Ex 1-3 Without Output

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Date:                      STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING 
To implement the structured programming paradigm using python.

           1a .Write a program to develop a payroll calculator for school using python. The user input starts by
asking for your name or "0" to quit the program, hours worked and pay rate. Extra salary will be provided
for over time according to the decision of the admin.

 Start the program
 Get the input from the user
 Find the regular pay if there is no overtime hours
 Find the overtime hour. 
 Find the regular time pay, over time pay and  net pay
 Print the results

user = str
end = "0"
hours = round(40,2)
print("One Stop Shop Payroll Calculator")

hours = (float(input("Please enter hours worked: ", )))

payrate =(float(input("Please enter your payrate: $", )))
if hours < 40:
print("Employee's name: ", user)
print("Overtime hours: 0")
print("Overtime Pay: $0.00")
regularpay = round(hours * payrate, 2)
print("Gross Pay: $", regularpay)
elif hours > 40:
overtimehours = round(hours - 40.00,2)
print("Overtime hours: ", overtimehours)
print("Employee's name: ", user)
regularpay = round(hours * payrate,2)
overtimerate = round(payrate * 1.5, 2)
overtimepay = round(overtimehours * overtimerate)
grosspay = round(regularpay+overtimepay,2)
print("Regular Pay: $", regularpay)
print("Overtime Pay: $",overtimepay)
print("Gross Pay: $", grosspay)

while user != end:

user = input("Please enter your name or type '0' to quit: ")
if user == end:
print("End of Report")

1b. Write a program to implement Compound Interest

 Start the program
 Get the input principle, rate, time  from the user
 Calculate the compound interest
 Print the compound interest
 Stop

# Program to Calculate compound interest 
Amount = principle * (pow((1 + rate / 100), time)) 
CI = Amount - principle 
print("Compound interest is", CI) 

1c. Write a program to reverse a given integer

 Start the program
 Assign the input value to the num variable
 Find the reverse number for the given number using while loop
 Print the reversed number
 Stop

num = 76542
reverse_number = 0
print("Given Number ", num)
while num > 0:
reminder = num % 10
reverse_number = (reverse_number * 10) + reminder
num = num // 10
print("Revered Number ", reverse_number)

1d. Write a program to display the cube of the number up to a given integer
 Start the program
 Assign the input value to the input_number variable
 Find the the cube of a given number number using for loop
 Print the cube
 Stop
input_number = 6
for i in range(1, input_number + 1):
print("Current Number is :", i, " and the cube is", (i * i * i))

1e.Write a program to find the sum of the series 2 +22 + 222 + 2222 + .. n terms
 Start the program
 Initialize the values for number of terms and start
 Find the sum of series using for loop
 Print the sum of series
 Stop

number_of_terms = 5
start = 2
sum = 0
for i in range(0, number_of_terms):
print(start, end=" ")
sum += start
start = (start * 10) + 2
print("\nSum of above series is:", sum)

1f.Write a program to add two matrices using nested loop

 Start the program
 Initialize the X,Y and result matrices
 Iterate through rows and columns
 Print the result using for loop
 Stop

X = [[12,7,3],
        [4 ,5,6],
       [7 ,8,9]]
Y = [[5,8,1],
result = [[0,0,0],
# iterate through rows
for i in range(len(X)):
   # iterate through columns
   for j in range(len(X[0])):
       result[i][j] = X[i][j] + Y[i][j] 
for r in result:

1g.Write a program to convert kilometer to miles

 Start the program
 Get the input  from the user
 Initialize the conversion factor
 Convert to miles
 Stop

# Taking kilometers input from the user
kilometers = float(input("Enter value in kilometers: "))
conv_fac = 0.621371
# calculate miles
miles = kilometers * conv_fac
print('%0.2f kilometers is equal to %0.2f miles' %(kilometers,miles))

Thus the Python  program to implement payroll calculator, compound interest, to reverse
a given integer, to display a cube of a given number, to find the sum of series, to add two
matrices and to convert from kilometer to miles  are executed successfully.
To write a Python Programs to implement procedural programming paradigm

2a. Write a program to generate list of random numbers using procedure

 Start the program
 Import the random package 
 Get the random numbers
 Append the random numbers to the list
 Print the random numbers
 Stop

import random
def Rand(start, end, num):
res = []

for j in range(num):
res.append(random.randint(start, end))

return res

# Driver Code
num = 10
start = 20
end = 40
print(Rand(start, end, num))

2b.Write a program to return the largest Fibonacci number smaller than x and the lowest
fibonacci number higher than x.
 Start the program
 Get the integer from user
 Find largest Fibonacci Number smaller than x
 Find smallest Fibonacci Number larger than x:
 print largest Fibonacci Number smaller than x
 print smallest Fibonacci Number larger than x
 Stop

def fib_intervall(x):
if x < 0:
return -1
(old,new) = (0,1)
while True:
if new < x:
(old,new) = (new,old+new)
if new == x:
new = old+new
return (old, new)
while True:
x = int(input("Your number: "))
if x <= 0:
(lub, sup) = fib_intervall(x)
print("Largest Fibonacci Number smaller than x: " + str(lub))
print("Smallest Fibonacci Number larger than x: " + str(sup))

2c. Write a Python program to make a chain of function decorators (bold, italic, underline etc.).
 Define the make_bold function and wrapped function that is defined inside make_bold to
create bold letters .
 Define the make_italic function and wrapped function that is defined inside make_italic
to create italic letters .
 Define the make_underline function and wrapped function that is defined inside
make_underline to create bold letters .
 Call make_bold, make_italic and make_underline functions 

def make_bold(fn):
    def wrapped():
        return "<b>" + fn() + "</b>"
    return wrapped
def make_italic(fn):
    def wrapped():
        return "<i>" + fn() + "</i>"
    return wrapped
def make_underline(fn):
    def wrapped():
        return "<u>" + fn() + "</u>"
    return wrapped
def hello():
    return "hello world"
print(hello()) ## returns "<b><i><u>hello world</u></i></b>"
2d.Write a Python program to access a function inside a function.
 Define a test function 
 Define add function inside test function
 Perform addition operation
 Return the result
 Call the test function 
 Print the result

def test(a):
        def add(b):
                nonlocal a
                a += 1
                return a+b
        return add
func= test(4)

2e.Write a Python function that takes a list and returns a new list with unique elements of the
first list.
 Define unique_list function
 Cheeck the uniqueness of a each value
 return the unique value
 print the unique list


def unique_list(l):
x = []
for a in l:
if a not in x:
return x

2f.Write a Python function to check whether a string is a pangram or not.
 Import string and sys packages
 Define a function ispangram
 Check every letter of alphabet is present
 Call  the function and check with the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
 Print the result

import string, sys
def ispangram(str1, alphabet=string.ascii_lowercase):
alphaset = set(alphabet)
return alphaset<= set(str1.lower())
print ( ispangram('The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'))

Thus the Python program to generate list of random numbers, to return the largest
Fibonacci number smaller than x and the lowest fibonacci number higher than x, to create chain
of function decorators, to access function inside the function, to return unique elements of list
from existing list have been executed successfully.
To Write a Python Programs to implement Object Oriented Programming Paradigm

3a. Write a program to create bank account and to perform deposit and withdraw
operations using class and objects

 Start the program
 Create class named Bank Account
 Initialize the constructor to make the balance zero
 Define and implement the withdraw operation.
 Define and implement the deposit operation.
 Create  the  object
 Call the withdraw and deposit function using object
 Stop

class BankAccount:
def __init__(self):
self.balance = 0
def withdraw(self, amount):
self.balance -= amount
return self.balance
def deposit(self, amount):
self.balance += amount
return self.balance
a = BankAccount()
b = BankAccount()

3b.Write a program to create employee class using constructor and destructor and  to get ID, name,
gender , city and salary
 Start the program
 Initialize all the values using constructor.
 Initialize the destructor
 Get the input from user.
 Display the data
 Create the object for the employee class
 Call functions using class
 Stop

class Employee:
def __init__(self): #Constructor
self.__id = 0
self.__name = ""
self.__gender = ""
self.__city = ""
self.__salary = 0
print("Object Initialized.")
def __del__(self): #Destructor
print("Object Destroyed.")
def setData(self):
self.__id=int(input("Enter Id\t:"))
self.__name = input("Enter Name\t:")
self.__gender = input("Enter Gender:")
self.__city = input("Enter City\t:")
self.__salary = int(input("Enter Salary:"))
def __str__(self):
data = "["+str(self.__id)
return data
def showData(self):
print("Name\t:", self.__name)
print("Gender\t:", self.__gender)
print("City\t:", self.__city)
print("Salary\t:", self.__salary)

def main():
#Employee Object

if __name__=="__main__":

3c.To create the student class that consists of name, id and age attribute and to create the object
of the student, to print attribute name of the object, to reset the value of the age, to
print the modified value of age  , to print true if the student contains the attribute with name and 
to delete the attribute age.             
 Start the program
 Create the student class with name , id and age.
 Create the object of the student class.
 Print attribute name of the object.
 Reset the value of attribute age to 23  
 Prints the modified value of age  
 Delete the attribute’s age.
 Stop

class Student:
def __init__(self, name, id, age):
self.name = name
self.id = id
self.age = age
# creates the object of the class Student
s = Student("John", 101, 22)
# prints the attribute name of the objects
print(getattr(s, 'name'))
# reset the value of attribute age to 23
setattr(s, "age", 23)
# prints the modified value of age
print(getattr(s, 'age'))
print(hasattr(s, 'id'))
# deletes the attribute age
delattr(s, 'age')

3d.To implement the object oriented concepts.There are 258 computers available in computer
programming lab where each computers are used eight hours per day. Write a Python  program
using classes and objects that contain getDetail() for getting input from 
user,calculatesecondperDay() for calculating the usage of each computer in seconds per day,
calculateminutesperWeek() for calculating the usage of each computer in minutes per
week ,calculatehourperMonth() for calculating usage of each computer in hour per month and
calculatedayperYear() for calculating usage of each computer in day per yearList all the
Components of structured programming language.

 Start the program
 Create the  calc class with getdetail() to get hours.
 Define calcultesecondsperday() function  to calculate seconds peer day.
 Define calculateminutesperweek() function to calculate minutes in a week.
 Create calculatedaysperyear() function to calculate no. of days in a year.
 Define calculatehourspermonth() function  to compute hours per month.
 Define an object and call the functions
 Stop


class calc:
def getDetail(self):
def calculatesecondsperDay(self):
print('Total Seconds per Day:',Second_per_Day)
def calculateminutesperWeek(self):
print("Total Minutes per Week:",Minutes_per_Week)
def calculatehourperMonth(self):
print("Total Hour per Month:",Hour_per_Month)
def calculatedayperyear(self):
print("Total Day per Year:",Day_per_Year)

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