College Enquiry Chat Bot System With Text To Speech

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International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology

Print ISSN: 2395-6011 | Online ISSN: 2395-602X (

doi :

College Enquiry Chat Bot System with Text to Speech

Pratiksha Chaudhari1, Sonal Lokhande1, Vaishnavi Ghule1, Pruthviraj Kakade1, Aniket Surkamble1, Prof. Aparna Kulkarni2
1 Department of Computer Engineering, D Y Patil School of Engineering and Technology, Lohegaon, Pune,
Maharashtra, India
2 Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, D Y Patil School of Engineering and Technology, Lohegaon,
Pune, Maharashtra, India

Chat bots are intelligent systems that interpret and react to users' questions in
Article Info their native language. In a conversation, the chat bot reacts in the same way as
Volume 9, Issue 1 a human would. It functions as a virtual assistant, and its accuracy is assessed by
Page Number : 245-249 determining a correlation between user questions and chat bot responses. For a
better user experience, the implemented Chat bot has two modes: text mode
Publication Issue and audio mode. It provides an interactive approach of answering through
January-February-2022 voice messages when in audio mode. There is a long line at the inquiry window
during the Institute's Academic Admission procedure. Even more challenging
Article History is the situation for parents who live in various cities, states, and nations. The
Accepted : 01 Feb 2022 purpose of this system is to give students and parents a place to ask questions
Published : 11 Feb 2022 and get answers via easy English language text messages or audio commands.
Instead of queuing at an information desk to ask questions about the admissions
process, students and parents will collaborate with a bot. Artificial intelligence
(AI) and natural language processing (NLP) algorithms are used to create
chatbots, which are intelligent systems. It effectively interacts with users and
responds to their questions. Organizations, government groups, and non-profit
associations are the most common users of dialogue/conversation operators.
These conversational experts work for a wide range of businesses, from small
start-ups to large corporations. There are a variety of code-based and interface-
based chatbot development platforms available on the market.
Keywords – College Inquiry Bot, Classifier Algorithm, NLP, Chatterbox

I. INTRODUCTION variety of admissions-related issues. When it comes to

choosing a suitable engineering institution, students
Students will be admitted to engineering after are often perplexed. They choose institutions based
completing their 12th grade or completing a diploma on a variety of factors, including prices and the
programme. They had a lot of issues prior to enrolling. previous year's admissions threshold. As a result,
Students and their parents are concerned about a some students send me e-mails or call me on the

Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the 245
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Pratiksha Chaudhari et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. January-February-2022, 9 (1) : 245-249

phone.. As a result, there is an unnecessarily large sentence. Special characters and numerals are
gathering of people waiting to be questioned. The removed during preprocessing. Following stemming,
admissions department frequently has trouble the leftover words are matched with keywords stored
answering students' persistent questions. In addition, in a dictionary..
the college admissions department required additional [2] “Review on Implementation Techniques of
people and funds to respond to all of the inquiries. Chatbot”
The installed chatbot will answer users' questions, Author: Nithuna S and Laseena
supply them with the information they need, increase They are frequently sent by financial institutions,
the quality of service time, and make customers such as banks and credit card companies, as well as
happy by offering clever solutions. It also boosts organisations such as online retail outlets and new
productivity by offering 24-hour support, reducing businesses. These conversational experts are used in a
wait times at the help desk, and reducing human wide range of companies, from small start-ups to large
effort. Students can use their laptops or smartphones partnerships. There are various code-based and
to communicate with the chatbot on the web. interface-based chatbot development systems on the
Students ask a variety of questions on admission market.
specifics in plain language, and both can respond with [3] “Chabot Application on Crypto currency”
correct answers. Customers can simply access the Author: Qitao Xie1, Qingquan Zhang2
proposed application, and it responds to users at any Many chatbots have been developed that provide a
moment. In order to improve the quality of service, multitude of services through a wide range of
the chatbot not only responds, but also self-learns and methods. A chatbot is a brand-new conversational
improves. agent in the highspeed changing technology world.
II. OBJECTIVE Secure and efficient system
[4] Preliminary Findings of using Chat-bots as a
A smart solution to resolve these questions, provide Course FAQ Tool
information as and when needed, enhance service and Author: Sue Inn Ch’ng Lee Seng Yeong
increase the number of customers will be created by a Students learn by asking questions and as instructors
chat bot. It reduces individual variables included in we encourage students to ask questions. However, not
the enterprise and can offer 24/7 hours of operation to all questions are of equal importance . An advantage
improve efficiency. We plan to provide customers of bot platforms is that developers can also easily
with a chat bot interface that can be accessible on the extend and integrate the conversational user interface
web and on any handheld computer. into their program through the provided application
programming interface
III. RELATED WORK OR LITERATURE SURVEY [5] Conversation to Automation in Banking Through
Chatbot Using Artificial Machine Intelligence
[1] Enhancing College Chat Bot Assistant with the Language
Help of Richer Human Computer Interaction and Author: Sasha Fathima Suhel Vinod Kumar Shukla
Speech Recognition Ved Prakash Mishra
Chabot’s are commonly used as tools for knowledge
Author: Sangeeta Kumari, Zaid Naikwadi, Akshay retrieval, such as product specifics extraction.
Akole Artificial Machine Intelligence is a very complicated
After preprocessing, they used stemming to remove topic. It involves creating machines that are capable
terms that appeared at the beginning and end of the of simulating knowledge.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 9 | Issue 1 246
Pratiksha Chaudhari et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. January-February-2022, 9 (1) : 245-249


Space Complexity:
The space complexity depends on Presentation and
visualization of discovered patterns. More the storage
of data more is the space complexity.
Where, Time Complexity:
Q = User entered input Check No. of patterns available in the datasets= n
CB = preprocess If (n>1) then retrieving of information can be time
C = apply NLP chatterbot consuming. So the time complexity of this algorithm
PR = preprocess request evaluation is O(n^n ).
UB = chatbot response Above mathematical model is NP-Complete.


1) Let S be as system which input image
S = {In, P, Op, Φ} In existing system there is no computerizes system to
2) Identify Input In as identified the human query. Firstly, it is only suitable
In = {Q} for the instance-level approaches that require an
Where, instance classifier, As we mentioned before, existing
Q = User entered input(text) popular approaches of use with neural networks are
Identify Process P as treat separated instances as inputs, then use a deep
P = {CB, C, PR} neural network to transform them into embedding
Where, space.
CB = Preprocess
C = apply NLP chatterbot Disadvantages:
PR = Preprocess request evaluation
It required internet connection must
4) Identify Output Op as
UB = Predict outcome The proposed system would help replicate the
Φ=Failures and Success conditions. customer service experience with one difference that
Failures: the customer would be interacting with a bot instead
Huge database can lead to more time consumption to of a real person and yet get the queries attended and
get the information. resolved.
Hardware failure.
Software failure.
Search the required information from available in
User gets result very fast according to their needs.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 9 | Issue 1 247
Pratiksha Chaudhari et al Int J Sci Res Sci & Technol. January-February-2022, 9 (1) : 245-249

query for various settings in which the user is asking

can be increased, giving the user a more genuine
feeling of speaking with a human counsellor. This bot
can be created in a local language and multilingual at
a later time.


Chat bots are a constantly growing area of study in

the field of computer science. If there are any flaws in
Figure : Advance System Architecture input owing to human spoken language, such as a
grammatical or context issue, bots may still be unable
to understand what is being asked. Misinterpretation
Advantages: of any commands, whether due to misspelling or
otherwise, can be improved further using powerful
✓ Confirming those infected is essential to manage Natural Language Processing NLP techniques. The
and contain the virus successfully. Without BOT can be improved till it passes the Turing test.
reliable testing, it would be hard to determine
the actual rates of cases. Thus, it is vital to
identify what these available tests can and can’t
[1]. L. Laranjo et al., “Conversational agents in
do to use them appropriately.
healthcare: a systematic review,” J. Am. Med.
✓ Secure and efficient system.
Informatics Assoc., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1248–1258,
[2]. T. Okuda and S. Shoda, “AI-based Chatbot
Service for Financial Industry,” Fujitsu Sci. Tech.
Any college or university can deploy a chat bot on
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their website to allow external stakeholders to ask
[3]. S. S. Ademola, N. Rajabu, and F. O. Olaide,
questions at any time. And it would be quite
“Interactive Chatbot to Support Interns during
beneficial to ease the admission process, as this
Internship Program,” in THE 8 th EAST
chatbot can answer questions about state-by-state
cutoffs, categories-by-category cutoffs, gender-by-
gender cutoffs, and shift-by-shift cutoffs, among other
[4]. Chatbot Pack, “Introduction to Chatbot 2019”,
things. Users can give feedback by tapping the like
and dislike buttons in response to the responses to
their queries. This information is saved in the
[5]. K.Satheesh Kumar, S.Tamilselvan, B.Ibrahim Sha,
backend and may be examined by the administrator
S.Harish, "Artificial Intelligence Powered
to analyse the types of queries asked and, if necessary,
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the same query was posed in several different ways,
[6]. Alex Wang, Kyunghyun Cho. ”BERT has a
each time modifying the wording of sentences and
Mouth, and It Must Speak: BERT as a Markov
adding various exceptional characters and unrelated
terms. The accuracy of BOT in detecting a specific

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Random Field Language Model.” ArXiv e-prints:

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complete and graceful API for Wechat.” Github. Accessed Sept.
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Cite this article as :

Pratiksha Chaudhari, Sonal Lokhande, Vaishnavi

Ghule, Pruthviraj Kakade, Aniket Surkamble, Prof.
Aparna Kulkarni, "College Enquiry Chat Bot System
with Text to Speech", International Journal of
Scientific Research in Science and Technology
(IJSRST), Online ISSN : 2395-602X, Print ISSN : 2395-
6011, Volume 9 Issue 1, pp. 245-249, January-
February 2022. Available at
doi :
Journal URL :

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ( | Volume 9 | Issue 1 249

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