Bipolar Disorder: Manic Episode
Bipolar Disorder: Manic Episode
Bipolar Disorder: Manic Episode
manic episode
Bipolar disorder
(manic episode)
Bipolar disorder
A) Genetic Theories
Family studies First-degree relatives of patients
with bipolar disorder have a 7–10 times greater
risk of developing a mood disorder, compared
with unrelated individuals.
Twins studies
monozygotic twins is 78% - 90%.
dizygotic twins is 5% - 25%.
B) Biochemical factors
The belief was that high levels of serotonin
dopamine and nor epinephrine at the
synaptic receptor sites in the brain cause
mania .
2. Psychoanalytic Theory
:Assessment )1
The key symptoms in Mania
Elated mood )1(
.Increasing activity )2(
.Reduced sleep )3(
Not all people in the manic state
.experience euphoria
Some people become extremely
irritable especially when limits
are sit on their behavior
1) Mood, affect, and feelings
Euphoria : the euphoric mood is unstable.
Irritable may be short lived or may become the prominent
feature of the person, especially when mania has been
present for some time.
They also have a low tolerance, which may lead to feelings
of anger and hostility.
Inflated self esteem, intolerance of criticism, and optimistic
Manic patients may be Emotionally labile, switching from
laughter to irritability to depression in minutes or hours.
) Behaviour:
At work Manic person constantly moves from one
activity to another, one place to another, one project
to another, but few, if any completed.
Hyperactivity ranges from mild to severe.
Inactivity is impossible, even for the shortest period
of time. He is too busy to eat, sleep or engage in
sexual activity, which may lead to Physical
exhaustion, even death caused by non stop physical
activity and lack of sleep and food.
- Spending large sums of money in different items.
Clients with mania often dress bizarre, colourful &
inappropriate clothes, jewellery, or makeup.
Impulsive marriage & divorces take place.
Assessing thought processِ
Flight of ideas, speech is rapid, Pressure of speech
(one can hear the force, energy behind the rapid
The continuous talking often includes joking, playing
on words.
The content of speech is often sexually explicit,
ranges from grossly inappropriate to vulgar.
Themes in the communication of the manic may
revolve around his extraordinary sexual powers,
business ability.
Related to.
.Exhaustion 2-Poor judgment and impulse control-1
Evidenced by
1. Extreme hyperactivity & restlessness.
2 .Threatened or actual aggression toward self or others
3 .Delusion of grandeur & making attempts to harm
4. Agitation.
• Evidenced by
• 1. Inaccurate interpretation of environment
• 2. [Altered attention span]--distractibility
• 3. [Inability to follow]
• 4. [Impaired ability to make decisions, problem solve, reason]
• 5. [Delusions of grandeur]
• Goals/Objectives
Short term goals
Within 1 week, client will be able to recognize
and verbalize when thinking is non—reality based.
• Long term goal
Client will experience no delusional thinking by discharge
from treatment.
Planning and implementation:
.Impulsivity 2- Hyperactivity -1
.Poor judgment 4- Elated mood-3
Evidenced by:
1- Aggressive social behaviours. 2-Verbal hostility.
3- Hypercritical behaviours 4- Bizarre dress.
5- Engage in sexual behaviours.
6-Interrupt conversation of other.
* Patient will be able to demonstrate social behaviours consistent with social norms.
Planning and implementation: