Design and Analysis of Different Materials in A Disk Brake Rotor For Maximum Heat Transfer Using Finite Element Method (FEA)

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© 2022 JETIR February 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)

Design and Analysis of Different Materials in a Disk

Brake Rotor for Maximum Heat Transfer Using Finite
Element Method(FEA)
Pranay Dawne 1, Ruchika Saini 2
1. Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JEC Jabalpur (M.P.)
2. Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JEC Jabalpur (M.P.)

Abstract: The Braking systems is most important part in automobile industries. It is used to maintaining and controlling
the speed of the vehicle. So it is important to find the best suited material, which can maintain the heat generation and
sustain the other mechanical loading. In this paper the study of maximum heat transfer for different materials (Structural
Steel, Titanium Alloy, Copper Alloy, MagnesiumAlloy and for the Aluminium Alloy ) on the basis of Static structural
and thermal analysis performed in the disk brake using the finite element simulation software ANSYS was investigated.
This research shows comparison between Brake disc materials namely, Structural Steel, Titanium Alloy, Copper Alloy,
MagnesiumAlloy and for the Aluminium Alloy. The results were compared on the basis of Heat flux, Total Deformation,
Stress, Strain and thermal behaviour of materials. we can see that, maximum temperature variation comes in Titanium
alloy disk is 100 °C to 89.173°C and minimum in Copper Alloy is 100°C to 99.315°C. In the case of heat flux maximum
value obtained in Copper Alloy based disc which is 0.010974 W/mm2 and minimum in Titanium alloy which is
0.0099397 W/mm2 based disc. Structural Steel gives maximum value of Equivalent stress which is 493.37 Mpa and
Titanium alloy gives minimum value of Equivalent stress which is 186.93 Mpa based disc as compare to other materials.
The MagnesiumAlloy material gives maximum deformation which is 0.21693 mm and the Titanium alloy material gives
minimum deformation which is 0.077834 mm comparatively others. MagnesiumAlloy gives maximum value of
Equivalent strain which is 0.0058711 mm/mm and Titanium alloy gives minimum value of Equivalent strain which is
0.0019476 mm/mm based disc as compare to other materials. And Titanium alloy, Structural steel made rotor disk give
better heat dissipation results.

Keywords: Disk brake Thermal analysis, Heat flux, Static Structural, Stress, Strain, Deformation Finite
element analysis etc.
1. Introduction
Generally Brakes are most important safety parts in the vehicles. Brakes function is to slow down and stop the rotation
of the wheel. To stop the wheel, braking pads are forced mechanically against the rotor disc on both surfaces. They are
compulsory for all of the modern vehicles and the safe operation of vehicles. In short, brakes transform the kinetic energy
of the car into heat energy, thus slowing its speed. The disk brakes are a two parts system, One being the rotating plate
called the Disk and the other being the caliper assembly which is clamped on the periphery of the rotor which has a
friction material. When the caliper is pressed against the rotating Disk, causes the generation of heat, converting kinetic

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energy of the rotor is high speed into heat energy which gets accumulated in the rotating Disk. So if the pressure applied
by the caliper on the rotor is large, then the heat generated in the rotor is large. The action of caliper to press against the
rotating Disk is made possible by implementing one or more hydraulic pistons. Thus the design of the Disk brake rotor is
based on some of the crucial factors such as heat generation, heat dissipation, mechanical loading etc.

2. Literature Review
Pandya Nakul Amrish et al; presents, The Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Disc Brake Rotors [1].
Vishvajeet, Faraz Ahmad, Muneesh Sethi, R.K. Tripathi, et al; presented the study on the Thermo-mechanical analysis of
disk brake using finite element analysis [2]. Sung-Soo Kang, and Seong-Keun Cho, et al; presented the study on the
Thermal deformation and stress analysis of disk brakes by finite element method [3]. Zhang Jian Xia Changgao, et al;
reports an study on the Research of the Transient Temperature Field and Friction Properties on Disc Brakes [4]. Ali
Belhocine, Mostefa Bouchetara, et al; presents an study on the Structural and Thermal Analysis of Automotive Disc
Brake Rotor [5]. Bangaru Bharath Kumar, et al; presents an study on the Thermal Analysis of Disc Brake Rotor [6].
Tanuj Joshi, Sharang Kaul, et al; gives the Performance investigation of Design and Optimization of Perimetric Disc
Brake Rotor [7]. M.H. Pranta, M.S. Rabbi, S.C. Banik, M.G. Hafez, Yu-Ming Chu, et al; presents in this study on the
computational study on structural and thermal behavior of modified disk brake rotors [8]. Challa Balaji Naga Sai
Abhishikt, Balaji Ramachandran, Ganti Naga Alekhya, et al; reports the Design and analysis of disk rotor brake under
tribological behaviour of materials [9]. Ashish Kumar Shrivastava and Rohit Pandey et al; presented the study on the
Thermal analysis on car brake rotor using cast iron material with different geometries [10]. Adama Coulibaly and Nadjet
Zioui et al; presents this study investigated use of thermoelectric generators to harvest energy from motor vehicle brake
discs [11]. Leta Tesfaye Jule et al; gives the numerical study on evaluation the structural and thermal analysis of solid
and cross drilled rotor by using finite element analysis [12]. Anders Söderberg et al; reports of this work is Simulation of
wear and contact pressure distribution at the pad-to-rotor interface in a disc brake using general purpose finite element
analysis software [13]. Gabriele Riva and Giorgio Valota, et al; study the an FEA approach to simulate disc brake wear
and airborne particle emissions [14]. K. Harshavardhan et al; Investigates the effect of reinforcing SiC and graphite on
aluminium alloy brake rotor using plasma spray process [15]. V. Sai Naga Kishore et al; presents this study
theTemperature evolution in disc brakes during braking of train using finite element analysis [16]. K. Vinoth Babu and
S. Marichamy et al; study the processing of functionally graded aluminum composite brake disc and machining
parameters optimization [17].
The discussed literature review study demonstrated that the existing literature it was found most of the work is
dedicated to thermal analysis, which provides the material heat dissipation result, where as structural analysis provides the
deformation, stress result. But during braking operation the rotor disk and pad are subjected to thermal as well as
mechanical loading. So in present study a disk rotor plate was analyzed under thermal and mechanical loading condition.
The complete study is divided into sections, first describe the introduction and existing literature of disk brake, second
present the disk brake design and material properties details, third section shows the finite element analysis procedure,
fourth section provide simulation results, and fifth section conclude the complete study.
Thus, The objective of this work is “To determine the Maximum heat transfer performance of different Materials in a
Disk Brake Rotor Using Finite Element Method(FEA)”.

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3. Research Methodology
3.1. Design and Specification of disc break:
The various researchers have been studying the maximum heat dissipation of the Disk Brake Rotor. The analysis has
been divided into two sections comprising: Model validation, using different Materials of Disk Brake Rotor for maximum
heat dissipation. The heat transfer takes place between Hot Disk Rotor to the surrounding air. Thermo-mechanical
analysis enable the temperature loading in static structural by making coupling between steady state thermal and static
structural module. During the operation of disk brake the rotor disk was subjected to temperature and mechanical loading.
So in present study the temperature of 100 ºC was applied and convection surface area which will convict the heat to
surrounding air which can be seen in Fig. 2(a). And Figs. 2(b) shows the fixed support and other mechanical loading (disk
pad pressure and rotational velocity) respectively. After applying all the boundary condition the simulation was
performed with coupled analysis. The study is carried out i.e.,Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for different Materials. The
design specification of Disc Brake Rotor are presented in Table 1. The dimensions of Disc Brake Rotor are presented in
Table 1.
Table1. The Specification of Disc Brake Rotor.
Sr. No. Description Unit Value
1. Outer diameter of Disc brake rotor mm 280

2. Inner diameter of Disc brake rotor mm 225

3. Hub diameter mm 130

4. Thickness of rotor mm 5

3.2. Finite Element Analysis (FEA):

ANSYS Workbench 15.0 is used for Finite element analysis (FEA). In ANSYS software the Thermo-mechanical
analysis enable the temperature loading in static structural by making coupling between steady state thermal and static
structural module is used as platform for the study.
3.3. Steady State Thermal and Static Structural Analysis:
The structure of a disk brake can be divided into the flange and hub, bridge parts. To reduce the weight of the disk,
there are punches in bridge parts. Also, vents are made in part of the flange in order to dissipate high-temperature heat
between the disk and pad. Mounting of the disk is entered into primarily by bolts screwed into the hub part which is also
for punching. In this study, analysis has been performed for the front wheel disk brakes. Ventilated brake disks are used.
The brake disc consumes the major part of the heat, usually greater than 90% by means of the the effective contact
surface of the friction coupling. Considering the complexity of the problem and the limitation in the average data
processing, one identifies the pads by their effect, represented by an entering heat flux.

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3.4. Geometry and Meshing of Disc Brake:

Fig. 1.(a) Geometry of the Disc Brake Rotor. Fig. 1.(b) Meshing of the Disc Brake Rotor.

The Disc Brake Rotor geometry is built in the ANSYS workbench 15.0 and thus it is Analysis in the ANSYS
workbench design module. The disk was design with circular holes which increase the heat dissipation from disk and
maintain the temperature. To perform the analysis five different materials was selected which generally used in making
the rotor disk. Table. 3 shows the material properties of selected materials. Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the Geometry and
meshing of rotor disk. Meshing has 2 mm mesh size and its number of Elements and nodes are 325381 and 505662
respectively. Initially a relatively medium mesh is generated. This mesh contains mixed cells having both triangular and
quadrilateral faces at the boundaries. All the boundary condition were shown in the Fig.2(a) and (b) and also in Table 2.
3.5. Boundary Conditions:

Fig. 2.(a) Steady State Thermal of the Disc Brake Rotor. Fig. 2.(b) Static Structural of the Disc Brake Rotor.

Table 2. Boundary Conditions.

Sr. No. Steady State Thermal Static Structural

1. Temperature (100º C) Fixed Support

2. Convection (W/mm2) Pressure (1 MPa)
3. Rotational Velocity (100 rad/s)

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Table 3. Material Property used for the study.
Material Property
Materials Density Young’s modulus Tensile strength Compressive Poisson’s ratio
(kg/m3) (MPa ) (MPa ) strength
(MPa )
Structural Steel 7850 2*105 250 250 0.3

Titanium Alloy 4620 9.6*104 930 930 0.36

Copper Alloy 8300 1.1*105 280 280 0.34

MagnesiumAlloy 1800 4.5*104 193 193 0.35

Aluminium Alloy 2770 7.1*104 280 280 0.33

4. Result and Discussions

The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) results for different Materials namely, Structural Steel, Titanium Alloy, Copper
Alloy, MagnesiumAlloy and for the Aluminium Alloy, to find out the best suited material which can sustain the
deformation under thermal loading in a Disc Brake Rotor. The materials were simulated for temperature, heat flux, total
deformation and Equivalent stress and Equivalent Strain, for result comparison. The results of selected materials were
shown in the figures. In this section the brake disk was analyzed for different Materials to find out the maximum heat
dissipation. The some variables have been considering constant i.e Applied Temperature (100º C), Pressure (1 MPa) and
Rotational Velocity (100 rad/s). Firstly, The results is obtained for Structural Steel Material (a) Temperature variation,
(b) Heat flux, (c) Total deformation, (d) Equivalent Stress, (e) Equivalent Strain were shown in the Fig.3. Similarly the
results are obtained for Titanium Alloy, Copper Alloy, MagnesiumAlloy and the Aluminium Alloy materials were shown
in the Fig.4,Fig.5,Fig.6 and Fig.7. Figure depicts the Finite Element Analysis results for different Materials in a Disc
Brake Rotor.

(a) (b) (c)

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(d) (e)
Fig. 3. For Structural Steel Material (a) Temperature variation, (b) Heat flux, (c) Total deformation, (d) Equivalent Stress, (e)
Equivalent Strain.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 4. For Titanium Alloy Material (a) Temperature variation, (b) Heat flux, (c) Total deformation, (d) Equivalent Stress, (e)
Equivalent Strain.

(a) (b) (c)

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(d) (e)
Fig. 5. For Copper Alloy Material (a) Temperature variation, (b) Heat flux, (c) Total deformation, (d) Equivalent Stress, (e)
Equivalent Strain.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 6. For Magnesium Alloy Material (a) Temperature variation, (b) Heat flux, (c) Total deformation, (d) Equivalent Stress, (e)
Equivalent Strain.

(a) (b) (c)

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(d) (e)
Fig. 7. For Aluminium Alloy Material (a) Temperature variation, (b) Heat flux, (c) Total deformation, (d) Equivalent Stress, (e)
Equivalent Strain.
Table 4. Simulation Result comparison for all five materials.

Materials Temperature Heat Flux Total Equivalent Stress Equivalent
(ºC) (W/mm2) Deformation
(MPa ) Strain
Max. Min. (mm)
(mm/mm )
Structural Steel 100 95.684 0.010601 0.09923 493.37 0.0024674

Titanium Alloy 100 89.173 0.009939 0.07783 186.93 0.0019476

Copper Alloy 100 99.315 0.010974 0.15037 445.9 0.0040545

MagnesiumAlloy 100 98.264 0.010866 0.21693 264.14 0.0058711

Aluminium Alloy 100 98.355 0.010875 0.19140 358.93 0.0050565

The results of different materials (Structural Steel, Titanium Alloy, Copper Alloy, MagnesiumAlloy and for the
Aluminium Alloy ), to find out the best suited material which can sustain the deformation under thermal loading. The
materials were simulated for temperature, heat flux, deformation, stress and strain, for result comparison. The results of
selected materials were shown by Fig.3 to Fig.7. In this section the brake disk was analyzed for Structural Steel, Titanium
Alloy, Copper Alloy, MagnesiumAlloy and the Aluminium Alloy materials based disc rotor. Steady-state thermal and
static structure analysis was performed to check the material behavior. The results of all five materials are shown in the
Table 4.

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Heat Flux (W/mm2)

Aluminium Alloy


Copper Alloy Heat Flux (W/mm2)

Titanium Alloy

Structural Steel

0.009 0.0095 0.01 0.0105 0.011 0.0115

Fig.8. The Variation of the Heat flux for all different Materials.

Total Deformation (mm)

Aluminium Alloy


Copper Alloy
Total Deformation (mm)

Titanium Alloy

Structural Steel

0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006 0.007

Fig. 9. The Variation of the Total Deformation for all different Materials.

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Equivalent Stress (Mpa)

Aluminium Alloy


Copper Alloy
Stress (Mpa)

Titanium Alloy

Structural Steel

80 85 90 95 100 105

Fig. 10. The Variation of the Equivalent Stress for all different Materials.

Equivalent Strain (mm/mm)

Aluminium Alloy


Copper Alloy
Equivalent Strain (mm/mm)

Titanium Alloy

Structural Steel

0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008

Fig. 11. The Variation of the Equivalent Strain for all different Materials.

5. Conclusion
The present study provides a technique to analyze the material performance under thermal and mechanical loading. In
this paper the study of maximum heat transfer for different materials (Structural Steel, Titanium Alloy, Copper Alloy,
MagnesiumAlloy and for the Aluminium Alloy ) in the disk brake was investigated. A rotor disk was designed and
simulated by Ansys workbench using five different materials. The following observation has been made; Firstly the
results of Structural Steel material based brake disk can be observed that the maximum temperature is varying from 100
°C to the 95.684 °C. The maximum value of heat flux can be observed is 0.010601 W/mm2 and a minimum of 2.0927e-14
W/mm2. The maximum deformation obtained is 0.099234 mm. The maximum Von-Mises stress procured is 493.37 MPa
and a minimum of 0.51844 MPa and the maximum Von-Mises strain is 0.0024674 mm/mm and a minimum of 3.4917e-6
mm/mm. Second the results of Titanium Alloy material based brake disk can be observed that the maximum temperature
is varying from 100 °C to the 89.173 °C. The maximum value of heat flux can be observed is 0.0099397 W/mm2 and a

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minimum of 3.1674e-14 W/mm2. The maximum deformation obtained is 0.077834 mm. The maximum Von-Mises stress
procured is 186.93 MPa and a minimum of 0.14628 MPa and the maximum Von-Mises strain is 0.0019476 mm/mm and a
minimum of 2.1558e-6 mm/mm. Third the results of Copper Alloy material based brake disk can be observed that the
maximum temperature is varying from 100 °C to the 99.315 °C. The maximum value of heat flux can be observed is
0.010974 W/mm2 and a minimum of 2.9013e-14 W/mm2. The maximum deformation obtained is 0.15037 mm. The
maximum Von-Mises stress procured is 445.9 MPa and a minimum of 0.28941 MPa and the maximum Von-Mises strain
is 0.0040545 mm/mm and a minimum of 5.0112e-6 mm/mm. Fourth the results of MagnesiumAlloy material based brake
disk can be observed that the maximum temperature is varying from 100 °C to the 98.264 °C. The maximum value of
heat flux can be observed is 0.010866 W/mm2 and a minimum of 2.5192e-14 W/mm2. The maximum deformation
obtained is 0.21693 mm. The maximum Von-Mises stress procured is 264.14 MPa and a minimum of 0.18393 MPa and
the maximum Von-Mises strain is 0.0058711 mm/mm and a minimum of 6.9985e-6 mm/mm. Fifth the results of
Aluminium Alloy material based brake disk can be observed that the maximum temperature is varying from 100 °C to the
98.355 °C. The maximum value of heat flux can be observed is 0.010875 W/mm2 and a minimum of 2.248e-14 W/mm2.
The maximum deformation obtained is 0.1914 mm. The maximum Von-Mises stress procured is 358.93 MPa and a
minimum of 0.22387 MPa and the maximum Von-Mises strain is 0.0050565 mm/mm and a minimum of 4.483e-6
mm/mm. we can see that, maximum temperature variation comes in Titanium alloy disk is 100 °C to 89.173°C and
minimum in Copper Alloy is 100°C to 99.315°C. In the case of heat flux maximum value obtained in Copper Alloy based
disc which is 0.010974 W/mm2 and minimum in Titanium alloy which is 0.0099397 W/mm2 based disc. Structural Steel
gives maximum value of Equivalent stress which is 493.37 Mpa and Titanium alloy gives minimum value of Equivalent
stress which is 186.93 Mpa based disc as compare to other materials. The MagnesiumAlloy material gives maximum
deformation which is 0.21693 mm and the Titanium alloy material gives minimum deformation which is 0.077834 mm
comparatively others. MagnesiumAlloy gives maximum value of Equivalent strain which is 0.0058711 mm/mm and
Titanium alloy gives minimum value of Equivalent strain which is 0.0019476 mm/mm based disc as compare to other
materials. And Titanium alloy, Structural steel made rotor disk give better heat dissipation results as compare to other
materials made disk.

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