Essay Principles of Public Architecture
Essay Principles of Public Architecture
Essay Principles of Public Architecture
Class 18KTT
Quote: “The two metro stations unlock the potential where vandalism can occur
of this new Copenhagen city district enabling more
efficient and sustainable transport between the
individual neighbourhoods, and to the rest of
Copenhagen, while adding a new chapter to the
story of the Copenhagen harbour front”
gtV8BWT01CjHf7lQVcmdUBwOnFNFScvzSKGcRs performance
Category : Theatre design guide
Public architectures were build to serve people, therefore I offer some my opinions :
The report includes researching results regarding public architecture, which are valuable
reference materials for me in the designing process.
Before taking the course and participating in a public architecture design project, there were
some unclarified aspects of public architecture definition and its role to the society that
makes me wonder. One of the questions that have been on my mind is:” How important is
public architecture ? And besides its aesthetic worth, what are the other values? “. The
research has given me a chance to figure out the answer to this question. In my opinion,
public architecture play an important role in creating convenient and comfortable
environments for the community to perform group activities and nurture social networks. For
a public architecture to fulfill its purposes, its design must focus on meeting public demands
while considering the setting behind the projects. So the ingredients that make a great public
architecture following four qualities: sociability, uses & activities, access & linkages, and
comfort & image For example, in the last topic “Transportation facilities”, we discussed how
to design a railway station that can satisfy passengers in terms of comfort requirements and
combine other transporting functions. Besides, as the research goes on, I discovered some
common and distinct characteristics of public buildings. For instance, the common factors in
museum and theatre designs that the architect needs to ponder over are utilizing space for
audiences, soundproof elements, and the privacy of the building and load-bearing structure
to ensure its sustainability. Some features differentiate these public architecture:
1. Based on certain usage purposes, the design needs to be customized to be appropriate
( The kindergarten might take the playground and level of sunshine into account while the
theatres might not);
2. The building materials vary in each project ( The public architecture may experience
strong physical impacts must use the building materials that are different from those to build
an attraction)
After doing researches and analysis regarding public architecture, I come to the conclusion:
1. The essential key to ensure the building’s sustainability as designing a public architecture
is following the rules and meeting the requirements of the project.
2. The building must fit in the surrounding area as well as contains features that are
culturally accepted and appreciated.
3. The chosen materials in public architecture projects need to be firm, durable and
sustainable over time. The more suitable the public building is for the user, the more it helps
to build up a convenient and comfortable environment for them to work, learn and perform
daily routines.
4. It's necessary to consider environmental factors that might have some effects on the
construction and figure out the way to fix or utilize them within our design