Jharrett Bryantt Biography and Resume
Jharrett Bryantt Biography and Resume
Jharrett Bryantt Biography and Resume
Dr. Jharrett Bryantt is an Executive Officer at the Houston Independent School District,
leading efforts to attract, retain, evaluate, and competitively compensate world
class talent for one of the nation’s largest school systems. He has served Houston
ISD in numerous capacities, including as a college advisor, director, and an Assistant
Superintendent. Houston ISD serves over 194,000 students, 26,000 employees,
and 276 campuses. He proudly began his career in education as a high school
mathematics teacher.
Under his leadership, thousands of students have graduated from the district on full
scholarships to college, and received no-cost vocational credentials to enter high-
wage, high-demand careers upon graduation. He spearheaded a district-wide increase
in passing rates on Advanced Placement exams, launched over 15 new International
Baccalaureate programs throughout the city, and raised over $20MM from
philanthropy to hire more high school and middle school college & career advisors.
He has been recognized locally and nationally for his accomplishments, most recently
being named to Forbes Magazine’s 30 education leaders to watch in 2019, and then
to Forbes’ 2021 national list of 50 champions for advancing communities of color.