SHRP - Assignment Plan-2022

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Strategic Human Resource Planning

DAY Session Topics Group Number

DAY -1 01-02 Introduction to the Course: Concepts of strategy and planning, The concept and importance
of strategic HRM, Characteristics of an effective HRM strategy,
DAY - 2 03-04 Aligning HR with strategy: Corporate strategies, business strategies and Functional strategies,
Linking HR processes to strategy
DAY -3 05-06 The strategic HR planning model, Ways to become involved in the strategic planning process,

DAY -4 07-08 Environmental Scanning: Environmental scanning sources and methods, Challenges in
environmental scanning.
DAY -5 09-10 Job Analysis and Designing: The nature, Purposes and uses of job analysis, Job analysis and strategic HRM,
the process of job analysis, Methods of Collecting Job Analysis Information,
DAY -6 11-12 Job Designing: Factors affecting job design, Job design approaches, Contemporary issues in job design.

DAY -7 13-14 The HR Forecasting Process: Overview of HR Planning, Process, Forecasting Activity categories,
Benefits of HR forecasting.
DAY -8 15-16 Environmental and organizational factors affecting HR forecasting, Determining net HR requirements.

DAY -9 17-18 The Demand for HR: Factors that determine the demand for human resources, Qualitative and
quantitative techniques of demand forecasting.
DAY -10 19-20 The Demand for HR: Index/ Trend Analysis, Delphi Technique, Regression Analysis, etc.

DAY -11 21-22 The Supply of Human Resources: Factors that determine the future supply of human
resources, Replacement chart, Markov analysis, Linear programming and Movement analysis.
DAY -13 25-26 Human Resources Audit: Skills inventories, Management Inventories.

DAY -14 27-28 Succession Management: Concept and importance, Succession Management
process, Employee role in succession management
DAY -15 29-30 Downsizing and Restructuring: Concepts and definition, why do organizations downsize?
Complexity of the downsizing decision, Effective downsizing planning.
DAY -16 31-32 Mergers and Acquisitions: Various types of mergers and acquisitions, Methods used to achieve a
DAY -17 33-34 Mathematical Problem Solving

DAY -18 35-36 Review Class

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