Awwa C205 2012
Awwa C205 2012
Awwa C205 2012
AWWA Standard
Cement–Mortar Protective
Lining and Coating for Steel
Water Pipe—4 In. (100 mm)
and Larger—Shop Applied
Caution Notice: The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approval date on the front cover of this standard indicates
completion of the ANSI approval process. This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn at any time. ANSI
procedures require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw this standard no later than five years from the date of
publication. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current information on all standards by calling or writing
the American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036; (212) 642-4900, or
e-mailing [email protected].
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information or retrieval system, except in the form of brief excerpts or
quotations for review purposes, without the written permission of the publisher.
The AWWA Standards Committee on Steel Pipe, which reviewed and approved this standard, had
the following personnel at the time of approval:
Producer Members
* Alternate
† Liaison, nonvoting
G.A. Andersen, New York City Bureau of Water Supply, Little Neck, N.Y. (AWWA)
J.H. Bambei Jr., Denver Water, Denver, Colo. (AWWA)
B. Cheng, Metro Vancouver, Burnaby, B.C. (AWWA)
R.V. Frisz, US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colo. (USBR)
G. George, Tacoma Public Utilities, Tacoma, Wash. (AWWA)
T.J. Jordan, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, La Verne, Calif. (AWWA)
M. McReynolds,* Metropolitan Water District of Southern California,
La Mirada, Calif. (AWWA)
G. Oljaca,* Metro Vancouver, Burnaby, B.C. (AWWA)
G.P. Stine, San Diego County Water Authority, San Diego, Calif. (AWWA)
N.A. Wigner, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Los Angeles, Calif. (AWWA)
J.V. Young, City of Richmond, Richmond, B.C. (AWWA)
* Alternate
Foreword 3 Definitions..........................................3
I. Introduction........................................ix
4 Requirements......................................4
I.A. Background.........................................ix
4.1 General................................................4
I.B. History................................................ix
4.2 Material...............................................5
I.C. Acceptance...........................................x
4.3 Surface Preparation..............................6
II. Special Issues.......................................xi
4.4 Cement–Mortar Lining........................6
II.A. Soft, Aggressive Waters........................xi
4.5 Cement–Mortar Coating...................10
II.B. Intermittent Operations......................xi
4.6 Cement–Mortar Overcoat..................14
II.C. Flow Velocity......................................xi
4.7 Field Joints.........................................16
II.D. Strain Limitations...............................xi
5 Verification.......................................18
II.E. Weld-After-Backfill.............................xi
5.1 Sampling and Testing Cement
II.F. Cement–Mortar Lining Thickness.....xii
Mortar for Linings.......................18
III. Use of This Standard..........................xii
5.2 Testing Cement Mortar
III.A. Purchaser Options and
for Coatings.................................19
5.3 Calibration of the Manufacturer’s
III.B. Modification to Standard..................xiii
IV. Major Revisions.................................xiii
5.4 Inspection and Testing by
V. Comments........................................ xiv Purchaser.....................................20
Standard 6 Delivery............................................21
1.3 Application...........................................2
2 References...........................................2 1 Cement–Mortar-Lining Thickness.......7
I. Introduction.
I.A. Background. Cement–mortar-lined-and-coated steel pipe was first used
in the United States in the late 1800s. Some of the first pipelines were in service for
almost a century by the time the first national standard was written. However, it was
not until the 1920s that a practical method of plant-applied cement–mortar lining was
developed. The first plant-applied linings were installed by standing the pipe on end,
placing a tapered plug with a rope attached to the leading end inside the pipe, placing
enough cement mortar on top of the plug to coat the pipe, and then pulling the plug
up through the pipe. Improvements in the lining process were developed, and the
centrifugal process for plant-applied cement–mortar lining emerged.
Cement–mortar-lined and cement–mortar-coated steel pipe combines the physical
strength of steel with the protective qualities of cement mortar. The lining, applied
centrifugally, creates a smooth, dense finish that protects the pipe from tuberculation
and provides a measure of corrosion protection. The smooth interior surface provides a
high flow coefficient for the design life of the pipeline under normal operating condi-
tions. In addition, the cement–mortar coating results in a tough, durable, and rugged
coating that forms an alkaline environment where oxidation or corrosion of the steel
is inhibited.
I.B. History. The first edition of this standard, designated 7A.7-41, Standard
Specifications for Cement–Mortar Protective Coating for Steel Water Pipe of Sizes
30 Inches and Over, was approved by the AWWA Board of Directors on June 26,
1941. Before that, a tentative draft had been published in the January 1940 Journal -
American Water Works Association for review and comment.
The first edition provided a section for the field application of cement–mortar
lining, which was deleted by action of the Board of Directors effective June 30, 1951.
Pending the promulgation of AWWA C602, Cement–Mortar Lining of Water Pipe-
lines—4 In. (100 mm) and Larger—In Place, the ninth, tenth, and eleventh printing
of 7A.7 (AWWA C205) continued to carry the withdrawn section.
The next edition, published in 1962, was a major revision and provided for pipe
sizes of 4 in. (100 mm) and larger. The standard was subsequently revised in 1971,
1980, 1985, 1989, 1995, 2000, and 2007. This edition was approved on Jan. 22, 2012.
* Persons outside the United States should contact the appropriate authority having jurisdiction.
† NSF International, 789 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105.
‡ American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
§ Both publications available from National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington,
DC 20001.
AWWA Standard
Copyright © 2012 American Water Works Association. All Rights Reserved.
2 AWWA C205-12
* American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor, New York, NY 10036.
† American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials, 444 North Capitol Street Northwest,
Washington, DC 20001.
‡ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428.
4. Free water: Total water content of the cement–mortar mix in excess of
moisture absorbed by the mix.
5. Manufacturer: The party that manufactures, fabricates, or produces
materials or products.
6. Mechanical placement: The process of applying cement mortar by pro-
jecting the cement mortar at a high velocity against the surface or by any mechani-
cally operated system that provides equivalent results.
7. Moist curing: The process of maintaining a constantly moist surface on
the cement mortar by covering the pipe ends with plastic or wet burlap for the
mortar lining and spraying water for the mortar coating.
8. Pneumatic placement: The process of applying cement mortar by propel-
ling the cement mortar against any surface using compressed air.
9. Purchaser: The person, company, or organization that purchases any
materials or work to be performed.
10. Rebound: Cement mortar that does not adhere to the pipe during the
application of the cement–mortar coating.
11. Spinning: The process of applying cement mortar to the inside surfaces
of the pipe and compacting the cement mortar by the centrifugal force resulting
from spinning the pipe about its longitudinal axis until the cement mortar has
consolidated sufficiently to allow removal of the pipe from the equipment.
12. Supplier: The party that supplies material or services. A supplier may
or may not be the manufacturer.
handled to prevent damage to the cement mortar. If a pipe section must be moved,
this procedure shall be done to protect against damage. Any damaged portion of the
lining or coating shall be removed and replaced. Finish. After the cement mortar has been distributed to a uni-
form thickness, the rotation speed shall be increased to produce a dense mortar
with a smooth surface. Surplus water. Provision shall be made for removal of surplus
water by air blowing or by tilting of the pipe. Lining ends. The lining at the ends of the pipe section shall be
left square and uniform with regard to the longitudinal axis of the pipe, and the
lining holdbacks shall be as specified by the purchaser for the type of joint required.
4.4.5 Lining of specials. General. The application of cement–mortar lining to miters,
angles, bends, reducers, and other special sections, the shape of which precludes
application by the spinning process, shall be accomplished by mechanical place-
ment, pneumatic placement, or hand application and finished to produce a smooth,
dense surface. Reinforcement. Wire-fabric reinforcement or ribbon-mesh rein-
forcement shall be applied to the interior of fittings larger than 24 in. (610 mm) and
shall be secured at frequent intervals by tack welding to the pipe, by clips, or by wire.
When using 2 in. × 4 in. (50 mm × 100 mm) fabric, the wires on 2 in. (50 mm)
spacing shall extend circumferentially around the fitting. Repaired areas of machine-
applied linings at miters, pipe ends, outlets, and other cuts made in the lining for fab-
rication of the fitting need not be reinforced if the longitudinal width of the repair
area does not exceed 12 in. (300 mm). Repairs for longitudinal widths exceeding
6 in. (150 mm) not utilizing reinforcement shall be bonded to the steel and adja-
cent faces of the lining with a bonding agent conforming to ASTM C881, Type II. Thickness. Thickness shall be as required for spun lining of
straight sections, except that it may be varied by feathering or filleting to a smooth
transition with adjoining sections of pipe. Handwork. Cement mortar for handwork shall be of the same
materials and in the same fine aggregate-Portland cement proportions as the
cement mortar for machine lining except that plaster sand conforming to ASTM
C35 may be used in place of fine aggregate conforming to ASTM C33 and richer
cement mix may also be used in place of the proportions for machine lining. Areas
shall be cleaned to remove loose or other foreign matter that would interfere with
the adherence of the cement mortar and, if necessary, shall be moistened with
water just before the placing of the cement mortar.
The water in the mixture shall be carefully controlled. The moisture content of the
mixture shall not be less than 7 percent of the total dry weight of the mix.
The acid-soluble chloride-ion (Cl–) content of the cement–mortar mix shall
not exceed 0.15 percent, expressed as a percentage of cement weight as determined
in accordance with ASTM C1152 or AASHTO T260.
Rebound not exceeding one-fourth the total mix weight may be used as
replacement material for fine aggregate only. Rebound not used within 1 hr shall
be discarded.
4.5.3 Thickness. Cement–mortar coating shall be uniform in thickness
except at joints or other discontinuities in the pipe and shall be 3/ 4 in. (19 mm)
minimum thickness unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. Ends of coatings
shall be uniform and square to the longitudinal axis of the pipe, and the coating
holdback shall be as specified by the purchaser for the type of joint required. For
coating thicknesses greater than 11/ 4 in. (32 mm), special considerations for instal-
lation deflection control may be required.
4.5.4 Equipment. Straight and special sections of the pipe shall be
coated with cement mortar applied by pneumatic, mechanical, or other place-
ment methods known to provide equivalent results.
4.5.5 Reinforcement. General. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, the rein-
forcement for the coating of pipe sections may be spiral wire, wire fabric, or wire
mesh (ribbon mesh) in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 4.2.1. Reinforcement
shall be free of oil, grease, and other contaminants that might reduce the adher-
ence between the coating and reinforcement. Reinforcement with surface oxida-
tion may be used, provided that the surface is not pitted. Reinforcement shall be
placed in the middle third of the coating. Spiral wire. The ends and splices in the wire shall be attached by
welding or other suitable means acceptable to the purchaser. The wire reinforce-
ment may be applied under moderate tension while the cement–mortar coating is
being applied. Maximum spacing of the wires shall be 11/ 2 in. (38 mm). Wire fabric. Splices shall be made by welding or other suitable
means acceptable to the purchaser. Circular and longitudinal joints shall be lapped
a distance of at least one mesh. When using 2-in. × 4-in. (50-mm × 100-mm)
fabric, the wires on 2-in. (50-mm) spacing shall extend circumferentially around
the pipe. Ribbon mesh. Attachment of ends and splices in the wire shall
be by a means acceptable to the purchaser. When 1-in. × 1-in. (25-mm × 25-mm),
18-gauge wire mesh is used, the spiral lap shall be 1 in. (25 mm) and the spliced
lap 3 in. (76 mm). When 11/ 2-in. × 11/ 2-in. (38-mm × 38-mm), 17-gauge mesh is
used, the spiral lap shall be 11/ 2 in. (38 mm) and the spliced lap 41/ 2 in. (114 mm). Special reinforcement. For cement–mortar coating design thick-
nesses greater than 11/ 4 in. (32 mm), an additional layer of reinforcement shall be
required for each 1/ 2 in. (13 mm) of additional incremental thickness.
4.5.6 Application of cement–mortar coating. Application. Cement–mortar coating shall be applied by mechan-
ical or pneumatic placement to the specified thickness in one or more continuous
application(s). Allowance shall be made for splices of reinforcing wire. If applied
in more than one course, the interval between the first and last course shall not be
more than 2 hr. The cement mortar shall be projected at high velocity against the
exterior surfaces of the pipe or shall be applied by an equivalent method to produce
a hard, tight-adhering coating of the specified thickness.
The cement–mortar coating thickness shall be checked on each size of pipe
by a nondestructive method before removing the pipe from the coating machine. Mix water. The water in the mixture shall be controlled by using
an adjustable moisture metering system. The moisture content of a sample of coat-
ing taken from the mixture shall not be less than 7 percent of the total dry weight
of the mix. Placement temperature. The temperature of the cement–mortar
mix shall not be less than 40°F (4°C), nor shall the surface temperature of the steel
cylinder be greater than 95°F (35°C) at the time of placement. Support. If required, the pipe shall be adequately braced with
interior struts or rings to prevent damage during handling and coating and, if
cement–mortar lined, to protect the lining. Interrupted placement. If it is necessary to defer placing the coat-
ing of any portion of a pipe length, the interruption joint shall be a square shoulder.
Before placing fresh material against the joint, the contact surfaces shall be care-
fully cleaned and wetted to obtain adherence between the fresh material and that
previously placed. Care shall also be taken not to shatter or damage the material
previously placed or disturb the embedded reinforcement.
When reinforcement of the spiral-wire type is used, the end of the wire at the
edges of the portion to be left uncoated shall be attached to the pipe shell by weld-
ing or by other suitable means. Moist curing. Moist curing shall begin as soon as the pipe or spe-
cial can be sprinkled with water without damage to the coating. The coating shall
be kept continually moist by intermittent or continuous spraying for a period of
at least four days. Moist curing may be used only if the minimum ambient tem-
perature exceeds 40°F (4°C) continuously during the minimum required curing
period, and no credit shall be allowed for any time during which the temperature
drops below 50°F (10°C). Accelerated curing. Accelerated curing of the pipe or special may
begin immediately after completion of the coating operation or within 6 hr there-
after. The temperature of the pipe or special shall not exceed 95°F (35°C) by introduc-
ing heat until the cement–mortar coating has taken its initial set or until a period of
4 hr has elapsed, whichever occurs first. The relative humidity shall be not less than
85 percent at a temperature between 90° and 125°F (32° and 52°C) for at least 18 hr. Membrane curing. Membrane curing shall consist of the complete
encapsulation of the coating by applying material that will retain the moisture of
the applied cement–mortar coating. When liquid membrane-forming compounds
are used, they shall be in accordance with ASTM C309. Additional water application. The cement–mortar coating of pipe
stored in the manufacturer’s yard after curing shall be intermittently sprayed with
water, if necessary, to prevent drying until shipment to the jobsite.
Sec. 4.6 Cement–Mortar Overcoat
4.6.1 General. When specified, a reinforced cement–mortar overcoat
shall be applied over the specified dielectric coating. The curing temperature of
the cement–mortar overcoat shall not exceed the maximum allowable for dielectric
coating covered.
4.6.2 Cement mortar. Cement mortar shall conform to Sec. 4.5.2.
4.6.3 Thickness. The cement–mortar overcoat shall be uniform in thick-
ness except at joints or other discontinuities in the pipe. The overcoat shall have
3/ 4 -in. (19-mm) minimum thickness unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.
Ends of the overcoat shall be uniform and square to the longitudinal axis of pipe,
and the coating holdback shall be as specified by the purchaser for the type of joint
4.6.4 Equipment. Equipment shall conform to the provisions of Sec. 4.5.4.
4.6.5 Reinforcement. General. The reinforcement for the overcoat of pipe sections shall
be spiral wire, wire fabric, or wire mesh (ribbon mesh) in accordance with the
provisions of Sec. 4.2.1. Reinforcement shall be free of oil, grease, and other con-
taminants that reduce the adherence between coating and reinforcement. Rein-
forcement with surface oxidation may be used provided that the surface is not
pitted. When wire fabric or mesh is used, it shall be placed immediately following
application of a 3/ 8-in. (9.5-mm) layer of mortar over the dielectric undercoat fol-
lowed by the final 3/ 8-in. (9.5-mm) layer of mortar. When spiral wire reinforcement
is used, it shall be placed in the middle third of the total thickness coating using a
single or multiple application of the mortar coating. The discontinuity between the
wire and the steel cylinder shall be verified. Reinforcement shall not be attached to
or otherwise be in contact with the steel pipe. Spiral wire. Splices in the wire shall be made by suitable means
acceptable to the purchaser. The wire reinforcement shall be applied helically,
under slight tension. Attachment of ends in the wire shall be accomplished by lap-
ping and tying the wire at each end over the first layer of cement mortar or in the
middle third of the coating during a single application of the cement mortar if the
provisions of Sec. can be met. Maximum spacing of wires shall be 11/ 2 in.
(38 mm). Wire fabric. Splices shall be made by suitable means acceptable
to the purchaser. Wire fabric shall be applied over the first layer of cement mortar.
Circular and longitudinal joints shall be lapped a distance of at least one mesh.
When using 2-in. × 4-in. (50-mm × 100-mm) fabric, the wires on 2-in. (50-mm)
spacing shall extend circumferentially around the pipe. Wire mesh. Splices shall be made by suitable means acceptable
to the purchaser. Wire mesh shall be applied over the first layer of cement mortar.
Circular and longitudinal joints shall be lapped a distance of at least 2 in. (50 mm).
4.6.6 Application of cement–mortar overcoat. Application. The cement–mortar overcoat shall be applied by
mechanical or pneumatic placement to the specified thickness in one or more con-
tinuous applications. The interval between the first and last application shall not
be more than 2 hr.
When the cement–mortar overcoat is applied in two applications, the thick-
ness of the first layer of cement mortar shall be approximately 3/ 8 in. (9.5 mm).
Following the placement of the reinforcement, a second layer of cement mortar
approximately 3/ 8-in. (9.5-mm) thick shall be applied over the wire, wire fabric, or
wire mesh to bring the total thickness of the cement mortar to a minimum of
3/ 4 in. (19 mm).
The cement mortar shall be projected at high velocity against the exterior
surfaces of the pipe, or shall be applied by an equivalent method, to produce a hard
coating of the specified thickness. The cement–mortar coating thickness shall be
checked on each size of pipe before removing the pipe from the coating machine. Mix water. Mix water shall conform to the provisions of
Sec. Placement temperature. Placement temperature shall conform to
the provisions of Sec. Support. Support shall conform to the provisions of Sec. Interrupted placement. Interrupted placement shall conform to
the provisions of Sec., except that the cement–mortar application shall con-
form to the provisions of Sec.
4.6.7 Coating of specials. Reinforcement. The reinforcement shall conform to the provi-
sions of Sec., except that the reinforcement shall be applied over the 3/ 8-in.
(9.5-mm) thick first layer of cement mortar. Application. The application shall conform to the provisions
of Sec. with the exception that hand application may be substituted for
mechanical or pneumatic placement. Thickness. The thickness shall conform to the provisions of
4.6.8 Defective coating. Sand pockets and porous spots. Sand pockets and porous spots
shall be removed and repaired to conform to the provisions of Sec. Coating cracks. Care shall be exercised to minimize the occurrence
of cracks in the cement–mortar coating. However, cracks up to 1/ 16 in. (1.6 mm) in
width, or when allowed by the purchaser, up to 1/ 8 in. (3.2 mm) in width if cement–
mortar overcoat is not considered in pipe design, do not require repair. The need for
the repair of wider cracks shall be determined by the purchaser. Repair procedures
shall include brushing or wiping neat cement into the cracks, autogenous healing of
the cracks by additional moist cure, or a combination of these methods.
4.6.9 Curing of coating. Curing of coating shall conform to the provisions
of Sec. 4.5.9.
12-in. (300-mm) long steel molds at a speed that will simulate the compaction of
mortar in the lining to produce a spun-cylinder wall thickness of approximately
11/ 2 in. (38 mm). The net cross-sectional area of the hollow cylinder shall be used to
determine its compressive strength. Damaged cylinders shall not be tested.
5.1.4 Curing test cylinders. The initial cure of the cement–mortar test cyl-
inders shall be the same as for the pipe. After the initial cure, the test cylinders shall
be kept in a standard moist room (ASTM C511) or in lime-saturated water until
the cylinders are 28 days old or until time of testing, whichever is less.
5.1.5 Testing. Test cylinders shall be tested in accordance with ASTM
C39 by a commercial testing laboratory approved by the purchaser unless the man-
ufacturer has testing facilities at the work site. In this event, the tests shall be made
by the manufacturer. Certified test reports shall be submitted by the manufacturer
if required by the purchaser.
5.1.6 Strength of cement–mortar lining. Cement–mortar test cylinders
shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 4,500 psi (31 MPa) in 28 days or
at the time of testing or shipment if either time is less than 28 days.
The average of any 10 consecutive strength tests of cylinders representing each
cement–mortar mix shall be equal to or greater than the specified strength, and
not more than 20 percent of the strength tests shall have values less than the speci-
fied strength. No cylinder test result shall be less than 80 percent of the specified
Sec. 5.2 Testing Cement Mortar for Coatings
Samples of cured cement–mortar coating shall be taken for making absorp-
tion tests according to Sec. 5.2.1 for coatings applied in accordance with Sec. 4.5.
5.2.1 Absorption testing. A water-absorption test shall be performed on
samples of cured cement–mortar coating taken from each shift. The cement–mortar
coating samples shall have been cured in the same manner as the pipe. A test value
shall consist of the average of a minimum of three samples taken on the same day
from the same work shift. The test method shall be in accordance with ASTM C497/
C497M, Method A. The average absorption value for any 10 consecutive tests from
a working shift shall not exceed 10 percent, and no individual sample shall have an
absorption value exceeding 12 percent.
Tests for each shift shall be performed on a daily basis until conformance to
the absorption requirements has been established by 10 consecutive test values not
exceeding 10 percent, at which time testing may be performed on a weekly basis
for each shift. Daily testing shall be resumed for each shift whenever an absorption
test result exceeds 10 percent. Daily testing shall be maintained until conformance
to the absorption requirements is reestablished by 10 consecutive test values not
exceeding 10 percent.