Twentieth Graduate School Fishing Vessel Technology: Escuela Tecnica Superior

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18th - 27th, April, 1994





20th WEGEMT Graduate School

Fishing Vessel Technology

Module 1. Ship Design




J. F. Nufiez

Prof.of FishingSystem

Potytechnical University of Madrid


Madrid, April 1994


Preliminary Design
Prof.J. F. Nufiez
Polytechnkal Univerity of Madrid


When undertaking the task to design any type of vessel, the

designer enters in contact with the outfitter and, gathering his
wishes, he proceeds to determine its fundamental characteristics
using his own experience, coefficients and formulas. This task,
is complex for any kind of vessel and even more in the case of
fishing vessels as the number of variables is normally higher and
the demands of the outfitter are not clearly defined. It has also
to be added its limitations which have nothing to do with the
development of a vessel but which have to be known and many times
are needed to design a vessel which is far away from the
suitable technique. This task has the purpouse of defining those
parametres that a designer must meet before proceeding to
determine the main characteristics of a vessel.


The dimensions of any type of vessel is a task which carries

multiple difficulties derived from the necessity to harmonize
different interests of technical, economic, administrative and
even historical type. It leads to an interactive process,
together with the own experience of the designer, and ends at the
definition of the main characteristics of a vessel. It has to be
added to this difficulty, in the case of fihing vessel, some
other characteristics that belong to them:

a) The fishing vessel fulfils a triple function as it has

to be designed for cautching sea fishes, the preservation
of the catch and its transport. It involves to embrace
solutions of commitment in order to develop this triple
b) Except for the case of a trawler vessel, the available
space on board of a fishing board is least. It leads us to
make correctly use of the ship space, specially the engine
room, working area and lodging area.

c)Due to the triple activity developed by the vessel,

already mentioned, any mistake produced on the fishing
equipment (preservation and navigation), may lead the
outfitter to economic problems. This aspect, together with
the fact that the fishing activity is more oftenly
performed in undeveloped economic areas, leads us to the
necessity to supply the vessel with equipment of high
fidelity and easy maintenance and reparation. This is the
main reason of the conservatism of the majority of the
fishing outfitters.

d) The marine resources and its price on the market suffer

from sensitive alterations which leads us oftenly to the
necessity of changing the activity of a fishing vessel. It
implies that the design has to be flexible enought to let
the fishing of different species or the using of different

e) Finally, it is important to point out that, in the

majority of the case, the outfitter enterprise is of the
familiar type or with low experience from a technical point
of view, though his fishing experience may be high. It
leads us to the fact that, when defining the necessities to
build a new vessel, their requirements become ambiguous and
even contradictory. It is very important the designer knows
how to understand correctly these necessities of the
outfitter in order to design the most suitable vessel.


First of all, the parametres defined as "exploitation" will

be quoted, though those mentioned later,evidently will also
influence on it.

It has been mentioned the great difficulty of defining a

fishing vessel with respect to other kind of vessels. Efectively,
the function to fulfil and the working system are better defined:
a tug, a merchantship, etc... as well as, it is possible to
determine traffics and working areas, in a short period of time,
by means of the market investigation and the own experience of
the outfitter.

Nevertheless, the horizon of the outfitter of a fhising

vessel is less defined. The working conditions as fhising
grounds, type of specie to be caught, fishing processing, average
catches etc. . may affect, in an important way, the suitability
of a vessel. All this added to the fact that fishery is, except
a few cases, formed by people of great business intuition but
with a null structure which allows them to define and plan the
investments, it makes the requirements planned by the designer,
at the time he decides to build a new vessel, to be oftenly
undefined and contradictory.

Below will be quoted, from the author judgment, those

technical and/or economic parametres that a designer, in
agreement with the outfitter, must meet before starting to design
a vessel. It will also be mentioned to what characteristics of
the vessel affect:

3.1. Types of fishing

It is understood as type of fishing

a) Specie to be caught.

b) Fishing system: trawling, seining, long-liner, etc.

c) A vessel specialized in the two previous conditions

or, versatil if one of these conditions change.

Normally, the knowledge of the specie to be caught

determines the fishing system although sometimes it may
be used differents systems for the same specie.

After the knowledge of these two premises a) and b), the

designer knows the type of vessel he is going to design:
trawler, pole-and-line vessel, seine vessel,long-liner etc;
as well as its general arrangements, the main fishing
equipments etc. But with the knowledge of the specie, he
can also know the depth where he will work (there might be
big variations in some species),the percentage of not
useful products(by cath) that goes together with the fish
to be found, etc...

Finally, if the outfitter decides to build a specialized

vessel (tuna vessel, shrimp boat, seiner), it will simplify
the working of the designer.. On the contrary, if he
chooses to built a versatile vessel, he must define whether
the versatility refers only to the specie to be caught but
not to the fishing system (for instance trawlers in
general), or to the fishing procedures (trawler-purse-
seiner) etc... because it would make the working of the
designer more difficult.

3.2. Fishing Area

Unfortunately, this parametre is oftenly unknown at midle

and long dated, bt it is very important to know which are
the fishing grounds and even more, their distance to the
unloading port. The vessel, after its fishing operations,
does it return to the home port or, otherwise, unload in a
portclose to the fishing ground ?. According to this, it
would be determined the fuel capacity (fuel, freshwater,
oil, etc..), the fishing operation period and even the
speed (and consequently the power installation). Above all
in those vessels like the trawlers in which the speed is
not too high while fishing operation and necessarely in
return trips. Likewise, in the case that the port is closed
to the fishing ground or far from the home port, it will be
suitable to know how often the vessel goes there.

3.3 Catching efficiency

Evidently, it is an unknown variable. However, it is

fundamental to know the average foreseen catches as well as
the maximun because it influences on fish-hold, fish
factory, fishing equipments, etc..and on the general size
of the vessel.
3.4. Fishing Processing

Normally, it is a parameter that may be known better,

though with an actual tendency to a bigger elaboration of
the products on board, there are more variables. One must
take into account the preservation of the catch (by storing
in ice or by refrigeration etc..), the elaboration range (a
complete- fish, filleted, evisceraded, packed, boiled
etc... ). All this, toguether with the other parametres
already quoted, gives the knowledge of the size of a fish
pond, cold-storage capacity (thus, electric), equipment
processing of installing, crew etc...

3.5. Level of automation

This section do not only refer to the automation of the

engine room and of the facilities of the vessel, but, above
all, to the level of automation of the fishing operations
and procedures because it will influence decisively on
mounting equipment dimensions of the engine room, number of
fishing winches etc.. as well as on the number and skills
of the crew.

3.6. Provisions and unloading system

This section is linked to 2.2. The vessel must receive,

before tidal, all the consumptions (fuel, f reshwater,
provisions, ice, etc... ), as well as to replace fishing
tackles, fish boxes etc... Likewise, at the end of the
fishing operation, the catches have to be unload: Does the
unloading port have to take into consideration to have
competent means in order to realize both operations?, or
Does it have to take into consideration its own
loading/unloading means?. Bearing in mind that the quoted
port may be located in undeveloped countries. Even, the
fishing vessel can not stop port and give/recieve the
captures to/from a factory ship in charge of the transport.
Effectively, the knowledge of these factors affect the
design of a vessel.
There are other parametres that also influence on the
definition of a vessel to be design. as 'for instance the
knowledge wether the vessel works alone or with an active fishing
fleet, from where the vessel gets fuel etc...


These are those which limit the definition of some

characteristics of a vessel. Not only by reasons merely of
exploitation but by reasons which are beside itself as,
forinstance rules and regulation, infrastructure, permissions

Lets divide those parametres accoding to how these affect

the vessel dimensions, its tonnage (thus the volume) and its
power plant.

a) Size limitations

Normally these limitations affect the length and they may

can from rules and regulations or subsidies.

In the first case, it can be quoted, for example, the

necessity to arrange lifeboats just from a length,
shipingbuilding system of fitting for vessels with more
than 55 m length, fore peak distance, etc... In the second
case, it is worth mentioning the subsidies the CEE gives to
fishing vessels from 9 or 12 m to 33 m length at the
present. These subsidies are different to those given to
vessels of more than 33 m.

Another dimension that may be affected by reasons beside

the exploitation itself is the draught, normally because a
reason of infrastructure of ports.

b) TonnaQe limitations.

Certainly, from an administrative point of view, it is the

most important.
All the rules and regulations, permissions and subsidies
make the tonnage to be a fundamental characteristic of the
vessel. Even, at the present, it is essential to unpack a
tonnage alike in order to be able to build a new vessel.

Everybody that knows the relationship between the tonnage

and the dimensions of a vessel, with its variety of
extensions, tricks and means of changing them, also knows
the importance given to this characteristic at the present.

At the present, there is a standing rule which demands to

build vessels with powers not superior to those given as
drainage. Thus, the knowledge of the power of a vessel is
known before the knowledge of its dimensions and

Thus, all these limitations which are nothing to do with

the fishing system, a reasonable exploitation, fishing
ground etc..., affect the definition of a fishing vessel in
an important and normally negative way.


Once the designer knows all the previous parameters, he is

able to determine the characteristics of a vessel as habitually:
determination of dead weigth and displacement, choice of main
dimensions, power calculation, design of hull forms, etc...



Apostolos D. Papanikolaou

Professor and Head of Lab. of Ship Design

Dep. of Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
National Technical University. of Athens

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of thc General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20dt WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polviechnical University of Madrid. April IS to April 27. 1994
;IRL 0 9,1
List of Contents


Abstract 3

1. Introduction 4

2. Design Methodology 5

3. Preliminary Estimation of Displacement 5

and of Main Dimensions

4. First Estimation of Weights 9

5. Estimation of Volumes and Internal Capacities 13

6. Estimation of Powering 15

7. Estimation and Stability 17

8. Choice of Construction Material 17

9. Preliminary Cost Estimation 19

10. Technical Specification 20

List of References 23

List of Tables 24

List of Figures 25

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characieristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMIT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Pol.•echnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 2
FI3HL31.ECOIO." 91

In the framework of the preliminary design of a ship

herein of fishing vessels, the main dimensions in general, and especially
and characteristics of the ship according to th'e
requirements given in the statement of the problem
must be determined, considering their impact on
the cost of construction and operation of the vessel,
to be designed.
The. process of preliminary design is
design variables with respect to one or more technical inherently combined with the optimization of
respectively economic criteria, like weight of
structure, horsepower requirement respectively cost
of construction and/or operation. In the first
stage of prelim~inary design, the so-called conceptual
find a set of design variables, fulfilling the specifications or feasibility study, it is sufficient to
of the problem, here the owner's and
regulatory requirements, but not necessarily being
optimal with respect to the above mentioned

The purpose of the present notes

initial determination and specification of the main is to provide the necessary information for the
elements of the preliminary design of fishing
vessels. The notes are composed of the following pants:

Introduction : Statement of the problem, state of the

Design Methodology: Brief review of design process
Preliminary Estimation of Main Dimensions: Presentation
of formulas and data for initial
estimation of main dimensions and of other characteristics
First Estimation of Weights: Initial estimation of
weight groups
Estimation of Volumes and Internal Capacities: Initial
estimation of internal capacities
and of stowage rates, first check of the availability of
Estimation of Powering: Initial estimation of powering
of main machinery and of auxiliaries
Estimation of Stability : Initial estimation and check
of stability
Choice of Construction Material: Selection criteria among
alternative construction
Estimation of Preliminary Cost: Initial approach of
the vessel's construction cost
Technical Specification : Outline of necessary main
statements, information and
documents, to be included in the technical specification
of the vessel before signing the
contract between shipowner and shipyard..

D. Papanikolaou. Estimation of the General Characteristics

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Grdduate School on of Fishing Vessels".
Fishing Vessel Technology.
Poly-technical University of Madrid. April 18 to April
27, 1994
FIS17J.LECJI 0394,
1. Introduction

Ship design is a complex, techno-economical study requiring from

plenty of knowledge and skill. Design of fishing vessels, in particular, is characterized the designer
by the variety
of the vessel size and type, depending on the applied fishing method, and
the relatively small space
available, to comply with the manifold operational profiles of the specific
fishing vessel. Knowledge
of these specific requirements is essential in order to produce cost competitive
and technically sound
fishing vessel designs.

Before starting a new design it is essential for any designer to collect and
technical and economic data of similar or parent ships. The similarity is study the
achieved if, to a certain
degree, the following characteristics between parent and designed vessel are
about the same:

- Main dimensions (length, beam, side height, draft, displacement)

- General arrangement, crew accommodation
Fishhold volume
- Fishing method
- Hull construction material
- Speed and endurance
- Engine installation
- Fish stowage, refrigeration and/or processing

Since most vessels, to be designed, belong to a category

first step in any new design, is to study the main characteristics and if possible of existing vessels, the
the weight distribution
of recent, successful vessels and to select a family of parents or prototypes,
on the basis of which the
vessel under question can be designed through interpolation.

The collection of reliable and complete set of technical and economic

existing vessels is a tiresome and often difficult task for many technical, data of
but also market related,
economic reasons. Besides systematic studies on a national or international
level, that seem rare
when addressing a large category of fishing vessels ( see, e.g., Traung, J.
0, 1967,7978 for various
studies on national and international level, Papanikolaou, A. D., et at,
1991 for medium fishery
vessels in Greece ) one source of such data, mostly incomplete to the extent
required, are specialized
books and catalogues (see, e.g., Dayton's "Guide to Fishing Vessels",
1990/91) or relevant
periodicals (see, e.g., Fishing Boat International, HANSA, SHIFF-
& HAFEN, Holland
Shipbuilding, etc.). Some "state of the art" treatises on the design of certain
categories of fishing
vessels have been published in the past and though they are, meanwhile,
outdated, they are still
considered relevant for many aspects of the fishing vessel design and its
elements. Such complete
treatises are known in the German literature by Boie, C., 1956 for ocean-going
fishing vessels, by
Strohbusch, E, 1966, for trawlers and in Henschke's series of books on Naval
Architecture through
the concise chapter on fishing vessels by Henschke, W. and Thdremin, H.
, 1964. The fishing vessel
design procedure and its elements is addressed also in many contributions
in the book of Traung, J.,
0.,1967/1978 (see, e.g., Gueroult, E., Della Rocca. R.), the book of Fyson,
,., 1986, the lecture
notes by Santarelli, M, 1982(6th WEGEMT School on Fishing Vessel Technology),
etc. However,
due to the complexity of the subject and the lack of reliable data, besides
the rapid change of
technology, it seems, that the designer's continuous study and gained
experience through the

k.D. Papaniknlaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994
development of past independent or interrelated projects, Will eventually form
the best and the only
reliable source of complete technical and economic information.

In recent time, the fast development of the computer hard- and software
the systematic collection and statistical analysis of many technical and enabled
economic data for various
categories of fishing vessels. In using approximate formulas or coefficients
derived from regression
analysis of such data attention should be paid to the proper definition
of the vessel category or the
fishing vessel size, type, its construction material and year of built,
for which such formulas or
coefficients are valid:ý In other words, it is actually impossible to set-up
generally valid formulas or
coefficients for the estimation of the main dimensions, weights , Bishhold
volume or displacement for
all types and sizes of fishing vessels, since of the large variety of vessel
types, sizes, construction
materials, arrangements and operational profiles etc. Any given formulas
or coefficients should be
used with caution and after validation for a parent vessel, the data
of which can be considered as
known and correct. Of course, in the initial design stage, when other
data are not in hand, such
formulas and coefficients can be very helpflul in practice.

2. Design Methodology

An outline of the design methodology, starting with the collection

analysis of technical and economical data and ending With the final and statistical
design is given in Fig. I
(Flowchart of the methodology for fishing vessel design) . Since these
procedures are explained in
more details in other lectures, we can- confine ourselves herein to
certain aspects of the design
algorithm. Especially, in the frame of the present lecture it is of interest
to comment on the initial
design steps and suggest ways to start successfully the design process
of a new vessel under

According to common ship design procedures (see, e.g., Watson,

GiItfillan, A. W., 1977 or Papan.'kolaout,A., 1988) a fishing vessel D. G. IV.,
may be classified as a volume
limited carrier, that means, the major factor influencing the determination
of the main dimensions and
characteristics is the requirement for the availability of space and not of
weight. A general flowchart
of a design procedure for fishing vessels is shown in Fig. 2a and 2b
( flowchart of design procedure
for fishing vessels - Part A & B). The various steps of the design procedure
are commented in the

3. Preliminary Estimation of Displacement and of Main Dimensions

3.1 First Estimation of Displacement through Hold Capacity

After the collection and evaluation of technical and economic

and the thereafter following definition of prototypes (or parent ships) the next data of similar ships,
step should be a first
estimation of the vessel's displacement. It is assumed that the fishhold volume VFj
is given through
the owner's requirements. It should be related to the expected amount of
stowed fish, thus the
anticipated average haul, per trip and the number of trips per year, the
type of gear and fishing
method, the mean duration of the voyage, thus the distance to the fishing grounds
and the necessary
supplies, the species to be caught and the way of storage and refrigeration.
In any case, once the
value of VFH has been specified and the definition of parent vessels has
been completed, it is
A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of
Fishing Vessels".
Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel
Poly-technical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27. 1994
possible to proceed to a first estimation of the ship's displacement through the value of (VFH/A) ,
that is typical among parent vessels. In case of lack of data of similar ships, the corresponding values
given in Tables 3.1 to 3.2 (or Figs. 3 & 4) can be helpful. In using data from the tables, attention
should be paid to the following points:

1. The full load displacement is understood for the condition "ship leaving the fishing grounds".
2. For small fishing vessels, it is customary to refer the first estimation of displacement to the "half-
load" condition, that corresponds to the light ship weight WLS , plus the deadweight with only half
of the consumables included.
3. According to the attached tables, the values even among fishing vessels of similar type vary
significantly. Thus the collection of data of parent hulls is essential to validate the finally chosen
values. In Table 3.8 the main characteristics of a successful post WW II German series of small
fishing vessels is given [12]. Although, in practice, the finally installed horse power has been much
higher, than suggested in the table, the given data might be very helpful for reference in the initial
design stage.

3.2 First Estimation of Main Dimensions

3.2.1 Length

After the first estimation of the ship's displacement. her length must be approached
next, considering various design aspects (Papanikolaou,A. D., 1988). The length of a ship depends
primarily on the vessel's displacement and its speed. It affects significantly the weight of the vessel's
structure, because of its influence on the ship's longitudinal strength, as well that of the remaining
weight groups (machinery and outfitting weights), thus it determines indirectly also the vessel's
construction cost. Of course it determines, to a great extent, the availability of space and the general
arrangements of the ship. Besides, it is a major factor of the hydrodynamic performance of the ship in
calm water (resistance and propulsion) as well as in waves (seakeeping). Thus the selection of the
ship's length is of paramount importance for the further design. It must be accomplished with
caution, considering that the shortest possible ship fulfilling the owner's specifications will be
eventually , in most cases, the most economical one. However, an initially selected, too small vessel
's length cannot corrected easily later on to fulfil the design specifications, especially those on the
availability of deck areas and internal volumes.

There are various ways to select the ship's length and it is recommended to check
many options before finalizing the first numbers. Besides the use of data of parent ships it is possible
to apply semiempirical formulas, relating the length to the displacement and the vessel's speed (see
Table 3.4: Modified formula of Posdunine - van Lammeren or through the use of the slenderness
coefficient L/V 1/3 for similar ships) or to use diagrams or tables, relating the length to the given
fishhold volume or displacement (see Tables 3.2 & 3.3, Figs. 5 & 6). Finally, this step is possible
through the selection of values for the ratios between the main dimensions (Length L, breadth B,
draft T, and side deck height D) and the block coefficient CB and the subsequent solution of the
displacement equation for one of the unknown main dimensions, as given below:

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School oi Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 6
1. Assuming the displacement volume V known through
2. Selecting the values of (L/B) = k, (B/T) = k-) , (B/D) 3.1.
= k3 , and CB from parent ships or
acc. to Tables 3.5 , 3.7.

it is possible to formulate the displacement equation in terms

of the breadth B as following:

V = k]BxB/k, xBxC (1)


B = (Vx k,)/C k, (2)

Thus, the values for the remaining main dimensions L
, T and D might be specified through the
use of the selected k , k2, and k3 coefficients (see, e.g.,
Tables 3.5, 3.6, Fig.7).

3.2.2 Breadth

After the first estimation of the vessel's length, the corresponding

breadth is commonly evaluated through the selection of the value of the
ratio (L/B) from similar or parent ships,
corresponding diagrams or formulas from regression analysis
of statistical data of similar ships (see
Figs. 7 & 10 and Table 3.5). The breadth of a ship, and
especially of a fishing vessel, influences
greatly the ship's stability in both calm water, as well
as in waves, thus also her safety against
capsizing, whereas its influence on the calm water resistance
and the vessel's structural strength
might be considered secondary, though still of importance.
In any case, compared to other ship
types, fishing vessels tend to be quite beamy, that means,
they dispose relatively low (L/B) ratio, due
to the increased requirements for a safe operation during
fishing, even under adverse weather

3.2.3 Draft and Side Deck Height

The draft T and the side deck height D of the vessel

estimated next through the selected ratios (B/T) and (B/D), under consideration are
as given from similar ships or regression
formulas. The design aspects, to be considered, are as to
the ratio (B/T) mainly the initial stability of
the ship and indirectly propulsion and manoeuvring aspects.
It should be pointed out, that an increase
of draft will enable the fitting of a relatively large-diameter
propeller, with increased propulsive
efficiency. It should also improve the manoeuvring capabilities
of the ship through the increased
lateral plane area and the possible fitting of a large rudder.
The side deck height D influences
directly the available freeboard and the safety of the ship,
but also the available under-deck volume.
Also, the stability of a fishing vessel is significantly influenced
by the value of D , because of the
large weights of outfitting and fishing gears, placed directly
on deck level, as well as due to the
fishing operation on deck, especially for side trawlers.

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics

of Fishing Vessels".
Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing
Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27.
3.2.4 Freeboard

Through the selection of the side deck height afid the final draft, the ship's
freeboard has been actually determined. It varies, depending on the type of fishing vessel, between
10% to 30% of the ship's side deck height (see Fig. 23, freeboard as a function of ship's length for
sufficient stability). According to the "Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels"[14], the
freeboard of a fishing vessel must provide compatibility with the stability criteria, laid down in the
code regulations, and a reasonable degree of safety for the fishermen, working on deck, as well as to
the vessel in preventing entry of water into enclosed spaces and in shipping and trapping of water on
deck. It is obvious, that the larger the freeboard, the larger the limiting angle of immersion of side
deck wiil be and the range of stability will increase. On the other side, an increased freeboard and
consequently side deck height will also lead to higher values of weight centroids decreasing the
initial stability of the ship (value of GM).

3.2.5 Form Coefficients

In the initial design stage it is not necessary and not possible to determine exactly
the values of the hull form coefficients, i.e. to the block coefficient CB , prismatic coefficient Cp,
waterplane area coefficient CWp and the midship section coefficient CM . In the attached Tables
3.5, 3.7 and Figs. 8, I1 some values of the above coefficients for the preliminary calculations of
fishing vessels are given. The designer, however, should consider the following aspects in selecting
proper values of hull form coefficients for a new fishing vessel design:

1. When sufficient data of successful parent ships are available or even their ship lines, it is
recommended to develop the hull form of the vessel under design through distortion of an existing
set of lines. Various methods of geometric distortion are available and they are described in the
relevant literature(see, e.g. Papanikolaou,A., 1988, Schneekluth, H., 1987). In this case the form
coefficients can be considered as known from the parent hull.

2. When the design of the hull form is based on systematic hull form series (see, e.g., for fishing
vessels FORMDATA V, by Guldhammer - Harvald,1977), then again the hull form coefficients can
be considered known. There are many other systematic hull form series for fishing vessels, especially
on national level, but mostly they are restricted as to the size of the vessel and the type of fishing.
The designer is advised to study the relevant literature.
3. In developing a new hull form and in evaluating the form coefficients from the basics of naval
architecture it is recommended to consider the following:
3.1 The selection of the block coefficient CB is based on the relative speed ("speed length ratio" or
Froude number) of the ship (see, e.g.. formula in Table 3.5). It influences directly the hydrodynamic
performance of the ship in calm water (resistance) and to a small degree her performance in waves
(seakeeping) and of her stability. It affects the building cost and the availability space inside the hull.
3.2 The selection of the prismatic coefficient Cp is governed by the same aspects, as for the CB
coefficient. Attention should be paid to the fact, that for fishing vessels, especially for those of small
size, the value of the prismatic coefficient differs substantially from that of the block coefficient (is
much higher) due to the relatively small value of the midship section coefficient CM . with Cp =

CB/CM.(see Table 3.7).

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April IS to April 27. 1994 0
3.3 The value of the midship section coefficient CM,
that is relatively small for fishing vessel hull
forms, is determined by the requirements for sufficient
stability, leading to large waterline breadth.
AJso, for good propulsion characteristics, it leads to relatively
deep drafts. Thus the midship section
tends to become V - type, with small values of CM .
often less then 0.7.
3.4 The value of the waterplane area coefficient
CWp influences directly the hydrodynamic
performance of the ship in calm water (resistance) and
in waves (seakeeping), as well as its stability.
It depends on the values of the fullness coefficients
CB and Cp and take often for fishing vessels
relatively high values, due the V-type character _-the
hull form sections.

4. First Estimation of Weights

The estimation of the ship's displacement-weight and of

(weight sub-groups) , together with their centroid position, its constituent components
is of paramount importance for the
design of a ship, both at the initial stage as well as
at the final design. Any serious mistake can
influence significantly both the payload capacity of the
vessel under consideration and its speed, as
well as its stability and safety during operation. Besides
it, the more or less direct connection of the
ship's structural weight to the ship's building cost stresses
the importance of the accuracy of the
weight estimations already at the initial design stage.
This is required because of the first cost
estimation within the tendering procedure, prepared by
a shipyard for interested shipowners.

Like many other steps of ship design the estimation

experience, knowledge of methods and in particular a of weights is a mixture of
matter of access to reliable and sufficient data
of similar ships. The compilation of such data over a
long period of time and for a variety of vessel
types and sizes forms a classical task of well organized
design offices. Depending on the stage of
design, the methodology of weight calculations may be
classified into two main categories:
1. Preliminary weight estimations, through empirical coefficients,
for the initial design stage and first
cost indication.
2. Detailed weight calculations for the final determination
of the ship's characteristics, her outfitting
and machinery details.
In the frame of the present notes we should confine ourselves
to the first category of methods oniy.
Further methods may be found in classical books of ship

4.1 Definitions

According to naval architectural practice (see, e.g., Papcmikolaou,

the displacement (weight) of a ship A consists of two A. D., 1988)
pans, namely the weight of the unloaded ship
WL , so-called "Light Ship Weight", and the deadweight
A= WL + D 'WT". (3)
The weight of the light ship can be further subdivided
into three main categories, namely the weight
of the hull structure WST , including the deck superstructure
. the weight of the machinery
installation WM , including associated piping, auxiliaries,
shafting and propulsion system, and the
weight of outfitting WOT:

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics

of Fishing Vessels".
Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing
Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April
27. 1994 9
1SHLuj.ECJ1 03
.= , - To0 + R (4)

In equ. (4) R is a reserve (margin), that is commonly added to the initial Light Ship Weight to
account for inevitable underestimation of weights at the initial design stage. The value of R , as
percentage of WL , varies between 2% and 10% depending on the designer's experience and the
type of vessel (for fishing vessels close to the upper limit). Also, it is recommended, in estimating the
ship's initial stability, to consider the centroid of R abt 20% higher than the ship's centroid w/o R,
whereas its longitudinal position is assumed neutral. In case of availability of R at the final stage. it
can be balanced by the inclusion of permanent ballast. The latter can be later on removed, when
modifications or additional weights are placed onboard the ship.
Due to the large variety of fishing vessel types and construction materials many
other methods are suggested and followed in practice, to further subdivide the above weight groups
into sub-groups, especially those of the hull structure and outfitting. As an example, J. Fyson [7]
suggests for the Light Ship Weight of wooden boats the following sub-groups:

(1) Hfull:
1.0 Backbone
1.1 Bulkheads and partitions
1.2 Outside shell
1.3 Decks
1.4 Longitudinals
1.5 Fastenings
(2) Deckhouse:
2.0 Deckhouse - wheelhouse
2.1 Open bridge
2.2 Awnings
(3) Deck equipment:
(4) Internal accommodation
(5) Engine-room
(6) Piping systems
(7) Electrical installation
(8) Special outfitting and equipment
(9) Inventory and spare parts

In the above list, items (1) and (2) concern the hull structural weight, items (3),
(4), (8) and partly (9) the outfitting and finally items (5), (6) and (7) the machinery installation.
Another example of the Light Ship Weight subdivision for a 49 ft wooden purse seiner is given in
Table 4.3 in the appendix.
Turning to the second member of the RHS of the displacement-weight equation (4), namely the
deadweight, it is of importance to define, for a fishing vessel, its constituents, namely:

1. Weight of crew and its effects Wdr

2. Weight of fishing gear WFG

3. Weight of fuel and lubrication oil, including reserves WF

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 10
4. Weight of provisions Wpr
5. Weight of fish(actual payload) WFi
6. Weight of ice, if any, Wice
7. Weight of fresh water WFW

8. Weight of water ballast, if any, WB

Since the total weight of a fishing vessel changes continuously during

trip, due to the decrease of some elements of the deadweight, the fishing
it is necessary to consider
characteristic loading conditions for various design purposes (e.g., for
the check of stability, trim and
freeboard). These conditions are typically the following:

A. Ship leaving port for fishing grounds

B. Ship arriving at fishing grounds
C. Ship leaving fishing grounds
D. Ship arriving at port

For small fishing vessels, it is customary to refer the initial design

data to the "half load
displacement", that means considering the Light Ship Weight plus 100%
of the quasi fixed weight
items (1) and (2), of the above list, whereas only 50% of the remaining
deadweight items (3) to (7)
are added. Any water ballast, item (8), is only taken, when necessary
for design reasons (insufficient
stability and/or trim or draft).
In the frame of the present notes, concerning the initial estimations of
sufficient to further consider only the main subdivisions of the weights, weights, it is
as will be discussed in the

4.2 Light Ship Weight

For the initial design stage the Light Ship Weight WL might be estimated
coefficients derived from parent ships or regression analysis of data of through
similar ships and WL to the
CUNO factor (= L x B x D ) or even the vessel's displacement. In using
such coefficients attention
should be paid to the proper definition of parent ships, especially
their size, type , speed and
construction material.. Some data for similar coefficients are given in
the appendix (see Table 4.1 ),
whereas in Tables 4.2 & 4.3 the Light Ship Weight subdivision of two
fishing boats is shown, where
for the first of the two vessels alternative construction materials
have been considered. It is
recommended to check the main constituent of WL , as explained in
the following.
4.3 Weight of hull structure

The weight of the hull structure, including the deck superstructure, WST
approached through the use of relevant ( WST /CUNO) coefficients. can be
Such coefficients are known
from the literature for different types and sizes of fishing vessels, including
their dependence on the
construction material (see, e.g., Table 4.1 ). Also certain empirical formulas
are known, derived from
regression analysis of available data, relating the structural weight to
the ship's main dimensions L, B,
D and the extent of the ship's superstructure. Fig. 12a shows a typical
diagramm of the "invoiced
weight" of steel for the structure ( includes abt. 3% scrap ) of transversely
framed combination

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994
stsa j i •OS
fishing boats, built for operation at the North West Pacific Coast of USA acc. to Lloyds register


4.4 Machinery weight

The weight of the machinery installation WM , including gears, piping and pumps,
electrical installation and propulsion system, can be approached for the purpose of the initial design
through empirical coefficients of similar engine installations, relating WM to the installed horse
power requirement (Maximum Continuous Rating - MCR power) and the type of engine ( indirectly
the Revolutions Per Minute - RPM) of the engine. Other aspects, to be considered, are the position
of the engine room along the ship (because of the length of shafting) and the type of fishing and
stowage of fish (because of the extent of the electrical installation and of the auxiliaries). Such
coefficients or empirical formulas for fishing vessel installations are given in Table 4.1 in the
appendix or might be derived from parent ship machinery installations.

4.5 Outfitting weight

The weight of outfitting, including equipment, of fishing vessels, WOT , can be

approached in the initial design stage through coefficients, relating WOT to the CUNO factor or
through empirical formulas relating WOT to the ship's main dimensions. ( Table 4.1, Fig. 12 b ). It
should be noted, that this group of weights is in practice very difficult, to be approached
successfully, because of the variety of outfitting and equipment placed onboard of ships ,even if the
ships have equal remaining characteristics. In case of lack of data from parent ships, it is
recommended to consider the main items of this weight group separately, before concluding on the
vessel's outfitting weight. In any case the above introduced margin R should balance some of the
inaccuracies in the initial estimations of WOT

4.6 Deadweight

The definition of deadweight of a fishing vessel has been introduced under 4.1 as

DWT = W, +Wp+W+W +Wp,+W,

+ +W,.+V+W3 .(5)

The various items can be approached as following:

1. Weight of Crew and their effects WCr : assume 100 kp/person, incl. effects.
2. Weight of fishing gear WFG : is specified by the owner's requirements - if not, assume for
small fishing vessels 0.5 to 1.0 tonnes.
3. Weight of fuel WF : assume 4.6 kp / MCR[HP] / trip day and include margin of 20 to 40% for
bad weather, change of course etc. Consider margin of abt. 10% for the power of electrical supply,
besides shaft horse power for propulsion.
4. Weight of provisions Wpr : assume 5 kg/person/trip day.
5. Weight of fish WFi : Assume stowage factor 0.5 tonnes/m 3 , referred to the given fishhold
volume - corresponds to fish in bulk on ice, for more detailed values of stowage rates see Table 5.1.

.k D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Gradtuate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 12
F15UlJ LECJ 103J9
6. Weight of ice WIce :assume 0.5 tonnes ice/tonne fish for fishing
in temperate waters and 1.0
tonnes ice/tonne fish for tropical waters fishing. Omit this weight group,
when refrigerator or ice
machine onboard.
7. Weight of fresh water WFW :assume 10 kp/person/trip day for
small vessels, values up to 80
kp/person/day for larger vessels. However, large fishing vessels dispose
sea water evaporators to
reduce the cost for tankage, piping and pumps. Include separately 10 kp/person/day
drinking water.
8.Weight of water ballast W B : For certain operational condition
the ship might be required to
carry water ballast for counteracting problems of cross stability, trim
or insufficient draft at the bow
("slamming" in waves) or at the stem (propeller "racing"). The amount
of ballast water required must
be estimated for the particular condition and the corresponding displacement
and weight distribution.

5. Estimation of Volumes and Internal Capacities

Besides the first estimation of weights and the balance of the

equation, outlined in the last chapter, it is necessary, especially for weight - displacement
fishing vessels (because of the
type of ship as "volume limited" carrier), to make sure that the internal
capacity of the initially
assumed vessel is sufficient to accommodate the required fishhold, the
engine-room, the crew spaces,
the various tanks for fuel, water etc. This control procedure requires
some initial information about
the general arrangement of the above mentioned ship's main spaces.

A preliminary sketch of the general arrangement can

the stated owner's requirements, considering standardized arrangements be prepared on the basis of
of similar ships. as given in
the literature. The basic concept behind a successful plan of arrangements
for a fishing vessel is to
develop a floating platform, from which fish can be caught, processed
and stored in an efficient way
and to provide adequate living comfort to the crew, as well as safety
to the crew and the ship, even
under adverse weather conditions. All this must be accomplished by considering
the requirements of
space for the engine room, tanks and gears. In Fig. 13 to 16 the
basic concept of the deck
arrangements for small fishing vessels acc. to J.Fyson [ 7] are explained,
whereas in Figs. 17 and 18
typical arrangements of a small and of a large freezer stem trawler are
shown. Larger fishing vessels
dispose more complex arrangements due to the consideration of spaces
for fish processing, freezers,
stabilizing tanks, etc. For small fishing vessels, the spaces to be checked
in the initial design stage are
briefly commented in the following:

5.1 Fishhold Volume

On the basis of the sketch of general arrangements and the assumed position
required fishhold, its gross capacity can be checked through the preparation of the
of a sketch of at least 3
to 4 sections along the ship's length, defining the fishhold space inside
insulation and lining. An
allowance of about 10% between the gross sectional and the net
fishhold volume for internal
divisions, shelves etc. must be considered in addition. The volume can
be estimated by integrating
over the corresponding sectional areas using common naval architectural
methods (Simpson's or
trapezoidal rule, planimeter etc.). For the more detailed estimation of
the amount of fish, that can be
stowed inside, the final net volume of fishhold (so called "net-net volume")
can be divided by the
stowage factors given in Table 5.1 (they consider the fish type and size,
the stowage method etc.).

5.2 Engine Room

A. D.Papanikolaou, "Estimamion of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27, 1994
The space requirement for the engine room depends in the horse power of the main
engine and its type and the extent and size of the auxiliaries. The size of the engine room is
determined by the length of the main engine as well as that of the appended reduction gear and the
propeller shafting. Care should be taken for the accommodation of auxiliaries (generators), piping
,engine control and tanks, if inside the engine room. It is recommended to compare the proposed
arrangement with that of similar ships. On the basis of data of similar ships, with abt the same size
[HP] and type of main engine and position of engine room, coefficients for the space requirement can
be defined and used in the initial design stage. these coefficients might be defined as [m /HP] or
assuming a certain height for the machinery room as [m2 /Hf] . For medium fishery vessels, with
LOA • 30 m, the following formula for the machinery room area requirement might be used:

Area.,,~h[nm] = 0.093* C, * (0.2098* MCR' 162 4 )

C, = 0.0194* LOA2 - 0.8183* LOA + 9.615, for LOA• 21m (6)
C, =l,forLOA>Ž21m

(according to a statistical analysis for medium size fishing vessels [22], assuming the height of
machinery room equal to 0.85 D and considering the installed horse power MCR [HP] including
10% allowance for electrical generators).

5.3 Capacity of Tanks

In the framework of the estimation of the constituent members of the deadweight

(4.6) the required amount of fuel, fresh- ,drinking- and ballast-water has been addressed. Thus, the
capacity of the associated :znks can be easily calculated, by dividing the estimated weights, including
any reserve margins, with the specific weight of the corresponding fluid (assume 0.9 t/m 3 for diesel
fuel and lubrication oil) and allowing in addition for the determination of the net volume of the tanks
a margin of 1 to 3%(for steel vessels) for stiffeners extending inside the tank. The capacity of the
engine's lubrication oil can be taken as abt. 1% of the fuel oil capacity, considering that on small
vessels this oil is usually carried in portable tanks.

5.4 Crew Accommodation and Service Spaces

The requirement of space for crew accommodation and services is commonly

understood as a requirement for area, rather than volume, assuming a minimum standing height
required in all spaces where crew members are working and living. As in other matters of the initial
design the use of alternative plans of parent ships can be very helpful in practice, considering the type
and size of the ship and the number of the accommodated crew. According to the IMCO "Code of
Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels"[14] certain specifications for the crew accommodation2
and the public spaces exist , e.g. for sleeping rooms :min. 1.9 m clear head height and min 0.75 m
to 1.00 m2 floor area/person, besides berths and lockers etc. Further guidelines and specifications are
given in [13]. In any case, common ship design practice suggests that the accommodation onboard
small vessels is naturally restricted, thus the availability of abt 3-4 m2 /person might be considered
sufficient, whereas the corresponding values for large fishing vessels might reach 20 - 25 m2 /person
(mean value for crew overall), depending on the rank of the particular crew member and size of the

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polyxeclnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 14
vessel, the number of berths per cabin and the extent of hygienic facilities
etc. The estimated area
requirement for the crew's accommodation should be increased by 40 to 50%
to account for passage
ways, stairways, lockers etc.

After estimation of the required and available volumes and internal capacities
initial general arrangement plan must be critically reviewed, considering the
following aspects:

- balance of required and available area and space

- watertight subdivision and integrity
- adequate stability
- structural integrity
- provision of easy access.

In case of need the initially assumed main dimensions L, B , D of the vessel

even its hull form might be required to change, within the initial design or
stage, to comply with the
above requirements.

6. Estimation of Powering

6.1 Power of Main Engine

There are many ways to estimate the horse power characteristics of a fishing
in the preliminary design stage. The methods vary depending on the availability
of sufficient input
data and the degree of the desired output information.

In the frame of the initial design stage it is often sufficient to use the well
"Admiralty Constant Method", that is sometimes slightly changed to
better account for the
performance of specific vessel types. The Admiralty Constant horse power
equation is defined by

P = A 3*v 3 (7)

where P is the vessel's horse power in [HP] or [kW], defined here as effective
or shaft or break (or
installed) horse power, depending ion the particular definition of CN , A
is the vessel's displacement
in [tons], V is the ship's free run speed in [kn] and finally CN is the
ship's typical Admiralty
Constant, derived from data of similar ships, from semiempirical or regression
formulas or relevant

According to a regression analysis of data for the installed horse power

number of fishing vessels, with A • 4000 tons, the following formula has of a large
been suggested [2]:

C = 16.24* A-'36' (8)

The above formula should not be used for small size vessels. Likewise,
according to a statistical
analysis of abt 1000 medium size fishing vessels, with LOA • 28 m, the following
empirical equation

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polviechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994
has been derived and may be used for a first estimation of the required machinery horse power of
small vessels [19]:

AICR[IP] = 24.23 - LOA[m]- 194.2 (9)

Equations (8) and (9) are approximative and do not consider the vessel's hull form. In addition equ.
(9) does not include directly even its speed, that is tacitly assumed the be at the "critical" limit of the
corresponding length, thus both equations should not be used besides the first design step. Also, the
mean statistical values, acc. to equ. (9). appear relatively high due to the "overpowering" of small
fishing vessels in practice. Fig. 19 shows a typical set of data for the statistical analysis of the
powering of small fishing vessels.

Applying more elaborate methods, see e.g. the methods of Ridgely-Nevin[23j,

Doust[6], Guldhammer [10], Antoniou[22], the influence of the ship's particular hull form, herein
the type of fishing vessel ( trawler, seiner, longliner, mixed etc.) on the constituent components of
the ship's total resistance, i.e. on the residual and the viscous resistance, can be considered in various
ways and to different degrees of accuracy. An approximative diagramm for the initial estimation of
the total resistance, considering global aspects of the hull form and speed, is given in Fig. 20. Since
the above methods refer only to the total resistance and indirectly to effective horse power
requirement, an assumption about the propulsive efficiency is necessary to estimate the installed or
break horse power under trial conditions. For fishing vessels the propulsive efficiency might be
assumed equal to 0.5 for small vessels of up to 20 m length and up to 0.6 for larger ships of up to 70
m length. In addition, an allowance of abt. 15 to 25% is made, with reference to the horse power
requirement under trial conditions, to account for the anticipated mean service conditions of the ship
( additional resistance of wind, added resistance in waves, erosion and fouling of hull surface).

6.1 Power of Trawl Winch

For trawling fishing vessels (stem or side trawlers) it is necessary to estimate, in the initial
design stage, the pull force and power requirement of the trawling winch, if not specified by the ship
owner in the general design requirements. Assuming, that:

1. The shaft horse power (SHP)T, during trawling, might be up to 80% of the installed Maximum
Continuous Rating (MCR) power.
2. The corresponding pull force of the winch is equal to the bollard pull force at (SHP)T
considering 12 kp pull force/HP.
3. The power requirement from the winch engine for the above pull force, assuming a hauling speed
of 1.5 m/sec, for a trawling speed of 3 kn. and 2.0 rn/sec, for a trawling speed of 4 kn, and a
transmission efficiency of 80 % is given by:

3k ,d] [0.24*MCR for3kn speed
[0.32*MCRjfr4kn speedJ
1 (10)

4. Due to movements of the boat in the sea, the pull in the warps might be doubled over a short
period of time, thus the power take-off should be designed to transmit up to 100% more than given
in equ. (10), thus 0.48 MCR resp. 0.64 MCR depending on the trawling speed.

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polvtechnical University of Madrid, April IS to April 27, 1994 16
FI131IU .EC 01
6.3 Power Block

Besides the trawling winch the size of the power block of the fishing vessel
be estimated in the initial design stage. It depends on the vessel's size. thus
its length and the size and
type of the hauling net. i.e. to the net's length and dep:s is well as the
size of its mesh and twine.
Some typical values there of are given in Table 6.1 in the appendix.

7. Estimation of Stability

In the initial design stage it is necessary to check the global or initial

characteristics of the vessel under consideration, i.e. the anticipated value stability
of metacentric height GM,
and to change, if necessary, the initially assumed main dimensions for
the vessel to comply with
relevant stability criteria. The stability characteristics of the ship affect directly
or indirectly her safety
in calm water and in waves (seaworthiness).

The main factors influencing the initial stability of a ship is her breadth
vertical position of her weight centroid for the specific loading condition. and the
The metacentric height
GM is commonly expressed through the vertical position of the buoyancy
centroid KB, the
metacentric radius BM and the vertical weight centroid KG, as

GM = KM - KG = KB + BM - KG (11)
For the initial design stage, the above values might be estimated through
formulas and coefficients, or related diagrams (see Fig. 21, 22 or Table
7.1). For fishing vessels of
24 m in length and over the "International Convention for the Safety
of Fishing Vessels"
(Torremolinos, Spain, 1977) should be applied and the specific requirements
on the stability,
seaworthiness and safety of vessel and crew laid down in this code must be

8. Choice of Construction Material

8.1 General

In selecting a suitable material for the construction of a fishing vessel's

including its deck and superstructure, several materials can be considered hull,
and are currently used,
namely : wood, steel, composite materials like FRP (Fiber Reinforced Plastics),
aluminium alloys and
ferro-cement. Since no single material offers a definite advantage over the
others, for vessels of all
sizes to be built at any place around the world, each material can be considered
to has its relative
advantages and disadvantages. Even if the first cost of a specific material
is actually low, its
competitiveness against other materials is determined by other parameters,
like local availability of
the specific material, skill of the local manpower, productivity of the local
shipyards etc. Thus, a first
cost advantage might be reversed in practice, if a new or unfamiliar
material is selected by the
designer and the local shipyard fails to adjust to it in time.

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27, 1994
Because of the above reasons, it is difficult to generalize at least some of the
properties of the materials under consideration. in any case, steel is considered at present the most
suitable material for large vessels with length over abt 30 m. \vheteas wood and FRP seem to
dominate the smaller sizes under J0 m length. However depending on the local conditions, especially
in less developed countries, wood might be applied even to larger boats, whereas in developed
countries, in recent time, composite materials like FRP is displacing wood as construction material
especially for small size vessels. In Table 7.1 a general comparison of the properties of alternative
construction materials for small fishing vessels, as compared to steel, is given. A concise treatise on
the application of various materials, with emphasis on composite materials, to the construction of
maritime structures, including small vessels like fishing boats, is given in a recent WEGEMT School
publication [26].

Usually the shipowner will specify by himself the construction material and the
candidate shipyard for his vessel. If the designer has the choice, the parameters to be considered are:
(a) experience of local shipyard, (b) local production of material or supply from abroad, (c)
craftsmanship of local manpower, (d) Mechanical characteristics of material, (e) cost characteristics
of material. All the above considerations are understood in comparison to alternative materials.

8.2 Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of the various materials for fishing vessel construction
may be investigated separately in terms of their tensile and bending strength and their rigidity in
relation to their specific weight.
Comparing the tensile strength of different materials, the maximum tensile force
that beams of equal weight, but of different material, can withstand is dependent on the ratio of the
limtiting tensile stress ayt, of the specific material, to its specific weight y. For the maximum bending
force, that beams of equal weight can withstand, it can be shown that they depend on the ratio of the
limiting bending stress 0 b , of the specific material, to the square of its specific weight y2.
Considering the stiffness of different materials, it can be shown that the limiting bending force that
causes a beam of equal weight to deflect equally depends on the ratio of the elasticity module, of the
specific material, to the cubic of its specific weight y3

While the comparison of mechanical properties of steel, aluminium, FRP or ferro-

cement is straightforward the case of wood is more complicate, because of the variation of
mechanical properties for the various species, the condition of the individual sample of the same
species, the direction of the grain and its moisture content. Besides the above complications, because
a wooden boat is not a homogeneous structure, but held together by frames and fastenings, the latter
usually consisting of other materials, this might cause weaknesses in the structure, that cannot be
expressed by simple coefficients like given above.

Various authors have compared alternative construction materials on the basis of

the same fishing vessel design. In Table 8.2 an example of a qualitative comparison between
alternative construction materials for a 12.6 mn fishing boat is given (see also Table 4.2).

From comparisons between alternative construction materials for a medium size

fishing vessel of abt 30 mn length it can be concluded that the structural and light ship weights of a

k. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Poly-technical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 18
steel and wooden boat of equal size and
hull form do not differ considerably from
whereas the various FRP construction each other.
alternatives are by at least 25% lighter,
alternative can be up to 30% lighter, and the aluminium
finally the ferro-cement alternative should
be by abt 15%
The designer might consider to exploit
construction through an increase of the vessel's the lighter aluminium or FRP hull
fishhold capacity or an increase of the ship's
a reduction of horse power or an increase range or
of the ship's free running speed. However,
reduction of the ship's structural weight, especially due to the
of the ship's hull shell weight, the overall
of gravity of the ship will move up and will center
cause problems of stability, that might be counteracted
a change of hull form or an increase of the by
ship's breadth. This will absorb at least some
advantage gained through the use of a lighter of the weight
construction material, besides the fact that
requirements might eventually dictate the the stability
take-over of permanent ballast, as often in practice
for FRP

Attention should be
but built from different materials. The paid to the design of the hull form of vessels of
hull form of a wooden boat might be useful the same size
a steel vessel of equal size and form characteristics, as a prototype for
whereas the use of FRP or aluminium requires
special care, if the weight difference is not
simply balanced by inclusion of permanent
ballast along
the ship's bottom.

Summing up the advantages and disadvantages

construction materials one could say that of the main fishing
the choice between wood or steel, when competitive vessel
certain vessel size, is highly dependent on for a
local material prices and the availability of
whereas the weight reduction achieved by qualified labor,
the use of FRP and aluminium construction
vessels in wood can, to a certain degree, over similar
be translated into increased carrying capacity
horsepower requirement. However this saving or reduced
is usually reduced by the inclusion of permanent
ballast, for the ship to comply with stability
requirements. The reduced maintenance cost
materials must be carefully weighed against for
the increased first cost of construction, especially these
FRP boats, when no series production possible for the
reference to new mortar mixing and prestressing of mould !). Fenro-cement, especially with
techniques, might be an interesting, cheap
construction material but is the exemption
from the regular case.

9. Preliminary Cost Estimation

The building cost of a ship and especially

the purpose of a preliminary cost estimation herein of a fishing vessel may be split for
into some main cost categories according
weight groups defining its Light Ship Weight to the main
(see 4.1). Thus a typical breakdown of a fishing
preliminary cost may include as minimum: vessel's
(a) the cost for the hull , (b) the cost for
installation, (c) the cost for the outfitting, the machinery
including fishing gear. For larger vessels some
further subdivided, similar to the definition items are
of the weight groups forming the Light Ship
the vessel's cost may be subdivided into Weight, thus
the cost for: (a) hull shell structure, (b)
outfitting, (d) machinery , (e) electrical deckhouse , (c)
installation, (0 auxiliaries, (g) deck equipment,
gear (see next set of lectures for typical examples). (h) fishing

L D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General

Characterinics of Fishing Vessels".
Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School
Polyechnical University of Madrid. April 18 on Fishing Vessel Technology.,
to April 27. 1994
FIS sacLCJI 0a
The ship's cost for the hull structure may be estimated
structural weight and/or its size expressed in terms on the basis of the vessel's
of the CUNO factor. Depending on the
construction material, the vessel type and size, and
the local condition's of the shipyard (direct and
indirect labor cost, productivity of the shipyard) typical
coefficients for the unit cost per ton or per
m3 of CU'NO for the hull structure may be defined,
i.e. to CSt = [Cost /ton] or [Cost/m 3 ], thus the
preliminary structural cost can be found through a
simple multiplication of the above coefficients
with the vessel's structural weight or its CUNO factor.
Depending on the vessel type and size and to
the construction material the cost for a small fishing
vessel's hull structure might account for abt. 15
to 20 % of the total vessel cost.

The ship's cost for the machinery installation can be

on the installed horse power, as well as on the type assumed to depend primarily
of the engine and its position along the ship.
Likewise to the ship's structural cost, a unit cost [Cost/HP]
might be defined, from similar machinery
installations, thus the ship's machinery cost can be. found
by simple multiplication of the machinery
horse power by the machinery unit cost. A typical value
for the cost of the machinery installation of a
small fishing vessel, including electrical generators and
auxiliaries, is abt 30 to 35 % of the total cost.

Finally, the cost for outfitting might be estimated, similar

cost, through the definition of proper unit cost coefficients, to the vessel's structural
in terms of the weights of outfitting, or
the ships CENO factor, whereas the cost for fishing
gear can be best estimated through quotations
by relevant suppliers. Typical values for the fishing
gear cost, including nets, might be for a small
fishing vessel close to 50 % of the vessel's total cost,
whereas the cost for the remaining outfitting
might account for up to 20% of the total cost.
Also, it should be noted, that commonly a
contingency of abt 10% must be added to the preliminary
cost to account for unforeseen expenses.
Last but not least, it should be kept in mind, that estimating
the vessel's construction cost, especially
the cost for hull structure and its outfitting, the prices
of construction materials and labor cost from
local shipyards or suppliers at the time of cost calculation
must be considered, thus any known data
from similar vessels, built at another place (or country)
and at different time, cannot be used directly
for estimating the vessel's construction cost, but must
be corrected for the local values of cost and
the present worth of money.

10. Technical Specification

The technical specification is a technical document

information, required to describe completely a ship containing all the necessary
, that is ordered by a shipowner to be built at a
contracted shipyard. The technical specification is commonly
prepared according to the subdivision
of the ship into its main elements, into groups and sub-groups etc., as they are used for the ship's
weight definition and related calculations. An example
of such subdivision for a technical
specification of a fishing vessel is given in Table 10.1
in the appendix.
The first pan of the specification (group 0) contains general
vessel and the contract between shipowner and shipyard. information about the
It is further subdivided into the following
0.1 Purpose: It states the owner's requirements and general specifications for the vessel
consideration and contains typically the following information: under
(a) Type of vessel and fishing gear,

9. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics

.ccture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Fishing Vessels".
Polvtechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27, 1994 Technology.
FtShM.LEC31 03 94
(b) Range or average round trip in days or seamiles, typical
fishing grounds, (c) Fishhold volume and
kind of fish and its stowage. (d) Top speed in free run
condition and pull force at tow speed for
trawlers, (e) Number of crew accommodated.

0.2 General Arrangement : It explains the contents of the attached

General Arrangement Plan.
the subdivision of the ship's hull and superstructure into
various compartments, the purpose of each
compartment, the lay-out of the deck equipment, the
machinery room arrangements, including
information about the type, power [HP] and revolutions [RPM]
of the main engine and its reduction
0.3 Principal Dimensions and Characteristics: The main
linear dimensions of the vessel
(length overall, length on design waterline and between
perpendiculars, breadth moulded and
maximum, draught mean and maximum, side depth)
are stated considering the various loading
conditions. Other vessel characteristics like displacement
volume, fishhold volume, tank capacities
are also given.
0.4 Classification. Materials of Hull and Equipment. Certificates:
The Classification Society
or authority supervising the design and construction of the
vessel must be clearly stated. The same is
required for the regulations, according to which the scantlings
of the vessel are determined and the
fitted materials (kind and quality) are selected. Certificates
stating the quality of the fitted materials
or equipment or accomplished work are to be listed according
to the owner's requirements, that have
been accepted by the contracted shipyard.

0.5 Modifications and Supervisions during Construction:

This point clarifies the way of
introducing modifications into the design or the accepted
specifications by either the shipyard or the
shipowner after the contract has been signed and their effect
on the contract price. The owner has
the right to name inspectors for supervising the construction
of the ship on his behalf and in
cooperation with the contracted shipyard.

0.6 Specifications, Drawings and Calculations: Since at

the time of signing the contract
between shipyard and shipowner the design often lacks
several details the shipowner might list
certain specifications, calculations and drawings that should
be submitted for later approval. In this
subgroup also a list of drawings and calculations for the vessel's
operation is furnished.
0.7 Stability Control and Sea Trials: At this point the relevant
stability criteria for various
loading conditions are stated and the details on the control
of the vessel's stability during delivery
through the inclining experiment are explained. For the delivery,
the condition of the ship and the sea
environment during sea trials are defined, as well as the
measuring procedures including equipment.
The sea trials consist commonly of progressive speed trials
and steering, manoeuvring and stop tests.
For fishing vessels, a typical fishing operation might be required.
For it, the fishing area and duration
of the test are stated. For large, steel fishing vessels or
even high quality small vessels, additional
vibration and noise measurements may be required according
to specifications laid down in the

The remaining items of the specification document, i.e. to

Equipment), 3(Accommodation), 4(Machinery), 5(Piping), group 1(Hull), 2(Deck
6(Electrical Equipment) and 7 (Special

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics

of Fishing Vessels".
Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 Technology.
FISM7JL-C'J1 03 94
Equipment) concern the various construction and outfitting elements of the ship. They are described
through design drawings and are usually supported by specialized technical specifications. Equipment
specifications are commonly provided by the original manufacturers or~the suppliers.

D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polyzechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 22

[1] Bole, C.,"Hochsee-Fischereifahrzeuge". Handbuch der Werften, HANSA PubI., 1956.

[2] Campanile, A., Russo Krauss G., "Indicazioni statistiche per ilprogretto
preliminare di
pescherecci", Proc. Symp. on Technics and Technology in Fishing Vessel, Ancona, 1987.
[3] Dahle, E.,"Stability of Small Fishing Vessel", FAO/NORAD Course on Fishing Vessels
Bangkok, 1978.
[4] Dayton's, "Guide to Fishing Vessels", ed. 1990/91, Dayton's Publ. Ltd, Ledbury-England,
[5] Della Rocca, R., "A 110 ft Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic Trawler", in "Fishing Boats of
World, Vol. III" ed. Traung, J. 0., Fishing News Book Ltd., London, 1967.
[6] Doust, D.J., Hayes, J.G., Tsuchiya, T., "A Statistical Analysis of FAO Resistance Data
Fishing Craft", in "Fishing Boats of the World, Vol. III" ed. Traung, J. 0., Fishing News Book
London, 1967.
[7] Fyson, J., (ed), "Design of Small Fishing Vessels", FAO - Fishing News Books
Ltd., Farnham -
Surrey, 1985.
[8] Gueroult, E., "An Approach to the Design of New Types of Fishing Vessels", in "Fishing Boats
of the World, Vol. III" ed. Traung, J. 0., Fishing News Book Ltd., London, 1967.
[9] Gulbrandsen, 0., "Weight and Cost Estimates for Small Fishing Vessels", FAO Investig.
Ferro Cement Fishing Craft, Fishing News Book Ltd., London, 1973.
[10] Guldhammer,H.," Formdata V - Hydrostatic Data for Fishing Boat Forms", Danish
Press, Copenhagen. 1973.
[11] Hamlin, C.. "Systems Engineering in the Fishing Industry", Journal Marine Technology,
23, No. 2, 1986, pp. 158-164.
[12] Henschke. W., Thdremin, H., "Entwerfen von Fischereifahrzeugen", in Schiffbautechnisches
Handbuch, VEB Verlag Berlin, Berlin, 1964.
[13] H.M.S.O., "The Merchant Shipping", (Crew Accommodation - Fishing Vessels -
London, 1975.
[14] IMCO (Inter-GovernmentalMaritime Consultive Organization)(publ.), "Code
of Safety for
Fishermen and Fishing Vessels", Part A and B, London.
[15] Lewis, E. V., (ed.), "Principles of Naval Architecture", Vol. I - III, Publ. by SNAME, New
Jersey, 1988
[16] Messina, G, Sussag, L., "Some Notes on the Design of Trawlers", Proc. Symp.
on Technics and
Technology in Fishing Vessel, Ancona, 1989.
[17] Merrit, J.H., "Refrigeration on Fishing Vessel", Fishing News Book Ltd., London. 1969.
[18] Papan/kolaou,A. D., "Ship Design, Vol. A: Methodology of Preliminary Design", SYMEON
Publ., Athens, 1988.
[19] Papanikolaou, A. D., Karambali, G., Kariambas, E., "Technoeconomical Design
Aspects of
Fishing Vessels for medium Fisheries in Greece", Proc. Symp. on Technics and Technology
Fishing Vessel, Ancona, 1989.
[20] Papanikolaou,A. D., Karambali,G., Kariambas,E., "Methodology for the Preliminary
of Fishing Vessels", Proc. Symp. on Technics and Technology in Fishing Vessel, Ancona, 1991
[21] Papanikoloou.A., Kariambas,E., "Optimization of the Preliminary Design and Cost
of Fishing Vessels", Journ. Ship Technology Research, Vol. 41, 1994.
[22] Papanikolaou,A. et al., "Technoeconomical Criteria and Specifications for Medium
Vessels",Final Report to the Div. of Fisheries, Greek Ministry.of Agriculture, NTUA, Athens,

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994
ISHt3LECjj.o03 U
[23] Ridgely-Nevitt, C.. "The Resistance of a High-Displacement-Length Ratio
Trawler Series".
Trans. SNANvE, 1967.
[24] Santarelli, M. F. C., "Preliminary Determination of main Characteristics of
Fishing Vessels".
6th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology, Madrid, 1982.
[25] Schneeklcth, H., "Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy", Butterworths Publ.,
[26] Shenoi, R. A., Welliconie, ,.F, "Composite Materials in Maritime Structures",
Vol. I & 2,
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993.
[27] Strohbusch, E., "Schiffsentwurf- Trawler", Handbuch der Werften, HANSA
Publ., 1966.
[28] Thomson, D., "Fishing Methods, Equipment and Deck Layout of
Fishing Vessels",
FAO/NORAD Course on Fishing Vessels Design, Bangkok, 1978.
[29] Traung, J.0., (ed.), "Fishing Boats of the World 3", FAQ - Fishing News Books
Ltd., Farnham
- Surrey, 1967/1978.
[30] Watson, D. G. M. and Gilflllan,A. W, "Some Ship Design Methods", The Naval
London, 1977.

List of Tables

Table 3.1: Typical values of fishhold to displacement ratios for different type of small
Table 3.2: Hold capacity and stowage of various fish for fishing vessels with LOA
= 9 - 53 m acc.
to M. Santarelli - J. Fyson [24]

Table 3.3: Semiempirical length formulas for the initial design of fishing vessels

Table 3.4: Coefficients for Posdunine's length formula for fishing vessels with v =
9 - 14 kn
Table 3.5: Semiempirical equations and approximate values of design ratios and coefficients
for the
initial design of fishing vessels

Table 3.6: Approximate values of B/T and B/D for initial design of fishing vessels
acc to

Table 3.7: Approximate values of form coefficients for initial design of fishing vessels
acc. to
Santarelli - Fyson

Table 3.8: Main characteristics of a successful post WW II German series of small

fishing vessels
acc. to Henschke [ 12]

Table 4.1: Typical weight coefficients and semiempirical formulas for the initial design
of fishing

Table 4.2: Parametric weight calculation study for a small 12.6 m Trawler built from
construction materials [9]

,.D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polvtechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994
Table 4.3: Light ship weight subdivision for a 49 ft (14.94 m) wooden purse seiner [7]

Table 5.1 Stowage rates and yields of fishery products ace. to J. H. Merrit[17]

Table 6.1: Approximate values of power block consumption for initial design of fishing vessels
to Santarelli [24]

Table 7.1: Approximate formulas for estimation of the initial stability of fishing vessels

Table 8.1: Qualitative comparison of alternative construction materials against steel for small

Table 8.2 Example of preliminary estimation of shell weight for initial design of small fishing
vessels acc. to Gulbrandsen [9] (see also Table 4.2)

Table 10.1: List of contents of technical specifications for the construction of fishing vessels
acc. to
Santarelli [24]

List of Figures

Figure 1: Methodology for Fishing Vessel Design

Figure 2: Flowchart of Design Procedure for Fishing Vessels (Part A & B)

Figure 3: Relation between fishhold volume and duration of fishing trip acc. to Gueroult [8]

Figure 4: Relation between fishhold capacity (inside insulation) and displacement for fishing
vessels ace. to Gueroult [8]

Figure 5: Relation between displacement (for light ship condition) and length for existing vessels
and selected values acc. to Traung et al [29]

Figure 6: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the main characteristics of fishing vessels
of length
10 to 70 macc to Traung [12]

Figure 7: Diagranuns for the initial estimation of the L/B and B/T ratios for trawlers and seiners
Figure 8: Diagramms for the initial estimation of the form coefficients for trawlers and seiners [12]

Figure 9: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the main dimensions and characteristics of
trawlers and seiners [ 12]

Figure 10: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the breadth for various types of fishing vessels
to Grivalos (1968) [24]

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994
Figure 11: Diagramm for the initial estimation the waterplane area coefficient acc. to Santarelli [24]

Figure 12 :Typical.diagramm of weights of steel structure (Fig. 12a) and outfitting (Fig. 12b) for
combination fishing boats built for the North-West U.S. Pacific Coast acc. to Reid (St John's, 1965)

Figure 13: Areas of deck activities for fishing vessels with alternative superstructure arrangements
(forward and aft) [7]

Figure 14: Distribution of deck activities for small and large stem trawlers [7]

Figure 15: Distribution of deck activities for seiners and gill netters [7]

Figure 16: Distribution of deck activities for line fishing vessels [7]

Figure 17: Typical arrangement of a small 20m stem trawler [7]

Figure 18: Typical arrangement of a large 53.5m freezer stem trawler [7]

Figure 19: Typical diagramm of statistical analysis for the installed horsepower of medium size
fishery vessels [19]

Figure 20: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the total resistance of fishing vessels as a function
of the speed-length ratio, Froude number and slenderness ratio ace. to Gueroult [8]

Figure 21: Diagramm for the estimation of the KM value of fishing vessels as a function of L, B and
T acc. to Gueroult [8]

Figure 22: Diagramm for the estimation of the KG value as a function of Land loading condition of
fishing vessels acc. to Gueroult [8]

Figure 23: Diagramm for the estimation of freeboard for sufficient stability of fishing vessels as a
function of length acc. to Gueroult [8]

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels".

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April 18 to April 27. 1994 26
Table 3.1: Typical Values of Fishhold to Displacement Ratios
for Small Fishing Vessels of Various Type [29]

Vessel Type Main Dimensions VFH/Dispi Notes

Shrimp Trawler- 9.76/8.58x2.9xl.27/.76 0.508 for w/o accomm.
wood V(WL) = 7.24 mA3
Shrimp Trawler- 10.97/10.13x3.5xl.64/99 0.550 for 2-3 crew accomm.
wood _V(WL)
= 12.22 mA3
Small Trawler-wood 11.63/10.7 1x3.7xl.64/1. 12 0.565 for 4 crew accomm.
V(WL) = 17.55 mA3
Trawler- Handliner- 13/12x3.8xl.75/1.1 0.63 for 6 crew accomm.
wood V(WL) = 19.00 mA3
Trawler - wood 18.48/16.16x5.6x2.2/1.27 0.38 for 2-4 crew accomm.
V(WL) = 42. ImA3
Trawler- wood 20.1/18.15x6.1x2.44/1.68 0.26 for 6 crew accomm.
V(WL) = 76.5mA3
Stern Trawler/ Purse 15.95/14.6x3.98x2.05/1.2 0.84 for 7 crew accomm.
Seiner - wood
V(WL) = 31 mA3
Stern Trawler - steel 25.9/23.2x6.86x3.73/3.52 0.554 for 9 crew accomm.
V(WL) = 217.5mA3
Gillnet Boat - wood 9.76/8.89x2.9x 1.26/0.76 0.76 for w/o accomm.
V(WL) = 7.43 m^3
Gillnet/Trawl Boat - 12.8/11.7x3.96x1.96/1.22 0.23 for 6 crew accomm.
wood V(WL) = 22.1 mA3
Trawler-Drifter - 14.94/13.7x4.1 lxl.92/1.3 0.495 for
wood 6 crew accomm.
V(WL) = 29.7mA3
Purse Seiner - wood 16.0/14.85x4.7x2.5/I.68 0.577 for 11 crew accomm.
V(WL) = 49.2 mA3
Seiner-Catcher Boat /8.00x2.06xO.86/0.56 0.46 for oper. cond.
- wood _V(WL)
= 6.3 m^3
Seiner-Mothership - /16.00x3.4x1.6/1.28 0.44 for oper. cond.
wood V(WL) = 49.2 mA3 7 crew accomm.
Tuna Longliner - /19.85x4.37x2.09/2.00 0.568 for light c. light cond.
wood 0.353 for full load c. loaded cond.
V(WL) = 119.6 m^3 17 crew accomm.
Tuna Longliner - /19.85x4.50xl.89/1.64 0.646 for light c. light cond.
steel 0.408 for full load c. loaded cond.
V(WL) =110.1mA3 18 crew accomm.

dimensions in (m), value of T is the mean value of draft for full load displacement
A. D.Papanikolaou, "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing
Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27, 1994
Table 3.2 Hold Capacity and Stowage of Various Fish
for Fishing Vessels, LOA = 9 to 53 m
(acc. to Santarelli-Fyson )
1 2 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9 30 6 212 4,2 2,0 1.5 35 53 3 2.4
11 36 10 170
7353 3W3 2A 50 75 5 4
12 40 15 530 10.5 5,0 3.35 85 128 7,5 6
14 46 20 706 14.0 6,6 4,8 115 172 10 8
15 1 50 30 1060 21,0 10.0 6,7 170 255 15 12
17 56 35 1236 24.5 12,0 8.0 200 300 17,5 14
IS 59 50 1766 35 17,0 12.0 290 387 25 20
20 66 65 2295 45 22,0 15.4 380 506 32,5 26
21 69 80 2825 56 27.0 18.0 470 626 40,0 32
23 75 100 3531 70 33 24 580 772 50 40
25 82 120 4238 94 40 29 700 932 60 48
27 89 150 5297 105 50 34 880 1172 75 60
30 98 170 6004 120 57 41 1000 1333 85 68
36 118 230 8123 160 77 54 1350 1800 115 92
43 141 300 10590 210 100 70 1760 2326 150 120
49 161 380 13420 260 127 87 2230 2970 190 152
53 174 500 17660 350 170 116 2940 3920 250 200

Explanations of Columns

1 Approximate Length Overallof Vessel in [m]

2 Approximate Length Overall of Vessel in fit]
3 Fishhold Capacity in [m^3]
4 Fishhold Capacityin fitA3]
5 Stowage capacity of bulk herring or sardines [tons]- assumed S.F :1,43 [m^3/ton]-
Values can
be up to 30% higherfor modern boats
Stowage capacity of icedfish in tropic climate[tons]- assumed S.F: 3,0 [mA3/ton]- Values can
be elsewhere up to 40% higherfor modern boats
7 Stowage capacityof iced shelffish [tons]- assumed S.F.: 4,0 - 4,4 [mA34ton]
8 Stowage capacity of iced fish in boxes of 45 kg, given [number of boxes]- assumed S.F: abt
0,172 [mA3/45 kg box]
9 Stowage capacityof icedfish in boxes of 25 kg, given [number of boxes]-
assumed S.F: abt 0,113 - 0,128[mA3/25 kg box]
10 Stowage capacity offrozen fish in refrig.hold [tons]-assumedS.F 2,0[mA3/tonj-
11 Stowage capacity of livingfish in RSWor CSW containers [tons]
assumed S.F: abt 2,50 [mA3/ton]-

A. D. Papanikolaou, "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27, 1994
Table 3.3: Semiempirical Length Formulas for the
Initilial Design of Fishing Vessels

Author Formula2 Notes

Vdlker Lpp / V 1 3 = 2.0 + 4.5 V/'ig V113 speed V[m/sj
Campanile - Lpp = 3.061 A0 .3966 acc. to regression
Russo Krauss analysis, for121A<3000tons
Papanikolaou LOA = 4.141 A 0.34 34 acc. to regression analysis

of wooden trawlers,
Papanikolaou for A <250tons [19$
LOA = 5.4 10 A0 .2 9 29 acc. to regression analysis
of wooden seiners,
Papanikolaou for A <60tons [191
LOA = 3.900 A0 3. 6 5 7 acc. to regression analysis
of steel trawlers,
for A <500tons [191

Table 3.4: Coefficients for Posdunine's Length Formula

for Fishing Vessels with V = 9 - 14 kn

L1;-L [ni ] = C P,A,V"

3 V7maiJk 72 '~2
trial z]+2)

CFish acc. to Grivalos [241

V[kn L/B = 4 L/B 5

9 5.10 5,60
10 5.40 5,98
11 5.65 6,26
12 5.85 6,46
13 6.00 6,60
14 6,70
acc. to Campanile - Russo Krauss [21

L/V1/. 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5

(C)max 5.74 6.25 6.65 6.96 7.33
(C)min 5.15 5.52 5.86 6.17 6.55
(C)med 5.44 5.88 6.25 6.56 6.94

'Length in [ml, A in [tonsi. V in [m3j

A. D. Papanikolaou. "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing

Lecture Notes. 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology.
Polytechnical University of Madrid. April IS to April 27, 1994
PISLgffJL.CJI 03 ¢Os
Table 3.5: Semiempirical Equations andApproximate Values
of Design Ratios and Coefficients for initial design of Fishing Vessels


Length to beam ratio LIB 2,0 + 0,055 L, for L _<40m ace. to Santarelli (24]
2,8 + 0,035 L,for L >40m
Length to beam ratio LIB 1.166 A0 -22 98 acc. to Papanikolaou for steel
Trawlers, A 500tons [19]
Beam B 0.6086 L0 .6892 ace to Campanile-Russo Krauss [2]
1.234 A 0-2844
Draft T 0.2654 L0-68 16 acc to Campanile-Russo Krauss [2)
0.5124A ° -288 2
Side Depth Height D 0.7061 A0-2687 acc to Campanile-Russo Krauss [2]
for trawlers
Block coefficient CB 0.92 - 0.35 Vflw]/'IL[ft] acc. to Santarelli (24]
Waterplane area coeff. CWP qCB - 0.025 acc. to Schneekluth [25]
for V sections

Table 3.6:Approximate Values of Ratios

Beam to Draft and Beam to Side Deck Height
for initial design of Fishing Vessels
acc. to Santarelli[24J

Ship Type B/T ratio B/D ratio

Trawler freezing 2,50 2,30
Trawler chilling 2,10 1,90
Long Liner freezing 2,30 2,00
Tuna Seiner freezing 2,40 2,00
Combi Boat 2,30 2,00
Small Trawler 2,20 1,90
Small Purse Seiner 2,50 2,00
Pole Tuna Clipper, abt 30 m 2,50 2,00
Pole & Line Clipper, abt 15 - 20 m 2,70 2,00
Gill netter abt 10 m 3,30 2,00
Lampara, abt 12 - 15 in 2,50 2,00

A. D.Papanikolaou, "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27, 1994 30
pmai c21u'orn
Table 3.7: Recommended Values of Form Coefficients
for initial design of Fishing Vessels acc. to Santarelli [24]

Block Coef. CB Prismatic Coef. CP Midship Section Coe. CM

0.40 0.554 0,722
0,42 0.554 0,758
0.44 0.554 0,794
0,46 0.556 0,827
0,48 0.560 0.857
0.50 0.566 1 0,883
0.52 0.574 0.906
0,54 0.583 0,926
0.56 0.595 0.940
0,58 0.608 0.954
0.60 0.623 0,963
0,62 0.639 0,970
0.64 10,656 0,976
0.66 0.674 0,979
0.68 0,693 0,981
0,70 0,712 0,983
0.72 0,731 0,985
0,74 0,750 0,987
0.76 0.769 0.988
0,78 0,788 0,990

Table 3.8: Main characteristics of a successful post WW ITGerman series of

small fishing vessels acc. to Henschke [121

Type A B C D E F G
Ref. Lengoth (m] 10.00 12.00 14.00 1600 18.00 20.00 22.00
max (LOA) [mL 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00
LWL [mW 9.20 11.80 13.60 15.40 17.40 19.10 21.50
Beam1 [m 1 3.40 4.00 4.30 4.60 5.30 5.60 6.20
Beam [ml - 4.30 4.70 5.00 - -
Depth, [ml 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.50 2.80 3.00
Depth [m - 2.10 2.20 2.30 1
mean (Draft)[ml 1.38 1.43 1.48 1.54 1.68 1.86 2.11
max aft (Draft)[ml 1.58 1.64 1.72 1.88 2.11 2.46 2.82
Displacement - 26.00 33.40 42.00 59.00 86.00 122.00
incl. shell & keel
CB[-H 0.352 0.364 0.367 0.365 0.380 0.433 0.434
LCB aft mid section 0.07 0.143 0.148 0.260 0.250 0.135 0.307
GRT [RTI 9.00 10.50 15.00 23.00 40.00 53.00 66.00
Power[HP] 30 50 70 90 110 115 180
Propeller [RPM] 550 500 425 375 330 310 300
Speed lal I abt. 10

'. D.Papanikolaou, "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27, 1994
F7-JLJ.LEC2 J3,91
Table 4.1: Typical weight coefficients and
semiempirical formulas for
the initial design of fishing vessels

Coefficient - equation Stem Trawler [5], Large Steel Small Trawler/Seiner, L S 30m,
LWL = 33.5 m Trawler [27] reea. analysis [221
Hull weight 120 for wood structure 100 1. for steel structure
/CUNO[kp/mA3S] 130 for steel structure 116 [kp/mA3] Trawler
75 for FRP (single skin) 142 [kp/mA3] Seiner
80 for FRP (sandwich)
semiempirical equ..

Ws [tons], CUNO [m" 3]

W,= B e CUO- 1]1
A = 3.837*10V, B = 254.5

2. for FRP structure

72 (kp/mA3] mean coeff.

semiempirical equ.:

S2 = k 2 *[I- kj,
k,= 0.420*[1 - C, /0.4585]
k2 = 1.075 + 0.0403* CUNO +
-5 2
1.258 * 10 * CUNO
Outfit weight incl."gears 58 80 - 95
A = 1.1612, B = 6.598 * 103
W., [tons], CUNO [m^ 3]
Coeff. B up to 50% higher for
mixed fishery vessels
Machinery weight incl. 25 [kp/mA3] 90- 100 28 -30 k-p/HP]
aux. tkp/HP]
Light Ship Weight incl. 202 for wood structure 210- 230
margin /CUNO [kp/mA3] 212 for steel structure
157 for FRP (single skin)
162 for FRP (sandwich)

A. D. Papanikolaou, "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing Vessels",

Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27, 1994 32

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