Twentieth Graduate School Fishing Vessel Technology: Escuela Tecnica Superior
Twentieth Graduate School Fishing Vessel Technology: Escuela Tecnica Superior
Twentieth Graduate School Fishing Vessel Technology: Escuela Tecnica Superior
20th WEGEMT Graduate School
J. F. Nufiez
Prof.of FishingSystem
Preliminary Design
Prof.J. F. Nufiez
Polytechnkal Univerity of Madrid
a) Specie to be caught.
a) Size limitations
b) TonnaQe limitations.
Apostolos D. Papanikolaou
Abstract 3
1. Introduction 4
2. Design Methodology 5
6. Estimation of Powering 15
List of References 23
List of Tables 24
List of Figures 25
Before starting a new design it is essential for any designer to collect and
technical and economic data of similar or parent ships. The similarity is study the
achieved if, to a certain
degree, the following characteristics between parent and designed vessel are
about the same:
In recent time, the fast development of the computer hard- and software
the systematic collection and statistical analysis of many technical and enabled
economic data for various
categories of fishing vessels. In using approximate formulas or coefficients
derived from regression
analysis of such data attention should be paid to the proper definition
of the vessel category or the
fishing vessel size, type, its construction material and year of built,
for which such formulas or
coefficients are valid:ý In other words, it is actually impossible to set-up
generally valid formulas or
coefficients for the estimation of the main dimensions, weights , Bishhold
volume or displacement for
all types and sizes of fishing vessels, since of the large variety of vessel
types, sizes, construction
materials, arrangements and operational profiles etc. Any given formulas
or coefficients should be
used with caution and after validation for a parent vessel, the data
of which can be considered as
known and correct. Of course, in the initial design stage, when other
data are not in hand, such
formulas and coefficients can be very helpflul in practice.
2. Design Methodology
1. The full load displacement is understood for the condition "ship leaving the fishing grounds".
2. For small fishing vessels, it is customary to refer the first estimation of displacement to the "half-
load" condition, that corresponds to the light ship weight WLS , plus the deadweight with only half
of the consumables included.
3. According to the attached tables, the values even among fishing vessels of similar type vary
significantly. Thus the collection of data of parent hulls is essential to validate the finally chosen
values. In Table 3.8 the main characteristics of a successful post WW II German series of small
fishing vessels is given [12]. Although, in practice, the finally installed horse power has been much
higher, than suggested in the table, the given data might be very helpful for reference in the initial
design stage.
3.2.1 Length
After the first estimation of the ship's displacement. her length must be approached
next, considering various design aspects (Papanikolaou,A. D., 1988). The length of a ship depends
primarily on the vessel's displacement and its speed. It affects significantly the weight of the vessel's
structure, because of its influence on the ship's longitudinal strength, as well that of the remaining
weight groups (machinery and outfitting weights), thus it determines indirectly also the vessel's
construction cost. Of course it determines, to a great extent, the availability of space and the general
arrangements of the ship. Besides, it is a major factor of the hydrodynamic performance of the ship in
calm water (resistance and propulsion) as well as in waves (seakeeping). Thus the selection of the
ship's length is of paramount importance for the further design. It must be accomplished with
caution, considering that the shortest possible ship fulfilling the owner's specifications will be
eventually , in most cases, the most economical one. However, an initially selected, too small vessel
's length cannot corrected easily later on to fulfil the design specifications, especially those on the
availability of deck areas and internal volumes.
There are various ways to select the ship's length and it is recommended to check
many options before finalizing the first numbers. Besides the use of data of parent ships it is possible
to apply semiempirical formulas, relating the length to the displacement and the vessel's speed (see
Table 3.4: Modified formula of Posdunine - van Lammeren or through the use of the slenderness
coefficient L/V 1/3 for similar ships) or to use diagrams or tables, relating the length to the given
fishhold volume or displacement (see Tables 3.2 & 3.3, Figs. 5 & 6). Finally, this step is possible
through the selection of values for the ratios between the main dimensions (Length L, breadth B,
draft T, and side deck height D) and the block coefficient CB and the subsequent solution of the
displacement equation for one of the unknown main dimensions, as given below:
3.2.2 Breadth
Through the selection of the side deck height afid the final draft, the ship's
freeboard has been actually determined. It varies, depending on the type of fishing vessel, between
10% to 30% of the ship's side deck height (see Fig. 23, freeboard as a function of ship's length for
sufficient stability). According to the "Code of Safety for Fishermen and Fishing Vessels"[14], the
freeboard of a fishing vessel must provide compatibility with the stability criteria, laid down in the
code regulations, and a reasonable degree of safety for the fishermen, working on deck, as well as to
the vessel in preventing entry of water into enclosed spaces and in shipping and trapping of water on
deck. It is obvious, that the larger the freeboard, the larger the limiting angle of immersion of side
deck wiil be and the range of stability will increase. On the other side, an increased freeboard and
consequently side deck height will also lead to higher values of weight centroids decreasing the
initial stability of the ship (value of GM).
In the initial design stage it is not necessary and not possible to determine exactly
the values of the hull form coefficients, i.e. to the block coefficient CB , prismatic coefficient Cp,
waterplane area coefficient CWp and the midship section coefficient CM . In the attached Tables
3.5, 3.7 and Figs. 8, I1 some values of the above coefficients for the preliminary calculations of
fishing vessels are given. The designer, however, should consider the following aspects in selecting
proper values of hull form coefficients for a new fishing vessel design:
1. When sufficient data of successful parent ships are available or even their ship lines, it is
recommended to develop the hull form of the vessel under design through distortion of an existing
set of lines. Various methods of geometric distortion are available and they are described in the
relevant literature(see, e.g. Papanikolaou,A., 1988, Schneekluth, H., 1987). In this case the form
coefficients can be considered as known from the parent hull.
2. When the design of the hull form is based on systematic hull form series (see, e.g., for fishing
vessels FORMDATA V, by Guldhammer - Harvald,1977), then again the hull form coefficients can
be considered known. There are many other systematic hull form series for fishing vessels, especially
on national level, but mostly they are restricted as to the size of the vessel and the type of fishing.
The designer is advised to study the relevant literature.
3. In developing a new hull form and in evaluating the form coefficients from the basics of naval
architecture it is recommended to consider the following:
3.1 The selection of the block coefficient CB is based on the relative speed ("speed length ratio" or
Froude number) of the ship (see, e.g.. formula in Table 3.5). It influences directly the hydrodynamic
performance of the ship in calm water (resistance) and to a small degree her performance in waves
(seakeeping) and of her stability. It affects the building cost and the availability space inside the hull.
3.2 The selection of the prismatic coefficient Cp is governed by the same aspects, as for the CB
coefficient. Attention should be paid to the fact, that for fishing vessels, especially for those of small
size, the value of the prismatic coefficient differs substantially from that of the block coefficient (is
much higher) due to the relatively small value of the midship section coefficient CM . with Cp =
4.1 Definitions
In equ. (4) R is a reserve (margin), that is commonly added to the initial Light Ship Weight to
account for inevitable underestimation of weights at the initial design stage. The value of R , as
percentage of WL , varies between 2% and 10% depending on the designer's experience and the
type of vessel (for fishing vessels close to the upper limit). Also, it is recommended, in estimating the
ship's initial stability, to consider the centroid of R abt 20% higher than the ship's centroid w/o R,
whereas its longitudinal position is assumed neutral. In case of availability of R at the final stage. it
can be balanced by the inclusion of permanent ballast. The latter can be later on removed, when
modifications or additional weights are placed onboard the ship.
Due to the large variety of fishing vessel types and construction materials many
other methods are suggested and followed in practice, to further subdivide the above weight groups
into sub-groups, especially those of the hull structure and outfitting. As an example, J. Fyson [7]
suggests for the Light Ship Weight of wooden boats the following sub-groups:
(1) Hfull:
1.0 Backbone
1.1 Bulkheads and partitions
1.2 Outside shell
1.3 Decks
1.4 Longitudinals
1.5 Fastenings
(2) Deckhouse:
2.0 Deckhouse - wheelhouse
2.1 Open bridge
2.2 Awnings
(3) Deck equipment:
(4) Internal accommodation
(5) Engine-room
(6) Piping systems
(7) Electrical installation
(8) Special outfitting and equipment
(9) Inventory and spare parts
In the above list, items (1) and (2) concern the hull structural weight, items (3),
(4), (8) and partly (9) the outfitting and finally items (5), (6) and (7) the machinery installation.
Another example of the Light Ship Weight subdivision for a 49 ft wooden purse seiner is given in
Table 4.3 in the appendix.
Turning to the second member of the RHS of the displacement-weight equation (4), namely the
deadweight, it is of importance to define, for a fishing vessel, its constituents, namely:
For the initial design stage the Light Ship Weight WL might be estimated
coefficients derived from parent ships or regression analysis of data of through
similar ships and WL to the
CUNO factor (= L x B x D ) or even the vessel's displacement. In using
such coefficients attention
should be paid to the proper definition of parent ships, especially
their size, type , speed and
construction material.. Some data for similar coefficients are given in
the appendix (see Table 4.1 ),
whereas in Tables 4.2 & 4.3 the Light Ship Weight subdivision of two
fishing boats is shown, where
for the first of the two vessels alternative construction materials
have been considered. It is
recommended to check the main constituent of WL , as explained in
the following.
4.3 Weight of hull structure
The weight of the hull structure, including the deck superstructure, WST
approached through the use of relevant ( WST /CUNO) coefficients. can be
Such coefficients are known
from the literature for different types and sizes of fishing vessels, including
their dependence on the
construction material (see, e.g., Table 4.1 ). Also certain empirical formulas
are known, derived from
regression analysis of available data, relating the structural weight to
the ship's main dimensions L, B,
D and the extent of the ship's superstructure. Fig. 12a shows a typical
diagramm of the "invoiced
weight" of steel for the structure ( includes abt. 3% scrap ) of transversely
framed combination
The weight of the machinery installation WM , including gears, piping and pumps,
electrical installation and propulsion system, can be approached for the purpose of the initial design
through empirical coefficients of similar engine installations, relating WM to the installed horse
power requirement (Maximum Continuous Rating - MCR power) and the type of engine ( indirectly
the Revolutions Per Minute - RPM) of the engine. Other aspects, to be considered, are the position
of the engine room along the ship (because of the length of shafting) and the type of fishing and
stowage of fish (because of the extent of the electrical installation and of the auxiliaries). Such
coefficients or empirical formulas for fishing vessel installations are given in Table 4.1 in the
appendix or might be derived from parent ship machinery installations.
4.6 Deadweight
The definition of deadweight of a fishing vessel has been introduced under 4.1 as
1. Weight of Crew and their effects WCr : assume 100 kp/person, incl. effects.
2. Weight of fishing gear WFG : is specified by the owner's requirements - if not, assume for
small fishing vessels 0.5 to 1.0 tonnes.
3. Weight of fuel WF : assume 4.6 kp / MCR[HP] / trip day and include margin of 20 to 40% for
bad weather, change of course etc. Consider margin of abt. 10% for the power of electrical supply,
besides shaft horse power for propulsion.
4. Weight of provisions Wpr : assume 5 kg/person/trip day.
5. Weight of fish WFi : Assume stowage factor 0.5 tonnes/m 3 , referred to the given fishhold
volume - corresponds to fish in bulk on ice, for more detailed values of stowage rates see Table 5.1.
On the basis of the sketch of general arrangements and the assumed position
required fishhold, its gross capacity can be checked through the preparation of the
of a sketch of at least 3
to 4 sections along the ship's length, defining the fishhold space inside
insulation and lining. An
allowance of about 10% between the gross sectional and the net
fishhold volume for internal
divisions, shelves etc. must be considered in addition. The volume can
be estimated by integrating
over the corresponding sectional areas using common naval architectural
methods (Simpson's or
trapezoidal rule, planimeter etc.). For the more detailed estimation of
the amount of fish, that can be
stowed inside, the final net volume of fishhold (so called "net-net volume")
can be divided by the
stowage factors given in Table 5.1 (they consider the fish type and size,
the stowage method etc.).
(according to a statistical analysis for medium size fishing vessels [22], assuming the height of
machinery room equal to 0.85 D and considering the installed horse power MCR [HP] including
10% allowance for electrical generators).
After estimation of the required and available volumes and internal capacities
initial general arrangement plan must be critically reviewed, considering the
following aspects:
6. Estimation of Powering
There are many ways to estimate the horse power characteristics of a fishing
in the preliminary design stage. The methods vary depending on the availability
of sufficient input
data and the degree of the desired output information.
In the frame of the initial design stage it is often sufficient to use the well
"Admiralty Constant Method", that is sometimes slightly changed to
better account for the
performance of specific vessel types. The Admiralty Constant horse power
equation is defined by
P = A 3*v 3 (7)
where P is the vessel's horse power in [HP] or [kW], defined here as effective
or shaft or break (or
installed) horse power, depending ion the particular definition of CN , A
is the vessel's displacement
in [tons], V is the ship's free run speed in [kn] and finally CN is the
ship's typical Admiralty
Constant, derived from data of similar ships, from semiempirical or regression
formulas or relevant
Equations (8) and (9) are approximative and do not consider the vessel's hull form. In addition equ.
(9) does not include directly even its speed, that is tacitly assumed the be at the "critical" limit of the
corresponding length, thus both equations should not be used besides the first design step. Also, the
mean statistical values, acc. to equ. (9). appear relatively high due to the "overpowering" of small
fishing vessels in practice. Fig. 19 shows a typical set of data for the statistical analysis of the
powering of small fishing vessels.
For trawling fishing vessels (stem or side trawlers) it is necessary to estimate, in the initial
design stage, the pull force and power requirement of the trawling winch, if not specified by the ship
owner in the general design requirements. Assuming, that:
1. The shaft horse power (SHP)T, during trawling, might be up to 80% of the installed Maximum
Continuous Rating (MCR) power.
2. The corresponding pull force of the winch is equal to the bollard pull force at (SHP)T
considering 12 kp pull force/HP.
3. The power requirement from the winch engine for the above pull force, assuming a hauling speed
of 1.5 m/sec, for a trawling speed of 3 kn. and 2.0 rn/sec, for a trawling speed of 4 kn, and a
transmission efficiency of 80 % is given by:
3k ,d] [0.24*MCR for3kn speed
[0.32*MCRjfr4kn speedJ
1 (10)
4. Due to movements of the boat in the sea, the pull in the warps might be doubled over a short
period of time, thus the power take-off should be designed to transmit up to 100% more than given
in equ. (10), thus 0.48 MCR resp. 0.64 MCR depending on the trawling speed.
Besides the trawling winch the size of the power block of the fishing vessel
be estimated in the initial design stage. It depends on the vessel's size. thus
its length and the size and
type of the hauling net. i.e. to the net's length and dep:s is well as the
size of its mesh and twine.
Some typical values there of are given in Table 6.1 in the appendix.
7. Estimation of Stability
The main factors influencing the initial stability of a ship is her breadth
vertical position of her weight centroid for the specific loading condition. and the
The metacentric height
GM is commonly expressed through the vertical position of the buoyancy
centroid KB, the
metacentric radius BM and the vertical weight centroid KG, as
GM = KM - KG = KB + BM - KG (11)
For the initial design stage, the above values might be estimated through
formulas and coefficients, or related diagrams (see Fig. 21, 22 or Table
7.1). For fishing vessels of
24 m in length and over the "International Convention for the Safety
of Fishing Vessels"
(Torremolinos, Spain, 1977) should be applied and the specific requirements
on the stability,
seaworthiness and safety of vessel and crew laid down in this code must be
8.1 General
Usually the shipowner will specify by himself the construction material and the
candidate shipyard for his vessel. If the designer has the choice, the parameters to be considered are:
(a) experience of local shipyard, (b) local production of material or supply from abroad, (c)
craftsmanship of local manpower, (d) Mechanical characteristics of material, (e) cost characteristics
of material. All the above considerations are understood in comparison to alternative materials.
The mechanical properties of the various materials for fishing vessel construction
may be investigated separately in terms of their tensile and bending strength and their rigidity in
relation to their specific weight.
Comparing the tensile strength of different materials, the maximum tensile force
that beams of equal weight, but of different material, can withstand is dependent on the ratio of the
limtiting tensile stress ayt, of the specific material, to its specific weight y. For the maximum bending
force, that beams of equal weight can withstand, it can be shown that they depend on the ratio of the
limiting bending stress 0 b , of the specific material, to the square of its specific weight y2.
Considering the stiffness of different materials, it can be shown that the limiting bending force that
causes a beam of equal weight to deflect equally depends on the ratio of the elasticity module, of the
specific material, to the cubic of its specific weight y3
Attention should be
but built from different materials. The paid to the design of the hull form of vessels of
hull form of a wooden boat might be useful the same size
a steel vessel of equal size and form characteristics, as a prototype for
whereas the use of FRP or aluminium requires
special care, if the weight difference is not
simply balanced by inclusion of permanent
ballast along
the ship's bottom.
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Typical values of fishhold to displacement ratios for different type of small
Table 3.2: Hold capacity and stowage of various fish for fishing vessels with LOA
= 9 - 53 m acc.
to M. Santarelli - J. Fyson [24]
Table 3.3: Semiempirical length formulas for the initial design of fishing vessels
Table 3.4: Coefficients for Posdunine's length formula for fishing vessels with v =
9 - 14 kn
Table 3.5: Semiempirical equations and approximate values of design ratios and coefficients
for the
initial design of fishing vessels
Table 3.6: Approximate values of B/T and B/D for initial design of fishing vessels
acc to
Table 3.7: Approximate values of form coefficients for initial design of fishing vessels
acc. to
Santarelli - Fyson
Table 4.1: Typical weight coefficients and semiempirical formulas for the initial design
of fishing
Table 4.2: Parametric weight calculation study for a small 12.6 m Trawler built from
construction materials [9]
Table 5.1 Stowage rates and yields of fishery products ace. to J. H. Merrit[17]
Table 6.1: Approximate values of power block consumption for initial design of fishing vessels
to Santarelli [24]
Table 7.1: Approximate formulas for estimation of the initial stability of fishing vessels
Table 8.1: Qualitative comparison of alternative construction materials against steel for small
Table 8.2 Example of preliminary estimation of shell weight for initial design of small fishing
vessels acc. to Gulbrandsen [9] (see also Table 4.2)
Table 10.1: List of contents of technical specifications for the construction of fishing vessels
acc. to
Santarelli [24]
List of Figures
Figure 3: Relation between fishhold volume and duration of fishing trip acc. to Gueroult [8]
Figure 4: Relation between fishhold capacity (inside insulation) and displacement for fishing
vessels ace. to Gueroult [8]
Figure 5: Relation between displacement (for light ship condition) and length for existing vessels
and selected values acc. to Traung et al [29]
Figure 6: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the main characteristics of fishing vessels
of length
10 to 70 macc to Traung [12]
Figure 7: Diagranuns for the initial estimation of the L/B and B/T ratios for trawlers and seiners
Figure 8: Diagramms for the initial estimation of the form coefficients for trawlers and seiners [12]
Figure 9: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the main dimensions and characteristics of
trawlers and seiners [ 12]
Figure 10: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the breadth for various types of fishing vessels
to Grivalos (1968) [24]
Figure 12 :Typical.diagramm of weights of steel structure (Fig. 12a) and outfitting (Fig. 12b) for
combination fishing boats built for the North-West U.S. Pacific Coast acc. to Reid (St John's, 1965)
Figure 13: Areas of deck activities for fishing vessels with alternative superstructure arrangements
(forward and aft) [7]
Figure 14: Distribution of deck activities for small and large stem trawlers [7]
Figure 15: Distribution of deck activities for seiners and gill netters [7]
Figure 16: Distribution of deck activities for line fishing vessels [7]
Figure 18: Typical arrangement of a large 53.5m freezer stem trawler [7]
Figure 19: Typical diagramm of statistical analysis for the installed horsepower of medium size
fishery vessels [19]
Figure 20: Diagramm for the initial estimation of the total resistance of fishing vessels as a function
of the speed-length ratio, Froude number and slenderness ratio ace. to Gueroult [8]
Figure 21: Diagramm for the estimation of the KM value of fishing vessels as a function of L, B and
T acc. to Gueroult [8]
Figure 22: Diagramm for the estimation of the KG value as a function of Land loading condition of
fishing vessels acc. to Gueroult [8]
Figure 23: Diagramm for the estimation of freeboard for sufficient stability of fishing vessels as a
function of length acc. to Gueroult [8]
dimensions in (m), value of T is the mean value of draft for full load displacement
A. D.Papanikolaou, "Estimation of the General Characteristics of Fishing
Lecture Notes, 20th WEGEMT Graduate School on Fishing Vessel Technology,
Polytechnical University of Madrid, April 18 to April 27, 1994
Table 3.2 Hold Capacity and Stowage of Various Fish
for Fishing Vessels, LOA = 9 to 53 m
(acc. to Santarelli-Fyson )
1 2 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
9 30 6 212 4,2 2,0 1.5 35 53 3 2.4
11 36 10 170
7353 3W3 2A 50 75 5 4
12 40 15 530 10.5 5,0 3.35 85 128 7,5 6
14 46 20 706 14.0 6,6 4,8 115 172 10 8
15 1 50 30 1060 21,0 10.0 6,7 170 255 15 12
17 56 35 1236 24.5 12,0 8.0 200 300 17,5 14
IS 59 50 1766 35 17,0 12.0 290 387 25 20
20 66 65 2295 45 22,0 15.4 380 506 32,5 26
21 69 80 2825 56 27.0 18.0 470 626 40,0 32
23 75 100 3531 70 33 24 580 772 50 40
25 82 120 4238 94 40 29 700 932 60 48
27 89 150 5297 105 50 34 880 1172 75 60
30 98 170 6004 120 57 41 1000 1333 85 68
36 118 230 8123 160 77 54 1350 1800 115 92
43 141 300 10590 210 100 70 1760 2326 150 120
49 161 380 13420 260 127 87 2230 2970 190 152
53 174 500 17660 350 170 116 2940 3920 250 200
Explanations of Columns
of wooden trawlers,
Papanikolaou for A <250tons [19$
LOA = 5.4 10 A0 .2 9 29 acc. to regression analysis
of wooden seiners,
Papanikolaou for A <60tons [191
LOA = 3.900 A0 3. 6 5 7 acc. to regression analysis
of steel trawlers,
for A <500tons [191
Type A B C D E F G
Ref. Lengoth (m] 10.00 12.00 14.00 1600 18.00 20.00 22.00
max (LOA) [mL 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 22.00 24.00
LWL [mW 9.20 11.80 13.60 15.40 17.40 19.10 21.50
Beam1 [m 1 3.40 4.00 4.30 4.60 5.30 5.60 6.20
Beam [ml - 4.30 4.70 5.00 - -
Depth, [ml 1.40 1.60 1.80 2.10 2.50 2.80 3.00
Depth [m - 2.10 2.20 2.30 1
mean (Draft)[ml 1.38 1.43 1.48 1.54 1.68 1.86 2.11
max aft (Draft)[ml 1.58 1.64 1.72 1.88 2.11 2.46 2.82
Displacement - 26.00 33.40 42.00 59.00 86.00 122.00
incl. shell & keel
CB[-H 0.352 0.364 0.367 0.365 0.380 0.433 0.434
LCB aft mid section 0.07 0.143 0.148 0.260 0.250 0.135 0.307
GRT [RTI 9.00 10.50 15.00 23.00 40.00 53.00 66.00
Power[HP] 30 50 70 90 110 115 180
Propeller [RPM] 550 500 425 375 330 310 300
Speed lal I abt. 10
Coefficient - equation Stem Trawler [5], Large Steel Small Trawler/Seiner, L S 30m,
LWL = 33.5 m Trawler [27] reea. analysis [221
Hull weight 120 for wood structure 100 1. for steel structure
/CUNO[kp/mA3S] 130 for steel structure 116 [kp/mA3] Trawler
75 for FRP (single skin) 142 [kp/mA3] Seiner
80 for FRP (sandwich)
semiempirical equ..
semiempirical equ.:
S2 = k 2 *[I- kj,
k,= 0.420*[1 - C, /0.4585]
k2 = 1.075 + 0.0403* CUNO +
-5 2
1.258 * 10 * CUNO
Outfit weight incl."gears 58 80 - 95
A = 1.1612, B = 6.598 * 103
W., [tons], CUNO [m^ 3]
Coeff. B up to 50% higher for
mixed fishery vessels
Machinery weight incl. 25 [kp/mA3] 90- 100 28 -30 k-p/HP]
aux. tkp/HP]
Light Ship Weight incl. 202 for wood structure 210- 230
margin /CUNO [kp/mA3] 212 for steel structure
157 for FRP (single skin)
162 for FRP (sandwich)