Twilight Tales
Twilight Tales
Twilight Tales
This book was set in Fairfield and Capucine using Adobe InDesign CC.
Starline Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9899043-3-9
Picture Story 1
Mononoke 10
Michinoke 12
Oni 18
Kappa 24
Ghosts 30
Visitors 36
Onbu & Friends 42
Stories 46
Otashidama’s Adventure 46
A Ghost’s Errand 50
Present Thunder 54
Big Dog’s Day 60
Epilogue 66
don’t know. And those who are afraid. as mononoke after they’ve become
experienced with the game. Until then, A person who sees a mononoke’s true
try bringing the mononoke into stories form or powers is affected by Surprise
as narrator characters, so that you your- with a rating equal to the mononoke’s
self can understand them better. Henge attribute, plus 1.
See pp. 62-63 of Golden Sky Stories
How to Create Mononoke for the rules on Surprise.
If you’re going to participate in stories by
choosing a mononoke as your other self, Transforming
needless to say you need to make your What mononoke can look like when
own mononoke. You create a mononoke they take human form depends on their
basically the same way as a henge, but type. They’re often totally different from
you’ll need to really sit down and think henge, so please read the explanations
about your mononoke’s true form. included with each type of mononoke.
This is because even if two mono-
noke are of the same type, they can Speaking
look very different. Where picking an Mononoke can’t converse with animals
animal type gets you a henge’s base ap- unless they use certain special powers.
pearance, things are not so simple for However, all mononoke can take human
mononoke. So much so, in fact, that it’s form. Mononoke can talk just fine, as
rare for their forms to be that easy to long as it’s in human speech.
understand. Also, mononoke who were originally
When you create a mononoke, you animals, who are no different from
have some freedom to decide what henge, can converse with animals of the
he or she looks like. However, please same type. For example, a bear henge
be sure to get the narrator’s approval. made using the oni rules can talk to nor-
Mononoke should surprise people, but mal bears.
they shouldn’t be scary or disgusting.
Read each mononoke’s description care- Powers
fully before you decide. If you’re stuck, Powers like a dog henge’s “Howl” that
look at the section on “A Typical…” and can affect henge also have the same ef-
go with that. fect on mononoke. Any time a power’s
If all else fails, please sit down and description says it affects henge, it also
talk to the narrator about what your affects mononoke in the same way.
character should look like.
Finally, each of the five types of mono- Moving On…
noke has different kinds of names. Starting on the next page are explana-
Choose your name carefully if you’d like tions of each type of mononoke. The in-
to follow the standard naming of that type. troductions are just like in Golden Sky
Stories. A representative of each type
Mononoke Rules gives a self introduction, then there are
Mononoke also work a bit differently six basic powers, six weaknesses, and six
from henge, as described below. additional powers.
After that, there are sections that
True Form aren’t in the henge introductions in
You’d be pretty surprised if a monster Golden Sky Stories, which explain each
showed up right in front of you, right? kind of mononoke in more detail. If
If a mononoke shows his or her true your game is going to deal with mono-
form, or uses special powers, in front of noke, the narrator and participants alike
someone, that person will be Surprised. should read these carefully.
Um, Onbu is a Michinoke
a kind of monster. U-Uh, my real name is “The Onbu
denly spring out, crying “Uwan!” They rogami that pulls on people’s hair from
behind. They might also tell people that Michinoke Names
something bad will happen if they go Michinoke have names that directly re-
any further. flect their true nature. Onbu’s proper
name is “The Onbu Obake of Mt.
Hitotsume Kozou (One-Eyed Boy): Kaminaga.” In other words, she’s the
This michinoke looks like a kid with one “Onbu Obake” that appears on Mt.
big eye in the middle of his face. They Kaminaga. This kind of michinoke
like to abruptly reveal their faces to name is a combination of the name of
scare people. They also have close cous- the place where the michinoke appears
ins called Mitsume Kozou (Three-Eyed and a name given to them by the people
Boys). They often team up with raccoon of the town. Naturally, if the result is a
dogs and karakasa obake to startle people. name that’s too long, it’ll be shortened,
to something line “Onbu Obake” or just
Karakasa Obake (Umbrella Monster): “Onbu.” If you can’t think of a good
This is an old, worn-out umbrella with one place name, you can just use the town’s
leg that it uses to hop around. Karakasa name. For example, Onbu could’ve eas-
obake are a cheerful type of michinoke ily been called “The Onbu Obake of
that enjoys startling people, so they often Hitotsuna Town.”
become friends with people and henge. If you’re having trouble coming up
with the mononoke part of the name,
Sunekosuri: These michinoke look like you can simply take the name of one of
round cats. A sunekosuri finds someone the types of michinoke described to the
walking late at night and walks around left and add a place name. Of course, if
their feet, making it hard for them to you can come up with a good michinoke
walk. They spend a lot of time around name on your own and if the narrator
people, so they tend to get along with doesn’t mind, please go ahead. Try mak-
rabbit and dog henge. ing your own michinoke.
There are also michinoke called
mononga that look more like flying squir-
rels, and like to perch on people’s heads.
Since michinoke can look very different from one another, we can’t just
say they have ears or tails showing when they transform. That’s why
when michinoke take human form, we use the following special rules.
Unlike with animal henge, check the table below when changing form.
Michinoke don’t conveniently fit the same scheme we use for animals.
Even if they change into something close to human form, they still look
a bit strange. Basically, if a michinoke doesn’t take a completely human
form, they can’t go in front of most people.
Darkness (4) Bump Into (6) Footsteps (6)
The lights of the moon, the You can appear next to some- This power lets you follow be-
stars, the town, streetlights, one who is walking on a road. hind someone with a sound of
and so on all go dark, plunging So long as there is someone footsteps being the only sign
the area into a deep darkness. who is walking on a road or that you’re there. When you use
Everyone’s Henge attribute goes path of some kind, you can this power, they can’t actually
down by 2 points until the end take part in a scene even if you see you. However, you cannot
of the scene. You can only use weren’t before. When you use touch or overtake them either.
this power at night. this power to appear, the people Anyone you follow this way has
and/or henge there must make a their Adult attribute drop to
Surprise check. zero. This effect lasts until the
end of the scene.
This power makes someone The land of the mononoke, This power lets you use lights
traveling at night become lost. the Hidden Village, lies in the and sounds to show someone a
You can make more than one depths of the mountains or for- path that will take them safely
person become lost at the same ests, and this power lets you pay where they need to go. You can
time, but you must spend as a visit. You can bring someone guide as many people you have
many points of Wonder as there else along, so long as you have connections with as you wish.
are people. When this power a connection to them. You don’t Using this power you can create
makes someone become lost, need to use this power again to a path that transcends distance,
they’ll never reach their destina- exit the Hidden Village. Henge and can take you anywhere.
tion, even if they walk straight and mononoke are free to enter However, if you use this power
ahead. This effect lasts until the Hidden Village, but people to leave the town, you’ll have to
you end it or the scene ends. must have a mononoke escort. use it again to get back.
town to grant the requests of humans. and large can become hihi, a kind of
oni. Monkeys that reach this state can when they have no ill will at all, they can
no longer properly be called animals, cause trouble through their curiosity.
and are essentially mononoke. Hihi are
feared by people for their tendency to Names
half jokingly chase unwitting victims into Oni place a surprisingly high value on
the mountains to get them lost. However, social rules. As with Towa Doji, they
they might have a reason for doing that. tend to have important-sounding names.
Their names typically come from where
Yaku Oni: This is an oni that has be- they live, their special powers, or dis-
come a local god or a shrine god. Unlike tinctive things about them, all exagger-
typical oni, they tend to have serious, ated to sound grand.
diligent personalities, and dress as a Here are some things you can use to
Shinto or Buddhist priest. Yaku oni put together a name for your oni:
faithfully and diligently serve a god. • Family Name: Place name, animal,
plant, Kaminari (thunder), an action
Yagyou-san (Night Traveler): In a or habit such as drinking (Sakenomi),
given town there may be one yagyou- watching the moon (Tsukimi), walk-
san, or none at all. When night falls, he ing around at night (Yakou), court
will walk around the town calling to the dance and music (Bugaku), etc.
henge and mononoke, leading them in a • Male Given Name: Douji (boy,
procession. When there is a yagyou-san kid), Ou (king), Maru (round),
in a town, even adults don’t go out at Taro, Taisho (general), Nushi (mas-
night. Anyone who does go out what find ter), Kami (god), Bou (person)
themselves surrounded by mononoke, • Female Given Name: Gozen (your
and perhaps scolded by the yagyou-san. ladyship), Hime (princess), Koushu
(princess), Tayuu (courtesan)
Niou-sama (Two Kings): The Niou Naturally, there are oni with other
are statues that guard a temple gate. names, and with simpler ones. Think of
Niou who get tired of guarding the gate an appropriate name, and consult with
all the time will sometimes take human the narrator.
form and come into town to play. Even
鬼 Transforming
Oni also have faces and skin colors that are completely different from
humans. Furthermore, most oni have horns on their heads somewhere.
On the other hand, compared to henge and other mononoke, oni are
much closer to humans. When oni take human form, the only real prob-
lem is their horns. However, if you create bear or bore henge using the
oni rules, they transform just like typical henge.
Cost +0
Cost +2
Cost +4
Horns are completely visible.
Completely human.
Strong (0) Thunder (8) Iron Club (8)
You have considerable physical You call a great clap of thunder This power creates an oni’s big,
strength. When making checks from a cloud in the sky. The heavy iron club in your hand.
for lifting heavy things, arm thunder cannot knock people The club lasts until the end of the
wrestling, etc. your Animal at- down and such, but the sound scene, and you can use it to your
tribute (but not the amount of and the flash of light are very heart’s content to smash through
Feelings you spend) is doubled. intense. Everyone in the scene rocks and walls. Of course, un-
who is not an oni needs an thinking destruction may lower
Adult check result of four or your connection to the town. If
higher or they will let out a cry you take human form, this iron
club can become a bat, wooden
and flee.
sword, cane, haraegushi (Shinto
purification wand), or other ob-
ject of a similar shape.
This power lets you imitate pow- The land of the mononoke, You call the henge and mono-
ers that other henge, mononoke, the Hidden Village, lies in the noke of the town together, into
or similar have used. By paying depths of the mountains or for- a great procession. This proces-
the cost of this power, you can ests, and this power lets you pay sion lasts until the end of the
create an effect identical to a visit. You can bring someone scene, and anyone who partici-
that of a power that a henge, else along, so long as you have pates can use their powers at
mononoke, local god, etc. has a connection to them. You don’t half the usual cost. Also, you
just used. However, if there is a need to use this power again to can only use this power at night.
check involved with that power exit the Hidden Village. Henge
you will have to make your own and mononoke are free to enter
check for it. the Hidden Village, but people
must have a mononoke escort.
Contrary Peek Into Hearts (6)
You unconsciously take up an attitude that’s You can read the heart of another. This mainly
the opposite of what you’re actually thinking. lets you hear what someone is saying in their
Unless you have a connection of Strength 3 or head, not what they’re feeling or what’s true.
higher to someone, your connection doesn’t Still, it lets you find out what someone’s real in-
provide them with any Feelings between tentions are from their heart rather than their
scenes. They’ll get Feelings from all of their mouth.
other connections like usual, but not yours.
Mermaid: The top of her body is a Seal: When a river is near enough to
woman, while the bottom is a fish. the ocean, seals, penguins, dolphins,
Mermaids usually live in the ocean, but and even whales can sometimes wander
one might swim to town along a river. close. They occupy a position similar to
Different mermaids have different per- visitors, but they’re largely limited to the
sonalities, but they don’t normally go on water. When they do come for a visit,
land, so they know little of the surface they might take human form and head
world. into town out of curiosity.
Nessie: This is a mysterious creature Names
that lives in a pond or lake. It’s a huge Kappa have a given name and a surname
thing with bumps on its back and a long like a person. Ryuuichi’s proper name is
neck. It originally came from a particu- “Ryuuichi Goukou.” Even if he were a
lar lake somewhere far away. No one frog or an otter, he could still have this
knows what it really looks like, but some name so long as he lived in Goukou
say it’s actually a surviving dinosaur. And River. Ask the narrator for the names
who knows, it might just decide to take of ponds and rivers in the town when
human form and come into town. you’re naming your kappa. Also, kappa
can simply be called “The Kappa of
Giant Octopus: Giant octopi also Goukou River” or “Ryuuichi of Goukou
sometimes come in from the sea. River” like a michinoke.
Octopus henge are very strong, and can
cause problems by doing whatever they
feel like. Whether in the sea or on land,
octopi are often arrogant and bossy.
They also sometimes take things they
find in the water as their own…
There isn’t any one kappa appearance, so when they take human form
they don’t leave ears or tails showing like henge. Instead, they show
other distinguishing features. For that reason, look at the table below to
see what happens when your kappa transforms. No matter what they do,
kappa always seem watery in some way.
Aquatic Dialect (0) Swim (2) Catch (4)
You can talk with animals that You can swim in the water with- Your arm or tongue can extend
live in the town’s rivers and out having to come up for air. to snatch someone or something
ponds. Also, if you don’t harm You can also carry something at a distance. When there’s
them they won’t harm you. up to twice your own size as you something in a place that’s too
However, this power does not swim. Furthermore, this dou- far away or too high, you can
work on fish and such that bles your attribute when making use this power to extend a part
might come from outside of a check for fleeing into the wa- of yourself to grab it.
the town. There are as many ter, searching for something un-
aquatic languages as there are derwater, or similar. This effect
rivers and oceans. lasts until the end of the scene.
This power lets you give people The land of the mononoke, You move from one place with
and friendly henge or mononoke the Hidden Village, lies in the water to another. You can in-
the ability to breathe underwa- depths of the mountains or for- stantly move between any two
ter. However, you can only use ests, and this power lets you pay places where there’s enough
this power on those you have a a visit. You can bring someone water for you to fully submerge
connection to. If they spend 2 else along, so long as you have yourself. You can also bring
points of Wonder or Feelings, a connection to them. You don’t along other people who have
they can use a kappa’s Swim need to use this power again to connections with you (as long
power too. exit the Hidden Village. Henge as they’re willing to come with
and mononoke are free to enter you).
the Hidden Village, but people
must have a mononoke escort.
Moist Hide In Water (8)
You carry moisture in a dish in your head You blend into water to hide. Even if the water
or in your hair, and when it dries out you is perfectly clear, no one will be able to see you.
can’t move. If a scene takes place in an area It only takes a little bit of water to hide in. While
without water, you have to spend twice as you’re hiding, others will need to match or exceed
many points of Feelings to boost your attri- your Henge plus 3 with their Henge attribute to
butes for checks. However, if it’s cloudy, or if detect you. However, a local god can easily spot
there’s a water supply or an active irrigation you if you hide in a pod or river in their domain.
canal, you don’t suffer this penalty. This effect lasts until the end of the scene.
Sumire is such a ghost, but her kind around the town. Skeletons know they
look scary, so they try not to interact so afraid they often have to spend their
with people without taking human form lives hiding or traveling. Vampires who
first, though they do talk to local gods lead such secretive lives are lonely, and
and other ghosts. surely want to find friends.
Doll: Sometimes a doll that someone Buruburu: This is a ghost that makes
treasured will take on a life of its own, people they meet on the road start to
and even transform into a little girl. tremble. They look like other ghosts, but
People are often afraid of such dolls, but they’re like michinoke in a lot of ways,
they will never stop protecting whoever so they sometimes work together to play
it was that so treasured them. tricks on people. They’re much more
cheerful than they might appear, and
Toilet Monster: This is a monster they’ll often be willing to talk to henge.
that inhabits toilets at night, especially
in places where people rarely come. Names
This monster has nothing to do with Ghosts can have all different kinds of
dead people, and is more like a god names, so there are no particular limits
that protects a toilet. Legends of “Toilet on what you can choose. Sumire has a
Hanako-san” who replies in empty bath- simple name, not unlike a henge, but
rooms and Ganbari Nyuudo who guards ghosts that remember when they were
a bathroom, are well-known. alive can use their former names. Also,
buruburu and toilet monsters can have
Vampire: The odd person who lives in names like michinoke instead.
a western-style house in the mountains, There are many different kinds of
or the person who suddenly moved into ghosts, with totally different histories,
town, just might be a vampire. Vampires and they can have different names ac-
are beautiful people who are weak cordingly. So, think about what kind of
against sunlight, but do not age. They ghost you’re creating and talk to the nar-
do not drink so much of a person’s blood rator about what kind of name you want
as to kill them, but because people are them to have.
Since ghosts don’t have ears, tails, or wings, they transform a bit dif-
ferently from henge. Their peculiar nature shows through to varying
degrees when they take human form, as follows:
Float (4) Poltergeist (4) Walk Through Walls (4)
You can float through the sky at This power lets you make ob- You can enter places where
a leisurely pace. You can move jects move around and float there’s no way in at all. When
through the air at about the without touching them. You there’s a a closed door, a dead
speed a person can walk, and can move around several ob- end, or similar, you can slip
getting up that high gives you a jects that your Animal attribute through and appear on the
+2 bonus to checks for search- would let you lift. People who other side.
ing for things. The effect lasts see this happening for the first
until the end of the scene. time are subject to a Surprise of
4. However, for whatever rea-
son this power can only affect
things made by human hands,
so it won’t work on things like
trees, leaves, or people.
No one can see you unless you You can appear wherever some- You appear in a photograph, on
want them to. You can make it one special to you is, no mat- a television, etc. This lets you
so that until the scene changes, ter where they are. Even if you unnaturally show up in a photo,
only those who you have con- wouldn’t normally be in a scene, on someone’s TV, on a video re-
nections with can see or touch you can show up as long as you cording, etc. Your image won’t
you. However, you still have a have a connection to someone move in a photograph, but in
faint presence, and those who there. on a TV or video recording you
can get a Henge attribute result can move around all you want.
higher than yours will realize Also, if you spend twice as many
that there’s a ghost present. points, you can call someone
even if you don’t have a phone.
look at some possible kinds of visitors: to eager children all over the world. Of
course, you might well have a chance to Genie: A genie appears as a large man,
meet him before Christmas or even in a a goddess, or a monster imprisoned in a
different time of year entirely. lamp. The lamp may have been passed
around the world from a distant country,
Shishi (Dancing Lion): This is a with the genie trapped in it the whole
mysterious animal with a red face and time. A genie freed from a lamp may try
a green body that shows up during New to help the person who released them, or
Year’s and festivals. They move with a they might just do whatever they want.
swaying dance while clacking their teeth
together, and go on their way. People see Names
them as a good omen, bringing happi- Visitors are so varied that there’s no one
ness to the town. way to name them. Some have the same
kinds of names as ordinary people, while
Magician: Someone who wanders others have strange-sounding names,
around might well be a magician. Just foreign names, numbers, or nicknames.
as there are many kinds of people, there Think about what kind of name will be
are also many kinds of magicians. They appropriate for the particular visitor
won’t reveal what they are at first, but you’re creating. If you feel you need it,
sooner or later they’ll slip up and do ask the narrator for help coming up with
something magical. a name appropriate to the setting and
your particular visitor.
Robot: A robot is a machine puppet
that someone made. It may have come
from the distant future, or it could have
been made by someone somewhere. A
robot may have some kind of mission, or
it might have some problem of its own,
leading it to come to the town. A robot
should have some important reason to
why it’s in town.
When visitors who don’t have a single fixed form decide to take human
form, they don’t have ears or tails sticking out as signs of what they are.
Visitors that don’t start with a human form will have something dis-
tinctive emerge when the take human form.
When such a visitor takes human form, use the table below rather
than the usual rules for henge. Unlike animals, visitors cannot easily
blend in with people. Even if their base appearance is close to human,
there will be something odd about them. A visitor cannot show them-
selves in front of a large group of people with taking a fully human form.
Basically close to human, but people close by will realize
Cost +0
they’re not human.
Memorable (0) I’m Back (6) Sky Paths (8)
You leave a very strong impres- You’ve been to this town once You can walk through the air
sion on people you meet. When before. You can declare that as though on a path that runs
making an Impression Check, you’ve met someone before if through the sky. You can’t go
you only need a result of 3 to they’ve been in this town for at any faster than you can by
make a Strength 1 connec- least 5 years. When you make an walking or running, but you
tion, or a result of 6 to make a Impression Check, the Strength can use this power to go at top
Strength 2 connection. of connection you form is one speed no matter what obstacles
higher than normal. Also, when there might be on the ground. If
you use this power you must re- you’re running away from some-
thing, this increases your attri-
late the details of how you met
bute by 3. This power can also
them to the narrator.
affect up to two people whose
hands you hold.
You instantly go to somewhere Everyone knows the town is This power erases any memories
far off, outside of the town. This a strange place for you, so for of you from everyone in the town,
power can instantly take you the most part if you apologize, making it as though you’d never
and others with whom you have you’ll be forgiven. If you use come. If the sum of someone’s
connections to another place. It this power, people will forgive Child attribute and the strength
will not take you to anywhere you for pretty much any non- of their connection to you is
inside of the town, however, fatal mistake as long as you lower than your Henge attribute,
unless it’s to return to the town apologize, but, your words and they’ll forget. Even local gods
from somewhere outside. attitude must be sincere and cannot avoid this effect. When
you use this power, everyone in
properly apologetic.
town gets 10 points of Dreams.
Also, you can only use this power
in the final scene of a story.
town, so why can’t I?
Connection Sunset
Onbu: So I can’t become friends with people
from town? That sounds lonely…
Kaminagahime: You… truly wish for contact
with humans?
Onbu: Yeah. I want to be friends with them
and get piggyback rides.
Kaminagahime: Then… you must treasure
your connections… Use the strong magic
within you to turn their sad stories… into
happy ones… Even if you cannot live in the
same place, if those feelings are true… you
should express them.
Onbu: So they can believe me even if they
don’t see me, or I frighten him?
Kaminagahime: … (nods)
Onbu: Got it. I’m going to do my best to be-
come friends with people from town.
Everyone’s Sunset
Towa Doji: What? Become friends with hu-
mans? Don’t be stupid! There just gonna run
away as soon as they see us!
Ryuuichi: Well, this isn’t from me, but from
that cute michinoke girl who seems so lone-
ly. Don’t you care?
Towa Doji: Pft! They’re all scared of oni like
me! And kappa don’t have friends or nothing
on dry land.
Sumire: A ghost like me is… no longer hu-
man. But I would be happy if someone
would talk with me.
Repushi: I am come from very far away, and
we visitors all deserve the town from a small
distance. I would be pleased at a kind wel-
come and thankful very much.
Towa Doji: Ugh! Look at you guys! Fine, just
this once I’ll help you out! (pouts)
Golden Sunset Heeheehee.
Boy: Oh, crap! It’s gotten completely
dark! Friends Sunset
Girl: Yeah. The stars are already out. Towa Doji: Oh, come on! Don’t cry!
We won’t be able to see a thing when What the heck are you so afraid of
we go down the mountain. anyway?!
Boy: Ahaha. You know, they say that if Boy: Aah!
you don’t get home before dark you’ll Girl: Eek! You have horns?
see a monster… Wait, didn’t we have Ryuuichi: Hello, miss, there’s no rea-
this conversation before? son to be afraid. Actually, our pal
Onbu really wants to be your friend.
Um, could we be friends? And since Onbu thinks you’re good
friend material, I figured I should lend
Girl: Eek! Who’s there? a hand!
Onbu: Um, uh, I’m Onbu and I want to Girl: Heehee. He’s funny.
be friends. Ryuuichi: Come on, you’re embarrass-
Boy: A… monster? ing me. And where are my manners?
Onbu: Yeah, I’m the Onbu Monster of I’m a kappa. My name is…
Mt. Kaminaga. Hey, can I have a pig- Towa Doji: Hey! Don’t hit on her! Any-
gyback ride? way, what do you guys think of Onbu?
Girl: Uh, you won’t stick to the back of Boy: Hehe.
my head or anything, right? Girl: Heehee.
Onbu: Heehee. I just want to be your Onbu: Huh? What? What’s with you
friend, so I won’t stick or anything. guys?
Friendship Sunset Onbu: Your back is warm…
Repushi: I observe that everyone is Ms. Boy: You’re warm too, Onbu.
Onbu’s friend. Why is mysterious to Girl: Really? Then I get to carry her
me. next time!
Sumire: She is very different… so any-
one would be scared at first. But, if Because then we can spin happy stories
you can overcome your fear and talk together.
to someone, you can become friends
even if you are very different from
each other.
Kaminagahime: …Exactly. If someone
is afraid… of what is different from
themselves… they will have many rea-
sons to fear… what if they can come
to understand one another… they will
surely form a thread between them.
Repushi: Although I often cause a
commotion, I can create threads that
can withstand 100 or more friends.
Towa Doji: Come on, you guys! Try to
keep up!
Onbu: He promised to give me a pig-
gyback ride until he gets home.
Sumire: Heehee. Then I’ll come too.
Mononoke Sunset
Kaminagahime: …These children, and
the henge, and mononoke… if their
hearts are true… if they can stop as-
suming they will be hated, and move
Goukouhime: Heehee. Yup. Reminds
me of a certain local god who said she
hated humans, yet married one for
Kaminagahime: …That is a very old
memory. There are no walls one can-
not overcome. Not even the ones we
build our own hearts…
Elder Turtle: Hohoho. No one likes
to be frightened by people they like.
However, the connections you can
gain that way are the very strongest.
Hohoho. Look how happy Onbu is.
Story 1
Characters narrator will need to take some time to
Otoshidama (Visitor) explain about mononoke and Visitors.
Human Child You will also need to understand how
Shrine Maiden Golden Sky Stories is played, or things
will be very difficult. As such, this sto-
Play Time ry is recommended for people who’ve
2 Hours played Golden Sky Stories a few times
Wonder and Feelings Also, to make this scenario a little
For this story the narrator can use 20 easier to read, we’ve written about
points of Wonder and 20 points of “the henge” to refer to the participants’
Feelings for each scene. henge and/or mononoke.
If you are going to play this story, the knows very little about the town.
Child a henge who already did hatsumode
Next, you will need to prepare the child might still be accompanying friends who
that dropped Otoshidama. This child are doing theirs a little late, and there
will only appear briefly at the end of the is the matter of what they might wish
story, so you don’t need to put too much for in the new year. Draw out a general
detail into his or her character. atmosphere, and get a look at how the
Also, since finding this child is the henge relate to one another.
core of what this story is about, he or As the henge are walking down a road
she shouldn’t be someone the henge near the shrine, there is a voice com-
know very well. A child they’ve only just ing from a drain. It’s a small voice that
met, or who they haven’t met at all is only an animal or mononoke could hear,
best for this particular story. and an Animal result of 3 or higher is
For a more detailed look at a child, required to hear it. The voice is saying,
refer to page 113 of Golden Sky Stories, “Help me!”
and choose a character you think you can If they look for the source of the
portray without too much difficulty. We voice, they will find a tiny visitor—
recommend the Princess or City Person. Otoshidama—cowering by the drain.
She seems very troubled, and keeps call-
Shrine Maiden ing out for help.
Finally, there’s the shrine maiden. She If a henge gets a Henge attribute re-
will only speak a little, and if the henge sult of 4 or higher, he or she will know
do manage to form connections with her about Otoshidama without receiving an
she will still only appear in once scene. explanation from her. The narrator can
Refer to page 118 of Golden Sky Stories, explain about her from what’s laid out
and the narrator should think about how under “Narrator’s Preparations.”
she will speak. If the henge have met a If there isn’t such a henge present,
shrine maiden before and have Threads Otoshidama earnestly explains the situ-
with her, you certainly can have her re- ation herself. This would be a good time
turn for this story. for Impression Checks too. Otoshidama
will use her Child attribute, so that the
First Scene henge get “Protection” as their connec-
Location: On a road near a shrine tion contents towards her. Once that’s
Time: Morning done, you can have her fully explain
The third day after the new year has what’s happened. She needs to convey
passed, and it is now January 4th. the following points, in her own voice:
The henge are on their way to a shrine
that, unlike most, doesn’t have people • An otoshidama envelope that was
doing their hatsumode (first shrine visit on its way to its recipient got
of the new year). They’re on their way to dropped in the road.
do their own hatsumode, and although • Otoshidama doesn’t know much
this visit is a little belated, the town is about the child that dropped it.
still very much in a New Year’s kind of • However, if she met the child
mood. With so few people around there she’d definitely know them when
is little need to worry about startling she sees them.
people with the sight of talking animals • If it cannot be delivered, the
or strange mononoke. sender’s Feelings will be wasted.
The narrator should ask the henge
how they’re spending New Year’s and Otoshidama has the little envelope with
what they’re talking about. For example, money inside. If the henge try to ask her
for it, she will refuse to give it to anyone talking to, and forming connections
other than the child. Time passes as she with people.
explains how they might search for the
child, and concerns over being seen by Third Scene
people increase. Place: On a path into town
After that it’s time to move on to the Time: Afternoon
next scene. Now the henge begin inquiring around
town to find the child who lost the
Second Scene otoshidama. To do this they’re going to
Location: Shrine have to take human form, and find a
Time: Morning good way to hide Otoshidama.
Although things may have died down On the 4th of January there aren’t all
a lot, the shrine is not deserted on that many people running around town,
January 4th. People might come, in twos so there won’t be much of anyone to ask
and threes. The henge will have to hide on the roads. Time passes slowly.
themselves or take human form. If they’ve lived in the town for a while
If they ask Otoshidama where the both the henge and the shrine maiden
otoshidama was dropped, she will point should know, but before everyone reach-
them to the shrine’s grounds. If the es their destination there’s the problem
henge don’t ask and want to go into town, that Otoshidama won’t calm down until
Otoshidama should speak up and tell she gets where she needs to be. The nar-
them that the shrine is the place to start. rator should aim to have the henge try to
At the shrine are a few people do- calm her down. She might say something
ing hatsumode, and the shrine maiden. like, “Ah! Oh no! It’s already the after-
If the henge met a shrine maiden in a noon!” or “If I don’t make it in time…
previous story and still have Threads to Aaaah!” You can decide how she talks
her, they should meet the same shrine however you like, but she’s definitely dis-
maiden now. If they have not met be- tressed, and she could start crying.
fore, they can make Impression Checks. It will take an Adult or Child result of
The people of the town know nothing 5 or higher to calm her down once. Have
about the otoshidama, but the shrine the henge calm her down three times
maiden knows a little. A mother had during this scene. By the third time,
come to the shrine yesterday saying that it’ll be almost evening, but Otoshidama
her child had lost one. If the henge ask senses the proper house is nearby, and
her to talk about it in more detail, she points to it.
should be able to fill them in on who Now the scene ends.
exactly it was. However, the family is
probably in town visiting relatives, so Final Scene
the shrine maiden doesn’t know the Place: The home of the child
child’s name or where he or she lives. Time: Evening
The shrine maiden gives them a rough The henge and Otoshidama might be a
idea of where to start through, and we bit lost as to how to go about entering the
can end the scene there. house, but the child in question opens
Note: To make things easier, the nar- the door before long. If they decide to
rator should have the shrine maiden go in the front door, the child can be in
make it clear that the child is going to be the entrance hall1. (It takes an Animal
leaving town soon. Of course, you can check result of 4 or higher to notice that
still let the henge spend time meeting, someone is in the entrance hall.)
48 1
Japanese homes have a genkan or entrance hall through the front door where people can take
off and store their outdoor shoes and put on indoor slippers and such.
The child is Surprised by the sud- all they want without her leaving.
den appearance of the henge outside After giving thanks, the child will ask
his or her house. Everyone will have to the henge to come by the house again
get a Child check result of 4 or high- some time to play.
er to avoid Surprising the child. Also, When the henge leave the child’s
Otoshidama will not show herself where house, they find Otoshidama on a fence
the child can see. Instead, she’ll hide be- a little ways away. It’s already night.
hind the henge. As Otoshidama fades away, she thanks
Once they get the child calmed down, them for all their help. Surely words of
they can make Impression Checks. Once thanks should be enough.
that’s done, the child explains why he She then uses her Far Far Away pow-
or she was going to go outside; the plan er to disappear, though they may meet
was to search for the lost otoshidama. again next New Year’s.
The whole time, Otoshidama says It’s night time, time for the henge to
nothing to the child. head home.
If the henge tell the child about And with that, the story comes to a
Otoshidama, or try to show her to the close. Thank everyone for joining in,
child, she’ll use her Small power to hide, and finish up the usual things for the
and leave behind the little envelope of end of a story.
money with the child’s name written
on it. The child knows nothing about Customization
Otoshidama, and doesn’t notice her. The narrator can make all kinds of
If the henge give the child the otoshi- changes to the details of this story, and
dama, he or she will thank them profuse- you can change it to be your own unique
ly. The henge can talk about Otoshidama tale.
Story 2
A Ghost’s
Characters played Golden Sky Stories a few times
Ghost already.
The Old Lady from the Candy Store Also, to make this scenario a little
A Kitten (Not a Henge) easier to read, we’ve written about
“the henge” to refer to the participants’
Play Time henge and/or mononoke.
2 Hours
Narrator Preparation
Wonder and Feelings
For this story the narrator can use 20 Ghost
points of Wonder and 20 points of First, you need to create the ghost char-
Feelings for each scene. acter that will be so vital to this story.
The ghost needs to meet the following
Story Summary two requirements:
The henge have heard that a strange girl
no one’s seen before has been coming to • She must not have the “Faint”
the candy store. While they talk about it, weakness.
that very girl shows up. • She should be likable.
However the henge react to this un-
known girl’s presence, she silently buys Keep these two points in mind as you
some milk and then leaves. The henge create a ghost.
will likely follow her, but the girl goes Think about what kind of ghost would
to the haunted mansion and vanishes… be good. If you’re having trouble think-
ing of one yourself, you can use Sumire
Introduction from the character introductions.
This story introduces a Ghost, a new (Though you’ll need to remove her Faint
type of being introduced in Mononoke weakness.)
Koyake. The narrator should read the
rules and other information on Ghosts Lady from the Candy Store
earlier in this book before starting this Next is the lady from the candy store.
story. This candy store is a dagashiya, a kind of
If you are going to play this story, the small store that mainly sells very cheap
narrator will need to take some time to candy that children can buy with pocket
explain about mononoke and Ghosts. money (these days 20 to 100 yen), as
You will also need to understand how well as things like beverages, ice cream,
Golden Sky Stories is played, or things small toys, trading cards, fireworks, and
will be very difficult. As such, this sto- even beetles (for pets). It’s also tradi-
ry is recommended for people who’ve tionally a place where the children hang
out. For the lady who runs the store, At this point, if the henge try to talk to
you can use the Lady From the General the girl she looks troubled and doesn’t
Store (on p. 118 of Golden Sky Stories). respond. If there happens to be a cat
If you find it hard to talk like an old lady, henge who she can tell is a cat (from
you can change it to an old man if you having their ears or tail visible), she’ll
want. look like she’s about to say something
to them.
Kitten The girl will then leave the candy
Finally, you need to think up a kitten. store, but if the henge have at least tried
A kitten is a cat with an Animal attribute to talk to her they can make Impression
of 1. You can read about cats as animals Checks. The ghost girl will use her
on pages 22 and 106 of Golden Sky Henge attribute for Impression Checks.
Stories. This kitten is not a henge, and Once that’s done, the narrator should
it’s so young that it can only drink milk. try to steer the henge towards following
her. If they don’t seem to be catching
First Scene on, the old lady from the candy store
Location: The candy store might say something like, “You know, I
Time: Evening think she could use some friends.” She
One evening, while returning from doesn’t know the ghost, and is assum-
playing with some children, the henge ing she’s just some new kid who recently
take human form to go hang out at the moved into town.
candy store. The lady who runs the Once the henge start following the
store knows about henge, so they can girl, the scene ends. If they don’t make
get away with letting their ears and tails any effort to follow her, you can have
show. Still, tell henge who are animals them come across her outside when
that don’t normally show up around she’s troubled.
people (like foxes and raccoon dogs)
that they should probably take human Second Scene
form to avoid causing a fuss. Location: A road
At this point the narrator should tell Time: Evening
everyone about the old lady. Then she As the sun is setting, everyone follows
can welcome them, and everyone can do the girl. She’s taking her time, so it
Impression Checks. Let them chat for doesn’t take long to catch up with her.
a while, and the old lady will let them When she passes by homes, dogs will
have some candy. become scared and start howling. The
While they’re talking, a girl they’ve girl just keeps going, and heads out of
never seen before comes to the store. town.
There’s something odd about this girl, If the henge try to approach the girl
a faintness, as though she’s not quite all and talk to her, she’ll look troubled again
there physically. This is the ghost that and try to leave. Pursuing her only re-
the narrator has prepared (and it can be quires an Animal check result of 2, but
a boy if you want). she keeps trying to evade them. She also
The girl seems to avoid the henge as barely says anything at all.
she walks up to the counter. She whis- The entire time she clutches the bottle
pers, “Milk please” to the old lady, buys of milk to her chest, and hurries on her
a bottle of milk, and leaves. Also, the way out of town.
money she uses to pay for the milk is Henge who get a Child check result of
very old. (This is because she found it in 4 or higher will realize that she’s heading
the haunted mansion.) for the abandoned house just outside of
town that they call the “haunted man- Fourth Scene
sion.” If you’re using Hitotsuna Town, Location: Haunted mansion
refer to pages 128 and 132 of Golden Time: Night
Sky Stories. Inside the mansion, they find a scene
She’s very careful of the milk bottle, much like the illustration on the oppo-
and she won’t say why, but she contin- site page. The girl has poured the milk
ues on to the haunted mansion. into a saucer, and the kitten his lapping
When the girl arrives at the mansion, it up.
she suddenly disappears. She’s actually The henge will have to get an Animal
using her Walk Through Walls power, check result of 6 or higher if they want
though it’ll take a Henge check result to avoid having the girl notice them.
of 6 or better to realize what’s hap- On the other hand if the henge try
pened. The scene ends with the girl to talk to the girl, she’ll be subject to a
disappearing. Surprise rating of 8.
Of course, if the henge cried out and
Third Scene made a big fuss in the mansion in the
Location: Haunted mansion previous scene, the girl and the kitten
Time: Night will both have hidden themselves. If that
So, the girl reached the mansion and happens they’ll both be hard to find,
disappeared. Also, the sun has gone though an Animal result of 4 or higher
down. will turn up a glimpse of the kitten’s tail
Henge who made the check at the end or the girl’s clothes.
of the last scene will no doubt have fig- In any case, when the henge find
ured out that the girl is actually a ghost. them, the girl and the kitten panic and
Even if they didn’t, it’s pretty clear upon try to protect each other. The girl des-
setting foot in the mansion that no one perately asks the kitten not to follow her.
has lived here for a long time. The front The kitten is the first friend the ghost
door is unlocked, but the interior is full girl has made in a very long time, and
of dust and cobwebs. the kitten really cares about the girl.
And there’s also a tiny kitten, so Even without being a cat, the henge can
young it can barely walk. Its mewing tell this with a Child check result of 3
voice echoes through the mansion. (If or higher.
any of the henge are too scared to enter Now the henge can finally talk to the
the mansion, hopefully the sound of the ghost girl. She’s afraid of people who
kitten will persuade them to overcome come to the mansion on nights like this
their fear.) (though they’re plenty scared of her
If there’s a cat henge present, they’ll too!).
understand that the kitten is saying She knows that she’s a ghost, and be-
“Welcome back.” coming friends with her and the kitten
Still, the dark mansion is particularly is the goal of this scene… or rather the
scary, and the henge will need to get whole story. This scene can go as long as
a Henge check result of 4or higher to it takes for the ghost girl and the henge
keep from crying out. to have a nice chat.
The scene ends either when someone Once the henge have become friends
cries out, or the henge proceed deeper with the ghost girl, this scene can come
into the mansion. to an end. When the scene ends, the
henge and ghost girl may want to change
their connection contents.
Final Scene talk to yourself too much.
Location: The haunted mansion’s gate The final scene ends in much the
Time: The next afternoon same way as the fourth.
It’s the next day, in the afternoon, and
the henge have come to the front door Customization
of the haunted mansion. The girl comes As the narrator, you can try any num-
out, cradling the kitten. This time they ber of things to customize this story.
can all go to the candy store to get milk For example, the ghost might need
together. The kitten might even want money to buy milk with, and thus end
something else to eat for the first time. up asking everyone to help with that. In
They can talk as they walk to the can- that case a fox henge with the “Shrine”
dy store. As they are buying what they Additional Power could provide some
need at the candy store, the story comes money, or the henge could end up hav-
to a close. ing to find a fox henge in town and ask
Thank everyone for playing, and take her or one of the town’s local gods.
care of the usual stuff you do at the end
of a story.
In the final scene the narrator will
have to handle three characters: the
ghost girl, the kitten, and the old lady
from the candy store. Try to concentrate
on having them talk to the henge rather
than each other, so you don’t have to
Story1 3
characters the mountains, rescue his daughter, and
Lord Fuiasu, Oni Chief of the Mountains hopefully punish bunch of the “offend-
Sonoko-hime, Fuiasu’s daughter ing” humans along the way.
Maedako the Mighty, Fuiasu’s Unbeknownst to Fuiasu, Sonoko
reasonable yojimbo wasn’t kidnapped; she ran away because
Toyokawa-sensei she was mad about the dismissive way
he treated her.
time needed The henge/mononoke will have to
3 to 4 hours brave Fuiasu’s wrath (gulp!) in hopes of
discovering the true cause of his anger,
wonder and feelings seek out Sonoko to hear her side of the
For this story, the Narrator can use 20 story, and hopefully set all to rights. But
points of Wonder and 20 points of Feel- reconciling two hot tempered oni will not
ings for each scene. be easy!
he’s assembling to sweep down from
oni lord fuiasu beneath a nearby shrine’s eaves, a bus
henge: 4 animal: 7 stop, or some other promising dry spot.
adult: 2 child: 0 Inform them that the hard rain has been
weaknesses: Dried Beans, Scary all too common of late, and though the
rainy season should be near a month
Fuiasu is further described in the Sec- past now, it shows no sign of letting up.
ond Scene. Worse, there have been a high num-
ber of abnormally destructive thunder-
sonoko-hime storms.
henge: 2 animal: 3 Let the characters discuss the weath-
adult: 3 child: 1 er for a bit; characters with a Henge
weaknesses: Amanojaku, Dried Beans attribute of 4 or higher may even note
that one of the local mountain gods or
Sonoko-hime has a lively personality, the oni might be upset about something.
more “feisty” than “angry.” However, While they are talking, a big human ap-
due to her Amanojaku tendencies, she proaches their dry spot; anyone with an
frequently seems (at first glance) to be Animal result of 4 or higher hears him
gloomy and morose. In her human form coming and can react (change forms,
she appears to be a teenage girl, fifteen hide, etc.) before he arrives.
or sixteen at most. Her natural form re- The man is Toyokawa-sensei, a re-
sembles her human form, though her spected local inventor, meteorologist,
skin turns a brilliant sky blue, and a pair and farming expert. He’s wears a mas-
of slightly curving horns rear up from sive wide-brimmed floppy hat and a
her temples. large rain slicker filled with interesting
devices and doodads. As the henge look
maedako the mighty on, he occasionally pulls out one of his
henge: 2 animal: 5 various devices and aims it at either the
adult: 1 child: 1 clouds, the horizon, or the mountains. He
weaknesses: Braggart looks worried.
If the henge approach Toyokawa, or he
Maedako is fully described in the Sec- notices them, he clearly seems a bit dis-
ond Scene. tracted, but he smiles at them, whatever
their forms. He actually knows about the
toyokawa-sensei existence of the henge and “other beings”
Toyokawa-sensei uses the stats for a but at the moment, he is concerned about
Sensei (surprise!) from the core book. what to do to help the local farmers with
Choose a speaking style that works for their water-oversaturated rice paddies.
you, but “cheerful mad scientist that Now is a good time to make Impression
everybody loves” covers his character Checks.
nicely. Toyokawa-sensei will tell the charac-
ters all they could wish to hear about the
First Scene unseasonable weather and the extreme
location: a rainy field danger to the crops that it represents.
time: a very overcast morning (day) “The town is in real trouble if it doesn’t
let up soon.” He eventually lets the henge
The scene opens in early August with look through one of his devices, a detec-
a pelting downpour rapidly drenching tor of “unusual” energy patterns, many of
the henge / mononoke unless they run which seem to be playing over a specific
for protection from the rain, perhaps mountain. Characters that can get Henge
attribute check result of 5 or more know even to untrained eyes, to be a martial
that the mountain holds the lair of the one. There are oni walking about with
local oni Chief of the Mountains, Lord long bladed spears, swords, and other,
Fuiasu, though they won’t know anything stranger, weapons. Many of them have
else about him. on pieces of armor. There are large and
If Toyokawa-sensei hits it off well with brightly colored tents throughout the
the henge, he may eventually shyly sug- camp, with a particularly huge one at the
gest that he wishes “somebody could do center of the site. The sound of a black-
something” about the extreme weather. smith’s hammer clanging against metal
The scene can draw to a close once regularly rings through the camp, as do
you’re certain that the henge are aware of the drunken shouts of oni. Every once in
three things: awhile a raucous blast of thunder shakes
1. The rain is destroying the town’s the camp. It’s VERY loud. The mood in
rice paddies and starting to affect the camp is an odd one. Anyone with a
a lot more besides. Henge of 3 or higher knows that the ma-
2. It’s clearly out of season and un- jority of oni would normally be excited by
natural. the prospect of an impending fight but
3. It is somehow connected to Lord many of these oni seem ill at ease.
Fuiasu’s mountain. If the henge are here to spy, but not
What scene occurs next depends on the really interact with the oni, they’ll find out
actions of the henge. If they decide to what they’re looking for with just a little
go to the mountains to learn more about snooping, as all the oni are talking about
what is going on, go to the Second Scene. it: Lord Fuiasu’s impending assault on the
If they instead decide (for whatever rea- human world in retaliation for the kidnap-
son) to stay near the town, you can go ping of his daughter. The unending rain
to the Third Scene, which you’ll have to and occasional thunderstorm are being
modify a bit to make sense. sent by the oni to punish their “enemies”
down below; however, many of the oni feel
Second Scene that they are unwise to just randomly as-
location: an oni encampment in the sault a human town without more proof of
mountains what happened, especially with how upset
time: evening (late afternoon) the princess has been of late. Such talk
is swiftly shushed, accompanied by a few
The scene starts with the henge ap- eyes cast towards Fuiasu’s tent.
proaching an oni encampment between A massive oni with crimson skin and
two of the lower mountain peaks above large white horns, shaped like a gazelle’s,
their town. The camp is quite a ways stands before Fuiasu’s big tent at the cen-
from the town, the henge had to catch ter of the camp, his hands gently camp. In
a ride on a tour bus to the base of the his hands, he gently grasps a ridiculously
mountains and make their way up (un- large tetsubo (iron club) thrust into the
less they had a better way to travel, such ground before him. This is Maedako the
as the Power Hidden Village—which Mighty, Lord Fuiasu’s trusted bodyguard
would lead to the “general” mononoke and right hand oni. Though Maedako is
village, not Fuiasu’s encampment.) a braggart, he is also far more reasonable
The henge can slip into camp unno- than his chief, and more importantly, he
ticed with an Animal check of 5 or higher. thinks Fuiasu’s theory that Sonoko was
Otherwise, they can choose to walk in as kidnapped by humans is completely ridic-
bold as they please. ulous, though he has been careful to not
The oni have set up a camp that looks, directly defy his boss in public.
If the henge stroll into camp, or get he gets his daughter back, he’ll certainly
caught snooping about, they are promptly consider stopping the rain… in a month
brought before Maedako for judgment. or two.
Let them make Impression Checks, keep- At the end of the conversation (mean-
ing in mind that Maedako is secretly im- ing, when he decides it is over) Fuiasu
pressed that any henge or mononoke (oth- invokes his Hannya Power with his 7 Ani-
er than an oni, of course) had the courage mal Attribute, causing his face to distort
to come to an oni camp in the first place. into a ghastly demonic maw with a tongue
How this scene unfolds depends a lot of lightning. This will definitely Surprise
on what the henge choose to discuss. If the majority of henge to some extent and
asked, Maedako reveals that Lord Fuiasu’s send them packing. He has Maedako haul
fury towards Hitosuna Town is due to his anybody that didn’t run away out of his
belief that his daughter, Sonoko, was kid- tent and orders him to escort them away
napped by humans to harvest her horns. from camp. Maedako will quietly impart
He intends to march his troops into town what he knows about Sonoko’s favorite tea
to hunt down her “captors” and retrieve house to the characters before he shoos
her on the morrow. If the henge announce them away and the scene ends.
they’ve come to stop the rain, Maedako
will declare they’ll have to talk to his chief Third Scene
about that. location: the golden leaves tea house
If the henge decide to leave the camp time: in the morning (day)
after they talk to Maedako, he catches up
to them just before they leave the outer The Golden Leaves is a quaint little tea
perimeter to gruffly tell them that Sono- room resting along the bank of the river.
ko-hime’s favorite place in town is a small It is full of little glittering windows and
tea house on the edge of the river called normally bright with morning sunlight,
the Golden Leaves. With that, he stumps but the foreboding grey sky leaves the
away and the scene ends. main room somewhat dark and illumi-
If the henge get to meet him, they nated only by flickering glass lamps. The
discover that Lord Fuiasu is an oni’s oni: pleasant smells of fresh tea and break-
huge, loud, and unconsciously terrifying. fast sweets waft through the room.
He is also very worried about his daughter, Beside the unobtrusive wait staff, the
which makes his naturally surly behavior only folks present are a farmer reading a
even worse than usual. His ashen horns paper as he slowly sips at his coffee and a
resemble those of a colossal bull. His teenage girl who sits in the corner watch-
skin is a shocking electric blue, and small ing the river, a pastry in one hand, a cup
arcs of electricity regularly dance over the of tea in the other. This is Sonoko-hime,
plates of his armor as he gestures. The the oni princess, who has taken full hu-
henge can make Impression Checks now, man form.
but remember that Fuiasu has the Scary The henge can choose to approach her
oni weakness, which makes him some- however they wish, though a troupe of
what difficult to like. animals trotting into the tea house would
Lord Fuiasu is willing to talk to the certainly draw attention. Once they’ve
characters for a bit, but his mind is al- talked for a bit, have the henge make
ready made up about what happened to Impression Checks. Sonoko seems quiet
his daughter and nothing they say can and aloof. In fact, she’s actually eager to
sway him much. He will, more or less, an- converse with someone who knows what
nounce what he intends to do as he thinks she is; she hasn’t really felt that she could
there is no one that can stop him. Once talk about her problems with any humans.
She declares that she obviously wasn’t he makes her so angry! However, this is
kidnapped. She left her father’s court be- incredibly difficult for her to express cor-
cause she is furious at his dismissive treat- rectly due to her Amanojaku oni weak-
ment of her. Several weeks ago, during a ness, which frequently causes her to
discussion on the succession to the title project an attitude opposite of what she
Chief of the Mountains, her father spoke is actually feeling. Lord Fuiasu is under
about his “lack of a suitable heir.” The lo- the impression this his daughter has been
cal oni tradition holds that only a male rather calm and blasé about the whole se-
oni can take on the role of Chief. Many cession thing.
oni think Sonoko would make a fantastic The oni princess is vaguely aware that
chief, but to do so goes against their tra- the rain was likely sent by her father, but
ditions, and they’re afraid of Lord Fuiasu completely oblivious of the implications
besides. or the danger the constant thunderstorms
Sonoko fumed over her conversation pose to the human town. If the henge ex-
with her father late into the night, then plain about the storms and/or what her fa-
left the mountains the next day and hasn’t ther intends to do, Sonoko looks delighted
returned since. Fuiasu’s pride is such that at the thought that her actions could lead
he can’t believe she would leave his side to the destruction of the town’s rice har-
willingly (especially since he ordered her vest and maybe even the town itself! (That
to stay!) and she didn’t seem mad, so the Amanojaku thing again; a Henge score of
humans must have kidnapped her. 4 or more will reveal that some rare oni
Sonoko has been thinking a lot about have a disconnect between how they act
what she should say to her father… but and what they actually feel. Sonoko feels
horrible about the threat to the town.) ing tightly clenched teeth. Let this scene
The henge can easily convince her to unfold with Sonoko making statements
confront her father, especially if they agree that, if not the exact opposite, are never
to help her so she can stay focused—to exactly what she means to say. After each
keep her Amanojaku weakness under con- time that she makes one or two “incor-
trol—and the scene draws to a close. rect” statements, she asks the henge to
“explain” to her father what she is trying
Final Scene to convey “correctly.”
location: at the foot of the mountains Lord Fuiasu seems confused at first,
time: day (just before noon) but as the conversation progresses, he
gets angry, yelling, “Well why didn’t she
Lord Fuiasu and his troop of oni are say that then?” But he does slowly, reluc-
storming down from the heights. They’ve tantly, listen. At the climax (and near the
just arrived at the foot of the mountains, end of) the conversation Sonoko brings up
near the edge of town, mustering at the the fact that she is completely qualified to
only spot where it isn’t raining for miles become the next Chief of the Mountains,
around, when the henge reach them - he’s been preparing her for the role all
with Sonoko in tow. her life. Fuiasu looks proud for a moment,
The oni troops are overjoyed to see then snarls “Who would accept a female
Sonoko-hime safe and sound. They im- Chief?”
mediately begin chanting her name, beat- Maedako the Mighty slowly raises
ing their weapons against their armor, and his tetsubo, followed by all the other oni
generally creating quite the ruckus. They raising their weapons (some of the males
part to allow her and her “escort” to ap- make require prompting from the female
proach Lord Fuiasu. oni next to them). Lord Fuiasu looks down
The Chief of the Mountains is delight- and begins shaking. What initially looks
ed that his daughter is in one piece and like an attack is actually the Chief’s laugh-
immediately begins thanking the henge in ter, which peals out of him like thunder.
his great booming voice for rescuing her. He stands, hugs his daughter swiftly,
That’s when Sonoko lays into her fa- then turns to the assembled oni and roars:
ther… sort of. “This is my daughter, Sonoko, next Oni
Generally in a role-playing game, hav- Chief of the Mountains. Let none, includ-
ing one NPC talk to another for an ex- ing me, say otherwise!”
tensive amount is difficult to do very well Lord Fuiasu immediately calls ends the
(especially if you are trying to be serious) rainstorm over the town while Sonoko-
and commonly boring for the players. hime thanks the characters for their help.
This conversation though, should be a With that, the adventure draws to a close.
lot of fun. Sonoko’s Amanojaku weakness
means she constantly defaults towards
saying and acting out the opposite of
what she means. She desperately needs
the henge to act as her “interpreters” as
she talks to her father about why she is so
upset and feels that his position is neither
fair, nor supported by the rest of the oni.
Sonoko looks happy to see her father,
immediately gushing about how happy she
is that he came down from the mountains
oh so very, very… happy, this through smil-
Big Dog’s
characters scattered that he reverted to the playful
Miyamoto-sama, a komainu (Lion-Dog “puppy” he hasn’t been in, well, millen-
Shrine Guardian – A cross between an nia and now he’s tearing about the town
Oni Mononoke and a Dog Henge) having “fun.”
Itsuko, a Shrine Maiden (or Buddhist The henge and mononoke need to find
Priest) Miyamoto-sama, and keep him distracted
Taro, a concerned boy (Use the stats of from “playing” too rough until they can
a Diligent Boy) restore his memory!
he woke up, Miyamoto’s wits were so adult: 3 (0) child: 2 (4)
powers: Big Doggie (3), Shrine Guard- that seems like a good alternate choice
ian (0), Statue (3), Strong (0), Substitu- for this role, substitute them instead!
tion (8), Howl (10), Thunder (8)
First Scene
Big Doggie, Substitution, and Howl location: in a small park near a
work like the Dog Henge powers of the shinto shrine
same names; Strong and Thunder are time: mid-morning (day)
as the Oni powers. Shrine Guardian is
a special power that allows Miyamoto The henge are enjoying the warming sun
to know everything down to the minut- of a late spring morning. A quiet stream
est detail that happened or is happen- babbles nearby and a few butterflies
ing within a dozen paces of his shrine’s drift on the breeze. Have the henge de-
edges. Finally, Statue lets him revert in scribe what they are doing, perhaps even
appearance to a traditional stone kom- encourage them to discuss how they in-
ainu statue while standing anywhere tend to spend their day.
on a shrine or a temple’s grounds. The After you feel a playful atmosphere
numbers in parenthesis next to Miyamo- has been established, tell them a shrine
to’s attributes are what his scores will be maiden is approaching them. Regard-
until he recovers his wits. less of what forms they take, the shrine
Komainu mononoke are noble crea- maiden clearly knows what they are and
tures who traditionally ward off evil has a good idea where they are if they try
spirits. They are endlessly patient and to hide from her. Itsuko bows formally
generally kindly, though at times they and introduces herself, making this a
can be gruff with flighty younger henge. good time for Impression checks for
Miyamoto is a fairly traditional komainu those who haven’t met her previously. If
in outlook, but the blow to his head any of the henge do anything to Surprise
erased all his normal concerns. Miya- Itsuko, spend enough Feelings so that
moto’s normal appearance is a fierce she doesn’t show it.
looking lion-dog of legend. After using Itsuko explains that she has sought
his Big Doggie power, he looks like a them out because something very strange
Chow Chow the size of a VW Bug, with has occurred at her shrine, and she doesn’t
thick red fur. know what to do. She asks if the henge will
accompany her to shrine, which is fairly
For the shrine maiden Itsuko, you can close by. Since they are in a quiet part of
use the standard stats from the core book, town, she believes they can be discrete and
though if your characters are already no one will notice their passing.
friends with a shrine maiden or perhaps a Presuming the henge agree, they find
Buddhist priest, you can easily substitute Itsuko’s shrine is old but clearly well-
in the friend they have history with. kept. She leads the henge to the inner
Finally, the young boy, Taro, can use shrine, where they will immediately see
the stats of a Diligent Boy from the core that one of the komainu is gone from
book. Normally an excellent student, his pedestal. There is no sign of damage
Taro slipped out of class early because he on the base—it’s totally smooth, which
is so worried. He caught a glimpse of the should be impossible since the komainu
big dog that saved him and he has been statue would have weighed at least a few
anxious since, hoping the poor doggie thousand pounds!
isn’t hurt somewhere after knocking him If a henge gets a Henge attribute result
out of the way of a truck. If the henge of 5 or higher, they will have heard of the
are already friends with a young human komainu mononoke Miyamoto and real-
ize that this may be the shrine he typically reaction down to “crying out” at worst. If
guards. The test automatically succeeds the henge ask what he is doing, Taro will
for anyone who has met Miyamoto before. explain that he was reading while walking
Itsuko hopes that the henge will offer to school in the morning (a bad habit, he
to help her search for the missing kom- admits sheepishly). He didn’t even real-
ainu statue, but she’s a little too shy to ize that he had stepped into the street or
ask for such a big favor directly. If one that a truck was coming straight at him!
of the henge brings it up, she will enthu- Before he could react, a big, furry shape
siastically agree, declaring that she will slammed into him and knocked him out of
keep the missing komainu secret for as the way of the oncoming truck. He heard
long as she can. If none of the henge a loud thump and was certain that the
mention it she will eventually grow sad, truck driver had hit the dog that had saved
thank them for coming to look at the him, but once he picked himself up off the
shrine, and then gently shoo them away sidewalk, there was no dog to be found,
so she can return to her duties. though there sure was a big dent in the
Presuming their hearts are in the front of the truck! Taro ran off to school,
right place, the henge are off to solve but spent all day thinking about the dog
a mystery and the scene ends. If they being hurt and slipped out of class to come
didn’t “take the bait” you can still run look for him. Your players will have a good
the next scene—the henge just weren’t idea what happened to Miyamoto at this
actively looking for Miyamoto when point, though some of the “slower on the
Taro walks by. uptake” characters may not have.
If for some reason the henge ignored
Second Scene Taro, or didn’t bother to ask what he was
location: a quiet street (perhaps doing or why, he will eventually leave
after a searching montage.) continuing the search on his own.
time: noon (day) If they make friends with him, Taro
will ask for the henge’s help in finding
The henge have been looking high and the “hurt dog” and the scene can end
low for a few hours, hoping to find a mis- with them all deciding where to con-
placed komainu statue, or possibly a miss- tinue their quest.
ing mononoke. An Animal attribute result
of 4 or higher means that one or more of Third Scene
the henge realize that they’ve seen/smelt location: a field
a young boy in several places who also time: early afternoon (day)
seems to be searching for something.
The young boy is Taro, who is look- After many hours of unsuccessful
ing for the “dog” that saved his life. He searching, the henge (and possibly
looks into bushes and beneath parked Taro) are all tired and thirsty. While
cars, softly calling, “Here doggy, doggy. they’re resting their feet, perhaps get-
Here boy!” as he travels about the town. ting some water, they hear a commotion
The henge can approach Taro and make in the distance. An Animal check of 4
Impression checks if they wish. Taro will or higher indicates they distinctly hear
look intensely at a dog henge in their voices shouting angrily, along with a gale
natural form for a moment before shak- or two of laughter as well.
ing his head. “Nice doggy, but you’re not At one of the big green fields along the
the one.” Time for Impression Checks. edge of town, a huge blanket-wrapped
If any of the henge transform in front shape is bounding about, chased by sev-
of Taro, spend enough Feelings to keep his eral shouting children. Some of the kids
are upset, while others are delighted. As (and sniff suspiciously at others).
the henge reach the field, several items If a dog henge tries to talk to Miyamoto
fall away, revealing a massive Chow by barking at him, Miyamoto seems as if
Chow wrapped in assorted sheets and he is pausing to think about a response,
blankets held by wooden laundry pins. then he barks back once. Miyamoto-sama
At a glance the characters can tell (like all komainu) speaks with the “Voice
that the Chow Chow is impossibly of Heaven” His bark is like thunder - the
large; Taro, if present, will immediately sound blows henge backwards off their
declare that this was the dog that saved feet, shatters windows for a hundred feet,
him. When the henge appear, Miyamoto rocks cars, etc.
shrugs off the blankets, which the chil- If a cat or rabbit henge in their natu-
dren that were following him gather, ral form “runs” away from Miyamoto for
and then runs straight over to plop him- any reason, he chases after them, but
self down in front of the characters. immediately stops if they do, assuming
The henge can now try to communi- they find the courage to do so!
cate with Miyamoto, but it’s very difficult. An appropriate Attribute check of 5
He doesn’t directly respond to attempts or better will spot trace amounts of dried
to speak to him, though he turns his head blood behind Miyamoto’s right ear, where
slightly to listen. Miyamoto’s confused he was hit by the truck that morning.
state of mind means he automatically re- At some point, a clue to what must
jects attempts at Impression Checks in be done to help him in the next scene
this scene; however, he is (fortunately!) should be inserted into this one: have
friendly to everybody, though he may some kids playing nearby yell “help” or
growl at cat henge in their natural forms have Taro thank the big dog for helping
him. When Miyamoto hears the word ting closer and closer to his “home.”
“help” he immediately stops and tenses, Depending on the nature of the
a strange expression passing over his henge’s plan, there may be a tense mo-
face. For a moment, his eyes turn sharp ment or two where it looks like the ko-
and clear, looking about for trouble, but mainu may not remember himself, but
then he shudders once, shakes his head eventually, Miyamoto shakes his head
and his eyes turn vacant again. and his eyes clear. Taro cheers and the
Play out this scene for as long as it henge should be quite pleased with
seems fun. Eventually, Miyamoto gets themselves! Everybody can make Impres-
distracted by a passing bus and sets off sion Checks with Miyamoto-sama now.
after it at high speed, bowling several This scene draws to a close with the
henge over in the process. henge and Taro all talking excitedly with
the big komainu, who laughs with great
Fourth Scene booming “hrufs” as they fill in the fuzzy
location: varies–ends at shinto shrine details of what he has been doing all day.
time: twilight (evening)
Final Scene
Time to help bring Miyamoto-sama to location: shinto shrine
his senses. Let the characters discuss time: next morning (day)
what they think they should do. Taro can
chime in with helpful ideas if the henge The final scene varies with how the pre-
don’t know anyone else, such as a friendly vious one went. If Miyamoto or any of
local god or a wise Sensei, that they could the henge ended up damaging or dis-
ask. Komainu are well known as creatures turbing the shrine in any way, the next
of duty and honor. Bringing those traits day sees them cheerfully working to fix
out in Miyamoto is the key to helping him. it. Miyamoto will help them clean the
Miyamoto clearly responds to calls shrine in the form of a tall, powerfully
for “help,” so perhaps faking somebody built man, apparently in his forties, with
in trouble will cause him to charge to bushy hair and a bright red beard.
the rescue? If the shrine was undamaged, Miyamo-
The henge may be aware that he to lounges with the henge in the morning
loves chasing cats and rabbits; some- sun, behind the tamagaki (the fence that
body could volunteer to lead him on a surrounds the main hall of the shrine) in
merry chase back to the shrine. his natural form, a big lion-dog with very
A “fake attack” of some sort on his large teeth and brilliant red markings.
shrine, with Itsuko’s permission, will Miyamoto is very grateful for their
also bring him running, though that efforts on his behalf, specifically not-
could require some delicate timing and ing anyone that was particularly cou-
nerves of steel! Note that spray paint- rageous; parts of his memory returned
ing graffiti along the side of a wall would overnight. He notes that he believes it is
count as an “attack.” good that henge and mononoke can all
Any plan that the henge come up with be friends, for the world can be far too
which sounds like it will have a reason- dangerous without others looking out
able chance of getting Miyamoto back to for you, no matter how strong or tough
the shrine and/or calls upon his underly- you may think you are.
ing nature will succeed in snapping him After everyone has had a chance to
back to his senses. The henge may have interact for a while, Itsuko approaches
to search town for a bit to find him, but the henge to formally thank them for
as night approaches he finds himself get- their help and the scene draws to a close.
Everyone’s Sunset
Ryuuichi: Hey, look. Those kids are
back again.
Towa Doji: …Yeah.
Ryuuichi: Sure, there are some things
they won’t understand, but I bet there
are plenty of things they will. And
when they do, they’ll be able to visit
us without being afraid.
Towa Doji: Yeah.
Ryuuichi: Well, love is all about be-
ing willing to attack your target’s
heart yourself without fear of being
dumped! Ahahaha! Why don’t we both
hit on her this time?
portrait Human Form : Name :
True :
Age :
( Boy / Girl )
_______ ( ) _______ ( )
_______ ( ) _______ ( )
_______ ( ) _______ ( )
henge ( ) Mysterious Powers Weakness Additional Power
animal ( ) Run, Feel, Hide _______ _______ ( )
adult ( ) Use Machines, Knowledge,
Hide Feelings _______ _______ ( )
ch i l d ( ) Play, Wheedle, Get
_______ _______ ( )