary tasks/projects, organizing pre-cl
inical (Toxicity) safety experiments, delivering presentations for big-pharmas/i
nvestors executives and training personnel for immunological techniques.
I have been invited to NIH intramural site visits to evaluate senior scientists
with vaccine related projects, to write review articles and chapter in a vaccine
book, to act as a judge for Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum (ESRF), and
to deliver several immunotherapy/vaccinology talks. I act as reviewer for five
immunology/biology related journals.

Curriculum Vitae
Pirouz Daftarian
8208 SW 172 Terrace, Miami FL 33157
[email protected]

Industry and Academia:

2007-Ongoing Head, Biological Modifiers / Hybridoma Laboratory, Wallace H. Coult
er Center for Translational Research , Associate Scientist WHCC, Assistant Resea
rch Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology;, and a member of Sylve
ster Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Miami
2003-2007 Head Research Scientist, Immunology Division at Biotech: Immunovacci
ne Inc. Halifax, Canada.
2001-2003 Postdoctoral training in vaccine/immunotherapeutics, Laboratory for V
accine Research at the Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope, Duarte, C
1998-2001 Postdoctoral training in autoimmunity, Gastroenterology UBC, Vancouve
r, BC.
2007 - Ongoing,
* Establishment and leading of a Biological Modifiers Laboratory:
The core facility offers therapeutic and diagnostic monoclonal antibody generati
on, characterization (in vivo and in vitro efficacy studies), and optimization a
ssays for products, target identification, immune monitoring assays, protein pro
duction, ELISPOT, ELISA, FLISA, IFA, in-cell western, CTL, Multiplex/ Luminex, l
igand binding affinity, designing biomarker assays, assay development, studies o
n mouse (tumor) models, and designing immunogenic peptides/proteins. Responsible
for product/project development, the budget, cost center, business plan, and in
terface between the center and users.
25 mAbs projects/year completed as sponsored research, contract/fee-for-service
and other agreements for UM and external users.
Projects resulted in generation of monoclonal antibodies (resulted in a few lice
nsed, 1 related patent), purification/expression of fusion proteins, and novel g
ene-based immunizations or designing immunogenic long peptide or proteins.
o novel methods of non-viral untargeted and targeted drug/gene delivery; immunod
iagnostics and immunotherapeutics for: autoimmune disorders, cancer, and infecti
ous diseases:
* "in vivo electroporation",
* water-in-oil liposome platform (1 patent)
* targeted nanoparticle based delivery platforms (2 filed patents)
* animal model for biliary atresia, proteinuria via uPAR in vivo expression
o High Throughput Screening for Immunomonitory obtained technologies under MTA (
royalty free)
o Produced >30 mAbs
o Licensed and patented 4 monoclonal antibodies, drafting of business plans cost
centers, SOPs/protocols documentation, history-files, and industry partnership
o Marketing and negotiations for BMC core services and novel immunological immu
nomonitoring techniques
* Research Projects on vaccine delivery and immunomonitory upon vaccination
o A nanoarchitecture vaccine platform that targets APC and activates CD4+ T cell
s universally (regular patent filed)
o HIV RNA vaccine using a nanoparticle delivery platform that targets DC
o Department of MIC & IMM (Dr. Arba Ager / US Army), Leishmania Vaccine.
o Department of MIC & IMM (Dr. Arba Ager / US Army), cell specific drug delivery
for the therapy of Leishmania.
o A Nanoparticle-based CTL immunomonitoring platform (regular patent filed)
o Vaccination / immunotherapy of cancer / infectious diseases
o Collaborative Research Activities
* The City of Hope National Medical Center, breast cancer vaccination and immuno
monitory of T cell responses
* John Hopkins, Dr. TC Wu, novel adjuvant and gene-based immunization using a ta
rgeted nanoparticle vaccine delivery platform
* ImmunoVaccine Inc. Immunomonitoring / efficacy of Liposome based Vaccination
* Variation Biotechnology Inc. Immuno Diagnosis and Nanoparticle vaccine, infect
ious diseases, HIV, HBV.
* Cyntellect and Genetix, HTP screening
2004 - 2007 ImmunoVaccine Inc. Halifax, N.S. Canada, leader of two pre-clinica
l projects HPV and melanoma therapeutic vaccines
* one issued patent and several publications.
* Scale-up, characterizations, validation and safety studies.
* 4 peer-reviewed papers and several oral presentations.
* Innovation Award Nova Scotia Finalist, 2006.
* currently act as scientific advisor.
I, for example, performed extensive research on various long peptides/antigens a
nd adjuvants such as CpG, lipopeptides, PolyI:C, and R-848, and oils such as MAS
1, ISA51, ISA720, and IFA and their effects on T and B cell responses.

2001 - 2004 Laboratory for Vaccine Research, Department of Virology, the City
of Hope National Medical Center and Beckman Research Institute, Duarte, CA.
Breast cancer and HIV peptide/MVA-based vaccines (currently in human trials) and
to mitor T cell responses upon vaccination.
We, for example showed that splenocytes from immunized mice:
* Recognized APC peptide loaded cells (CRA, tetramer staining, ELISPOT and and I
* Lysed JA2 cells infected by VV expressing HIV proteins. 3-Resulted in protecti
on against challenge with such viruses (using a surrogate virus, vv-pol, vv-gag)
* Lysed HIV infected human T cells. We for the first time have shown that CTL im
mune responses mounted in Tg mice carrying HLA-A2.
* Llysis HIV infected human T cells (Daftarian et al. J.Immunol. 2003).
1998-2001 Gastroenterology division, Department of Pediatric, UBC, Vamcouver, BC
The role of B7/CD28 costimulatory pathway in allogeneic T cell responses against
cultured murine extrahepatic bile duct cells. Autoimmunity: Biliary atresia, im
mune mediated animal models.
1998, PHD, Departmenent of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, U
niversity of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
HIV immunopathogenesis, the role of Th1/Th2 and co-stimulatory molecules, bioma
rkers of improvement upon intervention. Work on human PBMC and subtypes of HIV+
1993, M.Sc. Departmenent of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
Adverse immune-reactions to sulphamethoxazole in HIV+ persons. Development of a
diagnostic kit.
1988, M.S., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
Correlation between Allergen Specific IgE and Skin Prick Test in Atopic Childr
1985, B.S., Medical Laboratory Technology, University of Meli, Tehran, Iran.
* USSN60/806,573 filed July 5, 2006, Inventor(s): Pirouz M. Daftarian, et al Cu
rrent Owner(s): ImmunoVaccine Technologies Inc. Title: "Use of Liposomes in a C
arrier Comprising a Continuous Hydrophobic Phase as a Vehicle for Cancer Treatme
* A targeted nanoparticle based DNA delivery for genetic vaccination (Applicatio
n no. 61/165,732). Regular PCT was also filed.
* Vaccine composition and method of use application number PCT/US10/29694
* Targeted DNA delivery to antigen presenting cells via a nanoparticle-DNA compl
ex; the use for monitoring vaccine efficacy (Application Number 61/179,614). Reg
ular PCT was also filed.
* Compositions, kits and methods for in vitro antigen presentation, assessing va
ccine efficacy, and assessing immunotoxicity of biologics and drugs, application
number US10/35355
* Monoclonal antibody against conotoxin (Application UMJ-120, 11/12/09).
Recent invited talks / oral presentations in international meetings
1. Pirouz Daftarian, Angel Kaifer, Bonnie Blomberg, Paolo Serafini. A Melanoma T
herapeutic NanoVaccine Platform That Targets Antigen Presenting Cells (APC) and
Enhances T helper Responses in Host. 4th Vaccine and ISV Annual Global Congress,
Hilton Vienna, Austria, 2010 (accepted for oral presentation).
2. Pirouz Daftarian et al. A Gene-Based Nanovaccine. GENE-BASED VACCINES- GBV 2
010 Conference, November 2010, Cannes, France (oral presentation).
3. Pirouz Daftarian, Wei Li, Paolo Serafini, Claudia M. Diaz, Raquibul Chowdhury
, Norma Kenyon and Angel E. Kaifer. Peptide-derivatized dendrimers for effective
delivery of DNA or RNA to cells: a CTL immunomonitoring platform (oral presenta
4. Changli Wei, Shafic El Hindi Jing Li, George Burke, Alessia Fornoni, Nelson G
oes, Pirouz Daftarian, Philip Ruiz, and Jochen Reiser. Identification of soluble
urokinase receptor (suPAR) as circulating FSGS factor. 8th International Podocy
te Conference. 2010. Bristol. (Poster- Award Winner).
5. Pirouz Daftarian Potential for monitoring vaccine efficacy, Beckman Coulter,
Miami FL, May 11, 2009.
6. Pirouz Daftarian. Improved HTP protein-Free Methods. Annual Immunodiagnostics
& Immunomonitoring Conference April 23-24, 2009 in Chicago, IL. (Oral presentat
7. Pirouz Daftarian. Nanoparticle based nucleic acid delivery. 14th Drug Deliver
y Partnerships, Jan 25-27, Orlando, 2010. (Oral presentation - nominated for awa
8. Pirouz Daftarian. "Genetic Vaccination" and "Immunomonitoring"; 7th Annual Va
ccines: "All Things Considered" conference, Washington, D.C. Nov 9-10, 2009.
9. Pirouz Daftarian. An adjuvanted / Targeted Nanoparticle-Based Platform for
Genetic Vaccination. Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami. ImVacs Immu
notherapeutics & Vaccine Summit, Providence, RI, Aug. 18. 2009. (Oral presentati
10. Pirouz Daftarian. Genetic Vaccines and immunoevaluation of humoral and CTL r
esponses. In "Vaccines, Immunity, and Well-Being", to be held May 17-19, 2009,
Ames, Iowa. (Oral presentation)
11. Pirouz Daftarian. Improved Protein-Free Methods for the Generation and Scree
ning of Monoclonal Antibodies: Use of Nucleic Acid-Based Delivery and Rapid HTP
Infrared-Based Assay. Meeting the Challenge of Delivery, Safety and Efficacy. Pa
l Talk 2009, San Diego, Ca. (Oral presentation).
12. Therapy of melanoma via a nanoparticle based gene-based vaccination. Pirouz
Daftarian, et al. Nucleotides-Based Immunization: Comparison of Water-In-Oil Lip
osome-Based Delivery of Nucleotides with in vivo Electroporation. Cancer Immunol
ogy and Immunotherapy: Realizing the Promise. National Institutes of Health, Bet
hesda, MD September 11-12, 2008.
13. Pirouz Daftarian, Marc Mansour, Raquibul Chowdhury, Robert G. Brown, Jose Da
Silva, Vance Lemmon, Norma Kenyon. Nucleotides-Based Immunization: Comparison o
f Water-In-Oil Liposome-Based Delivery of Nucleotides with in vivo Electroporati
on. San Diego and the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Biolo
gical Therapy of Cancer (iSBTc), NOV. 2008.
14. Pirouz Daftarian, et al. Nucleotides-Based Immunization: Comparison of Water
-In-Oil Liposome-Based Delivery of Nucleotides with in vivo Electroporation. The
23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Biological Therapy of Canc
er (iSBTc), NOV. 2008.
15. Pirouz Daftarian, Liposome based and Genetic Vaccination. 2nd World Conferen
ce on Magic Bullets (Ehrlich II) October 3 - 5, 2008, Nurnberg, Germany.
Peer-reviewed Papers:
Changli Wei1, Shafic El Hindi1, Jing Li1, Alessia Fornoni1,2, Nelson Goes3, S An
anth Karumanchi, Hui-Kim Yap, Moin Saleem, Nicolai Sidenius, Qingyin Zhang, Bori
s Nikolic, Laurence H Beck, Jr., Pirouz Daftarian, et. al. Soluble Urokinase Rec
eptor as Circulating Factor Causing Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis" Submitte
d to the New England Journal of Medicine, 2010
Marc Mansour, Bill Pohajdak, W Martin Kast, Antar Fuentes-Ortega, Ella Korets-Sm
ith, Genevieve M Weir, Robert G Brown, and Pirouz Daftarian (corresponding autho
r). Therapy of established B16-F10 melanoma tumors by a single vaccination of CT
L/T helper peptides in VacciMax(R). Journal of Translational Medicine 2007, 5:20
Pirouz Daftarian (corresponding author), Marc Mansour, Bill Pohajdak, Antar Fuen
tes-Ortega, Ella Korets-Smith, Lisa MacDonald, Genevieve Weir, Robert G. Brown,
and W. Martin Kast. . Rejection of large HPV-16 expressing tumors in aged mice b
y a single immunization of VacciMax(R) encapsulated CTL/T helper peptides. Jour
nal of Translational Medicine 5:26, 2007.
Guang-Yun Song, Pirouz Daftarian, Zhongde Wang, Don Diamond and Joshua D. I. El
lenhorn. An MVA vaccine overcomes tolerance to human p53 in mice and humans. Can
cer Immunology, Immunotherapy. 12 January 2007.
Pirouz Daftarian (corresponding author)., ...and W. Martin Kast. Eradication of
established HPV 16-expressing tumors by a single administration of a vaccine com
posed of a liposome-encapsulated CTL-T helper fusion peptide in a water-in-oil e
mulsion. 24: 5235-5244, 2006.
Pirouz Daftarian, ...and Don J. Diamond. Novel Epitope Peptide Fusions Conjugate
d with CpG ssODN Confer Enhanced Immunogenicity and HIV Recognition. Vaccine 23:
3453-68, 2005.
Pirouz Daftarian, ..and Joshua D.I. Ellenhorn. Two Distinct Pathways of Immuno-m
odulation Improve Potency of p53 Immunization in Rejecting Established Tumors.
Cancer Research (64): 5407, 2004.
Pirouz Daftarian, ..and Don J. Diamond. Immunization with T H-CTL Fusion Peptide
and CpG DNA in Transgenic HLA A2 Mice Induces Recognition of HIV-infected T Cel
ls and Clears a Recombinant Vaccinia Virus Challenge. Journal of Immunology 171
(8), 2003.
Zhongde Wang, ..P. Daftarian, W.J. Britt, and Don J. Diamond. Recombinant MVA Ex
pressing a Soluble form of Glycoprotein B Causes Durable Immunty and Neutralizin
g Antibodies Against Multiple Strains of CMV. J Virol. 78(8): 3965-3976 2004.
Daftarian P, et al. In vitro and in vivo bile duct cell immune injury in citrob
acter induced murine colitis: a model for primary sclerosing cholangitis. The Ca
nadian Journal of Gastrology October 2002.
Schreiber RA, Daftarian P The role of B7/CD28 costimulatory pathway in allogene
ic T cell responses against cultured murine extrahepatic bile duct cells in vitr
o. Hepatology 30:1267, 1999.
A. Kumar, J. M. P. Daftarian, D. W. Cameron,L. Fillion & F. Diaz-Mitoma. Dysreg
ulation of B7.2 (CD86) expression on monocytes of HIV-infected individuals is as
sociated with altered production of IL-2 Clin Exp Immunol, 117(84-92), 1999.
A. Kumar, JB Angel, M.P. Daftarian, K. Parato, LG Filion, D. Cameron, Diaz-Mito
ma F. Differential production of IL-10 by T cells and monocytes of HIV-infected
individuals: association of IL-10 production with CD28-mediated immune responsiv
eness. Clin Exp Immunol, 114 (78-86), 1998.

Angel JB, Daftarian P, et al. Improvement in cell-mediated immune function duri

ng potent anti-human immunodeficiency virus therapy with ritonavir plus saquinav
ir. J Infect Dis 177:4 898-904, 1998.
M. Pirouz Daftarian, .., F. Diaz-Mitoma. IL-10 Production is Enhanced in T cell
s by IL-12 and IL-6 and in Monocytes by Tumor Necrosis Factor-a . J. Immunol. 15
7:12-20, 1996.
M.P. Daftarian, F... A. Kumar. Dysregulated Production of Interleukin (IL)-10 A
nd IL-12 By Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes From HIV Infected Individuals Is Associ
ated With Altered Proliferative Responses To Recall Antigens. Clin. Diag. Lab. I
mmunol. 2:712-718, 1995.
F. Diaz-Mitoma, A..., M.P. Daftarian, L.G. Fillion, and W. Cameron. Up- Regulat
ion Of Interleukin-10 And Its Reciprocal Expression With Interferon-g In Periphe
ral Lymphocytes From HIV-Seropositive Patients. Clin. & Exp. Immunol. 102:31-39,
Daftarian PM et al. Interleukin(IL)-12 induces IL-10 expression in peripheral b
lood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HIV-infected individuals. Int Conf AIDS. 1996
Jul 7-12;11(2):442 (abstract no. Pub.A.1027). Unique Identifier: AIDSLINE MED/9
M. P Daftarian, L..., and F. Diaz-Mitoma. Immune Response To Sulfamethoxazole I
n Patients With AIDS. Clin. Diag. Lab. Immunol 2(2): 199-204, 1995.
Diaz-Mitoma F; Daftarian MP; Creery D; Cameron W; Kumar A. Role on monocytes in
recall antigen responses and cytokine dysregulation in HIV infection. Natl Conf
Hum Retroviruses Relat Infect (2nd). 1995 Jan 29-Feb 2;:83. Unique Identifier :
F. Diaz-Mitoma, M.P. Daftarian, A. Kumar. Cytokine And Immunopathogenesis Of HI
V Infection. Germs & Ideas 1(1): 34-35, 1995.
Recent paper for submission:
Raquibul Chowdhury, Robert Keane, Zuchner, Vance Lemmon, Norma Kenyon, and Piro
uz Daftarian. A non viral gene-based immunization / gene therapy. Aimed to submi
Pirouz Daftarian, Bonnie Blomberg, Geoff Stone and Paolo Serafini. A dendritic
cell targeting nanovacine. Aimed to submit to Nature Biotechnology
Honors and Awards
* Discovery Center Innovation Award November 30 2006.
* Travel Award, Accelerating Anticancer Agent Development and Validation Worksho
p, June 18-20, 2008, Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, North
Bethesda, MD
* The 2009 Invited Speaker Award in the area of "Nanotechnology in Vaccine Adjuv
ants and Delivery Systems" in Ames, Iowa organized by Iowa State University.
* Several travel awards for invited talks
* Advisor of an awarded project of the Clinton Global Initiative University
Post-Doctoral Fellowships:
o 1998-2001, Division of Gasteroenterology, Department of Pediatrics, University
of British Columbia, Vancouver BC. Animal Models for Autoimmune Liver Diseases.
Effect of B7.1, B7.2 co-stimulatory molecules.
o 2002-2004, Beckman Research Institute of the City of Hope National Medical Cen
Editorial and Honorary Organizations:
* NCI intramural site visit review, April 23-25, 2007.
* Member International Society for Biological therapy of Cancer, since 2004
* International Journal of Cancer
* Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy
* Advances in Cell Biology
* Vaccine
* Cancer Letters
* PLos ONE

Pending Research Grants

Agency PI / PD role Project title

Discovery and development of tolerogenic nanoparticle PI: Luca Inverardi
Co-Inv. PD
10% Peptide coated dendrimer to induce antigen specific tolerance in NOD mice
DOD Paolo Serafini,
20% Transient conversion of myeloid derived suppressor cells into immunogenic an
tigen presenting cells in melanoma bearing mice
Transformative R01 PI: Jochen Reiser
PD: Co-Inv.
20% Identification and Neutralization of Circulating Kidney Disease Factors: The
Challenge & Potential Impact
R01 HIH PI: Geoff Stone
PD: CO-Inv.
20% RNA Malaria vaccine
DOD Paolo Serafini,
20% Peptide-conjugated-dendrimers as a new delivery platform for efective geneti
c vaccination in mammary carcinoma
DOD Paolo Serafini,
10% Conversion of Myeloid derived suppressor cells (MDSC) into primed Antigen Pr
esenting Cells (APC): a nanoparticle based method for the treatment of coloncarc
Co-PI: A. Ager
10% A Nanoarchitecture to Increase efficacy / Reduce Toxicity of Paromomycin-Sul
fate / Gentamicin-Sulfate and Amphotericin-B Therapy Via in vivo Cell Specific D
Komen (Promise) PI: Joshua Ellenhorn COH
PD: Co-PI Evaluation of the Efficacy of an MVA Vaccine Targeting p53 in Breast C
UM Interdisciplinary Research Development Initiative (IRDI) PI: Claudia Rodrig
PD: Co-Inv. The Role of c-Myc in Pulmonary Hypertension: siRNA in vivo via a nan
oparticle delivery platform
Komen (Investigator Initiated Research grant)
PD: PI Peptide Conjugated Dendrimers as a New Delivery Platform for the Effect
ive Genetic Vaccination in Mammary Carcinoma
NIH Instrumentation S10 PI: Norma Kenyon
PD: Co-PI LEAP/EasiPick Workstation for screening and isolation of rare mammalia
n cells
BAA, US Army PI: PD An opsonized / targeted nanoparticle based platform for Cuta
neous Leishmania genetic vaccination

Obtained major technologies / equipments from:

CytoPulse, Generix, Cyntellect, Protech International, Inc. ImmunoVaccine Inc.
Negotiations for commercialization / R&D
With major pharmaceutical companies under CDA.
MTA to provide nanoparticle: Variation Biotechnologies Inc. SCRIPPs, U of Ottawa
, Immunovaccine Inc.
* Certificate of Advances in Inflammatory Breast Cancer (The City of Hope) 2003
* Certificate for Human Subject Research (NIH) 2002, 2009, 2010
* GeneBank NCBI WORKSHOPS, City of Hope 2003
* Scientific Writing course, City of Hope 2003, 2009
* The Performance Improvement workshop on Pareto Analysis 2004
* City of Hope Radioactive Safety and Methodology license 2004
* UBC Radioactive Safety and Methodology license 2001
* Health and Safety-General Laboratory Safety Training, UBC 2000
* Translator course ISIITAP medically versed certificate. COH 2004
* Regulatory process for scale up. 2007

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