ISM - Lab - DA1
ISM - Lab - DA1
ISM - Lab - DA1
Digital Assignment
Router Configuration
Slot: - L19+L20
Date: 11/02/2021
Introduction on Cisco Packet Tracer
Cisco Packet Tracer is a cross-platform visual simulation tool designed by Cisco Systems that allows
users to create network topologies and imitate modern computer networks. The software allows
users to simulate the configuration of Cisco routers and switches using a simulated command line
interface. Packet Tracer makes use of a drag and drop user interface, allowing users to add and
remove simulated network devices as they see fit.
The main purpose of Cisco Packet Tracer is to help students learn the principles of networking with
hands-on experience as well as develop Cisco technology specific skills. Since the protocols are
implemented in software only method, this tool cannot replace the hardware Routers or Switches.
Interestingly, this tool does not only include Cisco products but also many more networking
Using this tool is widely encouraged as it is part of the curriculum like CCNA, CCENT where
Faculties use Packet Trace to demonstrate technical concepts and networking systems. Students
complete assignments using this tool, working on their own or in teams.
Engineers prefer to test any protocols on Cisco Packet Tracer before implementing them. Also,
Engineers who would like to deploy any change in the production network prefer to use Cisco
Packet Tracer to first test the required changes and proceed to deploy if and only if everything is
working as expected.
1. Logical –
Logical workspace shows the logical network topology of the network the user has built. It
represents the placing, connecting and clustering virtual network devices.
2. Physical –
Physical workspace shows the graphical physical dimension of the logical network. It depicts
the scale and placement in how network devices such as routers, switches and hosts would
look in a real environment. It also provides geographical representation of networks,
including multiple buildings, cities and wiring closets.
Cisco Packet Tracer includes the following features:
• Makes teaching easier by providing a free, multiuser environment for instructors to easily
teach complex technical concepts
• Makes learning easier by providing a realistic network simulation and visualization
• Provides authoring of learning activities, tasks, labs, and complex assessments
• Supports lectures, group and individual labs, homework, assessments, case studies, games,
and competitions
• Supplements real equipment and enables extended learning opportunities beyond physical
classroom limitations
• Simulates continuous real-time updates of underlying network logic and activities
• Empowers students to explore concepts, conduct experiments, and test their understanding
• Promotes social learning through a network-capable (peer-to-peer) application with
opportunities for multiuser competition, remote instructor-student interactions, social
networking, and gaming.
Packet Tracer Workspaces: Cisco Packet Tracer has two workspaces—logical and physical. The
logical workspace allows users to build logical network topologies by placing, connecting, and
clustering virtual network devices. The physical workspace provides a graphical physical
dimension of the logical network, giving a sense of scale and placement in how network devices
such as routers, switches, and hosts would look in a real environment. The physical view also
provides geographic representations of networks, including multiple cities, buildings, and wiring
Packet Tracer Modes: Cisco Packet Tracer provides two operating modes to visualize the behaviour
of a network—real-time mode and simulation mode. In real-time mode the network behaves as real
devices do, with immediate real-time response for all network activities. The real-time mode gives
students a viable alternative to real equipment and allows them to gain configuration practice before
working with real equipment. In simulation mode the user can see and control time intervals, the
inner workings of data transfer, and the propagation of data across a network. This helps students
understand the fundamental concepts behind network operations. A solid understanding of
network fundamentals can help accelerate learning about related concepts
Modular Devices: Graphical representations visually simulate hardware and offer the ability to
insert interface cards into modular routers and switches, which then become part of the simulation.
Tutorials: Packet Tracer includes several basic step-by-step tutorials that familiarize users with the
product features and explain how to engage in simulations. Additional advanced tutorials are
available for download from Academy Connection.
Help: A help feature is available to familiarize users with the Cisco Packet Tracer interface,
functions, and features. The help area includes important notes and tips and provides annotated
screenshots to aid understanding.
Activity Wizard: The Activity Wizard allows users to author their own learning activities by setting
up scenarios using instructional text, and creating initial and final network topologies and
predefined packets. The Activity Wizard also includes grading and feedback capabilities
Cisco’s packet tracer is a very powerful network simulation program. This program enables
students in this field to experiment with the behaviour and simulate troubleshooting programs
without actually buying a number of real Cisco routers or switches as that would be really
expensive. This program also helps students to create networks with the maximum number of
The idea of the Cisco packet tracer was to develop skills and also to facilitate the understanding of
working methods of networks. Students can use this tool to have a creative and critical view on
networks and also solve any problems relating to that field. This will allow them to make their own
The packet tracer can allow one to simulate complex networking before actually deploying the
network in real life.
However, it has its limitations, the packet tracer only has a small number of the actual functions
found in Cisco routers and switches. It also only has a limited command set which makes it
unsuitable to be used in modelling production models.
So, therefore, it can only be used for educational purposes and not as a replacement for the Cisco
routers and switches.
Therefore, the Cisco packet tracer can be an important app for learning networking and students
who are practicing to solve complex problems in networks.
Cisco packet tracer offers two modes of operation, real-time mode and simulation mode.
The key differences between these modes are that in real time mode the tracer acts like the real
devices do, with real-time response to changes in the network and the simulation mode allows
students to control time intervals, change the inner workings of data transfer and also control the
propagation of data over a network.
This makes the real-time mode a viable alternative to the real equipment which can be costly, and
the simulation mode can be a useful tool to understand the fundamentals of networking. The packet
tracer also allows instructors to create problems that the students have to solve. This also makes it
one of the perfect tools for educational purposes.
Router Configuration
Device / Interface Connected To IP Address
PC0 IP Configuration
Router 0
Router 1
PC1 IP Configuration
Cisco Router Show Commands
Enable command to enter in privilege exec mode. Show command with ? (Question mark) to list
all available commands
show ip
To display IP configuration data, enter the show ip command in User Exec mode or Privileged
Exec mode.
Router#show interfaces
This command shows the status and configuration of interfaces. By default it will display all
interfaces. But you can limit it to particular interface. To view the detail of specific interface you can
use the following command.
Router#show interface [type slot_# port_#]
For example, to view the detail of serial 0/0/0 interface on Router0 we will use following
Router# show ip interface brief
This command provides a quick overview of all interfaces on the router including their IP
addresses and status.
Router#show controllers [type slot_# port_#]
This command is used to check the hardware statistic of interface including clock rate and cable
status such as cable is attached or not. One end of serial cable is physically DTE, and other end is
DCE. If cable is attached, it will display the type of cable.
Router#show flash
This command will display the content of flash memory, used space and available space. By
default router stores IOS image file in flash. We can use this command to check the available space
in Flash memory while updating / restoring IOS files.
Router#show version
This command will display information about software version of running IOS. It also provides
information about configuration setting. It shows current configuration register setting that is
used to reset the password of router.
Router# show hosts
To display the DNS name servers and domain name that your Server Switch uses, enter the show
host command in User Exec mode or Privileged Exec mode. This command has no arguments or
Router#show startup-config
Routers load configuration from NVRAM in startup. This command will display the configuration
stored in NVRAM.
Router#show running-config
Router keeps all running configuration in RAM. This command will display the configuration
currently running in RAM.
Router# show clock
To display the current system time, enter the show clock command in User Exec mode or
Privileged Exec mode.
Router#show users
This command displays users currently connected to the router.
Router#show arp
This command displays ARP cache table. ARP table is used to resolve the hardware MAC
Router#show protocols
This command shows the status of configured layer three protocols on the device.
Router#show history
Router keeps a history of used command. This command will list the used command on that level.
Router#show ip route
Routers use routing table to take packet forward decision. This command displays routing table.