Export of Cocoa Regulations

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Export of Cocoa Regulations

By Ghana Cocoa Board Law, 1984, (PNDC. L.81) the objects of Ghana Cocoa Board (COCOBOD)
include the following:-

to purchase, market and export cocoa produced in Ghana which is graded and sealed under the
provisions of Cocoa Industry (Regulation) Consolidation Decree, 1968 (NLCD. 278) or any other
enactment, as suitable for export, to secure the most favourable arrangements for the purchase,
inspection, grading, sealing and certification, export and sale of cocoa, coffee and sheanuts.
Under S.4 (6) of the said PNDC Law 81, no person shall market or export any cocoa unless:

· it is cocoa which is the property of COCOBOD; or

· It is cocoa which has been graded and sealed, the export of which has been authorised in writing
by the certifying authority of the Board.

Following the introduction of competition in the internal marketing of cocoa, through the licensing of private
companies to purchase cocoa, the Government decided to allow qualified licensed cocoa buying
companies to export part of the cocoa they purchase with effect from October, 2000.

In pursuance of the decision and by virtue of the powers conferred on it by S.34 of PNDC Law 81,
COCOBOD has come out with the Regulations hereunder to guide the conduct of qualified exporters in
the external marketing of Cocoa.

1.1 A Company wishing to engage in the external marketing of cocoa must:

· be a Licensed Buying Company (LBC) and must have participated in the internal marketing of
cocoa for a minimum period of two cocoa crop years.
· have purchase a minimum of 10,000 tonnes of cocoa per year over the immediately preceding
two consecutive crop years.
· have personnel who posses the relevant technical know-how and experience in external
marketing or can demonstrate it has access to the requisite human resources, i.e. as may be the
case in regulation 1.5.
· must demonstrate that it has access to adequate financial resources.

1.2 LBCs that qualify to export or have been licensed to export may come together to form a company
for the purposes of exporting cocoa.
1.3 For the avoidance of doubt, the dispensation under regulation 1.2 shall not be available to LBCs
that do not qualify to engage in direct exports.

1.4 LBCs that do not qualify to export under regulations 1.1 and 1.2 may market and export their quota
through any licensed exporter and Cocoa Marketing Co. (Gh) ltd. (CMC).

1.5 The company/companies referred to in regulation 1.2 above may be licensed as exporters.

1.6 The company/companies referred to in regulation 1.5 above, together with CMC and any other
LBCs licensed to export shall be the sole exporters of cocoa beans.

1.7 A Licensed Buying Company wishing to participate in the external marketing and export of cocoa
must apply to Ghana Cocoa Board (Cocobod) for a licence.


2.1 There shall be a body to be known as the Cocoa Sector Marketing Committee (COSMARC)
which shall be appointed by COCOBOD in consultation with the Minister responsible for cocoa.

2.2 The responsibilities of COSMARC shall include:

· Assessing applicants and marking recommendations to COCOBOD for licence to participate in the
internal marketing of cocoa.
· Assessing applicants and making recommendations to COCOBOD for licensing exporters of

2.3 The Membership of COSMARC shall be made up of:

· COCOBOD Representative - chairperson

· Ministry of Finance Representative
· A Banker/Financial Analyst
· An expert in cocoa marketing
· A representative from QCD
· Farmers' Representative
· Private Sector Representative

2.4 The Secretary to the Board of COCOBOD shall be Secretary to COSMARC.

2.5 COSMARC shall have the power to co-opt members as and when necessary.

3.1 Companies which meet the requirements under regulations 1.1 to 1.2 shall be issued with licence
to export cocoa.

3.2 The companies applying under regulation 1.5 shall furnish COCOBOD with the underlisted

· name of the company and registered trade mark.

· date of incorporation;
· nature of business;
· major shareholders of the company;
· names of directors and management personnel;
· registered head officeaddress; and
· banker's reference.

3.3 Licences shall be for an initial period of two years, renewable annually subject to the continued
satisfaction of the registration and operational requirements and compliance with the regulations
contained herein.

3.4 Licensing and annual renewal shall be for a fee to be prescribed from time to time by COCOBOD.

3.5 Where companies licensed to export cocoa are unable to do so on their own, they may have the
cocoa exported on their behalf by any other licensed exporter or CMC.

4.1 All sales contracts entered into by licensed exporters themselves or on their behalf shall be
registered with COCOBOD.

4.2 External buyers shall be members of either the London or New York cocoa association or other
recognised cocoa associations and should demonstrate to the licensed exporter a strong financial
standing verifiable through the normal banking channels.
4.3 All exports shall be effected with the appropriate set of documents that meet any and all the
legislation of Ghana on export in general and export of cocoa in particular as well as meet the import
regulations of the country of destination.

4.4 The licensed exporter shall present the appropriate shipping documents concerning the sales
contract to the Bank of Ghana or any other Bank according to the regulations in force concerning the
collection and repatriation of the proceeds from cocoa exports.

4.5 All shipments from Ghana shall be supervised by competent bodies at the points of loading and

4.6 No licensed exporters shall export or attempt to export or have exported on its behalf more than the
quantity of cocoa they are permitted to export.

4.7 All licensed exporters shall submit monthly returns to COCOBOD not later than seven days after
the end of the month indicating tonnages exported, value, destination and grade of cocoa. The format for
the submission of the returns is attached as Annex 1.

4.8 For purposes of taxation, repatriation and retention of proceeds, beans delivered to local
processors by licensed exporters shall be priced according to guidelines issued by the Export Sales
Committee referred to under regulation 5.

5.1 There shall be established an EXPORT SALES COMMITTEE to advise:

· exporters on external market trends and prices.

· COCOBOD on the modalities for determining the sharing of export quotas.
· on the delivery and pricing of cocoa to local processors.

5.2 The Export Sales Committee shall be made up of a representative each of the following.

· COCOBOD - Chairperson
· Ministry Of Finance
· Bank of Ghana
· Licensed Cocoa Exporters

5.3 Decisions of the Committee shall be made available to Licensed Exporters only and shall be
treated with utmost confidentiality.


6.1 The Quality Control Division (QCD) of COCOBOD shall be responsible for ensuring that cocoa for
export meet all appropriate national and international quality standards.

6.2 Pre-shipment samples of cocoa meant for export shall be taken by QCD for
bean count analysis and grading to determine quality and the appropriate
quality certificate issued.

6.3 The QCD shall fumigate every consignment of cocoa prior to shipment
And issue a fumigation certificate for each parcel.

6.4 The QCD shall disinfest cocoa storage facilities as and when deemed

6.5 COCOBOD shall negotiate with the licensed exporters the appropriate fees chargeable for
services rendered by QCD.
7.1 Licensed exporters who contravene any of the Regulations herein shall suffer the renovation of
their licence, without prejudice to any prosecution which they would be liable to suffer under any other
enactments on account of the breach on their part of any such Regulations.

7.2 Any licensed exporter who fails to use its licence for two consecutive years shall have its licence
suspended for one year. If during the time of suspension it does not make arrangements to have the
licence restored, the licence shall be withdrawn.

7.3 Any licensed exporter who fails to meet its contractual obligations to buyers shall have its licence

7.4 Where the licence has been revoked, the licensed exporter may re-apply for licence to export after
two crop years.

7.5 Where a licence is revoked, any outstanding commitments of the company shall be fulfilled by the
company through other licensed exporters.

8.1 There shall be a Board of Appeal to which a persons aggrieved by decisions of COCOBOD under
these Regulations may have the right to appeal.

8.2 The Board of Appeal shall be appointed by the Minister responsible for cocoa and shall consist of:

· A Chairman, who shall be a lawyer of the standing not below that of a High Court Judge.
· A representative of the Ghana Chamber of Commerce.
· An expert in Cocoa Marketing.

8.3 Decisions of the Board of Appeal shall be final.

9.1 The above Regulations are subject to such legislation, amendments, additions, and bye-laws as
may from time to time be issued by the Government and/or Ghana Cocoa Board.

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