Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering
Editor: Despo Kassinos Water treatment based on electrocoagulation (EC) is attractive since required chemicals and colloids are pro
duced in-situ. However, optimisation of EC operation parameters is necessary to enhance its efficiency. We
Keywords: optimised EC cell parameters by the response surface method (RSM). The optimal removal efficiencies of
Defluoridation hardness (63%) and fluoride (97%) were achieved at 1.98 kW h/m3. With the removal of divalent cations, some
anionic species concurrently remove via an energetically feasible route to adjust the charge balance. When
simulated water is used (450 mg/L TDS, 580 mg/L CaCO3, 10 mg/L fluorides and pH 6.50), 83% hardness and
Response surface method 99% fluoride are removed with 0.69 kW h/m2 energy consumption. The chemical species in the solution matrix,
particularly SO2,
4 significantly affect the hardness and fluoride removal efficiencies. The contaminated EC sludge
resulted from feed water is characterised by spectroscopic methods to probe hardness and fluoride removal
mechanisms. In the presence of Mg2+, F- interacts with Al-sludge sites forming ≡ MgF − OH. When Ca2+ and F-
are present, both ≡ CaF − OH and ≡ CaF are formed. In Ca2+, Mg2+ and F- treated Al-sludge dominates – –
CaF− OH and ≡ CaF over ≡ MgF − OH.
* Corresponding author at: National Centre for Water Quality Research, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Hanthana, Kandy 20000, Sri Lanka.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.U. Halpegama), [email protected] (K.Y. Heenkenda), [email protected] (Z. Wu), [email protected]
(K.G.N. Nanayakkara), [email protected] (R.M.G. Rajapakse), [email protected] (A. Bandara), [email protected] (A.C. Herath),
[email protected] (X. Chen), [email protected] (R. Weerasooriya).
Received 2 June 2021; Received in revised form 17 July 2021; Accepted 20 July 2021
Available online 24 July 2021
2213-3437/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
Independent Factor Range and level where Y response function (hardness removal efficiency), β0 is intercept,
X Low High (+1) βi and βij are linear and quadratic coefficients, βij accounts for Xi and Xj ,
(− 1)
and Xi and Xj are independent factors, i.e., current density and process
Time (min) X1 10 45 time. Based on initial experiments, the initial values of independent
Current density X2 0.117 0.353 variables are shown in Table 2. According to the central composite
(A/cm2) design (CCD) developed by Minitab code, a possible combination of
Design variables
Run order Actual levels Observations - hardness
experimental protocols was obtained. Accordingly, thirteen experi
removal efficiency (%) mental protocols were used to evaluate response function experimen
Time Current density (mA/cm2) L-1 L-2 tally (Table 2). The model optimisation was carried out with the natural
(min) water collected from the L-1 (Table 1). Afterwards, the model validation
1 3.53
was carried out with the natural water sample collected from L-2 from
52.2 63 64
2 2.35 the same climatic zone. After that the validated model was used to
45 57 59 simulate the chemical composition of the stimulated water.
3 4.71
27.5 48 52 2.2.3. Water quality assessments and sludge characterisation
4 4.71
27.5 48 52
The samples’ pH and electrical conductivity (TDS calculated) were
5 5.89 measured by a multi-parameters analyser (HANNA HI 9811-5, USA).
10 35 41 Cations in solution were measured by inductively coupled plasma op
6 4.71 tical emission spectrometer (ICP-OES) (ICPA 7000, Thermo, USA) using
27.5 42 51
certified standard solutions for calibration. Fluoride in solution was
7 4.71
2.7 38 31 analysed using ion chromatography (Shimadzu, Japan) equipped with
8 2.35 the conductivity detector (Shimadzu CDD 10A VP, Japan) and auto
10 38 37 sampler. Quality control data of the measurements made by IC and ICP-
9 4.71 OES as described elsewhere [34–36]. The spike recoveries of fluoride
27.5 51 53
10 4.71
hardness were measured using NIST CRN anion solution (ROTH
27.5 54 54 multi-element IC CAS 2668). In water, 97.83 ± 0.06% recoveries were
11 5.89 obtained for fluoride. For calcium and magnesium detection, ICP CRN
45 62 59 was used (TRaceCERT 54704 Siga Aldrich, USA), and the spike re
12 7.07
coveries are 100.3 ± 1.51% and 98 ± 1.76% for calcium and magne
27.5 48 53
13 1.17 sium, respectively. The transmission FTIR method was used to
27.5 48 54 characterise the Al sludge generated by EC experiments. KBr pellets
were prepared at 1:10 sample: KBr ratio. Transmission FTIR spectra
Fig. 1. Variations of hardness removal efficiency in A. groundwater of locations 1 and 2; symbols represent observations. Source water composition, current density
and response time were related to Table 1 and 2. B. Simulated water by EC. Symbols represent various simulated water types. Model calculations were carried out
with an RMS model developed for natural groundwater.
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
Fig. 2. Variation of hardness and fluoride removal efficiencies as a function of current density and process time. A. hardness B. fluoride as a function of time and
current density for location 1. Source water composition: TDS 470 mg/L, hardness 183 mg/L CaCO3, fluoride 0.45 mg/L and pH 6.60.
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
Fig. 3. A. Water hardness and fluoride removal efficiency using optimised EC. B. Residual aluminium concentration in treated water. Feed water composition is
shown in Table 1 and Table 1-S. Vertical lines depict error bars.
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
Fig. 4. Scanning electron micrographs obtained for sludge generated after interacting with feed water of different composition. A. F-/Al feed water, B. Ca2+, Mg2+
/Al feedwater C. Ca2+, Mg2+, F-/Al feedwater.
efficiency. Therefore simulated water removal efficiency is not matched 3.3.3. XPS characterisation
with the developed model as contaminated water. The removal effi The high-resolution x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic spectrums of
ciencies of fluoride and hardness in different water types using opti O1s, C1s, Al2p, Ca2p, Mg1s, and F1s received by interacting EC sludge with
mised EC reactor are shown in Fig. 3.A. The residual aluminium feed solution containing Ca2+, Mg2+ and F- is shown in Fig. 6. The Al2p
concentration in treated water is always below the WHO maximum peak at 74.27 eV is ascribed to Aly(OH)3x phase [54]. The O1s peak at
contaminant levels (MCL) as shown in Fig. 3. B [46]. 531.8 eV occurs due to bulk hydroxyls in Aly(OH)3x phase [54]. The
( )
observed Al O
atomic ratio ~ 3 favours Aly(OH)3x stoichiometry
3.3. Sludge characterisation
(Table 4-S). As EC process time evolved, the aggregation of gelatinous
3.3.1. SEM characterisation Aly(OH)3x particulates is discerned, and the formation of γ-AlO(OH)
SEM images were used to investigate the morphology of optimised phase with high crystallinity is favoured, as supported by the reduc
( )
condition sludge (Fig. 4). The Al sludge generated by fluoride treatment
ed O
ratio. The peak at 75.48 eV due to Al in fluorinated alumina
shows spherical and porous nanoparticles consist of aluminium oxide Al
hydroxide species (black circles in Fig. 4. A) [47]. However, in the (AlOFx) supports fluoride removal on aluminium oxide hydroxide
optimised sludge of Ca2+, Mg2+ /Al and Ca2+, Mg2+, F-/Al superb
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
Fig. 6. XPS curve fit of Al2p, O1s, C1s, Ca2p, F1s and Mg1s spectrum of optimised condition Ca2+, Mg2+,F-/Al sludge. The elemental composition data of the sludge
materials is given in Table 4-S.
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
J.U. Halpegama et al. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (2021) 106105
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