Evaluating DHT-Based Service Placement For Stream-Based Overlays
Evaluating DHT-Based Service Placement For Stream-Based Overlays
Evaluating DHT-Based Service Placement For Stream-Based Overlays
Stream-Based Overlays
Abstract tive, and should perform well based on several cost met-
Stream-based overlay networks (SBONs) are one approach to imple- rics, such as network utilization and application latency.
menting large-scale stream processing systems. A fundamental con- Service placement is actually composed of two mech-
sideration in an SBON is that of service placement, which determines anisms: node discovery and node selection. Discovery is
the physical location of in-network processing services or operators, in
such a way that network resources are used efficiently. Service place- the process of identifying a set of nodes capable of hosting
ment consists of two components: node discovery, which selects a can- a service; we call this set of nodes the candidate set. Selec-
didate set of nodes on which services might be placed, and node selec- tion is the act of selecting a particular member of the can-
tion, which chooses the particular node to host a service. By viewing the didate set to actually host the service. Traditionally, these
placement problem as the composition of these two processes we can
trade-off quality and efficiency between them. A bad discovery scheme two mechanisms have been intertwined, but by viewing
can yield a good placement, but at the cost of an expensive selection them as separable processes, it is possible to gain greater
mechanism. insight into the performance of existing systems and de-
Recent work on operator placement [3, 9] proposes to leverage rout- velop new approaches to placing services.
ing paths in a distributed hash table (DHT) to obtain a set of candidate
nodes for service placement. We evaluate the appropriateness of using In this paper, we investigate how well-suited current
DHT routing paths for service placement in an SBON, when aiming to DHTs are to the task of node discovery with respect to ef-
minimize network usage. For this, we consider two DHT-based algo- ficient network utilization. We evaluate two DHT-based
rithms for node discovery, which use either the union or intersection
of DHT routing paths in the SBON, and compare their performance to placement algorithms in comparison to non-DHT-based
other techniques. We show that current DHT-based schemes are actu- approaches, such as a globally optimal placement algo-
ally rather poor node discovery algorithms, when minimizing network rithm and a scheme based on spring relaxation [11]. Our
utilization. An efficient DHT may not traverse enough hops to obtain analysis highlights the tight relationship between discov-
a sufficiently large candidate set for placement. The union of DHT
routes may result in a low-quality set of discovered nodes that requires ery and placement. A bad discovery mechanism can some-
an expensive node selection algorithm. Finally, the intersection of DHT times yield a good placement, but at the cost of an expen-
routes relies on route convergence, which prevents the placement of sive selection mechanism. For the topologies we have con-
services with a large fan-in. sidered, DHT-based schemes produce candidate sets that
are marginally distinguishable from a random sampling. In
1 Introduction particular, the union of DHT paths from producers to con-
sumers creates a large collection of nodes and selecting the
A marriage between the database and networking com- best one does yield a good placement, but we would have
munities has produced a series of interesting systems done equally well by selecting nodes at random. When
for continous queries, large-scale stream processing, and considering the intersection of routing paths, services with
application-level multicast. These systems are exam- a large fan-in are always placed at consumer nodes.
ples of a generic class of stream-based overlay net- We conclude that current DHTs are not well-suited to
works (SBONs). SBON applications include real-time pro- this particular challenge of optimizing network utilization.
cessing of financial data streams (Aurora [2], Borealis [1]), We suggest that one should turn toward alternate solutions,
Internet health monitoring (PIER [9]) and querying geo- such as the relaxation-based approach analyzed here, or a
graphically diverse sensor networks (IrisNet [8]). new generation of DHTs that are designed to address the
SBONs pose two important challenges. First, a suitable needs of SBONs.
choice of services, such as database operators, multicast The outline of paper is as follows. Section 2 summa-
points, or stream processors, must be provided by the sys- rizes SBONs and describes the service placement problem.
tem to satisfy user requirements. Second, these services Section 3 introduces several node discovery and selection
must be deployed efficiently in the network according to schemes that are then evaluated in Section 4. In Section 5
user queries. Thus far, most existing research into SBONs we review related work and Section 6 concludes.
has focused on the former question, with much less em-
phasis on efficient service placement. However, network-
aware service placement becomes a crucial factor that de- 2 Stream-based Overlay Networks
termines the scalability and impact of an SBON when de- An SBON is an overlay network that streams data from one
ployed on a shared networking infrastructure. Therefore, a or more producers to one or more consumers, possibly via
service placement algorithm should be scalable and adap- one or more operator services that perform in-network pro-
cessing. In an SBON, circuits interconnect multiple ser- as a possible candidate set for service placement, and node
vices. A circuit is a tree that specifies the identities and selection chooses a suitable node for the actual placement.
relationships between services in a data stream and corre- An optimal node selection would consider all nodes in the
sponds to a query. Services that are part of a circuit are SBON, but requiring global knowledge is clearly not feasi-
connected with circuit links. ble for a scalable system. Even in a moderately-sized net-
We model a circuit as a logical query statement that is work, such as PlanetLab, up-to-date node characteristics
then realized on physical nodes. Some logical elements for 500 nodes cannot be gathered in a resource efficient
are constrained when the query is first stated. For exam- manner. Therefore, most placement algorithms use the re-
ple, the destination and data sources are specific physical sults of a node discovery scheme as the input for node se-
nodes. We call these elements consumer and producer ser- lection to cope with the complexity of the placement prob-
vices, respectively, and consider them pinned because their lem. Other placement algorithms, such as the Relaxation
logical-to-physical mapping is fixed. Other services, e.g., placement scheme described below, reverse the ordering of
a join operator, might be placed at any appropriate node in the two steps or coalesce them into one.
the network. We call these unassigned logical services un-
pinned. Logically, a join operator resides between two or 3.1 Node Discovery
more producers and one or more consumers, but its physi- The goal of node discovery is to generate a list of phys-
cal mapping is unassigned, i.e., it is initially unplaced. ical nodes on which an unpinned service can be placed.
2.1 Placement Problem This list is known as the candidate set. The quality of the
candidate set, in terms of the placement cost, is an im-
Determining a placement for unpinned services is the fun- portant consideration: if no nodes with a low placement
damental placement problem in an SBON. Some place- cost are part of the candidate set, a good placement cannot
ments are better than others: each placement has a cost and be found even with an optimal node selection algorithm.
the quality of a placement is revealed by a cost function. The size of the candidate and the distribution of placement
Therefore, a solution to the placement problem calculates costs for the included nodes determines the amount of flex-
a valid placement for all unplaced services that minimizes ibility that the node selection algorithm has when the best
the total incurred cost in the SBON. choice from the set cannot support the placement due to
Cost functions in an SBON can be categorized into two resource limitations. In this section, we describe several
classes. Minimizing application-specific costs, such as cir- possible candidate sets.
cuit delay and jitter, addresses the application’s desire for All. Setting the candidate set to be the entire overlay net-
quality of service in the SBON. Global cost functions, such work gives the node selection algorithm the most flexibil-
as network utilization and resource contention, attempt to ity to make a good placement. However, it is infeasible
capture the impact of a placement decision on other partic- to maintain global knowledge about all nodes in a large-
ipants of the SBON. scale distributed system and process a large set of candi-
In this paper, we concentrate on the global cost of utiliz- date nodes efficiently.
ing the network when streaming data through the SBON, Consumer. This algorithm returns the node hosting the
which is important in cooperative network environment, consumer service as the placement location, which mod-
such as PlanetLab. One way to capture overall network uti- els a centralized data warehouse system. While it trivially
lization is the bandwidth-latency (BW-Lat) product, which solves the placement problem, it makes no attempt to opti-
is the sum of the data rates consumed by circuit links mul- mize the placement decision.
tiplied by their communication latencies calculated over all Producer. Since data producers are pinned services in the
circuit links. The BW-Lat product captures network uti- circuit, one can select these nodes as the candidate set. Us-
lization as the amount of in-transit data in the network at a ing known producer nodes solves the discovery problem,
particular point in time. but can result in a small, badly-chosen candidate set.
The rationale behind this cost function is that the less Random. A candidate set of k random nodes can be dis-
data is put into the network by a placed circuit, the more covered through some mechanism. However, the average
network capacity is available to other circuits or applica- quality of this set may be worse than that of any other
tions. The BW-Lat cost function makes the assumption scheme that favors nodes with lower placement costs.
that high latency network links are more costly to use than DHT Routing Path. A natural way to build a candidate
low latency ones. Often high latency indicates network set is to route a message between pinned services through
congestion or long geographical distance that means higher an overlay network, such as a DHT. In a DHT setting, a
network operating costs. In both cases, the utilization of message will traverse dlogb (N )e hops in the worst case,
such links should be reduced. By factoring in the used where N is the number of nodes in the DHT and b is the
bandwidth of a circuit link into the BW-Lat metric, the cost numeric base used for hash keys during routing. There are
is proportional to the amount of network traffic used by a two obvious ways to generate a candidate set when a circuit
circuit. In other words, overall network utilization can be contains a consumer and multiple producers:
reduced more when good placement decisions are chosen
for circuits with a high data rate. 1. DHT Union takes the total set of overlay nodes in the
paths from producers to the consumer as the candidate set.
The service is then placed at one of these nodes.
3 Placement Algorithms 2. DHT Intersection takes the intersection of overlay
Many service placement algorithms can be viewed as con- nodes in the routing path from producers to the consumer.
sisting of two steps: node discovery and node selection. The service is then placed at one of these ordered nodes,
Node discovery identifies a subset of all nodes in the SBON such as the node closest to the producers.
The goal of this paper is to explore the performance of
these two DHT routing schemes in comparison with the 90
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
All / Opt
30 30 All / Relaxation
All / Opt DHTUnion / Opt
All / Relaxation 20 DHTUnionNoProd / Opt
20 DHTUnion / Opt DHTUnion / Random
DHTUnion / Random 10 RandomSet(6) / Opt
10 RandomSet 6 / Opt Random
All / Random 0
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
BW-Lat product (in kb)
BW-Lat product (in kb)
Figure 3: DHT-Union: CDF of the BW-Lat product with
Figure 2: DHTUnion: CDF of the BW-Lat product with Pan (base=64) on 600-node transit-stub topology.
Bamboo (base=2) on the PlanetLab topology.
network for five different, non-DHT placement schemes. ment node must be found through an expensive exhaustive
Each curve shows the BW-Lat distribution as a CDF after search.
placing 1000 circuits. As expected, All/Opt performs best The DHT contributes little to placement efficiency,
and All/Random worst. All/Relaxation is close to optimal, which is supported by the fact that RandomSet(6)/Opt
and outperforms the random selection of a producer (Pro- (1.26) performs similarly to DHTUnion/Opt (1.13). Ran-
ducer/Random) and consumer placement (Consumer/—). domSet uses a node size of six because this is close to
We will use these placement schemes as baselines for com- the average number of nodes in the DHTUnion candidate
parison to DHT-based placement. All our experimental re- set. A random choice of six nodes out of 186 is likely
sults for DHT-based service placement are summarized in to include a good placement candidate. This is especially
Table 1. The data is listed as the ratio of the 80th percentile the case for the PlanetLab network, which mainly inter-
of the BW-Lat product compared to the 80th percentile of links well-provisioned educational institutions [4]. In gen-
All/Opt after placing 1000 circuits using various placement eral, performing optimal node selection on large candidate
schemes. In the next two sections, we discuss the results sets is not desirable because of the probing and computa-
for two DHT-based node discovery schemes, DHTUnion tional overheads when placing complex circuits with mul-
and DHTIntersection, using several topologies and DHT tiple unpinned services. The DHTUnion/Random algo-
parameters. rithm (1.60) has a similar cost as Producer/Random (1.60)
and Consumer/— (1.70) because of the probability that ei-
4.2.1 DHTUnion ther the producer or consumer nodes are chosen randomly.
The DHTUnion scheme for node selection uses the DHT We study the effect of a more efficient DHT deploy-
routing paths from the producers to the consumer in a cir- ment on PlanetLab by simulating a DHT with a larger key
cuit to obtain a set of candidate nodes for service place- base of 64. For this DHT, the average routing path length
ment. The size and the quality of the set with respect to the drops to 1.6 hops. Table 1 shows that the performance
placement cost function, will depend on the network topol- of DHTUnion/Opt is still good (1.13) when compared to
ogy and the specifics of the particular DHT, such as its net- All/Opt. Although the DHT routing paths are shorter due
work awareness, key base and leaf set size. Most DHTs to the larger key base, the candidate set now becomes dom-
are optimized for efficient key retrieval, which means that inated by the 5 nodes hosting either pinned producers or
the number of routing hops is kept low by choosing a large consumers. We verify this claim with the DHTUnion-
key base. However, this reduces the size of the candidate NoProd scheme: when the producer nodes are removed
set for node selection when using a DHT, potentially miss- from the candidate set in DHTUnion-NoProd/Opt place-
ing good placement nodes from the set. In terms of quality, ment, the placement cost increases to 1.31. This means
the choice of the routing path by the DHT will determine that the in-network DHT routing path is not long enough
the suitability of the candidate set for service placement. to contribute a good placement node.
PlanetLab Topology. In Figure 2, we plot the distri- Transit-Stub Topology. The problem of a small, low-
bution of the BW-Lat product for three variations of the quality candidate set, as returned by DHTUnion, is even
DHTUnion scheme on the PlanetLab topology using the more pronounced in larger topologies. In Figure 3,
Bamboo DHT. For such a small topology, many nodes are we consider an efficient DHT deployment with a key
included in the candidate set because the Bamboo deploy- base of 64 deployed on a 600-node transit-stub topol-
ment on PlanetLab has a large average routing path length ogy. The average DHT path length here is 1.89 hops.
of 3.18 hops due to its binary key base. Therefore, the fig- In this topology, DHTUnion/Opt (1.18) performs worse
ure shows that DHTUnion/Opt placement performs well than All/Relaxation (1.09). Removing the producer
compared to All/Opt: the candidate set covers a significant nodes (DHTUnion-NoProd/Opt) reduces the efficiency to
fraction of all nodes and therefore is likely to include at 1.31, resulting in only a small gain when compared to
least one good placement node. However, this good place- RandomSet(6)/Opt (1.36).
3000 Consumer/— reveal that DHTIntersection performs only
marginally better than consumer selection. In most cases
the intersection of the four routing paths from the produc-
2600 ers to the consumer contains only the node hosting the
BW-Lat product (in ms)