The Lion Makers: Vishnu Sharma Was An Indian Scholar and Author Who Is Believed
The Lion Makers: Vishnu Sharma Was An Indian Scholar and Author Who Is Believed
The Lion Makers: Vishnu Sharma Was An Indian Scholar and Author Who Is Believed
But when they had gone a little way, the eldest of them said: “One
of us, Gumption, is a dullard, having nothing but sense. Now nobody
gains the favorable at-tention of kings by simple sense without
scholarship. Therefore we will not share our earnings with him. Let him
turn back and go home.”
Q. Do you think that the third Brahman would say/do the same to
the fourth Brahman?
"Then the second said: “My intelligent friend, you lack scholarship.
Please go home!”
But the third said: “No, no. This is no way to behave. For we have played
together since we were little boys. Come along, my noble friend. You
shall have a share of the money we earn.”
With this agreement they continued their journey, and in a forest
they found the bones of a dead lion.
Q. What do you think will happen to the other three Brahman? And
What do you think will happen to the fourth Brahman?
When this had been done, the lion was brought to life, sprang up,
and killed all three. But the man of sense, after the lion had gone
elsewhere, climbed down and went home. "