Observation Journal Round One

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Observation Journal

Round One: Mother Teresa Cathloic School

Mentor: Shayla Turner, Nichole Gerein, and Ashlee Legge

By: Breanna MacEachern

ED2510 A3
Round One Observation

Day One
Mentor: Nichole Gerein (Principal)
Grade: 7 & 8
Date: January 20TH, 2022
Start: 12:00 PM
End: 4:00 PM

My first day was filled with nerves as my original mentor teacher Miss. Turner was out

sick and I was placed with the principal Mrs. Gerein. Upon arrival Mrs. Gerein had brought to

my attention that the classes she is supposed to substitute in will behave differently due to her

title and presence in the classroom. Mrs. Gerein is subbing for junior high teacher Ms. Legge.

This was a grade seven mixed media class and the original teacher Ms. Legge had

prepared a lesson plan, a powerpoint presentation, and an example ready for the activity planned.

The class was held in the main gathering area of the school which consisted of group tables and a

mobile screen which was what Mrs. Gerein put the slideshow on. She had mentioned to me that

because they are in grade 7 she was going to give the students the freedom to choose their group

of four. Mrs. Gerein explained that to the students as well which I felt boosted their confidence

and encouraged them more to participate but she also said if individuals get out of hand then

groups will be rearranged. The theme Ms. Legge chose for the activity “turning something old

into something new” which required the students to choose recycled fabrics and cut them into

specific lengths to try around wire to create a wreath. The powerpoint Ms. Legge had created

prior along with the example made instruction for Mrs. Gerein very simple. The powerpoint

included step by step instructions with pictures for those who learn better visually. Ms. Legge

finished a wreath prior to the class so the students had an idea of what the end result will look

like. It was very interesting to see how each group of students interacted with each other and how

Round One Observation

most of them ended up taking on roles throughout the project such as the cutter, the one who ties,

and the one who measures. There was a group of boys who were struggling with staying on task

so I sat at their table and helped them with their wreath and with a bit of encouragement we were

able to be the second group to finish our wreath. This class went by extremely fast for two hours

long because both the students, I, and Mrs. Gerein were working hard at completing the wreaths.

I was surprised by how well behaved the students were, especially given that this was more of an

art project and the class was male dominated but I had to remind myself that I was with the

principal and then their behavior became less surprising due to her role.

Ms. Legge’s grade eight science class in the same gathering. This class was more

independent as they were continuing to work on their google doc assignment individually. Since

the gathering area has group tables the students were instructed that they were allowed to sit by

their peers but to remain on task to keep that freedom. I liked Mrs. Gereins’ use of positive

reinforcement to help students stay on task because it gives the students a sense of responsibility

and if they follow accordingly then they are prized with sitting beside their friends. The lesson

plan for this class was pretty short and simple as they already knew what they had to-do because

they started the assignment a few days prior. Since it was the last block of the day, Mrs. Gerein

gave the students who finished early the opportunity to work on other homework.

My first day I felt it was a bit hard to grasp a good classroom structure since I was in the

gathering area mentoring under a substitute. It was at the last minute that Ms. Legge was unable

to make it that day so Mrs. Gerein had taken her classes due to the shortage of teachers due to the

ongoing pandemic. It was eye opening to see how hard the pandemic was affecting our schools

because in Mother Teresa that week they were missing almost 6 teachers which resulted in

librarians having to step in to teach a lecture. I was also extremely shocked by the teacher

Round One Observation

shortage. Between the two classes, Mrs. Gerein and I had recess supervision and during that time

I asked her some questions regarding her own experience as a teacher. One of the things that she

had mentioned that really stuck with me throughout this observation was that children are

completely different now compared to when I was a child or herself and she is not sure if it is

due to the rise of social media or if parenting overall has changed. I could see the pros and cons

of having a class in the gathering area. It allowed Mrs. Gerein to be active with the students

while they were working as she was walking around between the groups and sitting with the ones

who needed help since she did not have a desk.

Reinforcement Correction

● “I will tell Ms. Legge how well ● Reminding students that working
everyone did at picking their groups beside peers is a responsibility and if
and staying on task”. they can not handle it then will have to
● When students ask questions, follow work alone.
their question with “That was a good ● Asking if their actions are a smart idea
question”. Doing this will/and can and if it benefits their learning
help boost students' confidence. ● Going over class schedule so students
Encourage participation know what time they need to be
● I like how Jane Doe’s group is getting cleaning up
their work done and are able to talk ● Going over gathering area rules- no
about no school related topics yelling and asking to leave to
● Once you have finished you are free to bathroom etc
work on any extra homework or have
free time

Round One Observation

Teacher Directions Student Response

1. Directs students to take a seat at a 1. Students find a table and take off
table and bring attention to the front jackets. Sit and pay attention to front
near the screen for powerpoint for 2. Some students answer, most remain
project instruction and class timeline. silent
2. Ask class if they have any experience 3. Students move to desired group
with making wreaths members, one from each group grabs
3. Directs students to assign roles and poster paper and paints/markers
grap required materials 4. Most to all students reply with “2:55”
4. Asking students what time they are 5. Students reply “Clean up time”
supposed to clean up
5. What time is it?

Day Two
Mentor: Ashlee Legge
Grade: 6 & 7 & 8
Date: January 25TH, 2022
Start: 8:10 AM
End: 3:25 PM

My second day I was with Ms. Legge for the full day as my original mentor teacher is

still out sick. I was interested to see how the classes were going to behave since I was not

covering the class with the principle. Today I will be observing in her grade eight mixed media,

grade seven math, and grade six gym classes.

The grade eight mixed media class is in the gathering area which worked great to work

on their anti-bullying posters. Before students arrived, we set up the different art supplies such as

markers, paints, paint brushes, and paint trays on one of the larger tables. Since February is right

around the corner, Ms. Legge thought it would be a good idea to have the students get into

groups and work on an anti-bullying poster that will be hung up for the other grades to judge. I

Round One Observation

personally really liked how Ms. Legge incorporated anti-bullying into the students project since

bullying is a major problem within any school. When students arrived, Ms. Legge gathered their

attention to start a discussion surrounding their project. Students were asked if they were familiar

with graffiti art and were asked to share that knowledge with their fellow classmates. Students

were expected to look up graffiti art that they would incorporate into their anti-bullying posters. I

was extremely intrigued on how different the students' interactions and behaviors were now that

Ms. Legge was in the classroom instead of the principal. I noticed how some students were

getting off topic with personal conversation and also not applying themselves to the activity. Ms.

Legge also used positive reinforcement with those students who were struggling which

encouraged them to reapply themselves and all groups had a good start to their posters. I found

the biggest encouragement with this group was the prize and having the judges think their poster

was the “best”. It was interesting to me how Ms. Legge decided to incorporate the use of graffiti

art since many of the students see it all over the city on trains, buildings, garbage cans etc. I

found that it interested the students since it was a different art style that some may not use in

posters or drawing.

Reinforcement Correction

● “I love how Jane Doe’s group is ● Reminding students that posters will
staying on topic” be judged and prizes will be rewarded.
● Each group has come up with This encourages students to apply
awesome ideas themselves and put effort into their
● “I like how Jane Doe’s group is work
working together and incorporating
everyone’s ideas”

Round One Observation

During this class, Ms. Legge and I were reflecting on how she created her sub plans for the day

Mrs. Gerein was her sub. She showed and explained to me that she uses the program “planbook”

to create simple lesson plans for the teacher covering her class when she is unable to make it to

class. This program seemed extremely helpful since she was able to organize the ideas and

objectives for the class in a simple manner for the sub to understand along with the step by step

tutorial in the powerpoint Ms. Legge also created it to go along with the assignment. School

administrators can buy an account for all teachers or if just one teacher uses it, it has an annual

fee of $15. I find the program planbook to be extremely helpful and plan on using it as a resource

when I start teaching.

For the sixth grade gym class, we were a split gym with another grade 8 class. I was

intrigued to see how having both a grade six and eight class in one gym would go. The school

had rented curling equipment for the week so that was the unit that both the teachers were

focusing on. I was a bit concerned when I found out that the unit was curling because I

personally have no experience with that sport but it was handy that the company that the school

rented the equipment from gave detailed instructions and different plays the students could work

on. I found that extremely helpful for the instructors who may not have experience with curling.

The class behaviors were extremely better than what I assumed for sharing the gym with an older

grade. There was an incident that occurred between some students which resulted in Ms. Legge

pulled those involved into the hallway before class ended to discuss what had happened. I like

how she approached the situation by hearing each student's version and explaining to each one

how their actions affected the other students. The three students involved apologized to one

another and agreed with Ms. Legge that their behavior was not kind. I found that moment super

intriguing because It is extremely important when approaching and accessing altercations

Round One Observation

between students, we as teachers must keep an open mind to how each student was affected and

their view of the situation.

Teacher Direction Student Response

1. Directs to students that they need to 1. Students pause for a few seconds, look
choose a group of 5 and stand on the for groups and make way to middle
middle black line facing the curling black line
mats 2. Few students volunteer, some not
2. Asks two students to volunteer for paying attention
example 3. Students line up and begin shooting,
3. Directs students to line up in their some students struggle with only
groups to practice the different shots shooting once. Many wanted to just
shown. Directed it to one person from keep shooting the disks.
each group shooting at a time. 4. Students begin to stop what they are
4. Blows whistle doing and freeze to listen to

The final class that I observed with Ms. Legge was her grade seven math class that was

held in another teacher's classroom. The topic they were covering was long division and the

technique being discussed was the DMSB (divide, multiply, subtract, bring down). Before

students arrive she preps the board by writing practice questions for students who are early to

class and writes DMSB down the side of the white board for the lecture. I found that since this

class was in the last period for the day many of the students were struggling with paying

attention and following directions. Throughout Ms. Legge's lecture I noticed how she

Round One Observation

incorporated how math is used in everyday lives. I found that by making those connections it

helped the students understand the importance of division and having mathematical skills.

Day Three, Four, and Five

Mentor: Shayla Turner
Grade: Montessori Kindergarten
Date: February 1ST, 8TH, 10TH 2022
Start: 8:00 AM
End: 3:30 PM

Physical Arrangement Daily Procedures Transitions Students

and Routines Assigned to

● Large classroom 1. Arrive Ask students ● 24

with staff and 2. 20 minutes where their name students,
student of outside tracing and about
bathroom. play erasable markers equal
● Six tables with 3. Practice are girls to
four chairs per name “Quietly find a boys
table tracing and spot on the mat ● 6 with a
● Small computer when but do not sit near learning
desk at front for completed a friend who may disability
teacher near show distract you” or autism

Round One Observation

smart board teacher and “Good Job ● 2 Teacher

then play Friends” when Assistants
with play students follow ● Large
dough directions variety of
4. Class “Okay friends we academic
reading and are going to ranges
prayer quietly put our
5. 10 minute materials away
snack and line up to
6. Music with wash our hands”
Mr. Kevin Reminding
(Mrs. students only two
Turner at time while
7. has prep) washing hands
8. Play time “Peace within
(blocks, Classroom”
penguins, teacher will hold
free reading, up peace sign to
white get students
board) attention
9. Eat Lunch
10. Recess
11. Gather on
mat and do
12. Word and
Letter of
13. Dismissal

I was extremely excited to have the opportunity to observe in a Montessori classroom.

Upon arrival, Mrs. Shayla’s classroom consisted of neutral colors and natural and dim lighting.

The environment of her classroom was essential as 6/24 students have learning disabilities and

with such a calming environment it does not over stimulate those who struggle with paying

attention and following directions. I liked how the classroom was set up with different group

tables and how she switched who sat by who. This gives students the opportunity to become

friends with all the students and ensure others are not being left out. To begin the day, we

Round One Observation

gathered the students' bins and placed them randomly at each table. When planning on which

students sit together Mrs. Shayla takes into account who works best with who and who does not

work best with who. Two of the 24 students require full time education assistants so ensuring

that those students are placed at a table that can accommodate for their EA and have rocking

chairs for those particular students.

Students begin arriving around 8:20-8:30am, where the parents meet the teachers outside

in the designated play area so the students have 20 minutes of outside play to start their morning.

I found that having the students burn off that excitement of seeing their friends and having 20

minutes of outside play in the morning was beneficial for the day as many students were

following directions and paying attention throughout the day. In the bins we set out prior to the

students arriving, each student has a dry erase sheet with their names so they can practice

writing. Once students are settled inside after their 20 minutes of outside time, they find their

bins and begin tracing their names. When students are finished they have to show Mrs. Shayla

their sheet so she can ensure it was done properly and once they are finished, they can go ahead

and play with their playdough until further instruction. I liked this strategy of including

playdough because after they were done the students felt rewarded and it allowed them to be

creative and make something with their playdough. Once students are done they gather onto the

mat for a class reading and prayer. I liked how she asked the students if they wanted to pray for

anyone and most of them would say their classmates. I admire how she set the environment of

her classroom and it is clear how all the students respect each other and feel included.

The teacher gave me a heads up prior to class that I may need to help her with one of the

students who they believe to fall on the autism spectrum but does not have an EA yet. This

student is still learning English as they were adopted from Haiti. I found that he would easily get

Round One Observation

off topic or distracted by other students and would isolate himself from the classroom. I took him

for a 5 minute walk down the hallway and played in the sensory room for 15 minutes to give him

a breather. This was my first experience with a sensory room and I saw how beneficial they can

be to those students who need it. It allowed those certain students to take a break from the

classroom and not be a distraction to other students. This student in particular needs to have

breaks from the classroom as they can begin yelling and being disruptive.

Schedule Students Action

1. 20 minutes of outside play 1. Running around and playing, lots of

2. Practice name tracing and when yelling, to himself a bit
completed show teacher and then play 2. Struggled with tracing name, was not
with play dough holding pen properly, shaking his head
3. Sensory Room- 15 minutes no when told todo it. Teacher directed
4. Class reading and prayer he sit with her to encourage him to
5. 10 minute snack participate and finish his sheet.
6. Music with Mr. Kevin (Mrs. Turner 3. Cheered up as walking down hallway,
has prep) looking at images on walls. Played
7. Walk - 5/10 minutes with bubble machine turning it
8. Play time (blocks, penguins, free different colours and guessing the
reading, white board) numbers on machine
9. Eat Lunch 4. Sits on mat with me, having hard time
10. Recess staying still but does listen to book
11. Gather on mat and do breathing and prayer. Rocking back and fourth.
exercises Was reminded once to not bug friends
12. Walk or Sensory room- 10 minutes during prayer.
13. Word and Letter of day 5. Has one healthy snack
14. Dismissal 6. This was super interactive for the
student as Mr. Kevin was using music
videos for the students to sing and
dance along to. He was extremely well
behaved during music class. I believe
music is comforting to the student.
7. Went for a walk down the hallway,
jumped on the stickers. Does not
speak much.
8. Choose to play with the wooden
blocks and does share when others
ask. Goes to penguins, does not talk to
other students but is playing and
interacting with them

Round One Observation

9. Has lunch, eats it all. No fuss.

10. Play outside, you can tell the student is
tired. Hanging around myself and the
teacher more
11. After a few times of being asked, lay
down on mat. Was a bit giggly and
distractive to other students, I pulled
him close to me and did the breathing
exercises with him.
12. Went to the sensory room twice on the
first day, Mrs. Shayla felt that he did
not get enough sleep and is the reason
for not wanting to participate.
13. This student struggles with writing
and coloring. Still was having hard
time holding pencil to practice the
letter L. Was brought to sit at donut
table with Mrs. Shayla and other
student that was struggling for help.

When students were having break downs or were having a bad day, in her reading center

she had made feeling cards. She will take the student to the reading center and have them discuss

how they are feeling which is beneficial to the student at such a young age as they are figuring

out their emotions and how they truly feel. I liked this strategy because I felt like it allowed the

teacher to build that relationship with her students and as I observed it was extremely clear that

she has built a solid foundation of trust and developed great relationships with each of her

students. I find building that relationship is essential as a kindergarten teacher because you are

Round One Observation

not only preparing them for the future grades but helping them build a positive relationship with

school overall.

I liked her strategy of incorporating that mistakes are okay and that we learn from making

mistakes. She would be clear with the students if they make a mistake that they do not need to

cry but rather do better for next time and this was essential because for a kindergarten class there

were not many breakdowns. It is clear as an observer that she created the classroom environment

to be a safe space where the students are allowed to make mistakes. One important factor that I

realized is extremely important to elementary teachers is how quick they have to think on their

feet to meet every student's needs. While observing in this kindergarten class, I was extremely

hands on and it showed me how elementary teachers are different from highschool, you are not

on a computer as much as you would be in a highschool. Shayla would sit on the floor and put

herself at the same level as her students to ensure they felt comfortable which I found made the

atmosphere more engaging as they liked their teacher interacting with them and the activity. It is

super important to take into consideration that as a teacher one can not just lay the facts down

and expect them to understand, many students need a more engaging approach. This kindergarten

class was based on empowering each student's learning and allowing them to be creative with the

material being presented.

I found this observation to be extremely eye opening to all the obstacles that teachers and

school administration are faced with on a daily basis. I also was very intrigued by how a

Montessori classroom functioned compared to the regular classroom that I experienced as a

student. I was in shock to see that some teachers did not have a classroom such as Ms. Legge and

that even though you might not be comfortable with a certain grade curriculum you still may

need to jump in to help when needed. I grasped a good understanding of how difficult it can be

Round One Observation

when creating academic plans for students with special needs or learning disabilities. For

example, in Mrs. In Shayla's class there is a non-verbal austic boy whose parents refuse to have

him tested. I was shocked by the measures teachers and school administrators have to go to so

that they can ensure that students will be successful in their academic career. It is sad to see how

extra classroom help and support is not always available for the teacher and as a teacher it is

extremely important to be able to provide what the students need while dealing with other

students' behavior issues. I loved my experience at Mother Teresa and the overall atmosphere of

the school has a large influence on me wanting to teach in a catholic school division. I liked that

I was able to learn from three different mentors so I could learn about different teaching methods

and how they influence the students.


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