Course Plan FCC1051 - Dec 2021
Course Plan FCC1051 - Dec 2021
Course Plan FCC1051 - Dec 2021
7. Tutor NA
- To take part in a discussion, and exchange ideas and opinions
- To summarise and report back on a discussion
- To present visual information
- To participate in a tutorial discussion
- To give a short presentation
- To respond to requests for further details
- To understand the wording of academic writing tasks
- To generate ideas for writing
- To develop a writing plan
- To analyse and write topic sentences, essay introduction
- To evaluate an essay introduction
- To understand the introduction and organisation of a lecture
9. Objectives
- To understand and make notes about the main idea or points in a
- To analyse types of supporting sentences
- To take notes on a description of a process
- To use vocabulary which are useful and suitable to the context
- To look at key aspects of academic vocabulary using content from
articles in the lessons
- To be familiarised with the most useful vocabulary-learning
- To identify key information in a short informative text
- To summarise key factual information in a text
- To predict the content of a text from visual information
- To identify and use signposting language for describing a process
Main Reference:
Dummett, P., Hughes, J., & Stephenson, H. (2017). Life: Upper Intermediate
Student’s Book (2nd ed.). UK: Cengage Learning Company.
Additional References:
Argent, S., & Alexander, O. (2014). Access EAP: Frameworks - Course Book.
Reading, UK: Garnet Education.
11. Reading List
Beatty, K. (2013). LEAP (Learning English for Academic Purposes) High
Intermediate: Listening and Speaking (2nd ed.). NY: Pearson Education
*Public Holiday:
25 December - Speaking: Participating in a group discussion
- Reading a text to prepare for a tutorial
Christmas Day
- Assumptions in questions
(Sat)* - Asking for information, clarification, and
(27 December Speaking: Participating in a group discussion Quiz 1: Listening All References
2021 – 2 January - Understanding and responding to
2022) suggestions
- Interpreting and discussing feedback
*Public Holiday: - Responding to feedback
1 January – New
Year’s Day (Sat)*