Materi Bahasa Inggris Meeting 234567
Materi Bahasa Inggris Meeting 234567
Materi Bahasa Inggris Meeting 234567
Introduce Yourself
Hello, welcome to English class. We are going to have fun and learn English
for this semester. The followings are useful expression you can use to introduce
yourself confidently:
1 Greetings Good morning/ Good afternoon / Good
2 Addresses The honorable…
Ladies and gentleman,…
Honorable Distinguished guests
3 Opening It is nice to be here
Let me introduce myself…
Allow me to introduce myself…
4 Name I’m ....
My complete name is …..
My nick name is ….
You can call me...
My friends usually call me…..
5 Origin I come from ……
I am from ……..
6 Place and date of I was born in (name of month)
birth I was born on ( name of the day)
7 Address I live in (name of the city/place)
I live at (street– number)
8 Educational status I study ….
My latest education is….
I was graduated from…..
9 Nationality / Origin I am Indonesian.
I’m Rejangnese.
10 Occupation/profession I am a student of IAIN Curup. My major is
Islamic Studies Education.
I am ....
I work at …..
11 Hobby My hobby is ....
My hobbies are ….
I’m interested in .....
12 Telephone number My phone number is ...
13 Religion I am a moslem
14 Pre-closing It is nice to see you
Nice to meet you.
15 Closing See you
Good bye
Thanks, bye
Have a nice day
I come from Indonesia. I am Indonesian
I am fine, thank you.
I am OK. Thanks for caring.
I am better.
Not too bad.
Just s o so.
I am little bit nervous.
I am gloomy.
Everything is running well.
I am not feeling well.
I’ve got cough.
Occupation/job What are you?
I am a university students.
3rd Meeting
1. Nouns
Nouns are words that identify a person [teenager], place [Toronto], thing
[table], or idea [hope]. Nouns can be singular [table] or plural [tables]. Nouns can be
common [table] or proper [Elizabeth]. Proper nouns always start with a capital.
In the following example sentences, the nouns are shaded red.
The cat jumped on the table.
An elephant is bigger than a car.
Elizabeth is full of hope.
Task 1: Colour the NOUNS RED in the following sentences!
1. The dog jumped on the sofa.
2. A monkey is smarter than a cow.
3. Jonathan doesn’t have much imagination.
4. The boys and girls danced in the sunshine.
5. The teacher went to Australia for a visit.
2. Pronouns
Pronouns are words that replace nouns. Instead of “Scott”, one could use the
word “he” or “him”. Instead of “the cats”, one could use the word “they” or “them”.
Instead of “the book”, one could use the word “it” or “this”.
In the following sentences, the pronouns are shaded pink.
We put them to sleep ourselves.
If you will take that, then I will take this.
The cats don’t like us, and we don’t like them.
Task 2: Colour the PRONOUNS PINK in the following sentences.
1. He was afraid that he had lost it.
2. Did you tell them about it?
3. They thought she was on the train.
4. On Monday, he hurt himself playing hockey.
5. This is the high road and that is the low road.
3. Verbs
Verbs are words that express action, existence, or occurrence. Most parts of
speech are usually a single word, but verbs are often made up of several words
(because they include expressions of time). The additional words in multi-word verbs
are called helper or auxiliary verbs, and they are sometimes separated from the main
verb (especially by the word “not”).
In the following example sentences, the verbs are shaded yellow.
Jeremy ran down the road.
We are never alone.
The lawyer had been hoping for a miracle.
Task 3.1: Colour the VERBS YELLOW in the following sentences!
1. The girls opened the door.
2. She is a very pretty baby.
3. The raccoons have been washing their food for ages.
4. Adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Three adjectives – “a”, “an” and
“the” - are in a special category of their own called “articles”. There is also a special
group of pronouns – the ones showing possession – that count as adjectives: for
example, “my” and “theirs”.
In the following example sentences, the adjectives are shaded grey.
The beautiful lady gave me a wonderful smile.
He looked into her big brown eyes.
I hope I will win an enormous apple because I’m really hungry
Task 4: Colour the ADJECTIVES GREY in the following sentences!
1. The cute little bunny was hopping around in our garden.
2. Jennifer’s first doll lost her head in a terrible accident.
3. Our American friends are coming for a short visit.
4. Jason’s old dog always comes along on his trips to the big orchard.
5. Alison was embarrassed when her elderly aunt shouted loudly.
4th Meeting
5. Adverbs
Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. They answer
the questions how, when, where, and how much, and often end in the letters ‘ly’.
In the following example sentences, the adverbs are shaded green.
We slowly walked to our house. (The adverb is describing the verb “walked”.)
Monday was an extremely cold day. (The adverb is describing the adjective “cold”.)
The children laughed very happily. (The adverb is describing the adverb “happily”.)
Task 5: Colour the ADVERBS GREEN in the following sentences!
1. Bob shouted loudly and ran quickly across the driveway.
2. The very sad dog headed home.
3. The girls moved too slowly to suit their teacher.
4. The young children were eagerly waiting for Christmas.
5. We have a really nice cat.
6. Prepositions
Prepositions are words that indicate the relationship between nouns or
pronouns and other words. They introduce prepositional phrases that usually indicate
location, direction or association.
In the following example sentences, the prepositions are shaded brown.
Tom lived near the pond.
Jeremy headed towards the north side of the town.
My father thinks you look like Marilyn Monroe.
Task 6: Colour the PREPOSITIONS BROWN in the following sentences!
1. My house is at the end of this street.
2. The car drove through the woods and into the valley.
3. Do you have a lot of money for me?
4. Tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree.
5. The three girls are no longer friends with each other.
7. Conjunctions
Conjunctions are words that connect words, phrases, or clauses. There are
two kinds of conjunctions – co-ordinate conjunctions (like “and”, “so”, and “but”)
and subordinate conjunctions (like “which”, “when”, and “because”). In order to
understand conjunctions properly, students need to know what phrases, principal
clauses and subordinate clauses are. More will be explained about these topics later
on, but for now it’s enough to know that principal clauses can stand alone, while
subordinate clauses cannot stand alone.
8. Interjections
Interjections are short utterances that usually express emotion.
In the following example sentence, the interjection is shaded aqua.
Ouch! That hurt.
Task 8: Colour the INTERJECTIONS BLUE in the following sentences.
1. My gosh, that’s a huge pumpkin!
2. I can’t go to school today, alas.
3. Ladies and gentlemen, ahem, dinner is served.
5th Meeting
1. Alphabet
Aa = [ei] = Apple Nn = [en] = Nose
Bb = [bi:] = Ball Oo = [o] = Ocean
Cc = [si:] = Cat Pp =[pi:] = Pig
Dd = [di:] = Dog Qq = [kju:] = Queen
Ee = [i:] = Elephant Rr = [a:/ar] = Rat
Ff = [ef] = Fish Ss = [es] = Sun
Gg =[dӠi:] = Goat Tt = [ti:] = Train
Hh = [eit∫] = Hand Uu = [ju:] = Umbrella
Ii = [ai] = Iguana Vv =[vi:} = Violin
Jj = [dӠei] = Juice Ww = [‘dΛəlju:] = Water
Kk = [kei] = King Xx = [eks] = X - Ray
Ll = [el] = Lamb Yy = [wai] = Yellow
Mm = [em] = Monkey Zz = [zed/zi:] = Zoo
2. Number
a. Cardinal number (bilangan biasa)
Cardinal numbers adalah angka yang mengatakan berapa banyak dari
sesuatu yang ada. Cardinal numbers biasanya digunakan untuk menjelaskan
jumlah atau quantity dari sebuah objek.
Bentuk dari cardinal numbers atau bilangan biasa beserta cara
membacanya adalah sebagai berikut:
1 : one – 11 : eleven – 21 : Twenty-one Contoh kalimat:
2 : two – 12 : twelve – 22 : Twenty-two
3 : three – 13 : thirteen – 23 : Twenty- My mom bought me 2 (two) new clothes.
three I’ve been travelling to more than 5 (five)
4 : four – 14 : fourteen – 24 : Twenty- countries in a year.
four We organized 10 (ten) events in this
5 : five – 15 : fifteen – 25 : Twenty-five whole year.
8 : eight – 18 : eighteen – 100 : one
9 : nine – 19 : nineteen – 1.000 : one
10 : ten – 20 : twenty – 1.000.000 : one
1,000,000th : one millionth
Task 2: Termasuk kedalam bilangan cardinal atau ordinal bilangan yang
tertulis di dalam kalimat berikut ini!
1. I’ve been visiting Seoul for two times.
2. This is my first time going to London.
3. I think we’ve met for the fourth times today.
4. I don’t think we can go hiking. It’s been raining so hard these past two days.
5. This is not the first time Attila doing it.
3. Simple Arithmetic
1) Basic Math Vocabulary
(+) : tambah, plus (<) : lebih kecil dari, is less than
2 + 2 (two plus two ) 7 < 10 (seven is less than ten)
(-) : kurang, minus (>) : lebih besar dari, is greater than
6 – 4 (six minus four) 10 > 7 (ten is greater than seven)
(x) atau (*) : kali, times (≤) : lebih kurang atau sama
5 x 3 (five times three) dengan, is less than or equal to
45 * 67 (forty-five times sixty- 4 + 1 ≤ 6 (four plus one is less than or
seven) equal to six)
(÷) atau (/): bagi, divided by (≥), lebih besar atau sama
12 ÷ 3 (five divided three) dengan, is greater/more than or
45 / 5 ( forty-five times sixty- equal to
seven) 5 + 7 ≥ 10 (five plus seven is greater
(=) : sama dengan, equals than or equal to ten)
10 + 4 – 6 = 8 (ten plus four minus (≠) : tidak sama dengan, is not
six equals eight) equal to
5 x 3 ÷ 5= 3 (five times three 12 ≠ 15 (twelve is not equal to fifteen)
divided by five equals five)
2) Pecahan (Fraction)
Beberapa cara penulisan 2/3 : two third Untuk pecahan yang lebih
dan penyebutan bilangan 1 1/2 : one and a half besar/kompleks, gunakan
pecahan dalam bahasa 1 1/3 : one and a third kata over:
Inggris 1 1/4 : one and a 34/259 : thirty four over
1/2 : one half quarter two hundred and fifty nine
1/3 : one third 2 3/4 : two and three 218/576 : two hundred and
1/4 : one quarter quarters eighteen over five
1/5 : one fifth hundred and seventy six
3/4 : three quarters
4. 25 > 24
5. 78 < 88
6th Meeting
1. Day and Month
Day Month Example:
Monday = Senin January = Januari Today is Monday
Tuesday = Selasa February = Februari The day after tomorrow will
Wednesday = Rabu March = Maret be Wednesday
Thursday = Kamis April = April I go to school every Monday
Friday = Jumat May = Mei until Friday
Saturday = Sabtu June = Juni The third month is March
Sunday = Minggu July = Juli Before January is December
August = Agustus After April is May
September = September
October = Oktober
November = November
December = Desember
2. Date
You write You say Dalam membaca tahun biasanya kita
1900 nineteen hundred memisahkan tahun dalam puluhan.
nineteen hundred 1985 is split up in 19 and 85. (nineteen
(and) one eighty-five).
nineteen oh-one
1995 nineteen ninety-five Dari 2000 sampai 2009 tahunnya tidak
2000 two thousand dipisahkan.
twenty hundred 2000 = two thousand
two thousand (and) 2001 = two thousand (and) one
two Dalam pengucapan dan penulisan tahun kata
twenty oh-two and sering ditinggalkan. Kemudian dari
two thousand (and) 2010 dalam tahun dipisahkan kembali.
ten 2010 is split up in 20 and 10. (twenty ten).
twenty ten
4. December 25th 2001 = .........................................................................
5. May 23rd 2020
= .........................................................................……………………….
3. Time
a) Istilah yang sering muncul dalam Telling Time
a.m : ante meridiem (dimulai dari Hour : Jam
jam 12 malam sampai jam 12 siang) Minute : Menit
p.m : post meridiem (dimulai dari Second : Detik
jam 12 siang sampai jam 12 malam) O'clock : Digunakan untuk
Long hand : Jarum panjang menunjukan jam ketika jarum
Short hand : Jarum pendek panjangnya tepat ke jam 12.
Second hand : Jarum detik Past : Lebih
Alarm clock : Jam beker To : Kurang
Clock : Jam dinding A quarter : Seperempat (15 menit)
Watch : Jam tangan A half : Setengah (30 menit)
c) Ada dua rumus untuk menyatakan jam:
Jam + Menit Minutes + past/to +hour
Cara ini merupakan cara yang Pada cara ini kita harus menyebutkan menit-
paling mudah untuk menunjukan nya dulu baru jam-nya dan memakai kata 'past'
waktu, hanya dibacakan saja atau 'to' untuk menerangkan kurang atau
angkanya dalam bahasa inggris. lebihnya menit pada jam tersebut.
Contoh : Contoh :
03.30 = It's three thirty 08.10 = It's ten past eight
06.45 = It's six forty-five 08.55 = It's five (minutes) to nine
Untuk membaca jam ada beberapa hal yang harus kita perhatikan. Kata O'clock
digunakan untuk jam tepat, quarter (seperempat) digunakan untuk menyatakan
waktu yang kurang atau lebih 15 menit. Sedangkan half (setengah) digunakan
untuk menyatakan waktu yang lebih dari 30 menit.
1. Jam tepat = Jika jam 2. Jam lebih = Jika jarum 3. Jam kurang = Jika
menunjukkan jam panjang jam jarum panjang
tepat/pas (jarum menunjukkan lebih 1-30 menunjukkan lebih dari
panjang tepat ke angka menit, maka kita harus 31 menit ke atas, maka
12) maka kita harus mengatakan: kita harus mengatakan:
mengatakan seperti ini: It's a half past twelve It’s ten to nine
It's seven o'clock
movie start?
A. 12.00
B. 12 o’clock.
C. Midnight
7th Meeting
Simple Sentence
Pola kalimat sederhana yang utuh dalam Bahasa Inggris pada dasarnya sama
dengan pola kalimat Bahasa Indonesia, yaitu wajib terdiri dari Subject dan
Predicate, dan boleh ditambahkan object/ keterangan/ object dan keterangan ( S+P/
S+P+O / S+P+K / S+P+O+K). Oleh karena itu, terjemahan langsung dari kalimat
sederhana bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris sangat memungkinkan.
1. Indonesia Mereka membeli beberapa buku.
You beautiful.
The book on the table.
Terjemahan diatas salah karena kalimat tersebut hanya memiliki satu
komponen wajib kalimat yang utuh, yaitu hanya memiliki subject, tapi tidak
memiliki predicate. Oleh karena itu, dalam kalimat nominal, kita membutuhkan to
be, sehingga terjemahan yang benar dari dua kalimat diatas adalah:
You are beautiful.
The book is on the table.
Dari penjelasan diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat yang utuh harus
memiliki subject dan predicate. Peran subject biasanya diisi oleh kelas kata benda
(noun), sementara predicate biasanya diisi oleh kata kerja (verb) untuk kalimat
verbal, atau to be dalam kalimat nominal yang tidak memiliki verb.
Sentenc S P
Verbal: Main
Kelas kata Verb
benda Nominal: to
(noun) be
present tense. Simple present tense adalah tense yang paling sering digunakan dalam
bahasa Inggris.
Simple present tense berasal dari gabungan kata simple yang artinya
sederhana, present yang artinya sekarang dan tense yang artinya waktu. Jadi simple
present tense bisa diartikan sebagai kata kerja bentuk sederhana yang menjelaskan
kejadian di waktu sekarang. Seperti namanya, kata kerja bentuk ini bisa digunakan
untuk menerangkan suatu aktifitas atau kebiasaan yang biasa dilakukan sehari-hari.
Selain itu kata kerja ini juga digunakan untuk memberikan informasi atau fakta yang
benar di masa sekarang ini.
Penting! Simple present tense tidak digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang
sedang terjadi, seperti dalam kalimat: saya sedang makan. Tenses yang
digunakan untuk kegiatan yang sedang terjadi adalah continous tenses.
Misal kalau kita ingin menjelaskan bahwa setiap hari kita berangkat sekolah,
maka tenses ini yang tepat digunakan. Example:
I go to the school everyday (Aku berangkat ke sekolah setiap hari)
Atau menggambarkan phenomena, menjelaskan fakta, atau sekedar
memberikan informasi yang benar pada ssat ini: