Hauser Conditional Acceptance Letter
Hauser Conditional Acceptance Letter
Hauser Conditional Acceptance Letter
From: Lee-Harold: Family of Smith, beneficiary, Trustor, and Secured-party to the Social
Security Cestui que Trust LEE HAROLD SMITH
Without prejudice
1313 Mocking Bird Ln.
Newport, Tennessee 37821
2. Bruce-D.: Family of Fox and Bruce-D.: Family of Fox d/b/a Trustee of the Social Security
Cestui que Trust LEE HAROLD SMITH and d/b/a BRUCE D FOX Officer-of-the-
310 North Main Street
Clinton, Tennessee 37716
Certified mail, return receipt requested # 7003 1680 0001 2029 1336
3. Donald-R.: Family of Elledge and Donald-R.: Family of Elledge d/b/a Trustee of the Social
Security Cestui que Trust LEE HAROLD SMITH and d/b/a DONALD R ELLEDGE
100 North Main Street, Suite 301
Newport, Tennessee, 37821
Certified mail, return receipt requested # 7003 1680 0001 2029 1343
Lee-Harold: Smith – Conditional Acceptance of your Offer to appear at your Admiralty Tribunal – Account No. B6LA0051
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10th& Constitutional Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530
Certified mail, return receipt requested # 7003 1680 0001 2029 1367
6. Herbert III: Family of Slatery and Herbert III: Family of Slatery d/b/a Trustee of the
Social Security Cestui que Trust LEE HAROLD CROMWELL d/b/a HERBERT
SLATERY III, Tennessee Attorney General
425 5th Ave N #2
Nashville, Tennessee 37243
Certified mail, return receipt requested # 7003 1680 0001 2029 1374
Account No. B6LA0051 / Lee-Harold: Smith vs. William-T.: Jones; Bruce-D.: Fox;
Donald-R.: Elledge; Michael: Eldridge; Elizabeth: Eldridge; the Trust business entity
2 You display a military flag as your jurisdiction, see Title 4 United States Code Services, Lawyers Edition, § 1
INTERPRETIVE NOTES AND DECISIONS “Placing of fringe on national flag...within discretion of President as
Commander-In-Chief of Army and Navy. (1925) 34 Op Atty Gen 483.” In addition, “Pursuant to U.S.C. Chapter
1, 2, and 3; Executive Order No. 10834, August 21, 1959, 24 F.R. 6865, a military flag is a flag that resembles the
regular flag of the United States, except that it has a Yellow Fringe, bordered on three sides. The President of the
United states designates this deviation from the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as
COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the Armed forces.” Moreover, the Congress willfully and knowingly overstepped
its power, to wit: in 1845 Congress passed an act saying Admiralty-law could come on land. The bill may be traced
in Cong. Globe, 28th Cong., 2d. Sess. 43, 320, 328, 337, 345 (1844-45), no opposition to the Act is reported.
Congress held a committee on this subject in 1850 and they said: “The committee also alluded to ‘the great force’
of ‘the great constitutional question as to the power of Congress to extend maritime jurisdiction beyond the ground
occupied by it at the adoption of the Constitution....’” - H.R. Rep. No. 72 31st Cong., 1st Sess. 2 (1850).”
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Dear William, Bruce, Donald, Michael, Elizabeth, Loretta, Herbert, and To Whom It May
That William, Bruce, Donald, Loretta and Herbert are d/b/a Trustees of the Trusts LEE H
I serve this “Conditional Acceptance” upon The Trustees, their principals and the
humans Michael and Elizabeth: Eldridge.
I. Pertinent Law(s):
American Jurisprudence, Volume 11, Commerce to Constitutional Law, Copyright 1940, 11
AmJur §329 – Constitutional Law, 2. Liberty, Paragraph 4, “Personal liberty largely consists of
the right of locomotion–to go where and when one pleases–only so far restrained as the rights of
3 “… Every taxpayer is a cestui que trust having sufficient interest in preventing abuse of the trust to be recognized
in the field of this court’s prerogative jurisdiction as a relator in the proceedings to set sovereign authority in motion
by action…” In re Bolens 135 N.W. Rep. 164 (1912) supreme Court of Wisconsin.
4 Constitution for the United States of America, Article I, Section. 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance,
or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but
gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law
impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. (Emphasis added by me.) Though if the
title Esquire is not a form of a “Title of Nobility” I am at a loss as to what would be.
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others may make it necessary for the welfare of all other citizens. The right of a citizen to travel
upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horse-drawn carriage,
wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will,
but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Under this constitutional guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at
his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself
in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s rights,
he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.” (Emphasis added by me.)
American Jurisprudence, Volume 25, Guardian and Ward to Highways, Copyright 1940, IX.
Use of Way, A. In General, 25 AmJur §163 – Generally; Right to Use.–Streets and highways
are established and maintained primarily for purposes of travel and transportation by the public,
and uses incidental thereto. Such travel may be for either business or pleasure. Highways may
also lawfully be used for purposes other than travel and transportation, which are conducive to the
public convenience, tend to make them of greater utility and convenience to those who legally
have a right to their use, and are not inconsistent and incompatible with the reasonably free passage
over them of whoever has occasion to travel upon them. The extent of the public right depends,
in some degree at least, upon the needs of the public.
The use of highways for purposes of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege,
but a common and fundamental right, of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully
be deprived. The rights of the public to the use of highways cannot be encroached upon by
private individuals or corporations. Moreover, streets and highways are for the use of the public
in general for passage and traffic without distinction, and all persons have an equal right to use
them for purposes of travel by proper means, and with due regard for the corresponding rights of
others. The whole community have an equal interest and right to all the privileges and advantages
of the highways. The mere fact that the burden of the construction and maintenance of streets and
highways and the right to control and manage them rest with the municipal and quasi-municipal
corporations in which they are situated does not give to such corporations, or to their inhabitants,
any peculiar privileges therein. The right of use is not in the citizens of the corporation alone,
even under such circumstances, but remains in the public at large, and the entire public still
has an equality of right therein, subject to such limitations as the municipalities are authorized
by law to impose. Furthermore, as to the rights of the public, there is no substantial difference
between streets in which the legal title to the fee is in private individuals and those in which it is
in the public.
The right to make a particular use of a highway, which would otherwise be unlawful or
improper, cannot be conferred by the consent or petition of abutting owners or citizens generally.
The general rule is that a charge or toll cannot be exacted for the use of a highway for the
purpose of travel or transportation in the ordinary modes, in the absence of legislative
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25 American Jurisprudence §165 – Mode and Manner of Use.–The public easement includes
every kind of travel and communication for the movement or transportation of persons or property
which is reasonable and proper in the use of a public highway, or of a particular portion thereof,
with all means of conveyance which can be introduced with a reasonable regard for the safety and
convenience of the public, and without inflicting upon the owner of the fee an injury differing in
kind from that imposed by use and improvement for ordinary public travel, and embraces all
public travel, not prohibited by law or by dedicatory restriction, on foot, in carriages,
omnibuses, stages, sleighs, or other vehicles, including motor vehicles, as the wants and
habits of the public demand. The public is not confined to the use of vehicles in use at the
time when the streets or highways were established, but may use such other reasonable
means or conveyance as may be discovered in the future, provided they do not exclude the
proper use of the highway by other modes or kinds of vehicles, or then to destroy it as a
means of passage and travel common to all. The use of such new and improved means of
locomotion must be deemed to have been contemplated when the highways and streets were
laid out or dedicated, whenever it is found that the general benefit requires it, and such new
means of locomotion cannot be excluded therefrom or be deemed unlawful merely because
their use may tend to the inconvenience or even to the injury of those who continue to use
the highways and streets by former methods. Where sidewalks or footways are provided, they
are ordinarily intended for the use of pedestrians, to the exclusion of animal and vehicular traffic,
except in the case of certain small vehicles. The rights of the users by any proper mode or means
are equal, neither enjoying any superior rights over another, except under regulations governing
the movement of traffic, and if the use of one mode of travel or means of conveyance results in
injury to the user of another, the latter’s right of action will depend on the question of negligence.
Any person has a right to transport over the highway elephants and animals, or machinery, or loads
of goods, which, from their height or appearance, or the noise made in transport, are liable to
frighten horses or other animals. But while this right is undoubted, it must be so exercised as not
to endanger the lives or property of others who have equal rights upon the highway, and as in other
cases of the use of a dangerous article, that required degree of care increases with the danger to be
apprehended from the use of it and from exposure to it. While highways are constructed and
intended for ordinary use, in an ordinary manner, necessity may justify the use of a street for the
purpose of transporting things in an unusual manner, or of transporting such things as necessarily
obstruct the street for a time, and such uses are not necessarily illegal. Articles of this character
may not, however, be unnecessarily permitted to remain stationary in the street, in an improper
and dangerous position, or for a longer time than is reasonably necessary for the mere purpose of
transportation. The allocation of portions of the way to particular uses is discussed in a subsequent
section.” (Emphasis added by me.)
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II. Definitions:
Negligence. The omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those ordinary
considerations which ordinarily regulate human affairs, would do, or the doing of something
which a reasonable and prudent man would not do.
Negligence is the failure to use such care as a reasonably prudent and careful person would
use under similar circumstances; it is the doing of some act which a person of ordinary
prudence would not have done under similar circumstances or failure to do what a person of
ordinary prudence would have done under similar circumstances. Amoco Chemical Corp. v.
Hill, Del.Super., 318 A.2d 614, 617. Conduct which falls below the standard established by
law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm; it is a departure from the
conduct expectable of a reasonably prudent person under like circumstances. Pence v.
Ketchum, La., 326 So.2d 831, 836.
The term refers only to that legal delinquency which results whenever a man fails to exhibit
the care which he ought to exhibit, whether it be slight, ordinary, or great. It is characterized
chiefly by inadvertence, thoughtlessness, inattention, and the like, while "wantonness" or
"recklessness" is characterized by willfulness. The law of negligence is founded on reasonable
conduct or reasonable care under all circumstances of particular case. Doctrine of negligence
rests on duty of every person to exercise due care in his conduct toward others from which
injury may result. Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition
Statute - Anderson on the U.C.C., Texts, Cases and Commentaries, §1-103:6 “A statute should
be construed in harmony with the common law unless there is a clear legislative intent to
abrogate the common law.” And further, “The Code cannot be read to preclude a common law
action.” Hence, statutes are anti-law and merely corporation policies; and, the right to travel
is a common law-right, wherein “The Code cannot be read to preclude a common law action.”
III. Facts and Events anent the incident and subsequent parties involved:
1. That on July 4th, 2015 C.E. I went to an area in Oak Ridge, Tennessee that is identified as the
“Midtown Community Center,” located at 102 Robertsville Road, Oak Ridge, Anderson
County, Tennessee to watch the fireworks.
2. That the fireworks were to start at dark.
3. That cars were parked on both sides of the parking lot, so I pulled down to the very edge of the
parking lot about ten minutes before the fireworks were to begin.
4. That I parked in the middle between the cars.
5. That while I was still in the truck a woman came up to my window and said, “You will be
blocking traffic when the fireworks are over.”
6. That I told her, “I promise I will not block traffic, I will leave as soon as the fireworks end.”
7. That she stated she thought that was rude.
8. That nearly everyone was outside, and I would have been also, but keeping my promise in
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mind to not block anyone from leaving, I sat through out the fireworks display in my truck so
I could be the first one out so as not to block anyone.
9. That I could see the fireworks shoot off, but had a very bad view of them exploding.
10. That at the fireworks finale, I immediately started up my truck, looked around and slowly
started to back up.
11. That I was very much aware of all of the little children present as well as all of the other people
12. That the people present seemed to have enjoyed the fireworks as much as I did.
13. That there were numerous adults along with their children who were watching the fireworks,
and most of them were outside their vehicles.
14. That being aware of all the people present, I started to back up very, very carefully for about
70-75 feet.
15. That I had my truck under total control as I was backing up, when all at once, I heard a loud
shrill noise, and it sounded like spinning tires on wet payment, and immediately I was shot
backwards as a rocket that is propelled, and the truck seemed as though it was going backwards
at full speed.
16. That at that moment, I had no control of where the truck went.
17. That I felt myself bouncing off of other vehicles, one after another, and all the while I was
trying to hit my brakes and get stopped.
18. That my truck finally stopped when it hit a vehicle, and I had both feet on the brakes, as I did
not know what had gone wrong.
19. That this happened so quickly that I was in shock from being battered in the truck when it was
careening off other vehicles.
20. That I was overwhelmed with fear of what had happened in this crowded area.
21. That I went from total control of my truck to total lack of control in a fraction of a second.
22. That my truck door on the driver’s side was approximately 18 inches from another vehicle and
I couldn't get out, so I could not understand what all had happened until I got help to get out.
23. That I immediately turned the engine off and waited for help.
24. That Ben Higgins [hereinafter Ben] came up to the driver’s door, and began to question me.
25. That I told him I believed the throttle had stuck.
26. When Ben asked me if I had any identification, I gave him a copy of an expired TVA
identification card.
27. That I also gave him a constructive notice that consists of 4-pages.
28. That he asked if I had a driver’s license, and I told him that I had rescinded my signature on
the license.
29. That knowing that I have the right to travel on the public highways, and such is declared under
Constitutional Law, see 11 AmJur §329 and being familiar with 25 AmJur §§163 and 165, Ben
and since Dave: Clark was there, they both were responsible to protect these rights.
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30. That he asked me if I was a sovereign citizen, which meaning of his question still puzzles me
considering the Tennessee-Constitution, Bill of Rights §§ 1and 2 supra; therefore, I would have
to answer “Yes,” to his query.
31. That I was still in shock, not realizing what had just happened or why it had happened.
32. That Ben asked me, “Have you been drinking?”
33. That assuming he meant alcohol I told him, “I have never drank in my entire life.”
34. That if it was a trick question and he meant any beverage then I must respond yes, I drink
water, coffee, tea, fruit juice, etc. on a regular basis.
35. That I wasn't sure what had happened, but I told him I thought my throttle had stuck.
36. That Ben wanted to give me an eye-finger coordination test.
37. That I presume that Ben was attempting to discern if I had suffered from a stroke or some other
immediate impairment.
38. That being concerned as to what happened I submitted to the test.
39. That then First responders checked with me to see if I was hurt.
40. That I told them that I wasn't hurt.
41. That I told them I was a type 2 diabetic.
42. That they checked my blood sugar, and I believe it was 178 but I do not know for certain.
43. That they also took my blood pressure, and I believe it was 168/85, to the best of my memory.
44. That my wife had heard the sirens, and called me to see if I was okay.
45. That I explained to her that I had been in a tragic accident.
46. That I didn't know until much later (several hours) the scope of what had happened, such as
how many vehicles were hit and if any people were injured. (which there was one).
47. That Ben asked me about insurance, and while Ben was standing there I called my wife again
to get the information on my insurance.
48. That, finally, Ben asked, “Can you get out on the passenger side.”
49. That Ben knows, or should know, that a private automobile is not a “passenger” (car for hire)
automobile, so apparently he was attempting to create an adhesive contract between me and
the Trust business entity STATE OF TENNESSEE in my confusion and shock.
50. That I did climb across the seat and got out on the other side of my truck.
51. That Ben then performed the eye-finger movement for the second time.
52. That he also wanted me to walk the white line and count to nine, then turn around and walk
back and count to nine.
53. That being concerned about my health I did this with great haste.
54. That I was then commanded by Ben to say my ABC's from D through Q.
55. That I also performed this task.
56. That then he wanted me to hold my head back and see if I could tell when 30 seconds had
57. That I did this and he said it was 18 seconds but never supported his claim by showing me his
stop watch.
58. That later I was asked if I would do a blood test.
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59. That my confusion about the tragic incident prompted me to agree.
60. That we, Ben and I, went to the emergency room at The Oak Ridge hospital in Ben’s car and I
gave blood.
61. That I asked how long it would be before the results came back.
62. That Ben said it might take 6 months.
63. That I mentioned that I knew the hospital could have the results by the morning.
64. That Ben agreed that they could if I wanted to pay for it.
65. That I was taken to the police station, and Ben and Jenkins were in a room with me.
66. That the sign on the door read something like "interview in progress.”
67. That I told him, “I have nothing to hide, it was an accident.”
68. That this was all I said, as I remember. They said I was free to go home, and I called my
stepdaughter to come and get me.
69. That my stepdaughter came to get me and I got home approximately 2:00 am.
70. That then on July 7, 2015 Jenkins and Johnson (I believe about both names) came by to serve
a search warrant to get the electronic data box, drug inducia, alocohol inducia, and any
distraction like a GPS or a telephone.
71. That neither Ben, Jenkins nor Johnson gave me any information about the blood test to qualify
their search, nor any other information to qualify any such search of my automobile.
72. That the 4-page notice I gave Ben on the 4th of July was a constructive notice claiming all of
my rights at all times, and waiving none of my rights at any time, along with numerous supreme
court decisions, stating I had a right to travel without a license, and that public officials were
not immune when acting outside the law and under the color of law.
73. That on the 7th of July when Jenkins and Johnson came by my house to serve the security-
instrument titled ‘search warrant,’ I ask if I could get my personal property from the truck.
74. That Jenkins promised that they would release the truck to me the following day (July 8th) and
I could receive my personal property then.
75. That Jenkins left his business card to me to call to get my truck back.
76. That on Tuesday, July 14; Wednesday July 15; Thursday, July 16; and Friday, July 17 I did
call the number on the business card that Jenkins gave me to inquire about my personal
property, but all I got was a voice recording, stating they were not available, and to leave a
77. That on Monday, July 20, and Tuesday, July 21, I again called the same number to the police
station, and again I got a voice message stating they were out of the office and to leave a
78. That I left a message on their recorder each time I called, and they never did return my call.
79. That on Wednesday, July 22, I got a call from someone at the police station, stating they wanted
me to come down to the police station, and sign some search warrant papers.
80. That I was a bit confused so I went there to determine what was going on.
81. That my wife took me there, thinking we were going to sign search warrant papers to find out
what had happened to the truck and its linkage in order to get to the bottom of what happened.
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82. That the cops immediately told me they have warrants for my arrest (17 I believe).
83. That they gave me another search warrant almost identical to the first one of July 7 th.
84. That the search warrant has the earmark of a fishing expedition.
85. That they flashed the stack of warrants at me, intentionally not giving me time to read them,
and refused to give me a copy.
86. That they demanded I sign them, and I signed them all: “Lee-Harold: Smith, beneficiary.”
87. That these cops willfully, knowingly and maliciously refused to give me the warrants to read
so that I would have a clue as to what was happening.
88. That the search warrant issued and signed by Roger-A.: Family of Miller [hereinafter Miller]
on the 21st of July was, to the best of my knowledge, the same information on the warrant that
was signed by Miller on July 7th.
89. That Grant: Gouldie [hereinafter Grant] is the signatory of the security-instrument titled
90. That Grant placed as his alleged ‘probable cause’ the following:
● Electronic Crash Data contained within the electronic components located within the
2006 Dodge Ram
● Any and all evidence related to the fatality traffic crash that occurred on July 4, 2015,
in the parking lot of the Midtown Community Center, 102 Robertsville Road, Cokce
County, Tennessee, in which the 2006 Dodge Ram 1500 was involved, including, but
not limited to the following:
o Any indicia of alcohol, controlled substances, or other intoxicant; any indicia
of distracted driving, including cellular phones and global positioning
equipment; and, any indicia of a medical condition or medical event
● Any other evidence or items that would be used to package, conceal the foregoing, or
prevent its discovery
● Inspection of the throttle body system pertaining to the stated above vehicle.
91. That Grant then wrote in his “CONCLUSION” paragraph, “Therefore, considering the
foregoing, I believe based on my knowledge, training, and experience that Lee Smith’s truck
contains certain evidence pertaining to the cause of the fatality crash that occurred on July 4,
2015, in the parking lot at the Midtown Community Center, located at 102 Mims Rd., Cocke
County, Tennessee. I also believe based on my training, prior experience, previous
investigations, and by having become familiar with impaired driving laws, with the ways in
which to detect the impairment of impaired drivers, and basic crash investigations, that I have
probable cause to believe that the maroon-colored 2006 Dodge Ram 1500, VIN
ID7HA18K96J159166, bearing Tennessee license plate 607BCQ, owned by Lee Smith,
contains certain evidence pertaining to violations of Tennessee Code Annotated § 39-13-201,
Criminal homicide, and Tennessee Code Annotated § 39-13-103, Reckless endangerment.”
PROPERTY SEIZED’ wrote, “The within warrant came to hand and was executed on this 21
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day of July, 2015, by searching the maroon-colored 2006 Dodge Ram 1500, VIN
ID7HA18K96J159166, bearing Tennessee license plate 607BCQ, owned by Lee Smith and
taking from it the following evidence which was seized: The stated above vehicle, was
inspected by technician, Dave Carey, of Secret City Dodge (Oak Ridge). Carey inspected the
mechanical cable lineage from the pedal to throttle body, pedal, throttle body, throttle valve
operation, AIS motor, throttle position sensor, and attachment points. Carey also conducted a
diagnostic check of the electrical system. All inspections and checks showed no indications
of malfunction pertaining to the throttle body system.”
93. That, moreover, Grant wrote, “…Due to the type of impact in this crash, one method to assist
in determining the impact speeds for Cromwell’s truck is the truck’s Crash Data Retrieval
System. The Crash Data Retrieval System will contain vital information such as change in
velocity at the time of the crash. The Crash Data Retrieval System will also contain
information about other systems in operation on the truck that may determine whether or not
Cromwell attempted to apply the truck’s brakes at any time during the crash. Additionally, the
vehicle needs to be examined for other evidence that can help determine the cause of the crash,
including any indicia of alcohol, controlled substances, or other intoxicants, any indicia of
distracted driving, included cellular phones and global positioning equipment, and any indicia
of a medical condition of the driver or the occurrence of a medical event.”
94. That Grant declared that he had “probable cause” for his search warrant but produced no
history or evidence to support his claim such as a history of drug/alcohol abuse or a business
selling drugs or alcohol; he merely conjectured, and produced no evidence relating to the
“Electronic Crash Data contained within the electronic components located within the 2006
Dodge Ram” to support his alleged facts for the warrant, witnessing his fraud regarding his
witch hunt.
95. That, however, Grant produced no incriminating evidence whatsoever per his declaration in
a. That Roger knew, or should have known, that Grant gave no substantive evidence
supporting his ‘facts’ for the search warrant, also Roger knew this search warrant
would be issued from an Administrative Officer under Admiralty jurisdiction
maritime law, and that he was acting willfully, knowingly and maliciously against
Constitutional law, the common law and Trust law in relation to me.
96. That, additionally, Roger knew, or should have known, the severe conflict of interest in having
someone with a vested interest to declare a no-fault with the truck “lineage,” though I am
baffled as to the use of this word, unless Grant meant linkage, and then Roger’s conspiracy to
deny the truck for inspection and investigation of a disinterested party timely supports a
conspiracy between him and the Oak Ridge Police Department in obstruction.
97. That the security-instrument titled ‘search warrant’ had nothing of fact written as to why it was
issued, merely conjecture by a vested party officer of the City and was a fishing expedition and
a solicitation of a criminal conspiracy with Roger.
98. That since the search warrants of July 7th and July 21st were redundant this action could support
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a conspiracy to fabricate evidence.
99. That the other thing they listed on the search warrant of July 21st was a folder I had in my truck
concerning a security-instrument titled CITATION issued on May 14, 2014, and how I
responded by special appearance with a written demurrer that should have been distinguished
by Miller at that time.
100. That since no response to the contrary of the facts was received my Miller, this should have
been a moot issue.
101. That this folder (notebook) was seen when the first warrant was served.
a. That on July 22, 2015 while at the police station I was handcuffed with my hands
behind my back.
102. That the handcuffs were so tight that when they delivered me to their jail, and when they
were taken off, my circulation was cut off for approximately three (3) hours.
103. That two men, one named Grant and the other one named Boucher was present at the police
104. That I then discovered that the original phone call to me was from Grant.
105. That I was frisked at the police station before I was taken to the county jail by Grant.
106. That the jail is in Clinton, Tennessee.
107. That when I got to the jail, I was frisked again for the second time.
108. That I was booked into the county jail, my picture was taken, my finger prints were taken,
and my DNA was taken without my consent.
109. That I objected to this procedure, and told them I had not been convicted.
110. That I was told by the officer that this is their policy.
111. That Steakley was the one who took my private property (photos, fingerprints, DNA).
112. That under the tyranny guise of ‘policy’ my property was stolen to be placed into a data
bank, and this was my private property, and a price cannot be placed on my property that was
stolen at this booking and Amendment IV of the Constitution for the United States of America
and Article I, §7 “Searches and seizures; warrants” of the Tennessee-Constitution was over
113. That, to date, I have never been justly compensated for the stolen private property.
114. That, moreover, the Trust business entities City of Newport and the County of Cocke receive
a net worth increase when I was kidnapped and falsely arrested and imprisoned and the human
Trustees of both Trust business entities set the stage to plunder the Social Security Cestui que
Trust LEE HAROLD Smith by falsely making me the pseudo-Trustee and placing fiduciary
responsibility on me knowing full well that I am the human beneficiary and cannot be both
beneficiary and Trustee of the same Trust at the same time, and the charging people are the
115. That I was given jail clothes and was told to go inside the bathroom that was in plain sight
of the booking-desk.
116. That I was denied my privacy, as this unknown man went into the bath room with me, and
gawked at me while I was changing from street clothes to jail clothes.
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117. That I was taken in to a cell 2, pod 5 and there were 16 jail cells in this pod.
118. That eight were upstairs, and eight were downstairs.
119. That I was told that cell one and cell two were the only two cells on this pod that were for
solitary confinement.
120. That I was on the ground floor on the left side across from the desk which was about 20'
121. That the cell I was in was approximately 12' x 15'.
122. That it had metal bunk beds with a mattress about 3" thick with a sink/commode combination.
123. That also a table of about 2'x 2' fastened to the wall with a small metal unpadded seat on each
side that was fastened to the wall.
124. That conspiratorially my one-hour free time from the cell was late at night, and this was the
only time I could use the phone, knowing everyone was probably in bed.
125. That my wife came to visit on Saturday and it was by closed circuit telephone.
126. That I was on total lockdown for 23 hours a day.
127. That my hour outside the jail cell was between one and two o'clock a.m.
128. That this was my only time to take a shower.
129. That while I was outside the jail cell, they would come into my cell and search it daily.
130. That I am still wondering what they hoped to find, and I made the statement to them, "You
had better pray to your god that you don't find anything as I had not been out of the cell except
for one hour a day, and had no visitors.”
131. That when I was given jail clothes, I was not given socks.
132. That I was given socks that night when I took a shower.
133. That when I was booked into the jail, I was given a wool blanket, something that looked like
a table cloth that I doubled several times to make a very hard pillow, which was about one inch
134. That when I took a shower, there was no wash cloth available, as they said there was a
shortage of them.
135. That, however, I know that the Sheriff’s department charges the alleged taxpayers and also
files a Treasury form 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property, and charges
the Trust LEE H SMITH [hereinafter Trust LEE H SMITH or Trust LHS] receive unjust
enrichment and double, triple or more dipping.
136. That I had told booking that I was a type 2 diabetic and I needed my medicine twice daily.
137. That through their criminal negligence I didn't get my medicine that night, and I began to
tremble very badly and common sense dictates that through all this trauma I would be affected
by the diabetes.
138. That I called for the guard at approximately 12:00 a.m. and I asked him what time it was.
139. That I told him I had not had my medication, and they went and got a lancet and took my
blood sugar, and gave me some medicine.
140. That I don't remember what my blood sugar reading was.
141. That when I was placed in the jail, besides the blanket and the tablecloth pillow, I was given
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a plastic cup, small bottle of shampoo about 2 inches high, a tooth brush about 2" long, small
stick of deodorant, a small tube of fresh mint about 2" long that doubled for tooth paste, and a
small box with a lid that I don't know what it was for.
142. That it looked like a pill box, but our medicine was given to us twice a day.
143. That I was denied my vitamins that my family had brought to the jail.
144. That it was very noisy throughout the night, with very loud racket coming from different
145. That I even heard screaming from other cells.
146. That the lights were dimmed about ten o’clock, but never turned off.
147. That jail doors were slammed all night long, and keys rattling, people talking real loud, and
the phone would occasionally ring from other guards.
148. That their walkie-talkie radios were turned up and sounded wide open.
149. That they appeared to have no regard for the inmates.
150. That most days for lunch I had peanut butter sandwich or baloney sandwich, along with a
carton of milk.
151. That the peanut butter was so thick, that it would choke you.
152. That dinners and breakfast were much better than lunch.
153. That the intent of the Trustees is to keep me disoriented and feed me sugar and other health
disruptive meals, along with lack of sleep and emotional distress of 23-hour confinement so
that my mind would not be clear with their alleged arraignment and the Trustees could
fraudulently make me the pseudo-Trustee to forward their scheme to steal assets from the Trust
and from the alleged ‘taxpayers.”
154. That, further, these Administrative Officers write three (3) bonds they sell on the market
regarding these cases supporting that we are being used as their chattel and we are not free
155. That on Thursday July 23 I had to appear before a close circuit TV for a so-called arraignment
before Miller and, considering that I was never given the charges to read in order to see if they
were/are understandable, I stated I did not understand the charges, and asked to be released on
my own recognizance.
156. That Miller denied my release.
157. That there was no assistance-of-counsel present, or any witnesses present in that I was given
no opportunity to contact anyone, or delivered to an open forum so that someone could be
there, only two officers for the principal, a woman named Steakley and a Shertley and
conspiratorially I was given no writing instruments to keep notes.
158. That by the language assistance-of-counsel I do not mean an attorney, an attorney is a fiction
of law and an alleged officer-of-the-tribunal; therefore, they work for the opposing side and
act merely as a negotiator, to our demise.
159. That I was at this alleged arraignment and was denied due process of law.
160. That I had never been arrested or in jail in my entire life, so this experience was very nerve-
racking to me.
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161. That Miller declared that he was entering a plea of not guilty, thereby attempting to make me
the Trustee to forward his scheme to plunder the Trust LHC along with his cohorts.
162. That I objected, since I didn't understand the charges nor had ever read them, and since the
charges applied to the Cestui Que Trust LHS, he, as Trustee, then acted for the Trust making
himself liable.
163. That he set bail for the Trust LHS at $202,500 and ordered its beneficiary held as the ransom.
164. That a bond hearing was set for Tuesday, July 28th at Newport, Tennessee at 1:00 p.m.
165. That before going to the bond hearing, I was given peanut butter sandwich and milk.
166. That there were eight of us loaded on a bus like vehicle with handcuffs in front of us, waste
chains, and leg irons and we were paraded into the tribunal setting.
167. That my family had obtained an attorney and the first time I saw him was for about ten
minutes before the tribunal hearing.
168. That I told him I was under extreme duress.
169. That the bond was lowered from $202,500 to $100,000.
170. That at the bond hearing Ben testified that I said I was a sovereign citizen.
171. That I objected to this, and stated that I had never claimed to be a sovereign citizen.
172. That Ben never defined what he meant as a sovereign citizen.
173. That Victoria: Family of Bannach d/b/a Trustee for the Social Security Cestui que Trust LEE
HAROLD SMITH d/b/a Asst. District Attorney, kept saying that I claimed to be a sovereign
174. That they were trying to use the paper work from a CITATION of May 14, 2015, which
never stated anywhere that I was a sovereign citizen.
175. That, however, again referring to the Tennessee-Constitution I am.
176. That Ben lied, because at the wreck when He asked if I was a sovereign citizen, in my
confused state I stated "no".
177. That Ben admitted that I gave him more paperwork on July 4th.
178. This was the 4-page Constructive Notice of supreme court decisions stating that I had the
right to travel without a license or fee, and traveling was an inalienable right, not to be regulated
by government.
179. That Miller declared that I had been defiant at the arraignment, meaning, I suppose, that if
one declares that he or she does not understand the nature and cause of the accusation and
declares themselves as their rightful position of beneficiary of the charged Trust he or she is
considered defiant.
180. That we were taken from the jail to Newport and back to the county jail by Ball and Sitizery
where again I was in 23 hours’ lockdown from Wednesday, July 22 until Tuesday July 28.
181. That I was released about 7:00 p.m. on July 28 on $100,000 bond.
182. That when I signed all papers, I signed "beneficiary" after my name, and I signed "without
prejudice" above my name.
183. That I was made to sign a electronic keypad, creating a perpetual autograph for the Trustees
to fraudulently use anytime.
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184. That the Trustee officer would not let me sign "without prejudice" above the electronic-
signature knowing that such reservation of rights would not allow unrestricted use of my
185. That she said I could sign below my name, but not above it, supporting a foreknowledge of
the use and restrictions.
186. That on the night of the accident, the district attorney, Dave Clark was riding with a police
man, and was on the scene with a District Attorney jacket on.
187. That the charges are as follows; Aggravated assault x 12, reckless endangerment vehicle
homicide, driving on suspended or revoked, murder reckless homicide, murder criminally
negligent homicide. The docket numbers are 15GS2118, 15GS2119, 15GS2120, 15GS2121,
15GS2122, 15GS2123, 15GS2124, 15GS2125, 15GS2126, 15GS2127, 15GS2128,
15GS2129, 15GS2130, 15GS2131, 15GS2132, 15GS2133 and 15GS2134.
188. That on November 23, 2015, I was told by a friend that used to work at the Y-12 plant that
he thought my truck was at the Y-12 impound yard.
189. That I still have not seen the truck, as only people with special clearances can access the
impound yard.
190. That the information I have is that Victoria: Bannoch was/is prosecuting the case.
191. That on January 15, 2016 I was ordered back to the tribunal to see if they had evidence to
send to the grand jury.
192. That at this hearing, Ben said his training showed that I was a sovereign citizen, as compared
with his first testimony at the bond hearing that I told him I was a sovereign citizen.
193. That this being so, Ben gave testimony that I am, in fact, a sovereign citizen and, as
such, I claim all of my rights.
194. That, to reiterate, at no time except at the arraignment hearing was I asked if I understood
the charges, and at the arraignment hearing I was given nothing to read in order to even begin
an understanding of these statutes.
195. That I also told the attorney to challenge jurisdiction, but he never did so.
196. That I found out January 15, 2016 at the tribunal hearing that my truck had been taken to the
Secret City Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM Dealer in Oak Ridge, Tennessee for investigation.
197. That the Secret City Dodge Dealer has a vested interest for the Chrysler Company to falsify
their tests considering that the Chrysler Company, the principal of Secret City Chrysler Jeep
Dodge RAM Dealer, could be responsible for the death, injuries and repair of the parties and
property if there is a faulty drive linkage, or some other mechanical or system fault which were
contributory to the incident and/or negligence was a factor.
198. That, further, my insurance company informed me that they offered to pay their private
investigator $27,000.00 to investigate my truck and the police would not let them have access
to my truck.
199. That, therefore, the Accused have criminally conspired through obstruction to deny access
of my truck for forensic evaluation and investigation to determine whether there was a faulty
drive linkage, or some other mechanical or system fault which were contributory to the incident
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and/or negligence was a factor which caused the incident.
200. That Miller, an interested party to the action, then gave an opinion that there was enough
evidence to go to a grand jury.
201. That The Accused secretly empanels grand juries and pleads their case for indictment(s).
The grand jury is under the control and direction of the Accused and the hearing(s) is/are ex
parte in favor of the Accused, or party empaneling the grand jury. The grand jurors are, in
great proportion, government officers, agents or people licensed in some way through the
Accused principal, the corporate United States, and, therefore, are biased for the corporate
government. Furthermore, the hearing being ex parte the jurors are easily swayed by the
persuasion of the Accused. The Accused used and uses negative human nature, a proclivity to
always think badly of someone, to fraudulently lead jurors to accept the one sided persuasions
and brainwashing of the Accused in order to obstruct right-ruling and to overthrow the
Constitution for the United States of America [hereinafter Constitution], the rights of the
American People, and the American system of justice.
202. That The Accused sets forth a scheme knowing that: Modern Criminal Procedure, Cases-
comments-questions, Tenth Edition, Chap. 15, C, Evaluating the Grand Jury’s Performance,
1. The debate. “The grand jury is independent only in the sense that it is not formally attached
to the prosecutor’s office, though legally free to vote as they please, grand jurors virtually
always assent to the recommendations of the prosecuting attorney, a fact borne out by available
statistical and survey data.***The pervasive prosecutorial influence reflected in such statistics
had led an impressive array of commentators to endorse the sentiment expressed by United
States Judge William Campbell, a former prosecutor: ‘Today, the grand jury is the total captive
of the prosecutor who, if he is candid, will concede that he can indict anybody, at any time, for
almost anything before any grand jury.’” California Supreme Court, Hawkins v. Superior
Court (described in Note 7, p. 910).
203. That the police report was written by Wesley Carroll, badge number 4722 and approved by
someone with the badge number 4128.
204. That this report declared that alcohol and drugs were present.
205. That I cannot argue this, in that any of the Trustees could have placed alcohol, drugs or
anything else in the truck after they stole it from me.
206. That the toxicology report came back and said I was free of drugs and alcohol.
207. That the police report was dated 7/5/2015.
208. That additionally Roger, Dave and Victoria are BAR Association Attorneys, which BAR
Association is a monopoly in Tennessee inasmuch as they profess to have a license to
practice law and that such license is required to practice law in Tennessee.
209. That when asked to produce said license I have never had an attorney produce such a license,
only a BAR card issued from a private trust/corporation whose principle is the corporations
210. That considering that the BAR Association is the only place someone can get this alleged
“license” and the BAR Association is a private trust/corporation, Article III of the Constitution
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for the United States of America has been and is being overthrown and a state of Treason and
Conspiracy to commit Treason has been committed and is still being committed by Roger,
Dave and Victoria.
211. That Roger, Dave and Victoria support that his and her being a member of the monopolistic
private trust/corporation BAR Association and licensed through it that the Tennessee-State is
no longer a “free government.”
212. That there is nothing in the Constitution for the United States of America that requires the
Judiciary to be licensed and that the word license is defined as, “The permission by competent
authority to an act which, without such permission, would be illegal, a trespass, or a tort.”
Black’s Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition. That so being, Roger, Dave and Victoria have declared
that they are doing something that is illegal, a trespass or a tort.
213. That the BAR Association and its monopolistic control over the judiciary is not only Treason
and Conspiracy to Commit Treason as an overthrow of the Constitution for the United States
of America, Article III, but also in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act (Sherman Act,[1]
July 2, 1890, ch. 647, 26 Stat. 209, 15 U.S.C. § 1–7) and since this act requires the United
States Federal government to investigate and pursue trusts, companies and organizations
suspected of violating the Act why is it not prosecuting the BAR Associations and its Attorney
members? It is a Federal statute to limit cartels and monopolies, not encourage them wherein
the alleged judiciary itself is a monopoly.
214. That the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT is a Tribunal under the Constitution for the
United States of America, Article I, Section 8. “The Congress shall have Power… To constitute
Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court,” inasmuch as Roger and all other alleged judges have
their pay diminished; see Constitution for the United States of America, Article III, Section. 1.
“The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such
inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both
of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall,
at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation, which shall not be diminished
during their Continuance in Office,” and his pay is diminished through filing and payment
of taxes to one of his principals, the Department of the Treasury – Internal Revenue Service.
215. This means that you, Roger, are merely an administrative officer of the Legislature wherein
you enforce their statutes; Statute – Anderson on the U.C.C., Texts, Cases and Commentaries,
§1-103:6 “A statute should be construed in harmony with the common law unless there is a
clear legislative intent to abrogate the common law.” And further, “The Code cannot be read
to preclude a common law action.”
216. That the District Attorney is supposed to be in the Executive Branch of government yet they
are considered “officers of the court,” (wearing conflicting hats) which is a conflict of interest.
Moreover, a judge, if there were any lawful judges in this country, has authority over them
and, contrary to the separation of powers, can sanction them if they do not bend to his/her will.
217. That as you know, or should know, there are at least Eighty-seven (87) types of law and at
lease thirty-one (31) arenas of jurisdiction, to wit: "1. Absolute law, 2. Adjective law, 3.
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Administrative law, 4. Admiralty law, 5. law of Arms, 6. Antitrust laws, 7. Bankruptcy Act, 8.
Blue law, 9. Blue-sky law, 10. Canon law, 11. Case law, 12. Civil law, 13. Commercial law,
14. Common Law, 15. Conclusion of law, 16. Constitutional law, 17. Consuetudinary law, 18.
Conventional law, 19. Criminal law, 20. Customary law, 21. Divine law, 22. Decree-law, 23.
Ecclesiastical law, 24. Edict, 25. Enabling statute, 26. Enacted law, 27. Environmental Law,
28. Equity law, 29. Ex post facto law (though this type is supposed to be un-Constitutional),
30. Federal law, 31. Forest law, 32. Forfeiture law, 33. Fundamental law, 34. General law, 35.
Higher law, 36. Imperative law, 37. Immigration law, 38. Internal law, 39. International law,
40. Judicial decree, 41. Judicial opinion, 42. Law arbitrary, 43. law of Citations, 44. law of
Evidence, 45. law of Marque, 46. Law merchant, 47. Law of Môsheh (Moses)-Torah, 48. laws
of Oleron, 49. law of the Road, 50. Local law, 51. Maritime law, 52. Martial law, 53.
Mercantile law, 54. Military law, 55. Moral law, 56. Municipal law, 57. Natural law, 58.
Napoleonic law (in Louisiana), 59. Ordinance, 60. Organic law, 61. Parliamentary law, 62.
Penal law, 63. Permanent law, 64. Positive law, 65. Private law, 66. Probate, 67. Procedural
law, 68. Prospective law, 69. Public law, 70. Remedial law, 71. Retrospective law, 72. Revenue
law, 73. Roman law, 74. Securities law, 75. Special law, 76. law of the Staple, 77. State law,
78. Statute law, 79. Substantive law, 80. Sumptuary law, 81. Tacit law, 82. Tax Law, 83. Trust-
Law, 84. United States law, 85. Unwritten law, 86. Usury laws, or 87. Written law, and each
one would require a different approach when addressing issues of their respective disciplines.
In addition, there are many jurisdictions to consider, for instance: 1. Admiralty, 2. American
Common Law, 3. American Equity-Law, 4. Ancillary, 5. Appellate, 6. Concurrent, 7.
Contentious, 8. Continuing, 9. Coordinate, 10. Criminal, 11. Equity, 12. Exclusive, 13.
Foreign, 14. General, 15. International, 16. Legislative, 17. Limited, 18. Jurisdiction in
personam, 19. Jurisdiction in rem, 20. Jurisdiction quasi in rem, 21. Military, 22. Original, 23.
Pendent, 24. Plenary, 25. Primary, 26. Probate, 27. Special, 28. Subject-matter, 29. Summary,
30. Territorial, or 31. Voluntary; hence, for the record, any proceedings in relation to this
cause is under the common law and under American Common Law jurisdiction.
IV. Your Declarations and your Offer, additional facts relevant to this Civil Complaint:
1. That the security-instrument titled SUMMONS has the language “IN THE CIRCUIT COURT
FOR COCKE COUNTY, TENNESSE,” and has written, “You are hereby summoned and
required to serve upon Plaintiff’s attorney, whose address is 310 North Main Street, Newport,
Tennessee 37821, an Answer to the Petition herewith served upon you within thirty (30) days
after service of this Summons and Complaint upon you, exclusive of day service. If you fail
to do so, Judgment by Default can be taken against you for the relief demanded in the
2. That this is executed by an officer, Deputy Clerk, of the human William T. Jones d/b/a Clerk
wherein the Trust business entity “CIRCUIT COURT FOR COCKE COUNTY” by and
through the human William-T.: Jones d/b/a William T. Jones Trustee of the Social Security
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Cestui que Trusts LHS, MICHAEL ELDRIDGE [hereinafter Trust ME] and ELIZABETH
ELDRIDGE [hereinafter Trust EE] and is the agent for the Trustee Bruce-D.: Fox d/b/a Trustee
of the Trust parties listed and d/b/a un-Constitutional title of nobility Esquire who is an alleged
3. That Trustee William then assigned or solicited Donald-R.: Family of Elledge d/b/a Trustee
Donald R. Elledge of the three (3) Trusts as his officer/agent to manipulate the hearing process
creating a cash-cow to the Trustees.
4. That the language “You are” is plural and does not designate any specificity as to any
particular party, e.g. human or Trust or person, etc., but is a general statement that could mean
anyone or anything, but the SUMMONS was directed at me the human and the human
beneficiary of Trust LHS by the Sheriff deputies.
5. That you did not complete service inasmuch as there is no service to any other Trustee besides
yourself and since an alleged “Answer” was instructed to be sent to you then you are the
primary fiduciary for all three Trusts in this case and it would appear that you are fraudulently
manipulating the Trusts whereby the beneficiaries assume a position of pseudo-Trustees, a
scheme to create Trusts with no beneficiary, so that through them you can access the
assets/corpus of the Trusts to you and your cohorts benefit and unjust enrichment.
6. That your Offer references the parties as all capital letter titles and these designations are of
the Social Security Cestui que Trusts referenced.
7. That you wrote “Jury Trial Demanded” knowing full well that the word-“Jury” in this phrase
would be an adjective and as such means “makeshift,” meaning you intend to make this up as
you go.
8. That you declare that the Trust LHS resides at 1313 Mocking Bird Ln., Newport, Tennessee
37821 knowing full well that this Trust, a piece of paper, is located at the Social Security
9. That you title a “LEE H. SMITH” as a fiction of law termed “Defendant” and a “LEE H.
SMITH” also as a “Defendant,” and then you have your security-instrument sent to me, a
human, presenting confusion as to who or what is the real party/ies in interest.
10. That you declare that this “LEE H. SMITH” is a “citizen of Cocke County” [Emphasis added
by me] meaning ‘of’ – belonging to – a Trust business entity titled Cocke County giving witness
that your action cannot be against me in that I am a human and the human beneficiary of the
Trust LHS and definitely not ‘property of’ or ‘belonging to’ the referenced Trust business
entity; moreover, the S.S. card declares it is property of the Social Security Administration, no
language declares it is property of Anderson County so I am confused.
11. That your facts reference the titles Plaintiff and Defendant and, per the parties in the upper left
corner of your COMPLAINT, these are fictions of law and Trust entities so your facts present
confused or no real parties in interest in this action.
12. That you produced no evidence that these Trusts were even on the scene, much less responsible
for the incidents thereto.
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13. That your COUNT I: NEGLIGENCE again relates to these Trusts and you declare that a Trust
Defendant that was not there was guilty of: “a. failure to exercise due care; b. failure to keep
his vehicle under proper control; and, c. failure to keep a proper lookout.”
14. That however you are gender specific in that you wrote that the Trust was a ‘he,’ and we all
know that only a Trustee can act for the Trust and your specificity designates the Trustee to be
a male but you did not include his name for service or that service was made to him.
15. That in your COUNT II: NEGLIGENCE PER SE again you relate to a Trust Defendant that to
my knowledge was not there and you wrote: “Plaintiff would show that at the time and place
set forth herein, the Defendant was operating his vehicle in violation of the following sections
of the Tennessee Code Annotated, constituting negligence per se.
a. Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-8-136, “Due Care”
b. Tenn. Code Ann. § 55-8-163, “Limitations on backing”
16. That you presented no document of contract that I or the Trust LHS through its Trustee has
with the Trust business entity STATE OF TENNESSEE or COCKE COUNTY whereby either
would be subject to the Trust business entity statutes copyrighted in the Tenn. Code Ann.
17. That in your CAUSE OF INJURIES AND DAMAGES [hereinafter CAUSE] you declare as a
broad statement the following, “Plaintiff Michael Eldridge would show that as a result of the
negligence of the Defendant as set forth herein, he has suffered serious bodily injury, pain and
fear and fright, grievous and permanent injuries, loss of enjoyment of life, medical expense,
mental anguish, and loss of capacity to earn.”
18. That further in your CAUSE you declare that as a broad statement the following, “Plaintiff
Elizabeth Eldridge would show that she witnessed the injuries to her husband, Michael
Eldridge, and was also injured and that as a result of the negligence of the Defendant as set
forth herein, she has suffered injury to her leg, fear and fright and mental anguish.”
19. That further in your CAUSE you declare that as a broad statement the following, “As a direct
and proximate result of the acts, omissions, breaches, failures and/or conduct of Defendant,
LEE H. SMITH, as specifically pled herein above, Michael Eldridge and Elizabeth Eldridge,
have suffered, and will continue to suffer in the future: bodily injury, permanent injury, and
medical expenses.”
20. That on the last page of your COMPLAINT you have a “COST BOND” whereby you have the
language “We hereby acknowledge ourselves as sureties for the costs of this cause for all costs,
taxes, and damages, in accordance with Tenn. Code Ann. § 20-12-120.”
21. That since you incorporate the word-“taxes” knowing full well that “…every taxpayer is a
cestui que trust…”, see Footnote #3 supra, you qualify that this is a Trust-action.
22. That this COST BOND is autographed by both Michael and Elizabeth Eldridge and allegedly
witnessed by the human and human Trustee Bruce D. Fox through him and his Trust business
entity FOX & FARLEY and, as such, Bruce, et al. have acquired an open end security-
instrument meaning that Bruce and his Trust business entity FOX & FARLEY and the other
Trustees have a blank check to tap the Trusts Michael and Elizabeth Eldridge are the
beneficiaries of wherein they conspiratorially made Michael and Elizabeth Eldridge pseudo-
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Trustees in order to perpetuate this scheme, and/or are tapping Michael and Elizabeth Eldridge
in their human beings and/or are tapping both the humans and the Trusts.
23. That Bruce and his cohorts know that this COST BOND opens the door for Bruce, et al. to tap
Trusts ME and EE for any amount he chooses or they choose in that no limit was placed on
the Bond as a cap.
24. That I, as the human and human Trustor/Settlor and the human beneficiary, accept that the
humans Michael and Elizabeth: Eldridge and the Trusts ME and EE are sureties for this case
in reference to me and request the Trustee/s to do the same in order to protect my beneficial
interest and to act in their fiduciary capacity in a lawful, prudent and intelligent manner or
Show Cause why they did not if funds are taken from my beneficial interest that is due and
owing to me at maturation of the Trust.
25. That, additionally, the humans Michael and Elizabeth: Eldridge were attending a fireworks
display, meaning that their visual, auditory and olfactory senses were stressfully stimulated
immediately before the incident combined with the foreknowledge that they had to fight the
traffic departing the parking lot and travelling to their next destination knowing that the Trust
business entity police could stop them and write a citation or arrest them for any of the myriad
statutory traffic infractions fraudulently issued in violation of 11 AmJur §329 and 25 AmJur
§§ 163 and 165 addressed supra.
26. That we all know that if this were legit that you, as the Trustee for all three Trusts, could simply
file a Treasury Form 1099-A and collect the sum sought from the Trust LHC and pay the
beneficiaries of the Trusts ME and EE immediately, but as the Trustee you would not be
permitted to charge Michael and/or Elizabeth a fee percentage inasmuch as that is your
fiduciary responsibility as an alleged Public official titled ‘officer-of-the-tribunal.’
27. That, however, when one follows the money, as it were, the action you have filed creates a
cash-cow in that you attempt to make the beneficiary of the Trust LHS fiduciary of this Trust
and you proceed to bankrupt the human and human beneficiary to pay the beneficiaries Michael
and Elizabeth and charge them a considerable fee and file the Treasury Form 1099-A against
the Trusts ME and EE, receiving and pocketing the sum filed for.
28. That, moreover, Trustee Donald R. Elledge secretly creates and sells three (3) plus bonds
wherein he enriches himself unjustly and since he is the Administrative Officer he can
manipulate the case to maturity of the bonds protecting this unlawful vested interest.
29. That William files these securities with the DTC (Depository Trust Company) which increases
the net worth of the Trust business entity CIRCUIT COURT OF COCKE COUNTY
30. That William can now file bonds and/or a Treasury Form 1099-A on these securities whereby
he collects his unjust enrichment from the Trusts, and so on and so forth.
31. That Bruce is presenting this Trust-Law-Case in an Admiralty jurisdiction Maritime Law arena
while declaring his case to be a Common Law-case which is, at best, absolute chaos and all
the while filing not a shred of evidence with his agent William to support his claims.
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We all know that logic and common sense support that it is impossible to prove your claim,
even if it were in relation to humans, of “… fear and fright, grievous and permanent injuries,
loss of enjoyment of life, mental anguish, and loss of capacity to earn” and “fear and fright and
mental anguish” as a direct and only result of an alleged negligence unless, of course, you have
invented a means to tap into their minds at the time and instance of the incident and beyond, and
can prove that in the rest of their lives they will never get well or can never enjoy life, proving that
they were enjoying life to begin with specifically qualifying what is meant to ‘enjoy life,’ and that
there is nothing Michael can do to earn a livelihood under his present condition, while all the
while having the burden of proof that negligence in fact was committed. For example, there are
people who are quadriplegics who have conducted a business and are earning a living thereby
having the capacity to earn. Your claim would be difficult to prove as stated even on the physical
injuries unless proof was established that immediately beforehand they were each in perfect health.
However, by construction your COMPLAINT is filed for the Trusts ME and EE and against the
Trust LHC of which you, Bruce and your cohorts, are the Trustees of all three Trusts, and you
know a Trust cannot sustain such injuries as is claimed making your claims criminally fraudulent
by construction and action.
I hereby charge the Accused with embracery of the grand jury in violation of
Constitutional Law, the Common Law and the abrogation of the Common Law known as
statutes, see Title 18 “United States Code” [hereinafter USC] §§ 1503 and 1504; Criminal
fraud; Conspiracy to commit fraud; Prosecutorial misconduct; Malicious prosecution;
Malfeasance of office; Conspiracy against my Rights; see Title 18 “USC” §241; Deprivation
of Rights under color of Law, §242; Falsifying legal documents, §1001; treason, conspiracy to
commit treason, and other crimes specified and supported herein.
The Accused secretly empanels grand juries and pleads their case for indictment(s).
The grand jury is under the control and direction of the Accused and the hearing(s) is/are ex
parte in favor of the Accused, or party empanelling the grand jury. The grand jurors are, in
great proportion, government officers, agents or people licensed in some way through the
Accused principal, the corporate United States, and, therefore, are biased for the corporate
government. Furthermore, the hearing being ex parte the jurors are easily swayed by the
persuasion of the Accused. The Accused used and uses negative human nature, a proclivity to
always think badly of someone, to fraudulently lead jurors to accept the one sided persuasions
and brainwashing of the Accused in order to obstruct right-ruling and to overthrow the
Constitution for the United States of America [hereinafter Constitution], the rights of the
American People, and the American system of justice.
For example, I incorporate this statement from: Modern Criminal Procedure,
Cases-comments-questions, Tenth Edition, Chap. 15, C, Evaluating the Grand Jury’s
Performance, 1. The debate. “The grand jury is independent only in the sense that it is not
formally attached to the prosecutor’s office, though legally free to vote as they please, grand
jurors virtually always assent to the recommendations of the prosecuting attorney, a fact borne
out by available statistical and survey data.***The pervasive prosecutorial influence reflected
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in such statistics had led an impressive array of commentators to endorse the sentiment
expressed by United States Judge William Campbell, a former prosecutor: ‘Today, the grand
jury is the total captive of the prosecutor who, if he is candid, will concede that he can indict
anybody, at any time, for almost anything before any grand jury.’” California Supreme Court,
Hawkins v. Superior Court (described in Note 7, p. 910).
This Counterclaim supports and bears witness that the juries are stacked with
government officers, agents, brokers and/or intermediaries; that the witnesses for the Accused
have permission to lie on the stand after their oath to tell the truth, see Briscoe Et al. v. LaHue
Et al., 460 U.S. 325, 75 L.Ed. 2d 96; that by virtue of the displayed standard (yellow fringed
flag) the jurisdiction is Admiralty/Maritime5 and not the law of the Land; that the judiciary is
proceeding as a self-initiating business and not a Court of Law; that the charges are statutory,
which statutes are the abrogation of the Common Law, see Anderson on the Uniform
Commercial Code, Texts, Cases and Commentaries, [hereinafter Anderson UCC] §1-103:6;
that the Accused and this tribunal claim jurisdiction through eminent domain; that the Accused
purports that one must have a license to practice law, whatever is meant by the word “law”
considering that there are over 87 types of law, and yet by the grand jury’s-actions it was
practicing “law” without said license; that the “INDICTMENT” contains felony false
conveyance of language, which makes it vague and is a crime under the law (fraud) and the
anti-law known as statutes under Title 18 “USC” §1001; that justice was obstructed; that I was
denied due process of law; that the Accused engaged in malicious prosecution; that I am denied
equal protection under the law, inasmuch as I am not permitted to present lawful charges
against the Accused but the Accused can empanel as many grand juries and grand jurors as
they choose and continue to harass me ad infinitum until they usurp jurisdiction over me; that
the Accused has assumed jurisdiction over the America People through fraudulent contracts,
those being, among others, “the payment of Social Security” and the “use of the Postal
Hoeveler, final argument to the jury; and through business with the banking-system, see Davis
v. Elmira Savings, 161 U.S. 275 (1896) wherein it was declared that banks are instrumentalities
of the Congress, thereby granting Congress unlawful jurisdiction over its principal “We the
5 “Title 4 United States Code Services, Lawyers Edition, § 1 INTERPRETIVE NOTES AND DECISIONS “Placing
of fringe on national flag...within discretion of President as Commander-In-Chief of Army and Navy. (1925) 34
Op Atty Gen 483.”” In addition, “Pursuant to U.S.C. Chapter 1, 2, and 3; Executive Order No. 10834, August
21, 1959, 24 F.R. 6865, a military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it
has a Yellow Fringe, bordered on three sides. The President of the United states designates this deviation from
the regular flag, by executive order, and in his capacity as COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the Armed forces.”
Moreover, the Congress willfully and knowingly overstepped its power, to wit: in 1845 Congress passed an act
saying Admiralty-law could come on land. The bill may be traced in Cong. Globe, 28th Cong., 2d. Sess. 43, 320,
328, 337, 345(1844-45), no opposition to the Act is reported. Congress held a committee on this subject in 1850
and they said: “The committee also alluded to ‘the great force’ of ‘the great constitutional question as to the power
of Congress to extend maritime jurisdiction beyond the ground occupied by it at the adoption of the
Constitution....’” - H.R. Rep. No. 72 31st Cong., 1st Sess. 2 (1850).”
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People;” and, that the Accused sabotaged my case by forcing their own officer (attorney) who
acted as a negotiator against me for his/her cohorts while purporting that he/she was
representing me.
The Accused did willfully and knowingly commit these crimes against me and the
sovereignty of “We the People” and against the dignity of said sovereignty with malicious
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to block any proper challenge one could make regarding these issues for their purpose of
overthrowing the American form of government, the Constitution and the American People.
This is tampering with the jury, treason and malfeasance of office by the Accused.
The fact that the corporate government keeps secret the humans or fictitious persons
making up these juries coupled with the fact that once a person has been “indicted,” a petit jury
would be predisposed to convict the target human or business person through a conditioned
reflexology brain-washed into each Citizen and citizen alike gives the corporate government
unfair advantage over the one being charged. These facts witness an unlawful indictment
establishes injurious prejudicial treatment from the members of the petit juries whether they
are humans or appearing as fictitious persons.
As supported in this Counterclaim, the present grand jury process does not allow
equal protection or due process of law inasmuch as the victims of the corporate government
are not permitted to be there to keep vigilance on the proceedings for a lawful challenge. In
other words, the entire process is conducted ex parte and geared to give the officers and agents
of the corporate government unfair advantage over their targets. Reasonable questions are
entertained, some being, “Why do the officers and agents of the corporate government fear the
physical presences of the people being prosecuted during the grand jury hearings? Why do
these officers and agents go to such great lengths to hide the information regarding the grand
jury such as: the jurors, the witness(es) and the testimony, whether written or oral or visual?
What does the Accused have to hide?”
These willful and knowing acts are tampering with the jury.
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people that are not so educated. If, in fact, a license to practice law is required, and does in
fact exist in order to work within the law-arena as declared by the private Trust business entity
“BAR attorneys and their-association” then precisely what license was issued to each of the
grand jury-members, upon what merits was the license issued, what was the duration of the
license, what precisely was the scope of the license, what specific jurisdiction was/is the license
issued within, what specific form of “law” is the license issued for, is each license on the public
record, were they paid for their practice of law, who paid them and who or what issued the
license? In addition, precisely where are the alleged “licenses” of the judge, prosecutor, clerk
and all other attorneys located?
Further, there are at least Eighty-seven (87) types of law and at lease thirty-one (31)
arenas of jurisdiction, to wit: "1. Absolute law, 2. Adjective law, 3. Administrative law, 4.
Admiralty law, 5. law of Arms, 6. Antitrust laws, 7. Bankruptcy Act, 8. Blue law, 9. Blue-sky
law, 10. Canon law, 11. Case law, 12. Civil law, 13. Commercial law, 14. Common Law, 15.
Conclusion of law, 16. Constitutional law, 17. Consuetudinary law, 18. Conventional law, 19.
Criminal law, 20. Customary law, 21. Divine law, 22. Decree-law, 23. Ecclesiastical law, 24.
Edict, 25. Enabling statute, 26. Enacted law, 27. Environmental Law, 28. Equity law, 29. Ex
post facto law (though this type is supposed to be un-Constitutional), 30. Federal law, 31.
Forest law, 32. Forfeiture law, 33. Fundamental law, 34. General law, 35. Higher law, 36.
Imperative law, 37. Immigration law, 38. Internal law, 39. International law, 40. Judicial
decree, 41. Judicial opinion, 42. Law arbitrary, 43. law of Citations, 44. law of Evidence, 45.
law of Marque, 46. Law merchant, 47. Law of Môsheh (Moses)-Torah, 48. laws of Oleron, 49.
law of the Road, 50. Local law, 51. Maritime law, 52. Martial law, 53. Mercantile law, 54.
Military law, 55. Moral law, 56. Municipal law, 57. Natural law, 58. Napoleonic law (in
Louisiana), 59. Ordinance, 60. Organic law, 61. Parliamentary law, 62. Penal law, 63.
Permanent law, 64. Positive law, 65. Private law, 66. Probate, 67. Procedural law, 68.
Prospective law, 69. Public law, 70. Remedial law, 71. Retrospective law, 72. Revenue law,
73. Roman law, 74. Securities law, 75. Special law, 76. law of the Staple, 77. State law, 78.
Statute law, 79. Substantive law, 80. Sumptuary law, 81. Tacit law, 82. Tax Law, 83. Trust-
Law, 84. United States law, 85. Unwritten law, 86. Usury laws, or 87. Written law, and each
one would require a different approach when addressing issues of their respective disciplines.
In addition, there are many jurisdictions to consider, for instance: 1. Admiralty, 2. American
Common Law, 3. American Equity-Law, 4. Ancillary, 5. Appellate, 6. Concurrent, 7.
Contentious, 8. Continuing, 9. Coordinate, 10. Criminal, 11. Equity, 12. Exclusive, 13.
Foreign, 14. General, 15. International, 16. Legislative, 17. Limited, 18. Jurisdiction in
personam, 19. Jurisdiction in rem, 20. Jurisdiction quasi in rem, 21. Military, 22. Original, 23.
Pendent, 24. Plenary, 25. Primary, 26. Probate, 27. Special, 28. Subject-matter, 29. Summary,
30. Territorial, or 31. Voluntary. As you well know, each one would require a different
approach when addressing these issues. In addition, some of these types of law by title are
false conveyance of language, inasmuch as the language is written as a noun preceding a noun
without a grammatical mark such as a hyphen between the words, making the first noun an
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adjective, which words have no adjective form, and when used by the officers and agents of
the corporate government to take property, rights, or to imprison a human it is a felony under
the Common Law (fraud) and under the anti-law known as statutes, see Title 18 “USC” §1001.
Thus, which type of law/s require/s a “license to practice?”
This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of this
fact before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
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jurisdiction of any hearing of the judiciary. The only flag displayed is the Admiralty/Maritime-
flag, thus, witnessing that the jurisdiction claimed is Admiralty. For the “Law of the Land” to
be the governing jurisdiction the flag displayed would have to be the flag of the Republic. The
Accused did not inform the grand jurors about the flag and that the jurisdiction is that of
Admiralty and that the “statutes,” a product of Admiralty/Maritime-law, are being unlawfully
pressed upon the “defendant,” and that all Rights of the American Citizen have been waived
by the Accused through silent judicial notice using fraud, treason, conspiracy to commit
treason, racketeering, extortion, and many other crimes intended to overthrow the American
form of government and the American People of “We the People” by these officers and agents
of the corporate government.
Furthermore, there has been no “Bill of Particulars” given to me to support how
Admiralty/Maritime-jurisdiction has been claimed over me in order that I may be charged
under the federal statutes and in the federal tribunals such as this one.
As you well know, the act of not fully informing the grand jurors of the jurisdiction-
issues and facts is a willful and knowing act of tampering with the jury.
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It is unlawful for the judiciary to be self-initiating; it could and would overpower
the other branches and its principal, “We the People,” and exercise its tyrannical power; for
example, judicial decrees and judicial opinions being treated as law in our present system.
Furthermore, it would, and has, become a Star-chamber hearing outlawed by the Constitution
and both common and moral sense. The Accused did not inform the grand jury that the Plaintiff
is a self-initiating, self-serving business, and not acting or performing as a Constitutional
lawful government entity or judiciary.
This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
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It would be ludicrous indeed to presume that “We the People” gave Congress, or any other
branch of government for that matter, the power to extirpate our “Bill of Rights” at their whim.
Further, the entity that is created to hear these statutes is the “Tribunals” found in Article I
Section 8 [9]. The “United States District Court for the District of …” is such a tribunal.
The language “UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT” is deceptive by its language
inasmuch as applying English-grammar we understand the language to mean “United Court”
or, one world order. Scrutinizing this language we have: the noun-phrase-“United States” is a
noun-“States” and its modifier-“United.” When this noun-phrase directly precedes another
noun without proper punctuation the noun-“States” becomes a modifier. For instance, in the
language “United States District” the noun-States modifies what District is referenced because
it could be a Canadian District or Mexican District; therefore, States becomes an adjective.
Since the proper noun-States has no adjective meaning then it does not exist in the English-
language as a modifier. Thus, the language-“United States District” becomes “United
District.” Further, the noun-phrase “United District Court” becomes “United Court” using the
same reasoning and rules of English-grammar inasmuch as the noun-District could be replaced
with the words-Circuit, supreme, etc. And, United States District Court Judge becomes United
Judge. This application of English-grammar upon the language “United States District Court”
evinces that the officers and agents of the corporate government have willfully and knowingly
committed the crimes of Treason, conspiracy to commit Treason and criminal fraud, among
other crimes, in order to overthrow the Constitution and “We the People” as a lawful entity
and the de jure government. The “United States District Court” is not a “Court of Law,” but
instead an Admiralty/Maritime-Tribunal fraudulently called Court: there is definitely no Law
performed there, so the language “Court of Law” would not be its standing. To reiterate, this
reasoning and fact also applies to the language “United States citizen” where jurisdiction is
usurped through the vehicle of declaring the People to be “United citizens.” This fact also
helps us to understand how Admiralty/Maritime-jurisdiction is usurped over us inasmuch as
the officers and agents of the corporate government have unlawfully and through silent judicial
notice placed us as world citizens (United citizen) under one world order and outside the
protection of our “Bill of Rights.”
The federal system is a system of statutes. Anderson on the Uniform Commercial
Code, Texts, Cases and Commentaries, §1-103:6 does enlighten us that “A statute should be
construed in harmony with the common law unless there is a clear legislative intent to abrogate
the common law.” Looking up the word-abrogate using “Merriam-Webster’s Online
Dictionary” we find: Main Entry: ab·ro·gate, Pronunciation: 'a-br&-"gAt, Function: transitive
verb, Inflected Form(s): -gat·ed; -gat·ing, Etymology: Latin abrogatus, past participle of
abrogare, from ab- + rogare to ask, propose a law -- more at RIGHT, 1 : to abolish by
authoritative action : ANNUL, 2 : to treat as nonexistent <abrogating their responsibilities>,
synonym see NULLIFY.” In other words, a statute is a legislative intent to abolish the Law
of the Land; that is Treason and a conspiracy to commit Treason. The fact that our Rights are
secured in the Law of the Land and that now Congress has presumed an authority to abrogate
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this Law of the Land describes more clearly why and how the officers and agents of the
corporate government have assumed a position and demeanor of our masters and not our
servants, see footnote 1, page 1 supra.
These established facts are not expressed and taught to the grand jurors. These
facts, if exposed, would make someone indecisive as to what “Law” and what “jurisdiction” is
exercised in this case. These facts having not been disclosed to the grand jurors’ supports the
crime of tampering with the jury by the Accused.
It is also a fact that the People are forced into government controlled schools and
these schools neither have this information available nor do they teach this information to the
students. To my knowledge there is not a single Law-Library located in any elementary, junior
high or high school in this country yet the age of accountability is eighteen (18) years of age.
This means that it is highly unlikely that the grand jurors could or would have ever known
these facts. The facts then evince that the grand jurors are intellectually handicapped regarding
this information, and, therefore, incapable of making a proper informed “True Bill” of
indictment against anyone. Common sense would dictate that the grand jurors, whether they
be empaneled as humans or fictitious persons, should have an understanding precisely: the
jurisdiction; the venue; the “Law” that is being enforced; that government officers, agents,
brokers and/or intermediaries are permitted to lie on the stand after they take an oath to tell the
truth; and, the Rights of the Accused before they deliberate on an Indictment. Without this
information right-ruling was obstructed by the Accused in this and most all of the cases heard
by the jury.
This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
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Amendment, and there is no specificity of definition, it could mean anything one chooses it to
mean. The phrase-“citizen of the United States” denotes ownership meaning something called
“citizen” belonging to (of) the United States, whatever is meant by the noun-phrase-“United
States.” In other words, that free human allegedly became property of an undisclosed and non-
specific entity or being. The Accused declares that the Americans are “citizen(s) of the United
States” and brain-washes this fraud and Treason into the minds of the children of America
throughout their lives establishing an ownership by the officers and agents of the corporate
United States.
The language-“United States” has many meanings, to wit: It could mean a
corporation called the United States, or the geographical area known as the District of
Columbia, or the geographical area inclusive of the States of the Union, or the body politic
known as “We the People,” or the de facto government of the federal corporation presently in
power, and so on and so forth.
The facts substantiate that in their private and corporate persons the officers and
agents of the United States, whatever that is, have made “We the People” property owned by
this fiction known as the “United States,” and, therefore, subject to the whims, power and
control of these officers and agents. These facts support that the grand jurors, however they
are appearing, are property (slaves) of the creature or entity known as “United States” and no
longer free American Citizens in the Country many of “We the People” have fought and died
for throughout our history. This is willful and blatant tampering with the jury, fraud and
Treason. The grand jury process is, and its members are, tampered with. The Accused places
its property (slaves) as its indicting authority in order to usurp unlawful jurisdiction over “We
the People” and rob, pillage and plunder the American homeland.
This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
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This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
Count 10 – The officers and agents of the corporate government are forcing their
religion on the American People
Article I of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution states, “Congress shall make no
law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” The
“Department of Justice” serves a pagan goddess and does indeed prohibit the free exercise of
religion, specifically that religion known as Judaism, Messianic-Judaism and/or Christian. It
is noted that within the seal of the Department of Justice is the language, “QUI PRO DOMINA
JUSTITIA SEQUTUR,” which means “He who follows the goddess Justicia (Justice).” Her
likeness is found in some form in every tribunal called court in this country. This supports
why the officers and agents of the federal corporate government are so adamant about
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removing the heavenly Father-Yahuah, the Son-Yahushua-Messiah, and the Set-apart Spirit,
known in the collection of books titled “Bible” as “God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost,” from all
parts of society. The officers and agents of the federal Trust business entity government
worship a pagan idol. Further, the dollar-bill has the language “IN GOD WE TRUST” with a
pyramid to the left of the language and rays of light above the pyramid meaning the “Sun-god-
Ra,” another pagan god. These pagan gods and goddesses negate the concept of the
Declaration of Independence and the unalienable Rights secured in the Bill of Rights in the
Constitution. Since the officers and agents of the corporate government adamantly display
their idols in violation of the Constitution then from the onset their actions are criminal; so
being, there is no authority to empanel their slaves seeking to overthrow an American Citizens-
Bill of Rights.
This blatant violation of Amendment I of the Constitution by the officers and agents
of the corporate government evinces a conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution and, thus, have
no foundation in law to empanel any grand or petit jury.
This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
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This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
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overthrow of the Constitution and is treasonous on their part. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
If, on the other hand, the grand jurors were intellectually and liberty challenged then I can
understand their mistake, but the Accused are supposed to be learned in the “Law,” and,
therefore, their actions are willful and knowing.
Moreover, there is an ulterior motive by the Trust business entity corporation
government people, in that if they create an atmosphere where the populous think that their
right to keep and bear arms is dependent on what the Trustees declare then all such rights are
in jeopardy. This Constitutional mandate does not contain or imply the language that this right
is conditional, based on one not being convicted of a statutory felony. This Counterclaim bears
witness that a multiplicity of crimes is being committed against the American People in order
to feed the Trust business entity Trustees insatiable desire for power and control, wherein these
Trustees convolute our liberties with Trust business entity corporation policies called statutes,
rules, codes, decrees, opinions, etc. that when reasoned out establishes a vehicle to eliminate
any one that does not bow down to their de facto authority. In other words, you have the right
to keep and bear arms as long as you do not disagree with us, you have the right to vote as long
as you do not disagree with us, if you do not agree, however, we will charge you with a
statutory felony in an Admiralty tribunal and presume to take these rights away even though
such action is without Constitutional authority or authority in the precursor, the “Declaration
of Independence.” Again, this is an act of Treason and conspiracy to commit Treason, amongst
other crimes.
If this information was withheld from the grand jurors and they were, in
fact, intellectually and liberty challenged, then I do not charge them with treason and
conspiracy against my Rights, however, if not, they are hereby charged. The Accused,
however, knows, or should know this fact and is willfully and knowingly tampering with the
jury and engaging in treason by withholding this “Law of the Land.”
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secret from me, it is logical to conclude that the grand jurors were not informed of the path of
claimed jurisdiction when empanelled in order to allow for equal protection under the law to
a, or the, defendant. It is an axiom of law that “when jurisdiction is challenged it must be
proven,” not assumed by the judge or prosecuting party, especially when the judge and
prosecuting party are a self-initiating business being represented by the humans of the Accused
as a judiciary. This is not only tampering with the jury but also criminal conspiracy against
my Rights.
This silent judicial notice includes, but is not limited to, the following: “Payment
of Social Security” and “Use of the Postal Service;” federal corporate anti-law of commerce;
signature of natural person on a “bank signature card;” and other nefarious fraudulent contracts
impressed upon the American People in order to make us servants (subjects) of the corporate
government. These contracts are fraudulent and unconscionable. Fraud, Treason, menace,
duress and undue influence are the vehicles used to trap the American Public into these
unlawful contracts.
This willful and knowing act whereby the grand jurors were not informed of these
facts before their alleged “INDICTMENT” against me is tampering with the jury.
Count 15 – Denial of due process of law, sabotage against my rights, tampering with a
victim and malicious abuse of legal process
I am being held against my will and Rights by the “United States Marshal,” or
“Bureau of Prisons” at a federal prison/detention center or county or city-jail. The Accused
knows, or should know, that these jail facilities do not have an adequate law-library for me to
do research regarding my imprisonment or to research jurisdictional arguments. I have not
been lawfully convicted yet the access to properly understand and address the issues of my
incarceration is denied me. The prosecution has access to almost unlimited resources paid for
by me and other Americans while we, the victims of these unscrupulous officers and agents of
the federal corporation, are imprisoned with inadequate resources to protect ourselves. We are
forced to use attorneys, who are government officers placed in our camps to discourage us
from fighting this tyranny while they learn of our strategy to protect ourselves and report back
to the Trustee titled “judge” and prosecutor our strategy to our demise. We are told to do what
we are ordered by these government officers and cautioned by these attorneys, them saying
“Don’t piss off the judge.” Then these government officers worm their way into our confidence
and continue to offer us “deals” while threatening us that if we do not take the deal we will get
considerably more time in prison. Our rights to speedy trial are waived by the attorneys and
we never get the right to face our accuser, the Plaintiff known as “UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA.” We are intentionally held in an attempt to break us psychologically and
financially, along with emotional stress applied by being severely limited to our family
members and friends.
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Counts 1 through 13 evince a willful and knowing tampering with the jury by the
prosecution and the rest of the Accused yet these abusive People are free and supplied with
almost unlimited resources to protect their unlawful activities.
Further, where I am being held there are antiquated typewriters and we have to
purchase our own type-ribbons and correction-tape at a profit to the institution. The outdated
typewriters do not perform adequately and the correction-tapes do not correct mistyped words
leaving a document that is impossible to keep neat and precise. The Accused has updated
equipment and I am sure they do not use typewriters. This is an unfair advantage and is willful
and knowing denial of due process of law. Fairness would equate to the prosecution having
the exact same conditions forced upon me. If I am forced to use an antiquated typewriter, then
so should the prosecutor be forced to use the same type of equipment. If the prosecutor is
granted access to the internet to do research in law then so should I; equal access and equal
protection under the law. One would wonder why the Accused fears my having the same
advantage as does the Accused, what do you have to hide?
These foregoing facts substantiate evidence that the Accused has willfully and
knowingly denied me due process of law, sabotaged my rights, and, tampered with me, a
victim, all to engage in malicious abuse of legal process in order to give them unfair advantage
over me, all to my injury.
Count 16 – Conspiracy against my Rights and Tampering with a victim and/or witness
It is understood that because I am filing these facts against the officers and agents
of the federal corporation in their human and corporate persons that I will be punished in some
way. Further, it is understood that anyone who helps me, being my Constitutional Assistance
of Counsel, will also be punished. Hence, in the event that I am separated from my Assistance
of Counsel, placed in the hole (Special Housing Unit or the like), denied proper medical
treatment, denied proper nourishment, denied recreation time, denied the right to use the
telephone, denied mail, my mail is tampered with, delays in receiving or sending out mail, or
in any way abused or restricted from activities conducive to my protection against this
governmental tyranny, and confiscation of my property, materials, documents of this
Counterclaim or the legal materials I have for any purpose, or in the event that I be transported
to a facility which has greater restraint against my liberty or any other such punishment doled
out by the officers and/or agents of this corporation, this count envelops such criminal activity
as a violation of due process of law, obstruction of right-ruling, conspiracy against my Rights
and tampering with a victim and/or witness.
In Summary
It is an axiom of law and American justice that a human is innocent until proven
guilty. In a Court-of-Law, we would not have to prove that we were not exceeding our natural
and unalienable rights; the burden of proof would be upon the Plaintiff. Moreover, in a Court-
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of-Law, the complainant and his/its cohorts would be liable for their criminal actions if
frivolous and fraudulent.
The officers and agents of the federal and state-tribunals called “Court” make it
next to impossible for the American Citizens to subpoena the grand jurors and subpoena duces
tecum the testimony, whether written, oral or visual, presented to the jurors in order that one
could exercise his/her Right to challenge the jurors, the hearing or the witnesses. This action
is patently treasonous against the American People, the Law of the Land, the Constitution in
general, and the American form of government.
When an overzealous corporation and its officers arbitrarily decide to deny all the
Substantive Rights fought and died for in our great Republic, such tyranny must be disciplined.
This supports that by statutory construction and complacency, a conditioned reflexology has
manifested the observation of our fellow human beings as corporate chattel and not free-living
human beings. Thus, the corporate government finds itself consumed in a web that demands
the property and Rights of the people as a tribute for its so-called leadership. History
recognizes that, with noble conviction, the law community assumed a role to champion the
Rights of the people, but in the process, Unalienable Rights were lost to contractual
(civil/statute) rights granted by man. Hence, instead of profound Rights from the Heavenly
Father-Yahuah, secured by Amendments 1-10 of the Constitution for the United States of
America, we now have arbitrary rights from Trustees of fictional entities. Instead of a
Constitutional "Republic6," protecting the Rights of each human being, we now have a creditor
(Federal Reserve) democracy promulgating "the good of our (international bankers) majority
out-weighs the good of humanity."
This beloved country called America now has the largest prison, probation, and parole
population in the world. Since the BAR Association took over our government, and their
avalanche of anti-law-statutes swept over our liberty and right-ruling, burying it under the well
over sixty-million (60,000,000 ++) statutes, the once great patriotic and noble collective
sovereignty known as “We the People” has now become a nation of slaves. The BAR
Association’s International Criminal Court is the crescendo to the take-over of the world by
the Banking-Cartel into a one-world-government, and completes the final extirpation of the
Rights, Liberty Freedom “We the People” once held sacrosanct. Significant to this fact is the
“United Court” controlled by the “United Judge” in our present day judiciary, see Count 6
Please remember, however noble the gestures, personal bias and prejudice still cloud
human judgment.
6 Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution for the United States, "The United States shall guarantee to Every State in
the Union a Republican Form of government."
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a. I, Lee-Harold: Smith, do not grant jurisdiction of my natural person and/or res
to this tribunal or the corporate entities known as the “BAR Association,” the “UNITED
STATES,” or the officers and/or agents of these entities. If you are unaware of this conspiracy,
and these crimes perpetrated against me this Notice will serve to illuminate the facts.
b. I hereby declare that the document titled “INDICTMENT” which brought
about this case is dismissed with prejudice.
c. I hereby demand a proper grand jury be empanelled so that I may present these
charges for indictment against the Accused.
d. I hereby demand payment in the money of account of Four million and no cents
(4,000,000.00) Dollars for the time I have spent falsely imprisoned in the federal and/or state-jails
and/or prisons in regard to the account-number of this case.
e. I hereby demand immediate release from any federal and/or state-institution
presently holding me unlawfully regarding the account-number of this case.
f. If I am not released immediately I demand that the Trustee titled “judge”
that presided serve me with supporting evidence that these issues are invalid in accordance
with the Law of the Land, with his/her position as to why I am being held and under what law
and jurisdiction has been and is being applied in this account-number granting the proper
authority to keep me incarcerated.
g. That this Counterclaim be entered into the account-number
___________________________ immediately.
h. That the Plaintiff/Accused be ordered to cease their unlawful actions against
me immediately.
i. I hereby subpoena each and every grand juror involved in this account-
number and subpoena duces tecum any and all information presented to the grand jurors
whether written, oral or visual.
j. I hereby demand all testimony presented to the grand jury involving this
account-number, whether written, oral or visual be sent to me immediately and not withheld
by the institution I am unlawfully being held at, in the event the merchant-judge chooses to
further violate my rights and order his/her corporate security-guards called “United States
Marshals” or the officers and/or agents of the “Bureau of Prisons” to continue holding me
unlawfully in their concentration-camp.
I hereby serve the Accused with the foregoing facts and charges. Since I have
absolutely no control as to when this document will be sent out I hereby certify that I placed
this document for mailing as “legal mail” on this: ____ day: ____ Mo.: 2016: C.E. If the
Accused does not respond to the facts and charges herein enumerated and articulated with facts
and law supporting any denial and/or objection within twenty (20) days, granting two (2) days
for service, all facts and charges not addressed are thereby acquiesced to by the Accused.
Failure to object timely means you waive the objection.
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Certificate of Service and Interested Parties
Within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Conditional Acceptance sent certified mail
return receipt requested you deliver to me the following:
A. Since on your SUMMONS you have written the language “You are…,” which is plural, you
have a multiplicity of alleged parties and no specific real party in interest, therefore, precisely
who or what is/are the real party/ies in interest in this case;
B. Produce substantial and irrefutable evidence that Michael Eldridge suffered “… fear and fright,
grievous and permanent injuries, loss of enjoyment of life, mental anguish, and loss of capacity
to earn” as a direct and only result of the incident you claim as alleged negligence;
C. Produce substantial and irrefutable evidence that Elizabeth Eldridge suffered “… fear and
fright and mental anguish” as a direct and only result of the incident you claim as alleged
D. Disambiguate what is meant by your use of the word-negligence and precisely what you can
prove were my, as a human, actions or inactions where negligence would apply anent the
incident or surrounding the incident;
E. Since through a conspiracy between the Newport Police Department and some of its human
Officers and Roger-A.: Family of Miller and Roger-A.: Family of Miller d/b/a Trustee of the
Social Security Cestui que Trust LHS and d/b/a ROGER A MILLER Administrative Officer
of the Trust business entity GENERAL SESSIONS COURT DIVISION II, et al., I have been
denied access to my truck and the evidence has been contaminated, as in tampered with, by a
vested interest party, that there was not a mechanical fault which caused the incident that was
completely out of my control and such would be attributable to and the full responsibility of
the Chrysler Corp.;
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F. Produce substantial evidence that I, as the human and only one in the truck to my knowledge,
if this issue was intended to relate to me, did not do everything in my power to prevent the
G. Produce substantial evidence that contrary to information I found on the internet there have
not been other Chrysler vehicles that have had a similar or the same flaw whereby there is a
fault with the linkage or other mechanical defect which was or could have been the cause of
the incident;
H. Produce substantial evidence that the Newport Police Department and its human Officers,
along with the human Roger-A.: Family of Miller are not culpable in that they obstructed
justice by setting the events whereby the evidence could be tampered with by having a vested
interest party investigate the mechanical aspects of the truck to my and the Trust LHS injury
all the while refusing access to the truck of a forensic investigator from the insurance company;
I. If this is a legitimate action, Show Cause why you as the and a Trustee did not merely file a
Treasury Form 1099-A and collect the alleged damages if you can prove the Trust committed
the actions you declare and bypass all this hoopla and stage show of a civil suit (I, as a, in your
language, layperson, know this process so I am sure as an alleged professional you do or you
would be incompetent);
J. Produce what definition you are using when you declare the language “citizen of Cocke
County, Tennessee” in relation to the word ‘citizen;’ in other words, are you meaning a human
being or a fiction of law such as a: firm, labor organization, partnership, association,
corporation, legal representative, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy, receiver, officer, agent, broker
or intermediary;
K. Produce substantial evidence that I, a human, am a citizen of (belonging to, property of, chattel
of) Cocke County, Tennessee and precisely what is meant by the language “Cocke County,
Tennessee” written in your COMPLAINT; in other words, is this language meant as: a Trust
business entity and/or the body politic We the People and/or a geographical designation
and/or a firm and/or a labor organization/s and/or a partnership and/or an association and/or
a corporation and/or a legal representative and/or a trustee or many trustees and/or a trustee
in bankruptcy and/or a receiver or receivers and/or an officer and/or an agent and/or a broker
and/or intermediary, or any other designation;
L. Produce substantial evidence that since the humans Michael and Elizabeth: Eldridge were
attending a fireworks display, meaning that their visual, auditory and olfactory senses were
stressfully stimulated immediately before the incident, that they did not suffer some of their
alleged injuries/complaints as a result of their heightened stimulation and that absolutely no
fear or anxiety they claim to have received from the incident was intensified as a direct result
of this stressful stimulation beforehand combined with the foreknowledge that they had to fight
the traffic departing the parking lot and travelling to their next destination knowing that the
Trust business entity police could stop them and write a citation or arrest them for any of the
myriad statutory traffic infractions fraudulently issued in violation of 11 AmJur §329 and 25
AmJur §§ 163 and 165 addressed supra;
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M. Produce substantial evidence that the humans Michael and Elizabeth: Eldridge were not
physically, emotionally and/or psychologically impaired such as, but not limited to, having
drugs or alcohol in either or both of their bodies, that would aggravate their homeostasis before
the incident clarifying that all the alleged injury they claim is a direct and only result of the
N. Produce substantial evidence of what Michael’s ‘enjoyed life’ consisted of before the incident
with detailed facts of what is considered “enjoyment of life,” supporting that he had full and
complete enjoyment of life before the incident and what absolute restrictions have been created
by the incident restricting such enjoyment of life for the rest of his life;
O. Produce substantial evidence that Michael will need medical attention for his alleged
injuries/complaints for the rest of his life with irrefutable evidence that it is the incident and
only the incident that caused the alleged injury and precisely what medical treatment he will
require, that could be treated and healed by no other healing modality;
P. Produce a sworn notarized document that neither you nor the other Trustees have filed bonds
or a Treasury Form 1099-A, or any other security-instrument creating an enrichment for you
and/or the other Trustees and that you do not plan on filing any bond/s or a 1099-A (meaning
that you have already been paid and, perhaps are waiting to receive more unjust enrichment);
Q. Since this case combines Trust-Law through Admiralty jurisdiction and Maritime Law when
styled as a Common Law-action provide precisely what law and jurisdiction was intended in
this action upon its filing;
It is possible that I may have other conditions based on the satisfaction of the conditions
listed herein, so I reserve the right to amend this Conditional Acceptance if your responses are
opaque or ambiguous so that we may be precise in our contractual language. Moreover, if you do
not understand any of the conditions notify me in writing so that I can clarify what is intended.
Again, since, logic and common sense dictate that you would not have caused this alleged
service without already having this information supra readily available; you have fifteen (15) days
from the date herein to have the information presented to me. Moreover, you moved in the name
of a Trust business entity corporation in your principal’s Admiralty tribunal and not in a “Court of
Law” involving an issue on land and not on the high seas. You, The Trustees and your
principals, therefore hold responsibility for these actions you executed for the Trust corporations
along with the Trusts involved. This Conditional Acceptance gives witness to your actions. As
physical witnesses I also served the following: Loretta-E.: Family of Lynch and Herbert-H. III:
Family of Slatery in their freeman status and d/b/a status as witnesses to these facts.
If, on the other hand, you, the Trustees and your principals, cannot satisfy these
conditions in the time allotted, allowing for a reasonable extension if requested in writing stating
the specific time needed, and since your documentation witnesses, amongst other facts addressed
in this Conditional Acceptance of Your Offer that you, the Trustees and your principals, willfully,
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knowingly and maliciously were seeking to commit fraud against me and deprive me of my rights
and property both against me and the Social Security Cestui que Trust LEE HAROLD SMITH,
you hereby contract to the following:
1. For any injuries to me, the beneficiary, the Trustees and their principles are indebted to me for
Four million and no cents (4,000,000.00) Dollars each in the money of account of the United
States of America, Constitution for the United States of America, Article I, Section 10, and if
the money of account is not available I would “receive without prejudice” payment in lieu of
the money of account of “Federal Reserve-Notes,” a “Bank-Draft,” or the like. Furthermore,
witnessed through this Conditional Acceptance if you willfully and knowingly injure me I have
authority to create a Claim of Lien against you each and file a financing statement against you
each supporting my lien as I deem necessary to protect me, my property and my rights if needed
at any time. Additionally, in order to facilitate my rights under this Conditional Acceptance
and Security-Agreement you agree that I have your Power of Authority/Attorney to file
anything to bring about the “payment” of this debt and protect me, my property and my rights
and that you have no right of action or recourse in any action at law, action in equity or
Admiralty or any other law herein written or implied against me or my filings. Additionally,
you agree that you grant your Power of Authority/Attorney to me, Lisa-Michelle: Perry, so
that I am able to collect the damages through a lien7, UCC-1, UCC-3, Treasury-Forms 1040-
V and 1040, 1099-A and 1099-OID. Additionally, you agree that every year an additional set
of liens can be filed with the Treasury if such injury to me persists on a yearly basis. It is
understood that even though an IRS Form 1040 is for a Tax Class 2 and the 1099-A and 1099-
OID are a Tax Class 5, I do not know any other way of filing this debt for collection other than
to use these forms, so I use them “without prejudice.”
2. That I may be ordered through your and the other Trustees scheme to continually appear at this
tribunal under threat of arrest and imprisonment, therefore any such appearance is as stipulated
supra and subject to those conditions.
I, Lee-Harold: Smith, do hereby avow that based upon my firsthand knowledge and
information relayed to me from research, this “Conditional Acceptance,” is true, accurate and
correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief and conveys the conditions set forth
as intended by me.
7 "The ability to place a lien upon a man's property, such as to temporarily deprive him of its beneficial use, without
any judicial determination of probable cause dates back not only to medieval England but also to Roman times."
United States Supreme Court, 1969, Sniadach v. Family Finance Corp., 395 U.S. 337, 349.
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Lisa-Michelle: Perry, beneficiary
Tennessee-State :
: av.
Sullivan-County :
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th Month: ____ Day: 2022: Current Era.
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