Technology As A Way of Revealing

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Topic No.1 Technology as a Way of Revealing

1. Differentiate the essence of technology and modern technology;
2. discuss and illustrate the dangers of modern technology; and
3. explain why art is the saving power of modern technology.

THE ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGY but other acts of the mind, and

Technology is a means to an end TECHNOLOGY AS POIESIS: DOES
Technology is a human activity. OR CHALLENGE FORTH?

Bothe definitions are correct.  Heidegger, in The Question Concerning

However, neither touches on the true Technology, postulated that both
essence of technology. primitive crafts and modern technology
are revealing. However, he explained
HEIDEGGER’S VIEW ON TECHNOLOGY that modern technology is revealing not
in the sense of bringing forth.
 Technology as a Way of Revealing
 Revealing of modern technology is not a
 Heidegger stressed that the true can
bringing-forth, but a challenging-forth.
only be pursued through the correct.
 Modern technology challenges nature
Simply what is correct leads to what is
by extracting something from it and
true. In this sense, he envisioned
transforming, storing and distributing it.
technology as a way of revealing – a
It makes people think how to do things
mode of bringing forth.
faster, more effectively, and with less
 Bringing forth can be understood
through the Ancient Greek philosophical
 Challenging forth reduces objects as
concept, Poiesis, which refers to the act
standing-reserve or something to be
of bringing something out of
disposed of by those who enframe
concealment. By bringing something out
them- humans.
of concealment, the truth of that
something is revealed.  This is evident in the way people
 The truth is understood through another exploit natural resources with very
little concern for the ecological
Ancient Greek concept of Aletheia,
consequences that come with it.
which is translated as unclosedness,
unconcealedness, disclosure, or truth.  In the information age- greater
control of information to profit from
Technology is a form of poiesis- a way its value gives rise to concerns about
of revealing that unconceals aletheia or privacy and the protection of human
the truth. rights.
 Rise and depletion of petroleum as a
 In philosophy, techne resembles the
strategic resource
term episteme that refer to the human
ability to make and perform. Techne  Introduction and use of synthetic
also encompasses knowledge and dyes, artificial flavorings, and toxic
understanding. materials into the consumer stream
that bring about adverse effects on
 In art, it refers to tangible and
human health.
intangible aspects of life.
 Use of ripening agents in agriculture
 The Greek understood techne in the
that poses threats to food safety and
way that it encompasses not only craft,
health security.

ENFRAMING AS MODERN sense, humans are in danger of
TECHNOLOGY’S WAY OF becoming merely part of the standing
REVEALING reserve or, alternatively, may find
themselves in nature.
 Heidegger distinguished the way of
 Recognizing the dangers of technology
revealing of modern technology by
requires critical and reflective thinking
considering it as a process of
on it use. For instance,
 Social media has indeed connected
 Enframing, according to Heidegger,
people in the most efficient and
is akin to two ways:
convenient way imaginable, but it
also inadvertently gave rise to issues
humans desire to put an order to
such as invasion of privacy, online
nature to better understand and
disinhibition, and proliferation of fake
control it.
- tends to be more commonly
utilized, primarily because humans’ ART AS THE SAVING POWER
desire to control due to their fear of
 Necessary reflection upon and
confrontation with technology are
- Calculative thinking is the more
required in order to proactively address
technical kind of human thought, in
the dangers of technology.
which people gather information and
put it together in order to put it to  “But where danger is, grows the saving
some specific use. power also” – Friedrich Holderlin (1977,
2. MEDITATIVE THINKING- humans p.14)
allow nature to reveal itself to them  Heidegger proposed art as the saving
without the use of force or violence. power and the way out enframing: “and
art was simply called techne. It was a
 Enframing, is a way of ordering (or single, manifold revealing” (1977, p.18)
framing) nature to better manipulate it. Art encourages human to think less from
Enframing happens because of how calculative standpoint where nature is viewed
humans desire for security, even it pulls as an ordered system. Instead, it inspires
all of nature as a standing reserve and an meditative thinking where nature is seen an art
instrument of technology, to be exploited and that without any force and violence.
in the ordering of nature.
 The role of humans take as instruments of
technology through enframing is called
 In destining, humans are challenged forth
by enframing to reveal what is real.
However, this destining of humans to
reveal nature carries with it the danger of
misconstruction or misinterpretation.
 Lie on how humans let themselves be
consumed by it. The responsibility of
humans is to recognize how they
become instruments of technology.
 According to Paulo Coelho, it is boastful
for humans to think that nature needs to
be saved, whereas Mother Nature would
remain even if human cease to exist.
 As a mere tenant on Earth, people must
not allow themselves to be consumed
by technology lest they lose the essence
of who they are as human beings. In this

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