The API 21st and 22nd editions made several changes to the definitions, welding procedure specifications, essential variables, and non-destructive testing standards. Key changes included adding new definitions for non-destructive testing and welding processes, expanding the filler metals and fluxes section, providing more clarification for combining qualification welds, revising essential variable groupings and thickness ranges, adding details for heat input calculations and postheating, and newly including computed radiography standards.
The API 21st and 22nd editions made several changes to the definitions, welding procedure specifications, essential variables, and non-destructive testing standards. Key changes included adding new definitions for non-destructive testing and welding processes, expanding the filler metals and fluxes section, providing more clarification for combining qualification welds, revising essential variable groupings and thickness ranges, adding details for heat input calculations and postheating, and newly including computed radiography standards.
The API 21st and 22nd editions made several changes to the definitions, welding procedure specifications, essential variables, and non-destructive testing standards. Key changes included adding new definitions for non-destructive testing and welding processes, expanding the filler metals and fluxes section, providing more clarification for combining qualification welds, revising essential variable groupings and thickness ranges, adding details for heat input calculations and postheating, and newly including computed radiography standards.
The API 21st and 22nd editions made several changes to the definitions, welding procedure specifications, essential variables, and non-destructive testing standards. Key changes included adding new definitions for non-destructive testing and welding processes, expanding the filler metals and fluxes section, providing more clarification for combining qualification welds, revising essential variable groupings and thickness ranges, adding details for heat input calculations and postheating, and newly including computed radiography standards.
Acronyms, and Acronyms, and Abbreviations total 49 Abbreviations total 67, new definications related to NDT and new welding process term have been added.
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd edition 4.2.2 Filler Metals and 4.2.2 Filler Metals and Fluxes : up to SFA 5.29 Fluxes : newly SFA 5.36 only. added.
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. . 21st edition API API 22nd edition 5 .Qualification of 5 .Qualification of Welding Procedures Welding Procedures with Filler Metal with Filler Metal Additions .Note -2 was Additions : added more not available. for clarification of combination of WPS., NOTE 2 Multiple qualification welds may be combined to qualify a range of essential variables within one welding procedure specification . Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. 5.3 Welding Procedure 5.3 Welding Procedure Specification : Specification : qualification test is made The SMYS range of the on the material materials to which the with the highest specified procedure applies shall be minimum yield strength specified. (SMYS) in the group. Term Group and highest qualification condition is removed.
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Diameters and Diameters and Wall Thicknesses Wall Thicknesses Examples of suggested groupings are shown in The ranges of specified 6.2.2 d) and 6.2.2 e). outside diameters (ODs) and specified wall thicknesses over which the procedure is applicable shall be specified
Term Group condition is
removed. Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Joint Design Joint Design and Weld Shape and and Weld Shape and Size Size newly added, The tolerance ranges for cap height and width shall be specified for groove welds
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Filler Metal, Flux, and Number Filler Metal, Flux, and Number of Beads of Beads Added : When different numbers of beads and sequences of beads apply to different thickness ranges within the specified thickness range on the WPS, the number of beads and sequences shall be designated for company-defined subsets of the thickness range. Deleted : For any filler metals with a G suffix designator only, the manufacturer and trade name shall also be designated
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Electrical Electrical Characteristics Characteristics
Added : details of wave form
heat input calculation and non wave form process heat input calculation. Consult the filler metal manufacturer’s recommended ranges for guidance
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Time Between Passes Time Between Passes added specifically When using EXX10 or EXX11 electrodes only time lapse shall be specified.
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Time Between Passes Speed of Travel added for clarification,
Specified ranges for speed of travel need not
replicate, but should be representative of the speed of travel used during procedure qualification.
New clause added,
Postheating for Hydrogen Diffusion
When used during qualification, the minimum temperature and time at temperature range of any postheating for hydrogen diffusion shall be specified .
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. 5.4 Essential Variables Base metal groups from 42 SMYS to 5.4 Essential Variables 65 SMYS Entire essential variable turn into table Thickness group from 4.8mm to 19.1 with more clarity. and above. Base metal clause now more restricted for SMYS. Group of SMYS is removed. Thickness is now revised min is 3.9mm instead of 4.8 mm earlier. New filler wire and electrode added.
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. Computed Radiography (CR) , not Computed Radiography (CR) ,newly there. added. Digital Radiography (DR) Digital Radiography (DR) Calibration In-Motion Digital Radiography (RTR Inspection Error 11.4.7 Automated Ultrasonic Testing ,more details and clarity provided.
Mohd Siraj/Knowledge resource/free to share with
anybody. API 21st edition API 22nd Edition. 10.3 Repair Procedure , less descriptive. 10.3 Repair Procedure ,more clarity on qualification and giving more flexibility and authorization if stringent repair is qualified. Example : if full thk is qualified ,it is applicable for all type of repair. Essential variable s explained in details and with its limits. Type of test are more clear thickness wise.