Brief Curriculum Vitae

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Brief Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dr. Aneeda Jan


Present Designation: Assistant Professor (Law)

DDE, University of Kashmir.

Academic Qualification

LLB University of Kashmir 1st Div. 60.67% 2004

LLM University of Kashmir 1st Div. 66.52% 2008

JRF University Grants Commission 8th Oct. 2010

NET University Grants Commission 8th Oct. 2010

SLET University of Jammu 6th May 2011

PhD University of Kashmir 28 TH April 2016


Title of the Book/Article ISBN/ISS

N No.
Impact Year of
Publisher/Name of Journal
Factor Publication

Social-Legal Perspectives 81-87221- Jay Kay Publishers 2012

of Euthanasia(Book) 76-3
1. Perception of ‘Honour’ in 277-7881 International Journal of May 2013 Vol. 2
Honour Killings. Multidisciplinary Educational Research
(International Refereed and Reviewed
Research Journal)

2. Honour killings Within the 2286-4822 European Academic Research January 2014
Context of Right to Life DRJI Vol. I
– An Analysis. Value:5.9(B

3. Right to Speedy Trial in 2231-5063 Golden Research Thoughts

Books & in Practice: An Impact Oct-2015,
overview. factor Vol. 5 Issue- 4

4. Honour Killings in India- Kashmir University Law Review 2013, vol. XX

A Socio legal Perspective 0975-6639

5. Legal Perspectives of The Communications 2016.

Euthanasia-An Overview 0975-6558

Research Papers/Articles presented in Seminars /workshops/conferences/etc

Title of Paper Presented Organizer Date/Year

1. Constitutional Protection to Department of Law 2009

Women University of Kashmir
2. Article 356-Its Department of Law 21st And 22nd
Constitutional Excellence University of Kashmir April 2011
But Paucity In Its

School of Legal Studies , 23rd -24th Oct.

3. Honour Killings: Legal Central University of 2013
Sanctions and Justifications- Kashmir.
--A Review

4. Consequences of Delayed Annual International Studies 22-23rd March,

Justice- A Case Study Of Convention 2015
District Srinagar Jawaharlal National

5. Dissemination of Legal DDE, University of Kashmir. 31-10-2015

Education to Masses
Through Distance Mode –A
Better Option.
Department of Law 31st Oct, 2015
6. Legal Aid to un privileged University of Kashmir
Under trails-An Instrument
of Justice

7. Corruption: Use of Public Department of Law 9-12-2015

Office for Private University of Kashmir
Gains(Resource Person)

8. A Critical Analysis of Right XXIDEA Annual 23-04-2015

to Education in India with Conference, IDE
Special Reference to J&K.

9. Sir Mohammad’s Iqbal’s DDE, University of Kashmir 9-11-2017

Philosophy & its Application
to Education

Participation in Seminars/ Workshop/Conferences etc.

1. Two Day short term on “Right to Information” Organized by Faculty of Law in collaboration with
Academic Staff College, University of Kashmir on 27th and 28th June, 2011.
2. Three week Refresher Course in Human Rights Organized by UGC Academic Staff College, University
of Kashmir From 19TH Jan, 2015 to 7th Feb. 2015.
3. Seven Days Workshop on Research Methodology Rights Organized by DDE, University of Kashmir
from 16- 22nd feb. 2015.
4. Professional Development Training Workshop on Natural Resources Law, Sustainable Development And
Public Interest Advocacy Organized by National Law School of India , Bangalore In Association With
Central University Of Kashmir 14th -17th May 2015.
5. Annual International Studies Convention 2015 Power, Resistance and Justice in the International System:
Perspectives from the South on 23-03-2015 JNU .
6. One day seminar on Rising Corruption: Problems & Challenges on 19-12-2015.
7. Seminar on Legal Aid to Marginalized; The Efficacy & Challenges on 31-10-2015.
8. Workshop on Juvenile Justice Act,2013 on 29-0302014.
9. Seminar on Educational Philosophy of Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal & its Bearing on Contemporary
Challenges & Issues on 9-11-2017.
10. Refresher Course on Human Rights (ID) from 19-01-2015 to 07-2-2015.
11. 76th General Orientation Course 06-8-2017 to 9-9-2017.

Project on Trends & Challenges In Higher Education With Special Reference To Open and Distance Learning
Sponsored by DEB, UGC (Co-Investigator)

Dr. Aneeda Jan

Assistant Professor (law)
DDE, University of Kashmir

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