Module 2 Space and Time #1 Print Ad Example: Name: Ke Shang Class: ADV3502 Instructor: Robert Padovano Date: 1/14/2022
Module 2 Space and Time #1 Print Ad Example: Name: Ke Shang Class: ADV3502 Instructor: Robert Padovano Date: 1/14/2022
Module 2 Space and Time #1 Print Ad Example: Name: Ke Shang Class: ADV3502 Instructor: Robert Padovano Date: 1/14/2022
Class: ADV3502
Instructor: Robert Padovano
Date: 1/14/2022
#1 Print Ad Example
Advertiser: Adidas
Category: Sports/ Fashion
The publication: Forever Sports Magazine
Page size: double page spread × three
(total for six pages)
Placed: middle of the magazine
The target audience for the food ad, especially for milk, are youth, mothers,
and adult women. Those groups of people are also spending most of their
time watching TV and go the store to consume milk. In the TV commercial, A
history scholar was enjoyed his peanut-butter sandwich while finding out that
he was out of milk. I believed once the phrase “Got Milk?” continues to reply
on the TV, again and again, it will become a hit in society. This memorable
slogan should be placed on TV to be the most effective. That’s why TV is the
best platform to place this ad. A recommendation I have for this ad is to apply
a high operating frequency in order to reach more people.
#3 Outdoor Ad Example