Project Manager or Engineering Manager

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M. Douglas Scott, P.E.

[email protected]
903 520 7331 cell
I seek a company that will utilize my technical and leadership skills. I've succ
essfully performed progressively challenging engineering, construction and leade
rship roles on a diverse body of projects including small/mid cap projects, majo
r modifications and expansions to existing facilities, new technology, and a gra
ssroots world class international refinery. I've successfully worked in pipeli
ne, chemicals, midstream and downstream segments of the industry.
BSME: 1989; Prairie View A&M, Prairie View, TX
MA: 1996; Multicultural Studies /International Business, University Houston Clea
r Lake, TX
Professional Development Education:
2003: Project Management, Construction Industry Institute, Austin, TX
2006: Project Controls Management Training
2008; IPA Capital Projects Delivery Excellence
2008: PMI Project Portfolio Management
2008: Managing Technical Professionals and Organizations; Massachusetts Institu
te of Technology
2009: DuPont Process Safety Management (PSM) Training
P.E.: Professional Engineer State of Texas # 91650
Foreign Languages: Spanish; conversant not fluent. Mostly construction and eng
ineering vocabulary.
Software Proficiency: MS Office including MS Project
Awards and Recognition
1999 Conoco's President's Award for Safety and Occupational Health for achievin
g 250MM hrs.
With Zero recordables on VEHOP Project.
1991 Amoco Presidential Quality Award for Cogen Problem Solving Task Force.
2004 IPA Best Practical Rating for Front End Loading for Engineering for ULSD
1991 IPA Implementation of Lessons Learned. Landfill Closure Project

Positions Performed:
Pipeline Gang Hand. Pipeline Engineer Intern, Mechanical Design Engineer, Maint
enance Engineer, Project Engineer, Construction Engineer, Construction Manager,
Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Department Head.
Cost, Schedule and Quality through leading Gated Processes including Front End E
ngineering, Detailed Design, Construction, Start up, Closeout, Contractor Sele
ction, Contactor Relationships, Stakeholder Input, Risk Management
Responsible for Installation Including but not limited to:
Vessels, API & ANSI Pumps, B 31.1 &31.3 Piping, Centrifugal and Reciprocating
Compressors, Air Coolers and Heat Exchangers, Boilers, API 650 Tanks, Loading St
ations, Metering Stations, Instrumentation and DCS systems and upgrades, Laborat
ories, Buildings. Power Substation, Solid Handling Equipment and Conveyors syste
ms, Dock Facilities, Railroad spurs.
Work Experience:
Pasadena Refinery Systems, Inc. 2007-2010
Engineering Manager/ Project Manager
Lead Capital Projects through execution and completion of NOx, CO and SO2 reduct
ion projects to meet deadline EPA deadlines and TAR coordination limitations; in
cluded a new boiler, SCR Scrubber, and retrofitting burners with Ultra Low NOx B
urners. IPA analyzes recognized that these projects cycle time much faster than
average. Successfully completed major initiatives including Facilities Sitin
g Modification to remove employees from Blast Areas, Implemented a Tank Task
Force Program to build new tanks and repair tanks as required per API 650 and 65

ConocoPhillips Experience 1997 to 2007 Lead Project Engineer/Engineering Manager

Sulfur Program: COP Refineries in Sweeny, TX; Rodeo, CA; Lake Charles; LA; Wo
od River, IL.
Scope: Clone Design of five 200 Ton Sulfur, TGTU and DeGass Units
Engineering Contractor: TPA in Dallas, TX and CBI in Tyler.
Cost: $130MM per unit including OSBL scope.
Lead project engineer for Lake Charles units. Also gave significa
nt input in the selection of EPFC Contractor, use of specifications and equipmen
t to meet the need of 4 different sites.
Bayway LPG Project: Bayway, New Jersey June 2005 to April 2006.
Project Manager: Preparation project for Strategic Improvement
Engineering Contractor- Jacobs Engineering in Houston, TX and Mt.
Pleasant, NJ
I led the Jacobs Engineering team located in Bayway, New Jersey o
n developing a scope of work
for pre Strategic Project Projects. Project cancelled prior to
AFD funding.

ULSD Project: Billings, Montana, June 2003- June 2005

Engineering Manager: Cost $140M
Engineering Contractor: Fluor in Aliso Viejo, CA
Scope: 25,000 BPD Diesel HydroTreater, 100GPM Sour Water Stripper, 15MM SCFD
Hydrogen Plant.
I led engineering contractor and PMT engineering team from FEED t
hough completion of detailed engineering. Substantial input in Contractor Sel
ection, PMT Engineering Team selection and all aspects of Project Execution of t
he Engineering and Procurement Phase of the project. Successful start-up 4th Qt
r. 2005.
Low Sulfur Gasoline Project: January 2002 to June 2003.
Resident Project Engineer@ Howe Baker Engineers: Merox Plant for La
ke Charles Refinery
and 10MM SCFD Hydrogen Plant for Ponca City Refinery. Cost $12.5 M
. I also audited the EPF for a small Merox Unit for Lake Charles Refi
nery during this assignment.

Gas to Liquids Semi Works Project: January 2001-December 2002; Tyler, Texas
Engineering Manager: Cost $100MM
Contractor: Howe Baker Engineers, LTD.
Responsible for leading Howe Baker Engineers, LTD and the Conoco Technical Proje
ct Management Team in FEL- 2 and Detailed Engineering Phase of the project whi
ch implements new process technology to convert natural gas into low sulfur dies
el, waxes and water. I interfaced with R&D and discipline specialist to determin
e the scope of work and design basis. I was responsible for fielding and resolvi
ng technical questions during engineering design, procurement of equipment, fabr
ication and assembly of modules. I was responsible for every aspect of this gr
ass root facilities including determining location, acquiring land lease and rig
ht of ways, establishment of utilities, design of the demonstration plant whic
h included the CoPOXtm reactor, Fisher Tropsch Technology, Crude Column and Hyd
roteater, along with tankage , rail and truck loading facilities, laboratory, c
ontrol room, warehouse and office building and parking facilities. I was also re
sponsible for confidentiality agreements for this proprietary technology and dev
eloping contracts of utility providers. The plant started up in 2nd QTR 2002 pr
oving the new technology worked and could be scaled up to production.

VEHOP VEnezuelan Heavy Oil Project: June 1997 through January 2001
Engineering Manager: Conoco- Petrozuata Solids Handling Expansion. January 2000-
June 2000. Jose, Venezuela and Seattle, Washington. Project Cost $300MM
Responsible for leading engineering contractor, SELPECO, in preparation of FEE
and ITB documents for expansion of the Marine Facilities at Petrozuata Marine So
lid Handling Facility.
Responsible for facilitating the formation of Joint Ventures between Venezuelan
and North American Engineering firms to bid on the detailed engineering package.

Construction Engineer: Conoco- Petrozuata VEHOP Project. January 2000- January

Jose, Venezuela. Project Cost $2.2 Billion
Primary responsibility included auditing contractors for adherence to design, a
ssisting in resolving engineering problems and monitoring safety in the field.
I led the PSSR effort in for the entire new facility in Spanish

Lead Project Engineer, Houston, Texas

June, 1997- December 1999. Project Cost $2.2 Billion. My secti
on $60MM
Responsible for leading contract engineering firm, CONTRINA (KBR and Parson JV),
in providing engineering design and procurement in accordance with project spec
ification on the Gas Recovery Unit, Merox Extraction Unit, Fuel Gas Unit and Int
erconnection Piperacks Project. I also provided direction for any civil design
issues plant wide. I also provided guidance to management on change request
Special Award: 1999 Received Conoco's President's Award for Safety and Occupatio
nal Health.
Amoco now BP Experience: May 1989-May 1997 (left to pursue International Experi
ence offered by Conoco)
Project Engineer, Amoco Petroleum Products Sector Co-located at Texas City Ref
Major Capital Group, May 1994-May 1997.
Responsible for project management including scope development, engineering des
ign, cost,
schedule, construction, safety, and startup through project management principl
es and tools
to provide the customer with a safe, maintainable and operable in
stallation. Lead Engineer on the following diverse projects at several sites:
Hobbs Depropanizer Debottleneck Project; Hobbs, New Mexico, Completed, March 97
Expansion of the recently acquired Depropanizer unit from 3,200 BPD to 6,200 BP
Major installation included new reboiler, re-tray of tower, new cooling water c
ell, new overhead
condenser, new exchangers, new distributive control system and all associated
civil, structural, piping and electrical work. Cost $9.3MM.
Responsible for Rebuild of unit after explosion. Lead in team in
emergency assessment of root cause of explosion, fast track redesign and procur
ement of equipment and repair of facilities. . Back online in 6 weeks. Offere
d Plant Manager job. But international work with Conoco offered new opportunitie
6" Propylene Pipeline from Mount Belvieu to Texas City JV with Exx
onMobil '96 Midstream
Ultraformer #4 Steam Upgrade Project; Texas City Refinery, Completed Feb'96.
Increased the 415 psig steam system capacity from 250 Mlb/hr to 400 Mlb/hr. Maj
installation included upgrading the metallurgy and arrangement of tubing in thr
ee furnaces, new steam piping and upgrading the existing controls. Cost $5.2MM

Ultraformer #4 RCSM Project; Texas City Refinery, Completed Feb '96.

Upgraded the existing Foxboro distributive controls system to the Honeywell TDC
3000 system. Major installation included new cable tray system, conduit, junc
tion boxes, some new instruments, and new operator workstations and control roo
m modifications. Cost $4.5MM
ICAMS Infrastructure -Client Server; Texas City Refinery, Completed 2nd QTR '95
Migrated the Texas City Refinery from a mix of mainframe terminals and stand al
one PC's to a full client server environment. Cost $2.8MM.
Yorktown Refinery Quality Improvement Project; Yorktown, Virginia; Completed 3r
d '94
Upgraded the refinery control system at the Ultraformer, Power Station, and SRU
from pneumatic to Honeywell TDC 3000 distributive control system. Cost $3.0MM.
Mechanical Engineer, Amoco Chemical Chocolate Bayou, May 1989- May 1994
Provided project engineering and technical services to chemical plant and salt d
ome storage facilities at Stratton Ridge.. Technical services including
daily maintenance support, RV sizing, and budget administration for cost centers
. Lead engineer role numerous small projects including:
Laboratory Renovation Project: Alvin, Texas; Completed 4th QTR '93
Upgraded the laboratory HVAC system and remodeled and expanded the Polymer
And Gasoline Laboratories. Cost $1.0MM
Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade; Alvin, Texas; Completed 2nd QTR 1992.
Increased the reliability of the WWTP by upgrading the effluent piping, increas
the capacity of the plant and modifying the instrumentation. Cost $1.0MM.
Soil Improvement Projects-Rail road track and Dike 1991 and Land
Fill Closures to meet EPA req
uirements. Recognized by IPA as best in class for using Lesson's Learned.
Special Award: 1991 Amoco Presidential Quality Award
Member of a 4 person Corrective Action Team that identified and corrected the
root cause of
Cogeneration Output limitations resulting in an annual plant saving of $1MM/yea
r production.

Summer Intern 1985-1989: Arco Pipeline Company; Midland, Texas

Performed daily Tank Farm and pipeline Maintenance activities to support Operat
Work included labor to install/repair pipe, align pumps, gauge tanks, repair pi
peline equipment and instrumentation. Assist in drafting. Project engineeri
ng to install firewater system at Texas City Terminal.

Outside Work Activities:

Assistant Soccer Coach for JPII Soccer Team
Bread of Life Ministries for the Homeless Volunteer.
Keywords: Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Construction Engineer,
Lead Project Engineer,

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