Road Studs, Cats Eye
Road Studs, Cats Eye
Road Studs, Cats Eye
5.1 General
road markings, which would improve visibility in night time and adverse weather conditions.
Road studs are also used across the carriageway to serve as Speed Arrestor coupled with
eschewing warning through the creation of the rumbling sensation to the user. Series of such
5.1.3 The performance of road studs depends upon the amount of light from vehicle
without anchorage can be bonded to road surface with suitable epoxy/bitumen adhesive as
recommended by the manufacturer
5.2.2 Uni-directional road studs shall be used on one directional carriageway of undivided
roads, one way street or slip roads. Bi-directional road studs shall be used for two directional
roads to delineate the centre line and edge line.
5.3 Lateral Placement of Road Studs
5.3.1 The road studs to be placed on broken longitudinal markings and it shall always
be placed at the centre of gap and shall never be upon the line segment or by the side of line
5.3.2 However, in the case of the road studs to be placed on carriageway having a
paved shoulder, it shall be placed outside the shoulder side edge line and shall be set back
by a distance of 50 mm from the edge line. When road studs are to be placed on shoulder
edge line having no paved shoulder, it can be placed on edge line due to space constraints.
5.3.3 In the case of the roads studs provided on median side edge, it is to be again
ensured that it shall not be on the median line marking, but shall be in hard strip or kerb
shyness width, keeping at least 50 mm set back distance from median side edge line by
ensuring a minimum 100 mm clearance distance from the vertical face of the raised kerb.
This measure is expected to help in preventing road studs being covered by mud and dust
which generally gets accumulated on the raised kerb corner on the median side as well as
on the edge line side due to dust/mud accumulation emerging from the footpath.
of 100 mm clearance requirement will not prevail and hence will not be applicable and only
50 mm from the median side edge line will be applicable.
5.3.5 However, in extreme circumstances, if the width of hard strip or shyness is not
adequate enough to accommodate the required set back distance of 50 mm from edge line,
the road studs can be placed adjacent to edge line and even directly on the edge lines.
5.3.6 Road studs with anchorages are preferable for edge lines. If at all the road studs
with anchorage are to be applied to road markings other than edge lines, the anchorage
shall be applied ensuring proper workmanship so that pavement structure will not be affected
during installation process. However, the road studs with anchorages are not recommended
for concrete roads.
5.4 Colour for Road Studs
Description Carriage Normal Section Warning Section No Overtaking Section Applicable
Movement Way Figures
Road Centre Line Edge Line Centre Line Edge Line Centre Edge Line
Category Lane Line Lane Line Line Lane Line
Single/ Two way < 5.5 m NA Red-White Bi- NA NA Red-White NA NA Red-White NA Fig. 4.4
Intermediate directional at Bi-directional Bi-directional
Lane Road 18 m interval at 9 m at 6 m
(Optional) interval interval
(Optional) (Desirable)
Two Lane Two way 5.5 m to White- Red-White Bi- NA White- Red-White NA Yellow- Red-White NA Fig. 4.5
Road 7m White Bi- directional at White Bi- Bi-directional Yellow Bi- Bi-directional
directional 18 m interval directional at 9 m directional at 6 m
at 18 m (Optional) at 9 m interval at 6 m interval
interval interval (Desirable) interval (Desirable)
(Optional) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Two Lane Two way >7m White- Red-White Bi- NA White- Red-White NA Yellow- Red-White NA Fig. 4.6
Road with White Bi- directional at White Bi- Bi-directional Yellow Bi- Bi-directional
Paved directional 18 m interval directional at 9 m directional at 6 m
Shoulder at 18 m (Optional) at 9 m interval at 6 m interval
interval interval (Desirable) interval (Desirable)
(Optional) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Three Lane Two way > 11 m Yellow- Red-White Bi- Not Yellow- Red-White Not Yellow- Red-White White-White Fig. 4.7
Undivided Yellow Bi- directional at Required Yellow Bi- Bi-directional Required Yellow Bi- Bi-directional Bidirectional
Road directional 18 m interval directional at 9 m directional at 6 m at 6 m
at 18 m (Optional) at 9 m interval at 6 m interval interval
interval interval (Desirable) interval (Desirable) (Optional)
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Four Lane Two way > 14 Yellow- Red-White Bi- Not Yellow- Red-White Not Yellow- Red-White White-White Fig. 4.8
Undivided Yellow Bi- directional at Required Yellow Bi- Bi-directional Required Yellow Bi- Bi-directional Bidirectional
Road directional 18 m interval directional at 9 m directional at 6 m at 6 m
at 18 m (Optional) at 9 m interval at 6 m interval interval
interval interval (Desirable) interval (Desirable) (Optional)
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Description One Side Normal Section Warning Section No Overtaking Section Applicable
Carriageway Figures
Width (in m)
Road Shoulder Median Side Shoulder Median Side Shoulder Median Side
Category Lane Side Edge Edge Line Line Side Edge Edge Line Line Side Edge Edge Line
Line Line Line Line
Four Lane > 7.3 Not Red Yellow White-White Red Yellow White Red Yellow Fig. 4.9
Divided Required Unidirectional Unidirectional Bi-directional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional
Carriageways at 18 m at 18 m at 9 m interval at 9 m at 9 m interval at 6 m at 6 m interval at 6 m interval
interval interval (Optional) interval (Desirable) interval (Desirable) (Desirable)
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Six Lane > 10.8 Not Red Yellow White Red Yellow White Uni Red Yellow Fig. 4.10
Divided Required Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional directional at Unidirectional Unidirectional
Carriageways at 18 m at 18 m at 9 m interval at 9 m at 9 m interval 6 m interval at 6 m interval at 6 m interval
interval interval (Optional) interval (Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Four Lane > 9.5 Not Red Yellow White Red Yellow White Red Yellow Fig. 4.11
Divided Required Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional
Expressway at 18 m at 18 m at 9 m interval at 9 m at 9 m interval at 6 m at 6 m interval at 6 m interval
interval interval (Optional) interval (Desirable) interval (Desirable) (Desirable)
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Six Lane > 12 Not Red Yellow White-White Red Yellow White- Red Yellow Fig. 4.12
Divided Required Unidirectional Unidirectional Bi-directional Unidirectional Unidirectional White Bi- Unidirectional Unidirectional
Expressway at 18 m at 18 m at 9 m interval at 9 m at 9 m interval directional at at 6 m interval at 6 m interval
interval interval (Optional) interval (Desirable) 6 m interval (Desirable) (Desirable)
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
5.5.3 Figure 5.2 shows the colour matter and lateral placement of road studs in a divided carriageway road.
Fig. 5.2 Road Studs for a Divided Carriageway
5.5.4 Placement of Road Studs in one way ramp or slip road or street along with spacing
and colour is given in Table 5.3.
Table 5.3 Road Studs for Ramp/Slip Road/One Way Street
Road Category Paved Normal Section Warning Section No overtaking Section Applicable
Movement Width Figures
Edge Lines Edge Lines Edge Lines
Lane Line Line
Single/ One way < 5.5 NA Red NA Red LM24 Red Fig. 4.13
Intermediate Lane m Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional
Ramp/Slip Road/ at 18 m interval at 9 m interval at 6 m interval
One way street (Desirable) (Desirable) (Desirable)
Two Lane Ramp/ One way > 7.5 Not Required Red Not Red White-White Red Fig. 4.14
Slip Road/One m Unidirectional Required Unidirectional Bidirectional at Unidirectional
way street at 18 m interval at 9 m interval 12 m interval at 6 m interval
(Desirable) (Desirable) (Optional) (Desirable)
Three Lane Ramp/ One way > 11 m White Red Not Red White Red Fig. 4.15
Slip Road/One Unidirectional Unidirectional Required Unidirectional Unidirectional Unidirectional
way street at 18 m interval at 18 m interval at 9 m interval at 12 m interval at 6 m interval
(Optional) (Desirable) (Desirable) (Optional) (Desirable)
5.5.5 For Chevron/diagonal markings on gorge, red colour road studs shall be provided
and spacing shall be the same as that for the spacing of diagonal and chevrons. The studs
shall be placed to mark the continuous line of diagonal and chevron marking. Road studs
shall be placed inside the continuous line marking at the midpoint of diagonal or chevron as
shown in Fig. 5.3.
5.5.6 For crossable continuous line like in acceleration/deceleration lanes involving lane
changing, green colour road studs shall be provided at 8 m spacing as shown in Fig. 5.4.