Financial Ratios of Federal Bank
Financial Ratios of Federal Bank
Financial Ratios of Federal Bank
Federal Bank
Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '10
Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '10
The financial highlights of your Bank for the financial year 2009-10
are given below:
Rs. in crore
Financial Position:
The net revenue, that is the net interest income plus other income, of
the Bank increased by Rs. 110.51 crore fromRs. 1,831.23 crore as on
March 31, 2009 to Rs. 1,941.74 crore.
The Bank embarked upon organic expansion adding 60 branches and 115
ATMs. Total expenses for the financial year 2009-10 increased from Rs.
2,571.37 crore, to Rs. 2,939.29 crore registering an increase of 14.31
%. Interest expenses increased from Rs. 1,999.92 crore in FY 09 to Rs.
2,262.40 crore in FY 10. Cost of all funds (deposits plus borrowings
plus bonds) decreased to 6.62% from 7.08% of last financial year. Cost
of deposits witnessed a downward trend and has fallen by 43 bps to
6.55% from last years 6.98%. The Bank was conscious in shedding bulk
deposits and concentrated on retail deposits. Interest rates did not
show large movements during the last financial year. Operating expenses
increased by Rs. 105.44 crore and amounted to Rs, 676.89 crore.
Employee costs came to Rs.366.05 crore during the year compared to last
years figure of Rs. 317.45 crore. Other operating expenses came to Rs.
310.84 crore. Employee costs as percentage to total income has gone up
from 8.29% for the year ended March 31, 2009 to 8.71% for the year
ended March 31, 2010. Cost to income ratio is 34.86% (31.21% % in FY
2008-09) which is still one of the best in the industry. This figure is
maintained even after the spurt in recruitment during the last 2
financial years and increase in other operating expenses including
expenses for technological advancement.
The net profit for the year after making all provisions, was Rs.464.55
crore as on March 31,2010 as against Rs. 500.49 crore showing a
marginal decrease of 7.18%. Total provisions amounted to Rs. 800.30
crore, excluding Income Tax provisions amounting to Rs.395 crore. The
profit margin decreased from 13.07% to
The Bank has been consistently rewarding shareholders through cash pay
outs after taking into account the requirement for ploughing back of
profits to support growth. Retained profits add impetus for the future
growth and enhance the value of the stake of the shareholders. In view
of the satisfactory performance, the Board of Directors recommends a
dividend of 50% on the paid up capital of the Bank which is the same
percentage as that of last financial year.
Loan delinquencies were higher during the year which was a fall out of
the economic recession. Gross NPA as on March 31, 2010 stood at
Rs.820.97 crore as against Rs.589.54 crore in the previous year. Gross
NPAs as percentage to Gross Advance is 2.97% as against 2. 57 % in the
previous year. Net NPAs stood at Rs. 128.79 crore (0.48% of Net
Advances) as against Rs. 68.12 crore (0.30% of Net advances) in the
previous financial year.
The Bank has initiated various measures to contain the NPA. Maximum
thrust is given for recovery through SARFAESI Act. Proceedings and
settlements are reached through compromise with a humanitarian
approach. Services of Recovery Officers/Agents are used strictly
adhering to Codes of Conduct prescribed by RBI. During the financial
year 132 recovery camps and 14 Lok Adalaths were held at different
centres and the results were overwhelming. A Mega Adalath was held
exclusively for the Bank, which was inaugurated by the acting Chief
Justice of Kerala.
During the financial year, the Bank opened 60 new branches and 115 new
ATM centres. As on March 31, 2010, the total number of branches and ATM
centres of the Bank increased to 672 and 732 respectively, as against
612 and 617 of last financial year.
The Board has appointed Shri. Shyam Srinivasan, as the MD & CEO of the
Bank on the retirement of Shri. M. Venugopalan. RBI has also accorded
their approval vide letter DBOD No: 1785/08.38.001/2010-11 July 29,
2010 for the appointment of Shri. Shyam Srinivasan,
Prof. A.M. Salim retired from the Board on August 22, 2009 after
rendering 8 years of valuable service in the Board. The Board extends
its appreciation to the meritorious services of Prof. Salim as a member
of the Board of the Bank.
Shri. P C Cyriac and Prof. Abraham Koshy are due to retire by rotation
at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM), as per the Articles of
Association of the Bank, our Code of Corporate Governance and the
provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, Shri. P C Cyriac and Prof.
Abraham Koshy being eligible, offer themselves for re-appointment.
The Board also co-opted Shri. P.C. John as Executive Director from 1st
May 2010 and RBI approval has been received vide letter DBOD No:
21949/08.38.001/2009-10 dated June 24, 2010.
M/s. Varma & Varma, Chartered Accountants, Kochi, and M/s. Price Patt &
Co., Chartered Accountants, Chennai, jointly carried out the statutory
central audit of the Bank. The statutory central/branch auditors
audited all the branches and other offices of the Bank.
Special Reserve created under section 36(l)(viii) of the Income Tax Act
As per section 36(1 )(viii) of the Income tax Act, 1961, deduction is
available for any Special Reserve created and maintained to the extent
of 20% of the profit derived from the business of providing long term
finance for industrial or agricultural development or development of
infrastructure facility or housing in India. Because of Banks term
lending for housing, power, bridges, roads and other segments of
infrastructure in the last year and the availability of the tax benefit
under the section 36(l)(viii) of the Income tax Act, the Bank has
created a Special Reserve of Rs.31crore during this year (previous year
Rs.l 1 Crore), being the eligible amount of deduction available under
the said section.
- Federal Bank was adjudged, as the best bank among the Old Private
Sector Banks category in the survey conducted by the Financial Express
in association with Ernst & Young.
- Federal Bank has won the Great Mind Challenge award for
implementing the most innovative solution for business. This award was
introduced by IBM for the first time in India for business development
initiatives. Federal Bank is the first Bank in India to receive the
The GDRs issued by the Bank are listed on the London Stock Exchange.
The annual listing fees have been paid to all the Stock Exchanges
listed above.
c. the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for the
maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the
provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Bank and for
preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; and
Cash & Balances with RBI 1,214.59 1,231.54 2,355.69 2,214.40 2,318.
Balance with Banks, Money at Call 657.91 1,081.60 389.79 1,222.70 404.
Advances 14,899.10 18,904.66 22,391.88 26,950.
Investments 6,272.38 7,032.66 10,026.59 12,118.97 13,054.
Gross Block 330.78 362.71 434.75 516.40 559.
Accumulated Depreciation 156.91 176.61 201.91 235.62 269.
Net Block 173.87 186.10 232.84 280.78 289.
Capital Work In Progress 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.
Other Assets 587.70 658.93 596.87 622.15 657.
Total Assets 25,089.93 32,506.44 38,850.88 43,675.
d. In our opinion, the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account and Cash
Flow Statement dealt with by this report have been prepared in
compliance with the accounting standards referred to in Section 211
(3C) of the Act, to the extent applicable;
ii) in the case of the Profit & Loss Account, of the profit for the
year ended as on that date.
iii) in the case of the Cash Flow Statement, of the cash flow of the
company for the year ended on that date.
(b) The fixed assets have been physically verified by the management at
reasonable intervals and no material discrepancies were noticed in such
verification, and the same has been properly dealt with in the books of
(c) No fixed assets have been disposed off during the year.
3. The Company has not taken / granted any loans from/to companies,
firms and other parties covered under Section 301 of the Act.
4. The Company has adequate internal control system commensurate with
the size of the company, and the nature of its business, for the
purchase of fixed assets, and for sale of services. We have not
observed any major weaknesses in the internal control system.
6. The Company has not accepted any deposits during the year.
7. The Company has an internal audit system commensurate with the size
and nature of its business.
10. The Company has no accumulated losses as at 31st March 2010 and it
has not incurred any cash losses in the financial year ended on that
date or in the immediately preceding financial year.
11. The company has not borrowed any money from financial institutions
or banks or debenture holders.
12. The company has not granted any loans and advances on the basis of
security, by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.
15. The company has not given any guarantee for loans taken by others.
18. The company has not made any preferential allotment of shares.
20. Company has not raised any money by way of public issue.
21. During the course of our examination of the books and records for
the Company, carried out in accordance with the generally accepted
audit practices in India, and according to the information and
explanation given to us, we have not come across any instances of fraud
on or by the Company, noticed or reported during the year.
2.2 Investments
Collateral Security:
Most of the deals have been contracted with Banks/ Major PDs and no
default risk is anticipated on the deals with them. In the case of
deals with corporate clients, the outstanding positions are closely
monitored for the default risks and appropriate measures are initiated.
3. Fixed Assets
ii. Land and premises include flats Rs.0.37 crore (previous year
Rs.0.37 crore), written down value Rs. 0.21 crore (previous year
Rs.0.21 crore), taken possession of and being used by the Bank, for
which documentation/registration formalities are to be completed.
5. The Bank has implemented Agricultural Debt waiver and Debt Relief
Scheme 2008 notified by the Government of India. In accordance with the
scheme a final claim of Rs.l05.70 crores has been preferred with RBI,
against which the Bank has received the 3 installments amounting to
Rs.68.44 crores and the balance amount due is included under advances.
Further an amount of Rs. 18.80 crore has been subjected to debt relief
receivable from Government included under other assets.
Provident Fund
1) Gratuity
The Bank provides for gratuity, a defined benefit retirement plan (the
Gratuity Plan) covering eligible employee. The Gratuity Plan provides
a lump sum payment to vested employees at retirement, death,
incapacitation or termination of employment, of an amount based on the
respective employees salary and the tenure of employment. Vesting
occurs upon completion of five years of service as per Payment of
Gratuity Act, 1972 or as per the provisions of the Federal Bank
Employees Gratuity Trust Fund Rules/Award. Liabilities with regard to
the Gratuity Plan are determined by actuarial valuation as of the
Balance Sheet date, based upon which, the company contributes all the
ascertained liabilities to the Federal Bank Employees Gratuity Trust
Fund (the Trust). Trustees administer contributions made to the Trust
and contributions are invested in specific investments as permitted by
2) Superannuation / Pension
i. Other Assets include Rs. 95.11 crore (previous Year Rs 0.34 crore)
paid/adjusted towards disputed income tax demand aggregating to Rs.
298.77 crore. In the opinion of the Bank no provision is considered
necessary in respect of the above disputed demand in view of various
judicial decisions and the same has been disclosed as contingent
ii. The Bank has accounted for income tax in compliance with ICAIs
Accounting Standard 22. Accordingly, timing differences resulting in
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are recognised. The
major components of deferred tax liabilities and assets as on 31 March
2010 are shown below:
7.4.2 The Bank has not issued any letters of comforts coming within the
Prudential Norms for Issuance of Letters of Comforts by banks regarding
their subsidiaries (DBOD.No. BP.BC.65/21.04.009/2007-08 dated March 4,
Mar '06 Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '10
Cash & Balances with RBI 1,214.59 1,231.54 2,355.69 2,214.40 2,318.88
Balance with Banks, Money at Call 657.91 1,081.60 389.79 1,222.70 404.51
Advances 14,899.10 18,904.66 22,391.88 26,950.11
Investments 6,272.38 7,032.66 10,026.59 12,118.97 13,054.65
Gross Block 330.78 362.71 434.75 516.40 559.26
Accumulated Depreciation 156.91 176.61 201.91 235.62 269.49
Net Block 173.87 186.10 232.84 280.78 289.77
Capital Work In Progress 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Other Assets 587.70 658.93 596.87 622.15 657.69
Total Assets 25,089.93 32,506.44 38,850.88 43,675.61
7.4.3 The Bank has not made any draw down of reserves during the year.
7.5 Previous years figures have been regrouped and recast wherever
Interest Earned 1,817.35 2,515.44 3,315.38 3,673.
Other Income 233.10 302.59 394.99 515.78 530.
Total Income 2,119.94 2,910.43 3,831.16 4,204.
Interest expended 836.73 1,084.96 1,647.42 1,999.92 2,262.
Employee Cost 228.36 260.45 271.23 317.45 366.
Selling and Admin Expenses 176.61 171.06 297.72 477.85 566.
Depreciation 25.74 23.97 29.22 42.84 50.
Miscellaneous Expenses 176.99 286.77 296.78 492.60 494.
Preoperative Exp Capitalised 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.
Operating Expenses 471.06 495.39 660.93 917.96 1,090.
Provisions & Contingencies 136.64 246.86 234.02 412.78 387.
Total Expenses 1,827.21 2,542.37 3,330.66 3,739.
Mar '06 Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '
Net Profit for the Year 225.21 292.73 368.05 500.49 464.
Extraordionary Items 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.
Profit brought forward 2.30 13.46 14.46 14.62 21.
Total 227.51 306.19 382.51 515.11 486.
Preference Dividend 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.
Equity Dividend 29.96 34.24 68.41 85.52 85.
Corporate Dividend Tax 4.20 5.82 11.63 14.54 14.
Per share data (annualised)
Earning Per Share (Rs) 26.31 34.20 21.52 29.26 27.
Equity Dividend (%) 35.00 40.00 40.00 50.00 50.
Book Value (Rs) 145.19 174.71 229.16 252.57 273.
Transfer to Statutory Reserves 79.31 121.47 156.11 195.87 155.
Transfer to Other Reserves 100.57 130.21 131.74 197.25 208.
Proposed Dividend/Transfer to Govt 34.16 40.06 80.04 100.06 99.
Balance c/f to Balance Sheet 13.46 14.46 14.62 21.93 23.
Total 227.50 306.20 382.51 515.11 486.
1993 - During March, the bank issued 25,25,000 No. of equity shares
Rs 10 each at a premium of Rs 25 per share in proportion 1:2.
Another 5,25,000 No. of equity shares were offered to the
employees on an equity basis. Only 30,47,894 shares of the
taken up (2,106 shares kept in abeyance). Another 30,00,000
of equity shares were allotted at a prem. of Rs 30 per share
ICICI associates companies.
1994 - During March, the company offered to the public 35,45,500
at a prem. of Rs 80 per share. Additional 1,72,600 shares
allotted to retain oversubscription. During January 1996,
bank issued 74,08,122 rights equity shares (prem. Rs 140;
1:2) 73,51,734 shares taken up.
- The Aluva-based Federal Bank Ltd. has set up its site on the
World Wide Web on the Internet, Information about the bank
its products and services can be accessed form
1998 - The Federal Bank Limited has launched a new deposit scheme
named Fed Flexi.
- The Kochi-based Federal Bank will open 100 more branch spread
across the country by the turn of the century. With this,
total branch strength of the bank will cross 500.
1999 - As part of its plan to widen the retail credit portfolio, the
Aluva-based Federal Bank has launched three new schemes to
promote travel and tourism, fund short and long-term needs of
the trading community and to finance payments of premium of
LIC's Bima Nivesh.
-Federal Bank join hands with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Co.
Ltd. for premium collection through its branches
-JRG Securities Ltd has forged alliance with Federal Bank Ltd for
providing loans for subscribing to initial public offers (IPOs).
-Federal Bank to acquire Ganesh Bank
-Federal Bank Ltd has informed that Reserve Bank of India vide letter
dated July 08, 2008 approved the appointment of Shri. P R
Kalyanaraman, Executive Director as Whole Time Director of the Bank
for a period of 3 years w.e.f. January 03, 2008.
- Federal Bank Ltd has informed that Dr. M Y Khan has been appointed
on the Board of the Bank as a non-executive, independent director.
- Federal Bank has launched a call centre facility where the 24-hour
service of the contact centre would be available on dialing a
toll-free number 18004251199.
- Shyam Srinivasan has taken charge as the Managing Director & CEO of
Federal Bank with effect from September 23.
Capital Structure (Federal Bank) Period Instrument Authorized Capital Issued Capital - P A I D U P - From
To (Rs. cr) (Rs. cr) Shares (nos) Face Value Capital 2009 2010 Equity Share 200 171.32 171033430 10 171.03
2008 2009 Equity Share 200 171.32 171033430 10 171.03 2007 2008 Equity Share 200 171.32
171033430 10 171.03 2006 2007 Equity Share 200 85.66 85603667 10 85.6 2005 2006 Equity Share 200
85.66 85603367 10 85.6 2004 2005 Equity Share 200 65.66 65602767 10 65.6 2003 2004 Equity Share 50
22.23 22170034 10 22.17 2002 2003 Equity Share 50 22.23 22170034 10 22.17 2001 2002 Equity Share
50 22.23 22170034 10 22.17 2000 2001 Equity Share 50 21.72 21715700 10 21.72 1999 2000 Equity
Share 15 15 15000000 10 15 1998 1999 Equity Share 50 22.23 22169834 10 22.17 1997 1998 Equity
Share 50 22.23 22169834 10 22.17 1996 1997 Equity Share 50 22.23 22169834 10 22.17 1995 1996
Equity Share 50 24.29 14816244 10 14.82 1994 1995 Equity Share 50 14.82 14816244
Mar '10 Jun '10 Sep '10 Dec '10 Mar '
Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '10 Mar '