Abstract Rupturi Si Perforatii Danu
Abstract Rupturi Si Perforatii Danu
Abstract Rupturi Si Perforatii Danu
Acute intestinal obstructions in the colon are mostly caused by colon cancer. Evolution
can be complicated by ruptures and diastatic perforation of the cecum
The aim of the study is to present the surgical solutions of rare cases of diastatic cecum
Material and methods: There are 5 presented cases in which, on the installed occlusive
background, diastatic ruptures with perforation of the cecum colon had occured, 3 men and 2
women with an average age of 52.7 years. Plain abdominal radiography shows
pneumoperitoneum associated with hydro-aeric levels in 3 cases and in 2 cases hydro-aeric
levels on the check colon greater than 10 centimeters
Results: Indications for surgey were diffuse peritonitis (3 cases) and acute intestinal
occlusion (2 cases). Occlusive tumor was located on the sigmoid colon in 2 cases, on the recto-
sigmoid segment in other 2 cases and in one case on the descending colon.
Surgeries performed:
a) Right hemicolonectomy associated with Hartmann's rectosigmoid resection with
ileostoma and transversostoma
b) Right hemicolonectomy with Hartmann's descendeto-sigmoid resection with
Postoperative evolution without deaths
1. Diastatic cecum perforation is a serious evolutive complication of colonic tumor
processes under the condition of ileo-cecal valve being functional
2. The operative act must solve the occlusive cause and the diastatic perforation of the
cecum colon, performed by optimal resections of the colon with the preservation of an
intermediate colon segment and must have a visa for oncological resolution
3. The postoperative quality of pacient’s life is acceptable, taking in consideration an
afterward restore of the intestinal transit
Key words: diastatic perforation , cecum perforation ,occlusion