(Note From: HTTP://WWW - Uams.edu/oed/teaching/objectives - HTM) (Note From: HTTP://WWW - Uams.edu/oed/teaching/objectives - HTM)

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Tips for Writing Objectives

What are instructional objectives?

 Instructional objectives are specific, measurable, short-term, observable student behaviors.

 An objective is a description of a performance you want learners to be able to exhibit before you
consider them competent. (Note from: http://www.uams.edu/oed/teaching/objectives.htm)
 An objective describes an intended result of instruction, rather than the process of instruction itself.
(Note from: http://www.uams.edu/oed/teaching/objectives.htm)

Why have objectives?

 To provide direction to instruction.

 To provide guidelines for assessment.
 To convey instructional intent to others.

Types of objectives

 Cognitive: understandings, awareness’s, insights (e.g., "List and explain..."). This includes information
recall, conceptual understanding, and problem-solving.
 Psychomotor: special skills (e.g., "dissect a frog so that the following organs are clearly displayed...";
"take a replicable blood pressure reading by appropriately using a sphygmomanometer").
 Affective: attitudes, appreciations, relationships.

Tips for writing objectives

 How specific and detailed should objectives be?

It depends on what they are used for! Objectives for sequencing a unit plan will be more general than
for specifying a lesson plan.
 Don't make writing objectives tedious, trivial, time-consuming, or mechanical. Keep them simple,
unambiguous, and clearly focused as a guide to learning.
 The purpose of objectives is not to restrict spontaneity or constrain the vision of education in the
discipline; but to ensure that learning is focused clearly enough that both students and teacher know
what is going on.
 Express them in terms of student performance, behavior, and achievement, not teacher activity.
 Three components of an instructional objective:
1. Identify the type of activity in which competence is required (e.g., "Dissect...").
2. Specify the criteria or standards by which competence in the activity will be assessed (e.g., "a
frog so that the following organs are clearly displayed...").
3. List any conditions or circumstances required for students to meet the objective (e.g., "...given
two class periods working with the materials at your lab station").
In writing objectives, answer the question:  "What should the participants be able to do?"
(Available: http://www.usuhs.mil/che/write_objective.htm)
a. Objectives must be clear and attainable.

b. Focus on knowledge/skill acquisition or reinforcement.

c. A recommended wording format is: "At the completion of this activity, participants should be able to..."  This
phrase is  followed by a specific performance verb and the desired learning outcome.
**Words or phrases such as know, think, appreciate, learn, comprehend, remember, perceive,

understand, be aware of, be familiar with, have knowledge of, grasp the significance, are NOT
measurable and should be avoided.

Writing Objectives for Lesson Plans Using Bloom’s Taxonomy and Associated Action or Performance

Learning level Associated action verbs

Knowledge define, describe, state, list, name, write, recall,

recognize, label, underline, select, reproduce, outline,

Comprehension identify, justify, select, indicate, illustrate, represent,

name, formulate, explain, judge, contrast, classify

Application predict, select, assess, explain, choose, find, show,

demonstrate, construct, compute, use, perform

Analysis analyze, identify, conclude, differentiate, select,

separate, compare, contrast, justify, resolve, break
down, criticize

Synthesis combine, restate, summarize, precise, argue, discuss,

organize, derive, select, relate, generalize, conclude

Evaluation judge, evaluate, determine, recognize, support,

defend, attack, criticize, identify, avoid, select, choose

Parts of a performance objective: (*This is what I expect for your objectives!*)

Objective: The students will be able to tell and record time on a digital clock and analog clock to the hour and
half hour by writing the times in a story.

The students will be able tell and record time on a digital by writing the times correctly in a story.
to clock and analog clock to the hour
and half hour
Audience: Standard Behavior/Action Verb that is Condition to be met by the students in order
introduction for an measurable and can be assessed. to demonstrate that the objective has been
objective. What is the learner to do? achieved.

Hint: Focus on what the Hint: Describes the circumstances, situation or setting.
students must do not the Content- description of the
teacher. subject matter to be learned.

Hint: Must specify observable and

measurable behaviors.

Objectives could include more criteria or parts: (**I do not require all of these parts.**)

ABCDs of Writing Objectives

 A-Audience: The who. "The student will be able to…"

 B-Behavior: What a learner is expected to be able to do or the product or result of the doing. The
behavior or product should be observable.
 C-Condition: The important conditions under which the performance is to occur.
 D-Degree: The criterion of acceptable performance. How well the learner must perform in order for the
performance to be considered acceptable.

The following are NOT observable or measurable objectives

(Available: www.assessment.gatech.edu/eWorkshops/writing%20instructional%20objectives%20version%)
 Appreciate the beauty of a circuit
 Really understand relativity theory
 Be familiar with the law
 Understand the process of osmosis
 Enjoy speaking French
 Change the spark plugs on an engine
 Learn about erosion

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