a. Impermeability through a Dense Concrete
Accurate grading and proportioning of the concrete materials in order to secure a concrete so dense as to be waterproof. Portland cement mortar and concrete can be made practically waterproof or impermeable without the use of any integral waterproofing materials
b. Waterproofing Coatings and Washes
Applying waterproof coatings or washes to the concrete after it is on place.
The materials employed as surface coatings may be classified as
follows: ➢ Alum and soap mixtures applied in alternate mixtures (known as the Sylvester process), which penetrates the pores of the concrete forming insoluble compounds due to chemical action between the alum and soap solutions, and these compounds prevents percolation.
- use in proportions of ¾ gal. of soap to 1 gal. of
water, and 2oz. of alum to 1 gal. of water, both substances to be perfectly dissolved in water before using. - should be applied with a soft, flat brush (one for each solution), the soap boiling hot and the alum solution at 60 to 70F.
➢ Alum, lye and cement washes .
➢ Cement grout, with or without the addition of water-repellants. ➢ Paraffin and other mineral bases, applied cold in solution or prepared in melted. ➢ Miscellaneous materials of unknown composition sold under various trade names.
✓ Asphalt emulsions - Generally called Asphalt Base Clay
Emulsions, minute asphalt particles dispersed in water and maintained in suspension (until applied) by a mineral colloid emulsifying agent. When the water vehicle evaporates, resilient reinforced weatherproof film remains which resist the passage of free water but allows movement of water vapor through the film and are classed as breathing films. ✓ Cutback Asphalts - composed of a variety of products from thin liquids to heavy paste, often one or more asphalts dissolved in solvent are filled with minerals and fibers to meet requirements of different coating