Quiz 1 Basic Calculus
Quiz 1 Basic Calculus
Quiz 1 Basic Calculus
2 points each
1. Use the graph of f(x) to find the limit.
lim f ( x)=−6
Answer: x→−1
2. Use the graph of f(x) to find the limit.
lim f (x)=−8
Answer: x→−8
3. Use the graph of f(x) to find the limit.
lim f ( x)=6
Answer: x→−1
lim f (x)=7
Answer: x→−8
Answer: lim
x →2
f ( x )=3
Answer: lim
x →8
f ( x )=−3
lim f (x)
10. Using the graph representing the function 𝑓(𝑥)=(x +3)2+2, determine x→−3
lim f (x)=( x+ 3) +2=2 or lim f (x)=2
Answer: x→−3 x→−3
x −25
11. Evaluate lim using a table of functional values. Use at least 4 values of x. (5
x →5 x−5
x 2
x −25 x 2
x −25
x−5 x−5
5−0.1=4.9 9.9 5+0.1=5.1 10.1
5−0.01=4.99 9.99 5+0.01=5.01 10.01
5−0.001=4.999 9.999 5+0.001=5.001 10.001
5−0.0001=4.9999 9.9999 5+0.0001=5.0001 10.0001
x 2−25
Answer: lim =10
x →5 x−5
3 2
x + x −4 x−4
12. Determine whether lim exists by evaluating the function using a table of
x→−2 x 2+ 3 x +2
functional values. Use at least 4 values of x. (5 pts.)
x x2 −25 x x2 −25
x−5 x−5
−2−0.1=−2.1 -4.1 −2+0.1=−1.9 -3.9
−2−0.01=−2.01 -4.01 −2+0.01=−1.99 -3.99
−2−0.001=−2.001 -4.001 −2+0.001=−1.999 -3.999
−2−0.0001=−2.0001 -4.0001 −2+0.0001=−1.9999 -3.9999
x 3 + x 2−4 x−4
Answer: lim 2
x→−2 x + 3 x +2