Summative 4 Mapeh 7
Summative 4 Mapeh 7
Summative 4 Mapeh 7
Department of Education
Name:______________________________ Date:_______________
Directions: Choose the best answer from the given _____8. In what way can you eat a variety of foods?
choices. Write the letter of your choice on the space A. Eat at fast food restaurants every day.
provided before the number. B. Eat only your favorite foods.
_____1. Which of the following is NOT healthful to do? C. Eat different kinds of foods from each food group
A. Eat fruits and vegetables daily. every day.
B. Limit the intake of sugar and salt. D. Eat plenty of the same foods every day.
C. Increase the consumption of fatty foods. _____9. Your mother is suffering from high blood
D. Eat breakfast high in fiber like oatmeal. pressure. Which of the following foods she should
_____2. You were asked by your mother to go to the avoid eating?
market and buy some food for your lunch since she is A. Foods rich in calcium
sick and cannot cook. What will you buy? B. Foods rich in sodium
A. Longganisa, fried rice, egg, and coffee C. Foods rich in iron
B. Fried chicken, rice, longganisa, and orange juice D. Foods rich in magnesium
C. Barbeque, rice, watermelon, and soda _____10. Which of the following is NOT the best
D. Sinigang, rice, pakbet, and ripe banana practice in choosing the food you eat for your healthy
_____3. Which of the following is best for a healthful body?
diet? A. Identify the ingredients of the food you eat.
A. Sweet foods B. Consider the preparation of the food you eat.
B. Processed foods C. Choose affordable but healthy food.
C. Fibers from vegetables and fruits D. Buy anything you want.
D. Coffee and salty foods
_____4. When done every day, which of the following PART II: True or False.
practices is NOT good for the body? Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and
A. Drinking sodas FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answer in your
B. Drinking eight glasses of water activity notebook.
C. Eating a variety of fruits and vegetables ________11. The food you eat affects your overall
D. Eating nutritious foods health condition including your ability to stay active.
_____5. Which food group is best if you want to get ________12. Nutritional problem among adolescents is
enough energy? due to poor food choices and poor food intake.
A. Meat group ________13. Eating a variety of foods is a good
B. Milk and eggs nutritional habit.
C. Fats, Lipids, and oils ________14. Eating plenty of grains, vegetables, and
D. Bread and rice fruits provides you more fats and vitamins.
_____6. Your mother told you to avoid eating foods ________15. Eating in fast food most of the time is a
that contain more fats. Which of the following foods good eating practice.
you should not eat?
A. Fresh fruits
B. Fried chicken
C. Milk products
D. Green leafy vegetables
_____7. Which of the following is the best way to get
all the nutrients your body needs?
A. Eat foods rich in fat
B. Eat a combination of nutritious foods
C. Drink alcohol in moderation
D. Eat the same foods over and over again
Directions: Create a one-week meal plan following the
food pyramid guide.