Spacecraft Control Subsystem Verification and Validation

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Ⅲ] S/C Control Ver. & Val.

| V&V

Verification VS Validation
Verification Validation
Proof of compliance with Proof of accomplishement of the
the design solution VS intended purpose.
Was the right system
Does the developed?
developed system
meet the
requirements The battery can be used to
charge a mobile phone.
The software can be used as
E.g.: an operating system for an
The battery is
designed & built to a
particular set of

The software is
coded according to

Ⅲ] S/C Control Ver. & Val. | V&V Ⅰ 1

the RTCA DO-178B

Key V&V Questions

Requirements Validation Product
Are these the RIGHT requirements?
Does the product
meet the

Process of checking if a
product meets the
requirements established.
Model Validation c.f.Ⅱ ] Sys. Eng. Methods

Is the model correct? Product vertification

Reasoning: To develop objective evidence that Inspection
the models used to analyze systems and
Inspection of design
products reflect the real world as accurately as
documentation or
NECESSARY (not: “as accurately as possible”!).
product to check
Model types: compliance with a
Hardware/Physical model, e.g. structural requirement.
model E.g.:
Graphical model, e.g. optical model “… shall be 27 cm
Mathematical/Software model, e.g. thermal long.”
control system Analysis
Statistical model, e.g. orbital debris simulation Employing mathematics
Model validation methods: or other analysis
techniques to check if a
Experience, i.e. previously used similar product
models with similar conditions. E.g. A complies with a
Structural Model. requirement.

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Analysis, i.e. showing that the elements of the E.g.:
model are of necessity correct and are
“…shall have a
correctly integrated.
probability of … .”
Comparison, i.e. test cases in the form of
A nadir-pointing
independent models of proven validity or
Attitude Control
actual test data. E.g. An Orbit Propagation
System of a


Establish by operation,
adjustment or
reconsideration of a test
article the
compliance with a


“… shall take less

than one hour.”

A nadir-pointing
Attitude Control
System of a

Testing of a
model/prototype of a
product to check its
compliance with a
requirement under


“… shall be less than

2.5 W.”

Ⅲ] S/C Control Ver. & Val. | V&V Ⅰ 3

Product Validation
Was the right
product built?

Main focus is on what

NEEDS to happen in
practice, as opposed to on
the requirements
Product validation

End-to-End Information
System Testing
Show the compatibility of
project information
systems, i.e. all data
flows to the correct
places & at the correct

Mission Scenario Tests

Demonstrate that flight
hardware and software
can execute the mission
under flight-like
conditions (nominal &
contingency) but without
a real timeline.

Operation Readiness
Demonstrating that all
ground segment
elements (e.g. software,
hardware, people,
facilities) accomplish the

Ⅲ] S/C Control Ver. & Val. | V&V Ⅰ 4

mission plan under a real

Stress-Testing &
Assessing a systems
robustness to variations
in performance and fault

Flight Certification
Is the system ready to fly?

V&V Planning Steps

1. Establish the objective(s) of the task(s).

2. Conceptualize how to meet the objectives, e.g. via analysis or testing?

3. Determine the required inputs & outputs, e.g. models, hardware, facilities,
people, money, time, etc.

4. Plan out the activities, i.e. WHEN will WHAT be needed/performed?

5. Document & iterate.

6. Execute the V&V task.

7. Document & process the obtained results, i.e. how was the results achieved,
under what conditions etc.

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What is Verification and Validation?

Verification Validation
System verification is a two-step System validation is the process of
process to assure, first, that system assuring that, once the system is
design successfully captures the full set developed, its operational concept will
of system requirements, and second, meet the original system requirements.
that the system hardware and software Answers the question of “Did we
fully implement the design. develop the right system?”

The process of
proving or
demonstrating that
a finished product
meets design
specifications and
requirements. -
NASA Systems
Handbook by
Aeronautics and
Answers the question of “Does the
system we developed meet the
requirements we wrote?”

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Ⅲ] S/C Control Ver. & Val. | V&V Ⅰ 7
Evolution of System Representation & Characteristics

Specifications are developed as the next steps from the component‐level
requirements in order to guide manufacturers with the desired level of performance
and precision while constructing the components.

Concept Definition Phase

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The outputs from this phase of the systems engineering process are:

Set of functional specifications describing what the system does as well as how
well so.

A selected (Sys) Design (Solution) Concept

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