Unit Xiii - Analysis of Time Series: Notes Structure

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Analysis of Time Series


13.0 Introduction
13.1 Objectives
13.2 Time series Analysis
13.2.1 Components of time series
13.2.2 Analysis of Time Series
13.3 Measurement of trends
13.3.1Moving average method
13.3.2 Least square method
13.4 Measurement of seasonal variation
13.4.1 Methods of constructing seasonal indices
13.5 Forecasting
13.6 Deseasonalisation
13.7 Summary
13.8 Key Words
13.9 Answers to Check Your Progress
13.10 Questions and Exercise
13.11 Further Readings
When quantitative data are arranged in the order of their
occurrence, the resulting statistical series is called a time series. The
quantitative values are usually recorded over equal time interval daily,
weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly, yearly, or any other time
measure. Monthly statistics of Industrial Production in India, Annual
birth-rate figures for the entire world, yield on ordinary shares, weekly
wholesale price of rice, and daily records of tea sales or census data are
some of the examples of time series. Each has a common characteristic of
recording magnitudes that vary with passage of time. In this unit we will
see about time series analysis.
After going through this unit, you will
 Learn about time series analysis
 Know about the measurement of trends
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Analysis of Time Series
 Understand forecasting and Deseasonalisation
Time series are influenced by a variety of forces. Some are continuously
effective other make themselves felt at recurring time intervals, and still
others are non-recurring or random in nature. Therefore, the first task is
to break down the data and study each of these influences in isolation.
This is known as decomposition of the time series. It enables us to
understand fully the nature of the forces at work. We can then analysis
their combined interactions. Such a study is known as time-series
The factors that are responsible for bringing about changes in a
time series, also called the components of time series, are as follows:
 Secular Trends (or General Trends)
 Seasonal Movements
 Cyclical Movements
 Irregular Fluctuations
Secular Trends:
Secular trend is the main component of a time series which results
from long term effects of socio-economic and political factors. It shows
the growth or decline in a time series over a long period. It is the type of
tendency which continues to persist for a very long period. Prices and
export and import data, for example, reflect obviously increasing
tendencies over time.
Seasonal Trends:
Seasonal trends are short term movements occurring in data due
to seasonal factors. The short term is generally considered as a period in
which changes occur in a time series with variations in weather or
festivities. For example, it is commonly observed that the consumption of
ice-cream during summer is generally high and hence an ice-cream
dealer's sales would be higher in some months of the year while
relatively lower during winter months. Employment, output, exports, etc.,
are subject to change due to variations in weather. Similarly, the sale of
garments, umbrellas, greeting cards and fire-works are subject to large
variations during festivals like Valentine’s Day, Eid, Christmas, New
Year's, etc. These types of variations in a time series are isolated only
when the series is provided biannually, quarterly or monthly.
Cyclic Movements
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It is a long term oscillations occurring in a time series. These

Analysis of Time Series oscillations are mostly observed in economics data and the periods of
such oscillations are generally extended from five to twelve years or
NOTES more. These oscillations are associated with the well known business
cycles. These cyclic movements can be studied provided a long series of
measurements, free from irregular fluctuations, is available.
Irregular Fluctuations
It happens when a sudden changes occurring in a time series
which are unlikely to be repeated. They are components of a time series
which cannot be explained by trends, seasonal or cyclic movements.
These variations are sometimes called residual or random components.
These variations, though accidental in nature, can cause a continual
change in the trends, seasonal and cyclical oscillations during the
forthcoming period. Floods, fires, earthquakes, revolutions, epidemic,
strikes etc., are the root causes of such irregularities.
The objective of the time series analysis is to identify the
magnitude and direction of trends, to estimate the effect of seasonal and
cyclical variations and to estimate the size of the residual component.
This implies the decomposition of a time series into its several
components. Two lines of approach are usually adopted in analyzing a
given time series:
 The additive model
 The multiplicative model

The additive model:

It is used when the four components of a time series are
independent of one another. Independent means the magnitude and
patterns of movement of the components do not affect each other. Using
this assumption the magnitudes of the time series are regarded as the sum
of separate influences of its four components. In additive approach, the
unit of measurements remains the same for all the four components. The
additive model can be written as
Where Y = magnitude of a time series
T = Trend,
C =Cyclical component,
S =Seasonal component,
R = Random component.
The multiplicative model:
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It is used where the forces giving rise to the four types of
variations are interdependent. The magnitude of time series is the product Analysis of Time Series
of four components. Then the multiplicative model can be written as
The additive model is usually used when the time series is spread
over a short time span or where the rate of growth or decline in the trend
is small. The multiplicative model, which is used more often than the
additive model, is generally used whenever the time span of the series is
large or the rate of growth or decline is
Y – T = S + C + R or = S×C×R

Similarly, a de-trended, de-seasonalized series may be obtained as

Y–T–S=C+R or = C × R

It is not always necessary for the time series to include all four
types of variations; rather, one or more of these components might be
missing altogether. For example, when using annual data the seasonal
component may be ignored, while in a time series of a short span having
monthly or quarterly observations, the cyclical component may be
 Moving average method
 Least square method
Moving average method is a simple device of reducing
fluctuations and obtaining rend values with a fair degree of accuracy. In
this method the average value of a number of years (months, weeks, or
days) is taken as the trend value for the middle point of the period of
moving average. The process of averaging smoothes the curve and
reduces the fluctuations.
The first thing to be decided in this method is the period of the
moving average. What it means is to take a decision about the number of
consecutive items whose average would be calculated each time.
Suppose it has been decided that the period of the moving average would
be 5 years (months, weeks, or days) then the arithmetic average of the
first 2 items (number 1,2,34 and 5) would be placed against item no:3
and then the arithmetic average of item Nos:2,3,4,5 and 6would be
placed against item No: 4. This process would be repeated till the
arithmetic average of the last five items has been calculated.
Odd Period of Moving Average
Calculation of three yearly moving averages includes the following steps
1. Add up the values of the first 3 years and place the yearly sum
against the median year. (This sum is called moving total) Self-Instructional Material

Analysis of Time Series 2. Leave the first year value, add up the values of the next three
years and place it against its median year.
NOTES 3. This process must be continued till all the values of the data are
taken for calculation.
4. Each 3-yearly moving total must be divided by 3 to get the 3-year
moving averages, which is our required trend value.
The formula calculating 3 yearly moving averages is as follows
𝑎 +𝑏+𝑐 𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 𝑐+𝑑 +𝑒
, ,
3 3 3

The formula calculating 5 yearly moving averages is as follows

𝑎 +𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 +𝑒 𝑏+𝑐+𝑑 +𝑒+𝑓 𝑐+𝑑+𝑒+𝑓+𝑔
, , …….
5 5 5

Calculate the 3 yearly and 5 yearly moving averages of the data

Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

sales 5.2 4. 5. 4. 5. 5. 5. 5. 5. 6.0 5. 4.

9 5 9 2 7 4 8 9 0 2 8

Year Sales 3 Year 3 Year 5 Year 5 Year
Moving Moving Moving Moving
Total Average Total Average
(3) / 3 (4) / 5
1 5.2 --- -- --
2 4.9 15.6 5.2 -- --
3 5.5 15.3 5.1 25.7 5.14
4 4.9 15.6 5.2 26.2 5.24
5 5.2 15.8 5.27 26.7 5.34
6 5.7 16.3 5.41 27.0 5.4
7 5.4 16.9 5.63 28.0 5.6
8 5.8 17.1 5.7 28.8 5.76
9 5.9 17.7 5.23 28.3 5.66
10 6.0 17.1 5.7 27.7 5.54
11 5.2 16.0 5.33 --- ---
12 4.8 --- --- --- ---
Even Period of Moving Average:
The period of moving average is 4,6, or 8, it is even number. The
Self-Instructional Material four yearly total cannot be placed against any year as median 2.5 is

between the second and the third year. So the total should be placed in Analysis of Time Series
between the 2nd and 3rd years. We must centre the moving average in
order to place the moving average against the year NOTES
Steps to find even period of moving average:
1. Add up the values of the first 4 years and place the sum against
the middle of 2nd and 3rd year. (This sum is called 4 year moving
2. Leave the first year value and add next 4 values from the 2nd year
onward and write the sum against its middle position.
3. This process must be continued till the value of the last item is
taken into account.
4. Add the first two 4-years moving total and write the sum against
3rd year.
5. Leave the first 4-year moving total and add the next two 4-year
moving total and place it against 4th year.
6. This process must be continued till all the 4-yearly moving totals
are summed up and centered.
7. Divide the 4-years moving total by 8 to get the moving averages
which are our required trend values
Find the 4 yearly moving average foe determining trend values in the
following time series data

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

Profit in(000) ₹ 12 14 16 15 13 14 18

Years Profit Sum of 4 years Moving 4 yearly Moving
Fours Average Average Centered
2005 12
2006 14
57 14.25 (14.25 + 14.50)/ 2 =
2007 16
58 14.50 (14.50 + 14.50)/ 2 =
2008 15 Self-Instructional Material

58 14.50 (14.50 + 15.00)/ 2 =

Analysis of Time Series 14.75
2009 13
NOTES 60 15.00
2010 14

2011 18
Moving averages can be used for measuring the trend of any
series. This method is applicable to linear as well as non-linear trends.
The trend obtained by moving averages generally is neither a
straight line nor a standard curve. For this reason the trend cannot be
extended for forecasting future values. Trend values are not available for
some periods at the start and some values at the end of the time series.
This method is not applicable to short time series
When the trend is linear the trend equation may be represented by
y = a + bt and the values of a and b for the line y = a + bt which
minimizes the sum of squares of the vertical deviations of the actual
(observed) values from the straight line, are the solutions to the so called
normal equations:
Ʃy = na + bƩt …………….. (1)
Ʃyt = aƩt + bƩt2 ………….(2)
Where n is the number of paired observations
The normal equation are obtained by multiplying y = a + bt, by
the coefficient of a and b, i.e., by 1 and t throughout and summing up.
When the Number of Years is Odd
We can use this method when we are given odd number of years. It is
easy and is widely used in practice. If the number of items is odd, we
can follow the following steps:
1. Denote time as the t variable and values as y
2. Middle year is assumed as the period of origin and find out
3. Square the time deviations and find t 2.
4. Multiply the given value of y by the respective deviation of t and
find the total Ʃty.
5. Find out the values of y; get Ʃy
6. The value so obtained are placed in the two quations
i. Ʃy = na + bƩt
Self-Instructional Material ii. Ʃyt = aƩt + bƩt2; find out the value of a and b
7. The calculated values of a and b are substituted and the trend
value of y are found for various values of t. Analysis of Time Series

When the number of years is odd the calculation will be simplified by NOTES
taking the mid year as origin and one year as unit and in that case
Ʃt = 0 and the two normal equations take the form
Ʃy = na ; Ʃyt = bƩt2
Ʃ𝐲 Ʃ𝐲𝐭
Hence a = ,b=
𝑛 Ʃ𝐭²

Example :
Calculate trend values by the method of least square from data given
below and estimate the sales for 2003

Years: 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Sales of Co.A, (₹ Lakhs) 70 74 80 86 90


Year Sales Deviation from 1998

y t ty t2

1996 70 -2 -140 4

1997 74 -1 -74 1

1998 80 0 0 0

1999 86 1 86 1

2000 90 2 180 4

n=5 Ʃy = 400 Ʃt = 0 Ʃty = 52 Ʃt2 = 10

Since Ʃt = 0
Ʃ𝐲 400 Ʃ𝐲𝐭 52
a= = = 80 , b = = 𝟏𝟎 = 5.2
𝑛 5 Ʃ𝐭²

Hence, y = 80 + 5.2 x t
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Therefore y1996 = 80 + 5.2 ( - 2) = 80 – 10.4 = 69.6
Analysis of Time Series y1997 = 80 + 5.2 ( -1) = 80 – 5.2 = 74.8
y1998 = 80 + 5.2 ( 0 ) = 80 + 0 = 80
y1996 = 80 + 5.2 ( 1) = 80 + 5.2 = 85.2
y1996 = 80 + 5.2 ( 2) = 80 + 10.4 = 90.4
For 2003, t will be 5. Putting t = 5 in the equation
Y2013 = 80 + 5.2 (5\0 = 80 + 26 = 106
Thus the estimated sales for the year 2003 is ₹106 lakhs
When the Number of Years is Even
When the number of years is even the origin is placed in the midway
between the two middle years and the unit is taken to be half year instead
of one year. With this change of origin and scale we have
Ʃt = 0
Ʃ𝐲 Ʃ𝐲𝐭
Hence a = ,b=
𝑛 Ʃ𝐭²

Production of a company for 6 consecutive years is given in the
following table. Calculate the trend value by using the method of least

Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

Production 12 13 18 20 24 28


Year Sales Deviation from 2002.5 Trend values

y t ty t2

2000 12 -2.5 -30 6.25 11.5

2001 13 -1.5 -19.5 2.25 14.5

2002 18 -0.5 -9 0.25 17.53

2003 20 0.5 10 0.25 20.81

2004 24 1.5 36 2.25 24.09

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Analysis of Time Series
2005 28 2.5 70 6.25 27.37
n = 6 Ʃy = 115 Ʃt = 0 Ʃty = 57.5 Ʃt = 17.5

Since t = 0
Ʃ𝐲 115 Ʃ𝐲𝐭 57.5
a= = = 19.17 , b = = 17.5 = 3.28
𝑛 6 Ʃ𝐭²

Hence, y = 19.17 + 3.28 x t

Therefore y2000 = 19.17 + 3.28 (- 2.5) = 19.17 – 8.2 = 11.5
y2001 = 19.17 + 3.28 (- 1.5) = 19.17 – 4.92 = 14.5
y2002 = 19.17 + 3.28 (- 0.5) = 19.17 – 1.64 = 17.53
y2003 = 19.17 + 3.28 (0.5) = 19.17 + 1.64 = 20.81
y2004 = 19.17 + 3.28 (1.5) = 19.17 + 4.92 = 24.09
y2005 = 19.17 + 3.28 (2.5) = 19.17 + 8.2 = 27.37
1. The method is mathematically sound.
2. The estimates a and b are unbiased.
3. The least square method gives trend values for all the years and
the method is devoid of all kinds of subjectivity.
4. The algebraic sum of deviations of actual values from trend
values is zero and the sum of the deviations is minimum.
1. The least square method is highly mathematical; therefore, it is
difficult for a layman to understand it.
2. The method is not flexible.
3. It has been assumed that y is only a linear function of time period
n. This may not be true in any situations.
Seasonal variations are that rhythmic changes in the time series
data that is regular and periodic variations having a period of one year
duration. Some of the examples which show seasonal variations are
production of cold drinks, which are high during summer months and
low during winter season. Sales of sarees in a cloth store which are high
during festival season and low during other periods. They have their
origin in climatic or institutional factors that affect either supply or
demand or both. It is important that these variations should be measured
accurately. The reason for determining seasonal variations in a time
series is to isolate it and to study its effect on the size of the variable in
Self-Instructional Material
the index form which is usually referred as seasonal index.

NOTES There are four methods of constructing seasonal indices.
1. Simple averages method
2. Ratio to trend method
3. Percentage moving average method
4. Link relatives method
Simple Average Method :
The time series data for each of the 4 seasons (for quarterly data)
of a particular year are expressed as percentages to the seasonal average
for that year. The percentages for different seasons are averaged over the
years by using simple average. The resulting percentages for each of the
4 seasons then constitute the required seasonal indices.
Steps to calculate Simple Average Method:
(i) Arrange the data by months, quarters or years according to the data
(ii) Find the sum of the each months, quarters or year.
(iii) Find the average of each months, quarters or year.
(iv) Find the average of averages, and it is called Grand Average (G)
(v) Compute Seasonal Index for every season (i.e) months, quarters or
year is given by
Seasonal Index (S.I) = × 100

If the data is given in months

monthly 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 ( 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑗𝑎𝑛 )
Seasonal Index for Jan (S.I) = × 100
monthly 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 ( 𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑓𝑒𝑏 )
Seasonal Index for Feb (S.I) = × 100

Similarly we can calculate SI for all other months

Calculate the seasonal index for the quarterly production of a computer
using method of simple average

Year I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter IV Quarter

2011 355 451 525 500

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Analysis of Time Series
2012 369 410 496 510
2013 391 432 458 495

2014 298 389 410 457

2015 300 390 431 459

2016 350 400 450 500


Year I Quarter II Quarter III Quarter IV Quarter

2011 355 451 525 500

2012 369 410 496 510

2013 391 432 458 495

2014 298 389 410 457

2015 300 390 431 459

2016 350 400 450 500

Quarterly Total 2063 2472 2770 2921

Quarterly Averages 343.83 412 461.67 486.83

Seasonal Index (S.I) = × 100
343 .83 + 412 + 461 .67+ 486 .83 1704 .33
Grand average = = = 426.0825
4 4

343 .83
S.I for I Q = × 100 = 80.69
426 .0825

412 Self-Instructional Material

S.I for II Q = × 100 = 96.69
426 .0825

Analysis of Time Series
461 .67
NOTES S.I for III Q = × 100 = 108.35
426 .0825

486 .83
S.I for IV Q = × 100 = 114.26
426 .0825

Advantage and Disadvantage:

 Method of simple average is easy and simple to execute.
 This method is based on the basic assumption that the data do not
contain any trend and cyclic components. Since most of the
economic and business time series have trends and as such this
method though simple is not of much practical utility.


1. A time series is a set of data recorded_____________
2. The terms prosperity, recession, depression and recovery are in
particular attached to ________
3. What is time series?

Time series forecasting methods produce forecasts based solely on
historical values and they are widely used in business situations where
forecasts of a year or less are required. These methods used are
particularly suited to Sales, Marketing, Finance, Production planning etc.
and they have the advantage of relative simplicity. Time series
forecasting is a technique for the prediction of events through a sequence
of time.
The technique is used across many fields of study, from geology to
economics. The techniques predict future events by analyzing the trends
of the past on the assumption that future trends will hold similar to
historical trends. Data is organized around relatively deterministic
timestamps, and therefore, compared to random samples, may contain
additional information that is tried to extract.
 Time series methods are better suited for short-term forecasts
(i.e., less than a year).
 Time series forecasting relies on sufficient past data being
available and that the data is of a high quality and truly
 Time series methods are best suited to relatively stable situations.
Where substantial fluctuations are common and underlying
Self-Instructional Material conditions are subject to extreme change, then time series

methods may give relatively poor results. Analysis of Time Series

Advantages of forecasting: NOTES

1. Helps to predict the future:
2. Learns from the past
3. Remain competitive
4. Prepare for new business
Disadvantages of forecasting:
1. Basis of forecasting
2. Reliability of past data
3. Time and cost factor
When the seasonal component is removed from the original data,
the reduced data are free from seasonal variations and is called
deseasonalised data. That is, under a multiplicative model

Deseasonalised data being free from the seasonal impact manifest only
average valueof data.
Seasonal adjustment can be made by dividing the original data by the
seasonal index.

Deseasonalised data = 𝑺𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑶𝑵𝑨𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑿 𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎
where an adjustment-multiplier 100 is necessary because the seasonal
indices are usually given in percentages.
In case of additive model
Yt = T + S + C + I
Deseasonalised data = 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒂 − 𝟏𝟎𝟎
= 𝐘𝐭 − 𝟏𝟎𝟎


4. Define forecasting?
5. What are the method used for finding seasonal indices

 Time series are influenced by a variety of forces. Some are Self-Instructional Material
continuously effective other make themselves felt at recurring
Analysis of Time Series time intervals, and still others are non-recurring or random in
nature. Therefore, the first task is to break down the data and
NOTES study each of these influences in isolation. This is known as
decomposition of the time series.
 The objective of the time series analysis is to identify the
magnitude and direction of trends, to estimate the effect of
seasonal and cyclical variations and to estimate the size of the
residual component. This implies the decomposition of a time
series into its several components. Two lines of approach are
usually adopted in analyzing a given time series:

o The additive model, the multiplicative model

 Moving average method is a simple device of reducing

fluctuations and obtaining rend values with a fair degree of
accuracy. In this method the average value of a number of years
(months, weeks, or days) is taken as the trend value for the
middle point of the period of moving average. The process of
averaging smoothes the curve and reduces the fluctuations.
 When the trend is linear the trend equation may be represented by
y = a + bt and the values of a and b for the line y = a + bt which
minimizes the sum of squares of the vertical deviations of the
actual (observed) values from the straight line, are the solutions to
the so called normal equations:
 Seasonal variations are that rhythmic changes in the time series
data that is regular and periodic variations having a period of one
year duration.
 There are four methods of constructing seasonal indices. They are
Simple averages method, Ratio to trend method, Percentage
moving average method, Link relatives method.
 Time series forecasting methods produce forecasts based solely
on historical values and they are widely used in business
situations where forecasts of a year or less are required.
 When the seasonal component is removed from the original data,
the reduced data are free from seasonal variations and is called
deseasonalised data.
Time series,decomposition of the time series, additive model, the
multiplicative model, Moving average method , least square method , Seasonal
variations , Simple averages method, Ratio to trend method, Percentage moving
average method, Link relatives method, forecasting , deseasonalised.
Self-Instructional Material


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