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EX 1. Circle the correct plural in brackets.
1. Jim takes a (bus/ buses) to school every day.
2. The fairy gave the girl (wish/ wishes).
3. Many (persons/ people) take the subway every day.
4. A lot of girls in my class have long (hair/ hairs).
5. In France, there are many different kinds of (cheese/ cheeses).
6. Some (man/ men) like playing football.
7. We made a lot of (sandwich/ sandwiches) for the picnic.
8. There are five different (fish/ fishes) in the aquarium.
9. How many (child/ children) are there in your class?
10. My baby sister has only got two (tooth/ teeth).
11. Those three (women/ woman) are sisters.
12. There are four (chairs/ chair) around the table.
13. We get wool from (sheeps/ sheep).
14. Cats like chasing (mouse/ mice).
15. Put the (knifes/ knives) and forks on the table.


EX1. Look at the nouns in bold in the text. Circle the 5 countable nouns and underline
the 5 uncountable nouns.
Going to the beach
When you go to the beach you need to take a lot of things with you. You need a swimsuit
for swimming and a T-shirt to wear for playing on the beach. You should wear a pair of
sandals to walk on the hot sand. If the sun is strong, it’s a good idea to rub some suncream
on your skin and to wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes. Don’t forget to take some
water to drink and some food to eat. Remember to clear all your rubbish and throw it into
the rubbish bin.

EX2. Choose the correct word in brackets to fill in the blanks.

Jo and her mother go shopping
“Let’s go shopping,” Jo’s mother said to her. Jo’s birthday was two days away, and they
needed to prepare for the grand party. “We need to buy a lot of (1) _____ (food/ foods). We
need fruit like some (2) _____ (kiwi/ kiwis), some (3) _____ (lemon/ lemons) and (4) _____
(a/ some) pineapple. We also need vegetables such as (5) _____ (onion/ onions) and (6) _____
(potato/ potatoes). To make a cake for your birthday, we need (7) _____ (some/ a) flour and
six (8) _____ (egg/ eggs). If you want a chocolate cake, then we should buy some cocoa
powder. Then, we must go to the butcher’s and buy (9) _____ (some/ a) meat for the chicken
burgers. On the way home, we can get (10) _____ (some/ a ) bread from the baker’s.”


EX 1. Circle the correct article in brackets.
1. Take (a/ an) umbrella with you. It’s raining.
2. Can I borrow (a/ an) pen, please?
3. Sam rode on (a/ an) elephant in India.
4. Can I play on (the/ an) computer now?
5. The teacher is wearing (a/ an) orange dress today.
6. Paris is (a/ the) capital of France.
7. (A/ The) Amazon River is very long.
8. We saw (the/ an) exciting film at the cinema.
9. (The/ An) Internet has changed the way we live.
10. This is (an/ a) easy exercise.
11. I saw (a/ an) large snake at the zoo.
12. Mount Everest is in (a/ the) Himalayas.
13. Can I have (a/ an) apple, please?
14. What is (the/ a) time?
15. (The/ A) weather is very good today.


EX 1. Circle the correct quantifier in brackets.
1. How (much/ many) pocket money do you get?
2. I like (a little/ lots) of sugar in my tea.
3. We just need (many/ a few) pencils for the project.
4. How (little/ many) brothers and sisters do you have?
5. Ann is very popular. She has (a lot of/ a few) friends.
6. I don’t have (some/ much) homework tonight.
7. Are there (many/ a) museums in your town?
8. I have (some/ an) apples. Would you like one?
9. Would you like more rice?
Thank you. Just (little/ a little), please.
10. Your homework is excellent. You made very (a few/ few) mistakes.
11. How (many/ much) time do we have?
12. Not (many/ much) children live near my house.
13. Could I have (a few/ a little) more orange juice, please?
14. There are (a few/ a little) books missing.
15. Martha likes to eat (lots/ lot) of candies.

EX 2. Circle the correct quantifier in brackets.

1. I cannot watch TV tonight. I have (too many/ too much) homework.
2. (Not much/ Not many) girls play football in my school. They prefer volleyball.
3. Mr Lee could not find a seat on the train. There were (too many/ too much) people.
4. Hurry up! There is (not many/ not much) time left.
5. Sonia could not sleep. Her brother was making (too many/ too much) noise in his room.
6. Harry is ill today. He ate (too many/ too much) chocolate yesterday.
7. Jim could not finish the test. There were (too much/ too many) questions.
8. Don’t take (too many/ too much) orange juice. Leave some for me!
9. (Not many/ Not much) students come to school by car. Most people take the bus.
10. It is (not much/ not many) fun to go to the beach on your own. I prefer to go with my
11. There are (too much/ too many) chairs in this room.
12. In the summer, there is (not many/ not much) rain.
13. There is (not many/ not much) ice cream in the fridge.
14. There were (too much/ too many) mistakes in my homework.
15. (Not much/ Not many) names begin with the letter U.


1. Circle the correct form of the possessive adjective in brackets.
1. My sister is married. (Her/ His) husband is a teacher.
2. London is famous for (its/ their) big red buses.
3. Sam and I live on the same road. (His/ Our) houses are next to each other.
4. Put (your/ you) seat belt on, please.
5. My uncle loves football. (Their/ His) favourite team is Manchester United.
6. Now everybody, please close (your/ my) books.
7. Our neighbour has a cat. (Their/ Its) name is Blackie.
8. Elena is from Spain. (Her/ Our) husband is from England.
9. My best friend lives near my house. (Its/ His) name is Peter.
10. We are friends. (Our/ His) hobbies are reading and gardening.
11. I am from Singapore. (My/ Your) name us Maya.
12. Helen has a brother and a sister. (Her/ His) brother is nine years old.
13. David, please tidy this room. Put all (his/ your) things away.
14. We won the match. (Your/ Our) team was the best.
15. Linda and Stella speak French. (Her/ Their) parents are from Paris.


COLOUR EX 1. Circle the correct adjective in brackets.
1. Please use a (tall/ blue) pen to write down the answers.
2. I live in a (large/ largely) flat.
3. The teacher told the children a (funnily/ funny) story.
4. This is a (use/ useful) exercise.
5. I am (happy/ happiness) to see my friends.
6. The new neighbour is very (friend/ friendly).
7. This is a (good/ best) book.
8. There is a very (highly/ high) tower in the city.
9. The children had a (short/ shorts) break.
10. The planet Mars is (red/ redder).
11. The (badly/ bad) dog barked all night.
12. I watched a (longing/ long) film on TV last night.
13. My brother is (tall/ taller) and slim.
14. The students are very (noisy/ noise) this morning.
15. Mr Adams was (crossing/ cross) because James was late.


EX 1. Circle the correct subject pronoun in brackets.
1. The bank is over there. (It/ They) is next to the post office.
2. My name is Julia and (she/ I) am six years old.
3. When the children finished their homework, (he/ they) watched TV.
4. “Well done children,” the teacher said. “(You/ She) have all worked very hard.”
5. In my family, (we/ they) all have dark hair.
6. My brother is very lazy and (he/ it) never helps out around the house.
7. Lindsay is my best friend. (I/ We) sit next to each other in class,
8. Adam! (I/ You) are late. Come in and sit down.
9. My mother is a doctor. (He/ She) works in a hospital.

1. When my dog is hungry, I feed (it/ them) biscuits.

2. That girl is my friend. I’ve known (us/ her) for years.
3. Take those books off the table and put (it/ them) on the shelf.
4. We all worked hard and the teacher gave (us/ you) good marks.
5. I would like to thank (you/ me) for the present.
6. Mr Clark is our teacher. We all like (him/ it).
7. My sister gave (her/ me) a card for my birthday.
8. Mr Jones losts his keys but I found (him/ them) in the classroom.
9. The door is open. Please close (her/ it).


EX 1. Circle the correct demonstrative pronoun in brackets,
1. Could you pass me (this/ that) pen, please?
2. (This/ These) sandwich is delicious.
3. (This/ These) sentences are easy.
4. Do you know (that/ those) boy in the yellow shirt?
5. I’ve never met (that/ those) children before.
6. Come and sit on (this/ that) chair next to me.
7. Have you heard (this/ these) story before?
8. Who do (this/ these) pencils belong to?
9. (Those/ These) tall trees over there are the oldest in the park.
10. I don’t like (these/ that) colour green.
11. (These/ That) book is all about horses.
12. (These/ This) chairs are taken. Please sit somewhere else.
13. All (these/ those) books over there belong to the library.
14. (These/ This) computer isn’t working. Can I use another one?
15. I’ve finished (this/ those) exercise. Shall I do another one?


EX 1. Choose the correct possessive pronoun and write its number in the brackets.
1. My sister gave me her old mobile phone. So now, it’s _____.
A. mine
B. hers
C. his
D. theirs
2. All of you, congratulations on your work! Especially you, John. _____ is the best.
A. Theirs
B. Yours
C. Hers
D. Mine
3. Lucy lost her pen yesterday. Is this one _____?
A. mine
B. his
C. hers
D. theirs
4. Does that red car belong to your family?
No, _____ is blue.
A. hers
B. yours
C. ours
D. theirs
5. I took the wrong book. I thought it was _____.
A. hers
B. mine
C. yours
D. his
6. Our flat has three bedrooms. Sally and John’s flat has only two. _____ is smaller.
A, Hers
B. His
C. Mine
D. Theirs
7. Bill and I got good marks in the test. _____ were better.
A. Hers
B. Their
C. His
D. Yours
8. My sister and I go to the same school. This is my classroom and that is _____.
A. his
B. mine
C. theirs
D. hers
9. That bag is not _____. Give it back. It belongs to me!
A. yours
B. ours
C. his
D. mine
10. Gary’s bag is red. This blue one can’t be _____.
A. hers
B. mine
C. ours
D. his

EX 2. Choose the correct possessive pronoun in brackets to fill in the

blanks. Tidying the bedroom
Reese : We have to tidy our bedroom. There are things all over the floor and on the bed.
This book has your name on it. It must be (1) _____ (mine/ yours).
Emily : Yes, it is (2) _____ (mine/ yours). Are these CDs from the library?
Reese : No, they are (3) _____ (ours/ hers). Whose DVD is this?
Emily : Susan lent it to me. It is (4) _____ (hers/ theirs).
Reese : Tony and Lee left these games in here. I’m sure they are (5) _____ (his/ theirs).
Emily : Yes, and this is a boy’s jumper. It must belong to Tony.
Reese : Yes, it is (6) _____ (his/ hers). And do all these pictures belong to you?
Emily : No, they are not (7) _____ (mine/ yours). I thought they were (8) _____ (mine/
Reese : No, they are not. Oh look, Susan’s name is on them. They are (9) _____ (his/ hers)
Emily : I never realised there were so many things in our room that belong to Tony, Susan
and Lee. All of those things are (10) _____ (ours/ theirs).


EX 1. Circle the correct indefinite pronoun in brackets.
1. Sally did not eat (anything/ something) for breakfast.
2. Ron had a terrible day. (Nothing/ Everything) went wrong.
3. Listen to me (no one/ everyone)!
4. (Someone/ Anyone) forgot to turn off the computer.
5. I’m bored. I have (nothing/ something) to do.
6. Lucy has (everything/ something) to tell us.
7. Harry could not find his maths book (nowhere/ anywhere).
8. Can (no one/ anyone) lend me a pencil, please?
9. (somebody/ Nobody) failed the test. We all passed.
10. Not (somebody/ everybody) has a mobile phone.
11. Dan couldn’t find his phone (nowhere/ anywhere).
12. He looked (everywhere/ anywhere) for his keys.
13. The teacher asked us a question but (no one/ anyone) knew the answer.
14. I’m very hungry. Have you got (nothing/ anything) to eat?
15. (Nothing/ Something) woke me up last night but I don’t know what it was.


ARE EX 1. Circle the correct verb in brackets.
1. My father (are/ is) in his office.
2. I (are/ am) hungry.
3. You (are/ am) late.
4. An umbrella (is/ are) useful in the rain.
5. We (am/ are) both seven years old.
6. The elephant (is/ are) in the forest.
7. He (isn’t/ aren’t) my brother.
8. Computers (isn’t/ aren’t) cheap.
9. Come in. You (isn’t/ aren’t) late.
10. I (am/are) not in the red team.
11. You (is/ are) not as tall as me.
12. Liam (is/ are) good at Maths.
13. Mr and Mrs Jones (is/ are) British.
14. The library (are/ is) full of students.
15. I (are/ am) sorry but I forgot to do my homework.


TENSE EX 1. Circle the correct verb in brackets.
1. I (live/ lives) in a small flat on the third floor.
2. Workers (work/ works) in the factory.
3. The sun (rise/ rises) in the east.
4. Ducks (like/ likes) cold water.
5. My cat (sleeps/ sleep) all day.
6. My teacher (come/ comes) to school by car.
7. You (need/ needs) a warm coat in water.
8. We (buy/ buys) all our food at the market.
9. They (doesn’t/ don’t) live near us.
10. Jim (doesn’t/ don’t) have a mobile phone.
11. We (doesn’t/ don’t) have any homework tonight.
12. The children (doesn’t/ don’t) go to school on Saturday.
13. Aida (doesn’t/ don’t) speak Chinese.
14. You (doesn’t/ don’t) need a raincoat today.
15. That ball (doesn’t/ don’t) belong to me.


DID EX 1. Circle the correct helping verb in brackets.
1. What time (did/ do) you get up this morning?
2. What (do/ does) monkeys eat?
3. (Does/ Do) I write well?
4. (Does/ Do) the sun shine every day?
5. What (do/ does) we have for lunch today?
6. Did all of you enjoy the day trip? Yes, we (do/ did).
7. Do you walk to school? No, I (doesn’t/ don’t).
8. Did Sally finish her homework? No, she (don’t/ didn’t).
9. Do I look like my brother? No, you (don’t/ doesn’t).
10. Do cats chase dogs? No, they (don’t/ doesn’t).
11. When (do/ does) the teachers have their lunch?
12. Why (did/ does) you laugh at me?
13. Some birds (don’t/ doesn’t) fly.
14. My sister (doesn’t/ don’t) like tea.
15. Did Helen and Lily do this exercise? No, they (doesn’t/ didn’t).


EX 1. Choose the correct helping verb and write its number in the brackets.
1. The dog __________ sleeping in the sun.
A. is
B. are
C. aren’t
D. am
2. Be quite! We __________ doing our homework,
A. is
B. are
C. isn’t
D. am
3. You __________ wearing a lovely dress today, Maria!
A. am
B. are
C. is
D. isn’t
4. Can you help me? I __________ trying to do a jigsaw puzzle.
A. is
B. are
C. isn’t
D. am
5. Let’s go to the beach today. The sun __________ shining.
A. aren’t
B. am
C. is
D. are
6. It is a lovely day. It __________ raining.
A. isn’t
B. are
C. am
D. aren’t
7. Please, can I go home? I __________ feeling well.
A. isn’t
B. are not
C. is
D. am not
8. Those children __________ making a lot of noise.
A. is
B. aren’t
C. isn’t
D. am
9. They __________ working. They are playing.
A. isn’t
B. aren’t
C. am
D. am not
10. What is that strange noise?
Sam __________ singing!
A. aren’t
B. are
C. is
D. am


EX 1. Choose the correct verb and write its number in the brackets.
1. I _____ to school this morning.
A. walked
B. walk
C. walks
D. walking
2. My grandmother _____ after us last night.
A. look
B. looking
C. looks
D. looked
3. Ben found an injured dog and _____ it home.
A. carry
B. carries
C. carried
D. carrying
4. The little girl _____ when she fell from the chair.
A. cry
B. cries
C. cried
D. crying
5. My sister _____ with Sally on the phone for hours last night.
A. chatted
B. chat
C. chatting
D. chats
6. We _____ our uncle in the US last year.
A. visit
B. visits
C. visited
D. visiting
7. Our new neighbours just _____ in yesterday.
A. move
B. moved
C. moves
D. moving
8. The thief _____ the woman’s bag and ran off.
A. grab
B. grabbed
C. grabs
D. grabbing
9. Why didn’t the dog _____ when the visitor called?
A. bark
B. barked
C. barks
D. barking
10. When did you _____ piano lessons?
A. starts
B. started
C. starting
D. start


EX 1. Choose the correct verb and write its number in the brackets.
1. Alice’s parents _____ in Singapore.
A. grew up
B. grown up
C. grow up
D. grows up
2. We _____ our cat and dog running into the neighbour’s garden.
A. sees
B. see

D. seeing
3. I _____ the washing-up yesterday. So, it’s your turn today.
A. do
B. did
C. does
D. done
4. Bob was hungry so he _____ a piece of cake.
A. ate
B. eat
C. eats
D. eaten
5. Who _____ all the milk last night?
A. drinks
B. drink
C. drank
D. drunk
6. I _____ my name on the form and handed it back to the teacher.
A. writing
B. writes
C. wrote
D. write
7. The birds _____ a lot of noise this morning.
A. make
B. made
C. making
D. makes
8. Last night, I _____ for ten hours.
A. slept
B. sleep
C. sleeps
D. sleeping
9. Dad _____ me a bike for my birthday last year.
A. buy
B. bought
C. buys
D. buying
10. I _____ my bag at school.
A. leaves
B. leave
C. left
D. leaving


EX 1. Circle the correct form of the verb for these sentences which give orders or
1. (Opening/ Open/ Opens) your books to page 3.
2. Don’t (ran/ run/ running) in the corridor!
3. Now, (listen/ listened/ listening) to me carefully.
4. (Do/ Don’t/ Does) write anything yet.
5. (Come/ Came/ Comes) here please, Vanessa.
6. Kevin and Sam, don’t (talking/ talk/ talks) when I’m teaching.
7. Nora, (do/ doesn’t/ don’t) start the next exercise yet.
8. (Hurried/ Hurrying/ Hurry) up or we will miss the bus.
9. Don’t (worry/ worrying/ worries). These’s lots of time.
10. (Be/ Are/ Is) careful when you cross the road.
11. Please (speaking/ speak/ spoke) more slowly.
12. (Stop/ Stops/ Stopping) writing now!
13. Please (puts/ put/ putting) your hand up to answer a question.
14. (Looks/ Looking/ Look) at the picture on the board.
15. (Go/ Going/ Goes) to bed now. It’s late.


EX 1. These sentences use can to talk about ability and can and may to give and ask for
permission. Circle the correct answer.
1. Paul can (run/ runs/ running) very fast.
2. May I (leaving/ leaves/ leave) the room, please?
3. Can you (does/ do/ doing) this exercise?
4. It’s very dark. I can’t (see/ sees/ seeing) anything.
5. I’m sorry, sir. You can’t (parks/ parked/ park) there.
6. No, you (not many/ may not/ not can) have another ice cream.
7. The dogs (can’t/ not may/ doesn’t) go upstairs.
8. (May not/ Can/ Does) you speak Chinese?
9. Some birds can’t (fly/ flying/ flew).
10. Can Beth (rode/ riding/ ride) a bicycle?
11. The children (not can/ not may/ cannot) watch TV now.
12. May I (starts/ start/ starting) to eat?
13. Can the dog (go/ went/ goes) into the garden?
14. We (can’t/ don’t/ not can) turn the computer on.
15. He’s only five but he can already (speak/ speaks/ speaking) two languages.


EX 1. Choose the correct preposition of time and write its number in the brackets.
1. I was born _____ December.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. umtil
2. My sister started school _____ 2006.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
3. School finishes _____ 1.30pm.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
4. Bye! See you _____ Monday.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
5. We never go to the beach _____ the rainy season.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
6. Christmas Day is _____ 25 December.
A. by
B. in
C. at
D. on
7. If you have finished your homework, you can watch TV _____ dinner.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. before
8. The film is on _____ 7 o’clock to 9 o’clock tonight.
A. in
B. from
C. at
D. on
9. On Saturdays, I can stay up _____ 9.00 pm.
A. until
B. in
C. at
D. from
10. The Principal is in a meeting this morning. She will see you _____ lunch.
A. on
B. by
C. after
D. until

EX 2. Choose the correct preposition and write its number in the brackets.
1. The plates are _____ the cupboard.
A. at
B. in
C. towards
D. for
2. The children are _____ the swimming pool.
A. at
B. over
C. after
D. on
3. The swimming pool is _____ the cinema.
A. near
B. in
C. over
D. towards
4. Don’t stand _____ the board. I can’t see it.
A. in
B. behind
C. in front of
D. on
5. The girl is running _____ the main road.
A. towards
B. at
C. under
D. after
6. The athletes jump _____ the hurdles.
A. at
B. on
C. over
D. in
7. The cat ran _____ the big dog.
A. in
B. away for
C. over
D. on
8. Jason got _____ the truck and drove away.
A. towards
B. into
C. before
D. over
9. In the alphabet, the letter ‘m’ comes _____.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. before
10. Take everything _____ your bag and look for your purse.
A. into
B. out of
C. near
D. in
EX 1. Choose the correct adverb and write its number in the brackets.
1. Every morning the children work _____ in their classroom.
A. quiet
B. quietly
C. quieten
D. quietness
2. Sally _____ gets good marks.
A. well
B. badly
C. often
D. once
3. Footballers run _____ to score goals.
A. quick
B. quickness
C. quicken
D. quickly
4. My sister has _____ been to Malaysia.
A. never
B. well
C. always
D. badly
5. Mooly reads very _____ now.
A. good
B. best
C. better
D. well
6. How _____ do you go to the beach?
A. sometimes
B. ever
C. often
D. always
7. _____ we have pizza for lunch.
A. Well
B. Sometimes
C. Badly
D. Quickly
8. My dog behaves _____ when he sees a cat.
A. often
B. sometimes
C. badly
D. bad
9. The sun shines _____ in the morning.
A. bright
B. brightly
C. brightness
D. brighten
10. _____ look carefully before you cross the road
A. Always
B. Often
C. Well
D. Badly

EX 2. Choose the correct adverb and write its number in the brackets.
1. It’s a lovely day. Go and play _____.
A. outside
B. out
C. in
D. up
2. Put that box _____. It’s too heavy for you to carry.
A. downstairs
B. up
C. down
D. in
3. Where is Sophie?
She’s _____ in her room.
A. there
B. upstairs
C. outside
D. out
4. My best friend lives _____ to me.
A. there
B. next door
C. inside
D. here
5. Last night, I thought I heard a noise _____ but it was only the cat.
A. in
B. downstairs
C. out
D. up
6. Did you see Kim at school _____?
A. tomorrow
B. after
C. early
D. yesterday
7. We arrived _____ at the concert and got the best seats in the hall.
A. after
B. before
C. late
D. early
8. _____ we are going shopping at the mall.
A. Early
B. Late
C. Before
D. Tomorrow
9. Hurry up! We are leaving _____.
A. this morning
B. before
C. soon
D. late
10. Peter arrived _____ for school again today.
A. soon
B. late
C. before
D. after


EX 1. Choose the correct possessive form and write its number in the brackets.
1. _____ desk is next to mine.
A. Mary
B. Mary’s
C. Marys
D. Marys’
2. I have a dog and a cat. The _____ basket is in the kitchen.
A. dog’s
B. dog
C. dogs’
D. dogs
3. All the _____ cars can be parked in the school car park.
A. parents
B. parent’s
C. parents’
D. parent
4. The _____ bag is in the staff room.
A. teacher
B. teacher’s
C. teachers
D. teachers’
5. The _____ population is growing every day.
A. worlds
B. world’s
C. world
D. worlds’
6. My _____ parents were farmers.
A. grandmother
B. grandmothers
C. grandmothers’
D. grandmother’s
7. My two _____ names are Jane and Jodie.
A. cousins’
B. cousin’s
C. cousin
D. cousins
8. My classroom is opposite the _____ room.
A. teacher
B. teachers
C. teachers’
D. teacher’s
9. The _____ library books must be returned before.
A. children’s
B. children
C. childrens’
D. childrens
10. _____ parents are waiting outside the school.
A. Pollys
B. Pollys’
C. Polly
D. Polly’s


EX 1. Choose the correct question word and write its number in the brackets.
1. _____ would you like to drink?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. Where
2. _____ is your best friend?
A. Who
B. What
C. When
D. Which
3. _____ is the capital of the USA?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. Which
4. _____ is Beijing?
A. Who
B. Which
C. Why
D. Where
5. _____ one is your T-shirt, the blue one or the yellow one?
A. Where
B. What
C. Which
D. Who
6. _____ weren’t you at school yesterday?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. When
7. _____ did you get up this morning?
A. Why
B. Which
C. Where
D. When
8. _____ is your favourite food?
A. Why
B. Where
C. Who
D. What
9. _____ do you prefer, milk or orange juice?
A. Which
B. Who
C. Where
D. Why
10. _____ is my watch? I can’t find it.
A. Where
B. Who
C. Why
D. What


EX 1. Choose the correct connector and write its number in the brackets.
1. My sister likes coffee _____ I don’t.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
2. London is a capital city. Paris is _____.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
3. Ben loves ice cream _____ he hates chocolates.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
4. Yesterday, I went to school _____ afterwards I went to the library.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
5. I don’t like pizza _____ I love pasta.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
6. My parents don’t like watching TV _____ playing computer games.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
7. Penny can swim. She can dive _____.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
8. Are you going to do your homework now _____ will you do it after tea?
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
9. Cats jate water _____ they can swim quite well.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
10. Shall we play a game _____ shall we watch a film?
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or

EX 2. Choose the correct connector and write its number in the brackets.
1. I read for ten minutes _____ I went to sleep.
A. after
B. then
C. because
D. when
2. I arrived at school _____ the teacher did.
A. before
B. because
C. and
D. firstly
3. George didn’t play tennis _____ it was raining.
A. and
B. because
C. then
D. but
4. _____ eating a snack, Sue did her homework.
A. Then
B. Because
C. After
D. Or
5. Read the instructions carefully _____ you open.
A. before
B. or
C. then
D. because
6. Eat your breakfast and _____ brush your teeth.
A. before
B. when
C. then
D. because
7. My mother was cross _____ I missed the bus.
A. before
B. or
C. because
D. first
8. Remember to phone me _____ you arrive.
A. when
B. because
C. then
D. and
9. Please take off your shoes _____ you come into the house.
A. and
B. because
C. before
D. then
10. Firstly, read the instructions carefully and _____ you can start the next exercise.
A. then
B. or
C. before
D. because

EX 1. Circle the correct plural in brackets.
16. Jim takes a (bus/ buses) to school every day.
17. The fairy gave the girl (wish/ wishes).
18. Many (persons/ people) take the subway every day.
19. A lot of girls in my class have long (hair/ hairs).
20. In France, there are many different kinds of (cheese/ cheeses).
21. Some (man/ men) like playing football.
22. We made a lot of (sandwich/ sandwiches) for the picnic.
23. There are five different (fish/ fishes) in the aquarium.
24. How many (child/ children) are there in your class?
25. My baby sister has only got two (tooth/ teeth).
26. Those three (women/ woman) are sisters.
27. There are four (chairs/ chair) around the table.
28. We get wool from (sheeps/ sheep).
29. Cats like chasing (mouse/ mice).
30. Put the (knifes/ knives) and forks on the table.


EX1. Look at the nouns in bold in the text. Circle the 5 countable nouns and underline
the 5 uncountable nouns.
Going to the beach
When you go to the beach you need to take a lot of things with you. You need a swimsuit
for swimming and a T-shirt to wear for playing on the beach. You should wear a pair of
sandals to walk on the hot sand. If the sun is strong, it’s a good idea to rub some suncream
on your skin and to wear a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes. Don’t forget to take some
water to drink and some food to eat. Remember to clear all your rubbish and throw it into
the rubbish bin.

EX2. Choose the correct word in brackets to fill in the blanks.

Jo and her mother go shopping
“Let’s go shopping,” Jo’s mother said to her. Jo’s birthday was two days away, and they
needed to prepare for the grand party. “We need to buy a lot of (1) _____ (food/ foods). We
need fruit like some (2) _____ (kiwi/ kiwis), some (3) _____ (lemon/ lemons) and (4) _____
(a/ some) pineapple. We also need vegetables such as (5) _____ (onion/ onions) and (6) _____
(potato/ potatoes). To make a cake for your birthday, we need (7) _____ (some/ a) flour and
six (8) _____ (egg/ eggs). If you want a chocolate cake, then we should buy some cocoa
powder. Then, we must go to the butcher’s and buy (9) _____ (some/ a) meat for the chicken
burgers. On the way home, we can get (10) _____ (some/ a ) bread from the baker’s.”


EX 1. Circle the correct article in brackets.
16. Take (a/ an) umbrella with you. It’s raining.
17. Can I borrow (a/ an) pen, please?
18. Sam rode on (a/ an) elephant in India.
19. Can I play on (the/ an) computer now?
20. The teacher is wearing (a/ an) orange dress today.
21. Paris is (a/ the) capital of France.
22. (A/ The) Amazon River is very long.
23. We saw (the/ an) exciting film at the cinema.
24. (The/ An) Internet has changed the way we live.
25. This is (an/ a) easy exercise.
26. I saw (a/ an) large snake at the zoo.
27. Mount Everest is in (a/ the) Himalayas.
28. Can I have (a/ an) apple, please?
29. What is (the/ a) time?
30. (The/ A) weather is very good today.


EX 1. Circle the correct quantifier in brackets.
16. How (much/ many) pocket money do you get?
17. I like (a little/ lots) of sugar in my tea.
18. We just need (many/ a few) pencils for the project.
19. How (little/ many) brothers and sisters do you have?
20. Ann is very popular. She has (a lot of/ a few) friends.
21. I don’t have (some/ much) homework tonight.
22. Are there (many/ a) museums in your town?
23. I have (some/ an) apples. Would you like one?
24. Would you like more rice?
Thank you. Just (little/ a little), please.
25. Your homework is excellent. You made very (a few/ few) mistakes.
26. How (many/ much) time do we have?
27. Not (many/ much) children live near my house.
28. Could I have (a few/ a little) more orange juice, please?
29. There are (a few/ a little) books missing.
30. Martha likes to eat (lots/ lot) of candies.

EX 2. Circle the correct quantifier in brackets.

16. I cannot watch TV tonight. I have (too many/ too much) homework.
17. (Not much/ Not many) girls play football in my school. They prefer volleyball.
18. Mr Lee could not find a seat on the train. There were (too many/ too much) people.
19. Hurry up! There is (not many/ not much) time left.
20. Sonia could not sleep. Her brother was making (too many/ too much) noise in his room.
21. Harry is ill today. He ate (too many/ too much) chocolate yesterday.
22. Jim could not finish the test. There were (too much/ too many) questions.
23. Don’t take (too many/ too much) orange juice. Leave some for me!
24. (Not many/ Not much) students come to school by car. Most people take the bus.
25. It is (not much/ not many) fun to go to the beach on your own. I prefer to go with my
26. There are (too much/ too many) chairs in this room.
27. In the summer, there is (not many/ not much) rain.
28. There is (not many/ not much) ice cream in the fridge.
29. There were (too much/ too many) mistakes in my homework.
30. (Not much/ Not many) names begin with the letter U.


1. Circle the correct form of the possessive adjective in brackets.
16. My sister is married. (Her/ His) husband is a teacher.
17. London is famous for (its/ their) big red buses.
18. Sam and I live on the same road. (His/ Our) houses are next to each other.
19. Put (your/ you) seat belt on, please.
20. My uncle loves football. (Their/ His) favourite team is Manchester United.
21. Now everybody, please close (your/ my) books.
22. Our neighbour has a cat. (Their/ Its) name is Blackie.
23. Elena is from Spain. (Her/ Our) husband is from England.
24. My best friend lives near my house. (Its/ His) name is Peter.
25. We are friends. (Our/ His) hobbies are reading and gardening.
26. I am from Singapore. (My/ Your) name us Maya.
27. Helen has a brother and a sister. (Her/ His) brother is nine years old.
28. David, please tidy this room. Put all (his/ your) things away.
29. We won the match. (Your/ Our) team was the best.
30. Linda and Stella speak French. (Her/ Their) parents are from Paris.


COLOUR EX 1. Circle the correct adjective in brackets.
16. Please use a (tall/ blue) pen to write down the answers.
17. I live in a (large/ largely) flat.
18. The teacher told the children a (funnily/ funny) story.
19. This is a (use/ useful) exercise.
20. I am (happy/ happiness) to see my friends.
21. The new neighbour is very (friend/ friendly).
22. This is a (good/ best) book.
23. There is a very (highly/ high) tower in the city.
24. The children had a (short/ shorts) break.
25. The planet Mars is (red/ redder).
26. The (badly/ bad) dog barked all night.
27. I watched a (longing/ long) film on TV last night.
28. My brother is (tall/ taller) and slim.
29. The students are very (noisy/ noise) this morning.
30. Mr Adams was (crossing/ cross) because James was late.


EX 1. Circle the correct subject pronoun in brackets.
10. The bank is over there. (It/ They) is next to the post office.
11. My name is Julia and (she/ I) am six years old.
12. When the children finished their homework, (he/ they) watched TV.
13. “Well done children,” the teacher said. “(You/ She) have all worked very hard.”
14. In my family, (we/ they) all have dark hair.
15. My brother is very lazy and (he/ it) never helps out around the house.
16. Lindsay is my best friend. (I/ We) sit next to each other in class,
17. Adam! (I/ You) are late. Come in and sit down.
18. My mother is a doctor. (He/ She) works in a hospital.

10. When my dog is hungry, I feed (it/ them) biscuits.

11. That girl is my friend. I’ve known (us/ her) for years.
12. Take those books off the table and put (it/ them) on the shelf.
13. We all worked hard and the teacher gave (us/ you) good marks.
14. I would like to thank (you/ me) for the present.
15. Mr Clark is our teacher. We all like (him/ it).
16. My sister gave (her/ me) a card for my birthday.
17. Mr Jones losts his keys but I found (him/ them) in the classroom.
18. The door is open. Please close (her/ it).


EX 1. Circle the correct demonstrative pronoun in brackets,
16. Could you pass me (this/ that) pen, please?
17. (This/ These) sandwich is delicious.
18. (This/ These) sentences are easy.
19. Do you know (that/ those) boy in the yellow shirt?
20. I’ve never met (that/ those) children before.
21. Come and sit on (this/ that) chair next to me.
22. Have you heard (this/ these) story before?
23. Who do (this/ these) pencils belong to?
24. (Those/ These) tall trees over there are the oldest in the park.
25. I don’t like (these/ that) colour green.
26. (These/ That) book is all about horses.
27. (These/ This) chairs are taken. Please sit somewhere else.
28. All (these/ those) books over there belong to the library.
29. (These/ This) computer isn’t working. Can I use another one?
30. I’ve finished (this/ those) exercise. Shall I do another one?


EX 1. Choose the correct possessive pronoun and write its number in the brackets.
11. My sister gave me her old mobile phone. So now, it’s _____.
A. mine
B. hers
C. his
D. theirs
12. All of you, congratulations on your work! Especially you, John. _____ is the best.
A. Theirs
B. Yours
C. Hers
D. Mine
13. Lucy lost her pen yesterday. Is this one _____?
A. mine
B. his
C. hers
D. theirs
14. Does that red car belong to your family?
No, _____ is blue.
A. hers
B. yours
C. ours
D. theirs
15. I took the wrong book. I thought it was _____.
A. hers
B. mine
C. yours
D. his
16. Our flat has three bedrooms. Sally and John’s flat has only two. _____ is smaller.
A, Hers
B. His
C. Mine
D. Theirs
17. Bill and I got good marks in the test. _____ were better.
A. Hers
B. Their
C. His
D. Yours
18. My sister and I go to the same school. This is my classroom and that is _____.
A. his
B. mine
C. theirs
D. hers
19. That bag is not _____. Give it back. It belongs to me!
A. yours
B. ours
C. his
D. mine
20. Gary’s bag is red. This blue one can’t be _____.
A. hers
B. mine
C. ours
D. his
EX 2. Choose the correct possessive pronoun in brackets to fill in the
blanks. Tidying the bedroom
Reese : We have to tidy our bedroom. There are things all over the floor and on the bed.
This book has your name on it. It must be (1) _____ (mine/ yours).
Emily : Yes, it is (2) _____ (mine/ yours). Are these CDs from the library?
Reese : No, they are (3) _____ (ours/ hers). Whose DVD is this?
Emily : Susan lent it to me. It is (4) _____ (hers/ theirs).
Reese : Tony and Lee left these games in here. I’m sure they are (5) _____ (his/ theirs).
Emily : Yes, and this is a boy’s jumper. It must belong to Tony.
Reese : Yes, it is (6) _____ (his/ hers). And do all these pictures belong to you?
Emily : No, they are not (7) _____ (mine/ yours). I thought they were (8) _____ (mine/
Reese : No, they are not. Oh look, Susan’s name is on them. They are (9) _____ (his/ hers)
Emily : I never realised there were so many things in our room that belong to Tony, Susan
and Lee. All of those things are (10) _____ (ours/ theirs).


EX 1. Circle the correct indefinite pronoun in brackets.
16. Sally did not eat (anything/ something) for breakfast.
17. Ron had a terrible day. (Nothing/ Everything) went wrong.
18. Listen to me (no one/ everyone)!
19. (Someone/ Anyone) forgot to turn off the computer.
20. I’m bored. I have (nothing/ something) to do.
21. Lucy has (everything/ something) to tell us.
22. Harry could not find his maths book (nowhere/ anywhere).
23. Can (no one/ anyone) lend me a pencil, please?
24. (somebody/ Nobody) failed the test. We all passed.
25. Not (somebody/ everybody) has a mobile phone.
26. Dan couldn’t find his phone (nowhere/ anywhere).
27. He looked (everywhere/ anywhere) for his keys.
28. The teacher asked us a question but (no one/ anyone) knew the answer.
29. I’m very hungry. Have you got (nothing/ anything) to eat?
30. (Nothing/ Something) woke me up last night but I don’t know what it was.


ARE EX 1. Circle the correct verb in brackets.
16. My father (are/ is) in his office.
17. I (are/ am) hungry.
18. You (are/ am) late.
19. An umbrella (is/ are) useful in the rain.
20. We (am/ are) both seven years old.
21. The elephant (is/ are) in the forest.
22. He (isn’t/ aren’t) my brother.
23. Computers (isn’t/ aren’t) cheap.
24. Come in. You (isn’t/ aren’t) late.
25. I (am/are) not in the red team.
26. You (is/ are) not as tall as me.
27. Liam (is/ are) good at Maths.
28. Mr and Mrs Jones (is/ are) British.
29. The library (are/ is) full of students.
30. I (are/ am) sorry but I forgot to do my homework.


TENSE EX 1. Circle the correct verb in brackets.
16. I (live/ lives) in a small flat on the third floor.
17. Workers (work/ works) in the factory.
18. The sun (rise/ rises) in the east.
19. Ducks (like/ likes) cold water.
20. My cat (sleeps/ sleep) all day.
21. My teacher (come/ comes) to school by car.
22. You (need/ needs) a warm coat in water.
23. We (buy/ buys) all our food at the market.
24. They (doesn’t/ don’t) live near us.
25. Jim (doesn’t/ don’t) have a mobile phone.
26. We (doesn’t/ don’t) have any homework tonight.
27. The children (doesn’t/ don’t) go to school on Saturday.
28. Aida (doesn’t/ don’t) speak Chinese.
29. You (doesn’t/ don’t) need a raincoat today.
30. That ball (doesn’t/ don’t) belong to me.


DID EX 1. Circle the correct helping verb in brackets.
16. What time (did/ do) you get up this morning?
17. What (do/ does) monkeys eat?
18. (Does/ Do) I write well?
19. (Does/ Do) the sun shine every day?
20. What (do/ does) we have for lunch today?
21. Did all of you enjoy the day trip? Yes, we (do/ did).
22. Do you walk to school? No, I (doesn’t/ don’t).
23. Did Sally finish her homework? No, she (don’t/ didn’t).
24. Do I look like my brother? No, you (don’t/ doesn’t).
25. Do cats chase dogs? No, they (don’t/ doesn’t).
26. When (do/ does) the teachers have their lunch?
27. Why (did/ does) you laugh at me?
28. Some birds (don’t/ doesn’t) fly.
29. My sister (doesn’t/ don’t) like tea.
30. Did Helen and Lily do this exercise? No, they (doesn’t/ didn’t).


EX 1. Choose the correct helping verb and write its number in the brackets.
11. The dog __________ sleeping in the sun.
A. is
B. are
C. aren’t
D. am
12. Be quite! We __________ doing our homework,
A. is
B. are
C. isn’t
D. am
13. You __________ wearing a lovely dress today, Maria!
A. am
B. are
C. is
D. isn’t
14. Can you help me? I __________ trying to do a jigsaw puzzle.
A. is
B. are
C. isn’t
D. am
15. Let’s go to the beach today. The sun __________ shining.
A. aren’t
B. am
C. is
D. are
16. It is a lovely day. It __________ raining.
A. isn’t
B. are
C. am
D. aren’t
17. Please, can I go home? I __________ feeling well.
A. isn’t
B. are not
C. is
D. am not
18. Those children __________ making a lot of noise.
A. is

C. isn’t
D. am
19. They __________ working. They are playing.
A. isn’t

C. am
D. am not
20. What is that strange noise?
Sam __________ singing!
A. aren’t
B. are
C. is
D. am


EX 1. Choose the correct verb and write its number in the brackets.
11. I _____ to school this morning.
A. walked
B. walk
C. walks
D. walking
12. My grandmother _____ after us last night.
A. look
B. looking
C. looks
D. looked
13. Ben found an injured dog and _____ it home.
A. carry
B. carries
C. carried
D. carrying
14. The little girl _____ when she fell from the chair.
A. cry
B. cries
C. cried
D. crying
15. My sister _____ with Sally on the phone for hours last night.
A. chatted
B. chat
C. chatting
D. chats
16. We _____ our uncle in the US last year.
A. visit
B. visits
C. visited
D. visiting
17. Our new neighbours just _____ in yesterday.
A. move
B. moved
C. moves
D. moving
18. The thief _____ the woman’s bag and ran off.
A. grab
B. grabbed
C. grabs
D. grabbing
19. Why didn’t the dog _____ when the visitor called?
A. bark
B. barked
C. barks
D. barking
20. When did you _____ piano lessons?
A. starts
B. started
C. starting
D. start


EX 1. Choose the correct verb and write its number in the brackets.
11. Alice’s parents _____ in Singapore.
A. grew up
B. grown up
C. grow up
D. grows up
12. We _____ our cat and dog running into the neighbour’s garden.
A. sees
B. see

D. seeing
13. I _____ the washing-up yesterday. So, it’s your turn today.
A. do
B. did
C. does
D. done
14. Bob was hungry so he _____ a piece of cake.
A. ate
B. eat
C. eats
D. eaten
15. Who _____ all the milk last night?
A. drinks
B. drink
C. drank
D. drunk
16. I _____ my name on the form and handed it back to the teacher.
A. writing
B. writes
C. wrote
D. write
17. The birds _____ a lot of noise this morning.
A. make
B. made
C. making
D. makes
18. Last night, I _____ for ten hours.
A. slept
B. sleep
C. sleeps
D. sleeping
19. Dad _____ me a bike for my birthday last year.
A. buy
B. bought
C. buys
D. buying
20. I _____ my bag at school.
A. leaves
B. leave
C. left
D. leaving


EX 1. Circle the correct form of the verb for these sentences which give orders or
16. (Opening/ Open/ Opens) your books to page 3.
17. Don’t (ran/ run/ running) in the corridor!
18. Now, (listen/ listened/ listening) to me carefully.
19. (Do/ Don’t/ Does) write anything yet.
20. (Come/ Came/ Comes) here please, Vanessa.
21. Kevin and Sam, don’t (talking/ talk/ talks) when I’m teaching.
22. Nora, (do/ doesn’t/ don’t) start the next exercise yet.
23. (Hurried/ Hurrying/ Hurry) up or we will miss the bus.
24. Don’t (worry/ worrying/ worries). These’s lots of time.
25. (Be/ Are/ Is) careful when you cross the road.
26. Please (speaking/ speak/ spoke) more slowly.
27. (Stop/ Stops/ Stopping) writing now!
28. Please (puts/ put/ putting) your hand up to answer a question.
29. (Looks/ Looking/ Look) at the picture on the board.
30. (Go/ Going/ Goes) to bed now. It’s late.


EX 1. These sentences use can to talk about ability and can and may to give and ask for
permission. Circle the correct answer.
16. Paul can (run/ runs/ running) very fast.
17. May I (leaving/ leaves/ leave) the room, please?
18. Can you (does/ do/ doing) this exercise?
19. It’s very dark. I can’t (see/ sees/ seeing) anything.
20. I’m sorry, sir. You can’t (parks/ parked/ park) there.
21. No, you (not many/ may not/ not can) have another ice cream.
22. The dogs (can’t/ not may/ doesn’t) go upstairs.
23. (May not/ Can/ Does) you speak Chinese?
24. Some birds can’t (fly/ flying/ flew).
25. Can Beth (rode/ riding/ ride) a bicycle?
26. The children (not can/ not may/ cannot) watch TV now.
27. May I (starts/ start/ starting) to eat?
28. Can the dog (go/ went/ goes) into the garden?
29. We (can’t/ don’t/ not can) turn the computer on.
30. He’s only five but he can already (speak/ speaks/ speaking) two languages.


EX 1. Choose the correct preposition of time and write its number in the brackets.
11. I was born _____ December.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. umtil
12. My sister started school _____ 2006.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
13. School finishes _____ 1.30pm.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
14. Bye! See you _____ Monday.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
15. We never go to the beach _____ the rainy season.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. from
16. Christmas Day is _____ 25 December.
A. by
B. in
C. at
D. on
17. If you have finished your homework, you can watch TV _____ dinner.
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. before
18. The film is on _____ 7 o’clock to 9 o’clock tonight.
A. in
B. from
C. at
D. on
19. On Saturdays, I can stay up _____ 9.00 pm.
A. until
B. in
C. at
D. from
20. The Principal is in a meeting this morning. She will see you _____ lunch.
A. on
B. by
C. after
D. until

EX 2. Choose the correct preposition and write its number in the brackets.
11. The plates are _____ the cupboard.
A. at
B. in
C. towards
D. for
12. The children are _____ the swimming pool.
A. at
B. over
C. after
D. on
13. The swimming pool is _____ the cinema.
A. near
B. in
C. over
D. towards
14. Don’t stand _____ the board. I can’t see it.
A. in
B. behind
C. in front of
D. on
15. The girl is running _____ the main road.
A. towards
B. at
C. under
D. after
16. The athletes jump _____ the hurdles.
A. at
B. on
C. over
D. in
17. The cat ran _____ the big dog.
A. in
B. away for
C. over
D. on
18. Jason got _____ the truck and drove away.
A. towards
B. into
C. before
D. over
19. In the alphabet, the letter ‘m’ comes _____.
A. at
B. on
C. in
D. before
20. Take everything _____ your bag and look for your purse.
A. into
B. out of
C. near
D. in
EX 1. Choose the correct adverb and write its number in the brackets.
11. Every morning the children work _____ in their classroom.
A. quiet
B. quietly
C. quieten
D. quietness
12. Sally _____ gets good marks.
A. well
B. badly
C. often
D. once
13. Footballers run _____ to score goals.
A. quick
B. quickness
C. quicken
D. quickly
14. My sister has _____ been to Malaysia.
A. never
B. well
C. always
D. badly
15. Mooly reads very _____ now.
A. good
B. best
C. better
D. well
16. How _____ do you go to the beach?
A. sometimes
B. ever
C. often
D. always
17. _____ we have pizza for lunch.
A. Well
B. Sometimes
C. Badly
D. Quickly
18. My dog behaves _____ when he sees a cat.
A. often
B. sometimes
C. badly
D. bad
19. The sun shines _____ in the morning.
A. bright
B. brightly
C. brightness
D. brighten
20. _____ look carefully before you cross the road
A. Always
B. Often
C. Well
D. Badly

EX 2. Choose the correct adverb and write its number in the brackets.
11. It’s a lovely day. Go and play _____.
A. outside
B. out
C. in
D. up
12. Put that box _____. It’s too heavy for you to carry.
A. downstairs
B. up
C. down
D. in
13. Where is Sophie?
She’s _____ in her room.
A. there
B. upstairs
C. outside
D. out
14. My best friend lives _____ to me.
A. there
B. next door
C. inside
D. here
15. Last night, I thought I heard a noise _____ but it was only the cat.
A. in
B. downstairs
C. out
D. up
16. Did you see Kim at school _____?
A. tomorrow
B. after
C. early
D. yesterday
17. We arrived _____ at the concert and got the best seats in the hall.
A. after
B. before
C. late
D. early
18. _____ we are going shopping at the mall.
A. Early
B. Late
C. Before
D. Tomorrow
19. Hurry up! We are leaving _____.
A. this morning
B. before
C. soon
D. late
20. Peter arrived _____ for school again today.
A. soon
B. late
C. before
D. after


EX 1. Choose the correct possessive form and write its number in the brackets.
11. _____ desk is next to mine.
A. Mary

C. Marys
D. Marys’
12. I have a dog and a cat. The _____ basket is in the kitchen.
A. dog’s
B. dog
C. dogs’
D. dogs
13. All the _____ cars can be parked in the school car park.
A. parents
B. parent’s

D. parent
14. The _____ bag is in the staff room.
A. teacher

C. teachers
D. teachers’
15. The _____ population is growing every day.
A. worlds

C. world
D. worlds’
16. My _____ parents were farmers.
A. grandmother
B. grandmothers
C. grandmothers’

17. My two _____ names are Jane and Jodie.

A. cousins’
B. cousin’s
C. cousin
D. cousins
18. My classroom is opposite the _____ room.
A. teacher
B. teachers

D. teacher’s
19. The _____ library books must be returned before.
A. children’s
B. children
C. childrens’
D. childrens
20. _____ parents are waiting outside the school.
A. Pollys
B. Pollys’
C. Polly
D. Polly’s


EX 1. Choose the correct question word and write its number in the brackets.
11. _____ would you like to drink?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. Where
12. _____ is your best friend?
A. Who
B. What
C. When
D. Which
13. _____ is the capital of the USA?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. Which
14. _____ is Beijing?
A. Who
B. Which
C. Why
D. Where
15. _____ one is your T-shirt, the blue one or the yellow one?
A. Where
B. What
C. Which
D. Who
16. _____ weren’t you at school yesterday?
A. Who
B. What
C. Why
D. When
17. _____ did you get up this morning?
A. Why
B. Which
C. Where
D. When
18. _____ is your favourite food?
A. Why
B. Where
C. Who
D. What
19. _____ do you prefer, milk or orange juice?
A. Which
B. Who
C. Where
D. Why
20. _____ is my watch? I can’t find it.
A. Where
B. Who
C. Why
D. What


EX 1. Choose the correct connector and write its number in the brackets.
11. My sister likes coffee _____ I don’t.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
12. London is a capital city. Paris is _____.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
13. Ben loves ice cream _____ he hates chocolates.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
14. Yesterday, I went to school _____ afterwards I went to the library.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
15. I don’t like pizza _____ I love pasta.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
16. My parents don’t like watching TV _____ playing computer games.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
17. Penny can swim. She can dive _____.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
18. Are you going to do your homework now _____ will you do it after tea?
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
19. Cats jate water _____ they can swim quite well.
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or
20. Shall we play a game _____ shall we watch a film?
A. and
B. but
C. too
D. or

EX 2. Choose the correct connector and write its number in the brackets.
11. I read for ten minutes _____ I went to sleep.
A. after
B. then
C. because
D. when
12. I arrived at school _____ the teacher did.
A. before
B. because
C. and
D. firstly
13. George didn’t play tennis _____ it was raining.
A. and
B. because
C. then
D. but
14. _____ eating a snack, Sue did her homework.
A. Then
B. Because
C. After
D. Or
15. Read the instructions carefully _____ you open.
A. before
B. or
C. then
D. because
16. Eat your breakfast and _____ brush your teeth.
A. before
B. when
C. then
D. because
17. My mother was cross _____ I missed the bus.
A. before
B. or
C. because
D. first
18. Remember to phone me _____ you arrive.
A. because
B. then
C. and
19. Please take off your shoes _____ you come into the house.
A. and
B. because
C. before
D. then
20. Firstly, read the instructions carefully and _____ you can start the next exercise.
A. or
B. before
C. because


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