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input #2 at www.controleng.com/information
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Vol. 69 • No 1


2022 Engineers' Choice Award recognized products: TrendMiner 2021.R2, Software AG (right, pp. 55, 61),
Sensert, Marsh Bellofram (center, pp. 54, 60, 62) and Click Plus PLC, AutomationDirect (left, p. 50, 59). 47
The 2022 program has 19
News 14 | Getting actionable data from an ICS categories and 41 innova-
tive products. Which will
8 | Hot Control Engineering motors and 17 | Edge control evolution
make your job easier?
drives articles in 2021, Geared products 22 | PLCs remain essential in modern
market projected to have strong 2022, automation
Global fad spending expected to hit new
high in 2022, Logistics company makes 24 | How Profinet over Ethernet-APL brings
value to process industries
investment in robotics solutions, Head-
lines Online 26 | How industrial 5G supports the
metallurgical industry
12 | Think Again: Hot topics
28 | Introduction to artificial neural networks ONLINE
in Control Engineering for 2021 in control applications
Online highlights follow on
36 | VFDs from the inside out pages 5, 7 and throughout.
THINKING BIGGER! www.controleng.com
Please enjoy this BIGGER format Control Engineering to
survive, thrive and better resolve automation and controls Inside Machines
challenges. Send feedback to [email protected].
M1 | Robot safety standard updates, advice and
Technology TM

CONTROL ENGINEERING (ISSN 0010-8049, Vol. 69, No. 1, GST #123397457) is published Monthly, except in January and November by CFE Media, LLC, 3010 Highland Parkway, Suite #310 Downers Grove, IL 60515. Periodicals postage paid at Downers Grove,
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control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

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Vol. 69 • No 1


INNOVATIONS AppliedAutomation eBook Spring Edition

is the premier title
New Products for Engineers
serving manufactur-
47 | 2022 ENGINEERS’ CHOICE AWARDS ing and utilities. This
Best automation, control and instrumentation eBook demonstrates
products in 19 categories
how automation,
See more New Products for Engineers at instrumentation and
control techniques
are applied to increase capacity, enhance design
Back to Basics
and production, improve efficiency, increase
59 | Automation advantages: Advice on product profitability and meet regulatory requirements.
selection and implementation Featured articles include improving operations
Teams for products recognized in the 2022 Engineers’ Choice Awards with advanced analytics, cybersecurity-centered
advise on automation selection, implementation, integration and use.
systems and fundamentals and more
Learn more and register to download at
NEWSLETTER: Machine & Process Safety www.controleng.com/ebooks
• Reduce downtime and risk with effective
alarm management
• How augmented reality, Industry 4.0 can
improve worker safety uGlobal System Integrator Report
• How safety validation is changing in an IIoT, Supplement to December
Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing world Control Engineering and Plant
• Securing your facility Engineering. Advice from
• Vision and drone autonomy add to industrial automation and control sys-
process, safety, inspection applications. tem integrators with System
Keep up with emerging trends: subscribe. Integrator of the Year for 2021,
www.controleng.com/newsletters. System Integrator Giants
and more.
CFE Edu: Virtual Training Week On-Demand
Did you miss the last
live event? You can
still attend CFE Media uControl Engineering digital edition
and Technology’s Virtu-
al Training Week on-de- The tablet and digital
mand to receive training editions provide links to
on a variety of the latest additional article images
industry trends. Regis- and text online and links
ter and receive full access to exclusive content offered by to other related, useful
industry experts with live Q&A sessions!
Virtual Training Week topics, courses, instructors: www.controleng.com/
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Online Highlights

Six critical components of integrated

cybersecurity for industrial control systems (ICS)
—Anil Gosine, MG Strategy+
uWITH SIGNIFICANT security risks and attacks against industrial control
systems (ICS) used with critical infrastructure sectors growing in volume and
increasingly shared in the media, firms that offer and implement comprehen-
sive solutions are needed. The financial and legal ramifications of breached
ICSs are mounting across the world and regulatory agencies are increasingly
interested in an organization’s ability to defend against cyber attacks and hav-
ing them perform a cyber risk assessment. RESEARCHERS can now treat a surface so that
a droplet of mercury spreads out on it, instead of
beading up. Courtesy: Massachusetts Institute of

Controlling how surfaces

and liquids interact
MODULAR and highly precise assembly system —David L. Chandler, MIT News Office
from Aixemtec uses PC-based control that
integrates machine vision software. Courtesy: uTHE WETTABILITY of a surface is a cru-
Beckhoff Automation cial factor in a wide variety of commercial
and industrial applications, such as how effi-
ciently boilers and condensers work in power
plants or how heat pipes funnel heat away in
industrial processes. This characteristic has
long been seen as a fixed property of a given
Integrated machine vision optimizes pair of liquid and solid materials, but now MIT
automated component assembly researchers have developed a way of making
even the most unlikely pairings of materials
—Christian Kukla, Beckhoff Automation
take on a desired level of wettability.
uPC-BASED CONTROLS and integrated machine vision are among technolo-
gies helping Aixemtec GmbH in Herzogenrath, Germany, to develop automat-
ed solutions for the precision assembly of electro-optical systems. Founded TSN’s future role in
in 2016 as a spin-off from the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technolo-
industrial automation
gy (IPT), the technology company offers customized modular systems. These
—Jeremy Shinton, Mitsubishi Electric
systems range from material feeding and handling to micromanipulation and
measurement for ultra-precise assembly, rounded off with quality assurance. uTIME-SENSITIVE NETWORKING (TSN) is
one of the most transformational develop-
ments in standard Ethernet technology. It is
Embrace SaaS, reap benefits, an enabling technology for industrial commu-
says industrial software giant PTC nications that can help to realize operational
—Stone Shi, Control Engineering China technology (OT) and information technology
(IT) convergence with the goal of substan-
uWITH INTERNET ACCESS via PC, tablet or mobile phone, just open a brows- tial enterprise-wide improvements. In effect,
er, and it’s possible to draw with professional computer-aided design (CAD) TSN and TSN-compatible devices are key to
software without downloading installation files. The speed is faster than hav- setting up future-proof Industrial Internet of
ing the software installed on a local computer. The software version is always Things (IIoT) frameworks that enhance pro-
the latest version. There will never be compatibility problems. Previously, such ductivity, flexibility and responsiveness.
scenes were only possible in science fiction films. Now, it’s science fact.

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 7
NEWS Digital edition? Click on headlines for more details.
See news daily at www.controleng.com

Hot 2021 motors and drives articles

uControl Engineering top 5 articles
online about motors and drives post- Geared products
ed over the last year covered servomotor
types, electric motors, motor types and strong in 2022
1. Direct drive vs. geared rotary ser- INTERACT ANALYSIS RESEARCH show
vomotor: A quantification of design the overall market for geared motors
advantage: Part 2, Jan. 19 and heavy-duty industrial gears declined
2. Differences between NEMA and by 2.4% in 2020. Asia Pacific remained
IEC electric motors, Sept. 17 Test setup with gearmotor. Courtesy: the largest market overall and was the
3. Your questions answered: Motors Yaskawa America only one to achieve year-on-year (YoY)
and drives: Tips and tools for efficient growth. Other regions, EMEA, Japan,
motor management, Jan. 28 See more motor and drives articles at and the Americas, contracted. The medi-
4. Direct drive vs. geared rotary www.controleng.com/discrete-manufac- um-term market looks better, with a com-
servomotor: A quantification of design turing/motors-drives. ce pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of
advantage: Part 3, Feb. 17. 4.8% predicted to 2025, with a total mar-
5. Motors & Drives: Tips and tools Chris Vavra, web content manager, ket value of $14.1 billion. In 2021, sup-
for efficient motor management, Part 4, Control Engineering, CFE Media and ply chain problems forced distributors
Aug. 12. Technology, [email protected]. to stockpile and pushed up prices. Surg-
ing pent up demand from end users also
drove growth, for an 8.4% YoY growth
Logistics company invests more in robotics rate. Economic uncertainty will see the
market cool in 2022, with 2023 predict-
DHL SUPPLY CHAIN announced a $15 million investment in robotics solutions from ed as the lowest growth rate in the fore-
Boston Dynamics to further automate warehousing in North America. The companies cast period. Asia Pacific will achieve a
have signed a multi-year agreement that begins with equipping DHL facilities with CAGR of 5% to 2025. With raw material
Stretch, Boston Dynamics’ newest robot designed to automate the unloading pro- price increases, geared motor suppliers
cess in distribution centers. Boston Dynamics will deliver a fleet of Stretch robots to increased unit prices by 3.3% in 2021;
multiple DHL warehouses throughout North America over the next three years. The prices will not return to pre-pandemic lev-
deal with DHL marks the first commercial purchase of Stretch, which was unveiled in els until 2024. ce
2021. Stretch will tackle several box-moving tasks in the warehouse. ce – Edited from an Interact Analysis
- Edited from a Boston Dynamics press release by CFE Media. press release by CFE Media. Interact
Analysis is a CFE Media and Technolo-
gy content partner.
Global fab spending: More in 2022
uGlobal fab equipment spending for
front end facilities is expected to rise 10%
ers expand capacity to meet secular demand
for a wide range of emerging technologies,
year-over-year in 2022 to a new all-time including artificial intelligence, autonomous online See also p. 7.
Top 5 Control Engineering articles
high of over $98 billion, marking a third machines and quantum computing,” said
January 17-23, 2022
consecutive year of growth, SEMI high- Ajit Manocha, president and CEO of SEMI,
TSN’s future role in industrial automation
lighted in its quarterly World Fab Forecast in a press release. The fab equipment spend-
Hybrid particle detected that could improve
report. “The semiconductor equipment ing increase in 2022 would follow a 39% electronic devices
industry has enjoyed a period of unprec- jump in 2021 and 17% in 2020. ce How small and medium-sized manufacturers
edented growth with increased spending – Edited by CFE Media. SEMI is a CFE can start toward smart manufacturing
in six of the past seven years, as chipmak- Media and Technology content partner.

8 | Janury/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

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Hot topics
in Control Engineering for 2021
Think Again: PLC programming, AI and control system evolution, the Career and Salary
Survey and HMI/SCADA design were among top articles posted on the Control Engineering
website during 2021. Why? See also top 3 covers, top 10 articles posted prior to 2021.

ree programming software for education, and students who can't currently access a lab. See
evolution of control systems with artificial table with a breakdown.
intelligence, career and salary survey, HMI/ 2. Evolution of control systems with artificial
SCADA design tips, simulation and com- intelligence, February 17: Cover Story: Can artifi-
puter-aided design of control systems were the top cial intelligence (AI) prove to be the next evolution
5 hot Control Engineering topics posted in 2021, of control systems? See three AI controller charac-
based on Google Analytics. These topics are core to teristics and three applications.
understanding control systems and helping auto- 3. Control Engineering Career and Salary Sur-
mation and controls engineers do their jobs better, vey, 2021, May 18: Career update: COVID-19
all major areas of Control Engineering coverage. accelerates innovative technology implementa-
Mark T. Hoske
Top covers Control Engineering of 2021 were on tions; engineering salaries increase; job satisfaction
Control Engineering
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for automation, is high. The lack of skilled workers, economy and
“6 things to know about calibration,” and “Get a lack of necessary materials are biggest threats to

grip on applying automation” as chosen by Michael manufacturing.
u Smith, Control Engineering cre- 4. When designing HMI/SCADA, consider
ative director. many factors, June 7: User abilities, skill levels,
CONSIDER THIS Consider writing: Think again future plans, needs of stakeholders, and other items
What did you think about this year’s lists? Were about articles planned for 2022 at should be explored. See a system integrator’s advice
there articles here:
www.controleng.com or covers here www.controleng.com/2022arti- and seven SCADA system integration/design ques-
www.controleng.com/magazine that weren’t cles and contribute your exper- tions to ask.
represented here? Let me know your thoughts.
tise to next year’s hot topics article 5. From simulation to computer-aided design
ONLINE review. of control systems, June 30: Cover Story: While
Control Engineering hot topics during the last five
months of 2021
simulation systems can help for control system pro-
New to this listing are the top Control Engineering Top 10 articles, 2021 gramming design, a general-purpose programming
articles from monthly tallies, August through The articles posted in 2021 at language like C# can be used: First, some basic con-
December, providing additional hot-topic www.controleng.com with the trol system theory.
representation from later in 2021.
most clicks during 2021 follow. 6. Structuring with IEC 61131-3: 7 steps to
Top 10 Control Engineering articles posted prior to
2021: tutorial topics This metric favors early year post- success, July 6: The IEC 61131-3 standard includes
Top articles posted prior to 2021 covered five ings. NEW: Online see top articles powerful structuring tools and can help provide
characteristics of cloud computing, understanding posted later in 2021. users an excellent way to break a control system
permanent magnet motors, fundamentals of
cascade control, top 5 VFD parameter changes
1. Free PLC programming down into manageable units for greater overall
explained, and antenna basics, antenna types, software for education, January effectiveness.
antenna functions. These articles written in 29: Available programmable logic 7. PLCs power industrial data integration,
tutorial or tip format have become consistent
favorites. All also were represented on the Control controller (PLC) software that is January 5: Cover Story: Programmable logic con-
Engineering hot topics for 2020 lists. free for users is crucial for users trollers (PLCs) have recently gained capabilities

12 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


3010 Highland Parkway, Suite 325, Downers Grove,

IL 60515. 630-571-4070, Fax 630-214-4504

Content Specialists/Editorial
Mark T. Hoske, Content Manager
630-571-4070, x2227, [email protected]
Jack Smith, Content Manager
630-571-4070, x2230, [email protected]
Kevin Parker, Senior Contributing Editor, IIoT, OGE
630-571-4070, x2228, [email protected]
Emily Guenther, Director of Interactive Media
630-571-4070, x2229, [email protected]
Amanda Pelliccione, Director of Research
978-302-3463, [email protected]
Gary Cohen, Senior Editor
[email protected]
Chris Vavra, Web Content Manager
[email protected]

TOP COVERS Control Engineering of 2021 were on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for Contributing Content Specialists
Suzanne Gill, Control Engineering Europe
automation, “6 things to know about calibration,” and “Get a grip on applying automation” [email protected]

as chosen by Michael Smith, Control Engineering creative director. See the top 10 Control Ekaterina Kosareva, Control Engineering Russia
[email protected]
Engineering articles of 2021 and top 10 posted prior to 2021. Image courtesy: Control Engi- Agata Abramczyk, Control Engineering Poland
[email protected]
neering, Schneider Electric (April 2021), Fluke Calibration (June 2021) and Applied Manufac-
Lukáš Smelík, Control Engineering Czech Republic
turing Technologies (August 2021). [email protected]
Aileen Jin, Control Engineering China
[email protected]

formerly possible only with PCs, expanding automation does a great job of showing how Editorial Advisory Board
their role to support seamless data integra- today's engineers are interacting with tech- Doug Bell, president, InterConnecting Automation,
tion with the enterprise. nology in real-time. In the image, cropping, www.interconnectingautomation.com

8. Using IIoT for a more energy-effi- color and lighting work together to draw David Bishop, chairman and a founder
Matrix Technologies, www.matrixti.com
cient pump environment, January 4: your eye in to help communicate IIoT and Daniel E. Capano, senior project manager, Gannett Fleming
Engineers and Architects, www.gannettfleming.com
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) case automation. Frank Lamb, founder and owner
study shows how to use pump power mea- In the June 2021 issue, the engineer is Automation Consulting LLC, www.automationllc.com
Joe Martin, president and founder
surements to save energy using sensors busy calibrating an instrument for service. Martin Control Systems, www.martincsi.com
enabled by wireless gateway and cloud- The colors and human integration as por- Rick Pierro, president and co-founder
Superior Controls, www.superiorcontrols.com
based analytics. Secure and relatively sim- trayed makes this image very appealing. The Mark Voigtmann, partner, automation practice lead
ple technologies were used; see eight project red color reverse bar, coupled with the type Faegre Baker Daniels, www.FaegreBD.com

guidelines. design directs the eye to the clear and con-

9. Four tips for designing scalable IIoT cise message about calibration. CFE Media and Technology
Contributor Guidelines Overview
networks, July 5: Don’t get distracted by the In the August 2021 issue, the cropping Content For Engineers. That’s what CFE Media stands
promises of the latest so-called solutions for and formatting help to paint a unique angle for, and what CFE Media is all about – engineers sharing
with their peers. We welcome content submissions for all
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). Focus on robotics. The electric use of color, and interested parties in engineering. We will use those materials
online, on
on these essential design principles while the integrated message work together to cre- our website, in print and in newsletters to keep engineers
informed about the products, solutions
building a data network. Intelligent input/ ate a lot of graphic interest. The engineering and industry trends.
output modules and other tools can add audience can see that robots are among key www.controleng.com/contribute explains how to submit
press releases, products, images, feature articles, case
flexibility. ways automation is being applied to enable studies, white papers, and other media.
* Content should focus on helping engineers solve problems.
10. Finite-state machine for embedded present and future manufacturing. ce Articles that are commercial or are critical of other products
systems, October 4: Get help for finite-state or organizations will be rejected. (Technology discussions and
comparative tables may be accepted if non-promotional and
machine programming for embedded sys- Mark T. Hoske is content manager, Con- if contributor corroborates information with sources cited.)
* If the content meets criteria noted in guidelines, expect to
tems using C programming language. trol Engineering, CFE Media and Technol- see it first on our Websites. Content for our e-newsletters
comes from content already available on our Websites. All
ogy at [email protected]. Traffic ranking content for print also will be online. All content that appears

Top 3 covers of 2021

in our print magazines will appear as space permits, and
based on www.controleng.com analytics per- we will indicate in print if more content from that article is
Michael Smith, Control Engineering cre- formed by Chris Vavra, web content manager, available online.
* Deadlines for feature articles for the print magazines are at
ative director explains why these were his Control Engineering, [email protected]. least two months in advance of the publication date. It is best
to discuss all feature articles with the appropriate content
three favorite covers. Cover analysis was by Michael Smith, creative manager prior to submission.
Learn more at: www.controleng.com/contribute
The April 2021 issue cover on IIoT for director, Control Engineering.


| 13 Technology TM

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

Damon Purvis, AutomationDirect

Getting actionable
data from an ICS
While industrial control systems (ICSs) will always need to provide
functionality, getting actionable data from automation platforms is
increasingly important.

ny industrial control system (ICS) must
run machinery and equipment the right
way, day in and day out, to maximize
productivity and ease of use. In today’s
operating environment, though, that is no longer
enough. Users want to gather data from all types
of instrument and equipment sources so they can
view, analyze and act. All aspects of data man-
agement have become integral to designing and
deploying control systems.
Most new industrial automation devices are
Ethernet-compatible, but this does not guarantee
it will be easy or convenient to get at the data they
gather and contain. This is due to the variety of
data sources, frequently unstructured data formats
and the nature of some protocols and automation
devices, which can cause absence or loss of con-
textual information.
While designers are still finding it important
to apply programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
and programmable automation controllers
(PACs) for their automation needs, they need to
extend their evaluations to consider which plat-
forms meet current and future data management
and security needs.

FIGURE 1: Traditional automation architectures and hierarchies formerly

associated with only larger systems are becoming equally applicable for
accessing smaller and localized data sources. Images courtesy: Automa-

14 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

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‘ Modern fieldbus protocols can
provide structured instrument

and device data to PLCs/PACs.

Getting the right data to the consumer

Many smaller plant-level and machine automa-
tion systems have used an architecture where a PLC/
PAC is installed in the field, connected to classic I/O,
and sometimes networked to intelligent devices. The
PLC/PAC communicates with a local human machine
interface (HMI) or a sitewide supervisory control and
data acquisition (SCADA) system for visualization
and alarming. Only larger systems would connect to FIGURE 2: Modern PLCs like the AutomationDirect BRX are designed from
higher-level operations or enterprise systems for more the ground up so users can configure structured data definitions.
intensive data processing (Figure 1).
Better data connectivity is needed in part because
of a greater number of more capable data sources, and
to expanded flexibility of data destinations, especial- engineering units, or other descriptive contextu-
ly cloud-based resources. Getting the right data to the al information – has long been the norm, and it
right consumer is important and desirable for systems is still used by many local HMI and SCADA sys-
of all sizes, even individual machines or local moni- tems. This classic approach is workable, but it
toring systems. Popular data consumers and Industri- requires significant management effort up front
al Internet of Things (IIoT) applications include: and support to properly map and use the data as it
travels from the source to the PLC/PAC to HMI/
• Remote/mobile visualization SCADA, and beyond.
• Alarming/notification
• Historians
Structured data embeds useful asset information
for multiple associated data tags. This is true wheth-
u Online
• Analytical applications er the data originates in one field instrument or if
• Manufacturing execution systems (MES) it’s organized as part of a PLC/PAC-based control management, industrial
• Enterprise resource planning (ERP). scheme. An example is an injection molding machine control system
with a main drive, cutter drive and heater PID. A LEARNING OBJECTIVES
The functionalities needed to implement these structured data hierarchy would include the variable See how programmable
applications have been improving. More PLCs/ speed drive (VSD) command and monitoring param- logic controllers (PLCs) and
programmable automation
PACs support newer communication protocols, and eters, the temperature and other derived values, such controllers (PACs) need to do
some PLCs/PACs have advanced to the point where as status, fault and energy information (Figure 2). more than provide automation.
developers can create and preserve data structures, Developers find structured data is an efficient Understand that designers
should evaluate PLC and
while keeping or enhancing context. Modern field- way to model assets controlled or monitored by the PAC for ability to handle data
bus protocols (such as EtherNet/IP, Profinet and IO- PLC/PAC, providing many benefits: securely.
Link) can provide structured instrument and device Learn that structured data
data to PLCs/PACs. While older controllers might dis- • Structured data can span from PLC/PAC is an efficient way to model
assets controlled or monitored
card this type of structure, newer platforms can pre- to a variety of destinations, including HMI, by the PLC and PAC.
serve or create it. This is important because ERP, MES SCADA, historian, MES, ERP and more.
and other high-level IIoT applications often work best • Developers can create logical hierarchies, mod- www.controleng.com/
when using structured data. elling assets and their roles within a manufac- control-systems/plcs-pacs/
turing facility. CONSIDER THIS
Overcoming unstructured PLC obstacles • Users find it easier to work with standardized How are you using PLCs
and PACs differently today
Unstructured and non-contextual data – essen- structures because these can be associated with compared to 10 years ago and
tially individual raw numbers without any scaling, human-readable asset names. what has the result been?

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 15
Derek Thomas, Emerson

Evolution of

edge control
Industrial automation's future lies with edge controllers, which combine
programmable logic controller/programmable automation controller functions
and computing to deliver edge analytics and real-time reactions to insights.

ndustrial automation users and designers secondary systems like in-dash navigation are con-
have experienced significant interest in what sidered important, but less critical, and more likely
is termed as the “edge.” Edge technologies are to need updates.
often considered to include hardware and soft- Is a comparable model possible for industrial
ware located near machines and sensors where automation applications, combining reliability con-
data is sourced. They can perform some compu- trol with the capability for performing advanced
tation or even control optimization task, and also supporting computation (Figure 1)? Any designs
transmitting data to higher level and cloud-based built on inadequately industrialized technologies
systems. Accessing the expanding amount of or implementations may compromise reliability, so
available data and acting on the resulting informa- significant challenges exist.
tion is necessary and valuable for improving oper- Optimized hardware and software options for
ations. Edge devices that combine functionality
of programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and
programmable automation controllers (PACs)
provide these functions.
From a high-level viewpoint,
there may seem to be many satisfac-
tory options for performing these
types of tasks. However, achiev-
ing industrial-grade robustness
while delivering advanced compu-
tational capabilities is a significant chal-
lenge, which narrows the range of choices.
This need is not only about enabling
streamlined data flow up to the
cloud. It also involves a down-
ward flow of information technol-
ogy (IT) and computing capacity into the
operational technology (OT) space where con-
trol is being performed, and the ability to gener-
ate analytical results at the edge. FIGURE 1: Industrial control systems gain many benefits from an automation
Consider a modern car, which uses automation model that combines reliable deterministic control with general-purpose
hardware and software throughout. Drivers need advanced computing. Graphics courtesy: Emerson
drivetrain management systems to be reliable while

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 17

Software-defined implementations are more rigor-

ously tested to deliver the deterministic performance
necessary for reliable, repeatable, and safe control and
computing. This is crucial for industrial control appli-
cations and may require tailored hardware.
While general-purpose computing solutions
may be suitable for non-control applications, most
industrial control situations demand something
more. For many years, industrial automation proj-
ects have used PLCs, and more recently PACs, to
deliver deterministic control, with both delivering
long lifecycles of 15 years or so.
However, PLCs/PACs have been rather limit-
FIGURE 2: A true edge controller, like Emerson’s PACSystems RX3i CPE400
ed for providing general-purpose edge computing.
and CPL410, use hardware virtualization to reliably combine the determinis-
They tend to lack the processing power, memory,
tic control functionality of a PLC/PAC with the general-purpose computing
and storage required to run modern analytics or
capability of a PC.
visualization applications typically available with
Microsoft Windows and Linux operating systems.
delivering dependable, real-time automation com- Industrial PCs (IPCs) can provide the desired gen-
bined with communication and computing capabil- eral-purpose functionality and performance aspect
ities at the edge are available. This article describes but often lack the dependability required for real-
what designers should be looking for as they evalu- time operations when loaded with third-party soft-
KEYWORDS: edge computing, ate these types of future-ready edge solutions. ware, and often have lifespans of five years or less.
edge controllers A combined solution would be ideal, but a
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Industrial controllers, computing hardware-independent design can’t provide the
Edge controllers can do Many controllers and computing components necessary performance guarantees across the deter-
more than a traditional
programmable logic controller
are advertised as suitable for the industrial edge, ministic and non-deterministic applications. Only
or programmable automation but it is important to understand some distinctions software-defined designs implemented on validated
controller (PLC/PAC). and underlying design details so users can ensure hardware can provide the performance required for
The right edge control/ they are getting what they expect. Some prod- mission-critical operations, while enabling analyt-
computing design should
allow the deterministic and ucts use a PC architecture with software virtual- ics and machine learning to work in parallel.
general-purpose aspects to ization and an emulated control runtime and may
evolve. not be robust enough for the demands of industri- Evolution, edge computing reliability
Edge controllers can improve
al use. Other products use two separate processors Some hardware-independent edge computing
machinery health, supervisory
applications and energy to achieve the control runtime and general-purpose solutions in the market are suitable for certain forms
optimization. computing capabilities, which is expensive. of data gathering, analytics, and visualization. Com-
ONLINE Two design terms often are associated with edge mercial-grade solutions can experience glitches that
See additional stories about implementations: Hardware-independent and are unacceptable for industrial-grade use. When end
edge computing and edge
controllers software-defined. users need near-real-time performance for systems
www.controleng.com/control- Hardware-independent edge implementations that demand always-on operations and can’t accept
systems/embedded-systems- involve software intended to run on any industrial even brief outages for security or other updates, a bet-
hardware platform. This flexibility can be a conve- ter solution is needed.
nience, but it usually entails some level of sacrifice or Enhanced data and analytical features oper-
data-processing-at-the-edge- risk. For instance, there may be esoteric incompat- ate on dynamic data, so these computations are
expert-interview-series-charlie- ibilities or a lack of guarantees regarding determinism, most effective when performed close to the source,
compatibility, or performance, and downtime is usu- such as within a PLC. High-speed control com-
CONSIDER THIS ally necessary for certain upgrades. Hardware-inde- bined with edge computation is a higher-level value
Have you used edge
controllers; what were the pendence is largely a consumer-grade model, but it is proposition than edge computation by itself. This is
results? offered for some types of industrial applications. because low-latency data can be collected and ana-

18 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

input #8 at www.controleng.com/information

FIGURE 3: The general-purpose portion of a true edge

controller, such as the Emerson PACEdge core depicted
here, must be able to simultaneously host a variety of
apps to deliver data collection, storage, processing,
visualization, and sharing functions.

add features such as new apps or machine learn-

ing algorithms, or to provide security updates.

• Hardware virtualization to ensure interdepen-

dence of the RTOS and GPOS, so each OS runs,
The future of PLCs/PACs, and of industrial and can be rebooted independently.

automation, is widespread adoption of modern • The ability for each OS to securely interact, so the
GPOS can obtain data from the RTOS, and so the

edge-enabled control. GPOS can inform the RTOS of optimal settings.

Future of controllers, industrial

lyzed in real time. The resulting insights can be put automation
into action without tying up operators or unreli- End users have used reliable real-time control
able multi-system interfaces. Advanced tasks like platforms for many years. Joining that require-
machine learning (ML) depend on edge-located ment is the growing need for data accessibility and
data access and computation. cybersecurity. Traditional PLCs/PACs/PCs, and
The right edge control/computing design should some newer edge solutions, can provide portions
allow the deterministic and general-purpose aspects of what end users require.
of edge control and computing to evolve in their own The real future of PLCs/PACs, and indeed
space and at their own pace. True edge control can industrial automation, is widespread adoption of
meet end user needs when it is properly architected. modern edge-enabled control, made possible by

3 Fast Facts
specifically-designed edge controllers. Solutions
Four edge controller characteristics built on generic hardware or relying on consumer-
To correctly merge deterministic control and grade software may satisfy in limited cases.
With this article online, analytic computing at the edge, a new class of hard- The intrinsic reliability and edge-located per-
(click the headline of the ware is needed (Figure 2), particularly when it has formance delivered by modern edge solutions is
digital edition), also find
text on: the right characteristics: the only complete answer to meet current and
To the
u edge and beyond future industrial control system needs. ce
with industrial • A deterministic real-time operating sys-
controllers tem (RTOS) for control, which infrequently Derek Thomas is the vice president of marketing
u controller vs. requires updates. and discrete sales for Emerson’s machine automa-
PLCs, PACs, IPCs: 3
advantages tion solutions business. Edited by Chris Vavra, web
u to other • A general-purpose operating system (GPOS) for content manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media
resources. computations, which can be upgraded at will to and Technology, [email protected].

20 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

Smart Manufacturing: 7 Things to Know
About Data Collection With MqTT & OpC UA
John S. Rinaldi | Owner, Real Time Automation®

Smart Manufacturing needs consistent, standard mechanisms for

accessing devices on the factory floor, describing data and its meta-data
characteristics, and the key to success is moving that data securely
and reliably.

The core content in this article is to provide some relevant baseline

knowledge and create a jumping off point to assist in understanding what
software interface and data models your organization might consider
implementing for Smart Manufacturing.

The information will provide some insight into the best

way you can start integrating technologies into your
systems to prepare for the future.


• The leading organization working to define common
device profiles
• Key reasons why data collection is so important to
be successful
• Important data collection technologies
• Information on the OPC UA and MQTT technologies
that the industry is working with to implement
Smart Manufacturing
• How to reach into your PLC’s, controllers and other
devices to extract information and publish/present
to a broker/server

Though the perfect solution may not exist, you will receive the
information you need to develop solutions, troubleshoot challenges
and work with technologies in your application.

For detailed information on moving data from a PLC or other network to a broker over MQTT,
call 1-800-249-1612, email us at [email protected] or visit our website.

>> Download the paper at: https://bit.ly/3rk4KmC

input #9 at www.controleng.com/information
Aaron Block, Inductive Automation

PLCs remain essential

PLCs often are essential automation, communicating, monitoring and controlling
automated processes and will continue in the IIoT era.

ince programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
ushered in Industry 3.0 more than 50 years
ago, they have remained one of the corner-
stones of automation. PLCs are industrial
computers used to control various electro-mechan-
ical processes in manufacturing facilities and auto-
mation environments. PLCs often fill an essential
role in supervisory control and data acquisition
(SCADA) systems, acting as the physical interface
between devices on the plant floor and human-ma- FIGURE 1: PLCs are integral components in virtually
chine interfaces (HMIs), and communicating, moni- every area of modern automation. Courtesy: Inductive
toring and controlling automated processes. Automation
In food and beverage production, water utili-
ties and manufacturing, PLCs are integral compo-
nents in nearly every area of modern automation.
communication capabilities, including cloud con-
nectivity and edge computing, making them pow-
Using real-time programming, PLCs can capture erful tools on a plant floor or a remote location.
KEYWORDS: programmable input data from plant-floor machinery and apply In industries such as oil and gas, gathering edge-
logic controller, PLC, IIoT
user-created program logic in response, producing of-network data can be prohibitively difficult due to
Programmable logic
output data or commands to run applications with harsh environments or lack of infrastructure. Edge
controllers (PLCs) often tools like structured query language databases. computing strives to overcome these difficulties by
act as the physical interface moving PLC polling closer to the source, reducing
between devices on the
plant floor as well as You can’t have IIoT without PLCs latency while increasing reliability.
communicating, monitoring As organizations continue to digitally transform Edge-of-network PLCs often employ IIoT-ready
and controlling automated by implementing Industry 4.0 technology, the meth- communication protocols like message queuing
ods for leveraging PLCs have progressed. In mod- telemetry transport (MQTT), which uses a pub-
PLCs can help with
Industrial Internet of Things ern SCADA systems, data is the focal point, but the lish-subscribe model to save bandwidth while
(IIoT) implementation traditional poll-response method for collecting data maintaining open data flow. Sidestepping network
because they can use many
different interfaces.
from PLCs is not always sufficient. In more complex connectivity issues that might result in massive
PLCs also can help
or dispersed systems, PLCs are still a cornerstone loss of data, MQTT’s store-and-forward capabil-
with edge computing and can support different architectures. ity collects data on the PLC itself for up to 7 days
implementations and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technolo- and when the network is reconnected, backlogs the
provide data faster to
workers. gies have afforded organizations newfound levels of information to a server. ce
interoperability. Modern PLCs are an integral part
www.controleng.com/ of IIoT networks, with many recent advancements Aaron Block, marketing content writer, Inductive
control-systems/plcs-pacs centering around the onboard implementation of Automation. This originally appeared on Inductive
CONSIDER THIS IIoT-enabling technologies, giving the device a Automation’s website; used with permission. Edited
What do you see for the more active role in the overall system architecture. by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Control Engi-
future of PLCs and what
impact will they have in Contrary to the outdated notion that PLCs are only neering, CFE Media and Technology, cvavra@cfeme-
manufacturing? useful for basic I/O, newer models have diverse dia.com.

22 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

IIoT enabled – easily connects to cloud services

• 4 ethernet ports: 2x Fiber & 2x RJ45

• Programmable according to IEC 61131-3
• Direct connection of WAGO I / O modules
• Open architecture

to learn more
about this
input #10 at www.controleng.com/information
Michael Bowne, PI North America, and Profibus & Profinet International (PI) Process Automation Working Group

How Profinet over

Ethernet-APL brings value to

process industries
Enable highly efficient communications to instrumentation in
the field with the right mix of technologies.

rofinet technologies provide users with the Plant performance, Ethernet diagnostics
digitalization tools and infrastructure to Process plants strive for higher efficiency and
manage the instrument fleet during com- increased plant performance. One of the major
missioning, startup and plant upkeep. This challenges in plant operation is device replacement
article provides users with insights on the rugge- since subject matter experts are often needed to do
dized Ethernet physical layer for the process indus- so. Maintenance people struggle with diagnostic
tries. Profinet features such as proxy bridging information from field devices because it is suppli-
technology, the PA Profile, dynamic reconfigura- er dependent, can be difficult to decipher, and often
tion, and redundancy concepts all enable instru- does not provide useful remedy information. This
ment orchestration with levels of automation yet to leads to inefficiency in plant operations.
be achieved in today’s process plants. In the context of NAMUR Open Architecture in
NE 176, several use cases were defined that bring
added value to the life cycle of a process plant.
Examples are “Unique identification,” “Device
dimensioning,” “Read multivariable process values”
and “Health monitoring and diagnosis.”
To fulfill such use cases, a high-performance
connection to the field level is crucial to ensure
data availability from smart instrumentation up to
higher level applications and digital services.

Field-level limitations
Most plants today use the 4 to 20mA current loop
as communication technology between sensors and
actuators and the process control system. This tech-
nology seems to many plant operators to be suf-
ficient for pure process control and has therefore
proven and established itself over the last decades.
4 to 20mA analog technology is supported by all
important process instruments and provides simple
installation and maintainability. The limitation of 4
FIGURE 1: Classical automation pyramid with Ethernet gap in the field level. to 20mA technology comes in the context of extend-
images courtesy: PI North America ed data access, be it for more process values or for
reading out diagnostic information or for configur-

24 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

FIGURE 2: Ethernet-APL
eliminates wiring cabinets
and enables flexible topol-
ogies with redundancy eas-
ily engineered.

ing a device. To fulfill these use cases, more extensive

data access to the intelligent field instrumentation is
• Process plants need a technology which can be u
deployed in explosion hazardous areas includ-
required. A lot of untapped information is available ing intrinsic safety.
KEYWORDS: Profinet,
to increase efficiency and performance. ethernet, industrial networks
The HART protocol provides a digital commu- • Process plants aim for a two-wire technolo-
nication signal over the current signal enabling gy similar to 4 to 20mA and Profibus PA with Profinet and Ethenet-APL
retrieval of added information. The HART proto- power and data over the same cable. can help process facilities
improve digitalization and
col is used primarily for configuration. For com- communication in facilities.
prehensive data access, the HART protocol data • Process plants must bridge cable distances A high-performance
transfer speed is slower than other options. over several hundred meters. connection to the field level
With fieldbus technologies such as Profibus ensures data availability
from smart instrumentation
PA, digital communication technology is avail- Process plant advantages: Ethernet-APL to higher level applications
able. While technically sound, the adoption rate The advanced physical layer (APL) for Ether- and digital services.
in process industries has not yet reached the level net enables network infrastructures to extend all CONSIDER THIS
of 4-20mA analog technology. One reason might the way to field instrumentation including those in What benefits could
Ethernet-APL provide in your
be the relative complexity of fieldbus networks explosion hazardous areas. Ethernet-APL combines process facility?
compared to simple analog technologies. Another the advantages of 2-wire technology with the high
reason might be that even though fieldbus technol- performance of Ethernet technology. www.controleng.com/
ogies are much faster than HART, this speed is still To create Ethernet-APL, a group of vendors networking-and-security/
insufficient for transferring large amounts of data. in the process automation area collaborated over ethernet/
In summary, these traditional technologies have the last four years with major standards organiza-
many limitations regarding digitalization and ful- tions to work on an Ethernet solution that meets
filling new use cases for efficient process plants. the requirements of the process industries. This
As Ethernet technology is already widespread one network can be adopted by any other standards
for data communication on the upper layers of the organization for any industrial Ethernet-based pro-
automation pyramid, the question arises as to why
Ethernet can’t be used at the field level as well. In
tocol. Work packages of the APL project go well
beyond standardization and conformance testing; 3 Fast Facts
many other industries, the success of Ethernet tech- they include insights into best-in-class knowledge: Ethernet APL brings:
nology at the field level is proven for many years uHigh-speed Ethernet
already. By comparing the characteristics of Indus- • The latest IEEE 802.3 specification 10BASE- based communications.
trial Ethernet with the requirements of process T1L specifies a 10 Mbps Ethernet solution over uOperation in potentially
explosive areas.
plants, the answer to this question is quite simple: a twisted-pair cable for long distances.
uAbility to install long
Ethernet standards today do not fulfill the chal- cable lengths of up to
lenging requirements of process industries: Continued on page 43 1,000 meters.

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 25
Stone Shi, Control Engineering China

5G industrial support
for the metallurgical industry, digital transformation, safety
Industrial wireless using 5G provides real-time communication between an
airborne control system and a remote-control center, for automated operations.

he metallurgical industry, among pillar 5G technology meets the application require-
industries in China, plays an important ments of wireless networking in the metallurgical
role in the national industrial economy. industry, and can meet requirements of equipment
Metallurgy is a traditional industry with interconnection and remote interactive application
high energy consumption, pollution and high in many industrial environments. The pain points
risks. It is in urgent need of transformation and and risks faced with 3G or 4G era are satisfactorily
upgrading to achieve sustainable development. resolved in the 5G era. Industrial 5G has become
The emergence of 5G technologies gives the met- the best choice for many metallurgical enterprises.
allurgical industry opportunities to accelerate dig- From the mining of iron ore, sintering, coking of
ital transformation and upgrade motion controls. coal, to ironmaking, steelmaking, continuous cast-
The metallurgical industry is a large-scale and ing, hot rolling and cold rolling, to steel pipe and
complex process industry. Many dangerous pro- section steel generation, the metallurgical industry
cesses and harsh environments exist in each step has a long production process.
of production. Many jobs require heavy physical Industrial 5G can be applied in all production area.
and repetitive labor. A large amount of equipment
requires manual spot inspection and there are safety
The following five scenarios are the most typical 5G
applications in the metallurgical industry at present.
risks in production. The demand for automation and
KEYWORDS: 5G industrial
wireless, metals and mining intelligence in the metallurgical industry is urgent. SCENARIO 1: Automated control of
automation stacker reclaimer in iron ore mining
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Metallurgy is a difficult environment Ore mining, the first production process in the
Learn how metallurgy is for industrial wireless metallurgical industry, has the worst working envi-
a difficult environment for Because of the complex environment of metal- ronment. Accidents are common. Production pro-
industrial wireless and wired
communications. lurgical plants, it is difficult and expensive to deploy cesses have many uncertainties. Smart mining uses
Review 5G wireless wired networks. The steel structure and high dust fewer people and more automation. Industrial 5G
applications for metals and environment often leads to serious wireless sig- can be used in mining area security systems, blast-
Examine main types of
nal attenuation, strong electromagnetic interference ing operations and robotic iron-ore application,
industrial 5G applications. scenes and high network coverage difficulty. mining operation positioning and automated stack-
CONSIDER THIS Before 5G’s emergence, other wired and wireless er reclaimer, through intelligent sensing equip-
Have you looked at networks, Wi-Fi and 3G/4G networks didn’t meet ment and high-definition video technology. Using
industrial 5G wireless for
controls and automation? the needs of industrial production and applications the high bandwidth and low delay characteristics of
ONLINE due to cost, difficulty or poor network, interfer- industrial 5G, it can complete the reliable real-time
www.controleng.com/ ence, and insufficient network bandwidth and time communication between the airborne control sys-
extension. The plant network has become the bot- tem and the remote-control center, realize the auto-
www.controleng.com/ tleneck restricting enterprises from realizing auto- mated operation of the stacker reclaimer, reduce
international matic and intelligent production management. the safety risk and the labor cost.

26 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

SCENARIO 2: Positioning, remote control combine loading, unloading, handling and trans-
Coking is a process of producing coke with cok- portation functions for efficient steel mill oper-
ing coal as a raw material. The quality of coke is ations. The high temperatures, harmful gases

very important for ironmaking. In the coking stage, and noise in steel plants make the working site
the precise positioning and control of vehicles, such environment poor. The traditional overhead Industrial 5G has
as coal loading vehicle, coke pushing vehicle, coke crane requires workers to look down and up for
blocking vehicle and coke quenching vehicle, are long periods. Fatigue is a potential safety haz- become the best
very important. On-site HD video can be transmit- ard, so the automated overhead crane system is
ted back to the central control center through the becoming more popular. The remote-control sys- choice for an au-
industrial 5G network. Staff can realize the remote tem of automated overhead crane often includes
tomated overhead
operation and control, remote operation and main- video monitoring and a control system, which
tenance management of the vehicles through the requires high stability and a real-time commu- crane system. Ad-
coke oven vehicle control system and on-site video, nication network. Industrial 5G has become the
identify the on-site personnel, give safety tips, best choice for an automated overhead crane sys- vantages are high
reduce the risk of on-site equipment operation. tem. Advantages are high speeds, low latency and
stability. speeds, low latency
SCENARIO 3: Intelligent steelmaking

Steelmaking is the core process of iron and steel Four main types of industrial and stability.
plants, including converter and electric furnace. 5G applications in metals and mining
Intelligent equipment control such as sonar, crane, Although industrial 5G has a variety of applica-
camera, oxygen gun, sub-gun and silo in the con- tion scenarios in the metallurgical industry, it can
verter and electric furnace by collecting a large be divided into four types, such as remote equip-
amount of data such as temperature, measurement, ment commissioning or maintenance, remote
inspection and testing in the furnace is the key to the equipment data collection and monitoring, remote
intelligent steelmaking system. Converters and elec- control of equipment, manufacturing data and
tric furnaces originally needed wired communica- video transmission and others.
tions, but industrial sites were difficult locations for For these four applications, Siemens Industrial
wired-based networks. Industrial 5G can transmit 5G combines an industrial 5G router, public network
real-time data collection information to the central and Sinema Remote Connect, which establishes a
control center in a stable and reliable way. secure connection for remote equipment. Differ-
ent from ordinary commercial 5G routers, Siemens
SCENARIO 4: Automated trolley hardware has IP65 protection and system compati-
The coil transportation system is essential equip- bility. Remote maintenance is available.
ment for a strip-rolling production line in met- In addition, the industrial 5G solution has flex-
allurgical enterprises. It is often used in the coil ibility and high security, unlimited number of con-
transportation line of cold-rolled strip and hot- nections and devices, unlimited scalability, and
rolled strip. To meet the many types of high-quali- flexible configuration of access and disconnection
ty and fast-paced production, automated transport of field devices. The industrial 5G router integrates
vehicles have replaced traditional walking beams, the firewall function, which can set access poli-
chain conveyors, automobiles and trains as the cies to isolate illegal access from the public network

3 Fast Facts
main mode of steel coil transportation. Industrial and protect equipment network security. It inte-
5G can avoid interference, data loss, poor switch- grates NAT technology, which will not expose the
ing and other problems in traditional Wi-Fi, and it IP address of the input/output (I/O) layer below the
is faster than 4G. Interlocking controls in trolleys programmable logic controller (PLC), making PN 5G supports
u digital
have transmission delays less than 20ms. I/O communication more secure. ce transformation
5G reduces
u safety risk
SCENARIO 5: Automated overhead crane, Stone Shi is executive editor-in-chief, Control Engi- and labor costs

wireless, intelligent depot area neering China. Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content 5G can
u avoid
interference, data loss
The overhead crane is among essential equip- manager, Control Engineering, CFE Media and and poor switching in
ment used in steel production. Overhead cranes Technology, [email protected]. traditional Wi-Fi

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 27
Peter Galan, a retired control software engineer

Introduction to
artificial neural networks in
control applications
Use artificial neural networks (ANNs) for control systems, non-linear systems, simulating
time-optimal controllers and for ANN-based controlled system (plant) models.

hen reading the title, “Introduc- ANN could be implemented. I spent hundreds of
tion to artificial neural networks hours experimenting with Python programming
in control applications,” you might and ANN and control systems simulations, until I
ask if it’s worth reading more about became satisfied with my understanding of how an
artificial neural networks (ANN), successfully ANN works in control system applications.
resolved decades ago, especially with thousands Today’s professionals don’t have to solve ANN
of ANN articles on the internet. (Answer is: “Yes.” problems from the scratch. They can use elaborated
Please continue.) libraries of classes, functions, etc., provided in the
When I became interested in ANN, I went support materials (libraries) of many programing
through hundreds of ANN articles. Only a hand- platforms/languages. However, if you need to first
ful helped me to understand how the ANN work understand ANN basics for control systems, then
and can be implemented. Even so, I couldn’t find this article should help.
any article about how a control system using an
Basics of neural networks
Neural networks are trying to imitate abilities of
the human and animal brains. The most import-
ant of those abilities is adaptability. While modern
computers can outperform human brain in many
ways, they are still “static” devices, and that’s why
computers can’t use all their potential. The use of
artificial neural networks tries to introduce brain
functionalities to a computer by copying behavior
of nervous systems. We can imagine a neural net-
work as a mathematical function that maps a given
input set to a desired output set. Neural networks
consist of the following components:

• one input layer, x,

• one or more hidden layers,
• one output layer, ŷ,
FIGURE 1: Basic architecture of a neural network. Graphics courtesy: Peter • a set of weights and biases between
Galan, retired control software engineer each layer, W and b,
• activation function for each hidden layer, σ

28 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

‘ Use of artificial neural
networks tries to introduce
brain functionalities to a
computer by copying behavior

of nervous systems.

FIGURE 2: Input – output mapping of a neural network. Courtesy: Peter

Figure 1 shows the architecture of a 2-layer neu- Galan, retired control software engineer
ral network. (Note: The input layer is typically
excluded when counting the number of layers in a
neural network.) Biases are shown as an addition- • Calculation of the predicted output ŷ, a process
al neuron (node) in the input and in the hidden known as feedforward
layer, having a fixed, non-zero value, for example
1, which is modified (multiplied) with the specific • Updating the weight coefficients, a process
weight coefficient values before they are added to known as backpropagation
the next layer nodes sums. Online
On the right-hand side of Figure 1, see one such The output ŷ of a simple 2-layer neural network
(j-th) node of a hidden layer. At first, it sums up is calculated as: KEYWORDS: Artificial neural
all the signals coming from the input (i-th) nodes, networks (ANN), ANN for
control systems
each affected – multiplied by its weight coeffi- ŷ = ϐ(W2ϐ(W1x + b1) + b2)
cient. Before the sum leaves the node output, it LEARNING OBJECTIVES
Examine the basics of
goes through an activation function - limiter. The The predicted output, ŷ, will naturally differ neural networks.
most popular limiter is implemented by the Sig- from the desired output, y, at least at the beginning Look at a neural network
moid function, S(x), as it can be relatively simply of the training process. How much it differs will tell implementation in Python.
differentiated: us the loss function. There are many available loss Learn how neural networks
are suitable for control
functions, but a simple, sum-of-squares error is a applications, with examples
S(x) = 1 / (1 + e-x) good loss function. of control systems with
Similar nodes are used in the output layer. Just CONSIDER THIS
their input signals are coming from the nodes of Could an artificial neural
network (ANN) enhance
the hidden layer. where y is a desired output your control system or plant
The right values of the weight coefficients deter- models?
mine the strength of the predictions, that is, the Our goal in training is to find the best set of ONLINE
precision with which the input set will be trans- weights that minimizes the loss function. Mathe- Other Control Engineering
articles by Peter Galan,
formed into the output set. Figure 2 shows a typi- matically speaking, we need to find a loss function retired control software
cal input → output set mapping (on the left side) extreme (a minimum in our case). Such a loss func- engineer:
and how the ANN can approximate such mapping tion doesn’t depend on just one variable (x). It can www.controleng.com/
by a linear function y = W x + b (on the right side). be a multidimensional function having a complex articles/event-driven-
A suitable mapping can be found even without shape with many local minimums. Our goal is to systems-summary-of-pdf/
applying bias (offset), but generally adding the off- find a global minimum of the loss function. www.controleng.com/
set (bias) should yield better approximation. Add- Let’s find a first derivation of the sum-of-squares articles/finite-state-machine-
ing more hidden layers allows even a non-linear error function, ∂Loss(y,ŷ)/∂W. Unfortunately, our
mapping. loss function does not depend directly on the articles/control-system-
A process of fine-tuning of the weight coeffi- weight coefficients, so we need to apply the follow- improvements-feed-forward-
cients from the input and hidden layers nodes is ing chain rule for its derivation calculation: adaptive-fuzzy-control
known as training the neural network. Each itera- www.controleng.com/
tion of the training process consists of the follow- computer-aided-design-of-
ing steps: control-systems

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 29

where U = (Wx + b) ϐ’(u) = ϐ(u)(1 - ϐ(u))

The first partial derivation yields: 2(y – ŷ) The formula above describes how to proceed:
the second partial derivation yields: ϐ’ Back propagate from the output of the neural net-
and the last partial derivation is just: x work to the hidden layer, which lays in front of
the output layer, and which is connected with the
At the end we will get: ∂Loss(y,ŷ)/∂W = 2(y – ŷ) output layer via the W2 weights. The same pro-
* ϐ’ * x and this is what we will have to implement cess has to be applied again going from the hid-
as the backpropagation process. An advantage of den layer to the input layer, which is connected
More using the Sigmoid function is a simple implementa- with the hidden layer via the W1 weights. The

tion of its derivative, ϐ’ : first chain member in the loss function deriva-
u tion at the hidden layer, ∂Loss(h,ĥ)/∂ĥ, will have
to be calculated differently, as we don’t explicitly
If reading in the digital edition, click the headline to get to the online article, to download know desired values of the hidden layer, h. We will
a 17-page PDF, with a Python (a suitable programming platform for the neural networks)
programming tutorial, with more equations and diagrams to explain and links to related
have to calculate them from the output values, as
resources. explained in more detail online. ce
Neural networks implementation in Python
Peter Galan is a retired control software engi-
Neural networks suitable for control applications
neer; Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager,
Examples of control systems with ANN
Control Engineering, www.controleng.com, CFE
ANN simulation of feed-forward and feedback controller Media and Technology, www.cfemedia.com,
Conclusion: ANN use for control systems [email protected].


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speaks loud and clear in the following pages
featuring corporate profiles of those companies
Digi-Key Electronics

Endress + Hauser
participating in the Control Engineering magazine
2022 Executive Voice program. Maverick Technologies
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Skkynet Cloud Systems

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eadquartered in Thief River From prototype to production, they
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ndress+Hauser, a global leader
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New Endress+Hauser campus in Houston, TX

input #12 at www.controleng.com/information

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SEW-EURODRIVE…Driving the World

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kkynet is a global leader in real Three new features have been
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Vice President,
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process data in-plant or in the cloud. Skkynet Cloud
Skkynet software and services are being • Connectivity to real-time data Systems, Inc.
historians like InfluxDB, OSIsoft
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PI, AVEVA Historian, AVEVA Insight,
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This core technology also powers a new Skkynet DataHub service in

Microsoft Azure, providing secure connectivity to hundreds of 3rd party
tools available at the Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Additional IoT offerings
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Working in combination or separately, these tools provide full

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Skkynet’s integrated products and services
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Skkynet’s unique DataHub® technology time HMI to view data from around the globe. Secure by design, these
is redefining industrial IoT. Our just- solutions require no security hardware, no VPNs, and no changes to
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enhancements, unmatched tunneller
capabilities to bridge on-premise and Skkynet maintains OEM relationships with hardware and software
cloud, unparalleled flexibility with MQTT providers and is a certified AVEVA technology partner. Skkynet customers
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The demand for secure data integration to the cloud is

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[email protected] • Tel 905-702-7851
input #15 at www.controleng.com/information
Paul Avery, Yaskawa America Inc.

from the inside out

Variable frequency drive (VFD) vocabulary words:

These 50 terms can help properly apply VFDs.

eeping up on variable frequen- trolled rectifiers (SCRs), or insulated gate What is a VFD inverter?
cy drive (VFD) terms can be bipolar transistors (IGBTs) connected in a 3. Inverter – The third and final pri-
daunting. Defining terms related full-wave bridge configuration. mary section of a VFD’s main power cir-
to VFD design, use, implemen- cuit. The inverter section is comprised of
tation and maintenance makes it easier What is a VFD dc bus? IGBTs that create sinusoidal output cur-
to be a power user of variable frequency 2. DC bus - The second primary sec- rent using pulsed dc bus voltage, or pulse
drives. tion of a VFD’s main power circuit, it width modulation (PWM see #5 below).
Below find 50 real-world definitions is chiefly comprised of capacitors that VFDs themselves are sometimes called
of many of the confusing terms inside smooth store power rectified by the con- inverters, as the presence of an inverter
many VFD manuals and technical articles. verter. The dc bus section may also con- section is the primary difference between
Knowing these 50 most-important VFD tain a pre-charge circuit (see #19 below) VFDs and dc drives.
vocabulary words will make application of and a link choke (see #15 below).
VFDs easier.

What is a VFD rectifier/

1. Rectifier/converter - One of the
three primary sections of a VFD’s main
power circuit, and first in terms of power
flow. Incoming ac line voltage is recti- The inverter is the third and final primary
fied to dc voltage in the converter section, section of a VFD’s main power circuit.
which consists of diodes, silicon-con-

The rectifier/converter, bus and inverter

are the three primary parts of a VFD’s main
power circuit.
A rectifier/converter is one of the three pri-
mary sections of a VFD’s main power circuit A dc bus is the second primary section of
and first in terms of power flow. All graph- a VFD’s main power circuit and is chiefly What is an IGBT in a VFD?
ics courtesy: Yaskawa America Inc. comprised of capacitors that smooth store 4. Isolated gate bipolar transis-
power rectified by the converter. tors (IGBT) – Very fast semiconductor

36 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

u Online

KEYWORDS: Variable frequency drive, VFD,

switches that are actuated electronical- What is common busing in a VFD? tutorial
ly. By applying a small positive voltage 7. Common busing – A method for LEARNING OBJECTIVES
between the gate and emitter points of connecting the dc bus sections of sep- Examine how variable frequency drives (VFDs)
the IGBT, current is allowed to flow from arate VFDs, or operating multiple can be used in many ways.
a collector point to an emitter point. independent inverter sections from a Review 50 definitions related to VFDs.

IGBT switching rates in VFDs range common dc source. The advantage of this Learn various motor and drive electrical, output,
sources and other engineering vocabulary.
from 2 to 15 kHz. method is that motor-operation sequenc-
(Also see carrier frequency explana- ing can be used to balance motoring and Have you paused or stumbled over not knowing
tion, #6, below). regenerating so that little or no dynamic a critical motor or drive related term?
braking is necessary. ONLINE
What is VFD PWM?   www.controleng.com/discrete-manufacturing/
5. Pulse-width modulation (PWM) – What is VFD dynamic braking? motors-drives

A VFD control scheme in which a con- 8. Dynamic braking – In VFDs, this

stant dc voltage is used to reconstruct a refers to connecting resistors to the dc
pseudo-ac voltage waveform using a set bus through a transistor. The transistor is to a reactive component of the current
of six power switches, usually IGBTs. closed and shunts power to the resistors drawn by induction motors, a motor’s
Varying the width of the fixed-amplitude only when the dc bus voltage exceeds a power capability is not just volts ×
pulses controls effective voltage. This predetermined level, which usually occurs amps, but hp.
pulse width modulation scheme works when the load is decelerated quickly.
because the motor is a large inductor that What is leakage current as it
does not allow current to pulse like the What is a VFD ground? relates to a VFD?
voltage. Sequenced correctly, PWM out- 9. Ground – Also known as earth, 12. Leakage current - The derivative
puts motor current in a nearly perfect ground is the input ac power supply’s ref- of common-mode voltages over time (dv/
sinusoidal waveform. erence point. If a power supply conductor dt) generated by PWM pulses interacting
accidentally touches the ground, then an with parasitic capacitances found between
What is a VFD carrier frequency? ac source protection circuit immediate- motor cables and the ground conductor,
6. Carrier frequency – In PWM-based ly acts to electrically isolate the ac source and between the motor’s stator and rotor.
VFDs, the rate at which output transis- from the point of contact. To create the Leakage current produced in this way is
tors are gated or turned on, usually 2 to ground point, a rod is normally driven found on the ground circuit and can pres-
15 kHz. Higher values yield better current into the earth, and all grounded circuits ent problems for sensitive equipment
waveform, but more VFD losses. are connected to that point. When a VFD attached to the same ground.
chassis ground is connected back to this
ground, a safe conduction path is created

in case a conductor accidentally shorts to
a metal portion of the enclosure. In VFDs, dynamic
What is kVA in a VFD?
10. kVA – The effective size of a VFD
braking refers to
based on the output volts and amps it
supplies. connecting resistors
(kVA = volts × amps × √3 for a three-
phase output.) Multiplying output VA by to the dc bus through
the load power factor yields output power.
Knowing the rated input kVA is useful a transistor. It usually
when sizing components used with VFDs,
such as transformers and fuses.
In pulse-width modulated (PWM)-based
occurs when the load is
VFDs, the carrier frequency is the rate at What is kW/hp in a VFD?

which output transistors are gated or turned 11. kW/hp - Power measurement of decelerated quickly.
on, usually 2 to 15 kHz. the motor, where kW = hp x 0.746. Due

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| 37

What is a motor’s leakage in front of the VFD, it also helps protect • Variable torque: Torque requirement
inductance? the drive from most voltage transients that naturally increases with speed (such
13. Leakage inductance - A portion by dropping voltage by an amount pro- as a fan or pump) and does not require
of a motor’s inductive properties; synon- portional to the current flowing through intermittent overload.
ymous with flux or voltage losses. Voltage it. The terms reactor and inductor are
loss results from voltage that is dropped often used interchangeably and refer What is a VFD matrix converter?
across the motor’s conductors, yet pro- to the same device, although reactance 17. Matrix converter - An ac-to-ac
duces no flux to link stator and rotor. A and inductance are not interchangeable VFD that doesn’t have a rectifier/con-
typical example of leakage inductance is terms. verter or a dc bus section to convert ac to
the flux created at each turn of the stator dc to ac, as in most commercially avail-
winding that occurs outside of the core. How does a link choke able drives. Nine bidirectional switches
This is created by the stator poles and not help a VFD? are controlled depending on target output
linked to the rotor. Higher operating cur- 15. Link choke - A single reac- voltage and frequency. Benefits include
rents and frequencies magnify the influ- tor electrically placed ahead of the dc four-quadrant operation in a small foot-
ence of leakage inductance. bus capacitors in a VFD. A link choke print, low input current harmonic distor-
reduces harmonics created by the VFD tion, and lower common mode voltage
How does a line reactor (due to its distorted input current draw) and common mode current. A matrix
help a VFD? in the same way as a line reactor, but it drive’s output voltage is, however, limited
14. Line reactor - A device comprised provides less protection against voltage to approximately 90% of input voltage.
of a conductor coiled around a magnet- transients. Unlike a line reactor, a
ic core. When current flows through the dc link choke doesn’t have a current- What are motor poles?
coils a magnetic field is established in the dependent voltage drop. 18. Motor poles - In an induction
core. Any change to current amplitude or motor, the stator is used to create the
direction is opposed by the existing mag- magnetic fields inside the motor that
netic field in the core until equilibrium is magnetize its rotor and cause shaft rota-
achieved. A line reactor reduces discon- tion. Coils are wrapped around symmet-
tinuity of the current drawn by a VFD’s rical iron cores, in turn arranged around
converter section. Reducing this discon- the stator’s inner diameter.
tinuity or current-draw distortion reduc- Electromagnets are created when cur-
es the harmonic current created by the rent is passed through the coils. In a
VFD. Because the line reactor is installed single-phase motor, each of these electro-
magnets is matched by another one locat-

Link choke is a single reactor electrically

placed ahead of the dc bus capacitors in a
VFD, which can reduce VFD harmonics.

What are VFD constant torque

and variable torque loads?
16. Constant torque and variable
torque loads:
The number of poles in a motor is one of
• Constant torque: Torque require-
the factors used to determine the motor’s
A line reactor is a device comprised of a con- ment that does not naturally change with
torque per hp and rpm per Hz. A 2-pole
ductor coiled around a magnetic core; it can speed, and sometimes requires intermit-
motor is shown.
reduce VFD harmonics. tent overload

38 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

‘ Regeneration may occur whenever the VFD
attempts to decelerate the motor, or when

the load overhauls the motor.

A 4-pole motor is shown. The number of

poles in a motor is one of the factors used peak value of the voltage at the motor ter- uses two hot wires and a neutral to trans-
to determine the motor’s torque per hp and minals nearly twice the dc bus voltage. mit power. Such a system is mainly used in
rpm per Hz. This high voltage can exceed the voltage residences where three-phase power isn’t
rating of the motor’s insulation. needed, or in remote areas where three-
ed 180° away with the opposite polarity, phase power transmission is too costly.
thus creating a magnetic field. How does regeneration affect
In a three-phase ac motor, three of VFD performance? What is three-phase power?
these electromagnets constitute a motor 21. Regeneration (also shortened to 24. Three-phase power - Mainly used
pole. The number of poles in a motor is regen) - A motor can become a gener- in commercial and industrial facilities, a
one of the factors used to determine the ator and send power back to the main three-phase electrical system uses a neu-
motor’s torque per hp and rpm per Hz. line whenever the rotor is rotating faster tral or ground, and three hot wires that
than the stator field. Under such a condi- each transmit one ac phase.
What is a pre-charge tion, the load is said to regenerate. This Each phase is a sine wave offset by
circuit in a VFD? may occur whenever the VFD attempts 120 electrical degrees, or one third of the
19. Pre-charge circuit - When line to decelerate the motor, or when the period. Each phase peaks at a different
power is first applied to a VFD, the dc bus load overhauls the motor. In this state, time, giving the total power supplied the
capacitors are in an uncharged state and the motor’s back electromagnetic field is appearance of continuous dc power.
behave much like a short circuit. greater than applied voltage, which caus-
The large inrush of current caused by es increasing bus voltage and probable What is sinking and
this shorted state can damage the capaci- VFD fault. sourcing in a VFD?
tors and other VFD main circuit com- To avoid VFD faults during regenera- 25. Sinking and sourcing - Pertains
ponents. A pre-charge circuit limits the tion, some form of power dissipation, to current flows through digital inputs
inrush current while the capacitors begin such as dynamic braking or line regener- and outputs of VFDs and other compo-
to charge. Once the capacitors charge to ation, is used. nents. In a sinking circuit, current flows
the target voltage, a contactor bypasses the from the voltage supply, through the load,
pre-charge circuit. What is VFD output saturation? to the switch, and then to ground. NPN
22. Saturation - In a VFD, saturation transistors are usually associated with
What is a VFD reflected wave? refers to the state at which voltage applied sinking circuits.
20. Reflected wave - All PWM-based to the motor is more than what is neces- In a sourcing circuit, current flows in
VFDs produce output voltage pulses with sary to produce sinusoidal magnetic field the opposite direction. PNP transistors are
short rise and fall times. These high dv/dt density. Increasing voltage once in the sat- usually associated with sourcing circuits.
pulses interact with cable inductance and uration state produces no extra mechan-
capacitance and produce a reflection of ical torque, but it does increase motor What is motor slip?
the incoming voltage pulses at the motor heating due to increased current. 26. Slip - The speed difference between
terminals. the motor’s rotating magnetic field (cre-
If the distance between the motor and What is single-phase power? ated by the stator) and motor-shaft rota-
drive exceeds the allowable distance, 23. Single-phase power - A typical tion. Slip is necessary to create torque in
reflected waves can make the line-line 230-Vac single-phase electrical system an induction motor.

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What is 12-pulse rectification What is a VFD control board? and rotor during normal operation of
in a VFD? 29. Control board - The control PM motors, unlike in common induction
27. 12-pulse rectification - Used to board is a printed circuit board (PCB) motors.
lessen the input-current total harmon- that is the main interface component There are no I2R losses in the rotor,
ic distortion (THD). Voltage distortion is used to connect external equipment and either, giving PM motors higher effi-
also reduced, as current distortion causes operator interface components to and ciency ratings than induction motors.
voltage distortion. 12-pulse rectification from the VFD. These energy savings and smaller sizes
requires a dual diode bridge input (six Acting as the VFD’s brain, the PCB make PM motors a useful alternative to
pulses each) and a multi-phase transform- accepts real-world commands such as induction motors, though not all VFDs
er. The latter offsets the voltage waveform “Run” or “Speed Up” and executes the can operate PM motors. [Note: I2R, cop-
by 30° through one of the six-pulse input target function. The control PCB gener- per loss, is W=(IR)I or I2R, which com-
diode bridges. This offset causes the fifth ally interfaces to the VFD’s main circuit bines Ohm’s Law, V=IR and Power Law,
and seventh harmonics to be eliminated; via the gate drive board. W= VI. V=Volts. R=resistance in Ohms.
these account for about 75% of THD, so I=current in Amps.]
input-current THD is decreased to about What is a VFD gate-drive board?
10% of rated current at the rated operat- 30. Gate-drive board - A PCB con- What is a VFD two-contactor
ing point. taining the circuitry necessary for oper- bypass?
ating (gating) the output transistors of 34. Two-contactor bypass - A VFD
What is 18-pulse rectification the VFD. The gate drive board also can accessory that allows motor operation
in a VFD? monitor main circuit temperature, cur- across the line or through the VFD. One
28. 18-pulse rectification - Used to rent, and voltage. Typically, smaller contactor is installed between the incoming
lessen the input current THD. Voltage dis- VFDs have no separate gate drive, but line and motor, while the other is installed
tortion is also reduced because current dis- combine gating with logic power supplies between the VFD output and motor.
tortion causes voltage distortion. 18-pulse to form a power board.
rectification requires a three-diode bridge
input (six pulses each) and a multi-phase What is a VFD IPM?
transformer. The transformer offsets the 31. Intelligent power module (IPM) -
voltage waveform by 20° through each of Used in the output section of some VFDs.
the six-pulse input diode bridges. This off- IPMs include IGBTs, gate circuitry, ther-
set causes the fifth, seventh, eleventh, and mal sensors, and self-protection devic-
thirteenth harmonics to be eliminated. es. An IPM is easier to include in a VFD
These four harmonics account for about package and takes up less space than if the
90% of THD, so the input-current THD is IPM components were individually laid
decreased to about 5% of rated current at out on an external PCB.
the rated operating point.
What is a VFD copy keypad?
32. Copy keypad - A VFD keypad that

can store programming to the non-vol-
An intelligent power atile RAM of the keypad itself. These
stored parameters often can be load-
module takes less space ed into another VFD requiring the same
than if the components
What is an AC PM motor?
33. AC PM motors - Permanent mag-
were on an external net (PM) motors are a type of synchro-
nous ac motor. Two main ac PM motor A two-contactor bypass is an accessory that

printed circuit board. subtypes include surface-mount and inte- allows motor operation across the line or
rior. No slip occurs between the stator through the VFD.

40 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

A two-contactor bypass allows the ing line, bypassing the VFD. This allows sitates the calculation of rotor position by
motor to be run directly from the incom- for VFD servicing while the motor is other means. However, the cost savings
ing line, bypassing the VFD; it can be being run from the incoming line, and it of eliminating the feedback device, VFD
used to run the motor at a constant speed also can be used to run the motor at con- input, and associated cabling offsets the
directly from the incoming line in case of stant speed at a higher efficiency than slight loss of motor performance, as com-
VFD failure. with the VFD in circuit. pared to closed-loop vector operation.

What is a VFD What is a VFD V/F mode? What is a VFD closed-loop

three-contactor bypass? 36. V/F mode - Also known as volts- vector?
35. Three-contactor bypass - A VFD per-hertz mode, this is a simple control 38. Closed-loop vector – A complex
accessory that allows motor operation method for ac induction motors via a but highly effective method for motor
across the line or through the VFD. One VFD. A ratio is established in accordance control that allows VFDs to realize dc
contactor is installed between the incom- with the base voltage and motor base fre- drive control benefits without the physical
ing line and VFD input; another (bypass) quency ratings. This ratio yields a linear limitations of dc motors.
contactor is installed between the incom- pattern that the VFD follows to produce Feedback devices, such as encoders
ing line and motor. rated motor torque. The ratio of voltage to or resolvers, supply necessary motor slip
A third is installed between the VFD frequency is the flux level in the machine, information to close the loop between
output and motor. which in turn dictates the amount of VFD output frequency and actual motor
A three-contactor bypass allows the torque that the machine produces at a shaft speed.
motor to be run directly from the incom- given operating point.
How does a VFD use PID?
39. PID – The proportional, integral,
and derivative (PID) control algorithm is
widely used throughout industrial control.
When a process loop is created by adding
feedback (from a variable such as airflow,
pressure, or level) and sent to the VFD,
regulation of the variable is possible via
PID loop control.
The VFD’s PID algorithm uses math-
Volts-per-hertz (V/F) mode is a simple con-
ematical properties to determine reac-
trol method for ac induction motors via a
tion to changes between the system set
point and its actual state as measured by

What is a VFD open-loop What is VFD auto-tuning?

vector method? 40. Auto-tuning - A process in which
37. Open-loop vector - A complex the VFD tests an attached and unload-
but effective motor-control method that ed motor to determine the best tuning
allows VFDs to realize the best charac- parameters.
teristics of dc drive control (accurate
torque control over a wide speed range) How does SCCR relate to VFDs?
without the brush maintenance and high 41. Short circuit current rating
initial cost of dc motors. For optimum (SCCR) - The maximum current a device
performance, the position or deflection can endure during a short circuit event
of the motor’s rotor must be known or without losing its external integrity. The
A three-contactor bypass allows a motor accurately estimated. SCCR of a device or combination of
to be run directly from the incoming line, The lack of actual shaft position feed- devices should be greater than the avail-
bypassing the VFD. back in open-loop vector control neces- able fault current possible at its input.

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| 41

What does AIC mean to a VFD? What are RS-485 ally, only one run source can be active at one
42. Amps interrupting current (AIC) communications? time, all the other sources will be ignored.
- The amount of symmetrical amperage 45. RS-485 - Serial network standard
at rated voltage an over current protective defining the electrical and physical traits What is a VFD reference source?
device that is protecting a VFD can safely for transmitting and receiving messages 49. Reference source - Specified where
stop by opening. in an industrial environment. A main trait the VFD’s speed command will come
of RS-485 is that it is a multi-drop con- from. It is also known as the frequen-
What is let-through current? nection scheme that allows many devices cy reference since most VFDs default to
43. Let-through current - Over cur- to communicate over long distances using using frequency in hertz as the default
rent protective devices (OCPDs) typi- two or four wires and a shield. speed command unit. Sometimes, but not
cally open and allow a limited amount always, a reference source will come from
of current to flow through that is below What are Ethernet the same source as the run source.
the maximum fault current. The amount communications?
of current that an OCPD allows to flow 46. Ethernet - Defines the hardware What is a VFD three-level output?
through is called “let through” current. and message transport specifications of 50. Three-level output - A modi-
The OCPD lowers the amount of fault networking devices, or nodes. It is com- fied output PWM pattern that uses extra
current available downstream to its let- prised of the first two layers of the OSI IGBTs, a neutral point clamp, and custom
through current rating. Fault current must model for the physical layer (the cable, switching patters to achieve three possi-
be within the OCPD device's range. RJ45 connector) and data link layer (that is, ble output voltage levels (E/2, 0 , -E/2 with
defining how a message is moved E/2 being the dc bus mid-point voltage).
from one device to another). A three-level output from a VFD will lead

What is a protocol?
47. Protocol - A set of rules
defining how messaging is cre-
ated for use on fieldbus net-
works. The rules will detail how
communication between devic-
es (such as a VFD) is to be con-
structed and delivered. Differing
protocols generally cannot be
mixed in a single network with-
An over current protection device lowers the amount
out use of a gateway device. Pro-
of fault current available downstream to its let-
tocol is generally the software Three-level output is a modified output PWM
through current rating.
specification portion of “fieldbus pattern that uses extra IGBTs, a neutral point
protocol.” Examples of proto- clap, and custom switching patters to achieve
cols are EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, Profibus, three possible output voltage levels, which
What is fieldbus? Profinet, Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP/ can reduce bearing currents that lead to pre-
44. Fieldbus - A communication net- IP, among others. mature bearing failures.
work that can be used for automation
and is defined by the physical means What is a VFD run source? to lower common-mode voltage and noise
used to transmit messages along with 48. Run source - Every VFD needs to and reduce bearing currents that cause
how a message is structured. These net- be configured as to where the command premature motor bearing failures. ce
works are serial in nature. A physical to start the motor will come from. Gen-
implementation of a fieldbus network erally, there are local (such as the keypad) Paul Avery is senior product training engi-
can comprise of RS-485 or Ethernet. and remote (such as a network command) neer, Yaskawa America Inc. Edited by
Many VFDs have built-in fieldbus con- sources of the start command. Choosing Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control
nections though some fieldbus protocols which source, local or remote, can usually Engineering, CFE Media and Technology,
require option boards. be selected via the keypad. Warning: Gener- [email protected].

42 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


Continued from page 25

• Profiles standardize power transmission level lers and for cable breaks, an appropriate solution
for long cable reach. Choosing the right profile is available from Profinet to guarantee the process
for the application is easy and ensures interop- is not interrupted. Even for specific measurement
erability in a diverse environment. tags that are not Profinet-capable yet, available ded-
icated proxies allow integration of legacy fieldbus
• A new chapter in IEC TS 60079-47 standard- instruments into a Profinet network. Tradition-
izes intrinsically safe protection as an integral al technologies like 4-20mA can be integrated via

design. “2-WISE,” short for 2-wire intrinsical- Profinet-capable remote input/output (I/O).
ly safe Ethernet, defines simple verification of Profinet allows for device reconfiguration With Ethernet-APL
protection without any calculations. The elec- during plant operation. This provides openness for
trical parameters are derived from fieldbus future flexibility like electronic/virtual marshalling. a new physical lay-
intrinsically safe concept (FISCO) and is well-
known by many fieldbus users. Standard device integration, er for Ethernet is
• With mandatory APL conformance tests, oper- With PA Profile 4, workflows can be imple-
available to fulfill
ators can assure all APL interfaces in switches mented for automatic device replacement, even
or instruments are certified according to the across suppliers. Therefore, the new device needs
specifications and are interoperable. to be installed in place of the former device. The the requirements of
new device is recognized and configured and

• The Ethernet-APL engineering guideline pro- basic function can resume. Further configura- process plants.
vides best-in-class knowledge and designs sup- tion can then be performed to increase perfor-
porting end users during planning, installation, mance with common tools when convenient.
and commissioning of an APL network. Troubleshooting is simplified for maintenance
staff with PA Profile 4 via harmonized diagnostic
Profinet, process control communication messages according to NE107. It increases efficien-
With Ethernet-APL, a new physical layer for Eth- cy in plant operations and reduces training effort.
ernet is available to fulfill the requirements of process All use cases described in NE176 will be supported
plants. Profinet is a well-established Industrial Ether- by PA Profile 4 in a standard, supplier-independent
net protocol with tens of millions of installed devic- way with all data required from field devices.
es worldwide. The protocol and related standards are Future process industry plants require robust
specified by PI, an organization with more than 1700 technology to fulfill use cases around digitaliza-
member companies. Most of the common distribut- tion or increased efficiency in daily work. Profinet
ed control systems (DCSs) are already able to operate and PA Profile 4 are the perfect solution for easy
with this protocol. integration and operation. With Ethernet-APL, the
Profinet is standardized in IEC 61158 and IEC physics also is ready for use in explosion hazardous
61784 and supports other standard Ethernet pro- areas. With the combination of these technologies,
tocols like address resolution protocol (ARP) for endless possibilities are achievable in terms of digi-
identifying IP addresses in the network, device con- tal services, higher performance, and any kind of
figuration protocol (DCP) for assigning device value optimization. ce
names, link layer discovery protocol (LLDP) for
neighborhood detection, or simple network man- Michael Bowne is executive director at PI North
agement protocol (SNMP) for observing network America, written in collaboration with Profibus
components. Besides these standard mechanisms, & Profinet International (PI) Process Automation
other features are part of Profinet to enable the use Working Group. PI North America is a CFE Media
of Ethernet in industrial environments. With dif- and Technology content partner. Edited by Chris
ferent redundancy concepts the high availability of Vavra, web content manager, Control Engineering,
process plants is ensured. For failures of control- CFE Media and Technology, [email protected].

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 43
Carole Franklin, A3

Robot safety standard

updates, advice
Carole Franklin, director of robotic standards development at A3,
answers common questions regarding Robot Safety Standards.

arole Franklin, director of between the two cases, and here’s how. There is some discussion of a future
robotic standards development The ISO 10218, Parts 1 and 2, are joint effort between TC 110 and TC
at A3, addresses common ques- developed first, by the ISO Technical 299, so convergence of the two bodies of
tions regarding Robot Safety Committee (TC) 299, Robotics. Then knowledge in R15.08-1 and 3691-4 is a
Standards and how manufacturers can the two parts of 10218-1,2 are nation- future possibility. But the talks are only
better prepare themselves and be more ally adopted in the U.S. as R15.06, which in their earliest stages, so there's not a lot
knowledgeable about what’s in them. includes Parts 1 and 2 in the same more to say right now about if or when
document. this could occur.
QUESTION: If you comply to R15.06, ISO 3691-4, on the other hand, was
do you also inherently comply to ISO developed by a different ISO TC, TC 110 QUESTION: How closely does ANSI/
10218? Is the same going to apply for the for Industrial Trucks, to cover “driverless RIA R15.08-1-2020 compare to ISO/TS
new standards, R15.08 and ISO 3691-4? industrial trucks,” aka automated guided 15066:2016? Are they fairly close in con-
vehicles (AGVs). It grew out of the AGV tent, or are they fairly different?
Franklin: The situation is different worldview which still largely makes safe-
ty requirements on the assumption that Franklin: These two standards are quite
“guidepaths” are important. different. ISO/TS 15066 covers safety
R15.08 was developed separately in requirements for collaborative industri-
the U.S. and started with the assumption al robot systems, while R15.08-1 covers
KEYWORDS: robotics, automated guided that a large portion of what we consider safety requirements for industrial mobile
vehicles (AGVs), autonomous mobile robots “industrial mobile robots” are capable of robots. 15066 builds on the foundation
autonomous navigation with no reference of 10218-1,2, which has some baked-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES to a guidepath. Also, the R15.08 Commit- in assumptions; one of these is that the
Robot standards for mobile, automated and
autonomous robots are being developed. tee considers that many of the machines “industrial robot” covered by 10218 and
Automated robots perform a series of actions we cover are not truly “industrial trucks,” 15066 are “manipulators” (aka “arms”)
that are programmed; autonomous robots have and never had any capability of being and are fixed in place. The R15.08-1 cov-
more freedom in choosing.
“driven” or ridden; hence the description ers industrial robot manipulators ONLY
Interoperability remains a challenge when it
comes to standards because different robots
“driverless industrial trucks” of 3691-4 is to the extent that they are attached to
have different priorities. not really applicable. a mobile platform; that is, NOT fixed
ONLINE As a result, since they arose from dif- in place. R15.08-1 also covers industri-
Read this story at ferent foundations and assumptions, and al mobile robots that do not incorporate
www.controleng.com/discrete-manufacturing/ were developed in parallel rather than an attachment that would qualify as an
robotics for more answers on robot standards.
either being based on the other, the 3691- industrial robot arm. And, while R15.08-
What future standards updates for robotics
4 and R15.08-1 are not “equivalent” in 1 does refer to 10218-1,2 (aka the U.S.
would be helpful? Did you tell the committee? the same sense that 10218-1,2 and its U.S. adoption of 10218, R15.06), it is not truly
national adoption, R15.06, are equivalent. a supplemental document the same way

M1 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

that 15066 is. R15.08-1 is a stand-alone, QUESTION: Is the R15.08 based on a har- That's what make a Type C, a Type C: The
not a supplement. monized standard as well (similar to industrial robot arm attachment. With-
One way in which they are alike is R15.06 / ISO 10218)? out the industrial robot arm attachment,
that they both represent a paradigm shift a forklift could only be a Type B IMR
in how we look at human safety around Franklin: At the moment, R15.08-1 is a (autonomous navigation + locomotion +
industrial robotics. 15066 for the first national (U.S.) or at most regional stan- ANY OTHER CAPABILITY, in this case,
time described how it could be possible dard (North America; a fair number of the fork and its lifting capability).
to permit a human into the robot’s safe- our Canadian colleagues joined the com-
guarded space while still keeping the mittee). Our plan all along was to take QUESTION: For an autonomous fork
human safe. R15.08-1 has opened up the R15.08 to ISO Technical Committee (TC) lift, what would be the corresponding
possibility of how to keep humans safe
when the robot is able to move freely

around the facility. Both are quite differ-
ent from the “old” paradigm of keeping Our vision was that the future ISO standard on
humans safe by keeping the separated
from the industrial robot – although it safety requirements for industrial mobile robots
remains the case the “conventional” par-
adigm is still quite relevant, since it still would then be natiownally adopted as the future
represents the vast majority of robot sys-

tems sold today.
edition of R15.08-1 on industrial mobile robots.
QUESTION: Robots are now collaborat-
ing not only with humans, but also other
robots, often from different manufac- 299, Robotics, to serve as the starting standard?
turers. What effect does that have? point for an ISO standard which could
then be the foundation for a harmonized Franklin: There are many consider-
Franklin: This is really a question of standard, like 10218-1,2. This is actually ations for safety that are specific to fork-
“interoperability” and not “safety” per se, the model that we used for the R15.06 - lifts, due to the requirements for stability
and therefore is not covered by R15.08- 10218 activity. Once available, our vision to enable their particular capability of lift-
1, which is a safety standard. Although I was that the future ISO standard on safety ing loads. And, there is a long-standing
grant that it is possible to envision cases requirements for industrial mobile robots body of knowledge developed to address
where lack of interoperability might lead would then be nationally adopted as the them; in the U.S., for example, this is the
to a safety concern, present-day industri- future edition of R15.08-1. We still intend B56.5 standard. The committee wanted
al mobile robots (IMRs) do have sensors to pursue this activity, so it could be the to avoid reinventing the wheel of what is
and on-board logic for obstacle avoid- case in the future. However, such work already covered by the B56.5 standard.
ance and collision avoidance that gener- is still in its earliest stages, so it is not yet We felt, because of the specialized knowl-
ally should prevent a human from being possible to say more about if or when this edge regarding forklifts, that the develop-
struck (injured) by one or both of two will occur. ment of a safety standard for autonomous
non-interoperable IMRs. The problems forklifts, per se, is something to request
arising from lack of interoperability tend QUESTION: Would an autonomous fork of the B56 group. Perhaps this is a poten-
more to be economic ones, not safety con- lift be classified as a Type C AMR? tial future area of collaboration between
cerns – that is, lack of productivity while, R15.08 and B56 committees.
for example, two non-interoperating Franklin: This is one of those gray areas
IMRs engage in a “stare-down” with each between IMRs and AGVs. QUESTION: What are the main dif-
other. While these are clearly important Although we specifically exclude fork- ferences between “automated” and
concerns, they are also out of scope for a lifts from R15.08-1, if it WERE covered “autonomous”?
safety standard. by R15.08-1, an autonomously-navigating Franklin: Generally, the difference is
However, other initiatives are already forklift would only be a Type C IMR *if* that “automated” simply means “per-
working on solutions for the interopera- it also had an industrial robot arm as an formed by a machine following a series
bility problem – so, stay tuned. attachment (in addition to the forklift). of pre-programmed actions,” whereas

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| M2

“autonomous” implies a greater degree mobile platform (see Clause 3.16) fol- and Technology content partner and a lon-
of decision-making on the part of the lowing a predefined path (i.e., guidepath) ger version of this “Robot Safety Update:
machine. On a spectrum of autonomous indicated by markers or external guidance FAQs” article appears on the A3 site. Edited
capabilities, in my view, “automated” is commands by Chris Vavra, web content manager, Con-
less autonomous than is “autonomous.” NOTE 1 to entry: When a manipula- trol Engineering, CFE Media and Technol-
Automated systems could be, and indeed tor is integrated to an AGV as its mobile ogy, [email protected].
often are, quite complex. It is just that platform, the combined device becomes
they do not make decisions for them- an IMR Type C, and is within the scope of

selves depending on that they sense in the this document.
environment. NOTE 2 to entry: For all other guid- Automated systems do
In R15.08-1, we define what we mean ance on the safe use of AGVs, includ-
by AGV and AMR: ing when they have been provided with not make decisions for
3.2 Automatic guided vehicle; AGV attachments other than manipulators, see
ANSI/ITSDF B56.5, or ISO 3691-4.
themselves depending
3 Fast Facts
3.3 Autonomous mobile robot; AMR
mobile platform (3.16) that can navigate
using obstacle avoidance (3.18) and tra- on what they sense in the
www.automate.org/a3-content/robot-safety- jectory planning (3.26) rather than a pre-
resources includes:
defined path (i.e., guidepath) ce environment; autonomous
u safety standard documents

u assessment software Carole Franklin, director of robotic stan- systems do.
u safety training and certification dards development, Association for Advanc-
ing Automation (A3). A3 is a CFE Media

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input #16 at www.controleng.com/information


Spotlight on Innovation
Best automation, control and instrumentation
products in 19 categories.

he 35th annual Control Engineering Engineers’ Control Engineering’s subscriber lists – all of whom
Choice Awards shines a light on 19 catego- are responsible for or influence technology purchas-
ries of control, instrumentation and auto- es, or have hands-on day-to-day interaction with the
mation products, revealing the best of those technologies in each category – then voted to iden-
introduced in 2021 as chosen by the Control Engineer- tify the products they felt were the most exceptional
ing print and digital audience. Review the winners and based on technological advancement, service to the
honorable mentions here to see if these innovative industry and market impact. The result is a short list
hardware and software products can help resolve some of Engineers’ Choice Awards winners and honorable
of your most pressing problems. mentions in 19 categories. A total of 1 grand winner,
Also, join us in congratulating these technologi- 19 winners and 21 honorable mentions were named
cal innovators. Let them know you learned about their for 2022.
solutions in Control Engineering, and tell them what Control Engineering staff extends appreciation to all
problems you need to resolve next. Their continuous who nominated products and took the time to vote.
improvement ensures that manufacturers, machine builders Find more product innovations in the New Products for Engi-
and automation system integrators can achieve the levels of neers Database at www.controleng.com/NPE.
agility, efficiency and effectiveness necessary to compete – and
win – in today’s global economy. Amanda Pelliccione is the project manager of events and
A total of 72 finalists from 48 companies were listed on awards programs for Control Engineering, CFE Media and
the ballot for evaluation. Automation professionals from Technology, [email protected].

Engineers’ Choice Awards Index: 1 Grand, 19 Winners, 22 Honorable Mentions

48 UniStream Cloud PLC, Unitronics 51 Axioline Smart Elements, Phoenix Contact
48 ION/CME N-Series, Performance Motion Devices 51 Edge Intelligence, Cognex Corp.
48 Rosemount TankMaster Mobile, Emerson 51 Quint Power, Phoenix Contact
49 In-Sight 3D-L4000, Cognex Corp. 52 VX SE, Rittal North America
49 Smart Function Kit for Handling, Bosch Rexroth 52 Rosemount 1408H, Emerson
49 Simatic PCS 7 V9.1 DCS, Siemens 52 Connected Components Workbench V13,
49 PACSystems RXi2-BP, Emerson Rockwell Automation

50 Click Plus PLC, AutomationDirect 52 PACEdge, Emerson

50 TS IT Pro, Rittal North America 53 EcoStruxure Automation Expert, Schneider Electric

50 FL mGuard 1100, Phoenix Contact 53 Flir MR265, Teledyne Flir

50 groov RIO, Opto 22 53 Honorable Mentions

READ MORE ONLINE, including how to enter, at www.controleng.com/EngineersChoice.

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 47

2022 Engineers’ Choice


Actuators, Asset
Motors, Drives Management

ON/CME Rosemount
N-Series TankMaster Mobile
UniStream Cloud PLC Performance Motion Devices Emerson

he ION/CME N-Se- osemount TankMaster

he Grand Award – first introduced ries digital drive is a Mobile is a cross-plat-
with the 2017 program – is bestowed compact, PCB-mount- form inventory manage-
upon the product that received the able module that provides ment software application for
most overall votes in the 2022 program. high-performance motion tank gauging systems. The
This year’s Grand Award recipient is the control, network connectivi- software provides secure, real-
UniStream Cloud programmable logic con- ty and power amplification for time data via smartphones,
brushless dc, dc brush and step tablets and computers to a
troller (PLC) from Unitronics.
motors. Three power output lev- wide range of stakeholders,
The UniStream Cloud PLC features a
els are available – 75, 350 and regardless of location. For
built-in 5-year subscription to UniCloud, an 1,000 W – and communica- management, real-time inven-
end-to-end, no-code Industrial Internet of tion options include Ether- tory data on critical assets
Things (IIoT) platform designed for origi- net, CAN, RS232, RS485 and facilitates better, faster deci-
nal equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and Serial Peripheral Intercon- sions. Site managers can get
machine builders. This controller makes nect. The N-Series ION is fully insights into local operations,
it easy for OEMs and machine builders to programmable and performs while consolidated data from
enter the world of IIoT and big data with- profile generation, PID servo multiple sites can be shared
out relying on cloud/information technol- compensation, direct encod- to corporate executives. Cor-
ogy (IT) professionals or paying for data er input and field-oriented rect, up-to-date data enables
storage. The UniStream Cloud PLC is part control, among other motion operations and field person-
of the Unitronics UniStream series of multi- control functions. This minia- nel to complete tasks without
ture device is ideal for creating delay, allows administration
function PLCs available as PLC+HMI or
embedded control solutions personnel to efficiently sched-
stand-alone PLCs. A broad range of com-
in medical, mobile, scientific, ule restocks, and helps finance
munication protocols are supported out-of- semiconductor and other auto- staff with the monthly closing
the-box, including EtherNet/IP, CANopen, mation applications. of the books.
and Modbus TCP/IP.
www.pmdcorp.com www.emerson.com
www.unitronics.com Input 201 at www.controleng.com/information Input 202 at www.controleng.com/information
Input 200 at www.controleng.com/information

48 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


Automated Automated Processes: Control Control Systems:

Processes Robotics Systems Industrial PCs

In-Sight Smart Function Kit Simatic PCS 7 PACSystems

3D-L4000 for Handling V9.1 DCS RXi2-BP
Cognex Corp. Bosch Rexroth Siemens Emerson

he In-Sight 3D-L4000 he Smart Function Kit imatic PCS 7 V9.1 is he PACSystems RXi2-
unique vision system for Handling is a com- an upgraded distribut- BP IPC delivers rugged,
combines 3-D laser dis- plete, fully integrated ed control system (DCS) mid-to-high-range per-
placement technology with a plug-and-produce mechatron- offering software innovation formance computing, powered
smart camera, allowing factory ics system for Cartesian han- and a robust hardware plat- by AMD Ryzen V1000 and
engineers to quickly, accurate- dling solutions. This smart, form based on Profinet. The R1000 processors for increased
ly and cost-effectively solve a multi-axis system drastically upgrade offers better visibility performance and faster stor-
wide variety of inspections on reduces engineering costs and into the scope and condition age, improved graphics and
an automated production line. allows commissioning within a of installed components as enhanced security features –
The patented speckle-free blue few clicks. The Smart Function well as the capability for pro- all in a compact footprint. This
laser optics acquire high-qual- Kit for Handling is ideal for active lifecycle management. flagship IPC includes a patent-
ity 3-D images, and on-board a wide range of applications, Version 9.1 supports Microsoft ed thermal design that enables
high-performance processing including pick-and-place tasks Windows Server 2019 Stan- 100% CPU performance
powers a comprehensive set of in logistics, machine assem- dard Edition 64 Bit and Mic- across extreme temperature
true 3-D vision tools, without bly, packaging technology and rosoft Windows 10 Enterprise ranges without throttling. The
the need for external process- assembly processes. The plug- 2019 LTSC 64 Bit, and is com- RXi2-BP is engineered for the
ing. Three-dimensional vision and-produce design speeds patible with current industri- long term with special design
tools are set up as easily as 2-D up the commissioning process al PCs (IPCs). Simatic PCS 7 considerations. The perfor-
vision tools due to the famil- to save time and reduce costs, V9.1, allows users to rely on mance benefits of RXi2-BP are
iar and robust In-Sight spread- from configuration to oper- the Simatic ET 200SP HA dis- enhanced when paired with
sheet environment. ation. Easy to select and size, tributed I/O system for failsafe PACEdge and Movicon soft-
the Smart Function Kit for applications. The failsafe mod- ware to enable human-ma-
Input 203 at www.controleng.com/information Handling allows users to move ules are based on Simatic Safe- chine interface (HMI),
from configuration to online ty Integrated and are designed historian and analytics appli-
ordering in a seamless process to the same form factor as the cations at the machine or edge
that reduces the potential for standard modules. to improve real-time control of
error. www.siemens.com
operation and better integra-
Input 205 at www.controleng.com/information tion into plant-wide systems.
Input 204 at www.controleng.com/information
Input 206 at www.controleng.com/information

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 49

Control Systems: I/O & I/O & Networking: I/O & Networking:
PLCs, PACs Networking Cybersecurity Edge Computing

Click Plus PLC TS IT Pro FL mGuard 1100 groov RIO

AutomationDirect Rittal North America Phoenix Contact Opto 22

he Click Plus PLC pro- he TS IT Pro is a flexi- he FL mGuard 1100 roov RIO revolutioniz-
vides the low-learn- ble and scalable network/ industrial network secu- es remote I/O by offer-
ing-curve control with server rack enclosure rity device offers easy ing over 200,000 unique,
advanced options like Wi-Fi designed to meet the cur- protection with trusted rout- software-configurable I/O
communication and data log- rent IT needs of today and ing and NATing technology. combinations in one, compact,
ging. Click Plus is offered in the growing trends of tomor- The range of functions allows PoE-powered industrial pack-
wired-only, wireless-only and row, including high density users to quickly put the device age with web-based configura-
wireless/wired styles. All three cooling and power distribu- into operation even with little tion, commissioning and flow
styles offer convenient USB tion. The TS IT Pro can easily network and security exper- logic software built in, plus
programming and support the be configured with additional tise, no matter if it’s a new sub- support for multiple OT and
IIoT standard MQTT proto- accessories installed at the fac- net (with routing and NAT) IT protocols. The GRV-R7-
col and Modbus TCP. Modules tory. The TS IT Pro guarantees or an existing network (as a MM2001-10 provides more
with a built-in Ethernet port standardization and consis- transparent device). The FL memory to handle the require-
also support EtherNet/IP com- tency across various locations, mGuard 1100 is designed to fit ments of Ignition Edge V8, a
munication, and serial-capa- by a partner that can ensure applications with basic security product of Inductive Automa-
ble models use Modbus RTU. a continuity of supply with a requirements with its Stateful tion. With Ignition onboard,
Wi-Fi-capable devices pro- global presence. The TS IT Pro Packet Inspection firewall and it can function as a gateway
vide time-saving installations is the ideal solution for deploy- high data throughput demands to PLCs and other third-party
as no new network cabling ment in traditional IT spaces with gigabit interface. devices, as well as send a vari-
is required. Each Click Plus with optimal flexibility, scal- www.phoenixcontact.com/us
ety of traditional I/O signals
device has a slot for an option- ability and adaptability to sup- Input 209 at www.controleng.com/information directly to on-premises and
al I/O module so it can be con- port to support IT appliance cloud-based Ignition servers.
figured as a stand-alone PLC installation. www.opto22.com
with the user’s preference of www.rittal.com
Input 210 at www.controleng.com/information

I/O. Input 208 at www.controleng.com/information

Input 207 at www.controleng.com/information

50 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


How to enter
the competition
GET A HEAD START on the 2023
Engineers’ Choice Awards program
by listing your products in the New
Products for Engineers database
(www.controleng.com/NPE). Control
Engineering will solicit entries from
contacts in the database and invite
I/O & Networking: Information Power
to submit between October 3, 2022,
I/O Modules Management
and December 30, 2022. All product
nominations, including supporting
materials and payment, are conve-
niently submitted through an online
Axioline Smart Elements Edge Intelligence Quint Power form created by CFE Media. Sub-
Phoenix Contact Cognex Corp. Phoenix Contact mit a new or significantly modified
hardware, software or combination

of the two introduced and avail-
he Axioline Smart Ele- achine vision tools he Quint Power 600 VA able in North America from Novem-
ments (SE) compact I/O and barcode read- dc to ac inverter pro- ber 2021 through December 2022
module makes it easy to ing systems produce a duces a pure sine-wave for the 2023 awards. The product
create a customized I/O station lot of insight-rich data across feed from a 24 Vdc source in details provided should be factually
convincing and clearly differentiate
that occupies minimal DIN manufacturing and logistics an industrial, DIN rail-mount benefits in the voting criteria: techno-
rail space. With a footprint of facilities. The expansion of package. The source voltage logical advancement, service to the
15 x 62 mm, a single Axioline Industry 4.0 through the IIoT could be large capacity battery industry and market impact. (Hint:
SE module can provide 16 dig- focuses on improving opera- banks, solar arrays, mobile We observe that engineers often
ital or four analog I/O points. tions by collecting and analyz- power or any other source appreciate quantified benefits more
than adjectives.) Typically, 75 to 110
The SE module can be stacked ing data in an efficient way like of constant 24 Vdc. Applica-
products are nominated, with 3 to
two high in the base units, at “the edge” of the produc- tions are wide-ranging, from 10 products in each category. One
making it possible to achieve tion line as opposed to send- onboard vehicle applications, winner from each subcategory is
32 digital I/O on 15 mm of ing data to the cloud and back. remote systems without a selected based on subscriber votes.
DIN rail. The SE module fea- The Edge Intelligence (EI) mains feed, onboard mari- For the 2022 awards, 73 products
tures Push-In Technology for platform transforms big data time vessels, or any other loca- from 48 companies (or major divi-
sions) were nominated in 19 cate-
easy, tool-free installation. into smart data and provides tion that does not have an ac gories, resulting in
SE can be used with Axioline real-time system performance feed available. This inverter one Grand Award
bus interfaces available for all monitoring and device man- also provides extensive (and to one company
major industrial Ethernet pro- agement to improve overall optionally configurable) diag- (with the highest
tocols and with the PLCnext equipment effectiveness (OEE) nostic outputs to monitor the number of votes
among all catego-
Control interface, providing and throughput. most critical aspects of the
ries), 19 Engineers’
a powerful, compact control www.cognex.com
device, giving the end user Choice Awards
solution. Input 212 at www.controleng.com/information ultimate visibility of system to 12 companies
health. (highest number of
Input 211 at www.controleng.com/information votes in that cate-
Input 213 at www.controleng.com/information gory) and 21 Hon-
orable Mentions
to 19 companies
(second highest
number of votes in
that category).

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 51

Safety Software:
Sensors Software
& Security Analytics

VX SE Rosemount 1408H Connected Components PACEdge

Rittal North America Emerson Workbench V13 Emerson
Rockwell Automation

he VX SE free-stand- he Rosemount 1408H ACEdge industrial edge

ing enclosure system level transmitter provides onnected Components platform helps manu-
offers greater versatili- accurate continuous level Workbench V13 software facturers accelerate dig-
ty for applications where com- measurement. The radar is with built-in Micro800 ital transformation projects
pact enclosures are too small, specifically designed to match Simulator provides device con- by enabling users to quick-
and baying enclosures are too hygienic requirements in the figuration, controller program- ly create and scale up perfor-
large. The VX SE is an ideal food and beverage industry. ming and integration with mance-improving applications.
midway alternative for appli- It is equipped with hygienic HMI editor while reducing ini- The PACEdge platform sim-
cations where baying is not certifications (3-A, FDA, EC tial machine development time plifies application develop-
required. Additionally, the VX 1935/2004, etc.) and a compact and cost. The software pro- ment by bringing together
SE size range includes a 300- and polished stainless-steel vides flexibility to switch the today's leading, open-source
mm deep version that is suit- housing. It also can withstand programming environment tools into a flexible, integrat-
able for applications where CIP and SIP cleaning process- between the default IEC and ed and secure platform for
space is limited. The VX SE es, allowing users to minimize Logix Themes. Shorten design using machine data and ana-
offers quicker time-to-deliv- contamination risk and assure time and boost productivi- lytics. The platform helps
ery and faster, streamlined product safety. ty with the latest version that users securely collect, analyze,
assembly, enhanced reliability, www.emerson.com
offers faster download/build store and serve up machine
greater safety and compatibil- Input 215 at www.controleng.com/information software performance and new data near the source or across
ity with other Rittal systems. variable data grid. enterprise systems. Using
With advantages such as high www.rockwellautomation.com
modern IIoT protocols, the
protection categories and dif- Input 216 at www.controleng.com/information platform provides access to
ferent material options in car- data from industrial control
bon steel and stainless steel, systems and field devices, as
the VX SE is an ideal stand- well as IT systems and cloud
alone solution to help increase services for plant or enterprise
productivity. data aggregation.
www.rittal.com www.emerson.com
Input 214 at www.controleng.com/information Input 217 at www.controleng.com/information

52 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


Actuators, Motors, Drives

Software: Test & Elmo Motion Control
MES, MOM Measurement Composer2 combines the
MathWorks Simulink Coder
environment with Elmo’s
Platinum servo drives and
EcoStruxure Flir MR265 Platinum Maestro multi-axis motion controller systems to achieve rapid
Automation Expert Teledyne Flir and unmatched motion control performance.
Schneider Electric Input 220 at www.controleng.com/information

he Flir MR265 moisture

Asset Management
he EcoStruxure Auto- meter and thermal imag-
Hycleen Automation
mation Expert indus- er with MSX empow-
trial automation system ers professionals to quickly
GF Piping Systems
enables automation appli- identify and locate water leaks
The Hycleen Automation
cations to be built using and other moisture issues at
System is a digital, state-
asset-centric, portable, prov- the source. This dual thermal
of-the-art hydraulic control and
en-in-use software compo- imager and measurement tool water management system
nents, independent of the combines a 160 × 120 resolu- that gives owners and operators control of their water system like never
underlying hardware infra- tion Lepton thermal camera, before.
structure. The system allows visual camera, laser pointer, www.gfps.com
Input 221 at www.controleng.com/information
users to distribute applica- and both pin and pinless mois-
tions to any system hardware ture detection for faster leak Automated Processes
architecture of choice with identification and measure- ftServer
minimal to no additional pro- ment, plus offers easy report- Stratus Technologies
gramming effort. EcoStruxure ing through the Flir Thermal The Stratus ftServer pre-
Automation Expert supports Studio Suite. Users who want vents the downtime of crit-
established software best prac- to consolidate tools benefit ical business applications,
tices to simplify the creation of from the multiple ways to read ensuring continuous avail-
automation applications that and report moisture levels with ability, even when underlying hardware components may fail.
interoperate with IT systems. the MR265, as well as identi- Input 222 at www.controleng.com/information
Benchmarking of EcoStruxu- fy temperature anomalies that
Automated Processes: Robotics
re Automation Expert against could denote issues from leak-
today’s automation systems ing pipes, to overheating cir- MG10
demonstrates 2X to 7X reduc- cuits, to inefficient windows OnRobot
tion in the time it takes to per- and doors. MG10 is a versatile, easy to use magnetic gripper
form traditional automation www.flir.com for material handling, assembly and machine tend-
tasks. Input 219 at www.controleng.com/information ing applications in manufacturing, automotive and
aerospace environments, offering adjustable force
Input 218 at www.controleng.com/information and grip detection features.
Input 223 at www.controleng.com/information

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 53

Honorable Mentions
Control Systems I/O & Networking

XPlanar software-based, Rugged SuperSpeed

360-degree rotation system 7-port USB 3.1 hub
Beckhoff Automation Sealevel Systems
The XPlanar software-based 360-degree The Rugged SuperSpeed
rotation system enables the contactless, 7-port USB 3.1 hub features a rugged, industrial-grade metal housing with
parallel and individual transport of products robust ESD protections, USB 3.1 compliance and backward compatibility
with movers flying freely in two dimensions with legacy USB data rates.
over the XPlanar tiles and executing lifting movements. www.sealevel.com
Input 229 at www.controleng.com/information
Input 224 at www.controleng.com/information
I/O & Networking: Cybersecurity
Control Systems
ztC Edge L&T Electrical & Automation
Stratus Technologies iVisionmax-TAMS is a telecom-
Enhancements to the ztC Edge munications, networking and
computing platform include automation monitoring software
the release of Stratus Redun- developed to monitor all the tele-
dant Linux V2.2 and a preview communication devices, net-
of the comprehensive edge systems management solution, ztC Advisor. working equipment and various
www.stratus.com other automation systems installed in a plant.
Input 225 at www.controleng.com/information
Input 230 at www.controleng.com/information
Control Systems: Industrial PCs
I/O & Networking: Edge Computing
Beckhoff Automation InGateway502
The C6027 ultra-compact IPC is a fanless device InHand Networks
that offers high computing power in a compact The InGateway502 (IG502) IIoT edge
form factor with Intel Core i U series processors. computing can provide reliable, secure
www.beckhoffautomation.com and high-speed data access to multiple
Input 226 at www.controleng.com/information
broadband services everywhere.
Control Systems: PLCs, PACs
ctrlX Core Input 231 at www.controleng.com/information

Bosch Rexroth I/O & Networking: I/O Modules

The ctrlX Core motion control platform follows a smart-
Allen-Bradley Flex 5000
phone approach, allowing machine builders and end
users to easily add and modify new control functions. Rockwell Automation
www.boschrexroth.com The Allen-Bradley Flex 5000
Input 227 at www.controleng.com/information analog safety I/O module
offers integrated control and
I/O & Networking
safety for fail-safe applica-
Sensert tions, where speed/frequency
Marsh Bellofram measurement, temperature sensors, pressure and flow sensor monitoring
The cloud-based Sensert system is engineered are required for functional safety protection.
to monitor sensors in critical processes and pro-
vide alerts to the user in numerous environments. Input 232 at www.controleng.com/information
Input 228 at www.controleng.com/information

54 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


Information Management Software

HighByte Intelligence Hub V2.0 Bedrock OSA 4.0

HighByte Bedrock Automation
HighByte Intelligence Hub V2.0 is an Industrial Bedrock OSA 4.0 software tools
DataOps (data operations) solution enabling man- enhance the Zero Trust Architec-
ufacturers to merge, prepare and deliver modeled ture capabilities intrinsic to Bed-
industrial data to and from IT systems without rock OSA, facilitating open and
writing or maintaining code. secure automation by enabling
www.highbyte.com users to leverage embedded visualization, cyber and maintenance tools.
Input 233 at www.controleng.com/information
OSA stands for open, secure automation.
Power http://bedrockautomation.com
Input 238 at www.controleng.com/information
Power Xpert SPD
Software: Analytics
TrendMiner 2021.R2
The Power Xpert SPD categorizes surge events on
each phase as low, medium and high, according Software AG
to IEEE standard C62.41.2. TrendMiner 2021.R2 extends the
www.eaton.com reach of previously released note-
Input 234 at www.controleng.com/information
book integration, allowing users
Safety & Security to make data model outputs avail-
able to the rest of the organiza-
AZM40 tion, giving operational experts
Schmersal better insights.
With dimensions of 119.5 x 40 x 20 mm, the www.softwareag.com
Input 239 at www.controleng.com/information
AZM40 electronic solenoid interlock was
designed to be fitted to standard extruded Software: MES, MOM
profiles used in guard door frames.
Hyper Alarm Server
Input 235 at www.controleng.com/information Iconics
Sensors Hyper Alarm Server is a powerful addi-
tion to the alarm management capabil-
DataMan 8700 ities of Genesis64, capable of serving
Cognex Corp. alarms to clients using Iconics, OPC UA
The DataMan 8700 handheld barcode or OPC Classic.
reader decodes the toughest direct part https://iconics.com
Input 240 at www.controleng.com/information
mark and label-based codes while with-
standing harsh oils, dirt and water. Test & Measurement
Input 236 at www.controleng.com/information Deltabar PMD75B
The Deltabar PMD75B absolute/gauge
X-Tag and differential pressure transmit-
Kinexon ter builds the bridge to Industry 4.0;
The X-Tag ultra-wideband sensor for IIoT delivers safety and productivity are no longer
ultra-precise data to allows companies to signifi- contradictory.
cantly reduce their amortization times and achieve www.endress.com
Input 241 at www.controleng.com/information
an up to 50% higher return on investment.
Input 237 at www.controleng.com/information

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 55
Simple PLC control with a KICK

(antenna sold separately)

AutomationDirect Allen Bradley

CPU starting at only
Comparison (C2-03CPU-2) (2080-LC50-24QBB)

$89 with FREE software CPU

• Dimensions: 101.8 x 87.8 x 87
mm (4.01 x 3.46 x 3.42 in.)
• No built-in I/O
• Supports 2 option slot I/O
• Dimensions: 90 x 158 x 80 mm
(3.54 x 6.22 x 3.15 in.)
• Built-in I/O: 24 Discrete I/O (14
inputs, 10 outputs)
• Supports 3 plug-in I/O modules
Since 2008, and with close to a million components sold, • Up to 8 expansion I/O modules • Up to 4 expansion I/O modules
• Ethernet, serial, micro USB ports • Ethernet, serial, USB 2.0 ports
CLICK PLCs have become an industry favorite for simple, • Data logging (microSD) • Data logging (microSD)

affordable control. This popular PLC family has now been Max Discrete I/O 156 points
including option slot modules and expansion I/O
132 points
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Advice on product selection

and implementation
Mark T. Hoske
Teams for products recognized in the 2022 Engineers’ Choice Control Engineering

Awards provided practical advice on automation product selection,

implementation, integration and use.

electing, implementing, integrating and using Industry 4.0 needs, will deliver openness, app-driven
automation products change as technologies ease of use and flexibility. Automation builders will
advance. Companies with products recog- think of a PLC like a smartphone for automation.
nized in the 2022 Engineers’ Choice Awards
were asked to provide advice; 21 responses follow. How software evolves the industrial edge
Click subheads in the digital edition or search Edge software with open connectivity and flexi-
www.controleng.com for more on each. ble scalability is crucial for quickly creating data and
analytics solutions capable of bridging factory floor
CONTROLLERS machines with the enterprise to deliver valuable infor-
Modern control, IIoT implementation mation and results, said Michael Condon, senior
Next-generation programmable logic controller product manager of the industrial PC portfolio for
(PLC) platforms inexpensively and securely deliver Emerson’s machine automation solutions business.
reliable and familiar functionality for basic automated Such software integrates open-source tools in a flex-
control, combined with advanced features like Wi-Fi ible, secure way, enabling users to rapidly build and
and data logging, and increased security measures for deploy applications, identify machinery health, moni-
Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications, said tor energy usage and track productivity. Development
Bill Dehner, technical marketing engineer at Automa- software should be modular and containerized for eas-
tionDirect. The real differentiator for modern IIoT-ca- ier scaling.
pable PLCs is availability of extended connectivity and
communications options. Even compact PLCs should Product advice on tough industrial PCs
offer wired, wireless, and wired/wireless versions. An industrial PC (IPC) design should include
Built-in Ethernet capability is a must. A serial port can options to make the most of the purchase and fit the
connect to legacy devices. intended role, said Nishita Palkar, senior product
manager of the industrial PC portfolio for Emerson’s
Open automation controller capabilities machine automation solutions business. Attributes of
Consider five key traits when assessing open a strong IPC design are 1) A selection of CPUs and
automation controller platforms, said Dave Camer- graphics interfaces architected on a modular plat-
on, director of sales, Bosch Rexroth. These are 1) an form for flexible sizing and easy upgrades, 2) Expand-
application-based architecture, 2) hardware options ability via PCIe slots, 3) An appropriate amount
such as Linux-based multi-core processors, 3) con- of error correcting code (ECC) memory, 4) Solid
nectivity using EtherCAT for the most demanding, state drives (SSDs) for reliable storage, 5) Multiple
motion-control-intensive industry applications, 4) 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports and USB ports,
openness to other Ethernet, OPC-UA and time-sen- 6) No moving parts for less maintenance, 7) Thermal
sitive networking and 5) stable and scalable plat- management technologies for longer field life, and
forms. The “new” machine controller, responding to continuous, uninterrupted operation.

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 59

Zero-touch edge computing platform
When considering industrial edge computing, Enhanced level efficiencies
look for a zero-touch, secure and automated plat- Non-contacting radar transmitters designed for
form, designed and built for edge environments. food and beverage applications are helping improve
Seek self-protecting and self-monitoring features production processes, said Felix Johansson, solutions

‘ Integration needs

to be simple to
and built-in application virtualization with fault
tolerance, said DoShik Wood, director, global
product marketing and communications, Stratus.
Self-protecting and self-monitoring capabilities
engineer for Emerson’s radar level business. Accu-
racy and reliability are vital. Measurement devices
must comply with stringent hygiene and food safety
standards. The chosen technology must handle pro-
encourage adop- can reduce unplanned downtime and ensure con- cess application conditions, and devices must install
tinuous availability of critical applications. Seek within the existing equipment layout. Integration
tion, especially if built-in application virtualization and fault toler- needs to be simple to encourage adoption, especially
ance in an easy-to-install, rugged design. if new technology to the plant.
new technology
Easier industrial servers to manage Configuring alarms, alarm management

to the plant. Run business-critical workloads in a control Alarm servers deliver real-time alarm manage-
room, local data center or edge environment using ment in a system, allowing a company to organize
continuously available industrial servers, contin- alarms in an intuitive asset structure for easy nav-
ued Wood, from Stratus. Industrial servers should igation and roll-up, said Mary Anne Ballouz, mar-
offer better than five-nines availability [99.999%], keting communications, Iconics. Complex alarm
eliminate unplanned downtime and data loss, and management systems delivered an overabundance
ensure transactions are processed and applications of alarm notifications. Inundation with all types of
run continuously. Industrial server computing alarms for all types of incidents can create “analy-
platforms allow organizations to build distribut- sis paralysis.” Inability to address priority operation-
ed, edge-in architectures required to run advanced al alarms can lead to business losses, estimated to be
software applications, manage large scale input/ $10 billion to $20 billion dollars per year in lost pro-
output (I/O) counts and collect real-time data. duction, unplanned downtime time and incidents.

Remote process monitoring saves money

An industrial wireless I/O device connected to
process sensors, customizable thresholds and remote
monitoring accomplish more with less, said Jeff
Boyd, senior product manager, ATC Diversified
Electronics (ATC/DEI), Marsh Bellofram. When
monitoring is connected via remote I/O connec-
tions, sensor data can be monitored in real-time and
alerts triggered based on thresholds. Near real-time
information can be sent to a mobile app on a smart
phone or tablet. Users can save hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars with preventive maintenance, faster
responses and remote monitoring.

Smart mechatronics platforms
Intelligent mechatronics components, such as lin-
FIGURE 1: The AutomationDirect Click Plus Series of PLCs provide the simple
ear motion products, controllers, servo drives and
control, easy communications connectivity, flexible I/O options, and enhanced
operator software with easy-to-use configuration
security measures needed for automation and IIoT applications, defying the con-
tools, are necessary to build complete, high-perfor-
cept that low-cost can’t have advanced features. Courtesy: AutomationDirect
mance mechatronics solutions, said Richard Hansen,

60 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com

senior automation engineer, Bosch Rexroth Corp.
Next-level mechatronics handling systems can sup-
port transparent production processes with features
that enable real-time condition monitoring and pre-
dictive maintenance. With preinstalled operating
software and automatic servo drive parameterization,
no motion programming knowledge is needed.

New motion controls

New digital drives are compact, PCB-mountable
modules providing high performance motion con-
trol, network connectivity, and power amplification FIGURE 2: The Emerson PACEdge industrial edge platform integrates software
for brushless dc, dc brush and step motors. The min- tools in a secure manner, providing end users with a foundation to rapidly devel-
iature devices are for creating embedded control and op data and analytics applications for industrial digital transformation projects.
automation applications, said Pam Gazley, senior Courtesy: Emerson
digital marketing manager, Performance Motion
Devices (PMD). With frequent announcements of engineers can visualize the process on a dashboard.
smaller motors, controls and sensors used in preci- Operational experts can monitor performance and
sion motion control. Motion control components for create soft sensors in a data-driven factory.
surgical, patient treatment, mobile robotics, drones
and battery-powered applications have created WIRELESS, CLOUD, I/O SYSTEMS
designs that decrease power, space and noise. IIoT cloud, edge
With efficient cloud and edge coordination, edge
DATA ANALYTICS devices provide a better understanding of what’s going
Four reasons for a multi-hub architecture on in the field, work efficiently and deliver a better
Consider these best practices for an industrial user experience, said Annie Liu, marketing special-
data operations (DataOps) deployment, said John ist, InHand Networks. For a cloud and edge IIoT eco-
Harrington, chief business officer at HighByte. 1) system 1) Collect data from different devices: Devices
Segment key operations in DataOps: As systems deployed on industrial sites keep capturing data from
have become more complex and interactions with different parts of the site, monitoring the machines

other systems have increased, maintaining autono- and the environment. 2) Pre-process data on the edge:
my, agility, and resiliency are critical. 2) Close net- Data are uploaded to the cloud for processing, storage u
work security gaps: It’s common for organizations to and analysis. 3) Upload data to the cloud: The world is
segment automation networks to minimize vulnera- increasingly data driven. As the core part of the IIoT KEYWORDS: Automation
bilities. 3) Enable change management: Operational ecosystem, the cloud plays a major role in central- advice
data is becoming critical for many business func- ized management, data analytics and decision mak-
Control Engineering
tions to perform their functions. 4) Model data at ing. 4) Implement digital projects: A new project often Engineers' Choice Award
the edge: Real-time analytics in a factory is moving involves a bit of work. companies share advice.
closer to the machinery, at the edge. Automation selection,
Building IIoT, edge I/O implementation, integration
and use advice is offered.
IIoT journey, analytics Secure, granular data processing, connectivity,
Click into more details on
A fully-augmented factory allows process experts and communication in the field create a foundation each of 21 topics for more
to manage by exception rather than by reaction, cre- for large-scale IIoT, said Eastburn, director of tech- on automation.
ating a smart factory, said Edwin van Dijk, vice presi- nical marketing, Opto 22. A scalable IIoT approach CONSIDER THIS
dent of marketing, TrendMiner. Putting data analysis uses edge-oriented processing to streamline the Are you using the latest
automation advice with the
in the hands of operational experts is the next step quantity and improve quality of data sent to cen- most-innovative products?
in the digital journey. Modern solutions use data sci- tral processing services. Edge I/O is small, and pro-
ence capabilities to predict potential root causes for cessing power can be distributed. Edge I/O can filter www.controleng.com/
process anomalies. When processes run optimally, noise from raw signal data, aggregate data from mul- engineerschoice

control engineering — www.controleng.com January/February 2022

| 61

tiple sensors, add contextual senior product specialist cybersecurity, Phoenix

metadata, or package time-se- Contact USA. For micro-segmentation, the typi-
ries data into interoperable cal first step is “macro-segmentation.” This brings
exchange formats. Data is clean in the infrastructure security perimeter and looks
and costs are reduced. at information technology and operational tech-
nology segmentation. Using IEC 62443 and the
Make I/O smarter Purdue model, define the network into zones and
I/O system design with a conduits.
head station, base unit, and
smart elements creates an ENCLOSURES, POWER MANAGEMENT
extremely compact, highly Select the right IT server rack
modular, and economical dis- An IT server rack is no longer a simple commod-
tributed I/O or control plat- ity. Look at environment, hardware and number of
FIGURE 3: ATC Diversified Electronics Sensert form, said Jason Haldeman, installations. Invest once and adapt as needed to get
is a remote process monitoring and alert sys- senior product marketing, the features, functionality and engineering to pro-
tem. Temperature, humidity, vibration, and Phoenix Contact USA. In the vide long-term value, said Hans Baumann, IT prod-
pressure sensors can be hardwired to the construction and configura- uct manager, Rittal North America. The industrial
base unit or wirelessly connected via remote tion of these stations, the first spaces are considered uncontrolled, meaning they
I/O. Sensor data is monitored in real-time, step is the hardware selection, are not conductive to reliable IT equipment perfor-
and thresholds trigger alerts. Courtesy: ATC beginning with the bus inter- mance. The right IT footprint and cooling solution,
Diversified Electronics, Marsh Bellofram face/head stations. Secondly, designed together, provides a secure and contained
select base units with four- or environment for IT equipment and can turn most
six-slots. Users fit density to application needs. Then spaces into an industrial edge deployment.
provide the I/O interface. After assembly and wiring
onto the DIN rail, configure and integrate the I/O Selecting an industrial enclosure
station into the PLC environment. When selecting industrial enclosures for elec-
tronics, process controls, power systems, and other
CYBERSECURITY business-critical equipment, ensure protection from
Unified OS helps cybersecurity water, dust, corrosive liquids and other contami-
Cybersecurity can improve with a unified oper- nants. Also provide security and climate control to

ational system that integrates multiple equipment, help ensure a long service life and high reliability of
Industrial cyber- updates codes and standards, combined with multi- what’s enclosed, according to Troy Miesse, product
ple original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and manager, Rittal North America. Enclosures are engi-
security system software packages, providing a unified dashboard neered for Industry 4.0 applications with minimal
for the operator, according to Nelson Meenparam- ordering and assembly and smart design elements.
micro-segmenta- bil, manager - partner relations, L&T Electrical
& Automation, a unit of Schneider Electric India Improve power system health
tion decreases the
Private Ltd. Software should run failure scenari- A power inverter works with battery banks, solar

attack vector. os using advanced network analytics, and automate array, mobile power and other 24 Vdc power sources,
the sequence of events, to optimize processes with- said Dan Schaffer, senior product marketing man-
out ignoring the cyber threat. ager, Phoenix Contact USA. An inverter transforms
direct current (dc) into alternating current (ac) and
Cybersecurity micro-segmentation extends the product range for power supplies. It
Examine micro-segmentation as part of a enables two devices to be connected in parallel. This
broader cybersecurity architecture, not a replace- increases operational safety in a power supply failure
ment for the current cybersecurity architecture. (redundancy) or increases performance. ce
Industrial cybersecurity system micro-segmen-
tation decreases the attack vector on industrial Edited by Mark T. Hoske, content manager, Control
environments, according to Mariam Coladonato, Engineering, CFE Media, [email protected].

62 | January/February 2022 control engineering — www.controleng.com


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