TC2543en-Ed02 Generic Appliance ServerInstallation
TC2543en-Ed02 Generic Appliance ServerInstallation
TC2543en-Ed02 Generic Appliance ServerInstallation
This document provides the configuration details required to install an OmniPCX® Enterprise on a Generic Appliance
Revision History
Edition 1: January 8, 2019 creation of the document
Edition 2: May 27, 2019 update of the document
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Table of contents
1 Preamble ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2 Useful documents ................................................................................................................................... 3
3 Installation procedure.............................................................................................................................. 3
3.1 Collecting the required information .................................................................................................. 3
3.2 Verifying BIOS configuration .............................................................................................................. 4
3.2.1 Lenovo x3250 M6 ....................................................................................................................... 4
3.2.2 HP DL20 Gen9 ............................................................................................................................ 4
3.3 Verifying hardware, “.iso” file and licenses ....................................................................................... 6
3.4 Installing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server on the host server .................................................................. 6
3.5 Getting the ALUID and posting it to eLP ............................................................................................. 9
3.6 Installing the Generic Appliance Server ........................................................................................... 10
3.6.1 Process overview ...................................................................................................................... 10
3.6.2 Pre-Installation procedure ......................................................................................................... 11
3.6.3 Post-installation procedure ........................................................................................................ 12
4 Update of the security patch .................................................................................................................. 23
5 Miscellaneous........................................................................................................................................ 23
6 Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 Commands ..................................................................................................................................... 23
6.2 FlexLM license file ........................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Installation ............................................................................................................................... 24
6.2.2 Status ...................................................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Rehosting ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Please note the GAS iso file (oxesws_x.yy.iso) you download from the BPWS may not install the right OXE
patch. Therefore, a patch installation of OXE may be needed after completing this procedure.
2 Useful documents
The following documents are available on the business portal website:
System documentation: “OXE System: Appliance Server Installation Manual”
Presales document: TBE063 OmniPCX Enterprise & Generic Appliance Server
o Contains hardware prerequisites
3 Installation procedure
To begin, the server must be connected to the network with its ethernet port. Default gateway must be
To run on a HP DL20 G9 server, the OmniPCX Enterprise requires several BIOS modifications.
Check and/or modify the following parameters:
7. Set the Embedded SATA Configuration option to Enable SATA AHCI Support
1. Load the "ALE boot DVD" in the drive (note: this DVD can also be used to install othe ALE products)
4. Scroll down the list of installation options and select Software Package
5. As soon as the server reboots, press the eject button on the DVD drive and remove the DVD
The ALUID is necessary to obtain license files to install or replace a Generic Appliance Server. If you ordered
machines, the ALUID is displayed on the hardware sticker. The Generic Appliance Server is delivered without a
After OS installation:
1. After OS installation, click on “not listed” and log in with your root account
Username : root / password : the one you have changed previously
According to the type of keyboard, it is possible to choose the language keyboard at the top right or to make
appear a virtual keyboard.
The pre-installation can be performed either from a Graphical User Interface (GUI), or from console in silent
mode. This section describes only the installation in silent mode.
Start the graphical interface, using the command (if you don’t have graphical interface):
“systemctl start display-manager”
4. Extract from the iso the files, enter the command (or use the GUI):
mkdir /root/Desktop/GASiso
mount -o loop /<directory of iso>/oxe_sws-5.04.iso /root/Desktop/GASiso/
mkdir /root/Desktop/GASinstallfiles
cp -r /root/Desktop/GASiso/ /root/Desktop/GASinstallfiles/
umount /<directory of iso>/oxe_sws-5.04.iso
rm /root/Desktop/GASiso/
During installation:
The OmniPCX Enterprise and OXE-MS image files are extracted and copied in:
No installation status message (success/failure) is displayed for silent installation. The cursor is positioned to
an empty prompt at the end of the pre-installation. You can verify the pre-installation status (PRE-
INSTALLATION STATUS: SUCCESS/FAILED) from the file /etc/sws_preinstall.inf
1. Locate the oxeswsposinst.bin file and give executable rights to this file, using the command:
chmod +x oxeswsposinst.bin
2. Execute the command: ./oxeswsposinst.bin
3. Once the welcome message shows, click the Next button
5. Click Next
The network settings page is displayed:
6. Configure the OmniPCX Enterprise with its node related information details (netadmin details)
If the OmniPCX Enterprise is not duplicated:
1. Select the No Redundancy radio button in the OXE IP Configuration
2. Enter the parameters in the Configuration Details
For more information about the OmniPCX Enterprise parameters, refer to the system documentation.
3. If any of the License files is missing in the target machine (/opt/sws_lic), below screen will be
displayed. In that case, user have two choices:
Choice #1 Click the Skip button if you wish to manually provide license files after the post-install
Choice #2 Provide license files in a USB dongle, placed in a single directory sws_lic.
Plug the USB key on your SUSE Linux Server.
Wait for a few seconds then click Browse button to continue.
1. If all files (.swk, hardware.mao, .zip, .hw, .k2 or .ice) are found in the selected
directory, a success message “OK” is displayed for each file and Next button is enabled. Clicking
Next button reaches “Post-installation Summary” screen.
3. If some files are missing, an error message “Not OK” is displayed for those files and Next
Button remains disabled. However you will be able to proceed to Post Installation Summary
screen by clicking Skip.
9. Click Next
After successful configuration, the OmniPCX Enterprise starts along with the OXE-MS.
11. At the end of the post-installation, check the installation status displayed in the Install Complete page:
In case of success, click the Done button
In case of failure, the corresponding error message with the information of log file displays, see Un-
installation procedure in the system documentation
12. Once installation is complete, you can verify the versions of Generic Appliance Server, patches, OXE-MS
and FlexLM server from the sws_release file available in the /etc/ path
5 Miscellaneous
6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Commands
Report to the system documentation chapter 4.3 Maintenance for more information.
6.2.2 Status
Status of flexlm server can be checked with the command “service flexlmd status”
Example of a running service:
6.3 Rehosting
When the Server has to be changed from one network to another, the server is physically disconnected from
the existing network and connected to the new network. Then the script present at /usr/bin is
run to rehost the server.
Running the script i.e rehosting the server prompts for network details:
IP Address