Hdee TTC Early Registration Form - LC Teacher
Hdee TTC Early Registration Form - LC Teacher
Hdee TTC Early Registration Form - LC Teacher
Phone Number Mobile phone Email
Date of Birth Country of Birth
If not, please indicate your level of English Very Good Good OK Poor
I wish to participate in the course to train as a teacher of Helen Doron Early English which will start
on April 9th in Munich.
The cost of the Teacher Training Course (580 €) will be taken over by the Learning Centre (LC). I
declare that I will teach for the Learning Centre min. 7 lessons a week for at least 1,5 years. Should I
stop teaching for the LC before 1 year after the TTC I will pay back the 580 € to the LC. Should I stop
teaching for the LC between 1 and 1,5 years after the TTC I will pay back 290 € to the LC.
If I cancel my registration for the TTC less than 4 weeks before I will pay 50 € to Armin Ritschny.
1. I will sign the standard Teacher Agreement and I am aware that I can ask to see a
copy of this agreement before the TTC begins. The agreement protects the right of
both parties.
2. I recognize that the HDE Method is a valuable trade secret which belongs to HD and
therefore I will refrain from training and/or employing and/or recruiting and/or advising
and/or consulting for or with any other person in connection with work with the HD
materials and/or the HD system for any use whether for any fee or other consideration
or not, except for work within the framework of lessons given as an HD
Teacher certified by HD. I undertake not to copy or pass on any of the information I
receive in the TTC to any third party or to use in any manner whatsoever any aspect of
the HDE Know-How, which is not part of the public domain.
3. I am aware that I can only work as an HD Teacher in the event that I complete the
course successfully.
4. I will teach only in accordance with the guidelines given in the Teacher’s Training
Course. These guidelines include: method of teaching and size of groups.
5. I undertake to allow a representative of my HDE Franchise Partner or Master
Franchisor to visit my lessons at any time for observation and consultation and to help
me to improve the level of my teaching.
6. I undertake to cooperate with my HDE LCF or Franchise Partner or Master Franchisor
in reporting all places of teaching and lists of students as requested.
7. I understand that I will only be qualified to be a teacher of Helen Doron Early English
and use the Helen Doron Early English materials for teaching, regardless of where
they were bought, once I have completed the Teacher Training Course, signed a
Teacher Agreement and received my graduation certificate.
8. I understand that, in the event that I become an Independent Teacher, I will pay a
royalty fee of 15% to my Franchise Partner or Master Franchisor for use of the system
and the ongoing support I receive. The fee is in direct relationship to how much I work;
if I don’t work, there is nothing to pay.
Date Signature
1. This form
2. A short CV in English
3. 1 passport photo
4. The signed “Unbedenklichkeitserklärung” (provided by us)