TS - MM - PO Enhancements Update Bill of Exchange Rate
TS - MM - PO Enhancements Update Bill of Exchange Rate
TS - MM - PO Enhancements Update Bill of Exchange Rate
Technical Design
Enhancements in PO
Update Bill of Exchange Rate
Customs Exchange Rate
Document Information
Revision History
Date Author Revision Description
V1.0 27/10/2014 Surbhi Garg
1. Development Overview............................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Requirements Summary..................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Dependencies / Constraints................................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Selection Screen Details..................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Detailed Design................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 SAP Objects & ABAP Development................................................................................................4
1. Development Overview
Import Po is created with approximate quantity and rate, thereafter we get the bill of lading date and the actual
accessible value.
So, on the basis of bill of lading date the exchange rate should be entered not on the basis of when PO was
created in system.
For the above requirement the given below parameters are taken into consideration:-.
SAP Objects
<<List the program name, function module, transactions, etc. created for this development (e.g.,
workflow, business object, and standard task).>>
Table Structure :
ABAP Development
Fetch Data
1. Fetch all the data from custom table ZPO_RATE based on the PO number and line item enter entered
on the selection screen into internal table IT_USER_ROLE.
2. If IT_USER_ROLE is not initial, then fetch the Document cond. From table EKKO and Quantity from
table EKPO.
3. Fetch all the data from table KONV based on the document cond. Type.
2. The User will enter the Customs Exchange Rate and will have an option to update the assessable PO
in respective line item condition type. (Condition Type: ZEAS) using ME22N transaction code.
STEP1: Get the KNTYP equal to ‘H’, ‘KONV-KRECH’ = C and ‘KONV-KINAK’ equal to Blank.
New Value = (KONV-KBETR X EKPO-MENGE) X ‘Customs Exchange Rate’.
STEP2: If the next condition type if of the type ‘KONV-KRECH’ equal to ‘A’ – Percentage then
read the percentage value from KONV-KBETR divide it by 10. Calculate the value on the basis of
new value in STEP1, and if its KBETR is with negative sign, then deduct it from Step1 (New
Value) and if it’s Positive add it to STEP 1, new value.
STEP3: If the next condition type if of the type ‘KONV-KRECH’ equal to ‘B’ – Fixed Amount then
read the value from KONV-KBETR and MULTIPLY it by CUSTOM Exchange Rate and add to the
STEP4: If the next condition type if of the type ‘KONV-KRECH’ equal to ‘C’ – Quantity and
KNTYP other than ‘H’ then read the value from KONV-KBETR and MULTIPLY it by EKPO-
MENGE and then by CUSTOM Exchange Rate and add to the STEP1+STEP2+STEP3.
STEP5: If the next condition type is ‘KONV-KSCHL’ is equal to ‘ZEAS’. Then multiply the
calculated at STEP 4 X 1.01 and update the KONV-KBETR.
System should calculate the Duties such as Basic Excise Duty, CVD, etc.
c) Use BAPI ‘BAPI_PO_CHNAGE’ to update the pricing conditions and item net price value as per
the Custom exchange rate which is maintained by user.
d) If user wants to create the Treasury exposure also, then get the PO details with the help of BAPI
f) If exposure lines are not exist, then create the exposure line by using FM
Selection Screen