Smart Additive Manufacturing: Current Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Methods and Future Perspectives
Smart Additive Manufacturing: Current Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Methods and Future Perspectives
Smart Additive Manufacturing: Current Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Methods and Future Perspectives
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intelligence-enabled methods and future perspectives
WANG Yuanbin1, ZHENG Pai2, PENG, Tao1, YANG Huayong1 & ZOU Jun1,*
1 State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
2 Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom, Kowloon, HKSAR, China
pt Received February 10
Additive manufacturing (AM) has been increasingly used in production. Because of its rapid growth, the efficiency
and robustness of AM-based product development processes should be improved. Artificial intelligence (AI) is a
powerful tool that has outperformed humans in numerous complex tasks. AI-enabled intelligent agents can reduce
the workforce required to scale up AM production and achieve higher resource utilization efficiency. This study
provides an introduction of AI techniques. Then, the current development of AI-enabled AM product development is
investigated. Existing intelligent agents are used for problems in product design, process design and production
stages. Based on the review, current research gaps and future research directions are identified. To guide future
development of more efficient and comprehensive intelligent agents, a smart AM framework based on cloud-edge
computing is proposed. Global consideration can be realized in the cloud environment, and a fast response can be
Citation: null
1 Introduction
technologies, also known as 3D printing, has have sufficient knowledge of the rules of each stage.
increased in recent years [1,2]. Because 3D printing Unsuitable decisions may dramatically influence the
can produce geometrically complex parts without results of AM. With the rapid growth of the AM market,
accessories (e.g., fixtures and molds) [3,4], it has the accessibility of this knowledge should be
been applied to a wide range of applications including increased to help people achieve more flexible,
aerospace, medicine, footwear, etc. [5]. AM can adaptive and intelligent AM operations.
realize mass customization and personalization Artificial intelligence (AI), in contrast to natural
without cost penalties. The customization process intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines
requires knowledge and experience to implement and software rather than living systems [8]. The
suitable adjustments. Currently, the success of AM purpose of AI is to develop intelligent agents that can
highly relies on the users’ knowledge and experience perceive its environment and take actions that
to make the right decisions in the product maximize its chance to successfully achieve
development process [6,7]. As a complex process, predefined goals [9]. Empowered by the explosive
product development involves multiple stages, growth of accessible data, AI, especially deep learning
including design, process
planning, and process monitoring. These stages are
highly interrelated, and the decision makers should
production techniques, has experienced another large increase in
recent years. The capability of AI has been similar to
or surpassed
human performance in several areas, including image been referred to as a machine learning technique at
recognition [10] and game playing [11,12]. some places [8,13]; however, it is broader than that. It
Because of the potential of AI, research interests in is a group of techniques that enables machines to
applying it to AM processes have increased to interact with the environment and adaptively solve
improve the product development process. AI has problems. These techniques enable the creation of
using different AI techniques. In 2017, an initial survey hardware. For software, the human-machine interface
was conducted on AI applications in AM; however, it (HMI) is used to provide inputs and deliver outputs in
focused on the manufacturing preparation process the form of commands, files, suggestions or other
[14]. Other aspects have not been investigated. information. For hardware, sensors are used as input
Numerous new trends have emerged, such as deep devices, including image sensors (e.g. charge coupled
learning-based process monitoring and control. device (CCD)), global positioning system (GPS),
Considering the rapid development of AI-related areas,
the research progress in recent years should be
summarized to guide future development.
sound sensors (e.g., microphone), etc. The layer
between the inputs and outputs contains the core
functions that form problems and generate solutions.
In this study, a survey was conducted to investigate These functions can be based on various structured
the current status of AI-enabled AM. A global view of and unstructured information and knowledge (e.g., the
the product development process was considered, physical model, expert knowledge and historical data).
and the current knowledge gaps and system
limitations were identified. Based on the survey, we 2.1 Types of intelligent agents
pt Figure 2
supervised and unsupervised, discriminative and printing services online. Customers can directly use
generative, deep learning and non-deep learning, etc. AM resources via the internet. However, the
[8]. The learning model has been widely applied to the customers should have enough knowledge to make
manufacturing environment for image recognition the correct decisions and print the expected parts. To
[27,28], equipment monitoring, diagnosis [29–31], etc. fulfill the growing needs for AM knowledge, AI tools
are required to make them accessible via the internet
3.1 ICT-driven AM development potential recently [41]. Researchers have also
developed CPS for 3D printers [7,38,42,43]. A digital
The development of AM has been driven by advanced
twin of the physical 3D printer has to process a lot of
information and communication technologies (ICT). It
data and optimize the printing process in real-time. In
can be summarized into four stages, as shown in
this situation, AI technologies become critical to
Figure 2. The first AM machine was developed by Hull
generate solutions automatically when facing different
in the 1980s [32] and is controlled by local computers.
In the mid-1990s, researchers attempted to connect
AM machines to a network to achieve remote
printer statuses based on digitalized expert knowledge
or patterns from historical data.
At the technology level, the booming ICTs, including
monitoring and control [33,34]. Users could send 3D
cloud computing, edge computing, 5G, and internet of
models to printers remotely and receive the status of
things (IoT), enable large amounts of real-time data to
the printing processes. In the early 2000s, researchers
be efficiently gathered and processed. Human experts
started to treat AM as a service and accept online
cannot deal with the large amounts of data efficiently.
orders from distributed customers [35–37]. These
Thus, learning-based agents have become a popular
methods have developed a bridge between distributed
research area in recent years. These technologies
service demanders and providers. The requirements
have provided advanced solutions for various aspects
of the service demanders could be matched to the
The demand to develop intelligent agents has printed parts: product design, process design,
increased, driven by the increase of connectedness production and service (Figure 3), not necessarily in
and application areas [5], as shown in Figure 2. the same order. Product design and process design
At the market level, cloud-based AM platforms have are often conducted concurrently as the design
been proposed [7,40] and companies (e.g. features and process parameters are interrelated [25].
Shapeways and 3D Hubs) have started to sell 3D The information gathered at different stages can be
designers in the design stage. Otherwise, the design 3.3 Intelligent agents for product design
model may not be printable. Attention-intensive
There are three types of product design methods:
problems require continuous attention on running
opportunistic, restrictive, and dual methods [44].
equipment or other objects, and adjustments are
Opportunistic methods are used to explore the
made adaptively. Printing process monitoring is a
geometric possibilities provided by AM. Topology
typical example of an attention-intensive problem that
requires continuous attention during the printing
process to identify problems as early as possible.
Computation-intensive problems include searching
optimization and elementary shapes are the most
commonly applied methods. Restrictive methods are
used to identify the boundaries of design spaces, in
terms of the geometry and properties. These
and planning problems that require a large amount of
boundaries should be represented as rules to
computational power to find optimal answers. For
automatically check manufacturability. Dual methods
example, the design space for 3D printing products is
combine both types of methods to generate more
large. A large amount of computational power is
practical design proposals. Various intelligent agents
required to explore possible solutions and predict its
have been proposed to solve these problems. The
properties to identify the optimal design model.
details are listed in Table 1.
Preference-intensive problems require modelling the
Initially, a majority of the research focused on a
printed parts should be understood. These rules need only consider simple design rules, such as thin
to be encoded as various knowledge-based models to features and size limitations [57,58]. In practice, the
form reflex agents. The manufacturability can then be design rules are more complex [59]. How to engage
determined for a given design model. More recently, these complex knowledge models in opportunistic
researchers have merged both types of methods as methods is still not understood.
dual methods to generate more manufacturable
design models. In these scenarios, multiple models 3.4 Intelligent agents for process design
In the process design stage, optimal process-related
models, to consider manufacturability in the searching
settings and parameters are chosen to achieve the
desired properties. Process planning and support
structure optimization are involved. In process
Table 1 Intelligent agents for product design
planning, optimal printing strategies are chosen for
Proposed Model
Aspects Problem type Agent type specific tasks. These include material-related settings
agents type
(e.g., material types and ingredients), machine-related
Design feature Knowledge-inte
database [45]
pt Reflex
Goal-based Physical
settings (e.g., power energy and layer height) and
design-related settings (e.g., build orientation and
methods ensive
trajectory). As many AM processes require support
structures to avoid failures, the least amount of
Elementary Computation-int
Goal-based Physical support materials should be used to achieve the
shapes [49–52] ensive
Knowledge-bas required quality. The design of the support structures
Knowledge-inte Knowledg
ed system Reflex also influence the printed properties [60]. Therefore,
nsive e-based
Restrictive [25,53]
support structure optimization has become an
methods Key feature Knowledg
Knowledge-inte important topic in recent years [61,62]. Various
recognition Reflex e-based &
[54,55] physical intelligent agents have been proposed to solve this
process, and they often have a different impact on
suitable printing parameters. Furthermore, the process
various aspects of the printed parts. Therefore,
parameters, build directions, and support structures
multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods are
are interrelated. More comprehensive models are
widely adopted to help users make rational decisions
required to find global optimal solutions.
for parameter selection. As the user preferences
influence the decisions, modeling these preferences
3.5 Intelligent agents for production
becomes crucial. Knowledge also plays a significant
role in mapping the parameters with printed results.
Therefore, these utility-based agents usually have a
In the production stage, there could be multiple
printing tasks simultaneously, especially in cloud
knowledge-based model for inference. manufacturing. Considering the long pre-processing
Path planning of AM processes is also complex. and post-processing times, it is more efficient to print
Two aspects are involved: horizontal trajectory as many parts as possible for each print [79,80]. In
optimization and adaptive layer slicing. The first this situation, production planning becomes important
aspect influences the efficiency of the printing process to improve the overall production efficiency. The
while the second is a trade-off between the printing deadline of each task, design geometries, required
efficiency and part quality, in terms of dimensional parameters, etc. should be considered. The fabrication
accuracy and surface roughness. As a planning process typically requires hours or days to finish.
problem, various goal-based agents have been During this period, defects may occur, and they may
proposed to determine optimal solutions within shorter cause the part to fail. Therefore, real-time monitoring
computational times. of the printing process is required to quickly identify
Build direction optimization is another important these defects, fix the problem, and avoid unnecessary
topic owing to the heterogeneous properties of the waste of time and money. Various intelligent agents
printed parts. These agents are also goal-based to have been proposed to solve these problems. The
search for the optimal direction for a given design and details are listed in Table 3.
achieve the best quality. They involve physical models
to predict the surface roughness, accuracy, and other Table 3 Intelligent agents for production
planning optimization ensive These agents use learning models to extract complex
features of targeted patterns from historical images
Multiple prints
Computation-int and identify them in real-time images. AR-based
optimization Goal-based Physical
[79,85–87] methods have also become popular. Users can
Image-based capture the 3D point cloud of the printing part and
methods reflex Learning
ive compare it to the design model to identify
discrepancies. In addition, various sensors (e.g.,
Real-time AR-based
temperature, vibration, and power sensors) and
control & methods reflex Physical
monitoring [42,92] process parameters can be used to predict the quality
Sensor-based of the printed parts. The learning models are required
Attention-intens Learning
methods reflex
ive & physical to find features from the time-series data.
In the production stage, attention-based problems
have occurred, and learning models have advantages
Production planning starts from single-print
for solving these problems. These agents could
scenarios, where the user attempts to place as many
parts as possible into one printing space. Each part
could rotate and move to any place in the printing
release people from tedious process monitoring tasks.
However, the image-based and AR-based methods
can only identify visible defects. Sensor-based
space to provide infinite possible solutions. The
methods are able to identify invisible defects; however,
genetic algorithm (GA) has been widely used to find a
the relationships of the printing parameters and part
sub-optimal solution with reasonable computation time.
quality must be defined in advance. Furthermore, the
The problem becomes more complex to plan for
available data for the AM processes are limited. How
multiple prints. There are more printers available,
to use the limited data to generate more robust and
which may have different statuses (idle or working).
general models is still a challenge.
The parts may have different deadlines. If the task
space is also dynamic (i.e., a new task could be added
schema for AM [96]. A cloud-based automated design different disciplines, and there is a shortage of experts.
and AM platform was proposed to integrate the data in Therefore, these agents can help more users take
the service stage to optimize the product design, advantage of AM. The goal-based agents can find
process setting, and production strategy [97]. The optimal solutions from a large design space. Physical
framework was the focus, and efficient utilization of big models are usually involved in simulation and
data has not been fully studied. A conceptual design determine whether the goals and constraints are
and modelling framework were presented to integrate satisfied. This type of agent can use the computational
various simulation and prediction models for the power to maximize the efficiency of material utilization.
product development process [98]. This framework The waste of materials, energy, and time could be
focused on reflex agents and other types of agents minimized.
were not considered. Majeed et al. proposed a big In the production stage, learning models have
data-driven framework for AM process analysis and printing process control and monitoring advantages.
optimization [99]. Data acquisition, management, Operators no longer need to sit beside the printer and
modelling, and utilization were discussed. A continually check its status. From historical data, this
knowledge-based computer-aided production planning
(CAPP) framework was proposed to integrate the
product and process design stages [100]. Processing
model can identify the features of abnormal situations.
These agents enlarge the production scale without
dramatically expanding the operating team. Deep
big data requires computational resources. How to learning techniques have shown more potential to deal
efficiently process computation-intensive models and with complex problems as they can automatically
provide a fast response for distributed users has not extract the important features in multiple levels, as
been discussed. performed by the human brain [101].
Although successful applications of intelligent
3.7 Discussions agents have been reported, there are still several
knowledge gaps to be explored:
Current studies have shown that AM-based product
integrating these pieces of information to form a practical agents for complicated scenarios, efficiently
comprehensive and accurate knowledge base is a combining different types of models for better
challenging task. performance should be studied.
A deeper understanding of AM processes is A wider application of the learning models is
required. Physical models are also important to possible. Current learning models are mainly
predict the performance of AM processes for developed for real-time control and monitoring. The
goal-based agents. Current models may work well in techniques could potentially tackle more complex
specific circumstances; however, their accuracy and problems. The emerging reinforcement learning
generality should be improved to generate more methods can learn rules in strategical tasks.
realistic results. This type of model can also be Advanced deep learning methods have been
applied in the sensor-based method for remote proposed for 3D models. These emerging
control and monitoring. In this situation, the techniques could develop useful agents for product
computational efficiency of these models becomes and process design stages. The execution of trained
more important to achieve real-time feedback. models could be more efficient than the commonly
For big data management and utilization, AI
techniques are data-hungry, especially learning
models. Currently, there are no standard databases
used searching algorithms. The first challenge is
standardizing the data model for the design process
to prepare the training data.
that are similar to ImageNet in AM to gather all the For an efficient computational strategy, a trend of
data available along with the corresponding tags for AM development is to develop online services. In this
researchers to test the generality of their models in a situation, the intelligent agents serve distributed
larger scale. Furthermore, the application of learning users via the internet. The agents with searching and
models in AM is not similar to other areas. Abnormal planning algorithms usually require a large
situations are not common in practice. Therefore, the computational power. In addition, some tasks require
data gathered for training are limited. Using the a fast response. Learning-based real-time control
limited data to train robust models requires further and monitoring is required for the training and
study. execution stages, respectively. Although
For integration of different models, most of the cloud-based design and simulation software have
current agents have single models, which may not been developed, real-time tasks cannot be
be adequate for many applications. For example, the performed. Therefore, a new efficient computational
goal-based agents for product design require framework should be studied to fulfil both
physical models to simulate the properties and requirements.
knowledge-based models to examine the
manufacturability of the proposed design. The reflex 4 Framework of smart AM
agents for real-time control and monitoring require
combining learning and knowledge models for From Section 3.7, one problem that hinders the
complex problems. To develop more effective and development of AI for AM is the lack of high-quality
and high-volume AM related information. This the rapid development of AI for image processing, the
information includes the data from testing and cloud platforms, such as ImageNet, can be used to
monitoring, expert knowledge, standards, algorithms, gather distributed image data to a
physical models, and other types of information. From
Figure 4 Smart AM framework
central location to allow anyone to access the data be applied to other manufacturing processes with
and develop innovative ideas. Furthermore, minor adjustments.
information processing efficiency is another important
tools and complex procedures [3]. The focus is to enhance computation efficiency and avoid
changed from the manufacturing and assembly bottlenecks and system failure [106]. A comparison of
aspects to the products. A wider design space can be cloud and edge computing [107] is listed in Table 4.
explored, and faster prototypes can be achieved. Combining the advantages of both methods,
Therefore, AM from the product-centric perspective cloud-edge computing could handle more complex
should be understood. Considering of the whole demands in the industrial environment [108,109].
product lifecycle and integrating different stages to
provide better global product solutions. Hence, Smart Table 4 Comparison of cloud and edge computing
AM is defined in this study as “a fully integrated, Criterion Edge computing Cloud computing
Cloud-edge computing
computing utilizes
simple centralized
4.3 Proposed framework
architectures with dedicated data centers to offer
several allowances, such as self-service provisioning, The proposed smart AM framework is shown in Figure
elasticity, pay per use, etc. [103]. Big data generated 4. because massive data are generated in the process,
from distributed IoT devices cannot be properly the cloud-edge computing framework is applied to
handled by the remote cloud owing to the large facilitate efficient information transmission and
high response time [104]. Privacy concerns are The information layer contains the source
another critical issue. Services providers may not want information for the platform to form basic knowledge
to expose their confidential data on the cloud. and models. The information could come from the
Multi-access edge computing (MEC) was standards, expert know-how, test data, historical data,
standardized by the European Telecommunications real-time data, etc. As in a different format, this
Standards Institute (ETSI) and Industry Specification information should be standardized before integrated
service environment and cloud computing capabilities The cloud computing layer is responsible for
at the edge of the mobile network, within the radio distributed information integration, forming intelligent
access network (RAN) and in close proximity to mobile agents for public access and processing
subscribers” [105]. MEC offers cloud computing computationally heavy tasks. For central information
capabilities within the RAN and connects the users storage, the cloud environment can form more
directly to the nearest cloud service-enabled edge comprehensive knowledge-based and learning models
network, by deploying edge nodes at the base stations to developing effective agents. Combining the physical
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