Aerodrome Inspector Handbook
Aerodrome Inspector Handbook
Aerodrome Inspector Handbook
Second Edition 2010
Issued under the authority of the Director General of Civil Aviation
SLCAP 2200
Aerodrome Inspector Handbook
Page: i
Control Number 001
Sri Lanka as a Contracting State to the Convention on International Civil Aviation
has an obligation to the international community to ensure that the Aerodromes in
Sri Lanka are maintained as per the standards of the Annex 14 to the Convention.
As per Annex 14 requirements Aerodromes used for International Civil Aviation are
required to be certified by the State. In addition as per local regulatory requirements
aerodromes used for domestic air transport operations are also required to be
certified by 31st December 2012, if the maximum passenger seating capacity of the
aircraft employed in the operation exceeds 30 seats.
In order to issue an Aerodrome Certificate the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has to
conduct an in-depth investigation to assess whether the aerodrome is maintained in
accordance with the required standards and the competency of the aerodrome
operator to maintain the aerodrome, staff, equipments, procedures and equipments
as per the regulatory requirements.
Users of this handbook are reminded that the provisions of the Civil Aviation Act ,
Air Navigation Regulations, Aviation Safety Notices and other applicable regulatory
documentation, rather than this handbook, determine the requirements of, and the
obligations imposed by or under, the Civil Aviation Legislation. Users should refer to
the applicable provisions when any doubt arises.
H.M.C. Nimalsiri
Director General of Civil Aviation
Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka
No.64, Galle Road,
Colombo 03.
Page Eff. Date Page Eff. Date Page Eff. Date Page Eff. Date
Record of Amendments
FORWARD ................................................................................................................................................... II
LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES ........................................................................................................................... III
RECORD OF AMENDMENTS ....................................................................................................................... IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................. V
1 CHAPTER 1, ABOUT THIS HANDBOOK .............................................................................................. 1‐1
1.1 PURPOSE OF THIS HANDBOOK ................................................................................................................... 1‐1
1.2 SCOPE OF THE HANDBOOK ....................................................................................................................... 1‐1
1.3 TARGET AUDIENCE ................................................................................................................................. 1‐1
1.4 DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................ 1‐1
1.5 REGULATORY BASIS ................................................................................................................................ 1‐2
1.6 REFERENCE MATERIALS ........................................................................................................................... 1‐2
1.7 INTRODUCTION TO THE ENTRY CONTROL PROCEDURES ................................................................................... 1‐3
2 CHAPTER 2, INTRODUCTION & ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE............................................................. 2‐1
2.1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 2‐1
2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SECTION ............................................................................................................. 2‐1
3 CHAPTER 3, DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF INSPECTORS ................................................................. 3‐1
3.1 INSPECTORS IN THE SECTION AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................... 3‐1
3.1.1 Deputy Director / Aerodromes & Navigation Services .............................................................. 3‐1
3.1.2 Aerodrome Inspector ............................................................................................................... 3‐1
3.1.3 Assistant Aerodrome Inspector ................................................................................................ 3‐1
3.1.4 Aerodrome Engineer (Planning & Construction) ....................................................................... 3‐1
3.2 DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE INSPECTORS ........................................................................................... 3‐1
3.2.1 Deputy Director/Aerodromes & Navigation Services (DD/A&NS) ............................................. 3‐1
3.2.2 Aerodrome Inspector ............................................................................................................... 3‐5
3.2.3 Aerodrome Engineer (Planning & Constructions) ..................................................................... 3‐7
3.2.4 Assistant Aerodrome Inspector .............................................................................................. 3‐10
4 CHAPTER 4 – INSPECTION/AUDIT PROCEDURES ............................................................................... 4‐1
4.1 SURVEILLANCE PROGRAMME .................................................................................................................... 4‐1
4.1.1 Inspections ............................................................................................................................... 4‐1 Responsibilities of the Inspectors with Regard to Carrying out Inspections .................................... 4‐1 Planning and Preparation for Inspection ......................................................................................... 4‐1 Conducting the Inspection ............................................................................................................... 4‐2 Inspection Report ............................................................................................................................. 4‐2
4.1.2 Aerodrome Audits .................................................................................................................... 4‐3 Objectives of an Aerodrome Audit ................................................................................................... 4‐3 Planning and Preparation for Audits ................................................................................................ 4‐3 Questions and Checklists ................................................................................................................. 4‐3 Audit Convening Authority ............................................................................................................... 4‐4 Audit Personnel ................................................................................................................................ 4‐4 Audit Teams ..................................................................................................................................... 4‐5 Audit Team Leader ........................................................................................................................... 4‐5 Audit Team Members ...................................................................................................................... 4‐6 Observers ......................................................................................................................................... 4‐6 Audit Notification/Audit Time Table ................................................................................................ 4‐6 Conduct of audit .............................................................................................................................. 4‐7 Entry Meeting .................................................................................................................................. 4‐7 Evidence Gathering .......................................................................................................................... 4‐7 Confirmation Request Form (CRF) ................................................................................................... 4‐8 Audit Finding Form ........................................................................................................................... 4‐8 Audit findings — Non‐Compliance, Non‐Conformance and Non‐ Adherence ................................ 4‐8 Audit findings ‐ Observation ............................................................................................................ 4‐9 Audit findings – Communication ...................................................................................................... 4‐9 Corrective action plan ...................................................................................................................... 4‐9 Exit Meeting ................................................................................................................................... 4‐10 Audit reports .................................................................................................................................. 4‐10 Follow‐up action ............................................................................................................................ 4‐10
5 CHAPTER 5, APPROVAL PROCEDURES – AERODROME ENTRY CONTROL ........................................... 5‐1
ISSUING AN AERODROME CERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................. 5‐1
5.1.1 Flowchart – Approval Procedure for Aerodrome Certification .................................................. 5‐1
5.1.2 Certification of Aerodromes under the provisions of ASN 96 .................................................... 5‐3
5.1.3 Aerodrome Certificate Issue Checklist ...................................................................................... 5‐4
6 CHAPTER 6, SURRENDER OF AN AERODROME CERTIFICATE .............................................................. 6‐1
6.1.1 Surrender Process Flowchart ................................................................................................... 6‐1
6.1.2 Surrender of Aerodrome Certificate under the provisions of ASN 96 ........................................ 6‐2
6.1.3 Aerodrome Certificate Surrender Checklist ............................................................................... 6‐2
7 CHAPTER 7, COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT ................................................................................ 7‐1
7.1 CANCELLATION OR SUSPENDING AERODROME CERTIFICATION .......................................................................... 7‐1
8 CHAPTER 8, RENEWAL OF AERODROME CERTIFICATE ....................................................................... 8‐1
9 CHAPTER 9, AMENDMENT OF AERODROME MANUAL………………………………………………………………..9‐1
CHAPTER 10 SAMPLE DOCUMENTS ......................................................................................................... 10‐1
10.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 10‐1
10.2 AERODROME OPERATOR’S APPLICATION FORM FOR AERODROME CERTIFICATION ................................................ 10‐1
10.3 SAMPLE LETTERS ................................................................................................................................... 10‐3
10.3.1 Grant of Aerodrome Certificate – Letter 01 ............................................................................... 10‐3
10.3.2 Refusal to Grant Aerodrome Certificate – Letter 02 ................................................................... 10‐4
10.3.3 Cancellation of Aerodrome Certificate by Surrender – Letter 03 ................................................ 10‐5
10.3.4 Warning Notification for Suspension of Aerodrome Certificate – Letter 04................................ 10‐6
10.3.5 Suspension of the Aerodrome Certificate – Letter 05 ................................................................. 10‐7
10.3.6 Cancellation of the Aerodrome Certificate – Letter 06 ............................................................... 10‐8
10.3.7 Sample Aerodrome Certificate – Form 013 ................................................................................ 10‐9
10 ATTACHMENT A – AERODROME INSPECTION CHECKLIST/REPORT ................................................. AA‐1
12 ATTACHMENT C ‐ AUDIT CHECKLISTS FOR AERODROME CERTIFICATION ........................................ AC‐1
11.1 CHECKLIST FOR AERODROME CERTIFICATION AUDIT ................................................................. AC‐2
11.1.1 Audit Checklist ‐ Aerodrome Manual Part 1. General Information......................................... AC‐3
11.1.2 Audit Checklist ‐ Aerodrome Manual Part 2. Information about the Aerodrome Site............ AC‐5
11.1.3 Audit Checklist ‐ Aerodrome Manual Part 3. Information to be notified to AIS ..................... AC‐6
11.1.4 Audit Checklist ‐ Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures .................... AC‐9 Section 4.1 Aerodrome Reporting Procedure ............................................................................... AC‐9 Section 4.2, Access to Aerodrome Movement Area .................................................................... AC‐12 Section 4.3 Aerodrome Emergency Plan ..................................................................................... AC‐14 Section 4.4 Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (RFFS) ................................................. AC‐16 Section 4.5 Inspections of movement area and obstacle limitation surfaces ............................. AC‐18 Section 4.6 Visual Aids, Lighting and Electrical Systems .............................................................. AC‐20 Section 4.7 Maintenance of movement area ............................................................................... AC‐22 Section 4.8 Aerodrome Work Safety ............................................................................................ AC‐24 Section 4.9 Apron management ................................................................................................... AC26 Section 4.10 Apron safety management ...................................................................................... AC‐28 Section 4.11 Airside Vehicle Control ............................................................................................ AC‐30 Section 4.12 Wildlife Hazard Management ................................................................................. AC‐32 Section 4.13 Obstacle Control ...................................................................................................... AC‐34 Section 4.14 Removal of Disabled Aircraft ................................................................................... AC‐36 Section 4.15 Handling of Hazardous Materials ............................................................................ AC‐38 Section 4.16 Low‐visibility Operations ......................................................................................... AC‐40 Section 4.17 Protection of Radar & Navigational Aid Sites .......................................................... AC‐42 List of Aerodrome Facilities .......................................................................................................... 11‐44
11.1.5 Audit Checklist – Aerodrome Manual, Part 5 ....................................................................... AC‐46 Aerodrome Administration .......................................................................................................... AC‐46
13 ATTACHMENT D ‐ REPORT ON AERODROME CERTIFICATION AUDIT .............................................. AD‐1
15 ATTACHMENT F – AUDIT FINDING FORM ....................................................................................... AF‐1
This handbook defines the applicable regulations and clearly sets out the:
Further the book explains the Audit Procedures and post certification
inspection procedures.
AI Aerodrome Inspector
No. 34
of 2002 ¤ Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka Act No. 34, 2002 provide for the
establishment of the CAASL;
2000 ¤ Manual of Aerodrome Certification Procedures
ASN 99 ¤ The facilities being provided meet the specified aerodrome standards
Aerodromes and Air Navigation services Section in the Civil Aviation Authority of Sri
Lanka is responsible for carrying out Safety Oversight Functions with regard to
“Operations of Civil Aerodromes in Sri Lanka” and “provision of Air Navigation
Services in Sri Lanka airspace”.
Responsibilities of the Aerodromes & Navigation Services Section are listed below.
9. Provide the DGCA with necessary inputs in regard to the work that the
Division is expected to perform in the next triennium so that the CAA
Business Plan could be updated accordingly.
10. To ensure that all inspectors attached to the Division are provided with
necessary empowerments, credentials, authorizations, uniforms, inspector
handbooks and other amenities etc. in order to enable them perform the
assigned tasks effectively.
11. To ensure that a complete training plan is prepared for each position coming
under the Division so that the post holder will be able to discharge the
assigned functions effectively.
12. To provide the DGCA with the Training requirements of the Section for the
next three years on a sliding basis.
13. To prepare an annual training plan for each position in the division with due
regard to the priorities and resources available and Ensure that all
employees attached to the A &NS Section are fully conversant and are
adequately trained to perform their job functions entrusted to them, to the
standards expected by CAA (SL) and maintain their training records.
15. To ensure the required toolkits for efficient and effective surveillance of
Aerodrome Operators and ANS Services Providers such as Inspectors Hand
Books, Checklists; Survey Forms, Audit Forms, job guides etc. and
equipments if necessary are readily available at the Section. This should
include toolkits for efficient inspections, surveying and Certification audits of
Aerodrome Operators and ANS Services Providers.
16. To ensure all Manuals, Written Procedures and Handbooks issued by the
A&NS Section are reviewed and updated as and when required and prepare
new guidance material when such is viewed necessary.
18. To ensure that appropriate aerodromes in Sri Lanka are duly certified in
accordance with the applicable regulations, written procedures and other
relevant directives issued by the DGCA.
19. To ensure that appropriate Air Navigation Service Providers are duly certified
in accordance with applicable regulations written procedures and other
relevant directives issued by the DGCA.
23. To maintain a complete, accurate and updated database containing data and
information gathered during the implementation of the surveillance plan.
24. To analyze the data gathered during the surveillance and adjust the
surveillance plan and conduct additional awareness creating activities where
necessary based on the trends and associated risks, identified.
26. To ensure proper organization and management of air space of Sri Lanka for
the effective use of civil air operators in close coordination with the Sri Lanka
Air Force, ANS Providers and other deference establishments as appropriate.
28. To ensure arrangements are made for the establishment and provision of
SAR in Sri Lanka as per ICAO requirements.
29. To organize and update information in the CAA website pertaining to A&NS
Deputy Directorr
(Aerodromes and d
Navigation Servicees)
Aerodrome Aerodrome A
Engineeer Inspeector Insp
pector Officer Inspector Inspector
Assistant Assistant
Aerodrome Aerodrome AIS Officer AIS Office
Inpector Inpector
Rev 00
0 Civil Av
viation Authority of Sri Lan
nka Date : 01.Sept.2010
Aerodrome Inspector Handbook SLCAP 2200
2 Duties & Responsibilities of Inspectors Chapter 3 Page: 3-1
Deputy Director / Aerodromes & Navigation services, is the Head of the A&ANS
Section. He/She is responsible to the Director General of Civil Aviation through
Director/ Aeronautical Services for all Regulatory and Administrative functions
carried out by the Section.
To perform duties and functions as required by DGCA to ensure that Air Navigation
Services are provided and Aerodromes are operated in Sri Lanka by the respective
Service Providers in compliance with the requirements specified by the Director-
General of Civil Aviation.
The D/A&ANS is required to assist the Director General of Civil Aviation to fulfill his
responsibilities for continuous regulatory supervision of the Air Navigation Services
providers and Aerodrome Operators who have been authorized to provide such
services in Sri Lanka to ensure that the stipulated regulatory and operational
requirements published by DGCA are complied. To ascertain the above, the
DD/A&NS shall perform the duties and functions, which include, but not limited to
the following;
Rev 00 Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka Date : 01.Sept.2010
Aerodrome Inspector Handbook SLCAP 2200
2 Duties & Responsibilities of Inspectors Chapter 3 Page: 3-2
08 Ensure employees attached to the A & NS Section in the CAA carry out all
job functions as laid down in the job descriptions of the Inspectors issued by
CAA (SL), in conformity with the approved Annual Work Programme.
10 Issue / update the Job Descriptions of all staff attached to the Division with
the approval of the DGCA/CEO.
13 Provide the DGCA with necessary inputs in regard to the work that the
Division is expected to perform in the next triennium so that the CAA
Business Plan could be updated accordingly.
14 Prepare Annual Work Plan and Annual Work Programmes and Budget
estimates for the A&NS Section.
15 Ensure that all inspectors attached to the Division are provided with
necessary empowerments, credentials, authorizations, uniforms, inspector
handbooks and other amenities etc. in order to enable them perform the
assigned tasks effectively.
17 Ensure that a complete training plan is prepared for each position coming
under the Division so that the post holder will be able to discharge the
assigned functions effectively.
18 Provide the DGCA with the Training requirements of the Section for the next
three years on a sliding basis.
19 Prepare an annual training plan for each position in the division with due
regard to the priorities and resources available and Ensure that all
employees attached to the A &NS Section are fully conversant and are
adequately trained to perform their job functions entrusted to them, to the
standards expected by CAA (SL) and maintain their training records.
22 Ensure all Manuals, Written Procedures and Handbooks issued by the A&NS
Section are reviewed and updated as and when required and prepare new
guidance material when such is viewed necessary.
25 Ensure that appropriate Air Navigation Service Providers are duly certified in
accordance with applicable regulations, Standards, written procedures and
other relevant directives issued by the DGCA.
30 Analyze the data gathered during the surveillance and adjust the surveillance
plan and conduct additional awareness creating activities where necessary
based on the trends and associated risks, identified.
32 Ensure proper organization and management of air space of Sri Lanka for the
effective use of civil air operators in close coordination with the Sri Lanka Air
Force, ANS Providers and other deference establishments as appropriate.
33 As required and directed by DGCA (SL) represent DGCA at forums pertinent
to Aerodromes & Air Navigation Services in Sri Lanka and abroad.
34 As directed by DGCA assist CAA (SL) AIB members and/or AIB authorities of
other states to carry out formal investigations/enquires pertinent to aircraft
accidents/incidents. Submit accurate reports to DGCA (SL) on same as
37 Perform any other duties and functions as may be assigned by the DGCA &
To ascertain the above, the Aerodrome Inspector, subject to the scope of the
delegation of authority shall perform the duties and functions, which include, but not
limited to the following.
06 Ensure employees working under the incumbent carry out all job functions
as laid down in the job descriptions issued by CAA (SL).
09 Identify and advise the training needs of the incumbent and the staff
working under the incumbent to the DD/A&NS.
12 Provide “on the job training” for inspectors working under the incumbent
when required.
24 Perform any other duties and functions as may be assigned by the Head of
the Section.
To ascertain the above, the Aerodrome Engineer, subject to the scope of the
delegation of authority shall perform the duties and functions, which include, but not
limited to the following.
06 Ensure employees working under the incumbent carry out all job functions
as laid down in the job descriptions issued by CAA (SL).
09 Identify and advise the training needs of the incumbent and the staff
working under the incumbent to the DD/A&NS.
10 Participate at the training activities that are organized and/or offered by the
13 Provide “on the job training” for inspectors working under the incumbent
when required.
15 Prepare required civil engineering related toolkits for efficient and effective
surveillance of Aerodromes & Heliports such as Inspectors Hand Books,
Checklists; Survey Forms, Audit Forms etc. in coordination with AI and
make readily available at the Section. This should include toolkits for
efficient inspections, surveying and Certification audits of
39 Perform civil engineering related tasks and duties and assist AI to take
necessary action to certify appropriate aerodromes/Heliports in Sri Lanka in
accordance with the applicable regulations, Standards, written procedures
and other relevant directives issued by the DGCA.
18 Perform civil engineering related tasks and duties and assist AI to take
necessary action to issue, renew, amend, suspend or cancel Aerodrome
Certificates as the case may be.
25 Perform any other duties and functions as may be assigned by the Head of
the Section.
To ascertain the above, the Aerodrome Inspector, subject to the scope of the
delegation of authority shall perform the duties and functions, which include, but not
limited to the following.
06 Identify and advise the training needs of the incumbent and the staff
working under the incumbent, if any to the Senior Civil Aviation Inspector
(Aerodromes) and D/A&ANS.
09 Assist Senior Civil Aviation Inspector (Aerodromes) to provide “on the job
training” for inspectors working under the incumbent when required.
20 Perform any other duties and functions as may be assigned by the Head of
the Section.
4.1.1 Inspections Responsibilities of the Inspectors with Regard to Carrying out
Once the surveillance programme is approved by the DGCA it will be distributed
among relevant inspectors in the section. It is the responsibility of relevant
inspectors to conduct inspections as per the approved schedule. In case inspectors
are unable to conduct inspections on scheduled dates due to unavoidable
circumstances, approval should be obtained from the DGCA through D/A&ANS to
conduct the inspection in the closest possible date to the scheduled date. Inspectors
are required to forward inspection reports to the D/A&ANS in the relevant file (soft &
hard copies) within five working days of the date of the inspection. Inspection
reports should be completed as per the instructions provided in the checklists in
clear language. The responsibility of sending the inspection report to the service
provider through D/A&ANS lies with the individual inspector who conducted the
5) Inspectors should be familiar with all ASNs issued by the CAA relevant to the
operations carried out.
6) Inspector should be familiar with the staff requirements, licensing/rating &
training requirements if any, operational & technical requirements and other
relevant regulatory requirements applicable.
7) Inspectors should be thorough with the documents need to be kept at the
8) If the Inspector intends meeting the Senior Manager/Managers to clarify
certain issues, he /she should inform Head of the Section, the date/time of
the inspection and the officers needs to be present at the inspection at least
three days before the inspection.
1) Meet Head of the Section or Relevant officer and identify the Inspector with
credentials, before the inspection is conducted and make necessary
arrangements for the inspection.
2) Always be polite and respect the duties being performed and the person
being inspected
3) do not disturb the performance of the duties of the person being inspected or
get involved with unnecessary arguments outside official scope during the
inspection process
4) Use appropriate check list for the inspection (See Attachment A) and use the
CAA “Inspector Note Book” to record the salient features observed during the
5) At the end of the inspection brief the Head of the Section, Relevant SATC or
In charge of the section of the findings (deficiencies and appreciations).
Safety Audits can be of great benefit provided they are carried out professionally
and thoroughly. Careful and comprehensive preparation is essential to the overall
success of any audit. Inadequate preparation can result in:
Prior to conducting an audit, it is important to have a vehicle to enable the auditor to;
As such relevant Check Lists, Questions and forms to record Findings and
Observations should be prepared before the audit. Audit Checklist for Aerodrome
Certification Audits is given in the Appendix C. Additions can be made as required
before or during the audit. A properly prepared check list will;
However all inspectors should clearly understand that checklists should not be
considered as an inflexible procedure to conduct a safety audit.
The Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) is normally the Convening Authority
for all regulatory audits.
d) have initiative, judgement, tact and the ability to maintain harmonious working
relationships in a multicultural environment and appreciation of and sensitivity
to cultural differences; and
Audit teams are assigned by DGCA. Audit teams generally consist of three team
members but this number may be augmented or decreased depending on the size
and complexity of the aerodrome to be audited and when observers and/or advisors
are assigned to the team.
Audit teams will consist of an audit team leader and a specialist auditors for each
discipline included in the scope of the audit. An audit team leader may also serve
as one of the specialist auditors. The number of auditors in a team depends on the
scope, size and complexity of the audit. Whenever required, DG CAA may appoint
additional team members as auditors, observers, advisors or interpreters.
Audit teams will be assigned for each audit and follow-up audit, and although the
same auditors may be involved in each audit, the team structure may change for
each audit.
DG CAA will appoint an audit team leader for each audit. The audit team leader
assumes responsibility for the conduct and reporting of the audit in accordance with
guidance and instructions provided by DG CAA, including those found in this
DG CAA will take into consideration qualifications, experience and relations with
other team members when choosing an audit team leader.
c) holding an audit preparation briefing for team members prior to the conduct of
the audit;
Audit team members are assigned to specific audits by DG CAA and are
responsible to the audit team leader.
Audit team members are required to be free from bias and influences that could
affect their objectivity as aviation safety audit team members. Audit team members
must maintain independence from the audited operator. They must always remain
within the scope of the audit, display integrity, exercise objectivity and remain alert
to any indication of evidence that may influence the audit result.
In addition to the specific tasks assigned by DG CAA or the audit team leader, the
audit team member’s responsibilities may include:
f) Cooperating with and assisting the audit team leader at all times during the
preparation, conduct and completion of the audit process. Observers
Observers may also be assigned for on-the-job training. Such observers of an audit
are personnel other than approved auditors, assigned to participate in the audit for
training or familiarization purposes.
In regular Audits, the Lead Auditor should notify the auditee the proposed date of
the audit at least one month prior to the audit and get the concurrence of the auditee
with the proposed dates for the audit. At least two weeks prior to the audit the lead
auditor should inform the auditee the audit team and the audit time table.
Lead Auditor should conduct the entry meeting in the first day before the audit is
started. During the entry meeting it is required to;
Audit team must always verify auditee’s response during interview by gathering
documentary and physical evidence. Objective evidence should be used to confirm
or refute what has been said by the auditee or actually practiced by operational
staff. It is important not to accept what is said at face value, always ask for
verification of spoken claims.
Rev 00 Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka Date : 01.Sept.2010
Aerodrome Inspector Handbook SLCAP 2200
3 Inspection/Audit Procedures Chapter 4 Page: 4-8
Alternately, the Auditee may concur that the information not available
The confirmation request form becomes part of the audit evidence package
Audit Finding Forms must be completed accurately as they form the basis of the
audit report and a successful audit. Since a number of team members will be
completing audit finding forms, it is important follow a standard method to input data
into the form to reduce number of data entry errors. All supporting documentation
will be included with the completed audit finding forms for review by the lead auditor.
All hand-written copies of audit finding forms will be filed according to functional
area and will form part of the supporting documentation in the audit report for easy
The finding record will describe the relevant standard auditing procedure and
reasons for the finding. If applicable, the record will include recommendations for
corrective action. However, operators will generally be expected to provide
corrective actions based on their own knowledge, skills and environmental
considerations for assessment by the CAA as appropriate or otherwise.
An audit finding that is not in accordance with a future requirement of which CAA
auditors aware will be alerted to the aerodrome operator as an observation.
Operators are advised that observations are not required to be addressed with a
corrective action.
Auditors will informally advise the operator’s staff of audit findings as the audit
proceeds. The complete list of confirmed findings (including any confirmed remedial
action) will be presented to the operator at the exit meeting, and confirmed in the
formal report provided by DG CAA subsequent to the audit conclusion and exit
The operator’s corrective action plan must be submitted within 30 calendar days
after receiving the audit interim report, which is to be submitted to the operator
within 30 calendar days following the post-audit meeting.
If deemed necessary, DG CAA will establish contact with the audited operator within
approximately 30 days after the CAA has accepted a corrective action plan, in order
to assess progress made in implementing the accepted corrective action plan. The
contact may be effected through a visit to the aerodrome or through written or oral
The audit final report will include information on the corrective action plan proposed
by the operator and accepted by CAA. If the operator is not required to submit a
corrective action plan or has not submitted one within the agreed-upon period, the
audit final report will be prepared and submitted without any corrective action plan.
In the latter case, the final report will indicate that the operator has failed to provide
a corrective action plan within the prescribed period.
At the end of the audit the Lead auditor should convene a exit meeting with the
auditee (Head of the Section). During the exit meeting the Lead auditor should:
Brief the auditee on the audit findings of the unit’s safety oversight
When the auditee agrees with the audit team’s findings, corrective
actions must be taken to address the issues.
The products of each certification audit are the briefs and reports prepared and
submitted as appropriate. Each audit will conclude with the preparation and
submission of a confidential audit final report and a non-confidential audit summary
All briefs and reports will be prepared on the basis of guidance included in this
With the exception of the audit summary report, all materials, notes and reports
obtained or made during the safety oversight audit will be considered confidential by
CAA. Follow-up action
If findings of non-conformance with ICAO Standards are revealed during the audit,
an audited aerodrome operator will be required to resolve such identified differences.
If the operator fails to do so and differences still remain during the preparation of the
audit final and summary report, the differences will be included in the audit summary
Can the
AI Advise the applicant that application
the application cannot NO proceed?
Send the applicant the application form
AI - Aerodrome Inspector
FOI - Flying Operations Inspector
Goto DD/ANS -Deputy Director – A&NS
2 From
Assess the Aerodrome Manual
Assess the aerodrome procedures AI
Assess the aerodrome facilities
(If required get the assistance from FOI)
Recommends to DGCA Is the
assessment NO Request additional
through DD/ANS and information or action from
YES satisfactory
D/AS to issue the the applicant
Certificate ?
Prepare the AIP AI
supplement for Refuse the application in
publication consultation with DD/ ANS,
Prepare a draft letter of
refusal and signed by DGCA
Update certificate register Advise the applicant of the
Update aerodrome register refusal
Allocate certificate number
Advise DD/ANS
Issue the Aerodrome Advise AIS to
Certificate promulgate the AIP
ASN 96 This section applies to those aerodrome operators that must obtain a
certificate under the provisions of ASN 96.
Key functions
ASN 96,
4.1 The Aerodrome Inspector (AI) is responsible for identifying aerodromes that
are required to be certified under the provisions of ASN 96.
The DD/A & NS shall be the initial contact point for an aerodrome operator
seeking a certificate for an aerodrome. The workflow process shall be
coordinated through DD/A & NS who will track the progress of the application.
All applications must be made on the approved form, Application for an
Aerodrome Certificate, Form No.CAA/AS/012.
On receipt of the application, the DD/A & NS will notify the AI for action.
4. Confirm that the applicant is the owner of the land or has the
permission of the landowner to operate the site as an aerodrome (see
ASN 96, 5.3 ¾ ensuring that the aerodrome manual is in the approved
form as per ASN 96, 5.3.
10. The report received from the aerodrome operator on corrective action
taken shall be to the satisfaction of the DGCA.
ASN 96,
4.3 Certificates are granted in perpetuity in accordance with ASN 96, 4.3
ASN 96,
4.5 Note: On rare occasions, conditions may be placed on an aerodrome
certificate under ASN 96, 4.3. If conditions are being considered, the
aerodrome inspector should consult with the DD/A & NS. Such consultation
is to occur before a decision is made to issue a conditional certificate, so that
any requirement for additional activities not covered in this handbook e.g. a
safety case analysis or a risk assessment, can be considered.
Tick each box to indicate the satisfactory completion of the task. Note the
date against each box.
Sign and date this form and file it on the aerodrome file when the process is
Assign an Aerodrome Inspector to the request to
surrender an aerodrome certificate
Establish the credentials of the aerodrome
operator requesting the cancellation of the
Are the
valid? NO
Notify the applicant
Recommends DGCA through DD/ANS for the Cease
cancellation of the Certificate process
After approval of cancellation of the certificate
from DGCA advise the certificate holder that
the request is granted and to take specified
Place all documentation on the aerodrome file
Notify DD/ANS
DD/ANS Notify AIS to issue an AI Aerodrome Inspector
Notify NOF to issue a amendment of publications FOI Flying Operations Inspector
NOTAM DD/ANS Deputy Director Aerodromes
and Navigation Services
Adjust the surveillance plan
ASN 96,
4.7 This section provides for the cancellation of an aerodrome certificate at the
request of an aerodrome operator.
Key functions
The Aerodrome Inspector (AI) is responsible for initiating the process for the
cancellation of the aerodrome certificate on the request of the Aerodrome
On receipt of the application, the DD/A & NS will notify the AI for action.
3. If the aerodrome operator has not supplied the required information for a
proper notification of intention to surrender the certificate, contact the
operator and advise them to supply the necessary details in writing.
2. Tick each box to indicate the satisfactory completion of the task. Note the
date against each box.
3. Sign and date this form and file it in the aerodrome file when the process
is complete.
a. Check that the aerodrome operator has given at least 90 days notice.
6. Prepare and forward the letter for DGCA signature through DD/ANS and
D/AS and place a copy in the appropriate aerodrome file.
1. The aerodrome operator must provide CAA with written notification of the
request to surrender the aerodrome certificate. The CAASL Aerodrome
Inspector who assesses the request may be required to investigate the
application further to establish the relevant information.
2. Surveillance Update
ANS 96,
4.8 Empowers the CAASL to suspend or cancel an aerodrome certificate if
CAASL is satisfied that certain grounds exist.
Key functions
The Aerodrome Inspector (AI) is responsible for initiating the process for the
cancellation of the aerodrome certificate if the certificate holder:
3. Prepare and forward the letter for DGCA signature through DD/ANS and
D/ AS. Place a copy of the letter in the appropriate aerodrome file.
4. Send the letter of notification to the aerodrome operator before the date of
cancellation of the Certificate — see the sample Letter of Cancellation by
CAASL (Letter - 06).
5. When the Aerodrome Certificate has been cancelled and the Certificate returned to
Endorse the original certificate document or a copy attached in the aerodrome file as
Sign the endorsed original certificate document or a copy.
Place endorsed original certificate document or copy on the appropriate aerodrome file.
6. Surveillance Update
Aerodrome Profile Sheet updated
Surveillance Plan amended
Key functions
ASN 96,
4.10 The DD/A&NS shall be the initial contact point for an aerodrome operator
seeking to renew an aerodrome certificate. The workflow process shall be
coordinated through DD/A&NS who will track the progress of the application. All
applications must be made on the approved form, Application for an Aerodrome
Certificate, Form No.CAA/AS/012.
On receipt of the application, the DD/A & NS will notify the AI for action. AI will
follow the procure laid out in chapter 4 of this manual to renew the aerodrome
Any procedure laid down in chapter 4 which requires to be omitted in the renewal
process should be notified to the DD/A&NS for his approval using a CAASL
memo form.
Key functions
The DD/A&NS shall be the initial contact point for an aerodrome operator
seeking to amend an aerodrome manual. The workflow process shall be
coordinated through DD/A&NS who will track the process of the amendment.
On receipt of the amendment, the DD/A & NS will notify the AI for action. AI will
review the amendment and determine if a assessment is required or if the
amendment can be accepted as submitted
10.1 Purpose
Form 012
Application for an Aerodrome Certificate
Address: .....................................................................................................................................
Designation: ...............................................................................................................................
Yes No
If No, provide:
b) Name and address of the owner of the site and written evidence to show that permission has
been obtained for the site to be used by the applicant as an aerodrome.
Yes No
On behalf of the Aerodrome Operator shown above, I hereby apply for a certificate to operate the
Signed: ......................................................................
Name of person
making the declaration: .....................................................................................
1. A copy of the Aerodrome Manual, prepared in accordance with the regulations and
commensurate with the aircraft activities expected at the aerodrome, are required as part of
the application.
{Applicant’s name}
{Aerodrome name}
{Aerodrome address}
Dear {Sir/Madame},
This has reference to your letter dated {dd/mm/yy} and your application for a certificate to
operate {name of} aerodrome. Your application has been approved and Aerodrome Certificate is
ready for collection.
Your aerodrome will {now/continue to } be subject to regular routine surveillance by this Authority
under the requirements expressed in the aerodrome surveillance program
If you have any queries regarding this certificate or any other aerodrome-related matters please
contact this Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Director/ Aerodromes and Navigation Services
For Director General of Civil Aviation
Grant Certificate
{Applicant’s name}
{Aerodrome name}
{Aerodrome address}
Dear {Sir/Madame},
This has reference to your letter dated {dd/mm/yy} and your application for a certificate to
operate {name of} aerodrome. Your application has been assessed in accordance with the
requirements specified in the ASN 96 and has been refused for the following reason(s):
c. Following an assessment of the Aerodrome Manual we have determined that it does not
contain the particulars set out in requirement 4.3, ASN 96.
d. Following assessment of the above facts and other factors listed below, we are not satisfied
that you will be able to properly operate and maintain the aerodrome as required by
requirement 4.3, ASN 96.
You were advised of the above deficiencies on {dd/mm/yy} and your responses have led us to
the conclusion that you are unable to comply with all of the requirements for issue of an
aerodrome certificate at this time. Therefore, your application has been refused.
If you have any queries relating to this matter please contact the undersigned.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Director/ Aerodromes and Navigation Services
For Director General of Civil Aviation
This has reference to your letter dated {dd/mm/yy} requesting cancellation of your aerodrome
certificate for {name of} aerodrome. Your Aerodrome Certificate bearing the number {XXnnn}
{has been/will be} cancelled on {dd/mm/yy}, and we have arranged for a permanent NOTAM to
be issued advising of the certificate cancellation from that date.
As there {are/are no} regular public transport operations at your aerodrome after the date of
cancellation, it {will/will not} be subject to continued regular surveillance from this Authority.
As the aerodrome {is to be/has been} closed to all aircraft operations, you are advised that there
are certain steps that you should take:
If you have any queries regarding this certificate cancellation or the legislative requirements for
the continuing use of your aerodrome, please contact this office.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Director/ Aerodromes and Navigation Services
For Director General of Civil Aviation
Warning Notice for the Suspension of the Aerodrome Certificate - {name of} aerodrome
As you have failed to rectify the findings mentioned in the above letter within the period stated
there, this Authority will suspend your Aerodrome Certificate with effect from {dd/mm/yy} if you
fail to rectify those findings within another 60 days.
If you have any queries regarding above, please contact this Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Director/ Aerodromes and Navigation Services
For Director General of Civil Aviation
As you have failed to rectify the findings mentioned in the above letter within the period stated
there this Authority has decided to suspend your Aerodrome Certificate with effect from
{dd/mm/yy} for the period of 60 days.
If you fail to rectify the findings within this period, your certificate will be cancelled by this
If you have any queries regarding above, please contact this Authority.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Director/ Aerodromes and Navigation Services
For Director General of Civil Aviation
As you have failed to rectify the findings mentioned in the letter {Number} dated {dd/mm/yy}
within the period stated in the letters reference {Numbers and dates},
this Authority has decided to cancel your Aerodrome Certificate with effect from {dd/mm/yy}, and
we have arranged for a permanent NOTAM to be issued advising of the certificate cancellation
from that date.
As there {are/are no} regular public transport operations at your aerodrome after the date of
cancellation, it {will/will not} be subject to continued regular surveillance from this Authority.
As the aerodrome {is to be/has been} closed to all aircraft operations, you are advised that there
are certain steps that you should take:
If you have any queries regarding this certificate cancellation or the legislative requirements for
the continuing use of your aerodrome, please contact this office.
Yours faithfully,
Deputy Director/ Aerodromes and Navigation Services
For Director General of Civil Aviation
Aerodrome Certificate
to operate
{Aerodrome Name}
1. Runway
2. Taxiways
Ref: Area of Inspection Observation Comments
2.1 Surface condition
2.2 Markings
2.3 Lighting
2.4 Signs
2.5 Cleanliness (Presence of FOD – gravel, debris,
2.6 Taxiway strip condition (Surface, Grass height)
3. Aprons
5. Navigational Aids
8. Obstacle Control
2) ………………………………..………………
Date: …………………
• Friction testing
4.7 Aerodrome works 15:00 – 16:00 Documentation review
safety and visit to civil
maintenance department
Night Inspection 18:30 – 22:00 Approach and airfield
lighting system
Day 5 Aerodrome Manual Part 4, Aerodrome Operating Procedures:
4.9 Apron management 09:00 – 10:00 Documentation review
4.10 Apron safety 10:00 – 11:00 Documentation review
4.11 Airside vehicle 11:00 – 12:30 Documentation review
4.12 Wildlife hazard 13:30 – 14:30 Documentation review
management and visit to office
4.13 Obstacle control 14:30 – 16:00 Documentation review
Day 6 Aerodrome Manual Part 4, Aerodrome Operating Procedures:
4.14 Removal of 09:00 – 10:00 Documentation review
Disabled Aircraft
4.15 Handling of 10:00 – 11:00 Documentation review
hazardous materials: and
• Site visit to fuel farm 11:00 – 12:30 Site visit to fuel farm
4.16 Low visibility 13:30 – 14:30 Documentation review
4.17 Protection of sites 14:30 – 16:00 Documentation review
for Radar and and site visit
navigational aids
Day 7 Aerodrome facilities and equipment:
Aerodrome facilities 09:30 – 12:30 Documentation review
• Runway and runway
• Runway lighting
• Taxiway and taxiway
• Other movement area
marking, lighting,
• Aprons
Site visit to the
movement area 13:30 – 16:00
What are the broader factors involved, and how do they inter-relate in the chain of events leading to the conditions which
allowed the non-compliance to exist?
5. Aerodrome administration
Note: The details listed represent the minimum content of an aerodrome manual. Each aerodrome operator must tailor the
content of their manual to reflect the complexity and operating environment of the aerodrome.
11.1.2 Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual Part 2. Information about the Aerodrome Site
Does the aerodrome manual contain relevant data in ASN 096 - Part 2
Section 2 for the aerodrome site?
Note: See ICAO Annex 15 for specifications about data elements and required degrees of accuracy
Aerodrome Manual
Does the manual contain details of the arrangements ASN 096 – 6.3, 6.11.4
for reporting any changes that may affect aircraft
operations to AIS and local air traffic services?
And for recording the reporting of changes during and
outside the normal hours of aerodrome operation? ASN 096 - Part 4, 4.1
Does it include the contact details for the persons and
organizations to which changes are to be reported? ASN 096 - Part 4, 4.1
And the name of the reporting officer responsible for
reporting the changes and the telephone numbers for ASN 096 - Part 4, 4.1
contacting him or her during and after working hours?
And the process for ensuring that the reporting officer is
trained in accordance with the aerodrome standards in ASN 096 – 6.3
Sri Lanka?
And the arrangements for reporting changes of
aerodrome information published in AIP to AIS and ASN 096 – 6.11.2
And for ensuring that the notification to AIS is in ASN 096 – 6.11.3
And the procedures for issuing NOTAMs? ASN 096 - Part 4, 4.1
Including NOTAMs for temporary or permanent
changes in the physical condition of the aerodrome that
may affect the safety of aircraft? ASN 096 – 6.11.4
And any other occurrence relating to the operation or ASN 096 – 6.11.4
maintenance of the aerodrome that may affect the
safety of aircraft?
And the arrangements for keeping records of reports ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.1
Record Keeping
List of documents checked (e.g. NOTAM, AIP
ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.1
Amendment records etc.).
Is the operator maintaining records in accordance with
ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.1
the aerodrome manual?
Are records of staff training available? ASN 096 – 6.3
Are adequate and suitable staff and resources
ASN 096 – 6.6
Has the reporting officer been trained in accordance
ASN 096 – 6.3
with the ASN 99?
Are reports made to AIS in accordance with the manual
or changes in the physical condition of the aerodrome?
ASN 096 – 6.3
And for changes to published information?
And for obstacles?
Are reports made by the persons identified in the
ASN 096 – 6.3
Are their contact details in accordance with the manual? ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.1
Are staff members aware of safety requirements related
to reporting?
Are conditions or exemptions complied with? ASN 096 – 7.0
Product Check
Does the field condition confirm any existing or recent
NOTAMs? ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.1
Are reporting related incidents noted, reported and
followed up?
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.4 Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting Service (RFFS)
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.5 Inspections of movement area and obstacle limitation surfaces
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.6 Visual Aids, Lighting and Electrical Systems
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.7 Maintenance of movement area
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.8 Aerodrome Work Safety
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.9 Apron management
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.10 Apron safety management
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.11 Airside Vehicle Control
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.12 Wildlife Hazard Management
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.13 Obstacle Control
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.14 Removal of Disabled Aircraft
Are the arrangements for liaising with ATC in accordance with the
ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.14
Are the arrangements for obtaining equipment and persons to remove
ASN 096 – Part 4, 4.14
the aircraft in accordance with the manual?
Are any conditions or exemptions complied with ASN 096 – 7.0
Product Check
If observed, was the removal in accordance with the manual?
Are disabled aircraft removal incidents noted, reported and followed
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.15 Handling of Hazardous Materials
Note 1 Hazardous materials include explosives, flammable liquids and solids, corrosive liquids, compressed gases, and
magnetised or radioactive materials. Hazardous material do not include materials classed by ICAO/IATA as dangerous
goods, where freight forwarders and airlines have responsibilities for safe packaging and handling procedures
Note 2 The arrangements to deal with an accidental spillage of hazardous materials are to be set out in the aerodrome
emergency plan.
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.16 Low-visibility Operations
Note: This section of the manual is intended only to be applicable to processes associated with ground operations in low
visibility conditions. It is not intended to replicate procedural arrangements in place for Air traffic Services and Meteorological
Officers. Normally low visibility operations are considered to be in effect when conditions area such that ILS Category II or
III procedures are in operation.
Audit Checklist - Aerodrome Manual, Part 4 Aerodrome Operating Procedures and Safety Measures Section 4.17 Protection of Radar & Navigational Aid Sites
Record Keeping
Currently the Certification of Aerodromes in Sri Lanka is done by DGCA as per the
regulations specified in ASN 96
Certification audit
A certification audit team was established for the assessment process. This team
consisted of:
The team commenced the assessment process with a thorough review of the XXX
Aerodrome Manual submitted by operators name in the application process. The
manual was reviewed in depth during the period {Day - Day/Month/Year}.
On Day/Month/Year a briefing of findings derived from that review was presented to the
name of the officer & Designation at the CAA office.
On-site Audit
The team conducted an extensive audit on-site at XXX Airport during the period {Day -
Day/Month/Year}. The audit process consisted of
The team was met by Mr. DDD and kindly provided with the necessary
facilities including a secure office complete with whiteboard, communication
facilities and refreshments.
allow the Team Leader to provide a briefing on how the audit was planned to
proceed, the allowance for minor variations of the audit program if necessary
to suit individuals and to explain the steps to be taken by the team and the
aerodrome operator both during and after the audit. A copy of the audit
programme delivered at the entry meeting is attached as Attachment – B.
This was conducted over the period {Day - Day/Month/Year} and comprised
observations, inspections and measurements of airport facilities, equipments
and procedures, as well as interviews with airport staff and contractors.
Checklists supported the audit activity and those used are retained on File No.
{../../..} for future reference. An inspection of the airport at night was
conducted on Day/Month/Year.
The team was kindly granted an interview with the Airport Manager after the
exit meeting was completed. This opportunity was used to brief him on the
general requirements of aerodrome certification, and to alert him to the
process of certification, the regulator’s role and the trend of the findings from
the audit.
Audit Findings
All of the non-conformances and many on the non-adherences could have been
classed as non-compliances under the provision of requirements in ASN 96, but the
team elected to use the less severe finding classifications to demonstrate our intention
of encouraging voluntary compliance rather than threatening enforcement.
We were also mindful of the need to develop awareness of some requirements and that
XXX Airport staff may need to acquire technical documentation for reference.
As a result of this audit the team is of a view that a recommendation for issue of an
Aerodrome Certificate to XXX International Airport is appropriate/not yet appropriate.
We recommend that the list of findings be provided to XXX Airport with a request for a
corrective action plan to be provided within a reasonable time, preferably 30 days.
On receipt of an action plan from XXX Airport, the audit activity may be reactivated by
DGCA with a view to making a certification recommendation if all identified concerns
have been satisfactorily remedied, and compliance with the mandatory safety
requirements has been achieved.
We recommend also that once certification has been achieved, a surveillance plan be
adopted which adopts a narrow scope, high frequency program, with visits planned on
a monthly interval for various specific topics during the first 12 to 18 months after
certification to enable the regulator to ensure that standards are maintained by offering
frequent assistance and feedback to the operator at both operational and executive
An entry meeting was conducted by the CAA team and concerned staff of XXX Airport
on Day/Month/Year and an exit meeting was conducted on Day/Month/Year.
A summary of the initial findings of the audit was provided for the exit meeting, as per
the items listed below.
9. Data elements about the aerodrome are not to be sourced from AIP but the
manual is expected to contain the source information with verification able to
be demonstrated on request. This is a non-adherence to (ASN 96
10. Pavement strength ratings should reflect the actual assessment method, and
if technically assessed the procedure used and results achieved should be
made available. If no actual test assessment has been made the strength
rating should indicate assessment method code ‘U”. As pavement strength
determination (other than design criteria) could not be demonstrated,
publication as a “T” rating is a non-conformance with the standard specified
in (ASN 99 Section/Para).
Hazardous materials
14. Provide reference to agreement between fuel agency and XXX Airport
regarding supply of aviation fuel on the airport. (Observation 3)
15. The audit team was advised that the fuel agency staff perform maintenance
on apron facilities from time to time but no procedure exists, so that the
aerodrome operator can be assured that such staff are aware of or are
required to abide by airport safety rules when so employed. Procedures
requiring adequate arrangements for staff to perform fuel system
maintenance on apron equipment should be provided. This is a non-
adherence to (ASN 96 Section/Para).
17. The relevant procedure as stated in the aerodrome manual varies from the
actual process that is used to manage the conduct of ground maintenance
activity in the vicinity of navaids. Procedure states that navaids will be
withdrawn from service while works are in progress in the vicinity but in fact
the work is managed while the navaids are not operationally required and are
selected off, although they remain fully serviceable. In fact the work in the
area is ceased and work staff are withdrawn before the navaids are required
to be operated.
The procedure in the manual and the actual procedure in practice should
agree. In this case the Aerodrome Operator is not operating and maintaining
the aerodrome in accordance with the procedures set out in the manual. This
is a non adherence to (ASN 96 Section/Para).
20. A new procedure was presented to the team at the audit session. This was
reviewed and the following noted.
The tasks and actions required of the disabled aircraft co-ordinator seem not
to be specified in the manual procedure. Non-adherence to (ASN 96
Note: The compliance of staff with the new procedure presented was not
audited at this time, and only a brief assessment of the new procedure was
performed. Future arrangements will be notified regarding audit of this item.
21. Work safety officer positions and functions are described in the manual but
no person has been appointed specifically as a work safety officer to ensure
compliance with aviation safety. Consequently the actual process is different
from the aerodrome manual and so the Aerodrome Operator is not operating
and maintaining the aerodrome in accordance with the procedures set out in
the manual, which constitutes a non-adherence to (ASN 96 Section/Para).
22. The contractor’s Safety Manual specifies that that ICAO SARPS will be
complied with on-site, but the SARPs were found not to comply because:
(b) Unserviceability lights used on project work areas on the apron and
taxiway do not comply with ASN 99 standards, flashing lights were
noted to be in use as opposed to steady red lights required by ICAO
rules. This is a non-conformance with (ASN 99 Standard
(c) Markers used to indicate an unserviceable portion of apron or taxiway
are fabricated from steel drums. Markers used for such purposes on
movement areas are required to be frangible. Non-conformance with
(ASN 99 Standard Section/Para).
Aerodrome Reporting
24. Well organized. It is suggested that the procedure should state the
requirements for maximum permissible grass height on runway and taxiway
strip so that all inspectors are aware of requirements. Safety inspections
were done by staff from other sections who were not aware of grass height
limits. (Observation 6)
25. Friction testing. Testing is done and records of results are maintained but no
procedure as to actual process is provided in the manual. This is non-
adherence to (ASN 99 Standard Section/Para).
Standby Power
26. Good. Procedures are clear and full documentation of maintenance and test
records was available on request.
28. Facilities for static water storage on the airside should be incorporated into
the aerodrome plan and the grid map. Non-adherence with (ASN 99
Standard Section/Para).
31. A procedure is in the manual for OLS protection against the requirements for
current OLS (temporary objects) and future airport development OLS
(permanent objects). In fact separate procedures are not used. It is
suggested that the section be deleted (Observation 7). In any event the
actual procedure used should be document so that the audit can determine if
the aerodrome is being operated in accordance with the provisions of the
manual. Non-adherence to (ASN 96 Section/Para).
32. Procedure for review of ICAO Type A chart is unclear. Existing chart appears
to have been last surveyed in 1999 and many of the identified obstacles are
33. The facilities were assessed by taking into account the requirements of ASN
96, which provides that the physical characteristics of aerodromes,
aeronautical ground light and surface marking colours, obstruction clearing
and marking, visual ground aids and aerodrome equipment, shall conform to
the standards prescribed in ASN 99, and the recommended practices therein
shall be implemented as far as possible.
34. Runway
(a) Markings
It was noted that some markings have been repainted using solid
block display.
35. Taxiways
Old light fittings that extend above the pavement have been
allowed to remain in the new widened taxiway pavement
surface. Non-conformance with ASN 99/Para.
Along the length of the taxiway system the centerline and edge
markings have been permitted to become very faded and are
very difficult to observe clearly. An effective maintenance
programme does not appear to be in place. Non-adherence
with ASN 99 Section/Para.
On the Airforce side of the runway, the runway strip is obstructed by an apron
area 130 metres from runway centreline and a row of military bunkers, fences
and barriers up to 101 metres from the runway centerline. Data in the
Aerodrome manual and the AIP indicates that a runway strip width of 300
metres is provided.
In areas where work has recently been undertaken to widen the taxiway fillets,
numerous concrete blocks were noted on the strip surface adjacent to the
taxiway shoulders. To prevent damage to an aircraft running off the taxiway
these items should be removed or made flush with the surface.
(Observation 9)
Guidance sign characters for some signs are not in accordance with standard
characteristics. Characters which are 300 mm in height have a 30 mm
stroke width, as opposed to the 48 mm width required. Non-conformance
with (ASN 99 Appendix para).
39 Aprons
Apron edge markings were noted to be by single yellow lines. The limits
for non-load bearing surfaces should be delineated with a taxi side stripe
marking which utilizes two yellow lines. The current markings are non-
conformances with (ASN 99 Section/Para)
Apron Management
40. The design of the apron parking positions appears to use a combination of
elements, some for use by aircrew (pilot position stop line) and some for use
of marshallers (nose wheel position markings). The audit team could not
establish the relationship of the parking position elements from observation
and so cannot comment on the design.
41. It was noted that various aircraft were marshaled onto parking bays where no
nose wheel parking position designator was provided, eg A340, MD 11, B767.
The audit team was unable to verify if all relevant clearances were provided
in such cases.
42. The aerodrome manual indicates that all day-to-day allocation of parking
positions is performed by ATC. No information was available to indicate how
these allocations were made or how restrictions were known and applied if
necessary. Non-adherence to (ASN 96 Section/Para).
The aerodrome manual indicates that Sri Lankan Airlines Engineering Unit
disseminates information to all interested parties about apron parking
allocations but it was apparent that some airline representatives have to
obtain information by reference to ATC. This is a non-adherence to (ASN 96
Apron Safety
43. Procedures relating to apron sweeping and cleaning and general safety
oversight appear to be conducted by staff of the operator, but are not yet
documented in the manual, so were not audited. This is a non adherence to
(ASN 96 Section/Para).
Non-conformance with:
ASN 99 Section/Para “The following data shall be measured or described as appropriate,
for each facility provided on the aerodrome”.
1. The data provided in the Aerodrome Manual, Part 3 is not verifiable by the operator. The
Operator has no record of how the aerodrome data has been forwarded to AIS for the
publication in the AIP.
2. Data elements in the aerodrome manual has been source from the AIP, where as the
manual should contain the source information with verifications.
3. Pavement strength assessment procedure and the results achieved could not be verified
by the operator.
Audit Follow Up
……………………… ………………………...
Signature of the authorized officer Date
New Constructions
Activities in the Maintenance Activities
Air Side Incidents
Number of Bird Strikes/BIA
Number of Number of Other Animal
Airside Incidents Strikes/BIA
Runway Incursions/Excursions
Taxiway Incursions/Excursions