Gnexs1F Alarm Horn Sounder: 1-22-010 / Explo S Io N/Flame Pro O F S Ignals 1-22-010 / Explo S Io N/Flame Pro O F S Ignals
Gnexs1F Alarm Horn Sounder: 1-22-010 / Explo S Io N/Flame Pro O F S Ignals 1-22-010 / Explo S Io N/Flame Pro O F S Ignals
Gnexs1F Alarm Horn Sounder: 1-22-010 / Explo S Io N/Flame Pro O F S Ignals 1-22-010 / Explo S Io N/Flame Pro O F S Ignals
Maximum sound pressure level output of 115dB(A)
Choice of 64 alarm tone frequencies
4 remotely selectable alarm stages/channels
Positive or negative line stage/channel switching
Automatic synchronisation on multi-sounder system
Ratchet adjustable 316 stainless steel bracket
Triple cable entries
Available with custom tone configurations and frequencies
Robust corrosion proof GRP (glass reinforced polyester) enclosure
Ap p ro vals
ATEX certificate: SIRA 13ATEX1139X
IECEx certificate: IECEx SIR 13.0029X
Ex EAC TR CU 012/2011 certified: KZ.1510019.22.01.00271
INMETRO IEx 20.0050X
SIL1 compliant to IEC 61508 (2010)
C o d ing
II 2G Ex d IIC T4 Ta. -60°C to +50°C
II 2G Ex d IIC T3 Ta. -60°C to +70°C
II 2G Ex d IIB T6 Ta. -60°C to +50°C
II 2G Ex d IIB T5 Ta. -60°C to +65°C
II 2G Ex d IIB T4 Ta. -60°C to +70°C
S p ecif icatio n Part C o d es
Maximum output: 115dB(A) @ 1 m +/- 3dB [106dB(A) @ 10ft/3m +/- 3dB] P ar t Cod e: I d en ti f i er : D esc r i p ti on :
Nominal output: 110dB(A) @ 1m +/- 3dB [101dB(A) @ 10ft/3m] +/- 3dB Product type: GNExS1 GNExS1 alarm horn sounder
No. of tones: 64 (UKOOA / PFEER compliant) Horn type: F Flare re-entrant horn
No. of stages: 4 Voltage: DC024 10-30Vdc
DC048 38-60Vdc
Volume control: Full range AC230 100-260Vac
Effective range: 125m/410ft @ 1KHz Cable entries:[e] A 2 x M20x1.5mm
Voltages DC: 24vdc (10-30vdc), 48vdc (38-60vdc) B 2 × 1/2" NPT – adaptors
C 2 × 3/4" NPT – adaptors
Voltages AC: 230vac (100-260vac) D 2 x M25x1.5mm – adaptors
In-rush: 815mA within 4ms @ 24Vdc E 1 × 1/2" NPT – adaptor
F 1 × 3/4" NPT – adaptor
Stage switching: DC units: postive or negative G 1 x M25x1.5mm – adaptor
AC units: common supply line
Stopping plug/ B Brass
Ingress protection: EN60529: IP66 adaptor material: N Nickel plated brass
Enclosure UV stable GRP (glass reinforced polyester) [m] S Stainless steel
material: Bracket material: 1 A4 316 Stainless Steel
Enclosure colour: Natural Red [s] 3 A4 316 St/St with Equip. Tag
Enclosure finish: Natural – can be painted in alternative colours Product version: [v]A IECEx, ATEX, Ex EAC, INMETRO
Cable entries: 2 x M20x1.5mm Product option: [o] 1 Standard product
Stopping plug included Z Custom alarm tone software – contact E2S
X Custom configuration – contact E2S
Stopping plugs: Brass, Nickel Plated or Stainless Steel Y Stage control Config. 4
Terminals: 0.5 – 2.5mm² (20-14 AWG) K Stage control Config. 5 (DC) and Config. 2 (AC)
Pluggable & duplicated terminals V Stage control Config. 6
Line monitoring: Diode polarized for use in supervised circuits Enclosure colour: R Red
Blocking diode for reverse polarity monitoring [x] S Special – contact E2S for alternative enclosure
Ground/Earth M4
stud: A c c essor i es:
SP65-0001-A4 Pole Mount Bracket Kit 2" St/St A4 (316)
Line monitoring: Blocking diode included SP65-0003-A4 Sunshade – St/St A4 (316)
EOL Min. 500 Ohm 2W, or 3k3 Ohm 0.5W resistor
or diode (DC versions) can be fitted
Enclosure volume: <2 litres
Installation temp: -50° to +70°C (-58°F to +158°F)
Storage temp: -50° to +70°C (-58°F to +158°F)
Relative humidity: 99%
MTBF DC: 93.92 years / 822,706 hours – MIL 217
MTBF AC: 46.66 years / 408,508 hours – MIL 217
Weight: DC: 3.00kg/6.6Ibs AC: 3.20kg/7.04Ibs
C urrent C o nsump tio n
Nom i n al Vol tage Nom i n al M ax.
I n -r u sh :
Vol tage: r an ge: c u r r en t: c u r r en t:
12Vdc 10-30Vdc 221mA 221mA -
24Vdc 10-30Vdc 185mA 221mA 815mA <4ms
48Vdc 38-60Vdc 115mA 221mA -
115Vac 50/60Hz 100-260V ac 73mA 80mA -
230Vac 50/60Hz 100-260V ac 48mA 80mA -
Assemb lies
The GNExS1F is available as a plated assembly configured with Xenon strobe or LED beacons with or without a GNExJ2 Ex d junction box.
Contact E2S for further information.
T o ne tab le
S 1 D e s c ri p t i o n S 2 S 3 S 4 S 1 D e s c ri p t i o n S 2 S 3 S 4
T 1 1000 Continuous - PFEER Toxic Gas Any T 2 T 44 T 33 800 (0.25s on, 1.00s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8
T2 1200/500 @ 1Hz Sweeping - DIN / PFEER P.T.A.P. Any T 3 T 44 T 34 800 @ 2Hz (0.25s on, 0.25s off) - IMO code 3.... Any T 24 T 8
T3 1000 @ 0.5Hz (1s on, 1s off) Intermittent - P... Any T 2 T 44 T 35 1000 @ 1Hz (0.50s on, 0.50s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8
T4 1.4KH-1.6KHz 1s, 1.6KHz-1.4KHz 0.5s - NF C 48... Any T 24 T 1 T 36 2400 @ 1Hz (0.50s on, 0.50s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8
T5 544(100mS)/440 (400mS) - NF S 32-001 Any T 19 T 1 T 37 2900 @ 5Hz (0.10s on, 0.10s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8
T6 1500/500 - (0.5s on , 0.5s off) x3 + 1s gap -... Any T 44 T 1 T 38 363/518 @ 1Hz (0.50s / 0.50s) Alternating Any T 8 T 19
T7 500-1500Hz Sweeping 2 sec on 1 sec off - AS4428 Any T 44 T 1 T 39 450/500 @ 2Hz (0.25s / 0.25s) Alternating Any T 8 T 19
T8 500/1200Hz @ 0.26Hz(3.3s on, 0.5s off) - NEN ... Any T 24 T 35 T 40 554/440 @ 1Hz (0.50s / 0.50s) Alternating Any T 24 T 19
T9 1000 (1s on, 1s off)x7 + (7s on, 1s off) - IM... Any T 34 T 1 T 41 554/440 @ 0.65Hz (0.76s / 0.76s) Alternating Any T 8 T 19
T 10 1000 (1s on, 1s off)x7 + (7s on, 1s off) - IM... Any T 34 T 1 T 42 561/760 @ 0.83Hz (0.60s / 0.60s) Alternating Any T 8 T 19
T 11 420(0.5s on, 0.5s off)x3 + 1s gap - ISO 8201 ... Any T 1 T8 T 43 780/600 @ 0.96Hz (0.52s / 0.52s) Alternating Any T 8 T 19
T 12 1000(0.5s on, 0.5s off)x3 + 1s gap - ISO 8201... Any T 1 T8 T 44 800/1000 @ 2Hz (0.25s / 0.25s) Alternating Any T 24 T 19
T 13 422/775 - (0.85 on, 0.5 off) x3 + 1s gap - ... Any T 1 T8 T 45 970/800 @ 2Hz (0.25s / 0.25s) Alternating Any T 8 T 19
T 14 1000/2000 @ 1Hz - Singapore Any T 3 T 35 T 46 800/1000 @ 0.875Hz (0.57s / 0.57s) Alternating Any T 24 T 19
T 15 300 Continuous Any T 24 T 35 T 47 2400/2900 @ 2Hz (0.25s / 0.25s) Alternating Any T 24 T 19
T 16 440 Continuous Any T 24 T 35 T 48 500/1200 @ 0.3Hz (1.67s / 1.67s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 17 470 Continuous Any T 24 T 35 T 49 560/1055 @ 0.18Hz (2.73s / 2.73s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 18 500 Continuous - IMO code 2 (Low) Any T 24 T 35 T 50 560/1055 @ 3.3Hz (0.15s / 0.15s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 19 554 Continuous Any T 24 T 35 T 51 600/1250 @ 0.125Hz (4s / 4s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 20 660 Continuous Any T 24 T 35 T 52 660/1200 @ 1Hz (0.50s / 0.50s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 21 800 Continuous - IMO code 2 (High) Any T 24 T 35 T 53 800/1000 @ 1Hz (0.50s / 0.50s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 22 1200 Continuous Any T 24 T 35 T 54 800/1000 @ 7Hz (0.07s / 0.07s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 23 2000 Continuous Any T 3 T 35 T 55 800/1000 @ 50Hz (0.01s / 0.01s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 24 2400 Continuous Any T 20 T 35 T 56 2400/2900 @ 7Hz (0.07s / 0.07s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 25 440 @ 0.83Hz (0.60s on, 0.60s off) Intermittent Any T 44 T 8 T 57 2400/2900 @ 1Hz (0.50s / 0.50s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 26 470 @ 0.9Hz (0.55s on, 0.55s off) Intermittent Any T 44 T 8 T 58 2400/2900 @ 50Hz (0.01s / 0.01s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 27 470 @ 5Hz (0.10s on, 0.10s off) Intermittent Any T 44 T 8 T 59 2500/3000 @ 2Hz (0.25s / 0.25s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 28 544 @ 1.14Hz (0.43s on, 0.44s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8 T 60 2500/3000 @ 7.7Hz (0.65s / 0.65s) Sweeping Any T 24 T 12
T 29 655 @ 0.875Hz (0.57s on, 0.57s off) Intermittent Any T 44 T 8 T 61 800Hz Motor Siren Any T 24 T 12
T 30 660 @ 0.28Hz (1.80s on, 1.80s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8 T 62 1200Hz Motor Siren Any T 24 T 12
T 31 660 @ 3.3Hz (0.15s on, 0.15s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8 T 63 2400Hz Motor Siren Any T 24 T 12
T 32 745 @ 1Hz (0.50s on, 0.50s off) Intermittent Any T 24 T 8 T 64 Simulated Bell Any T 21 T 12