Long Quiz Child and Adolescent

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Christen Honely B.

CHAPTER 1: Human Development
The first topic which is the chapter 1, it’s all about the human development. It is
the pattern of movement or change that begins at conception and continues through the
life span. It includes growth and decline can be positive or negative. This is a very
interesting topic because it is about each of us. I learn about each phase of human
development and the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. That means that
we won’t just learn about one particular age period by itself, we will learn about each
age period, recognizing how it is related to both previous developments and later
developments. Development as a process is complex because it is the product of
biological, cognitive and socio-emotional processes. There are two approaches of
Human Development the Traditional Perspective and Life-span Approach. The
Traditional perspective believes that individuals will show extensive change from birth to
adolescence, little or no change in adulthood and decline in late old age however the
Life Span Approach believes that even in adulthood developmental change takes place
as it does during childhood. Development is lifelong it does not end adulthood. Children
develop best when they have secure relationships. The development and learning occur
in and are influenced by multiple social and cultural contexts. The child learns in a
variety of ways and playing is an important vehicle for developing self-regulation and
promoting language, cognition, and social competence.

CHAPTER 2: The stages of Development and Development Tasks

Chapter 2 tackles about the stages of development and how parents should
prepare the best Child’s foundation. It is very important to study the stages of
development because we can gain a greater understanding of what's normal. While
every person is a little bit different. Starting from the conception of prenatal stage, where
a mother should carry the baby carefully, and prioritize eating healthy foods. During the
prenatal stage there are 3 phases, which is the germinal, embryonic and fetal stage and
it helps to monitor development of child inside the woman’s womb. Next stage is Infancy
and toddler stage, a stage where the baby starting to notice and feel his/her
environment. Based on what I’ve remember in the discussions the early childhood end
of infancy these are the preschool years. Young children learn to become more self-
sufficient and to care for themselves, develop school readiness skills and spend many
hours in play with peers, according to the reporters with this topic this specific age of a
child, the parents should guide their child properly, let the child play with his/her
classmates, do not imprison your child inside your house because this might affect their
development. Another stage of development that I remembered is the Early adulthood
from late teens or early 20s lasting through 30s it is a time of establishing personal and
economic independence, career development, selecting a mate, learning to live with
someone in an intimate way and starting to have a family. This is the stage wherein the
individual wants to settle down and get married. What I realize and reflected during the
discussion is that parents are very important in child development their love and support
is never-ending. Learning on this lesson makes me think how a parent should govern
his/her child to become healthy physically and emotionally, and as a parent you should
always look forward to your child. According to my previous teacher “it is not the fault of
the child to be born” the parent should be responsible enough to guide, support and
provide the child with his/her daily needs especially the food. Therefore, we need to
thanks our parents because starting from our birth, we rely on our parents they provide
us with the care and comfort throughout our lives.

CHAPTER 3: Issues of Human Development

The issue of human development was included in my report and it is very
important to know the issues of human development. It conveys the different
psychology issues of how a child must be govern by the parents or how they should
address their ways of discipline. The center of this topic entails where a person receives
individual differences regarding things like behaviors, intelligence, sexual orientation,
and personalities. One of the issues is Nature Vs. Nurture this is my topic that’s why I
already had an idea about it. Nature is the psychological/biological characteristics we
are born with. All possible behaviors are said to be present from conception and those
things acquired by hereditary or influences. Examples of biologically determined
characteristics includes certain genetic diseases, eye color, and skin color. On the other
hand, Nurture is those things that are influenced by the environment we live in. For
example, if you had a cousin who is very addicted on ordering in shoope, you might
wonder why he/she kept on placing orders you are curios that’s why you wanted to try
to order and then later on you were used to it, so it means your cousin influence you to
order because that’s what you see in the environment you live in. Next issue of human
development is Continuity Vs. Discontinuity and this is the report of Ms. Catiil. Based on
what I remembered Continuity and Discontinuity are two competing theories in
developmental psychology that attempt to explain how people change through the
course of their lives, where the continuity theory says that someone changes throughout
their life along a smooth course while the discontinuity theory instead contends that
people change unexpectedly. The last issue of human development is the Stability Vs.
Change it deals with the issue of whether or not personally traits present during infancy
endure throughout the life span. Freud was the one of the first psychologist to
emphasize the critical nature of our early experiences for our later development. He
believed that how we resolve our sexual and aggressive urges is strongly tied to the
nature of our early experiences for our later development.
CHAPTER 4: Development Theories and Other Relevant Theories
This topic is discussed earlier and I really understand the report of Mr. Laid. I’ve
learned the psychosexual theories of Sigmund Freud conveys changes occurred in
stages, highlighting the phallic where the child is prone of masturbating as source of
pleasure. Before the source of pleasure for kids specially the 5 years old child is playing
outdoor games, watching cartoon movies while today in this generation child starts to
masturbate during the phallic phase, one factor that caused of this unwanted behavior is
their environment, if the child could see someone masturbating in front of them they
would think that it’s a good pleasure so he/ she would do the same thing. In order to
avoid this circumstances do not allow your child to watch movies for adult especially the
rated SPG movies or shows, you better let them watch cartoon movies or disneys. The
consciousness of child’s mind has been empowered by curiosity, and by that the child
wanted to explore, especially in genital stage, the parents should more be careful to
look the child’s behavior. Therefore, parents should always guide their child. Another
thing that I learned is the Castration anxiety, wherein the boys have feared of losing
their penis, and the reason why they are scared about it because those were the words
they heard from their surroundings. I also remembered what our instructor said that
parents should not spoiled their child from luxurious things or even in celebrating
birthdays because we cannot see the future what if one day you lose your business?
You got suspended in work, it will be a big burden because your child might expect that
on his/her next birthday there will be a party again. So the parents should have a proper
parenting style towards their child.

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