Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology: (Bauet)

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Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology (BAUET)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)

B.Sc. Engineering 3rd Year 1st Semester, Referred/Improvement Examination, Summer-2021
Course Code: CSE-3101 Course Title: Database Management Systems
Full Marks: 40 Time: 02 Hours
1. Figures shown in the right margin indicate full marks
2. Answer Four questions, taking Two from each section including Q.1
3. Use separate Answer script for each section.
4. Assume reasonable data if necessary.


Q.1 (a) Define database management system. 1
(b) Illustrate the significant applications of database management system. 3

(c) The main entities of the BAUET database management system for the entity- 3
relationship (E-R) model are Teacher, Student, Department and Course. The entities
have the primary key, the weak attribute and the multivalued attribute(s). Using this
descriptions, now construct an E-R diagram.
(d) Identify the database schema(s) using the E-R diagram from the Q.1(c). 3

Q.2 (a) Define tuple relational calculus. 1

(b) List out the fundamental operations of relational algebra. 3
(c) Consider the following schema: 6
Employee (E_id, Name, Dept, Salary, City)
i) Identify the name of the employee(s) whose have greater than or equal
Salary 55,000.
ii) Identify the name of the employee(s) who lives in Rajshahi city.
Using the tuple and domain relational calculus.

Q.3 (a) Define primary key and foreign key with example. 2
(b) Consider the following two relations: 4

Employee Parking
ID Name Office ID Parking_lot P_space
1001 A 10 1001 p 6
1002 B 100 1002 q 14

1003 C 1000 1003 r 18

1004 D 10 1004 s 6

1005 E 12 1005 p 13

Demonstrate the output of Parking × Employee.

(c) Assume the following tables: 4

Instructor (ID, name, dept_name, salary)

Teaches (ID, course_id, sec_id, Semester, year)
Course (Course_Id, title, dept_name, credits)

Now using relational algebra, demonstrate the names of all instructors in the ‘Music’
department, along with the titles of the courses that they teach. Also explain how you
could optimize this query.


Q.4 (a) Define join operation. 1

(b) Demonstrate the join operation(s) in SQL. 3

(c) Distinguish between the generalization and specialization approach in database. 3

(d) Imagine BAUET has a database management system then, list out the benefits that it 3
will provide us.

Q.5 (a) Define transaction in database. 2

(b) Explain the ACID properties of transaction. 4

(c) Apply the serializability technique to prove the following schedule is serializable or 4

T4 T5 T6

Q.6 (a) Design an E-R diagram of hospital management system having the following 4
entities: hospital, patient, doctor, nurse, appointment and medicine.

(b) Consider the following schema: 4

R (ENO, Name, Dno, D_Name, ProjNo, ProjName)
ENO→Name, Dno, D_name
ProjNo→ ProjName

Simplify the above relation to 3NF step by step.

(c) Explain the table inheritance in database. 2

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