Act 2 - Educational Philosophies
Act 2 - Educational Philosophies
Act 2 - Educational Philosophies
0 10-July-2020
1. Each Participant will be given 2-3 minutes to share their Philosophy of Education.
TASK: What is your philosophy of education?
2. Each Participant will fill out KWL Chart about the Educational Philosophies.
TASK: Fill out the first two column before the lesson and the last column will be fill
out after the lesson.
Lecture: Educational Philosophies of;
1. John Locke
2. Herbert Spencer
3. John Dewey
4. George Sylvester Counts
5. Theodore Brameld
6. Paulo Freire
1. Each Participant will fill out the Summary table about the characteristics and
the Influence in Education of the 6 Philosophical thoughts of Educational
Influence in
Philosophy Core Belief Goal
What is the influence of Educational Philosophies in Education and how it affects the
Education (Positive/Negative)? Explain.
For me the influence of educational philosophies in education gives me a positive
outcome because philosophy of education can impact what subjects or topics are
taught, how they are taught, and, perhaps more crucially, the underlying beliefs and
values that are taught, both implicitly and openly, inside and around the core.
Philosophy cultivates a broad perspective and aids in determining why schools exist,
what courses are important, how students should learn, and what resources and
methods should be employed.
Philosophy and education are like two sides of the same coin," according to J.S.Ross, "one is indicated by
the other; the former is the contemplative aspect of life, while the latter is the active side." Because philosophy
is wisdom, education can be thought of as the active side of philosophy, as it conveys that wisdom from one
generation to the next. Education is the implementation of philosophy's essential truths. Ideals, values, and
principles are provided by philosophy. These beliefs, values, and principles are developed through education.
Without philosophy, education is akin to a visitor who knows the name of a destination but has no idea how to
go there. Education exists as a result of philosophy, and philosophy, in turn, is a result of education. When we
define education as the process of changing one's behavior, philosophy determines the direction in which the
change should be made.
2. The teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership page