Hakeem Et Al., 2013
Hakeem Et Al., 2013
Hakeem Et Al., 2013
Crop Improvement
New Approaches and Modern Techniques
Khalid Rehman Hakeem Munir Ozturk
Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia
Serdang, Selangor Serdang, Selangor
Malaysia Malaysia
Crop improvement is now one of the most significant subject matters in agriculture,
which includes the genetic alteration of plants to satisfy ever increasing human need.
A large number of genetic techniques were developed and refined in the twentieth-
century. It has been suggested that many of the limitations of conventional breeding
can be overcome with advances in molecular biology. The aim in crop develop-
ment is to support innovative and excellent research to underpin the development
of improved crop varieties that deliver increased productivity and consistent, high
quality end products. The limitations of the new breeding methods include technical
problems, such as the difficulty of transformation, problems of gene expression, or
the lack of knowledge concerning suitable genes to transfer.
Biotechnology is generally accepted as the use of living systems and organisms
to develop or make useful products. Increases in crop yield is one of the most obvi-
ous applications of modern biotechnology in agriculture, it is also recognized the
most difficult one. Many of the genetic characteristics associated with yield (e.g.,
enhanced growth) are controlled by a large number of genes, each of which has a
minimal effect on the overall yield. Most of the current commercial applications of
modern biotechnology in agriculture are related to reduce the dependence of farm-
ers on agrochemicals. There is a need much scientific work to be done in this area.
The book contains state-of-the-art new research results in crop improvement
and related disciplines in crop development. It provides up-to-date information for
researchers, educators, graduate students and industry. It consists of 17 Chapters.
The first Chapter provides the reader with extensive information on A. rhizogene,
s which is responsible for the development of hairy root disease in a wide range of
dicotyledonous plants and its T-DNA system components. Second Chapter talks
about recent advances in bioinformatic tools, together with advance molecular
technology under clear biological categories. Chapter 3 deals with tissue culture,
which is employed for large-scale propagation of disease free clones and gene pool
conservation. It covers in vitro propagation and role of biotechnology in crop im-
provement. Chapter 4 describes about mutagenesis, which is a crucial step in crop
improvement program.
Chapter 5 explains the importance of biofertilizers in sustainable ecosystem.
Biofertilizers are now gaining ground as they are used to maintain the soil health,
vi Foreword
curtail the environmental pollution and cut down on the use of chemicals in agricul-
ture. Chapter 6 indicates the importance of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
for soil quality and tolerance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses. Biotic stress is
the subject matter of Chap. 7 is the subject matter of how wheat genetic variability
is obtained. New and useful genetic variations exist in the wild wheat progenitor
species that can be utilized for the enhancement of the existing wheat breeding
pools and improve yield stability. This was followed by Chapter 8 dealing specifi-
cally with Variability in Fusarium Species causing wilt disease in crops. Abiotic
stresses including salinity are a major threat to agricultural productivity and hence
global food security are described in Chapter 9. Crop plants have adopted special-
ized strategies to reduce the impact of stress.
Chapter 10 is devoted to wheat grain quality advances in the genomics of grain
quality are considered crucial for defining genes and their networks underpinning
functional flour qualities. Chapter 11 talks about N use efficiency (NUE) in agri-
culture and future development. The use of N in agriculture and its significance in
the sustaining human society is addressed, especially in the developing countries.
Chapters 12 and 13 covers the issue of heavy metals toxicity in soils, uptake by
plants. They throw light on the arsenic toxicity in plants and their tolerance mecha-
nism in plants.
Chapter 14 describes the in vitro production of secondary metabolites using
elicitor in Catharanthus roseus. Elicitation has been carried out in a large number
of medicinal plants, this article deals with the Catharanthus roseus, as it is an im-
portant source of anticancer compounds Vinblastine (VLB) and Vincristine (VCR).
Handling soybeans under stress is the topic of Chapter 15. Soybean is among the
most important leguminous plants with the ability to establish symbiotic association
with the N-fixing bacteria, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. One of the most important
processes, affecting the performance of soybean under stress is the inhibited ex-
change of the signal molecules, specifically genistein, between the host legume and
B. japonicum during the initiation of symbiosis. Chapter 16 is a review on the genus
Atriplex. This review is a contribution to the knowledge on the ecological and socio-
economical potential of some plant genus Atriplex. The last Chapter 17 deals with’
the role of polyamines in stress responses’. Genetic manipulation of crop plants for
altered regulation of PA biosynthesis/catabolism may lead to improved stress toler-
ance potential.
This book will be a new contribution on crop improvement and be useful for
scientists and graduate students in the area.
The improvement of crop species has been a basic pursuit since cultivation began
thousands of years ago. To feed an ever increasing world population will require a
great increase in food production. Wheat, corn, rice, potato and few others are ex-
pected to lead as the most important crops in the world. Enormous efforts are made
all over the world to document as well as use these resources. Everybody knows
that the introgression of genes in wheat provided the foundation for the “Green
Revolution”. Later also demonstrated the great impact that genetic resources have
on production. Several factors are contributing to high plant performance under
different environmental conditions, therefore an effective and complementary use
of all available technological tools and resources is needed to meet the challenge.
The developments in biotechnology, genomic research, and molecular marker
applications has brought to the forefront an interdisciplinary science that is revo-
lutionizing 21st century crop improvement. Many new genomics technologies like
next generation sequencing, omics technologies have emerged as powerful tools for
understanding genome variation in crop species at different molecular levels.
The era of genomics seems to be upon us and new techniques will probably
enable us to access the genetic basis of metabolomics associated traits much more
rapidly. The information and developments related to the metabolomics, tran-
scriptomics analysis and extensive phenotyping of genetically diverse populations
together with bioinformatics is going to prove of great help in the field of crop
biotechnology. These technologies will unveil the metabolic pathways for under-
resourced crop species.
In this book attempt has been made to bring together chapters from different
authors and highlight the current status of crop productivity in the light of develop-
ments in crop biotechnology, and at the same time provide information on some
recent genomic tools and novel genetic and breeding approaches with a final aim of
crop improvement. Emphasis has been laid on the topics related to advances in crop
biotechnology, the key principles influencing the current practice in crop improve-
ment programs and elucidate the nature of new approaches as well as modern tech-
niques in crop improvement and how molecular plant breeding opens new avenues
for research and is contributing to discoveries in this field.
viii Preface
We hope that a new generation of researchers will benefit much from this book
and share the respect for the crop plants we all live by and concern for the mainte-
nance of diversity.
The final objective of this book is to refresh and emphasize the fact that we are
compelled to save our biodiversity, otherwise plant breeding possibilities will de-
crease to the extent that it will cost us much.
1 A
grobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation and Its
Biotechnological Applications in Crops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Ibrahim Ilker Ozyigit, Ilhan Dogan and Ebru Artam Tarhan
6 P
lant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the
Tolerance of Plants to Biotic and Abiotic Stresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Muriel da Silva Folli-Pereira, Lydice Sant’Anna Meira-Haddad,
Cristina Maria Nobre Sobral de Vilhena da Cruz Houghton and
Maria Catarina Megumi Kasuya
7 B
iotic Stress and Crop Improvement:
A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Alvina Gul Kazi, Awais Rasheed and Abdul Mujeeb-Kazi
x Contents
9 C
oping Abiotic Stress with Plant Volatile Organic Chemicals
(PVOCs): A Promising Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Penna Suprasanna and Prasad Shekhar Variyar
Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
About the Editors
xii About the Editors
xiv Contributors
2050 (Census 2012). Climate changes in terms of shifting weather patterns will
result in decreased water availability and in conjunction with this, providing food
for this inevitable future population size will be a very hard task without adding
new arable lands (Milly et al. 2005). To deal with this challenge one of the ma-
jor solutions is plant breeding, which has been used since ancient times in order
to create desired genotypes and phenotypes for specific objectives. The main
goals of conventional plant breeding are improvement of crop yield and quality,
agricultural convenience and resistance to the parasites. While the conventional
plant breeding efforts used in the past were sufficient, nowadays with the increas-
ing demand additional and supplementary technology necessities emerged (Ge-
pts 2002). As a result of industrial revolution and its reflection to the biological
and agricultural sciences, plant biotechnology reached spectacular success with
understanding of how genes operate and function in plant. The first genetically
modified crops were obtained in the early 1980s by using Agrobacterium tume-
faciens following the plant regeneration systems, production of novel chimeric
genes and transformation vectors. Multidisciplinary studies of academic institu-
tions and agricultural seed companies took the leadership on genetic engineering
and biotechnological progresses of crop plants (Özcan et al. 2004). Although,
many political, regulatory, ethical and religious obstacles are still present, the
adoption rate of crop biotechnology in the area of agriculture is high at global
level. Crop biotechnology involves a different set of technologies such as indus-
trial use of recombinant DNA, cell fusion and tissue engineering. Agrobacteri-
um-mediated transformation has always been the most commonly used method
for novel transgenic technologies. Till now, a number of commercially valuable
crops like tomato, potato, rice, wheat, maize, cotton, soybean, alfalfa, barley, car-
rot, sugarcane, pepper and broccoli were obtained using Agrobacterium-mediated
transformation (Ozyigit 2012).
Certain bacterial species are capable of transferring some of their genes to higher
plants ending up with insertion and permanent integration in the nuclear genome
(Broothaerts et al. 2005; Kumar et al. 2006). Members of genus Agrobacterium are
widely known for their ability of forming a wide variety of different neoplastic dis-
eases, including crown gall ( A. tumefaciens and A. vitis), hairy root ( A. rhizogenes)
and cane gall ( A. rubi) (Gelvin 2009; Ozyigit 2012). Among them, the first identi-
fied one was A. rhizogenes (formerly Phytomonas rhizogenes) in 1930s belonging
to the family Rhizobiaceae in the alpha-2 subclass of Proteobacteria (Riker et al.
1930; Hildebrand 1934; Conn 1942; White 1972; Kersters and De Ley 1984; Woese
et al. 1984; Willems and Collins 1993).
A. rhizogenes is a rod-shaped Gram-negative, non-spore forming (0.6–1 μm by
1.5–3.0 μm in size) soil bacterium that occurs singly or in pairs and is motile by
means of one to six peritrichous flagella (Conn 1942; Meyer et al. 2000; Tzfira and
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 3
Citovsky 2000; Giri and Giri 2007; Murugesan et al. 2010) (Fig. 1.1). It is a close
relative of the better known A. tumefaciens, which is the best-characterized species
among the genus Agrobacterium (Rao 2009; Ozyigit 2012) (Fig. 1.1).
All A. rhizogenes strains are characterized by the presence of a large root induc-
ing (Ri) plasmid containing a highly conserved “core” DNA region required for
hairy root formation (Filetici et al. 1987; Gelvin 2003; Veena and Taylor 2007).
Like the crown gall disease, which is caused by A. tumefaciens (Ream 2002; Mc-
Cullen and Binns 2006; Ozyigit 2012) A. rhizogenes causes hairy root (root-mat)
disease in infected plants through genetic transformation (Weller and Stead 2002;
Weller et al. 2005).
The “hairy root” is the term first used in 1900 by Stewart et al. (as quoted by Hil-
debrandt 1934). The distinctive symptom of hairy root disease is the formation of
a mass of roots. Following the A. rhizogenes infection, hairy root formation occurs
as a result of protruding large numbers of small roots as fine hairs directly from
the infection site (Chandra 2012) (Fig. 1.2). Besides the plagiotropic root growth,
hairy-root disease is characterized as short internodes, a high degree of lateral
branching, wrinkled leaves, reduced apical dominance, reduced fertility, profusion
of root hairs, abnormal flower production, advanced flowering, increased number
of flowers, enhanced growth rates and changed secondary metabolite accumulation
(Ackermann 1977; Tepfer 1983; Balandrin et al. 1985; Charlwood and Charlwood
1991; Pellegrineschi et al. 1994; Flores et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2001; Keil 2002; Ca-
sanova et al. 2004; Veena and Taylor 2007) (Fig. 1.2).
4 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
Fig. 1.2 Hairy root formation induced by A. rhizogenes strain 8196 in potato ( Solanum tuberosum
L.) callus cultures (a), regenerated tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) plantlets (b). (From Arican)
In nature, when plants are suffering from wounds, phenolic compounds are re-
leased from wounded sides and that cause attraction for A. rhizogenes. The bacte-
rium moves toward the wounded sites by chemotaxis and infect plant cells. Sub-
sequent infection at wound site followed by transfer of a particular DNA segment
(T-DNA) from the root-inducing (Ri) plasmid (pRi) of the bacteria (Kumar et al.
2006). A. rhizogenes-induced roots have the unique property of being able to grow
in vitro without exogenous plant growth regulators (Lee et al. 2001; Rao and Rav-
ishankar 2002). With this unique ability, by the utilization of A. rhizogenes strains
in in vitro plant organ cultures, broad range difficulties were eliminated and as a
result, fast growing organs with the capable of producing extensive branching and
main metabolites even higher than the mother plant or new metabolites undetected
in the mother plant or in other kinds of in vitro cultures were generated (Doran
2002; Nader et al. 2006; Bensaddek et al. 2008).
Over the three decades, hairy roots have been applied in a wide range of funda-
mental studies of plant biochemistry, molecular biology, and physiology, as well as
for agricultural, horticultural, and large-scale tissue culture purposes (Doran 2002).
In general, hairy root cultures have been used extensively in root nodule research
(Diaz et al. 1989; Quandt et al. 1993; Diouf et al. 1995; Hu and Du 2006; Hirotaka
and Hiroshi 2003; Aarrouf et al. 2012), production of artificial seeds (Uozumi and
Kobayashi 1997), plant secondary metabolites and proteins (Aarrouf et al. 2012),
plant breeding and plant improvement, experimental systems to study responses to
chemicals (Downs et al. 1994; Mugnier 1997), plant morphology and development
(Bandyopadhyay et al. 2007; Turgut-Kara and Ari 2008; Hasancebi et al. 2011;
Aarrouf et al. 2012), detoxifing environmental pollutants (Rugh 2001), validate
and analyze the functions of genes conferring resistance to root specific pathogens
(Remeeus et al. 1998; Hwang et al. 2000; Alpizar et al. 2006; Aarrouf et al. 2012)
and study interactions with other organisms such as nematodes (Kifle et al. 1999),
mycorrhizal fungi and root pathogens (Mugnier 1997; Christey 2001). Besides
these sights, enhanced rooting in plants helps establishment or surviving transplant
shocks or abiotic stress like drought, salinity and heavy metal stress (Bulgakov,
2008; Li et al. 2011).
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 5
The overall process of hairy roots disease by A. rhizogenes wild strains is defined
by the following four steps. Chimiotactism is the first step leading to induced move-
ment of Agrobacterium towards to the plant cells. The following step is binding of
Agrobacterium to the surface components of the cell wall (Fig. 1.3). After binding,
transfer and integration of the transfer-DNA (T-DNA) into the plant genome is com-
pleted. The last step is subsequent induction of root formation and growth (Zupan
et al. 1996). The information gained in the first three steps is better understood be-
cause of the similarities in biological processes and existing models of pathogenesis
provided by extensive studies of A. tumefaciens stain C58 (Tomilov et al. 2007;
Abarca-Grau et al. 2011). The compositions as well as structures are broadly simi-
lar for Ri and the Ti plasmids from A. rhizogenes and A. tumefaciens, respectively
(Gelvin 2003; Ozyigit 2012) (Fig. 1.3).
Comparative studies showed a high degree of homology between Ri and Ti
plasmids indicating that there are conserved regions between the two types of plas-
mids. This shows general mechanisms such as activation, processing, and move-
ment of the T-DNA from the bacteria to the plant cell are highly sustained. A seg-
ment in both Ri and Ti plasmids called T-DNA consists of highly homologous
24-bp direct repeats known as border sequences (Yadav et al. 1982; Filichkin and
Gelvin 1993; Ziemienowicz 2001; Veena and Taylor 2007; Chandra 2012). Dur-
ing infection with Agrobacterium, T-DNA is transferred from the bacterium to the
plant cell (Rao et al. 2009). The wild-type T-DNA encodes oncogenes and opine
catabolism genes, which cause neoplastic growth of tissues and the production of
opines (Guyon et al. 1980, 1993; Costantino et al. 1994; Gaudin et al. 1994; Weis-
ing and Kahl 1996; Hong et al. 1997; Lee et al. 2001; Rao and Ravishankar 2002;
Veena and Taylor 2007). Also, another segment known as the virulence (vir) region
in the Ti-plasmid is involved in transferring of DNA into the plant genome (Bulga-
6 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
kov et al. 2004). Hairy roots are capable of growing in the absence of exogenous
plant hormones on the plant cells due to the presence of T-DNA. Agrobacterium
species are highly adapted for sophisticated parasitic relationship with host plants
and thus found to establish a unique ecological niche by genetically engineering
(Vilkar et al. 1987).
Gall Proteins
One of the similarities of Ri and Ti plasmid is that bearing nearly identical or-
ganization of the vir operons (Zhu et al. 2000). Only noticeable difference can
be seen is neither genomes nor Ri plasmids of A. rhizogenes contains virE1 and
virE2 genes (Moriguchi et al. 2001; Hodges et al. 2004). As known from studies
about A. tumafaciens VirE2 is a single-stranded DNA binding protein and VirE1
acts as a chaperone of VirE2. The VirE2 covers single-stranded T-DNA (T-strands)
from nuclease attack (Rossi et al. 1996; Ozyigit 2012) and involves nuclear im-
port of T-DNA to the plant cells (Yusibov et al. 1994; Rossi et al. 1996; Zupan
et al. 1996; Gelvin 1998). virE genes play critical roles in pathogenesis of A. tu-
mefaciens (Christie et al. 1988; Citovsky et al. 1992; Ward and Zambryski 2001;
Duckely and Hohn 2003; Ozyigit 2012). However, the absence of virE genes or no
other homolog genes in the A. rhizogenes genome clearly shows that virE genes
are not necessary in the mechanism of hairy root induction (Moriguchi et al. 2001).
Recent studies imply that despite sharing no homology, the GALLS gene located
on the Ri plasmid can substitute VirE2 function in A. tumefaciens (Hodges et al.
2004). GALLS protein differs from VirE2 with ATP-binding and helicase motifs
resembling to those in TraA protein involved in conjugation. Both GALLS and
VirE2 contain nuclear localization sequences and a C-terminal type IV secretion
signal. Mutations in these domains lead to loss of GALLS ability to substitute for
VirE2 (Sinkar et al. 1988; Hodges et al. 2006). However, mechanism of GALLS
protein in A. rhizogenes is still not fully known. All these facts reveal that in spite
of differences in their virulence systems, the Ti and Ri plasmids are share a com-
mon ancestor. However, the way of T-DNA transfer and those other variations in
T-DNA processing also show signs of independent evolution from each other. Cur-
rent understanding of the molecular bases of the differences between hairy root and
gall formation will be accelerated by further studies on genome sequencing and
comparison of various Agrobacterium strains (Hodges et al. 2006).
Ri Plasmid
Ri plasmid in all A. rhizogenes strains has a region known as T-DNA which carries
genes ( rol-genes) involved in root initiation and development and genes essential
for opine biosynthesis (Slightom et al. 1986; Hansen et al. 1994a). Agrobacterium
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 7
type strains are non-polar whereas all other strains are polar. Agropine type strains
give rise to the formation of the hairy roots regardless of the orientation of the disc
and the strains other than agropine type form hairy roots when the disc is placed
inverted orientation. The presence of second T-DNA encoding genes responsible
for auxin production possibly causes observed variation in the polarity of infection
in the plant cells transformed by the agropine-type Ri plasmid (Meyer et al. 2000;
Veena and Taylor 2007) (Fig. 1.5).
Ri T-DNA Genes
It was found that the right T-DNA (TR-DNA) contains genes homologous to T-DNA
of A. tumefaciens Ti plasmid (Huffman et al. 1984; Jouanin 1984; Vilaine and Casse-
Delbart 1987; Hansen et al. 1991; Chandra 2012). Among them, the most impor-
tant genes are those homologous to the tms1 and tms2 of the Ti-plasmid. tms1 and
tms2 genes play important roles in auxin biosynthesis in A. tumefaciens (Inze et al.
1984; Schröder et al. 1984; Thomashow et al. 1984, 1986; Vilaine and Casse-Delbart
1987). Homology, mutagenesis and complementation experiments show that the two
10 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
morphogenic loci located on the TR-DNA are counterpart of the tms loci located
on the Ti plasmids and involve in hairy root tumorigenesis (White et al. 1985). In
A. rhizogenes infected Nicotiana glauca tissue, the transcripts of the tms loci of Ri
plasmids are found to be similar in size to those transcripts found in the tms region
of Ti-plasmids (Willmitzer et al. 1983; Taylor et al. 1985; Vilaine and Casse-Delbart
1987). Similar transcripts were also found in carrot plants regenerated from tissues
infected with A. rhizogenes (De Paolis et al. 1985; Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987).
The root induction is probably due to auxin biosynthesis carried out by the aux loci
located on TR-DNA. The aux loci are found to be homologous to the tms loci of A.
tumefaciens T-DNA (Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987).
aux1, aux2, rolBTR, mas1, mas2, and ags genes located on the TR-DNA are
responsible for the biosynthesis of agropine and auxin, which cause differences
in hairy root growth and morphology when compared to non-transformed roots
(Fig. 1.6). It was also reported that the presence of these genes on transformed plant
cells caused increase auxin sensitivity (Grant et al. 1991; Lambert and Tepfer 1992;
van der Salm et al. 1997; Hansen et al. 1997; Meyer et al. 2000; Alpizar et al. 2006;
Nemoto et al. 2009).
Sequence analysis revealed two open reading frames corresponding to proteins
of 749 amino acids as aux1 gene protein and 466 amino acids aux2 gene protein
(De Paolis et al. 1985; Camilleri and Jouanin 1991; Gaudin and Jouanin 1995;
Christensen et al. 2008; Chandra 2012). Auxin biosynthetic pathway comprises two
steps. The t2m (tryptophan 2- monooxygenase) gene product encoded by the aux1
catalyzes the conversion of tryptophan to indole-3-acetamide (IAM) (Comai and
Kosuge 1982; Van Onckelen et al. 1986; Camilleri and Jouanin 1991). Then, IAM
is converted to indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by IAM hydrolase, the product of the
aux2 (Jouanin 1984; Schröder et al. 1984; Thomashow et al. 1984). The T-DNA of
mannopine, cucumopine and mikimopine type strains in Ri plasmids do not carry
aux genes. Since these strains are still capable to induce a “hairy-root” phenotype, it
can be said that the presence of the aux genes on TR-DNA is not necessary to gener-
ate hairy root phenotype. It has been demonstrated that the aux genes are required
to support the “hairy root” phenotype and to extend the host range of the bacterium
(White et al. 1985; Cardarelli et al. 1987b; Hansen et al. 1991; Sevon and Oksman-
Caldentey 2002).
Hybridization experiments also revealed that the genes encoding agropine bio-
synthesis ( ags) are also located on the TR-DNA region (Willmitzer et al. 1982;
Huffman et al. 1984; Lahners et al. 1984; Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987; Giri and
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 11
Narasu 2000; Christey 2001). Deletion of the right border of nopaline-type or oc-
topine-type T-DNA in Ri plasmids appears to affect virulence. Also, mutations cre-
ated within this region have the same effect as removing the tms loci of Ti plasmid
resulted with being avirulent on plants. The deletion of TL-DNA in Ri plasmids
is being less susceptible to oncogenic transformation than the TR-DNA deletion
(Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987). Expression of the TR-DNA alone can induce root
formation in some plants, but the resulting phenotype is not as strong as when both
TL- and TR-DNA are introduced together (Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987).
The size of TL-DNA of agropine type Ri-plasmid is about 19–20 kb in length but,
unlike the TR-DNA, it does not appear to be closely related to any other characterized
loci of Ti-plasmids (Huffman et al. 1984; Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987; Aoki and
Syono 1999; Chandra 2012). In many species, TL-DNA size seems almost constant,
except in Nicotiana tabacum consisting shorter TL-DNA (Jouanin et al. 1987b). The
mannopine/cucumopine type T-DNAs and the agropine type TL-DNA contain two
strongly conserved regions which flank an only partially homologous central region
(Filetici et al. 1987; Brevet and Tempe 1988; Aoki and Syono 1999; Chandra 2012).
A substance carrying out stimulation of hairy root differentiation under the influence
of endogenous auxin is synthesized by genes of TL-DNA (Ooms et al. 1986; Shen
et al. 1988; Giri and Narasu 2000; Mishra and Ranjan 2008).
As a result of mutagenesis in TL-DNA of Ri plasmid, the loss or attenuation of
virulence is shown (White et al. 1985). The TL-DNA of Ri plasmids carrying several
loci is identified to be essential for hairy root induction (so-called rol genes for root
oncogenic loci) (Fig. 1.7). Transposon mutagenesis in the TL-DNA has identified
at least four genes ( rolA, rolB, rolC and rolD) involved in tumorigenesis as affect-
ing some plants (White et al. 1985; Estramareix et al. 1986; Slightom et al. 1986;
Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987; Meyer et al. 2000; Christensen et al. 2008). All rol
genes have been shown to carry out formation of hairy root phenotype (White et al.
1985; Cardarelli 1987a; Jouanin 1987a; Vilaine et al. 1987a; Schmulling et al. 1988;
12 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
Petersen et al. 1989; Lee et al. 2001; Bensaddek et al. 2008). It has been reported
that the TL-DNA of the agropine-type Ri plasmid consists of at least 18 open read-
ing frames (ORF). ORF 10, 11, 12 and 15 coincided with rolA, rolB, rolC and rolD,
respectively (Slightom et al. 1986; Scorza et al. 1994).
Rol Genes
The T-DNAs have many other genes other than those opine and hormone synthesis
genes. Although their functions are not well characterized, they are known to have
very strong effects on growth. At least four genetic loci (rolA, B, C and D) were
identified in the T-DNA regions of pRiA4 by a series of deletions and transposon
insertions studies and shown to play important roles of root-inducing properties
of A. rhizogenes on the TL-DNA (Table 1.1) (White et al. 1985). The rol genes lo-
cated on the TL-DNA of Ri plasmid modify auxin and cytokinin biosynthesis and/
or endogenous hormone levels and their expressions stimulate the formation of
roots in transformed tissues (Nilsson et al. 1993a; Maurel et al. 1994; Moritz and
Schmülling 1998; Shen et al. 1990; Bonhomme et al. 2000; Ishizaki et al. 2002;
Hong et al. 2006; Bensaddek et al. 2008). Studies have focused on characterizing
the three rol genes named as rolA, rolB, and rolC because they are considered es-
sential for the hairy root initiation based on transposon “loss-of-function” analysis
(White et al. 1985). Induced adventitious root formation by rolA, rolB and rolC
genes is shown on tobacco, kalanchoe and tomato leaves (Cardarelli et al. 1987a;
Spena et al. 1987; Vilaine et al. 1987; Spano et al. 1988; van Altvorst et al. 1992; Ki-
yokawa et al. 1994) and plants carrying these genes are morphologically equivalent
to those carrying the whole TL-DNA (Spano et al. 1988). Inactivation or overexpres-
sion of various rol genes in stable transgenic lines or hairy-root cultures exhibits dif-
ferent variations in plant phenotypes and root morphology (Schmulling et al. 1988;
Martin-Tanguy et al. 1996; Casanova et al. 2004).
The rolA gene is found on all Ri plasmids and encodes a small protein with a
molecular mass of approximately 11 kDa (Nilsson and Olsson 1997). The rolA
gene sequence length differs in various A. rhizogenes strains ranges from 279 to
423 bp (Meyer et al. 2000). Analysis of amino acid sequences showed that rolA
encodes a protein with basic isoelectric point (PI 11.2). It also contains a frequent
sequence motif common in DNA-binding proteins (Suzuki 1989) and proposed
to function as a regulatory transcription factor (Levesque et al. 1988; Veena and
Taylor 2007).
A dramatic reduction in several classes of hormones, including auxin, cytokinin,
gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic acid triggered by the expression of rolA gene is
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 13
Table 1.1 Oncogenes of A. rhizogenes, their encoded proteins, functions and phenotypic changes
in host plants
Gene Protein Function Phenotype
rolA Sequence motif Inhibits cell elongation via Stunted growth, dark green
common in DNA- diffusible factor wrinkled leaves with
binding proteins Decreases hormone an altered length to
Regulatory transcrip- concentrations width ratio, condensed
tion factor Increase sensitivity to auxin inflorescences, retarded
Modulating hormone physiol- onset of flowering,
ogy of GA compact reduced number
Interfere polyamine of flowers
Correlate with plasma mem-
brane H+ ATPase activity
rolB Localizes to plasma Alterations in the reception/ Fast growth, root meri-
membrane transduction of the auxin stem neoformation,
signal high branching and
Stimulates new meristem plagiotropism
Induce secondary metabolism
rolC Phloem-specific Reduces cell size Increased branching,
expression in the Reduces abscisic acid (ABA), dwarfed plants with short
root, low expres- polyamine, and ethylene internodes, reduced epi-
sion in the leaf, levels dermal cell size in inter-
and no expression Formation of shoot meristems nodes, lanceolate leaves,
in the shoot tip Regulate sugar metabolism early flowering, reduced
and transport flower size and reduced
Stimulate the production of pollen production
high levels of secondary
rolD Only expresses in Incapable of inducing root Increased flowering, reduced
Agropine type formation on its own rooting, elongating and
strains Provide defense response as expanding tissues of each
Cytosolic protein a result of environmental organ but not on apical
Exhibits poor tissue- stress meristem, callus growth
or organ-specific giving rise to initia-
expression tion of tumor resemble
rolBTR CX5R motif is absent rolB homolog on TR-DNA Wrinkled leaves bent
N-terminal part in the agropine type Ri strongly downward,
contain 14 amino plasmid formed shoots at the base
acids of the stem and retarded
ORF3n Modification of phe- Negative regulator to the Retarded flowering, less
nolic enzymes and dedifferentiation of tissues dense inflorescences,
involve secondary altered internode elonga-
metabolism and/ tion and leaf morphology
or the transport of and necrotic tips of upper
hormones leaves, sepals and bracts
no sign of necrosis on the
basal leaves
14 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
observed in N. tabacum. The reduction ratio depends on tissue type and growth stage
of the plant (Dehio et al. 1993). It was demonstrated that despite low level of auxin
concentration, auxin sensitivity is enhanced in transgenic plants (Maurel et al. 1991;
Vansuyt et al. 1992). Additionally, the effects of rolA can be attenuated, probably
through methylation (Martin-Tanguy et al. 1996; Lee et al. 2001). Inactivation of
rolA leads to the formation of long, straight roots giving a less compact appearance
on Kalanchoe daigremontiana leaves (Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987). Transgenic
N. tabacum plants are also show stunted growth, dark green wrinkled leaves with an
altered length to width ratio, condensed inflorescences, retarded onset of flowering,
a reduced number of flowers and compact styles (Dehio et al. 1993).
A. rhizogenes infected plant tissues are 100 times more sensitive to auxin than
normal phenotype exhibiting plant tissues. This suggests that the increased sensitiv-
ity of transformed plants should not be due to a particular insertion position of the
rolA gene in the transgenic plant genome, but rather reflects the effect(s) of the rolA
gene product (Vansuyt et al. 1992). It was found that N. tabacum leaves of rolA
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 15
The rolB gene size ranging 765 (strain 8196) to 840 bp (strain 2659) length depend-
ing on the strain and encodes 254–279 amino acid protein which has molecular
weight of 30 kDa localized in the plasma membrane (Filippini et al. 1996; Meyer
et al. 2000; Veena and Taylor 2007). rolB gene is present in all Ri plasmids with
approximately 60 % identity between strains (Meyer et al. 2000). RolB proteins
encoded by pRi1724 and pRi2659 have a 17 amino acid longer N-terminal stretch
than the RolB proteins encoded by pRi1855 (pRiA4) (Meyer et al. 2000). The phys-
ical presence of the rolB gene in TL-DNA segment of Ri plasmid of the infecting
Agrobacterium in leaf tissues of plants regenerated from selected rhizoclones was
demonstrated by a positive PCR amplification (Pal et al. 2012).
The reports have shown that the RolB may have a critical role in early steps of
hairy-root induction (Bellincampi et al. 1996). The root induction is totally allevi-
ated when rolB gene is inactivated in the pRiA4 on kalanchoe leaves (White et al.
1985). rolB also has capacity nearly as much as the wild type A. rhizogenes T-
DNA for enhancing rooting and hairy root formation on wounded N. tabacum stems
(Cardarelli et al. 1987b; Bellincampi et al. 1996; Altamura and Tomassi 1998; Binns
and Costantino 1998) and leaves (Spena et al. 1987).
Phenotypical abnormalities such as root meristem neoformation on leaf discs and
fast growth of rolB-transgenic plants and growth pattern of rolB-induced roots are
characterized by fast growth, high branching, and plagiotropism. As a result of these
16 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
The rolC gene sequences vary in different strains but their sizes are similar and
ranging between 537 bp (strain 8196) to 543 bp (strain 2659, 1724 and A4). rolC
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 17
gene encodes 178–180 amino acid protein (approximately 20 kDa) that share more
than 65 % identity with each other (Meyer et al. 2000).
rolC transformed plants exhibited reduced apical dominance leading to increased
branching, dwarfed plants with short internodes, lanceolate leaves, early flowering,
reduced flower size and reduced pollen production (Schmulling et al. 1988). Dwarf-
ing was caused by reduced epidermal cell size in internodes (Oono et al. 1990).
Regulation of expression of rolC is complex, and varies depending upon the exis-
tence of the complete T-DNA sequences. In addition, root production was increased
compared to untransformed plants, but decreased compared to plants transformed
with the complete set of rol genes (Palazòn et al. 1998). Expressing rolC shows
phloem-specific expression in the root, low expression in the leaf, and no expres-
sion in the shoot tip (Schmulling et al. 1988; Estruch et al. 1991). However, rolC is
highly expressed in leaves when the whole T-DNA is present (Durand-Tardif et al.
1985; Leach and Aoyagi 1991). More recently, rolC gene has been shown to play
a role in formation of shoot meristems, hence suggesting its important role in the
formation of pluripotent stem cells (Gorpenchenko et al. 2006).
The rolC promoter is utilized extensively for phloem-specific gene expression
making it a useful tool in some biotechnological programs on pathogen resistance.
Replication of many plant viruses, including luteoviruses, reoviruses and most
geminiviruses transmitted by hemipteran vectors occur exclusively in phloem-
associated tissues. Therefore, by introducing an insecticidal gene that is toxic to
hemipteran vectors under the control of phloem-specific rolC is a promising way
for the control of such viruses through its expression in transgenic plants (Graham
et al. 1997). Similarly, a plant lectin with insecticidal activity is encoded by ASAL
( Allium sativum leaf agglutinin) gene and under control of the rolC promoter, it
confers resistance against various hemipteran pests in transgenic rice, tobacco and
chickpea plants (Saha et al. 2007).
rolC is known to stimulate rooting by an auxin-like effect of the gene (Schmull-
ing et al. 1988; Zuker et al. 2001; Casanova et al. 2003). An increase in auxin
sensitivity may lead to occurrence of the auxin-like effect. In fact, in comparison
between rolC transgenic N. tabacum protoplasts and their wild-type counterparts
showed that more sensitivity was recorded in transgenic N. tabacum in the measure-
ment of transmembrane hyperpolarization in response to auxin (Maurel et al. 1991;
Shoja 2010).
Also, abscisic acid (ABA), polyamine, and ethylene levels are extensively re-
duced due to rolC expression. The promoter of rolC activated by sucrose was found
to be very high (Yokoyama et al. 1994; Faiss et al. 1996), implying that rolC may be
influencing the source-sink relationship of a plant by regulating sugar metabolism
and transport (Nilsson et al. 1996a, b; Martin-Tanguy 2001).
Alike rolB, the rolC gene is able to stimulate the production of high levels of sec-
ondary metabolites such as tropane alkaloids (Bonhomme et al. 2000), pyridine al-
kaloids, indole alkaloids (Palazon et al. 1998), ginsenosides (Bulgakov et al. 1998)
and anthraquinone phytoalexins (Bulgakov et al. 2002b; Shkryl et al. 2008; Shoja
2010) in transgenic plants.
18 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
The rolD gene is found only in TL-DNA of agropine type Ri plasmids. It is also
the only rol gene that is incapable of inducing root formation on its own (Mauro
et al. 1996). The rolD gene size 1,032 bp and encodes a protein of 344 amino acids
(Meyer et al. 2000; Christey 2001). This is a cytosolic protein with a sequence
similar to ornithine cyclodeaminase (OCD) that catalyzes the conversion of orni-
thine to proline. Proline is an osmoprotectant and its accumulation is considered
to be a defense response as a result of environmental stress in many plant species
(Mauro et al. 1996; Trovato et al. 2001; Bettini et al. 2003). High levels of proline
accumulation are in flowers suggesting a role in flowering (Trovato et al. 2001).
The pleiotropic effects induced by expression of rolD gene in transgenic plants are
increased flowering and reduced rooting (Mauro et al. 1996; Trovato et al. 2001).
Although flower yield is accelerated, the flowers show heteromorphic incompa-
bility, which prevents self-fertilization. Production of viable seeds is achieved
through manually-selfed plants (Mauro et al. 1996). However, it should be noted
that these experiments were conducted using the rolD sequence from pRi1855. It
has been reported that the induction of flowering is not performed by rolD from
pRiHRI (Lemcke and Schmulling 1998). rolD exhibits poor tissue- or organ-spe-
cific expression in comparison with other rol genes but is shown to have a pre-
dominantly developmental expression pattern (Vilaine and Casse-Delbart 1987).
Activity is seen in the elongating and expanding tissues of each organ in adult
plants, but never in apical meristems. As the plants age, expression decreases and
ceases at senescence. The mutations in rolD appear to accentuate callus growth
giving rise to initiation of tumor formation resembling the Ti-plasmid infection
(Trovato et al. 1997).
A rolB homolog on TR-DNA in the agropine type Ri plasmid was discovered and
named as rolBTR. Excluding the 5′ or 3′ flanking sequences, there is a 53 % nucleo-
tide similarity between rolBTR and rolB in their sequences (Bouchez and Camilleri
1990). The expression of rolBTR in N. tabacum is shown to cause phenotypical
alterations such as wrinkled leaves bent strongly downward, formed shoots at the
base of the stem and retarded growth is observed which are different than rolB
phenotype. Two big differences were noted by the alignment of protein sequences
of rolB and rolBTR. First, a CX5R motif is absent in rolBTR and second, N-terminal
part of RolBTR contains 14 amino acids and mutations in the corresponding se-
quence in rolBTR gene cause abolishment of the altered phenotype (Lemcke and
Schmulling 1998).
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 19
ORF Genes
Besides rol (root locus) genes, there are several ORFs (Open Reading Frames) locat-
ed on the TL-DNA (Slightom et al. 1986). Many of 18 open reading frames (ORFs)
nucleotide sequences identified on TL-DNA region contain 5′ and 3′ regulatory ele-
ments similar to those found in eukaryotic genes. They have at least 255 nucleotides
and start with the initiation codon ATG (Slightom et al. 1986; Holefors et al. 1998).
In many cases, CCAAT and TATA elements were situated upstream of putative tran-
scriptional initiation codons and poly(A) addition (AATAAA) elements were present
in presumed 3′-noncoding regions (Slightom et al. 1986). The sequence length of
coding regions of ORFs differ in ranging from 255 bp (ORF 9) up to 2280 bp (ORF8)
and encode protein products ranging in size from 9,600 to 85,000 daltons, respective-
ly. The results from analysis of insertion mutants within the T-DNA region (White
et al. 1985) and transformation experiments with individual or combinations of the
ORFs have showed that the open reading frames ORF10, 11 and 12, corresponding
to the genes rolA, rolB and rolC, were able to promote the formation of hairy root
syndrome (Table 1.1) (Jouanin et al. 1987b; Vilaine et al. 1987; Spena et al. 1987;
Spano et al. 1988; Schmulling et al. 1988). Besides this, it has been showed that
ORF3n, ORF8 and ORF13 DNA sequences are highly conserved among all known
Ri plasmids, indicating that they alter plant morphogenesis or response of transgenic
tissues to plant hormones (Lemcke and Schmulling 1998; Veena and Taylor 2007).
The sensitivity to auxin and cytokinin in combination or auxin alone can be lowered
by expressions of both ORF3n and ORF8 (Lemcke and Schmulling 1998).
The ORF8 gene has the longest sequence of TL-DNA and coding for a protein con-
taining 780 amino acids (Slightom et al. 1986). The ORF8 protein has one of the
most conserved amino acid sequences (81 % similarity) between different strains
like pRiA4 and pRi2659 (Ouartsi et al. 2004).
The protein encoded by the ORF8 gene is a natural fusion protein consisting of
N-terminal domain (NORF8) of 213 amino acids homologous to RolB protein of
the A. rhizogenes strain A4 T-DNA and the C-terminal part (CORF8) of approxi-
mately 506–524 amino acids shows homology to the IaaM proteins of various other
bacteria (Yamada et al. 1985; Slightom et al. 1986; Levesque et al. 1988; Dodueva
2007; Shoja 2010). iaaM genes that homologues to the coding sequence of CORF8
codes for a tryptophan monooxygenase which catalyzes the formation of indole-3-
acetamide (IAM) from tryptophan (Lemcke et al. 2000).
Furthermore, ORF8 possesses a 200 amino acid stretch at its N-terminus that
shows homology with the rolB gene product (33.5 % amino acid identity) (Levesque
et al. 1988). The N-terminal part (NORF8) of this protein functions in carbohydrate
metabolism such that when only NORF8 was expressed, transformed plant showed
growth retardation, chlorotic and necrotic leaves and accumulation of high levels of
sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose) and starch (Otten and Helfer 2001).
However, some studies show that the auxin content can be elevated by the
genes found in the TL-DNA region on the T-DNA in some hosts, independent of
the presence of the TR-DNA (Lemcke et al. 2000). Presumably this occurs because
of conversion of IAM to IAA in cells expressing only t2m protein (Klee et al. 1987;
Prinsen et al. 1990). Besides this, as a characteristic functional motif of the t2m pro-
teins that catalyzes decarboxylation of tryptophan to indole-3-acetamide exhibits
23-aminoacid- long a flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) binding site was identified
by Levesque et al. (1988). The experimental data obtained from plants and bacteria
suggest that the gene product of ORF8 of A. rhizogenes TL-DNA has t2m activ-
ity responsible for the increased IAM content in transgenic tissues (Lemcke et al.
2000). Moreover, there is a physical connection between N- and C-regions of ORF8
protein required for the emergence of a specific phenotype in transgenic plants con-
sisting ORF8 gene. This suggests a distinct specific function for the whole protein
(Umber et al. 2005; Dodueva 2007).
The ORF13 and ORF14 genes are found to be highly conserved among A. rhizo-
genes strains (Stieger et al. 2004). It has been demonstrated that alone A4-rolABC
genes carried by an Agrobacterium strain are showed to be incapable of inducing
rooting on carrot disc and aux genes located on the TR-DNA or ORF13 and ORF14
located on TL-DNA are also required for rooting (Cardarelli et al. 1987b; Capone
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 21
et al. 1989). In N. tabacum leaf discs harboring rolB and ORF13 genes had capac-
ity to induce rooting almost as well as the full length of TL-DNA (Aoki and Syono
1999). The results obtained via co-inoculation of leaf discs achieved using the rolA,
rolB and rolC with either ORF13 or ORF14 showed a limited root induction on car-
rot disks (Capone et al. 1989). A comparison from the studies showed that there is
no homology between ORF13/ORF14 and auxin biosynthetic genes. Furthermore,
unlike the genes controlling biosynthesis of auxin (Camilleri and Jouanin 1991),
ORF13 and ORF14 have no activity for the induction of roots on N. tabacum leaf
discs (Cardarelli et al. 1987b). A highly divergent gene family known as plast gene
family is constituted by rolB, rolC, ORF13 and ORF14. They have similar func-
tions and are thought to be evolutionary related (Levesque et al. 1988).
The ORF13 gene is approximately 600 bp in size, encoding a 197–200 amino
acid protein, whose expression leads to higher levels in leaves and roots (Durand-
Tardif et al. 1985; Veena and Taylor 2007). ORF13 gene leads to the formation of
induce cell proliferation such as dense green and rapidly proliferating callus on
transformed carrot root and tobacco leaf discs (Capone et al. 1989; Frundt et al.
1998; Dodueva 2007). Wound-inducible and organ-specific expression of ORF13 in
transgenic plants lead to a variety of characteristic modifications including irregular
formation of leaves, severe leaf nervure, shortened and variable internode length,
abnormal and asymmetric flowers, agravitropic root growth and a reduced cell
number and cell size in the root (Hansen et al. 1993, 1997; Lemcke and Schmulling
1998; Veena and Taylor 2007). Accelerated expression level in ORF13 gene trig-
gered a more severe reduction of growth in stem and roots through TC-dependent
overproduction of the ORF13 gene product, affecting both cell number and cell size
in the root. Interestingly, growth and gravitropism was normal in the ORF13 high
expressers (Lemcke and Schmulling 1998).
Expression of ORF13 provokes specific phenotype similar to cytokinin-treated
plants however free or bound cytokinin content of the transformed tissues shows
no difference from wild-type (Medford et al. 1989; Hansen et al. 1993; Lemcke
and Schmulling 1998). Furthermore, the shoot part of the ORF13 transformed plant
does not resemble cytokinin-overproducing plants, indeed the growth reduction re-
sults from the inhibition of cell division in the apical meristems and development
of leaves (Lemcke and Schmülling 1998). Some of the phenotypic alterations in
transgenic plants are thought to arise from interaction of ORF13 with hormone
signaling pathways. ORF13 may play roles in hormone homeostasis and regulation
of the cell cycle in infected cells (Veena and Taylor 2007). The observations and
grafting of transgenic shoots onto wild type plants revealed that ORF13 may cause
the production of a diffusible factor with cytokinin-like activity (Hansen et al. 1993;
Dodueva 2007).
Since the only T-DNA gene that induces cell proliferation is ORF13, when in-
oculated with both carrot discs and tobacco leaf discs produce green callus (Hansen
et al. 1993; Frundt et al. 1998). Application of exogenous cytokinin increases the
number of roots produced from ORF13 tobacco leaf discs, but does not change root
induction on untransformed, even though there was no difference in endogenous cy-
tokinin levels (Specq et al. 1994; Lemcke and Schmulling 1998, Britton et al. 2008).
22 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
Genes can be transferred between species and in conjunction with this fact; plant
improvements for many decades have been relied heavily upon gene transfer. Either
by natural selection or through the efforts of plant breeders, development of plants
has always depended upon creating, evaluating and selecting of right combination
of alleles. Transgenic plants possessing useful features such as resistance to dis-
eases, insects and pests have been developed by transferring such traits to crop
varieties from different species.
Since 1970, rapid progress being made in developing tools for recombinant DNA
technology has led to the creation of genetically modified plants. Genetically modi-
fied crops have been developed for improving various agricultural, nutritional and
food processing traits and used commercially all over the world (Miflin 2000; Kui-
per et al. 2001; James 2006; Olempska-Beer et al. 2006). Establishment of plant
tissue culture techniques are the most important and preliminary steps for many
direct (electroporation, biolistic, microinjection, etc.) and indirect (virus- or bacte-
ria-mediated) gene transfer methods in biotechnology and these methods are used
successfully by a lot of laboratories around the world (Ozyigit 2012). The particle
bombardment and electroporation transformation methods were favored DNA de-
livery systems because they do not show any plant host range problems and very
effective with high DNA delivery rate (Hauptmann et al. 1987; Birch 1997; Taylor
and Fauquet 2002; Turgut-Kara and Ari 2010). However with these methods, gene
silencing/co-suppression can be occurred as a result of high copy number of DNA
inserted in host cells (Block 1993; Yasuda et al. 2005). On the other hand, Agro-
bacterium-based plant transformation is very effective method of creating plants at
low cost, simple to use and with low copy number inserted. Limited number of host
range is the only disadvantage (Lessard et al. 2002; Chandra 2012). For achieving
transformation of plants, Agrobacterium based technology has been used since the
mid-1990s increasingly (Hiei et al. 1994). Agrobacterium-mediated transformation
in generating transgenic plants has been employed as a major DNA delivery system
for novel transgenic technologies starting with the transformations of dicotyledon-
ous (Zambryski et al. 1983) and monocotyledonous (Hiei et al. 1994) species in the
1980–1990s. Increasing understanding of Agrobacterium-plant relationship (Gelvin
2003) and the mechanisms of transgene integration and genetic recombination in
plants (Vain 2007) will lead to achieve further advances in these areas. Conducting
efficient and controlled research on targeted gene replacement/alteration, overex-
pression and mis-expression could provide valuable resource to define gene regula-
tion/function and traits in further in crops. Achievements on Agrobacterium-based
transformation technologies enable large-scale transgenic studies in a range of im-
portant plant and crop species (such as indica rice, wheat, barley, etc.) (Vain 2007)
and also bring opportunity to define and select plant cultivars, which could not be
obtained by conventional breeding methods (Christou 1997).
For many crops, aim of breeding program is altering plant forms. Establishment
of plants with reduced size is favorable in many crops ranging from fruit trees to
24 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
annual bedding plants (Mayo 1987). Breeding strategies empowered by genetic en-
gineering will lead to the development of more useful and productive crops for
plant breeders. While transferring genes to plants for being resistant against dis-
eases and insects, they might have been affected in other ways having altered prop-
erties (Oono et al. 1987; Spena et al. 1987; Schmulling et al. 1988; Fladung 1990;
Smigocki and Hammerschlag 1991; Scorza et al. 1994). Legumes are not only pro-
viding a main source of protein and oil for human and animal nutrition but also
contributing to the biological fixation of nitrogen. Moreover, a better understanding
of plant-microbe interactions such as symbiotic nitrogen fixation, mycorrhizal as-
sociations, and legume-pathogen interactions can be possible with legume studies
(Chilton et al. 1982; Christey 2001). Studies on aspects of hairy roots in legumes
showed that proliferous root growth and abundant lateral branching are important
for improving nitrogen fixation (Cheng et al. 1992).
Most plant structures, such as the hypocotyl, leaf, stem, stalk, petiole, shoot tip,
cotyledon, protoplast, storage root, and tuber, have shown capacity to be infected
and genetically transformed by A. rhizogenes resulting in stimulation of hairy root
formation (Mugnier 1988; Han et al. 1993; Bajrovic et al. 1995; Arican et al. 1998;
Drewes and Staden 1995; Giri et al. 2001; Krolicka et al. 2001; Azlan et al. 2002;
Veena and Taylor 2007). Applications of plant biotechnology favor hairy-root cul-
tures because of their special properties such as fast growth, short doubling time,
ease of maintenance, and ability to synthesize a range of chemical compounds and
proteins. Hairy root cultures are usually able to produce the same compounds found
in wild-type roots of the parent plant, without the loss of concentration (Kim et al.
2002; Veena and Taylor 2007). Above all, hairy roots have an ability to regenerate
stable transgenic plants either by a process of somatic embryogenesis or adventi-
tious bud formation, so that genetically modified generations can be achieved (Spa-
no and Costantino 1982; Tepfer 1984; Han et al. 1993; Cho and Wildholm 2002).
It is also known that modification of the cell hormonal balances occurring in
response to infection causes root formation at the infected site (Gaudin et al. 1994;
Aarrouf et al. 2012). However, the response varies depending upon the strain and its
interaction with the plant. One of the most important advantages is that hairy root
formation can be used as a verification of transformation. The use of antibiotic re-
sistance markers in the development of transgenic plants is given rise to substantial
public attention because of their unknown effects (Christey 2001).
Hairy roots have been used for infection of bacteria, fungi and nematodes and
shown to successfully complete their life cycles (Cho et al. 1998; Collier et al.
2005). The resistance genes of nematode have been studied through using hairy
roots (Cai et al. 1995; Remeeus et al. 1998; Kifle et al. 1999; Hwang et al. 2000).
Development of plants using hairy roots have become of interest because of great
potential for building up tolerance to biotic stresses and abiotic stresses (Porter
1991). Hairy root cultures provide an advantage related with making possible the
analysis of the changes in enzyme activities and their isoenzyme patterns (Messner
and Boll 1993; Kärkönen et al. 2002; Talano et al. 2006).
A variety of dicotyledonous plants are susceptible to A. rhizogenes. As a result
of stable transformation, root cultures have been established from a range of spe-
1 Agrobacterium rhizogenes-Mediated Transformation … 25
cies of plants (Tepfer 1990). In 1997, Christey reported plant species that had been
genetically modified produced from hairy roots of 60 different taxa, representing
51 species from 41 genera and 23 families including Pinaceae Fabaceae, Brassica-
ceae and Solanaceae Araliaceae, Caricaceae and Rutaceae. In 2001, it was reported
that, transgenic plants have been derived via transgenesis using in 89 different taxa,
representing 79 species from 55 genera and 27 families (Christey 2001). Because
lack of susceptibility, monocotyledonous plants are not a host for A. rhizogenes for
and still there is no example for transgenic monocotyledonous plant except onion
(Dommisse et al. 1990) and asparagus (Hernalsteens et al. 1993; Christey 2001).
According to Web of Science, currently there are more than 500 studies conducted
on A. rhizogenes. Table 1.2 summarizes the studies conducted, the plants and the
genes transferred via A. rhizogenes in chronological order.
Acknowledgement Authors are grateful to Professor Nermin Gözükırmızı, Professor Şule Ari,
Associate Professor Ercan Arican and Dr. Neslihan Turgut-Kara at Istanbul University, Depart-
ment of Molecular Biology and Genetics for providing hairy root pictures of their previous stud-
ies and Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains (8196 and R1000) which had been given by Associate
Professor Kemal Melik Taşkın (Çanakkale 18 Mart University, Biology Department) to Istanbul
University Data Collection. Then there were those people at Marmara University, School of Medi-
cine, Department of Histology and Embryology who helped with techniques for obtaining SEM
micrographs. We are grateful to all of them, in particular to: Professor Feriha Ercan, Research
Assistant Özlem T. Çilingir and Yücel Öztürk. We like to acknowledge Designer Recep Cenk
Tarhan and Biologist-Designer İlke Ertem who spent hours of their time helping with the figures
and diagrams, Research Assistants Sezen İğdelioğlu and Onur Zorluer for assistance with compil-
ing the references.
26 I. I. Ozyigit et al.
Table 1.2 Summary of the studies conducted, the plants and the genes transferred via
A.rhizogenes in chronological order
Daucus carota Carrot rol David et al. 1984
Kalanchoe daigremontiana Devil’s backbone rol White et al. 1985
Arabidopsis thaliana Mouse ear cress rol Pavingerova and Ondrej 1986
Cucumis sativus Cucumber NPTII Trulson et al. 1986
Lycopersicon esculentum Tomato NPTII Shahin et al. 1986
Petunia hybrida Petunia rol Ondrej and Biskova 1986
Armoracia lapathifolia Horseradish rol Noda et al. 1987
Lycopersicon peruvianum – NPTII Morgan et al. 1987
Nicotiana debneyi Debney’s tobacco NPTII Davey et al. 1987
Nicotiana plumbaginifolia – NPTII Davey et al. 1987
Solanum nigrum Black nightshade NPTII Davey et al. 1987
Anagallis arvensis Pimpernel rol Mugnier 1988
Convolvulus arvensis Morning glory rol Mugnier 1988
Foeniculum vulgare Fennel rol Mugnier 1988
Linum usitatissimum Flax rol Zhan et al. 1988
Nicotiana glauca Tree tobacco rol Sinkar et al. 1988
Nicotiana hesperis – rol Walton and Belshaw 1988
Brassica oleracea var. Ornamental kale rol Hosoki et al. 1989
Catharanthus roseus Periwinkle rol Brillanceau et al. 1989
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Chapter 2
Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement
L. F. De Filippis
Abstract Bioinformatic resources and web databases are essential for the most
effective use of genetic, proteomic, metabolomic and phenome information impor-
tant in increasing agricultural crop productivity. Innovations in web based platforms
for omics based research, and application of such information has provided the
necessary platform to promote molecular based research in model plants, as well
as important crop plants. Combinations of multiple omics web based sites and inte-
gration of outcomes is now an important strategy to identify molecular systems
promoting comparative genomics, the biological properties in many species, and
to accelerate gene discovery and functional analyses. The review details recent
advances in plant omics data acquisition sites, together with relevant databases
and advance molecular technology under clear biological categories. The informa-
tion is set out under the molecular biology divisions of; DNA based resources and
sequencing, RNA and variation analysis, proteomics, structural proteins, and post-
translation modifications, metabolomics, phenome and plant comparative analyses.
Tables of relevant web sites are presented under similar headings for convenience,
and the application of bioinformation data is reviewed in light of the possible use
of these resources for crop improvement. Finally, a long list of future perspectives
and research still to be attempted is detailed, which in the fullness of time should
enable the full potential of bioinformatics and use in crop improvement programs
to be achieved.
Sustainable agricultural production and food security are two important issues of
concern in response to population increase, environmental degradation and climate
change (Brown and Funk 2008; Turner et al. 2009). According to the United Na-
tions, the world population increases by 70–75 million people annually, an aver-
L. F. De Filippis ()
Centre for Environmental Sustainability (CENS), Department of Environmental Sciences,
University of Technology, Broadway/Sydney NSW 2007,
P O Box 123, Sydney, Australia
e-mail: [email protected]
age of more than two persons every second; and over 95 % of these will live in
developing countries (De Filippis 2012). It will be difficult satisfying the needs of
this growing population and avoid serious food shortages or even famine from the
limited arable land and natural resources available. These factors combined have
already resulted in food deficiency and malnutrition, which have become serious
health problems. Additionally, recent increased demand for biofuel crops has cre-
ated a new market for agricultural commodities, causing even more stress on food
security (Ozturk et al. 2006; Ozturk 2010; Hakeem et al. 2012). In order to try to re-
solve these problems and increase crop yields, breeding plants based on a better mo-
lecular understanding of gene function, and on the regulatory mechanisms involved
in crop production (Pinstrup-Andersen and Cohen 2000; Takeda and Matsuoka
2008) appears to be necessary. Plant molecular biology continues to progress, and
important gene sequences and their function have been described; many of which
are related to crop yields (production), crop quality (protein and carbohydrate), and
tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses (De Filippis 2012). There are legal, social
and political barriers to the full potential use of crop biotechnology and transgenic
plants, nevertheless advances in these fields have lead to improvements in agricul-
ture and human life. One vital tool of biotechnology is ‘bioinformatics’, which is
commonly used to genetically type and identify genotypic and phenotypic changes
in plants, and this information is important for improvement in performance of crop
plants (Ahmad et al. 2011).
The complete genome sequence of the mustard plant Arabidopsis thaliana has
been available to scientists since 2000 (International Arabidopsis Genome Initia-
tive 2000; Somerville and Dangl 2000). Similarly, the rice ( Oryza sativun cv. ja-
ponica) complete genome sequence has been documented since 2005 (International
Rice Genome Sequencing Project 2005; Itoh et al. 2007; Hakeem et al. 2012). The
rice genome sequencing project in particular with its molecular methods and DNA
markers on chromosomes, introduced important developments in mapping popula-
tions and chromosome marker resources, which accelerated the isolation of agro-
nomically important quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in crop breeding programs (Ashi-
kari et al. 2005; Konishi et al. 2006; Ma et al. 2006; Kurakawa et al. 2007; Ma et al.
2007; Zhang et al. 2007).
Each biological element that can been measured, can also be represented in a
typical plant cell, tissue and organ at various molecular and/or morphological lev-
els, or in other words a conceptual model with layers ranging from the ‘genome’
to the ‘phenome’; a model called ‘omic space’ (Fig. 2.1) (Toyoda and Wada 2004).
Advances in each ‘omics’ research area have become essential for investigations of
gene function and structure, and the type of phenotypic changes present in plants.
A schematic presentation of relevant ‘omics’ resource is shown in Fig. 2.1, together
with the current status of available areas of research from Arabidopsis, rice, soy-
bean, corn and Brassica; just to cite a few examples. Some of these advances have
included improved methods for gene expression, gene modifications, molecular
breeding, plant genome and proteome interactions, and metabolite profiling. Large
volumes of information in biological resources, mass identification of mutant lines
and full-length cDNAs, and the publication of this information in web-based data
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 51
banks have been available for some time (Brady and Provart 2009; Kuromori et al.
2009; Seki and Shinozaki 2009).
Bioinformatic information and web sites have become important for crop scien-
tists in gene data mining, and linking this knowledge to its biological significance
(Mochida and Shinozaki 2010). However there needs to be a note of caution. As
genomic and proteomic knowledge expands, new forms of electronic data becomes
available to help interpret results. Biological data is notoriously variable (even unre-
liable at times) and ‘noisy’ in electronic form, due to living systems being complex
and measurement and analysis technologies are often imperfect. In my experience
two approaches for reducing ‘noise’ and help reliability of this type of data are
required; aggregation and visualisation. Firstly, when combined, multiple forms of
evidence become more and more accurate than for example a single source of data,
simply because each replicate form of the data reduces overall uncertainty. Sec-
ondly, the human mind is an outstanding data analysis tool. It can absorb textual
data rather poorly, but it can assimilate visual information in great detail, and the
mind can process visual data efficiently to help identify common trends and themes
(Cline and Kent 2009).
In this chapter, we provide an overview of the many web-based resources avail-
able for use in ‘omics’ plant research, with particular emphasis on recent progress
related to crop species and crop improvement. Therefore we describe DNA and
RNA sequence-related resources, molecular markers, whole genome sequencing,
protein coding and non-coding transcripts, and provide molecular technology up-
dates. We then review resources important for genetic map-based approaches such
as QTL analyses and population genetic (diversity) studies. We also describe the
current status of resources and some technologies for transcriptomics, proteomics
and metabolomics; however some of these research areas are more comprehensive-
ly described in other chapters of this book. We then review molecular developments
in each ‘omics’ field, as well as instances of their combined uses in investigations
of particular crop systems. Mutant genotypes for use in ‘phenome’ research will be
discussed, and the integration of ‘omics’ data between plant species in comparative
genomics is dealt with. Throughout this review we provide examples of applica-
52 L. F. De Filippis
tions through available databases in crop plants, and where improvement in crop
production has been described.
Bioinformatics and web addresses for plant genomics and proteomics have been
reviewed by a number of authors (Rose et al. 2004; Sterck et al. 2007; Takeda and
Matsuoka 2008; Zhang 2008; Baginsky 2009; Varshney et al. 2009; Mochida and
Shinozaki 2010; Jackson et al. 2011; Memon 2012), and this review will basically
cover some new areas in population (breeding) genetics, and topics which require
more detail explanation and are updated in crop plants. The excellent review by
Mochida and Shinozaki (2010) has provided the framework for this review, and we
intend to concentrate on more recent developments, and focus on bioinformation
and implications in crop improvement; although the technology, instrumentation
and molecular biology achieved in other plants must also be covered.
Initially, the publication and accumulation of nucleotide sequences for model plants
only provided fundamental information, however now these base sequences form
the fundamentals of research in functional plant genetics in applied species such as
crops and domestic animals. Furthermore, DNA sequence data continues to be cen-
tral in providing the genomic basis for accelerating molecular level understanding
of basic biological mechanisms, and the application of such information to crops.
In this section, we describe recently developed plant sequencing advancements.
Species-specific nucleotide sequences are now providing information related to
phenotypic characters, even when based on genome comparative analyses from the
few model plants available (Cogburn et al. 2007; Flicek et al. 2008; Paterson 2008;
Tanaka et al. 2008).
The genome sequence of Arabidopsis thaliana is now used as a model species
in plant molecular biology mainly because of its small size, short generation time
and high efficiency of transformation. The genome sequence of rice ( Oryza sativa),
including japonica and indica (an important staple food and a model monocotyle-
don) has also been used for comparative studies. These two plants still provide the
only model plant systems to date, however several genome sequencing projects
involving other plants have been completed, and many others are in progress; these
are detailed in Table 2.1. Listed below are six of the most important web-based sites
for DNA based genome sequencing and annotation projects, their purpose and their
URL are detailed in Table 2.2.
The NCBI site provides genome sequences and information for many plant spe-
cies (Viridiplantae) designed to facilitate comparative genomic studies amongst the
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 53
Table 2.1 List of plant species in which partial or whole genomes have been sequenced. (Data
extracted from the following internet sites: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/PLANTS/
PlantList.html; http://www.arabidopsis.org/portals/genAnnotation/other_genomes/index.jsp;
Division Class Species
Non Vascular Algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Chlorella variabilis Cocco-
myxa sp. Cyanidioschyzon merolae Ectocarpus siliculo-
sus Micromonas pusilla Micromonas sp. Ostreococcus
lucimarinus Ostreococcus tauri Volvox carteri Zostera
Bryophytes Physcomitrella patens Selaginella moellendorffii
Vascular Dicotyledons Amborella trichopoda Aquilegia sp. Arabidopsis lyrata
Arabidopsis thaliana Arachis hypogaea Asclepias syri-
aca Beta vulgaris Boechera holboellii Brassica napus
Brassica napa Brassica rapa Caffea caneophora Cajanus
cajan Cannabis sativa Capsella rubella Carica papaya
Castanea mollissima Citrullus lanatus Citrus clementine
Corchorus olitorius Cucumis sativus Eucalyptus grandis
Fragaria vesca Glycine max Gossypium hirsutum Gos-
sypium raimonddi Hordeum vulgare Jatropha curcas
Lactuca sativa Linum usitatissinun Lotus japonicas
Malus domestica Manihot esculenta Medicago trun-
catula Mimulus guttatus Phaseolus vulgaris Pinus taeda
Populus tremula Ricinus communis Theobroma cacao
Populus nigra Populus trichocarpa Prunus avium Prunus
persica Pyrus bretschneideri Rubus idaeus Salix purpure
Solanum lycopersicum Solanum pimpinellifolium
Solanum tuberosum Spirodella polyrhiza Thellungiella
parvula Vitis vinifera
Monocotyledons Brachypodium distachyon Elaeis guineensis Miscanthus
giganteus Musa acuminate malaccensis Oryza sativa
Oryza glaberrima Panicum hallii Panicum virgatum
Phoenix dactylifera Seratia italic Sorghum bicolor Triti-
cum aestivum Zea mays
many other records of plants there. The current version consists of documentation
in at least 115 different plants with partial sequences, and about 40,000 Expressed
Sequence Tags (ESTs). It also contains separate sites and resources for other web
based tools, data banks and other web servers, including agronomically important
crops for food or fruit, medicinal plants, a number of green algae, pathogenic bac-
teria and fungi, viruses and animals. It will be important to become familiar and
navigate through this very important site.
The site includes genome sequences and data sets for various crop species designed
to facilitate comparative genomic studies amongst other green plants. The current
version consists of 31 plant species wholly or partially sequenced, and is set-up into
10 evolutionary significant nodes.
54 L. F. De Filippis
Table 2.2 Integrative databases for DNA, Gene Sequences and Population Genetics analysis in
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose URL
Home—BioPro- Multi-Purpose site; Over 1000 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/
ject—NCBI genomes; plants, animals, bacte- entrez?db=bioproject
ria, fungi, virus
Phytozome v8.0: Over 31 species of plants; some http://www.phytozome.net/Phyto-
Details software zome_info.php
Gramene Over 29 species of mainly monocots http://www.gramene.org/
BLAST: Basic Multi-Purpose site for genome com- http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.
Local Align- parison; plants, animals, bacteria, cgi
ment Search fungi, virus
GrainGenes Class Triticeae and Avena site; nearly 200 http://wheat.pw.usda.gov/
Browser: species cgi-bin/graingenes/browse.
Marker cgi?class=marker
PlantGDB— Multi Plant site; 15 dicot, 7 monocot, http://www.plantgdb.org/
Resource Plant 3 other plant species
TreeView Phylogenetic tree software http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/
Rod Page Population genetics, gene diversity http://taxonomy.zoology.gla.ac.uk/
software rod/rod.html
Software Softwere site; BLAST, sequence http://evolve.zoo.ox.ac.uk/Evolve/
alignment Software.html
LALIGN Server Sequence alignment software http://www.ch.embnet.org/software/
PopGene Population genetics software http://www2.unil.ch/popgen/soft-
Arlequin 3.11 Population genetics program http://cmpg.unibe.ch/software/
ANU Bot Zool Population genetics statistics, http://www.anu.edu.au/BoZo/
software GenAlEx/genalex_down-
SOPH U AB Population genetics programs http://www.soph.uab.edu/ssg/
Francis Yeh PopGen software http://www.ualberta.ca/~fyeh/
IBD Gene and Distance relations statistics http://www.bio.sdsu.edu/pub/andy/
PRIMER-E Population software and gene diver- http://www.primer-e.com/
sity statistics and indices
An information resource established as a portal for grass species and grass genom-
ics; including genome sequence information. The current version provides data on
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 55
24 plants; including 12 wild and domesticated rice genomes. An organelle data bank
is also available from this site (Sect. 4.5).
Tracks over 800 whole genome projects from biological organisms, and the 115
species of Viridiplantae; including agronomically important crops for food and
fruit, medicine and a number of green algae. The Entrez database can be accessed
through the home page of NCBI.
One of the most important sites and tools available, in determining base similari-
ties between nucleotide sequences in databanks. It also contains protein searches
and queries. It includes searches for translated nucleotide sequences, conserved do-
mains, multiple alignment tools, evolutionary relationships, and can be applied to
all organisms, or limited to specific plants.
GrainGenes is a specific database for Triticeae and Avena genes, markers, maps
and germplasm. PlantGDB contains sequences and a search engine linked to NCIB
BLAST for 15 Dicotyledon, 7 Monocotyledon and 3 other plant species. It contains
more limited information than the NCBI site over most plants, but is especially use-
ful for agricultural grain species.
Genome sequence information aids researchers in identify genes and gene families,
including the identification of coding or non-coding regions, regulatory genes, and
repetitive sequences within the genome (e.g. simple sequence repeats—SSRs); all
of these are important in molecular biology. This type of information has become
primary material for the design of genome advancements, such as microarrays, till-
ing arrays or molecular and chromosome markers, and these methods are important
in whole plant genomic sequencing (Sect. 2.3 below). Pyrosequencing, massive
parallel DNA sequencing and single molecule sequencing are adaptations of exist-
ing methods, which have become available in recent years (Margulies et al. 2005;
Ansorge 2009). These new technologies have provided researchers with new meth-
ods to addressed web information in an entirely different way, and ongoing innova-
tions in next-generation sequencing technology (Sect. 2.3), and the release of new
56 L. F. De Filippis
grapevine (Mullins et al. 2006; Torada et al. 2006; Jaillon et al. 2007; Heesacker
et al. 2008; Kota et al. 2008; Talon and Gmitter 2008; Blair et al. 2009; Deleu et al.
2009; Kaur et al. 2009; Li et al. 2009).
Some molecular markers identified this way allow the indirect selection of in-
teresting genotypes (i.e. breeding lines in crops), and these cultivars constitute an
essential tool for the development of marker-assisted selection (MAS) in plant
breeding. The use of DNA markers (and indirectly EST markers from RNA) for
direct selection offers greater potential gains in breeding for QTL and traits with
low heritability, and these can be the most difficult to work with in crop breeding.
However these low heritability traits are also amongst the most interesting and the
most difficult to develop.
When a locus has many variants, or alleles, it is referred to as being polymor-
phic. Mutation(s) at a number of loci generate multiple alleles, most of which are
eliminated from the population by genetic drift or breeding selection. Only a small
number of alleles are incorporated into the population by chance or selection. Most
polymorphisms can be genetically straightforward, with two alleles directly de-
termining two versions of the same protein (gene), however, some can be highly
complex, with multiple, related genes in a complex system of metabolic differ-
ences. Crop breeders have known the complexity of multiple alleles for decades.
However with the advent of molecular markers, genetic diversity and other forms
of genetic structure in breeding populations is possible. Listed in Table 2.2 are the
most important web-based sites for DNA markers and some of the population sta-
tistics programs and web resources commonly in use. Molecular markers fall into a
number of types listed below, each having positive and negative features, and care-
ful consideration is required before they are adopted in any type of research (Hoang
et al. 2009; De Filippis 2012).
RFLP requires hydrolysis of probe DNA from samples. RFLP can provide high
quality data but has severe restrictions on throughput because large amounts of
DNA are required, and because it is not based on amplification of the target DNA
via the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
RAPD is a method based on PCR but uses arbitrary short primers (10 bases long)
to identity plant DNA regions. No knowledge of the genome is needed, but by the
same token markers can target many places on the genome. Results can be inconsis-
tent and only dominant genes can be identified.
58 L. F. De Filippis
SSR are high quality and consistent DNA markers, but they are the most expensive
to develop. SSR markers require extensive band sequencing data for each marker
developed, and often the markers are species and even cultivar specific. However
they are molecular markers of choice in crop plants.
SNP relies on the fact that the vast majority of differences in eukaryotic organisms
are surprising point mutations in their DNA. So there are a vast number of poly-
morphisms that are SNPs. The biggest advantage is automation and techniques that
do not require electrophoresis to separate fragments. However it does require DNA
sequencing which can be costly. SNPs are becoming more and more important as
molecular markers for genome information and advancement in crop plants.
ESTs require cDNA synthesis from RNA, and therefore are the only markers list-
ed which are based on RNA. Preferences for this method should be for crop spe-
cies where there is already extensive sequencing, and part or full EST data present
(Sect. 3).
NCBI—Plant Markers
A genetic marker web database that contains molecular markers such as SNP, SSR
and conserved ortholog set cosmid (COS) markers and primers from various plant
resources (Heesacker et al. 2008).
Theweb site for Triticeae genomics, and provides considerable detail of DNA mark-
ers and chromosome linkage map data on wheat, barley, rye and oat (Carollo et al.
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 59
A database for plant comparative genomics providing gene information and some
genetic linkage maps for 29 monocotyledon (grass) species, using some of the more
important and more commonly used genetic markers detailed above (Liang et al.
2008; Ware 2007).
comprehensive and rapid accumulation of cDNA clones, together with mass data
sets of their sequence tags have become important resources for functional genom-
ics (Boguski et al. 1993). ESTs derived from tissues in a range of developmental
stages or under various kinds of stress could significantly facilitate discovery of
new genes and their function. For example, large-scale expression analysis, genome
comparative DNA sequences and the design of expressed gene-specific molecular
markers and probes for microarrays have only been possible with extensive EST
data (Zhang et al. 2004; Kawaura et al. 2006; Mochida et al. 2006). Listed below
are a number of important web-based sites for RNA analysis and ESTs; and for ease
their purpose and URL are detailed in Table 2.3.
There are over 63 million ESTs in the NCBI dbEST databank, a most important
public domain EST database that includes a number of crop plant species (Boguski
et al. 1993). The data sets obtained from representative transcripts can be used as
unified transcript and sequence data, in line with other web sites below (Lee et al.
2005; Close et al. 2007; Duvick et al. 2008).
Identifies transcripts from the same locus as expressed in different types of tissue,
age or health status. Most importantly it reports not only on ESTs, but also on re-
lated proteins and clone resources.
Plant transcript assemblies and gene indices web site. The databank relies on EST/
cDNA sequences linked to GenBank from NCBI. New releases and new plant data-
bases are documented regularly.
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 61
Table 2.3 Integrative databases for RNA and Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
TriMEDB:Triticeae Triticeae EST database; over http://trimedb.psc.riken.jp/
Mapped EST DataBase 6000 sequences index.pl
NCBI dbEST EST of the extensive databank http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
from NCBI; multi species dbEST/
Home—UniGene—NCBI Unigene (EST) comparison site http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
from NCBI; multi species unigene
TIGR Plant Transcript TA and EST of many plants, http://plantta.jcvi.org/
Assemblies including conifers, algae,
monocots and dicots
DFCI—Plant Gene Indices Plant gene indices (similar to http://compbio.dfci.harvard.
TA) of 60 important agricul- edu/tgi/plant.html
tural plants
HarvEST Home Page EST database of 10 of the most http://harvest.ucr.edu/
important agricultural/horti-
cultural plants
HARVEST-BLAST.ORG HarvEST Blast search software http://www.harvest-blast.org/
from NCBI
Plant MicroRNA Database Plant micro RNA website and http://bioinformatics.cau.edu.
database of some commer- cn/PMRD/
cial plants
Diversity Arrays Technol- Analysis of molecular diversity; http://www.diversityarrays.com/
ogy Pty Ltd (DArT SNP, SSR, AFLP, RFLP, index.html
P/L) | Diversity Arrays methylation
Home | Affymetrix GeneChip mi RNA arrays http://www.affymetrix.com/
information—Affymetrix estore/
miRNA Array | Noncoding GeneChip mi RNA information http://www.affymetrix.com/
RNA | Affymetrix and species estore/browse/products.
GeneChip Medicago Medicago GeneChip array and http://www.affymetrix.
Genome Array | its symbiont com/browse/products.
Affymetrix jsp?productId=131472#1_1
GoldenGate Genotyping Site for Golden Gate genotype http://www.illumina.com/tech-
Assay—A flexible, pre- assay nology/goldengate_genotyp-
optimized assay ing_assay.ilmn
Illumina—Assay Golden Gate genotype technol- http://www.illumina.com/com-
Technology ogy information pany/assay_technology.ilmn
Illumina Genotyping High-throughput SNP http://dnatech.genomecenter.
genotyping—Illumina ucdavis.edu/illumina.html
CLC Biology Multi-purpose gene work http://www.clcbio.com/index.
bench; with downloads php?id=354
62 L. F. De Filippis
The web site documents a number of animal, plant, protist and fungi species. The
site contains a number of web tools, and contains cDNA and genechip data from a
number of crop plants.
Partial cDNAs are useful for rapidly documenting and cataloguing targeted genes,
but they are not used or suitable for further study of gene function. This is because
the most popular method for preparing a cDNA library does not provide the full-
length cDNA that includes the capped site sequences. The biotinylated cap trap
method using a thermostabilised reverse transcriptase is one method for construct-
ing full-length cDNA-enriched libraries suitable for studies of gene function; and
these have become invaluable for life science projects (Maeda et al. 2006; Tanaka
et al. 2008; Yamasaki et al. 2008a). The sequences derived from full-length cDNAs
can also help in identifying transcribed regions in completed or draft genomes in
other plants. In Arabidopsis and rice, full-length cDNA sequences have been used
to identify genomic structural features, such as transcription start sites (TSSs) and
transcriptional genes and variant alleles in metabolic activity (Iida et al. 2004; Itoh
et al. 2007; Yamamoto et al. 2009). In species for which we have draft genomes,
such as Physcomitrella, soybean and poplar, full-length cDNA clones have been
used to help consolidate genomic (gene) and chromosome structure and function;
and this should also greatly contribute to discovery of new genetic information
(Nanjo et al. 2007; Ralph et al. 2008a; Umezawa et al. 2008).
Full-length cDNA libraries have contributed to functional analysis using over-
expressors in reverse genetics. The full-length cDNA overexpressor (FOX) gene
hunting system, which uses full-length cDNA from transgenic plants as overex-
pressors, has introduced another approach to high-throughput analysis of functional
genes associated with phenotypic traits (Ichikawa et al. 2006; Fujita et al. 2007;
Kondou et al. 2009). Full-length enriched cDNA libraries have been constructed
for non-sequenced crop or forestry species, such as wheat ( Triticum aestivum), bar-
ley ( Hordeum vulgare), cassava ( Manihot esculenta), Japanese cedar ( Cryptomeria
japonica), Sitka spruce ( Picea sitchensis) and Lotus (Sato et al. 2008; Kawaura
et al. 2009; Sato et al. 2009); as well as for plant species showing specific charac-
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 63
teristics such as salt tolerance in salt cress ( Thellungiella halophila) and selenium
accumulation in a number of species (De Filippis 2010). Full-length cDNA libraries
serve as primary sequence resources for designing microarray probes, and as cloned
resources for genetic engineering to improve crop efficiency (Sakurai et al. 2007;
Futamura et al. 2008; Ralph et al. 2008b; Taji et al. 2008). Because of the important
function of full-length cDNA resources in ‘omics’ data and information, it is es-
sential to establish relevant information resources that provide gateways to these
sites, and to integrate this to related data sets derived from other ‘omics’ field. A
comprehensive computational tool to achieve this total integration is the CLC Biol-
ogy workbench system (Table 2.3).
variation patterns for each species. The Arabidopsis 1,001 project and genome-wide
variation study is one of the few available information web sites so far contain-
ing this information. Therefore, the demand is rapidly increasing for high through-
put and cost-effective platforms for comprehensive variation analysis studies (also
called ‘variome’ analysis). Complete genome resequencing information are already
being realized as a direct solution to ‘variome’ analysis in species whose reference
genome sequence data are already available; the URL list for the web sites used for
variation analysis are detailed below and URL listed in Table 2.3.
In barley and wheat, Affymetrix GeneChip Arrays have been used to show nucle-
otide polymorphisms based on the differential hybridization of GeneChip probes
(Rostoks et al. 2005; Bernardo et al. 2009). The Affimetrix site includes a spe-
cific Medicago chip and a miRNA site. The Illumina GoldenGate Assay allows
the simultaneous analysis of up to 1,536 SNPs in 96 samples, and has been used to
analyse genotypes of segregating populations in order to construct genetic maps of
SNPs in crops such as barley, wheat and soybean (Hyten et al. 2008; Akhunov et al.
2009; Close et al. 2009).
SNP Genotyping
The University of California, Davis site contains a number of options for high
throughput genotyping. It operates a commercial division where SNP genotyping
can be performed using Illumina technology and GoldenGate Assay.
Analysis of Variation
Comprehensive gene family data sets are usually produced by computer programs,
including a sequence similarity search, and then a step for building clusters of EST
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 65
Transcriptome Resources
Table 2.4 Integrative databases for Microarray and Microchip technology and analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
Serial Analysis of Gene Serial analysis of gene expres- http://www.sagenet.org/
Expression sion (SAGE) information
Serial Analysis of Gene SAGE differential expression http://www.invitrogen.com/
Expression-SAGE™ | of genes site/us/en/home/Products-
Life Technologies and-Services/Applications/
Microarray, SAGE and Microarray, SAGE and gene http://www.hsls.pitt.edu/obrc/
other gene expression expression data bases; index.php?page=gene_
databases | HSLS multi-species expression_databases
Serial Analysis of Gene Applications for SAGE; multi http://www.sagenet.org/find-
Expression purpose ings/index.html
GermSAGE | Home Germ cell line SAGE; mainly http://germsage.nichd.nih.gov/
animal species germsage/home.html
Bioinformatics resources Ultimate web site for SAGE; http://www.bioinformatics.fr/
applications, information, resources.php?tag=sage
books etc
MAGE—Workgroups— Microarray Analysis of Gene http://www.mged.org/Work-
FGED Expression; MAGE site groups/MAGE/mage.html
CEA Direction des sciences SADE; SAGE adaptation http://www-dsv.cea.fr/dsv/
du vivant—iBiTec-S: for downsized extracts instituts/institut-de-biol-
Adaptation du SAGE (microquantities) ogie-et-de-technologies-
pour micro-quantités de-saclay-ibitec-s/unites/
Next-Gen Sequence Next-generation sequences http://mpss.udel.edu/
Databases databases; some commercial
PlantPromoterDB Genome sequences and regula- http://ppdb.agr.gifu-u.ac.jp/
tory elements for Rice and ppdb/cgi-bin/index.cgi
The digital differential display (DDD) tool, a component of the NCBI’s UniGene
database has been applied in large-scale cDNA projects for various species, includ-
ing crop plants (Mochida et al. 2003; Fei et al. 2004; Sterky et al. 2004; Zhang et al.
2004). Although this approach, coupled with cDNA clone resources has facilitated
gene discovery and expression profiling, various disadvantages including high cost
and limited resolution due to the need for large-scale sequencing are still present.
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 67
SAGE Derivatives
A new MPSS method has been used to perform genome-scale expression profiling
of sRNAs in Arabidopsis and rice (Lu et al. 2006; Nobuta et al. 2007). The MPSS2
method has recently been used for quantitative analysis of the 5′ end of transcripts,
which are then coupled to the cap-trap method for full-length cDNA cloning; it is
reported to be applicable to a number of different plants.
68 L. F. De Filippis
The method has been applied to perform high-density mapping of TSS in Arabidop-
sis, and identify genome-scale presence of plant promoters (Yamamoto et al. 2009).
The data set of Arabidopsis CT-MPSS tags is accessible from the PPDB site, a plant
promoter database that provides promoter information and motifs for Arabidopsis
and rice (Yamamoto and Obokata 2008).
Hybridisation-Based Platforms
DNA microarrays had their beginning with Brown’s research at Stanford University
in 1995 (Schena et al. 1995), and since then, microarray and DNA chip-related tech-
nologies have advanced rapidly; and their application has expanded to a wide vari-
ety of life science disciplines. DNA microarray or GeneChip analysis are designed
to acquire comprehensive data of the molecular abundance of each molecule in a
given sample, based on its simultaneous hybridization with a large population of
synthetic (DNA or cDNA) oligonucleotide species; usually immobilized on a glass
slide or on a silicon chip. With the recent and rapid increase in the number of se-
quenced plant species, the availability of DNA microarrays have also increased for
transcriptome analysis. For example, Seki and co-workers designed a custom DNA
microarray that uses 7,000 full-length cDNA clones of Arabidopsis as probes, and
then successfully screened genes in response to abiotic stresses using a two-colour
method (Seki et al. 2002a). With the recent increase in commercially available DNA
microarrays, laboratories are able to use a particular DNA microarray design to
obtain transcriptome data from many experiments, and in so doing accumulate com-
prehensive information on organism-specific transcriptional data. Gene expression
analysis and gene chip technology, URL web sites and the use of such technology
are detailed in Table 2.5.
DNA microarrays can be classified into two types: (i) the ‘spotting’ type, which
was developed at Stanford University; and (ii) the ‘on-chip synthesis’ type based on
manufactured probes by a number of molecular biology companies. The spotting
type was commonly used during the early years of transcriptome research. This
method entailed preparing DNA microarrays by spotting a cDNA solution onto a
glass slide, but spot microarrays are being replaced quickly by on-chip synthesis
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 69
Table 2.5 Integrative databases for Gene Expression analysis and technology in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
Roche NimbleGen | Array Roche platform; information on http://www.nimblegen.
Synthesis MAS digital technology com/company/technol-
Roche NimbleGen Information website for biochip http://www.biochipnet.
technology com/node/146
Gene Expression Omnibus GEO navigation and browser http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
(GEO) Main page software—NCBI gov/geo/
AtGenExpress—Weigel Microarray data and web informa- http://www.weigel-
World tion for plant species world.org/resources/
TAIR—Gene Expression Micrarray data and gene expression, http://arabidopsis.org/
and stress factors in Arabidopsis portals/expression/
AtGenExpress JPN (Arabi- Arabidopsis gene expression profile https://database.riken.
dopsis Gene Expression data base from RIKEN jp/sw/en/AtGenEx-
profile data base) | Data- press_JPN_(Arabidop-
base Registry | RIKEN sis_Gene_Expression_
ATTED-II: Home Site for the co-regulation gene func- http://atted.jp/
tions; mainly in Arabidopsis and
GENEVESTIGATOR—The Site for the search engine—Gene- https://www.genevestiga-
gene expression search investigator; biomedical, plant tor.com/gv/
engine biology
The BAR and other Data Bio Array resource for plant biology; http://bar.utoronto.ca/
Analysis Tools for Plant number of crop plants welcome.htm
http://www.bar.utoronto. 3D data display initiative for large http://3ddi.org/
ca/3DDI/ scale dataset display
http://www.arexdb.org/ Arabidopsis gene expression data http://www.arexdb.org/
base web site
Yale Rice Project Whole genome transcription profile http://bioinformatics.med.
for rice cells, tissues yale.edu/riceatlas/
Tiling Array, Tiling primers Design whole genome primers for http://www.premierbiosoft.
& probes, design prim- use in array design, including com/dnamicroarray/til-
ers for tiling, amplify DNA methylation ing_array.html
whole genome tiling
Tiling Arrays, Library File GeneChip tilling array, software and http://www.affymetrix.
Updates | Affymetrix analysis com/support/technical/
Arabidopsis thaliana—Til- Arabidopsis tilling array express; http://www.weigel-
ing Array Express— genome browser and used for world.org/resources/
Weigel World visual cross platform comparison microarray/at-tax
70 L. F. De Filippis
NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) and the European Bioinformatics Insti-
tute (EBI)’s ArrayExpress are important web sites serving as primary archives of
transcriptome data in the public domain (Parkinson et al. 2007; Barrett et al. 2009).
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 71
There are cross-linkages on this web site to several focused databases that provide
calculated transcriptome data with user-friendly interfaces.
The Arabidopsis Gene Expression Database AREX is a web site that provides data
of high-resolution gene expression patterns of root tissues in Arabidopsis (Birn-
baum et al. 2003; Brady et al. 2007).
72 L. F. De Filippis
Tilling Arrays
The MADS domain uses a chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) method that has
been used to identify transcriptional regulator sites for somatic embryogenesis,
when coupled with the Affymetrix tilling array for Arabidopsis. This rather complex
method to use and master, nevertheless found approximately 2,000 sites of regula-
tion (Zheng et al. 2009).
the ChIP-Seq platform. A chromatin ChIP-Seq assay is also available from Illumina
using the chromatin immunoprecipitation approach (Farrer et al. 2009).
Protein (Proteomics)
Genome sequencing projects for several organisms have been completed, but pro-
teome analysis, which is the detailed investigation of the function, modification
network and 3D structure of proteins, has gained increase attention (De Filippis and
Magel 2012; Memon 2012). Large-scale proteome information can be an important
resource for a better understanding of protein function in cellular systems, which
are controlled primarily by polypeptides and proteins. Protein dynamic properties
reflect cell and organ differences in terms of growth, development and response to
biotic and abiotic stress. The primary objective of plant proteomics has tradition-
ally been to simply identify all (or most of) the proteins in cells, organs and tissues.
Recent rapid technical advances in proteomics (e.g. protein separation and purifica-
tion, advances in mass spectrometry and methodological development in protein
quantification and identification) have lead scientists into the second stage of pro-
teomics, including quantitative proteomics, subcellular proteomics, modifications
of proteins and protein-metabolite interactions (Rose et al. 2004; Rossignol et al.
2006; Baginsky 2009; Yates et al. 2009).
Resources in Proteomics
Proteome Profiling
Table 2.6 Integrative databases for Proteomics and Protein (Polypeptide) analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
Matrix Home page for peptide mass fin- http://www.matrixscience.com/
Science—Mascot gerprint database, searches and search_form_select.html
peptide identification
Entrez Databases Entrez database and tools; a multi- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
purpose proteomics site About/tools/restable_mol.
Main Page—Mascp Arabidopsis proteomic multinational http://www.masc-proteomics.
sub-committee org/mascp/index.php/
World-2DPAGE ExPASy Swiss protein 2D PAGE; http://world-2dpage.expasy.org/
Constellation: important web site for documen- swiss-2dpage/
SWISS-2DPAGE tation and software
The World-2DPAGE ExPASy Swiss protein 2D PAGE http://world-2dpage.expasy.org/
Constellation site; important repository and
search engine software
Kazusa Genome Genome and proteomic resources http://genome.kazusa.or.jp/
Resources from Miyakogusa.jp
Cyanobase CyanoBase; resources for http://genome.kazusa.or.jp/
cyanobacteria cyanobase
Rhizobase RhizoBase; resources for http://genome.kazusa.or.jp/
rhyzobacteria rhizobase/
MudPIT Multidimensional protein identifica- http://www.proteome.soton.
tion technology ac.uk/mudpit.htm
FTICR/MS Fourier transform mass spectrom- http://www.wangnmr.com/
Technology etry (FTMS) derived from ion FTICR_MS_technology.htm
cyclotron resonance (ICR)
DIGE Protein abundance changes using http://www.med.uc.edu/pro-
dige multi-fluorescent dye teomics/dige.htm
DECODON—Dif- Generic proteomics site for informa- http://www.decodon.com/Solu-
ferential in gel tion on methodologies tions/Delta2D/digeAnalysis.
electrophoresis html
Proteomics services: Generic proteomics site for informa- http://www.appliedbiomics.
2D DIGE, iTRAQ, tion on methodologies com/
MS, and Phosphor-
ylation sites
3Dye™ 2D DIGE Kits Kits and uses for 3Dye 2D DIGE http://www.lumiprobe.
Isotope-Coded Affin- The ICAT methodology and its http://www.bio.davidson.edu/
ity Tags (ICAT) uses—an interactive site courses/genomics/ICAT/
Methodology ICAT.html
ICAT, Quantitation, ICAT uses in relative quantitative http://www.creative-proteomics.
Quantification, Iso- proteomics, especially regulation com/ICAT.htm
tope Coded Affinity
Tag Technology
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 75
Sample Preparation
Sample preparation is perhaps one of the most important steps in proteomics re-
search. Methods that use trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and acetone are still the most
commonly used procedures for protein precipitation and separation from other me-
tabolites in plant mixtures (Song et al. 2006; Wang et al. 2006). An alternate method
using phenol and ammonium acetate/methanol is also popular for plant separation.
Sample purification effectively improves protein detection and increases proteome
separation in subsequent steps by reducing interference in samples. The use of dif-
ferent reagents to separate proteins by their different solubilities and membrane as-
sociations can be effective in reducing the complexity of proteins in fractions, and
to enrich rare proteins in samples. Modifications of these basic procedures can be
used to separate membrane associated proteins in large amounts from the remainder
of the soluble protein fraction (Agrawal et al. 2005; Barjaktarovic et al. 2007).
Chromatography (SDS-PAGE)
Identification Methods
Shotgun Proteomics
Quantitative Proteomics
Difference gel electrophoresis (DIGE) is now a popular method for differential dis-
play of proteins for quantitative protein comparisons. In DIGE, protein samples
are labelled with different fluorescent dyes before 2-D electrophoresis, enabling
accurate determination of differences in protein abundance between samples (Ros-
signol et al. 2006). This method is effective in minimising and even negatinggel to
gel variation while significantly increasing accuracy and reproducibility of samples.
There are a number of commercial suppliers of 2D DIGE based gels available and
ready for proteomic studies.
Isotope-coded affinity tags (ICATs) and isobaric tags for relative and absolute quan-
tification and comparison in basic regulation of proteins (iTRAQ), are other impor-
tant methods in proteomics.
78 L. F. De Filippis
Stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell cultures (SILAC) is a method used
for protein differential display using stable isotope labelling (Jorrin-Novo et al.
2009). Super SILAC technology is available from suppliers, and well suited for
plant cell and tissue culture comparisons.
Using a single MS/MS analysis, corresponding peptides from each sample are dif-
ferentially detected based on mass shifts caused by the different isotopes used; and
this type of analysis allows comparison of relative protein and polypeptide abun-
dance between samples.
Accurate and quick proteome analysis of cell organelles has become very important
for understanding the various enzymatic activities within cell organelles, the com-
partmentalisation of metabolites and metabolic pathways, cellular logistics such as
protein targets, their movement and regulation; and it has become very important to
understand proteomic dynamics at the subcellular level (Andersen and Mann 2006;
Chen and Harmon 2006; Baginsky 2009). A number of different approaches listed
below have been applied to analyse the proteome of organelles and subcellular com-
partments of plant cells. Studies so far have included cell organelles and compart-
ments like the chloroplasts, etioplasts, amyloplasts, chromoplasts, mitochondria,
vacuoles, plasma membrane, nucleus, peroxisomes, cytosolic ribosomes and cell
walls (Baginsky 2009).
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 79
The rice proteome database is a 2-DE image information base for rice that con-
tains data from various tissues, as well as subcellular compartments and organelles
(Komatsu 2005).
These two web sites detail numerous external links to plant organelles (O’Brien
et al. 2009).
The Sub-cellular location database for Arabidopsis proteins (SUBA) provides sub-
cellular proteome analytical and energy data on proteins in subcellular compart-
ments (Dunkley et al. 2006).
80 L. F. De Filippis
Table 2.7 Integrative databases for Sub-cellular Proteomics and Protein Modification analysis
in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Enzyme A comprehensive protein and http://www.brenda-enzymes.org/
Database— enzyme information search and
BRENDA retrevel data system; an impor-
tant proteomics site
Rice Proteome Rice proteome database; protocols http://gene64.dna.affrc.go.jp/RPD/
Database and tools including sub-cellular
proteins and modifications of
Proteomics Arabidopsis NASC) proteome http://proteomics.arabidopsis.info/
Database for database; protocols and tools
Arabidopsis including sub-cellular and modi-
data fications of proteins
SUBA II Search engine for Arabidopsis pro- http://suba.plantenergy.uwa.edu.au/
teins, including phosphoproteins
and protein modifications
My 2D-PAGE— Soybean proteome database; 2D http://proteome.dc.affrc.go.jp/cgi-
map viewer protocols and tools including bin/2d/2d_view_map.cgi
sub-cellular and modifications of
PhosPhAt 3.0 Protein phosphorylation database http://phosphat.mpimp-golm.mpg.
mainly using MS, and predictor de/
P3DB—Plant Plant protein phosphorylation data- http://www.p3db.org/
Protein Phos- base for 6 plants, but contains
phorylation over 11,000 phosphoproteins and
DataBase 32,000 phosphosites
GOBASE—The Gene databank for cell http://gobase.bcm.umontreal.ca/
Organelle orgamelles and sub-cellular
Genome compartmentation
The soybean proteome database also provides 2-DEdata for various tissues, as well
as for subcellular compartments and organelles (Sakata et al. 2009).
Protein Phosphorylation
Anti-Ubiquitin Antibody
Structural Proteomics
Large data sets of protein 3D structures are also important as information resources
for elucidating relationships between protein function and structure, or for analys-
ing the active sites and their molecular identity in various protein complexes. To
deal with the technical aspects, methodology and interpretation of protein structure
in more detail is beyond the scope of this review, and I refer you to some recent
reviews on this topic (Yan and Chen 2005; Wlodawer et al. 2008). However listed
below in summary form are some of the most important features for structural pro-
teomics and web-based sites for protein structural projects, their purpose and URL
are detailed in Table 2.8.
The International Structural Genomics Organization (ISGO) site (Stevens et al.
2001) is designed to facilitate co-operation to determine protein structures using
existing instrumentation in a number of international laboratories for structural pro-
teomics, and have identified many DNA-binding domains (DBDs) of plant-specific
transcription factors (TF) (Yamasaki et al. 2004; Yamasaki et al. 2008b).
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 83
Keeps you informed about advances in structural biology and structural proteomics.
It is an easy to navigate web site and includes information on other proteomic re-
search done at other web addresses.
The Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) in the USA, and the structural genomics cen-
tres of Europe (Yokoyama et al. 2000) are important sites. The PSI has promoted
large-scale attempts to determine the 3D structure of proteins and deposition into a
database. In 2005, the PSI shifted to its second phase, known as PSI-2 ‘information
phase’ which was to solve more challenging structures such as protein complexes
and folding, and to identify membrane associated proteins (Fox et al. 2008).
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 85
The number of solved protein structures appearing in the protein data bank (PDB)
is fast growing, and has been one of the most popular resources for biomolecular
structural data; the PDB site has had a dramatically increased in available data de-
posited during the past decade (Kouranov et al. 2006).
The technology and platform of NMR spectroscopy has played an important role in
structural proteomics. High-resolution multidimensional solid-state NMR methods
used in combination with cross polarization (CP), magic angle spinning (MAS)
and dipolar decoupling (DD) are now becoming the methods of choice for struc-
tural analysis in NMR equipment (Castellani et al. 2002; McDermott 2009). Recent
improvements in NMR include a cryoprobe for improved sensitivity, a micro-coil
probe for sample mitigation, and a flow-probe designed to shorten preparation time.
86 L. F. De Filippis
X-Ray Crystallography
X-ray crystallography has also been used to determine the protein structures of
almost 90 % of protein entries in the PDB database. The third generation X-ray syn-
chrotrons have become essential for macromolecular crystallography (MX) of large
proteins and protein complexes (Samatey et al. 2001). For example, the synchrotron
SPring-8 of RIKEN in Japan has been used to determine the structures of important
membrane proteins and large complex proteins; such as Ca2+-ATPase, rhodopsin
and flagellin (Palczewski et al. 2000; Samatey et al. 2001; Toyoshima et al. 2003).
Bioinformatics and related databases are therefore important tools for advancing
the study of structural proteomics. The methods used in computational prediction
of protein 3D structures are readily available and described by Zhang (2008) and
Zhang (2009b). Free modeling, which is sometimes called ‘de novo’ modelling is
used to predict the 3D structure of proteins, and the web-based sites for information
on structural proteomics, their purpose and URL are detailed in Table 2.8.
A number of web servers and computational tools for free and/or template-based
protein modelling have recently been made available; for example, the I-TASSER
internet server.
There are many web services and tools (e.g. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
SWISS-MODEL server) to support template-based modelling (Schwede et al.
2003). The Intrinsic Protein Disorder prediction program, which is linked to the
Swiss Model server, is one such piece of software.
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 87
A database for protein families based on conserved protein domains, the Protein
Analysis Through Evolutionary Relationships (PANTHER) is an important site for
classifying proteins into families. The database contains the evolution and function
of proteins, and the resources are used in genome-wide identification of genes (Mi
et al. 2005; Wilson et al. 2007; Finn et al. 2008; Wilson et al. 2008).
Plant-Metabolism (Metabolomics)
Instruments in Metabolomics
QMS is especially usefull in metabolomics. TOF MS are also well regarded for use
in metabolomics. Triple Q (QqQ) MS (a tandem-type MS) and Q-TOF (a hybrid
type MS) are also in common use.
Methods that do not involve pre-separation of samples can be used, e.g. FT-ICR
MS, are often employed, allowing for MS analysis even on quite crude plant prepa-
rations (Werner et al. 2008).
NMR-based methods are used in metabolomic analysis (Dixon et al. 2006; Schripse-
ma 2009). These methods can be broadly classified into solution NMR and insolu-
ble or solid-state NMR, according to sample solubility. High-resolution (hr)-MAS
techniques can generate suitable metabolic fingerprints from insoluble samples
and solid-state preparations (Bertocchi and Paci 2008). One-dimensional NMRis
where protons (1 H) are observed (1 H-NMR), however more detailed analyses
and metabolite identification and/or flux analysis can be obtained with other nuclei,
particularly 13 C and 15 N (Kikuchi et al. 2004; Sekiyama and Kikuchi 2007).
Processed sets of data are subsequently used to identify metabolites corresponding
to each spectrum signal by searching against standard compound databases. In non-
target analyses, spectrum data sets that include spectra of unknown compounds are
subjected to statistical analyses, such as multivariate analysis (Sect. 5.1.8 below), to
mine data for biological significance (Tikunov et al. 2005). In target analyses, spec-
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 89
Table 2.9 Integrative databases for Metabolomics and Instrumentation analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
GC/MS Web Site Web site for explanation of http://www.scientific.org/tutorials/
gas chromatography and articles/gcms.html
mass spectrometry
Comprehensive Pesticide Agricultural, food, flavor and http://www.restek.com/Technical-
Residue Analysis by fragrance identity of com- Resources/Technical-Library/
LC/MS/MS Using pounds via LC/MS/MS—a Foods-Flavors-Fragrances/
an Ultra Aqueous commercial company site fff_A020
C18 Column/Foods,
Lipid Analysis with Metabolite (lipid) identity of http://fiehnlab.ucdavis.edu/
GC-MS, LC-MS, compounds via LC/MS/ staff/kind/Metabolomics/
FT-MS—Metabolo- MS—another commercial LipidAnalysis/
mics Fiehn Lab site
FTIR Analysis Industrial application and http://www.semlab.com/ftir.html
compound identity—FTIR
FTIR Analysis—Fourier Web site explaining FTIR http://www.ides.com/articles/test-
Transform Infrared analysis and identity ing/2008/FTIR_Analysis.asp
NMR Analysis, Processing Explanation of NMR analysis http://nmr-analysis.blogspot.com.
and Prediction au/
NMR Analysis NMR analysis, methodol- http://www.intertek.com/analysis/
ogy and equipment nmr/
Metabolome Analysis Various applications for http://www.infinitebio.com/prod-
Service by CE-MS CE-MS in drugs, toxicol- ucts/HMT_Metaborolomics_
ogy, disease, blood, cell Analysis/index.html
and tissue; including pos-
sible use in plants
QMS 403 C Aëo- New dimensions and equip- http://www.netzsch-thermal-anal-
los®—Quadrupole ment for gas analysis; the ysis.com/en/products/detail/
Mass Spectrometer- QMS 403; the quadruple pid,33.html
NETZSCH MS instrument
Evolved Gas Analysis- Quadruple MS and standard http://www.netzsch-thermal-
EGA (QMS, TG- MS analysis, especially analysis.com/en/products/
GC-MS, FTIR, coupled to FTIR; pulse evolved-gas-analysis/
SKIMMER) thermal analysis
GEN | Application Notes: MALDI-TOF MS; used to http://www.genengnews.
MALDI-TOF MS select Biomarkers which com/application-notes/
Analysis of Nanotrap are often masked by high maldi-tof-ms-analysis-of-
Enriched Low Molecu- abundant proteins, and/ nanotrap-enriched-low-molec-
lar Weight Protein— or may be susceptible to ular-weight-proteins-from-
Human Serum example proteolysis human-serum/22/
NMR Spectroscopy Web site to explain Proton http://www2.chemistry.msu.edu/
NMR spectroscopy and faculty/reusch/VirtTxtJml/
multi uses Spectrpy/nmr/nmr1.htm
90 L. F. De Filippis
trum data sets that are associated with particular compounds are used as metabolic
profiles for each compound.
Statistics (PCA-HC-SOM)
Table 2.10 Integrative databases for Metabolite and Products analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
Metabolomic Tool Arabidopsis web site predicting http://www.garnetcommu-
Kit—GARNet metabolites and enzymes; nity.org.uk/resources/
software ‘omics viewer is metabolomic-tool-kit
particularly usefull
Metabolomics Search engine for metabolomics http://appliedbioinformatics.
Bioinformatics and protein wur.nl/moto/
Database—KOMICS A series of databases for plant http://www.kazusa.or.jp/komics/
transcriptome and metabo- en/en-database.html
lome analysis
ARMec Repository Database for mass spectrometry http://www.armec.org/
identity MetaboliteLibrary/
CSB.DB: GMD Golm metabolome database http://csbdb.mpimp-golm.mpg.
for some model organisms, de/csbdb/gmd/gmd.html
including Arabidopsis
MS2T Phytochemical spectral data for http://prime.psc.riken.jp/lcms/
proteomic research; Arabi- ms2tview/ms2tview.html
dopsis, rice, wheat, soybean,
brassica, allium
PRIMe LC-MS Branch Mass spectrometry of plant http://prime.psc.riken.jp/lcms/
fractionation databank of
secondary metabolites
AtMetExpress LCMS Mass spectrometry data of http://prime.psc.riken.jp/lcms/
different growth stage and AtMetExpress/
metabolites in Arabidopsis
PRIMe: Simple BL-SOM Self-organising map and sta- http://prime.psc.riken.
tistics tool to detail genes/ jp/?action=blsom_index
metabolites into a series of
rows for analysis
TAIR—Home Page Arabidopsis information on http://www.arabidopsis.org/
genetic maps, markers,
sequencing and expression
KEGG PATHWAY Collection of manually drawn http://www.genome.jp/kegg/
Database pathway maps for molecular pathway.html
Plant metabolic pathway Broad network of plant meta- http://www.plantcyc.org/
database (PMN/Plant bolic pathways; including
Cyc) home page literature, analysis, proteins,
Pathway Tools Information Comprehensive systems biology http://bioinformatics.ai.sri.com/
Site software and bioinformatics ptools/
Home—MapMan Software for analysis of RNA http://mapman.gabipd.org/web/
and sequences guest
Home—KaPPA—Portal Web based databank for visual http://kpv.kazusa.or.jp/en/
uploaded ‘omics’ metabolic
pathway data
92 L. F. De Filippis
Plant Metabolomics
Solanaceae (Tomato/Potato)
Several databases for Solanaceae and other plants are available (also web sites be-
low) at the Plant Research International at Wageningen, Netherlands homepage.
The Metabolome Tomato Database (Moco et al. 2006) and potato database CIPO-
TATO were developed here (Mullins et al. 2006).
The Armec Repository Project provides metabolome data on the potato, and serves
as a data repository for metabolite peaks detected by ESI-MS.
The Golm Metabolome Database (GMD) provides public access to custom mass
spectral libraries and metabolite profile data, and contains additional tools and base
information (Kopka et al. 2005).
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 93
The MS/MS spectral tag (MS2T) libraries at the Riken Metabolomics (PRIMe)
website provides access to libraries of phytochemical LC-MS2 spectra obtained
from various plant species.
map (BL-SOM)
ATTED II Database
Co-expression data of the Arabidopsis transcriptome has been provided by the AT-
TED-II database. Investigation of key genes involved in specific metabolic path-
ways, and metabolome analysis was used with mutant lines (Obayashi et al. 2009).
The ATTED-II database has identified genes involved in lipid metabolism, and
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase 3 (UGP3) as an essential requirement in the first
step of sulfolipid biosynthesis (Okazaki et al. 2009). Co-expression analysis was
used to identify genes related to flavonoid biosynthesis, and the role of two key and
important flavonoid pathway genes UGT78D3 and RHM1 (Yonekura-Sakakibara
et al. 2008).
The metabolic pathways that act in response to cold and dehydration conditions
in Arabidopsis were investigated by metabolome analysis using MS and microar-
ray analysis of overexpressors in genes encoding transcriptional factors (Maruyama
et al. 2009). Metabolomic profiling was also used to investigate chemical pheno-
typic changes between wild-type Arabidopsis and a knockout mutant of the NCED3
gene under dehydration. The metabolic data was integrated with transcriptome data
to reveal ABA-dependent regulatory pathways (Urano et al. 2009). Metabolome
profiling has also been used to evaluate chemical phenotypes of natural variations
and/or segregating populations in plant ecology and plant breeding. Analysis be-
tween metabolic expression and genomic diversity will enable the discovery of
more key genes involved in differences between metabolic and phenotype expres-
sion of plants (Schauer et al. 2008; Fu et al. 2009).
Metabolite QTL (mQTL) analysis using segregated populations has been applied to
various plant species such as Arabidopsis, poplar and tomato in a popular ‘forward
genetics’ approach (Morreel et al. 2006; Schauer et al. 2006; Lisec et al. 2008;
Rowe et al. 2008; Schauer et al. 2008).
sesame and rice using seeds of natural variant phenotypes (Laurentin et al. 2008;
Mochida et al. 2009a).
The web site of metabolome resources at TAIR provides a summarized list of web
hyperlinks to resources that facilitate metabolome research around the world, and
other web pages and sites.
A set of biological pathway maps is available via the Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes
and Genomes (KEGG), using a popular database for general information on life sci-
ences called the KEGG PATHWAY Database (Kanehisa and Goto 2000; Kanehisa
et al. 2008).
The Plant Metabolic Network (PMN) is a collaborative project that aims to build
plant metabolic pathway databases for plants. It contains a number of other impor-
tant web tools described below.
Plant Cyc
AraCyc and PoplarCyc are also available at the PMN web site, which provides a
review of information about metabolic pathways in Arabidopsis and poplar respec-
tively (Mueller et al. 2003). There are also metabolic pathway databases for several
other plant species generated by PMN researchers. MapMan is a tool to project
‘omics’ data onto metabolic pathways (Thimm et al. 2004).
Insertion Mutants
Insertion mutant resources with index data that document the inserted gene muta-
tion position have become extremely beneficial resources to investigate functional
analysis of genes that can be up-regulated by promoters, or disrupted, down-regu-
lated and silenced by reverse genetics.
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 97
Table 2.11 Integrative databases for Phenotype and Genotype Tagging analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
SNPs between Nip- Generic browser for SNP in http://koshigenome.dna.affrc.
ponbare IRGSP plants, animals and micoor- go.jp/cgi-bin/gbrowse/
build4—Koshihikari ganisms, and chromosome koshig/?help=general
Rice Genome Annotation Sequence annotation of the 12 http://rice.plantbiology.msu.
Project rice chromosomes edu/
OryzaSNP @ MSU Rice SNP identification and http://oryzasnp.plantbiology.
sequence; over 150,000 high msu.edu/
quality SNP
OryGenesDB: database for Rice database and information http://orygenesdb.cirad.fr/
rice reverse genetics on Flanking Sequence Tags
FOX Hunting | RIKEN Full-length cDNA library for http://nazunafox.psc.data-
SciNetS plant expression studies by base.riken.jp/sw/en/
repeated transformation FOX_Hunting_/ria61i/
Rice FOX Database Rice full-length cDNA over- http://ricefox.psc.riken.jp/
expressed Arabidopsis
mutant database website
Tilling Targeting induced local lesions http://tilling.ucdavis.edu/index.
in genomes website; wide php/Main_Page
application in plant gene
function and breeding
TILLING Genes To Soybean targeting induced local http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/ar/
Improve Soybeans lesions in genomes site archive/jul05/genes0705.
About RevGen UK Platform and data for gel based http://revgenuk.jic.ac.uk/about.
reverse genetics in Lotus, htm
Medicago, Brassica
TILLING DATABASE Platform and databank for http://urgv.evry.inra.fr/UTILLdb
phenotype recording in Pea,
Tomato and Brachypodium
CATMA Website Complete Arabidopsis tran- http://www.catma.org/
scriptome microarray page
for gene specific tag (GST)
http://www.agrikola.org/ Systematic RNAi knockouts in http://www.agrikola.org/index.
Arabidopsis GST from the php?o=/agrikola/%20html/
CATMA consortium index
GO:0009616 virus induced Virus induced gene silencing http://www.ebi.ac.uk/QuickGO/
gene silencing wbsite; including cross-links GTerm?id=GO:0009616
fioreDB: Database for Gene silencing technology and http://www.cres-t.org/fiore/pub-
Flower Bio-engineering database for genes encoding lic_db/index.shtml
by CRES-T system crop, flower factors
98 L. F. De Filippis
T-DNA-tagged (SNP)
Nipponbare (Miyao et al. 2003, 2007), is the web resource that provides informa-
tion on the rice Tos17 mutant rice lines with flanking sequences of insertion.
The maize Enhancer/Suppressor Mutator ( En/Spm) element has also been used as
an effectivetool for the study of functional genomics in maize cultivars (Kumar
et al. 2005).
The enhancer trap (ET) and the gene trap (GT) genetic constructs have been cou-
pled with T-DNA and Ac/Ds transposons, and can facilitate discovery of genes ad-
jacent to promoter or enhancer activities sites in plants (Sundaresan et al. 1995; An
et al. 2005).
OryGenes DB
Activation Tagging
cauliflower mosaic virus 35S enhancer (Weigel et al. 2000). Transcriptional activa-
tion of genes near the insertion aids in novel phenotype identification and identifies
genes that are redundant and/or essential for survival. AT resources have now been
used to isolate genes from Arabidopsis, rice, petunia and tomato (Kakimoto 1996;
Zubko et al. 2002; Mathews et al. 2003; Mori et al. 2007). Recently, AT systems
using transposons of maize En/Spm or Ac/Ds have been developed in Arabidopsis,
rice and soybean (Weigel et al. 2000; An et al. 2005: Schneider et al. 2005; Qu
et al. 2008; Kuromori et al. 2009). Web-based sites for genotype tagging and mutant
lines, and their purpose and URL are detailed in Table 2.11.
Fox Hunting
The FOX gene hunting system has been developed as an efficient gain-of-function
system that combines a transformation algorithm with large-scale information from
full-length cDNA clones (Ichikawa et al. 2006). The system can be applied across
plant species, like the development of a set of full-length rice cDNA clones aimed
at ‘in planta’ high-throughput screening of rice functional genes; but with Arabi-
dopsis set as the host reference species (Nakamura et al. 2007; Kondou et al. 2009).
Similar results (overexpressors using cDNA) have been achieved in tobacco (Lein
et al. 2008).
Spontaneous and induced mutations are the major source of most of the existing
genetic variation in plants, and are commonly used in plant breeding. The occur-
rence of spontaneous mutations in nature is relatively rare and difficult to identify
because they can be recessive, or are deleterious and quickly eliminated. Increasing
the rate of mutation (ie induced mutations) can provide additional sources of variant
genotypes important in plant breeding. Mutagenic agents include alkylating agents,
ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS), sodium azide and methylnitrosourea (MNU), or
X-ray and UV-light, fast-neutrons, ion-beam irradiationand nuclear (alpha, beta,
gamma rays) radiation. Alkylating agents that react with DNA to change nucleotide
sequences produce relatively few useful point mutations. However, the absorption
of ionising radiation produces more complex DNA and structural chromosomal
changes, and are considered the mutagenic agents of choice in plant breeding appli-
cations, however most of these mutagenic agents have been used to generate mutant
populations for many years now; these mutant lines have been particularly useful
in forward genetics studies in various plant species (Hoang et al. 2009; Uauy et al.
2009; Jackson et al. 2011).
Mutations can occur in tissue cultured plantlets and the process can be rapid; this
process is sometimes called ‘somaclonal variation’ and these plants have also found
100 L. F. De Filippis
value in plant breeding. In recent years the use of tissue culture in combination with
radiation induced mutations have resulted in a number of desired genotypes in rice,
and a number of these have been used directly or indirectly in breeding programs
(Hoang et al. 2009; Rahman et al. 2012). Some web sites and URL for developing
mutant lines, analysis and use in crop breeding are detailed in Table 2.11.
The TILLING methodology can also be used to explore allelic variations that ap-
pear in natural populations; this technology is called EcoTILLING (Comai et al.
2004; Wang et al. 2006). Several laboratory sites have established TILLING and/
or EcoTILLING centers for researches in the public domain (Barkley and Wang
2008). TILLING mutagenic lines and projects in rice, tomato, soybean and Arabi-
dopsis have been performed at the University of California, Davis Genome Centre.
RevGenUK at the John Innes Centre provides TILLING service for population
studies and information in Medicago trunculata, Lotus japonica and Brassica rapa.
UTILLdb of INRA is another database for TILLING populations of pea and tomato
that provide an interface to search for TILLed crop lines based on phenotype de-
been developed and applied to the functional analysis of plant genes. Some web
sites and URL for gene silencing are detailed in Table 2.11.
ihp RNA
Using the GST data set of the CATMA project, the Arabidopsis Genomic RNAi
Knock-out Line Analysis (in AGRIKOLA) project has also been started, with the
goal of systematically analysing Arabidopsis genes by RNAi interference (Hilson
et al. 2003). The Medicago trunculata RNAi database is also available on this web
site as an information resource for RNAi-based gene silencing.
Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is a derivative method of the ones above that
takes advantage of the plant RNAi-mediated antiviral defence mechanism, via RNA
interference. The VIGS system was used to assess the function of almost 5000 ran-
dom Nicotiana benthamiana cDNAs in disease resistance (Lu et al. 2003a, b).
102 L. F. De Filippis
The accumulation of nucleotide sequences for many of the agricultural crop species
and domestic animals, will allow us to perform genome-wide comparative analy-
ses with the aim of discovering new and important genes involved in phenotypic
expression (Sato and Tabata 2006; Itoh et al. 2007; Neale and Ingvarsson 2008).
The accumulation of genomic resources derived from various species, such as the
extensive collection of cDNAs, ESTs and data from whole-genome sequencing,
should facilitate sharing of information about gene function between model plants
and other less described crop plants. In time this will also accelerate molecular and
cellular systems related to agronomically important traits. A number of information
resources for plant genomics comparisons and data exchange on the web have ap-
peared, along with appropriate analytical tools. Here we highlight integrative data-
bases promoting complete plant comparative genomics that we have not described
previously. The URLs of each integrative database in plant genomics are shown in
Table 2.12.
TAIR is one of the most popular and integrated information resources in plants,
and although mentioned before it plays important roles as a portal in Arabidopsis
research (Swarbreck et al. 2008).
Table 2.12 Integrative databases for Comparison Genomics Database analysis in plants
Database Name Plant Species/Purpose Uniform Resource Locator
SIGnAL: Salk Institute Salk insertion sequence data- http://signal.salk.edu/
Genomic Analysis base; Rice, Arabidopsis
Laboratory Home Page included, also Human data
RARGE- RIKEN Ara- Site for downloading a number https://database.riken.jp/sw/en/
bidopsis Genome of important web brows- RIKEN_RARGE_Promoter/
Encyclopedia ers and search engines for ria12i/
WebGBrowse Generic genome browser used http://webgbrowse.cgb.indiana.
for display along reference edu/cgi-bin/webgbrowse/
sequences uploadData
GBrowse.org Home Page Portal for entry to software, http://www.gbrowse.org/index.
repository, and browsers html
Generic Model Organ- A free and easy to use database http://sourceforge.net/projects/
ism Database Proj- and browser in a number of gmod/files/Generic%20
ect—Generic Genome different languages Genome%20Browser/
Browser at SourceForge.
Sol Genomics Network Solonaceae website for QTL http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/
and molecular breeding; content/early/2010/10/08/
mainly tomato nar.gkq866.full
SoyBase.org SoyBase and soybean breed- http://soybase.org/
ers toolbox; molecular and
physiological data present
MaizeGDB Maize informatics; molecular http://www.maizegdb.org/
and physiological data
Plant Genome Duplication Database to catalogue whole http://chibba.agtec.uga.edu/
Database plant genomes; focus on 30 duplication/
agronomic flowering plants
GRASSIUS: Plant Genome Systems approach to identify http://grassius.org/plantgenome.
Project regulatory netwirks in html
GRASSIUS: About Home Page for extensive web http://grassius.org/about.html
resource for gene expres-
sion, and regulation in
GRASSIUS: GrassTFDB: Transcriptional factors database http://grassius.org/grasstfdb.
Transcription Factor for grasses; maize, sugar- html
Database cane, sorghum and rice
LegumeTFDB Digital library and database http://dl.acm.org/citation.
for legume transcriptional cfm?id=1707758
SoybeanTFDB Digital library and database http://soybeantfdb.psc.riken.jp/
for legume transcriptional
104 L. F. De Filippis
Web browsers are commonly used to visualize genes along with genome sequences
and associated information, genome browsers such as Gbrowse have been very of-
ten used (Donlin 2007).
Gramene is a popular site for integrated rice information and plant comparative
genomics in grasses. Gramene offers integrated genome associated data including
sequences and molecular markers, but is also an important QTL database for breed-
ing in Gramineae species (Ware 2007; Liang et al. 2008).
Sol Genomics
The integration of a number of resources have recently been completed for various
individual plant species. The Sol genomics network is a portal site for Solanaceae
species that includes information on the tomato and potato genome sequencing
projects (Mueller et al. 2005; Mullins et al. 2006).
SoyBase is a resource portal and repository site for genomic soybean research and it
includes released whole-genome sequence data for this important crop plant.
Maize GDB
The MaizeGDB is the community database for biological information about Zea
mays, and includes genetic and genomic data sets and other related information on
maize (Lawrence et al. 2004).
2 Bioinformatic Tools in Crop Improvement 105
Comprehensive gene family data sets are usually produced by computational pro-
cedures including a step that conducts an all-against-all sequence similarity search
matrices, and then a step for building clusters of protein families by methods such
as Markov Clustering (MCL), multi dimensional scaling (MDS) (see Sects. 2.5, 3.4
and 5.1; programs and statistical URL sites are listed in Table 2.1).
Correlated gene arrangements among taxa, along with chromosomal location, also
known as synteny and collinearity, have become valuable sites for inference of
shared ancestry amongst genes, and for transfer of knowledge from one species to
another related species (Tang et al. 2008a). The plant genome duplication database
(PGDD) provides a data set of intra-genome or cross-genome syntenic relation-
ships identified throughout genome-sequenced plant species at present (Tang et al.
GRASSIUS provides the first step toward building a comprehensive platform for
integration of data, tools and resources in comparative regulatory genomics across
the grass species (Yilmaz et al. 2009).
Grass TFDB
Legume TFDB
Soybean TFDB
SoybeanTFD is aimed at a more integrated knowledge base for legume TFs, provid-
ing a public resource for comparative genomics of the TFs of legumes, non-legume
plants and even other organisms (Mochida et al. 2009c, 2010).
tion. Gene silencing and virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) can be used in crop
plants to discover key genes involved in phenotypic differences.
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Chapter 3
Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue
Abstract Plant tissue culture has emerged as a powerful and cost-effective tool for
the crop improvement. Tissue culture is alternatively called cell, tissue and organ
culture through in vitro condition. It can be employed for large scale propagation
of disease free clones and gene pool conservation. Agricultural industry has applied
immensely in vitro propagation approach for large scale plant multiplication of elite
superior varieties. As a result, hundreds of plant tissue culture laboratories have
come up worldwide, especially in the developing countries due to cheap labour
costs. Tissue culture has been exploited to create genetic variability from which
crop plants can be improved and to increase the number of desirable germplasms
available to the plant breeder. The selection of somaclonal variations appearing in
the regenerated plants may be genetically stable and useful in crop improvement.
Available methods for the transfer of genes could significantly simplify the breed-
ing procedures and overcome some of the agronomic and environmental problems,
which otherwise would not be achievable through conventional propagation meth-
ods. Transgenic crops resistant to pests, insects, diseases and other abiotic stresses is
a great achievement in the field of plant biotechnology. This article is cover in vitro
propagation and role of biotechnology in crop improvement.
P. Ahmad ()
Department of Botany, GDC Anantnag, Jammu and Kashmir 192101, India
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Jamsheed · S. Rasool · S. Koul
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Rasool
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Koul
e-mail: [email protected]
M. M. Azooz
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, King Faisal University,
Hofuf, Saudi Arabia
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, South Valley University, 83523 Qena, Egypt
e-mail: [email protected]
has been conducted on many crop species (Shi and Zhang 2012, Chandel et al.
2010). The technique of tissue culture helps in crop improvement through different
approaches like breeding, wide hybridization, haploidy, somaclonal variation and
Distant Hybridisation
Crop improvement can be achieved by the methods of genetic transfer, whether via
single gene, through genetic engineering, or multiple genes, through conventional
breeding or tissue culture techniques. In angiosperms fertilization depends upon a
number of factors which include, transfer of pollen grains from anthers to stigma,
germination of pollen grains to produce a pollen tube, penetration of pollen tube to
the stigma and the style to reach the ovule. The pollen tube discharge triggers and
the two sperm nuclei then fuse with their respective partners i.e., the egg cell and
the secondary nucleus which results in the formation of the embryo and endosperm
respectively. However, this phenomenon can be stopped at any stage, resulting in
a barrier to hybridization and thus, the inhibition of gene transfer between the two
plants. However, in case of distant crosses involving individuals of different spe-
cies or genus, a number of barriers have to be overcome for hybridization to take
place. These barriers include pre-fertilization barriers like failure of pollen tube to
germinate or poor pollen tube growth which can be overcome by in vitro fertiliza-
tion (Dresselhaus et al. 2011) and post-fertilization barriers such as no endosperm
development which may be overcome by embryo, ovule or pod culture. Protoplast
fusion has been successful in producing the desired hybrids in plants where fertil-
ization can’t be induced by in vitro treatments (Ingram 2010).
In Vitro Fertilization
In vitro fertilization has been used to obtain both interspecific and intergeneric hy-
brids by overcoming physiological based self-incompatibility. A large number of
plant species have been obtained via pollination of pistils and ovules (Palanivelu
and Preuss 2006). This range includes agricultural crops, such as tobacco, rice,
corn, clover, poppy and cotton. Wide hybridization, pollination with abortive pol-
len, delayed pollination, and physicochemical treatment of the ovary can be used to
produce haploids (Islam and Tuteja 2012). In vitro fertilization studies have helped
to understand many important phenomena regarding pollination and fertilization. A
glycoprotein, TTS was purified from tobacco stylar tissue, which supports pollen
tube growth (Hancock et al. 2005)
126 S. Jamsheed et al.
Embryo Culture
Protoplast Fusion
When hybrid plants cannot be produced by conventional breeding, the role of proto-
plast fusion comes into play which acts as a means of creating unique hybrid plants.
Protoplasts can be obtained from a number of crop species (Wang et al. 2011).
However, while protoplasts of any two plants can be fused by chemical or physical
means, production of unique somatic hybrid production is limited by the ability to
generate the fused product and sterility in the interspecific hybrids rather than the
production of protoplasts. Nicotiana is the best example of the use of protoplast
fusion to improve crop production. The somatic hybrid products of a chemical fu-
sion of protoplasts have been produced with modified alkaloid content and disease
resistance of commercial tobacco cultivars (Patel et al. 2011).
The genetic components needed for taxol synthesis in Taxus chinensis var. mairei
were transferred to a more tractable plant Bupleurum scorzonerifolium. RAPD data
of the hybrid genome confirmed the presence of 82.4–96.8 % genome of B. scor-
zonerifolium and 4.6–13.9 % from the donor i.e., T. chinensis (Zhang et al. 2011).
The significance of haploids in genetics and plant breeding has been realized for a
long time. However, their exploitation remained restricted because of the extremely
3 Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue Culture 127
low frequency with which they occur in nature (usually 0.001–0.01 %). Spontane-
ous production of haploids usually occurs through the process of parthenogenesis
(embryo development from an unfertilized egg). However, they reproduce the char-
acters of the male parent alone suggesting their origin through ovule androgenesis
(embryo development inside the ovule by the activity of the male nucleus alone).
Haploid plants have the gametophytic number of chromosomes (Atanassov et al.
1995; Zapata Arias et al. 1995). The production of haploids in tomato has been tried
and is still at a poor stage of development. The process of early embryogenesis from
isolated microspores and the disruption of normal meiotic development and change
of developmental fate towards callus proliferation, morphogenesis and plant regen-
eration have been shown in tomato by using light and electron microscopy (Segui-
Simaro and Nuez 2007). For cell culture studies and breeding in flax, haploid and
double haploid material and homozygous lines need to be produced. Anther culture
has proved to be the most successful method producing doubled haploid lines in
flax (Obert et al. 2009).
A fast and cheap method to obtain pure or homozygous lines is a priority for
hybrid seed production in important crop plants. Pure lines can be produced tra-
ditionally by inbreeding and selection techniques, which are time consuming and
costly. Alternatively, it has become possible through a biotechnological approach to
accelerate the production of homozygous lines i.e., the induction of androgenesis to
generate double haploid plants. Androgenesis reduces this process to a single gen-
eration, which implies time and cost saving. Due to these advantages, androgenic
doubled haploids are the choice in a number of important crop plants where the
methodology is well set up. In solanaceae family, crops like eggplant and pepper
anther cultures are used for doubled haploid production and recent advances in the
knowledge of embryo development are opening new ways to achieve the final goal
of an efficient protocol in recalcitrant species (Segui-Simaro et al. 2011).
Gynogenesis is the phenomenon of production of whole plants from the unfer-
tilized ovules. In Gentian ( Gentiana triflora, G. scabra and their hybrids) an or-
namental flower, unfertilized ovules were cultured in a medium containing a high
concentration of sucrose (Doi et al. 2011) results in production of young plantlets.
Although the embryos showed genotypic variation, all the genotypes gave response.
The ovules collected from flower buds just before anthesis showed higher response.
The dark culture condition also gave more number of haploid embryos as in 16-hour
light condition.
Somaclonal Variation
The phenotypic variation of plants regenerated from cell culture is referred to as so-
maclonal variation. Apart from the mutant cell lines and plants obtained as a result
of mutations many variants have been obtained through the tissue culture process
cycle itself. The somaclonal variants may be genetic or epigenetic and are usually
observed in the regenerated plantlets (Velker et al. 2012). These are dependent on
the natural variations in a population of cells. Somaclonal variation may be due to
128 S. Jamsheed et al.
Propagation of Plants
Almost all types of plants can now be regenerated into plantlets from explants or
callus. Thus, majority of the plant species have now well established micropropaga-
tion protocols and at present among the different techniques of plant tissue culture
technology micropropagation is of widest use (Loyola-Vargas and Ochoa Alejo
2012). At present there are a number of tissue culture firms involved in in vitro mul-
tiplication, elimination of pathogens, storage of germplasm, genetic manipulation
and plant-breeding programs (Ding et al. 2008). Micropropagation plays a major
role in crop improvement. However, there are several limitations to the use of this
technique. Up to 70 % of the production costs of micropropagation are required to
fulfill the cost of labour needed to transfer tissue repeatedly between vessels and for
asepsis. Tissue culture laboratory is greatly affected by the problems of vitrification,
acclimatization and contamination (Doran 2009). A large number of desirable eco-
nomic traits are lost in the tissue-cultured products due to genetic variation in cul-
tured lines, such as polyploidy, aneuploidy and mutations. Enhancing axillary-bud
breaking, production of adventitious buds and somatic embryogenesis are the three
3 Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue Culture 129
Synthetic Seeds
Pathogen Eradication
The crop plants multiplying through vegetative propagation are generally infected
with pathogens. Although in many cases the presence of the pathogen may not be
obvious, but the yield or quality may be substantially reduced due to infection. In
vitro culture has helped in increasing the yield of many crop plants. In China, virus
free potatoes, produced by in vitro culture gave higher yields than the normal field
plants with increase up to 150 % (Meiyalaghan et al. 2011). Seeds are responsible
for only 10 % of viral infection, therefore, careful propagation from seeds can elimi-
nate most of the viruses. The viruses are not distributed uniformly in the plant and
the apical meristems are usually free from viruses (Wang and Valkonen 2008). The
culture of the apical meristem coupled with chemo or thermo-therapy, have been
used to produce virus-free material for micropropagation (Cantrill et al. 2005).
130 S. Jamsheed et al.
Germplasm Preservation
The expression of heterosis via hybrid vigour could be realized by performing pol-
lination under controlled conditions as this leads to the development of new genera-
tions that performed better in the field than either of the parents and the progeny of
the subsequent generation. Manipulation of the genetic makeup is one of the major
activities in plant breeding, thus, a availability of genetic diversity is the prerequi-
site in plant breeding (Shefferson and Roach 2012). And the role of biotechnology
and tissue culture comes into play in this area for creating genetic diversity and ma-
nipulating genetic variability. Although there is still lot of integration required most
of the plant biotechnology and plant breeding programmes, but field trials of trans-
genics have now become much more common. Therefore, the modern technologies
have revolutionized the advancements in the crop improvement programmes and it
has been predicted for more than a decade (Ranganath 2011).
Various plant species are being modified genetically, either by vector dependent
e.g., Agrobacterium or vector independent, which includes biolistic, micro-injection
and liposome methods (Tagaki et al. 2011; She et al. 2012). In majority of the cases,
tissue culture technology has been used to recover the modified cells or tissues. In
fact, plant tissue culture techniques have played a major and important role in the
development of genetic engineering. Plant tissue culture has helped in achieving
many great successes in the field of transgenics. Davis and Reznikov (1992) have
set milestones in the field of plant biotechnology by using a range of protoplast,
microscope, tissue and organ culture protocols in many crop plants. Development
of efficient transformation methods can enable the possibility of obtaining trans-
genic events that are devoid of marker gene/s upfront. Eggplant, an economically
important vegetable crop does form only a non-significant percentage of agricul-
tural production as it is susceptible to a number of pathogens with bacterial and
fungal wilts being most devastating. A crop improvement approach has been de-
veloped which involves an Agrobacterium mediated transformation from two types
3 Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue Culture 131
Insect Resistance
For 21st century, the demands of sustainable agriculture were fulfilled by the ge-
netically engineered crop resistance to insect pests that offers the prospective us-
er-friendly environment and consumer friendly method of crop production. These
biotech crops are genetically modified with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) endotoxins
for insect resistance and the development of Bt crops stands as one of the most out-
standing successes of transgenic plant biotechnology (Table 3.1). The Bt is a strong
biological insecticide, which comprises of crystal protein endotoxin that is pro-
duced by some stains of soil bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Goudar et al. 2012).
The Bt crystal (cry) genes are toxic to lepidopterans (Cohen et al. 2000), dipterans
(Andrews et al. 1987) and coleopterans (Herrnstadt et al. 1986). Bt cry protein is
toxic to insects (BANR 2000) and non-toxic to humans and animals. The Bt toxin
gene was first discovered by Ishiwaki in 1901, in diseased silkworms and the first
Bt toxin gene was cloned in 1981 (Jain et al. 2007). In 1986, the field test of trans-
genic tobacco expressing Bt toxin was performed. Moreover, in 1988 the first GM
plant of japonica rice was produced and after that indica rice in 1990 (Ahmad et al.
2012). Now the biotech crops are grown globally including soybean, maize, cot-
ton, canola, squash, papaya, sugar beet and tomato and the global biotech crop area
derives soybean, corn, cotton and canola (Brookes and Barfoot 2011). The avail-
able data this time showed that biotech crops like soybean accounted the largest
share (52 %) followed by corn (30 %) and canola (5 %). 16.7 million farmers across
29 countries (10 industrialized and 19 developing countries) planted 160 million
hectares of biotech crops in 2011 and 90 % were small and resource poor farmers in
developing countries (James 2010; Ahmad et al. 2012). However the combination
of transgenic expression and improved protein stability has resulted even death of
the Bt-resistant insects (Chougule and Bonning 2012; Kota et al. 1999). But now
a days other insecticidal proteins like lectins, antibodies, protease inhibitors, wasp
132 S. Jamsheed et al.
Table 3.1 Transgenic plants expressing genes for insect and disease resistance
Plant Gene Resistance to Reference
Potato Cry1Ab Potato tuber moth Kumar et al. (2010)
Rice Cry1Ab Lepidopteron Qi et al. 2009
Tobacco Magi6 peptide Spodoptera frugiperda Hernández-Campuz-
ano et al. 2009
Rice (Indica, Basmati) Cry1Ac, Cry2A YSBa Bashir et al. (2005)
Rice (Indica, Ming- Cry2A YSB Chen et al. (2005)
huli 63)
Rice (Indica, Ming- Cry1Ac, Cry2A, Cry9c YSB and Asiatic rice Chen et al. 2008
huli 63) borer
Rice (Elite Fused gene, Cry1Ab- YSB Ho et al. (2006)
Vietnamese) 1B and hybrid
Bt gene, Cry1A/
Indica pusa basmati 1, Potato proteinase YSB Bhutani et al. (2006)
Japonica, Tainung inhibitor 2 (Pin 2)
Indica basmati 370 Cry1Ac, Cry2A YSB Riaz et al. (2006)
Rice (Korean variet- Cry1Ab YSB Kim et al. (2008)
ies) P-I, P-II, P-III
Rice (Zhuxian B) Sbti + GNA Leaf folder + BPH Li et al. (2005)
Indica rice Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac, gna YSB Ramesh et al. (2004)
Indica rice Cry1Ab, Cry1Ac YSB Alcantara et al. (2004)
Indica rice Cry1Ac, Cry2A, gna Lepidopteron insects Rahman et al. (2007)
Indica rice Chitinase + β-1,3- Rhizoctonia solani Sridevi et al. (2008)
glucanase genes
Rape hrf2 gene encoding Sclerotinia Ma et al. (2008)
harpinxooc protein sclerotinorium
Tobacco p35 gene from baculo- TMV a Wang et al. (2008)
virus Autographa
Japonica Pi-d2 Rice leaf blast and Chen et al. (2010)
neck blast
Tobacco GbTLP1 Verticillium dahliae Munis et al. (2010)
Potato StPUB17 (UND/PUB/ Phytophthora Ni et al. (2010)
ARM) repeat type infestans
Potato RB resistance gene Potato late blight Liu and Halterman
Wheat Ta-Tlp (thaumatin- Powdery mildew and Xing et al. (2008)
like protein gene) Fusarium head
YSB yellow stem borer, TMV tobacco mosaic virus
and microbial insecticides, spider toxins and insect peptide hormone have been dis-
covered (Whetstone and Hammock 2007; Van Damme 2008). For instance, bacte-
rium Photorhabdus luminescens produces photorhabdus toxin, which is an alterna-
tive to Bt for transgenic production. And the combination of photorhabdus toxins
3 Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue Culture 133
and Bt toxins in transgenic crops can be used to fight insect resistance. US based
company Monsanto with India’s Maharastra Hybrid Seeds Company (Mahyco) has
recently developed a Bt eggplant ( Solanum melongena) by incorporating a crystal
gene (Cry1Ac) from B. thuringiensis (Krattiger 2010; Cotter 2011).
Disease Resistance
Diseases caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and nematodes are responsible for dam-
aging the crop plants, i.e phytopathogens have been threatening human life through
the loss of crop production. For example the production of potato has been threat-
ened by several fungal diseases and microbial pathogens resulting in 20 % yield
loss (Walter et al. 2011). Even though in potato the Botrytis cinerea is not the main
disease, it may cause other serious diseases like Fusarium solani and Phytophthora
infestans. But the transgenic approaches have used the genes encoding pathogenesis
related (PR) proteins that confer the resistance to fungal pathogens (Hoshikawa
et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2000) (Table 3.1). These PR proteins have antimicrobial
properties against many fungal and bacterial pathogens. Transgenic approaches pro-
vide a powerful tool for the development of disease resistant crops (Melchers and
Stuiver 2000; Rommens and Kishor 2000; Ellis et al. 2000). One approach involves
the viral gene expression that interferes with the completion of life cycle of viruses.
Powell-Abel et al. 1986 discovered that the coat proteins for TMV (tobacco mosaic
virus) expressed in host plant interfered with the replication and plants expressing
the TMV coat protein gene were resistant to TMV infection. This approach is now
widely used to protect the crops from a large number of viruses (Mundembe et al.
2009). In 1992, china was the first country to commercialize these virus resistant
transgenic crops (Brookes and Barfoot 2012; James 1997). After this virus-resis-
tant tomato, squash and watermelon plants were also produced (Meeusen 1996).
In oilseed rape, overexpression of tomato chitinase gene with a strong promoter
gene has resulted increased resistance fungal attack in plants (i.e pathogens such as
Cylindrosporium concentricum and Phoma lingam) (Grison et al. 1996). Anand
et al. (2003) reported that wheat plants co-expressing a chitinase and β-1, 3-glu-
canase genes obtained to Fusarium graminearum. And under the green house and
field conditions, transgenic potato plants expressing alfalfa antifungal peptide (al-
fAEP) showed strong defense activity against fungal pathogen, Verticillium dahliae
(Gao et al. 2000). Thionins (PR proteins) are toxic to phytopathogens by attacking
the cell membrane to increase their permeability and cause the death of the fungal
cell due to leakage of proteins, nucleotides and other components (Chan et al. 2005;
Hoshikawa et al. 2012). For example, overexpressed gamma-thionin gene from
wasabi ( Eutrema wasabi) in transgenic rice enhanced resistance to rice blast disease
caused by Magnaporthe grisea (Kanzaki et al. 2002). Even in transgenic potato
plants, potato thionin (snaking-1) gene expressed enhanced resistance to Rhizocto-
nia solani and Erwinia cartovora (Almasia et al. 2008). The wasabi thionin gene in
transgenic potato plants had antifungal activity against gray mold ( Botrytis cinerea)
134 S. Jamsheed et al.
(Khan et al. 2006; Hoshikawa et al. 2012). Another disease that adversely affect the
barely and wheat production is Fusarium head blight (FHB). Fusarium produced
trichothecene mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination with food is a great
risk for humans and animals because trichothecenes are cytotoxins for eukaryotic
cell. Recently, Di et al. (2010) has verified that expression of an N-terminal frag-
ment of yeast L3 (L3∆) in wheat showed reduction in disease ruthlessness and im-
proved level of DON in transgenic wheat kernel when compared to non-transgenic
wheat plants. Trichothecenes play multiple roles in the cell. They inhibit the protein
synthesis (McLaughlin et al. 2009; Di et al. 2010). Critical role of trichothecene
mycotoxin (tcmI) in the protein synthesis (Grant et al. 1976), which encodes the
ribosomal protein L3 in yeast was observed by McLaughlin et al. (2009). Over-
expression of RPL3 gene in transgenic plants induces resistance to trichothecene
mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) (McLaughlin et al. 2009).
Herbicide Resistance
Effective weed control has become one of the most important procedures in crop-
ping operations to ensure good quality harvest. But the required mechanical weed
control practices are now viewed as unsatisfactory and have been replaced by
chemical weed control using herbicides. Herbicides are vicious for most of the
plants because they function by disrupting the essential processes like photosyn-
thesis, pigment biosynthesis, mitosis or essential amino acid biosynthesis (Mulwa
and Wanza 2006). Now a day these herbicides have been replaced by new chemi-
cals like glyphosate that is environmental friendly as it is degraded rapidly by soil
micro-organisms (Day 1996). Glyphosate a highly translocated foliar herbicide was
discovered in 1970 (Franz et al. 1996). Glyphosate is a non specific herbicide like
many other herbicides and kills the green plants, therefore it can be used prior to
seed emergence. Plants expressing herbicide tolerance accounted for 71 % of all the
transgenic crops were grown worldwide in 1998 and 1999 (James 1999). Herbicide
tolerant soybean, corn, cotton and canola represents the major transgenic products
(James 1999; Liu 1999). Scientists in 1983, at Monsanto and Washington University
isolated the common soil bacteria, Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4, which is
highly tolerant to glyphosate because its EPSPS (5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phos-
phate synthase) is less sensitive to inhibition by glyphosate than EPSPS found in
plants (Watrud et al. 2004). In 1986, they successfully inserted the CP4 EPSPS gene
into the plant genome and obtained the glyphosate resistant (GR) plants. GR soy-
bean was commercialized within 10 years. Initial GR crops were the most quickly
adopted technology in the history of agriculture (James 2007).
Recently, herbicide resistant Amaranthus palmeri by expressing glyphosate-in-
sensitive herbicide target site gene, 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase
(EPSP) that is involved in the shikimate cycle where it catalyzes the reversible addi-
tion of the enolpyruvyl moiety of phosphor-enolpyruvate to shikimate 3-phosphate
was developed (Gaines et al. 2010). In the western and central Africa considerable
loss of maize was observed by a parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. Menkir et al.
3 Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue Culture 135
(2010) incorporated an imidazolinone resistance (IR) XA17 gene into some maize
lines that confers resistance to imazaquin and nicosulfuron herbicides. These IR-
maize lines showed resistance to the Striga hermonthica weed and the yield loss
was minimized to a considerable level. The expression of bar gene responsible for
resistance to herbicides in sweet potato was demonstrated by Zang et al. (2009).
Approaches that have been used to generate herbicide-tolerant crops are: (1)
Decrease the sensitivity of the plants to the herbicide by modifying the sensitivity of
the target enzyme and (2) engineer a herbicide detoxifying pathway in to the plant
(Simoens and Van Montagu 1995). For instance glyphosate and acifluoren tolerance
is included in first approach. Transgenic plants tolerant to the herbicide acifluorfen,
which inhibits chlorophyll biosynthesis, have been produced through overexpres-
sion of the target enzyme involved in chlorophyll biosynthesis (Lermontova and
Grimm 2000; Ahmad et al. 2012). Second approach includes the resistance to glu-
fosinate and bromoxynil. To enhance the metabolism of these herbicides various
genes were introduced and the active compound is converted to products are non-
toxic to the crop (Haumann 1997; Ahmad et al. 2012). Now the critics of herbicide
resistant crops fear the over use of herbicides and the development of herbicide
resistant weeds. But the herbicide resistant weeds can be controlled by rotating the
crops with different transgenic modes of action. Various environmentally friendly
herbicides and their corresponding resistant genes are available that makes crop
rotation practices possible.
Abiotic Stress
Abiotic stress (Salinity, drought, temperature, UV Radiations etc.) has been found
to have negative impact on the crop production. The crop loss due to these abiotic
stresses is responsible for the enormous economic loss worldwide (Ahmad et al.
2008, 2010, 2012).
Conventional breeding techniques have been used to improve the crop produc-
tion but much success has not been achieved in generating stress tolerant plants.
Plant biologists have developed transgenic technology to generate stress tolerant
plants and to improve the crop production. Modification of the biochemical path-
ways through the transgenic approach and overexpression of the stress tolerant
genes have great success in achieving the target of generating stress tolerant plants.
For further information see Table 3.2.
Plant tissue culture has emerged as an inescapable tool with possibilities for comple-
menting the conventional methods in plant breeding and crop improvement. These
techniques have proved successful and are now being used globally for the ex-situ
conservation of the plants including crop plants. Plant cell/tissue culture is a rapidly
136 S. Jamsheed et al.
Table 3.2 Some promising genes that can be expressed in plants for abiotic stress tolerance
Gene and gene product Plant Resistance to Reference
betA (Choline Tobacco Salinity and low Holmstrom et al.
dehydrogenase) temperature (2000)
BADH1 (Betaine aldehyde Tomato Salinity Jia et al. (2002)
EctA, ectB, ectC Tobacco Salinity Nakayama et al.
OstA, OstB (Trehalose-6-P Tobacco rice Salt, drought Garg et al. (2002)
synthase, Trehalose-6-P
TPS and TPP (Trehalose Arabidopsis Drought, salt, Miranda et al. (2007)
synthesis) temperature
TPP1 (Trehalose synthesis) Rice Salt and cold Ge et al. (2008)
TPS1 (Trehalose synthesis) Alfalfa Drought, salt, Suarez et al. (2009)
WCOR15 (cold induced Tobacco Freezing Shimamura et al.
gene) (2006)
AtOAT (Ornithine amino Rice Drought and salt Jang et al. (2003)
pdc1 (Pyruvate decarboxylase Rice Submergence Minhas and Grover
overexpression) tolerance (1999)
pdc1 and pdc2 (Pyru- Arabidopsis Hypoxic stress Ismond et al. (2003)
vate decarboxylase survival
ppo (Polyphenol oxidases Tomato Drought Thipyapong et al.
suppression) (2004)
SAMDC (polyamine Tobacco Drought, salinity, Waie and Rajam
synthesis) Verticillium, (2003)
Fusarium wilts
SPDS (Spermidine synthase) Arabidopsis Salinity Bagni et al. (2006)
P5CS (∆1-pyrroline-5-carbox- Bean Drought, salt and cold Chen et al. (2009)
ylate synthase)
P5CS (∆1-pyrroline-5-carbox- Potato Salt Hmida-Sayari et al.
ylate synthase) (2005)
P5CS (∆1-pyrroline-5-carbox- Wheat Drought Vendruscolo et al.
ylate synthase) (2007)
adc (polyamine synthesis) Rice Drought Capell et al. (2004)
Osm1 to Osm4 (Osmotin Strawberry Salt and drought Husaini and Abdin
protein accumulation) (2008)
ME-leaN4 (Lea protein) Lettuce Salt Park et al. (2005)
Os LEA3-1 (Lea protein) Rice Drought Xiao et al. (2007)
HVA1 (group 3 LEA protein Mulberry Salt and drought Lal et al. (2008)
BhLEA1, LEA2 (LEA Tobacco Drought Liu et al. (2009)
HAL3 (FMN-binding Arabidopsis Salt and osmotic Espinosa-Ruiz et al.
protein) tolerance (1999)
HAL1 Arabidopsis Salt Ellul et al. (2003)
3 Crop Improvement Through Plant Tissue Culture 137
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Zhou J, Li F, Wang JL, Ma Y, Chong K, Xu YY (2009) Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor
from wild rice ( OrbHLH2) improves tolerance to salt- and osmotic stress in Arabidopsis. J
Plant Physiol 166:1296–1306
Chapter 4
Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach
for Crop Improvement
Abstract Global environmental dissociative changes are now in steady state. Its
negative impacts were gradually imposed on a wide range of crops and thus crop
improvement was hindered as well. Given this challenge, existing and new, appro-
priate technologies need to be integrated for global crop improvement. Among the
different present approaches, mutagenesis and mutation breeding and the isolation
of improved or novel phenotypes in conjunction with conventional breeding pro-
grammes can result in mutant varieties endowed with new and desirable variation of
agrometrical traits. Induced mutations and its related technologies play very well in
this ground and this overall strategy helps to trace the crop genetic diversity along
with its biodiversity maintenance. Such induced mutagenesis, a crucial step in crop
improvement programme, is now successful in application due to the advancement
and incorporation of large-scale selection techniques, micropropagation and other
in vitro culture methods, molecular biology tools and techniques in modern crop
breeding performance. Time to time, different mutation techniques and their appli-
cation processes are changing significantly; in this perspective, insertional muta-
genesis and retrotransposons are taking more supports for mutational tagging and
new mutation generation. For details investigation on plant structure and function,
mutagenic agents and their precise role are much essential as it can produce mutants
with some phenotypic changes. Functional genomics studies make the ultimatum
platform on this field of study where few crop plants were used for mutational
experimentation on some prime agronomic traits till now. This is a prerequisite step
and is applying on diverse crop for further improvement. High throughput DNA
technologies for mutation screening such as TILLING (Targeting Induced Limited
R. Roychowdhury ()
Department of Biotechnology, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan 731235, West Bengal, India
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Tah
Botany Department (UGC-CAS), The University of Burdwan,
Burdwan 713104, West Bengal, India
e-mail: [email protected]
leles that do not persist in germplasm pools and the induction of new gene alleles
for a commercial variety such that new varieties carrying desired mutation alleles
can be directly used as a commercial variety. Also, the limited genetic changes
of any single plant of a mutated population and the often recessive nature enable
breeders to develop a new variety in a short breeding cycle. The limitation being its
limited power in generating the dominant alleles which might be desired; its less
effectiveness than cross breeding for a trait needs for a combination of multiple
alleles, such as tolerance to abiotic stresses. The low mutation frequency requires
growing and screening a large population for selection of desired mutants at a rea-
sonable confidence. This becomes very expensive for traits that have to be evalu-
ated through laborious phenotypic analysis (Roychowdhury 2011; Roychowdhury
and Tah 2011).
The knowledge of the extent to which the desirable characters with economic
values are heritable is a prerequisite for any crop improvement programme (Roy-
chowdhury and Tah 2011b; Roychowdhury et al. 2011a). Breeders have continually
retained their interest in the grouping of the germplasm and the pedigree of selected
cultivars since the information might be particularly helpful in effective breeding
strategy determination (Ali et al. 2011). For this purpose, inducible mutation, using
chemical or physical mutagens, is a suitable source of producing variation through
mutation breeding procedure (Domingo et al. 2007; Roychowdhury and Tah 2011a)
which can produce several improved mutant varieties with high demanding eco-
nomic value (Din et al. 2004). From implicational point of view, it is quite possible
to induce gene-mutation artificially with the help of some potent chemical muta-
gens to create any new variation in crops.
152 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
Time to time, the spectrum of available mutation techniques has also signifi-
cantly increased. Important practical results have been achieved through the use of
chronic irradiation from gamma-field or by irradiation with heavy ion beam or by
chemical mutagenesis. In vitro cultured somaclonal variations have been proved to
be useful for creating variation in many characters, especially the ones that can be
selected under in vitro cultural environments. Classical insertional mutagenesis and
more recently retro-transposons have become almost irreplaceable tools in generat-
ing and tagging of new mutations for crop improvement. Potent mutagenic agents
(‘mutagens’ that cause mutation) can be used to produce the ‘morphological mu-
tants’ that are essential for dissecting plant structure, functions and their regulation
(Maluszynski 1999). The traditional mission of mutation breeding technology deals
with the development of new and desired variation(s) through breeding programs
for overall crop improvement that has recently been significantly spread widely. In-
duced mutations can play an important role in the conservation and preservation of
crop biodiversity. Induced mutations and related advance technologies are impor-
tant not only for extending genetic diversity of major crops but also are an important
additional source of biodiversity enhancement of neglected and local crops.
A mutation is a sudden heritable change in the DNA of a living cell, not caused
by the common phenomena of genetic segregation or genetic recombination. Mu-
tations may occur in nature without intentional human intervention, and are said
to be spontaneous. Spontaneous mutations may result from the activity of mobile
genetic elements (transposons) that can move around to different positions within
the genome of a single cell and affect the activity of the gene in which they are
inserted (Wessler 2006). Mobile genetic elements affect the gene function through
various mechanisms. Retro-transposons, for example, move in the genome by be-
ing transcribed to RNA and then back to DNA by reverse transcriptase, while DNA
transposons move directly from one position to another within the genome using
a transposase enzyme to ‘cut and paste’ them within the genome, causing sponta-
neous mutations (Kidwell 2005). Most spontaneous mutations occur in very low
frequencies (10−6) of an individual gene. Moreover, not all phenotypically observed
variation refers to genetic changes. At the same time, not all the spontaneous chang-
es in the DNA ultimately result in permanent changes of the DNA. Even if such
changes would be permanent, they may not always result in visible or detectable ef-
fects (Ranel 1989). For example, there may be latent adaptive mutations in African
nightshade that help the plants to survive in the wild, but these are not known so far.
Besides, spontaneous mutations depend on chance and make breeding programmes
considerably slow. Although selection for economically useful spontaneous mu-
tants still takes place with some level of success (Ahloowalia et al. 2004; Wilde
et al. 2012), the purposeful induction of a specifically desired mutation at a specific
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 153
time and place, and in a selected genotype for a selected purpose is a much more
attractive option.
Mutation Induction
A physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic information (usually DNA)
of an organism and thus increasing the number of mutations above the natural back-
ground level is called a mutagen (Fig. 4.1). DeVries (1905) suggested the use of
radiation to induce mutations. The discovery that X-ray induced mutations in Dro-
sophila melanogaster (Muller 1927) and in Hordeum vulgare (Stadler 1928) led to
the use of radiation-induced mutations for changing plant traits by plant breeders
and geneticists. Auerbach and Robson (1946) reported the use of chemicals such
as mustard gas to be highly mutagenic. Since then a number of agents have been
discovered that can increase the frequency of artificially induced mutations. The
main mutagens available for induction of mutations include UV radiation, electro-
magnetic waves such as X-rays, γ-rays and cosmic rays; fast moving particles such
as α-particles, β-particles and neutrons; and chemical agents such as, alkylating
agents, acridines, azides, hydroxyl amides, etc. In general, ionizing radiations such
as X-rays and γ-rays are preferred over chemical mutagens because of their ease of
application, good penetration and reproducibility, high mutation frequency and less
disposal problems. The X-rays are obtained from X-ray machines by bombarding
tungsten or molybdenum with electrons in a vacuum, whereas γ-rays are obtained
from radioisotopes like 60Co and 137Caesium in the γ-chamber. The UV-radiations
possess limited tissue penetrating ability [low linear energy transfer or in short
LET] and cause relatively little damage except after prolonged exposure as a result
of which their use is restricted to pollen grains (Kovacs and Keresztes 2002).
The application of this phenomenon has come a long way to become a real
tool, not only in crop breeding but also in basic research on the plant genome, its
structure and function. Breeders were the first to recognize the potential of induced
mutations through analogy with spontaneous mutants, often selected as new plant
types in many crops, from cereals to apples, not to mention ornamental and decora-
tive plants. Many mutants with desired traits were selected in the second or third
generation after mutagenic treatment and subsequently released as new cultivars
after agronomic evaluation in regional and national trials. These or other mutants
developed with mutations in desired traits, even though not released as new cul-
tivars, have been used in cross-breeding programmes as a source of particular al-
leles, often allelic to the spontaneous ones, but in a desired genotype. Among them
were sources for characters such as short stature and lodging resistance; disease
resistance; oil quality; and increased nitrogen fixation. These mutated genes are
especially valuable as the best currently grown cultivar was usually selected for
mutagenic treatment. A desired mutation in a good genetic background is a very
attractive component in breeding programmes. This approach is much simpler and
faster than crossing with an exotic source, and it is one of the main reasons for the
154 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
Fig. 4.1 Different kinds of physical and chemical mutagens that are mostly used and selected
plants parts for mutagenic treatment/induction
wide use of mutated alleles in the breeding of numerous species. Mutation induction
raises the natural mutation rates 10–100 fold, expanding the opportunity to isolate a
higher number of mutants in a limited space. Today, induced mutations are ideal for
augmenting natural variation in germplasm and as an alternative to hybridization
and recombination in plant breeding. Mutations provide new starting material for
the production of new cultivars and on the other hand they offer excellent tools for
identifying new genes, for studying the nature of genes and their way of controlling
biochemical pathways (Micke et al. 1990). The genetic variation from mutagenesis
is different from that existing in germplasm collections or obtainable from cross-
ing as it is not yet selected by nature or man and thus contains traits which were
not favored during evolution or previous plant breeding activities. Besides, genes
for a desired trait may not be fit or may be tightly linked with undesirable genes so
that recombination through hybridization is rare or impossible. For example, genes
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 155
One of most crucial requirements for a successful breeding programme is the selec-
tion of an effective and efficient doze of a mutagen for mutagenizing the starting
material. Historically, the effectiveness of a mutagen has been measured in terms
of biological effect that it produces. It is, however, desirable to establish a relation-
ship between the observed biological effect to a well-defined and easily measurable
physical quantity characterizing the amount of radiation or chemical mutagen re-
sponsible for that effect (Roychowdhury 2011). Therefore, the mutagenic effect in
biological targets is commonly and conveniently described in terms of dose-effect
relationships. In quantitative radiation biology, the ‘simple dose’ (D) is the amount
of energy absorbed per mass of irradiated matter at the point of interest. The special
unit of D is rad (1 tad 100 erg/g = 10−2 joule/kg), expressed in terms of time as rad/h,
rad/min and rad/s. Thus, among others, changes in radiation doses and duration of
exposure of biological material to the irradiation are important parameters of physi-
cal mutations. In case of chemical agents, the dose of treatment is determined based
on several parameters viz., (i) concentration, (ii) duration of treatment and (iii) tem-
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 157
Fig. 4.2 The schematic view of E5B beam line. (RRC = RIKEN Ring Cyclotron)
Application of ion beams for mutation induction was started with low-energy
ions in China in the late 1980s and with heavy ions in Japan in the early 1990s.
While ion beam technology has been used for food crop improvement in China,
it has been more extensively used for floriculture plants in Japan. Ion beams as
a mutagen are different from other physical mutagens such as gamma or X-rays
in that they not only involve energy transfer (as gamma or X-rays), but also mass
deposition and charge exchange (Hase et al. 2012); hence could result in complex
DNA damage and changes that are not found when gamma or X-rays are used
(high percentage of double strand breaks and subsequent chromosome aberrations).
Ion beams are produced by particle accelerators, i.e. cyclotrons. Figure 4.2 is a
schematic view of the E5B beam line available in the RIKEN Accelerator Research
Facility (RARF), Japan.
158 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
Table 4.2 Heavy ions for biological research in RIKEN Accelerator Research Facility (RARF).
(Modified from Kazama et al. 2008)
Heavy ions Charges Energy LET (keV/μm) Range in water
MeV/u GeV (mm)
C + 6 135 1.62 22.5 43
N + 7 135 1.89 26.3 34
Ne + 10 135 2.70 61.1 23
Ar + 17 95 3.80 280.0 8
Fe + 24 90 5.04 624.0 4
Typical heavy ions used for irradiation on biological samples are neon-20, nitro-
gen-14, carbon-12, lithium-7, argon-40, iron-56 (Table 4.2).
They have different energy levels and linear energy transfer (LET), ionization
densities which correlate to the complexity of DNA damage, and different ranges
of penetration (Fig. 4.3).
LET is the energy deposited to target material when an ionizing particle passes
through it. Once an accelerated particle encounters any substance, it gradually los-
es its own energy (i.e., the same amount of energy is transferred to the substance
causing damage.) and eventually stops at the point where the maximum energy
loss is observed (Fig. 4.4). In this figure, an ionizing particle gradually loses its
own energy as it slows down in the target material. LET refers to this energy loss,
which is deposited to the material. In this cartoon, LET is represented by wavy
lines. LET reaches its maximum just before the ionizing particle stops. Immediately
after this peak, LET plunges to zero. LET is usually expressed in kilo electron volts
per micrometer (keV/mm), which represents the average amount of energy lost per
unit distance. Ion beams have a relatively high LET (around 10–1,000 keV/µm or
higher), while X-rays, γ-rays and electrons have low LETs (around 0.2 keV/µm).
Therefore, ion beams are able to cause more severe damage to living cells than
other forms radiation, resulting in the high relative biological effectiveness (Blakely
1992; Lett 1992). It is possible to modulate the treatment of plant material with one
species of ion at different LETs by passing the ions through a combination of ab-
sorbers—since changes in the LET of ion species occur as they pass through matter
(Kazama et al. 2008).
Studies have shown that the biological effect of ion beam radiation is dependent
on absorption doses and LET values but independent of ion species (Kazama et al.
2008), which means that the treatment of carbon-12 would produce similar biologi-
cal effect on rice seeds as neon-20 if the same dose (say 50 Gy) and same LET (say
30 keV/μm) is applied. DNA double strand breaks are believed to be the most im-
portant consequence of ion beam radiation. Very complex repair mechanisms have
been unveiled but are prone to errors due to double-strand breaks and lead to dele-
tions, insertions, inversions and translocations. Studies on the mutant gene alleles
induced by ion beam radiation showed that most mutations are deletions and that
the size of DNA deletion is LET-dependent. Most complex DNA damage caused
by the intricate set of effects of heavy ion beams (HIB) escapes the repair efforts
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 159
and thus is described as more biologically effective and mutagenic than X-rays and
gamma rays. A wider mutation spectrum and less collateral physiological damage
(i.e. effect on plant survival and growth) is commonly reported for ion beam radia-
tion as compared to other mutagens, which is considered an important advantage.
In China, 23 new rice and wheat mutant varieties have been bred using ion beam
technology and released for large scale commercial production (more than 1 mil-
lion ha per annum). The wheat variety ‘Wanmai 54’ displayed excellent resistance
to head scab disease and rust disease and recorded the highest yield in the national
new wheat variety yield trial (2003–2007), with yield increases over control variety
of 7–10.6 %. In Japan, ion beam technology has been used for generating mutants
for a vast number of plant species by various researchers; for example, a consortium
of more than 90 user groups was established to utilize the ion beam technology
160 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
available in RARF (Japan). Six new flower varieties have been developed using
this technology and marketed in Canada, Japan, USA and the EU since 2002. Oka-
mura et al. (2012) demonstrated that ion-beam radiation mediated breeding can
alter and improve petal color and shading; this leads to the success creating the
most glittering carnation ever by taking advantage of new mutagenesis techniques
combined with exploiting genomic information. Here, Nakayam et al. (2012) sum-
marized their ideas obtained from their successive ion-beam mutant studies that can
be generally applied to the generation of mutants as follows:
1. Because of cooperative and compensative biosynthetic regulation between a tar-
get and its related compounds, mutants in which the target compounds either
increased or decreased could be generated by ion-beam irradiation.
2. When multiple compounds are concerned in the expression of one phenotype,
different types of mutants occur among the same phenotype.
3. Structural changes of the target compound influence the physical, chemical and
physicochemical properties, such as light-absorption, co-pigmentation effect and
solubility, respectively, resulting in the acquisition of a novel phenotype.
Gamma Phytotron
Fig. 4.5 The diagrammatic view of the gamma ray source and associated apparatus in gamma
phytotron. (Modified from Kang et al. 2010)
the growth conditions of targeted plants (Fig. 4.5). The difference of mutagenic ef-
fects of the acute and chronic irradiation can be compared using the same treatment
dose. It is expected that the heavy applications of the chronic gamma phytotron will
be extended to various crop plants, which are eventually provided to domestic and
global communities for mutation breeding and fundamental research.
Chemical Mutagenesis
The use of chemical mutagens is also very simple and can be done in any bio-
logical laboratory with basic equipment. However, it should be kept in mind that
most chemical mutagens are also strong carcinogens. For this reason, all steps of
mutagenic treatment should be carried out wearing gloves and under a Biohazard
flow-hood. These safety conditions are not necessary for treatment with sodium
azide, which is a very powerful mutagen, but only for a limited number of species,
including barley, rice, maize, oat, sorghum, sesame, jute and soybean. Numerous
chemical mutagens have been successfully used for crop improvement.
The mutagenic action of a chemical mutagen induces somatic and genetic effects
in a treated cell, tissue or organ. After treatment of seeds, only unrepaired damage
to the DNA in initial cells of the sporogenic layer (germ line cells) are transferred
as mutations to the next generation. Other mutations in somatic cells of the embryo,
including mitotic chromosomal aberrations, together with toxic action of a muta-
gen on all components of cytosol, affect plant growth and development, and are
called the ‘somatic effect’ of the mutagen. The steps generally followed in muta-
162 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
genic treatment of seeds with chemical mutagens are: pre-soaking in distilled water,
pre-treatment rinsing in tap water, treatment with the mutagen, post-treatment rins-
ing in tap water and drying (if necessary) on a filter paper. All steps of mutagenic
treatment should be done using glass beakers to avoid any interaction of chemical
mutagens with even trace quantities of metallic cataions or other active reagents.
Seeds for each dose of mutagenic treatment (M0 generation) and for the untreated
control, usually the parent variety, are put into beakers that are visibly labeled with
the applied concentration of mutagen (Roychowdhury 2011).
As dry seeds are usually used for treatment, pre-soaking in distilled water should
be applied to activate seeds physiologically before treatment with mutagen. The
amount of water used in pre-soaking should be at least 2–3 times the volume of dry
seeds. The beakers with pre-soaked seeds should be gently shaken a few times to
remove air bubbles, which can block access of mutagen to embryos. Duration of
pre-soaking depends on the biology of germination of a particular crop species. For
example, in barley and other major cereals, 8–10 h of pre-soaking in room tempera-
ture (20–24 °C) is usually applied. Pre-soaking significantly reduces the somatic
effect of chemical mutagen (Roychowdhury and Tah 2011a). Short washing, 2–3
times in room-temperature tap water should be applied after soaking to remove
water-soluble substances leaching from the seed. Such prepared seeds are ready
for mutagenic treatment. It is advisable to use three doses of mutagen for a large-
scale field experiment. This is especially desired for regions with very variable
and unpredictable weather conditions during the growing period of mutagenetically
treated material. Drought, cold and heat can significantly modify the somatic ef-
fect of a mutagen and influence the final effect of treatment. The concentration of
mutagen, its duration and temperature of treatment are understood under the term
‘dose’ in chemical mutagenesis. A temperature of mutagenic solution of 22–24°C is
most often applied for the seed treatment of various crop species. The use of other
temperatures is also possible. However, it should be noted that the increased tem-
perature will significantly shorten the half-life of chemical mutagen and generate
products of hydrolysis that can increase undesired somatic effect of a mutagen. This
is especially relevant to treatment with mutagens such as diethyl sulfate (DES) or
ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS). To obtain equal penetration of a mutagen through
the cells of a seed embryo, it is necessary to treat seeds in a water solution of the
mutagen for 3–5 h. Similar to the pre-soaking, the treatment should be done with
a significant surplus of mutagenic solution, some 2–3 times the volume of the dry
seeds. In cereals, about 1–1.5 ml of mutagenic solution is applied per seed. The
concentration of the mutagen should be considered, together with duration of the
treatment. A shorter treatment time with higher concentration of mutagen can in-
crease somatic effects and could be insufficient to penetrate equally all cells in the
plant material. A gentler treatment requires a lower concentration but longer period
of application.
Extensive post-treatment rinsing several times in room-temperature tap water is
necessary to stop action of the mutagen and to remove its residues from the surface
of the seeds. To facilitate sowing, the treated seeds can be dried on filter paper
under a fume hood. However, too intensive drying, especially with increased air
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 163
temperature, can enhance somatic effects of the mutagen. Surface-dry seeds are
ready for sowing and are termed the M1 generation. In a well-organized labora-
tory, pre-soaking is done overnight and mutagenic treatment in the early morning.
This allows the M1 seeds to be sown the same day. Should this be impossible, due
to prolonged pre-soaking or mutagenic treatment, the mutagen treated seeds, after
brief drying, can be kept in a refrigerator at a temperature of around 6–8 °C. Some
mutagens are active in a particular acidity of a treatment solution. This is the case
for sodium azide, which is a very efficient mutagen in several species if applied at
low pH. For this reason, sodium azide is dissolved in a phosphate buffer at pH 3 and
this solution is used for treatment.
A sequential strategy is essential for any mutation breeding steps where mutagen-
ic induction and its mutagenesis are much helpful for autogamous crops than the
cross-pollinating one. This is due to several problems regarding the incorporation,
selection and maintenance of recessive mutations in crop plant, many plant breed-
ing problems in the cross-pollinating species, sometime many handling based prob-
lem for the existing variability. Where the lack of variability exists for specific
and simply inherited traits, the basis of choosing between induced mutations and
hybridization is essentially the same in self- and cross-fertilizing species. However,
the genetic consequences of the failure of recessive imitations to express in cross-
fertilizing systems without forced selling or sib-mating must be taken into consid-
eration in assessing the cost of such ventures. The efficiency of mutation breeding,
more than any other breeding method is dependent on the effectiveness with which
useful variants can be recognized in M2 or M3 generation. The first step in the muta-
tion breeding selection process is to reduce the population of potential variants to a
sufficiently small fraction to permit more detailed analysis and evaluation.
upon the single locus mutation rate estimate of 1 × 10-4 this would mean that in an
experiment using 2,000 M1 plants, there would 10–100 × 10-3 mutations or 1–10
per treated cell. Of these, some may be easily recognizable, others not; few usable,
most of them not. Admittedly such estimates cannot be very accurate but the old, of
magnitude should be acceptable and, therefore, be taken into account (Roychowd-
hury 2011).
Size of Ml Population
The Ml population is the plants that are generated from mutagenized seeds or other
propagules. Determination of target population size in Ml is the most crucial com-
ponent of mutation breeding. The target should be fixed so as to allow high number
of mutation events, yet the population size should be manageable by the breeder.
It is obvious that the population size will depend on the inheritance pattern of the
gene. If the mutation is monogenic recessive, the probability of recovering a mutant
phenotype will be higher than for a trait controlled by more than one gene. In math-
ematical terms, if ‘n’ is the number of mutation events in the Ml generation after
treatment, and ‘P’ is the probability of occurrence of at least one mutation, then-
log(1 − P )
n= , where µ is the rate of mutation
log(1 − µ )
With a mutation frequency of 1 × 10-4, ‘n’ equals to 46,520 for a monogenic reces-
sive trait. As there are two alleles, the number may be reduced to 23,260, indicating
that about 25,000 plants are to be grown to obtain a useful mutation in Ml genera-
tion. In practice, ten times of the size has to be considered, because the mutation
produced may be useful or undesirable. Mutation breeding is an input intensive
process. It is therefore advisable to select mutagens with high mutation frequency,
so that Ml generation size can be reduced.
While planting Ml population, it is suitable to divide the whole seed lot in dif-
ferent small sections for ease of screening and analysis of chimera. It is to be re-
membered that germ-line mutations take place only in the initial cells of embryo,
so depending on the nature of the species, products of initial divisions should be
screened. For example, cereals like rice, wheat, barley, oat etc. produce multiple
tillers. Those tillers that generates first (primary tillers) have maximum chance to
carry mutation. In case of tuber crops like potato, the mutation may be present in
any of the stems arising from different discs of a tuber, so each of them has equal
chance to give rise to a mutation. Obviously, here the segregation pattern of muta-
tion will depend on both the number of stems as well as the ploidy level of potato,
which is an autotetraploid crop. Mutation breeding in polyploidy crop is more dif-
ficult than a diploid crop due to therecombination and segregation problem.
Genetically, a mutant plant in Ml should be heterozygous, because during treat-
ment, only one allele is affected by one mutation. Probability of occurrence of a
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 165
M1 Generation Maintenance
The treated seeds need to be handled with care. The seeds treated, with physical mu-
tagens can be stored before sowing. However, the seeds treated with chemical mu-
tagens should be washed thoroughly and be planted as soon as possible. If the seeds
cannot be plowed soon for various reasons such as weather or long transport, the
seeds should be dried in shade to a moisture content of about 13 % as soon as pos-
sible without causing any damage to the seeds. Soil conditions can have consider-
able influence on survival and growth of the M1. Nitrogen fertility of the soil should
be normal or slightly sub-normal to limit excessive vegetative growth. However,
other nutrients should be at optimum levels. The time of sowing should be slightly
later (2 or 3 weeks) than normal so as to reduce excessive vegetative growth. The
purpose of isolation of the M1 is to avoid the introduction of genetic variability
other than that induced with the mutagenic treatment. Most mutagen treatments will
induce some pollen sterility increasing the amount of out crossing. M1 population
should be planted 75–100 m apart from the parental or other genotypes of the same
crop species. If the crop is frequently insect pollinated, as with some legumes, the
required isolation may he greater and other means of isolation may be required.
Mutagen treated M1 materials normally flower over a longer period than the control
materials. A slightly later sowing of M1 material than the parental genotype will
permit separation of flowering times. When mutation breeding is practiced with a
limited number of M1 types of a crop, it may be possible to grow M1 treatments side
by side since F1 hybrids may not occur or could easily be recognized by means of
marker traits such as flower, plant or spike colour. Mechanically isolation can be
achieved by bagging spikes in cereals using plastic or paper bags to prevent cross-
pollination and bird damage. M1 generation can also be grown in a green house or
in the screen enclosures to achieve control over pollination by insects. Methods of
harvesting the M1 populations will depend on the pattern of ontogenetic develop-
ment in the species, the methods of screening and the generation to be screened
for mutants. In case the seed yield from each branch is reasonably adequate, it is
suggested that each primary branch may be harvested separately. In case of cereals,
individual plant or spike can be harvested (Roychowdhury 2011; Roychowdhury
et al. 2011c, 2012).
166 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
Management of M2 Population
When a mutant appears promising, seed multiplication for extensive field testing is
necessary. The mutant, the mother strain and other varieties with which it is intend-
ed to compare, should produce comparable seed properties for the basic trial seed.
Mutants of vegetatively propagated plants can be multiplied by the usual method
for the crop in question such as cuttings, grafting, budding, layering, bulbs, tubers
etc. The methods of testing mutants in comparative trials are essentially the same
as for any other newly developed strain. It is intended to find whether the mu-
tant promises to become a variety surpassing the value of the mother strain and of
the best available variety (a) in at least one property or (b) by a better combina-
tion of different characters; mutants of growth rhythm, growth habit, structure
and yield components should be tested in a wide range of environments such as
locations, soil, water and nutrient conditions, seed rates, planting, distances, sowing
dates etc.
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 167
Diversifying the limited genetic variability for agronomic traits of interest, espe-
cially yield and its associate attributes and developing new crop cultivars are much
demanding in this modern era (Roychowdhury et al. 2012). Due to lack of suf-
ficient natural variability, the mutation breeding performance in crop species can
significantly accelerate many breeding endeavors, which have proven difficult with
classical breeding procedures (Roychowdhury 2011; Roychowdhury et al. 2011).
Various metrical attributes like seed weight, number of branches, leaves, flowers,
leaf area, etc., are very much complex in nature because it is governed by polygenes
and greatly influenced by environmental factors (Roychowdhury et al. 2011, 2011c,
2012). This may raise breeder’s concern, since the genetic organization provides
the base for crop enhancement of environmental adaptation, yield and other associ-
ated attributes. The presence of adequate genetic variability between treatments of
a cultivar is critically important (Fasoula and Fasoula 2002). Moreover, the genetic
progress in a breeding program is actually dependent on the variation in the pres-
ent gene pool (Dreisigacker et al. 2004) associated with the magnitude of several
genetic parameters.
It is a powerful and effective tool in the hands of plant breeders for self-pol-
linating crops having narrow genetic base as well as for cross-pollinating crops
(Micke 1988). The success of any breeding program depends to a large extent on
the amount of genetic variability present in the population. The role of mutation
breeding in increasing the genetic variability for desired traits in various crop plants
have been proved beyond doubt by a number of scientists (Tah 2006; Adamu and
Aliyu 2007; Khan and Goyal 2009; Kozgar et al. 2011; Mostafa 2011; Kozgar et al.
2012). Wide spectrum of genetic variability has been induced using both physical
and chemical mutagens in order to utilize it in crop improvement and inheritance
studies (Patil 1966; Ashri 1970; Gowda et al. 1996). Induced mutations have been
used to generate genetic variability and have been successfully utilized to improve
yield and yield components of various crops like Oryza sativa (Singh et al. 1998),
Dianthus caryophyllus (Roychowdhury and Tah 2011b), Solanum melongena (Roy-
chowdhury et al. 2011c), Cicer arietinum (Kozgar et al. 2012), Vicia faba (Ismail
et al. 1977), Vigna radiata (Wani and Khan 2006; Roychowdhury et al. 2012),
Vigna unguiculata (Mensah and Akomeah 1992), Cajanus cajan (Srivastava and
Singh 1996), Vigna mungo (Singh and Singh 2001b) and Lens culinaris (Khan et al.
2006). These reports show that mutagenesis is a potential tool to be employed for
crop improvement.
Overall variability must be partitioned into heritable and non-heritable compo-
nents with the aid of genetic parameters such as genotypic and phenotypic coef-
ficients of variation, heritability and genetic advance (Ariyo 1987; Roychowdhury
and Tah 2011b; Roychowdhury et al. 2011a, 2011c, 2012). Genetic variability stud-
ies provide basic information regarding the genetic properties of the population
based on which breeding methods are formulated for further improvement of the
crop. These studies are also helpful to know about the nature and extent of vari-
168 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
ability that can be attributed to different causes, sensitive nature of the crop to envi-
ronmental influences, heritability of the characters and genetic advance that can be
realized in practical breeding. Progress in any crop improvement venture depends
mainly on the magnitude of genetic variability and heritability present in the source
material. The extent of variability is measured by genotypic coefficient of variance
(GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variance (PCV) which provides information
about relative amount of variation in different characters. Hence, to have a thorough
comprehensive idea, it is necessary to have and analytical assessment of metrical
components. Since heritability is also influenced by environment, the information
on heritability alone may not help in pin pointing characters enforcing selection.
Nevertheless, the heritability estimates in conjunction with the predicted genetic ad-
vance will be more reliable (Johnson et al. 1955). Heritability gives the information
on the magnitude of inheritance of quantitative traits, while genetic advance will be
helpful in formulating suitable selection procedures. Thus such studies permit an
effective screening of large plant population leading to generate demanding mutant
lines. Therefore, an investigative attempt is essential for estimation the extent of
various genetic parameters like variability, heritability and genetic advance in mu-
tagen treated crop lines for some common agronomically important metrical traits
and establishing a suitable breeding procedure, except expensive available molecu-
lar breeding methods along with developing a high quality and better yielding new
crop germplasm to increase its diversity and sustainable agro-economical market
demand by analyzing the stability capability and effect of mutagens for character
improvement (Roychowdhury et al. 2011c).
Introduce of analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed either significant or non-
significant differences (at 1 % and/or 5 % level of probability) amongst the crop
genotypes for all the analyzed traits. When highly significant differences were
found, the crop genotypes showed a wide range of variation for all the characters
studied. After analysis of variance (ANOVA) for each character, F-value was cal-
culated. The wide range of F-values provides bright scope to select superior and
suitable genotypes to be incorporated in the breeding programmes for further crop
improvement. It is also important to note the value of coefficient of variation (CV)
and critical difference (CD) values whose significant numerals indicate that the
crop cultivar is suitable for its respective locational field where prevailing environ-
mental effects were favorable. The higher CD value indicates higher stability in that
environment (Roychowdhury 2011).
Substantial differences within phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic (GCV) co-ef-
ficient of variation were needed to mark for all the studied attributes. The least
difference between PCV and GCV indicating phenotypic variability is reliable mea-
sure of genotypic variability. The PCV was higher than the corresponding GCV
for all time the traits which might be due to the interaction of the genotypes with
the environment to some degree or other denoting environmental factors influenc-
ing the expression of these characters. Close correspondence between PCV and
GCV for the characters implied their relative resistance to prevailing environmental
variation. Higher values of PCV and GCV indicate the presence of high degree of
variability and better scope for improvement. However, low values have indicated
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 169
narrow range of variation for these characters and provides very least scope for se-
lection. This also described that genetic factors were predominantly responsible for
expression of these attributes and selection could be made effectively on the basis
of phenotypic performance (Roychowdhury et al. 2011c).
The heritability estimates indicate the relative amount of estimates have been
found to be satisfactory tools for selection based on phenotypic performance. The
high estimates of heritability suggested that selection based on phenotypic perfor-
mance would be more effective. However, heritability values alone may not provide
clear predictability of the breeding value. Heritability in conjugation with genetic
advance over mean (GAM) and/or genetic gain is more effective and reliable in
predicting the resultant effect of selection (Roychowdhury and Tah 2011b; Roy-
chowdhury et al. 2011c, 2012). High heritability combined with high genetic gain
indicates less influence of environment in expression of these characters; and preva-
lence of additive gene action in their inheritance (Panse 1957). Hence, these metri-
cal traits require simple selection in breeding programmes. High heritability with
moderate genetic gain indicates that the characters were governed by additive gene
interaction. High heritability coupled with low genetic gain indicating non-additive
gene action; hence heterosis breeding would be recommended for that trait.
(DNA amounts correspond to genome length) than A. thaliana. This indicates the
amount of work that should be done to fill in the ‘phenotype gap’ in higher plants,
especially the major crop species. Because of the small rice genome size, large scale
mutational work should be initiated with this crop. The synteny of cereal genomes
can help in the use of mutated genes in other cereals.
To narrow the ‘phenotype gap’ in crop plant species, it is necessary to expand
mutant resources in breadth and depth (Brown and Peters 1996) by recovering mu-
tations at new loci and recovering further mutations at known mutated loci. Closing
the ‘phenotype gap’ requires efficient mutagenesis protocols and sensitive screen-
ing methods. As current mutagenesis has a great number of mutagenic agents such
as various types of radiation, chemical mutagenesis, in vitro conditions, insertional
mutagenesis, and activation of retro-transposons, the efficient and sensitive screen-
ing method is still the most limiting factor for isolation of a particular mutation.
There are many misconceptions related to frequency of specific locus mutations.
Most probably, underestimation of the frequency of mutations induced by radia-
tion or chemical mutagens leads to a very critical assessment of their usefulness in
generating desired genetic variability and diversity in plants. It has generally been
accepted, from the last 3 decades, that the average frequency of induced mutations
is approximately on the level of 1 × 10−6. This figure ignores the data related to the
level of spontaneous mutations which have almost similar level for higher eukary-
otes (Drake et al. 1998). Consequently, too high of mutagen doses have often been
used, which induced too many mutations in the nucleus of each treated cell. The
generative progeny that develop from this cell segregate for many characters that
may negatively influence agronomically important characters, such as adaptability
and yield potential. As a result, due to the use of high doses, many mutants were se-
lected in mutated populations but most frequently with significant modifications in
parental genetic background that made their usefulness in breeding programs high-
ly questionable. The effectiveness of mutational strategies was also compromised
by improper handling of successive mutated generations due to misunderstanding
of the genetic consequences of chimeric structure of first mutant generation (M1)
plants and the adoption of ‘diplontic selection’ concept. In reality, the frequency
of mutations at numerous loci is much higher, as is indicated by the frequency of
mutants in the second mutant generation (M2) of some crop species.
Recent developments of gene transfer technology have enormous promise for
improvement of plant productivity; however, there is a lack of available new genes
which can be transferred to current high-yielding varieties and further significantly
increase yield. In other words, there are no genes that have been identified which
can contribute to world crop production. Borlaug (1997) referred to these genes as
‘master genes’ and concluded that Biotechnology may be a new window through
which to search for new ‘master genes’ for high yield potential by eliminating the
confounding effects of other genes. Therefore until new master genes are discov-
ered, alternative solutions for crop improvement must be pursued. Further increases
in crop yield may involve breeding for improved root systems. Breeding programs
for high yield and adaptability have only indirectly selected favorable root systems.
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 171
jor component of today research on molecular genetics and genomics. Specific se-
quences like transposons can be randomly inserted into a genotype through genetic
crossing, which when inserted within a gene, blocks its transcription, thereby caus-
ing loss of phenotype. The gene then can be identified by using the sequences of
transposon, a technique known as transposon tagging. A variety of other techniques
including RNA interference, gene trap, activation tagging and virus induced gene
silencing are based on the same principle of knocking out the phenotype through
inactivation either at DNA or RNA level to establish gene-phenotype relationship.
Discussion of such techniques is beyond the scope of discussion and will primarily
concentrate on the application of mutation induction for crop improvement purpose
only. International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) has categorized its mutant
variety database of 3,220 (as on December 2008) varieties according to six breeding
methods namely:
1. Development of commercial cultivars through direct mutagenesis of genotype
(2,738 genotypes),
2. Development of variety using mutant line as one of the parents in crossing pro-
gramme (375 genotypes),
3. Development of variety through crossing of two mutants (28 genotypes),
4. Development of hybrid variety using mutant genotype as one parent (26
5. Development of variety through mutation of segregating generation (53
The first category includes 273R varieties and involves all the released variety
through mutagenesis of seed, vegetative propagules and cultured tissues. Among
the other classes, more success have resulted from using mutant line as parent in
breeding programme as well as mutagenesis of breeding nurseries. Country wise,
China ranks first in development of new varieties through induced mutagenesis
and is well ahead of other countries in numbers. Many of these mutant varieties
have been developed in rice, the principal food crop of India, China and other some
Asian countries, through induced mutagenesis of seed as well as anther culture.
Major commercial mutant varieties of China have been developed in rice, wheat,
maize, Capsicum, cotton, tomato and groundnut. India ranks second after China,
developing about 240 mutant varieties of different crops through direct mutagenesis
of which major varieties have been developed for rice, wheat, barley, pearl millet,
jute, groundnut, soybean, chickpea, mung bean, cowpea, black gram, sugarcane,
chrysanthemum, rose and Dahlia. Additionally, about 50 varieties have been devel-
oped through using mutant lines in breeding programme. Indian mutation breeding
programme became successful in the sixties with development of mutant varieties
in wheat and rice and thereafter flourished in the next decades where new mutants
have been developed in about 60 agricultural and horticultural crops. The major
methods of mutation breeding in India involve irradiation with gamma rays, X-rays
and treatment with EMS. Major Indian Institutes involved in mutation breeding are
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) in Mumbai, Indian Agricultural Research
174 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
Institute (IARI) in New Delhi and National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI)
in Lucknow. Besides, some State Universities like The University of Burdwan
(BU), Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
(TNAU) and crop specific National Research Centers have contributed a lot in mu-
tation breeding programme in India.
Genetic variation is a powerful resource that humans have exploited over the mil-
lennia to advance biological knowledge and generate the crops and horticultural
varieties that have become so much a part of everyday life. In recent years, the
availability of genomic sequences from many plant species and the development of
a wide array of molecular-genetic technologies have enhanced our ability to detect
or engineer such variation at specific genetic loci (reverse genetics), greatly expand-
ing our capacity for both probing gene function and genetic engineering. McCallum
et al. (2000a) have introduced a new reverse genetic strategy that combines the high
density of point mutations provided by traditional chemical mutagenesis with rapid
mutational screening to discover induced lesions. TILLING ( Targeting Induced Lo-
cal Lesions IN Genomes) combines chemical mutagenesis (Koornneef et al. 1982)
with a sensitive mutation detection instrument.
The TILLING strategy utilizes traditional mutagenesis followed by high through-
put mutation discovery (Mccallum et al. 2000b; Colbert et al. 2001). The main
steps in TILLING are mutagenesis, the development of a non-chimeric population,
preparation of a germplasm stock, DNA extraction and sample pooling, screening
the population for induced mutations, and the validation and evaluation of mutants
(Fig. 4.6). The methods required for each step can be applied to many species, mak-
ing the TILLING process broadly applicable. Mutants discovered by TILLING can
be used for gene-function studies and can be introduced into breeding programs.
In a pilot experiment, DNA from a collection of EMS-mutagenized Arabidop-
sis plants was pooled, subjected to PCR amplification, and screened for mutations
using denaturing HPLC (DHPLC). DHPLC detects mismatches in heteroduplexes
created by melting and annealing of heteroallelic DNA. Among the lesions detected
were base transitions causing missense and nonsense changes that can be used for
phenotypic analyses.
TILLING is suitable for any organism that can be heavily mutagenized, even
those that lack genetic tools. Starting with a homozygous population is desirable,
176 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
Fig. 4.6 A TILLING chart for gene function analysis and developing new crop varieties. A muta-
genized population is prepared using a mutagen that primarily causes small lesions (single nucleo-
tide polymorphisms, or insertions/deletions) randomly throughout the genome. Many mutagenic
treatments produce a chimeric plant in the first generation. Chimeras are dissolved and a structured
population is typically developed. A germplasm stock is prepared for long term storage of mutant
lines, and DNA is extracted from each individual mutant. DNAs are pooled and the library of
samples is screened for induced mutations in selected regions of target genes. Candidate mutants
are removed from the germplasm stock and further characterized genotypically and phenotypi-
cally. Individuals or lines exhibiting the desired characteristics can be incorporated into the breed-
ing program
because DHPLC will detect polymorphisms. Nevertheless, this strategy can be ap-
plied to species and hybrids that cannot be practically homozygosed: we and others
have detected rare polymorphisms in a heteroallelic background using DHPLC. The
general applicability of TILLING makes it appropriate for genetic modification of
crops, and there may be agricultural interest in producing phenotypic variants with-
out introducing foreign DNA of any type into a plant’s genome.
TILLING consists of several major steps: development of a mutagenized popu-
lation, DNA preparation and pooling, and mutation discovery (Fig. 4.7). At first,
random mutations are induced in genomes by using chemical mutagens; seeds are
mutagenized by treatment with ethyl methane sulfonate (EMS). The resulting M1
plants are self-fertilized to get the M2 individuals which are used to prepare DNA
samples for mutational screening. DNA is extracted from test samples. The DNA
samples are pooled and arrayed into microtiter plates. Screening for mutations be-
gins with PCR amplification of a target fragment of up to 1.5 kb using gene-specific
infra-red dye-labeled primers. The forward primer is 5′-end labeled with a fluores-
cent dye that is detected at 700 nm (IRDye 700) and the reverse primer is labeled
with the IRDye 800 nm (Till et al. 2006). These PCR products are denatured and
re-annealed to allow the formation of mismatches, or heteroduplexes, which rep-
resent naturally occurring single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and induced
SNPs. Samples, are then incubated with a single-strand specific nuclease to digest
mismatched base pairs. For mismatch-specific cleavage, several enzymes, includ-
ing S1 nuclease (Howard et al. 1999) and T4 endonuclease VII (Youil et al. 1996)
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 177
Fig. 4.7 Schematic diagram of the overall TILLING and ECOTILLING strategy for plants.
(Modified from Simsek and Kacar 2010)
have been used. After cleavaging, DNA samples are purified from buffer compo-
nents and then each sample is loaded onto a denaturing polyacrylamide gel. Cleaved
heteroduplexes produced two smaller molecular weight products, one labeled with
IRDye 700 and the other with IRDye 800, whose sizes added up to the size of the
full length product (Till et al. 2007b).
178 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
TILLING was first applied to Arabidopsis thaliana (McCallum et al. 2000a,
2000b). A mutagenized population was created by treating seeds with EMS. Proof
of concept was shown by the discovery of novel alleles in two cytosine methyl
transferase genes. Researchers have also developed web based software programs
to calculate the putative effect of induced or natural polymorphisms on gene func-
tion. CODDLE (http://www.proweb.org/input) allows requestors to specifically de-
sign their PCR primers to target the functional domain in which they are interested
or to target the most-conserved domain, which is likely to be the most sensitive
to amino-acid substitutions (Gilchrist and Haughn 2005). Also, the conservation-
based SIFT (Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant) software predicts with approximately
75 % accuracy, whether or not an amino acid change is damaging a protein (Ng
and Henikoff 2003). By using a reference DNA sequence, an exon/intron position
model and a list of polymorphisms, software reports the effects of these polymor-
phisms on the expressed gene product in a graphical format (Taylor and Greene
2003). Perry et al. (2003) adapted the TILLING method for the model legume Lotus
japonicas. In a pilot experiment, the frequency of point mutations was analyzed in
the symbiosis defective (symbiosis receptor kinase) gene, which is required for root
symbioses (Stracke et al. 2002). Using this population, 17 mutations were identified
that relate to six independent alleles, thus demonstrating the concept of Perry et al.
(2003) The applicability of TILLING in a polyploid species for wheat was reported
by Slade and Knauf (2005). Over 200 mutations were discovered in the pilot screen
and the estimated mutation densities were exceptionally high: 1 mutation/40 kb in
tetraploid and 1/24 kb in hexaploid wheat. The TILLING method was applied to
model crop rice (Till et al. 2007b). Two different mutagenic treatments provide
a suitably high density of mutations (over 1/500 kb) to consider development of
rice for a high throughput TILLING service. It was shown that high-throughput
TILLING is feasible to maize (an important commercial crop plant with a large ge-
nome but with limited reverse-genetic resources).Screening results from the pools
of DNA samples for mutations in 1 kb segments from 11 different genes, obtaining
17 independent induced mutations from a population of 750 pollens mutagenized in
maize plants. One of the genes targeted was the DMT102chromomethylase gene, in
which an allelic series of three missense mutations were obtained and are predicted
to be strongly deleterious (Till et al. 2004).
The genomes of individuals within a single species contain significant genetic vari-
ation that has arisen from spontaneous mutation. The vast majority of this diversity
is in the form of single nucleotide changes commonly referred to as simple nucleo-
tide polymorphisms (SNPs). Such naturally occurring SNPs are of great interest
to scientists because they are useful as genetic markers in mapping, breeding and
genotyping and can provide information concerning gene structure, linkage dis-
equilibrium, population structure or adaptation. A number of different techniques
for identifying SNPs have been developed. Some of these detect differences in de-
180 R. Roychowdhury and J. Tah
naturation or single stand structure that result from changes in nucleotide sequence
but such techniques fail to identify the number or position of mutations within the
DNA fragment examined (DeFrancesco and Perkel 2001) so detection must be fol-
lowed by sequencing to distinguish between different polymorphisms. The more
direct methods of array hybridization or sequencing are currently expensive when
applied to multiple loci in large numbers of individuals. TILLING provides an alter-
nate approach to identification of naturally occurring SNPs in large populations that
is both robust and relatively inexpensive. This application of TILLING has been
termed ECOTILLING (Comai et al. 2004). Allowing of forceful discovery of mu-
tations, high throughput TILLING technology is ideal for the detection of natural
polymorphisms: CEL I cut with partial efficiency, allowing the display of multiple
mismatches in a DNA duplex. Therefore, interrogating an unknown homologous
DNA by heteroduplexing to a known sequence reveals the number and position of
polymorphic sites. Both nucleotide changes and small insertions and deletions are
identified, including at least some repeat number polymorphisms. This method is
As with TILLING, ECOTILLING is general, and should be applicable to most
species. The ECOTILLING allows the rapid detection of variation in many indi-
viduals and is cost effective because only one individual for each haplotype need to
be sequenced. The technology is applicable to any organism including those that are
heterozygous and polyploid (Comai et al. 2004). Sixty-three novel SNPs were iden-
tified in 9 target genes, for 41 tree accessions. The ECOTILLING method also was
applied to sugarcane ( Saccharum sp.), a complex polyploidy species, as a model to
develop and test new protocols for high throughput ECOTILLING using capillary
electrophoresis (Eliot et al. 2008). If SNPs in a population occur relatively rarely
(less than one polymorphic individual per pool), the DNA of up to eight such in-
dividuals can be pooled, as is done in TILLING. However, when most individuals
within a population differ at one or more base pairs in any given specific target
sequence, 8-fold pooling will complicate genotyping. For this reason, in highly het-
erozygous species, the genomic DNA from each individual is usually pooled only
with DNA from a reference individual for which the target has been sequenced.
In addition, to detect those loci that were heterozygous prior to pooling, unpooled
genomic DNA from an individual is Ecotilled separately.
ECOTILLING detects the number and relative position of all SNP’s, includ-
ing point mutations, and small insertions and deletions, within a target sequence in
each individual tested. Thus both the spectrum of natural variation within the target
sequence and the distribution of that variation throughout the population can be
established. If knowledge of the specific nucleotide changes is required then DNA
sequencing must be done following ECOTILLING (Fig. 4.7). However, since the
number of different genotypes will normally be much smaller than the number of in-
dividuals examined, the target DNA from only a few representative individuals will
need to be sequenced to establish the exact array of genotypes thus reducing the cost
of SNP detection relative to direct sequencing (Simek and Novoselovi 2012). The
efficacy of ECOTILLING has been demonstrated by two recent studies involving
4 Mutagenesis—A Potential Approach for Crop Improvement 181
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Chapter 5
Role of Bio-fertilizers in Crop Improvement
Bio-fertilizers are microbial inoculants of bacteria, algae, fungi that augment the
availability of nutrients to the plants. Use of bio-fertilizers, in contrast to chemical
fertilizers, accounts economical and ecological benefits to farmers (Brahmaprakash
and Sahu 2012). Different types of microorganisms show the potential of converting
essential soil nutrients which are in unavailable form to available form with the help
of biological activity biological process such as nitrogen fixation and solubilization
of rock phosphate (Rokhzadi et al. 2008). Bio-fertilizers improve plant growth, pro-
tect plants from amelioration of toxic effect in soils, root pest and disease control,
improved water usage and soil fertility (Halim 2009; El-yazeid et al. 2007; Badawi
et al. 2011; Mader et al. 2011; Mohammadi and Sohrabi 2012).
In addition they get engaged in symbiotic as well as associative microbial activi-
ties with higher plants Tiwari et al. 2003. These being an economical and safer source
of plant nutrition for increasing the agricultural production, improve soil fertility and
are called mini fertilizer factories (Vyas et al. 2008). The microorganisms form root
nodules in leguminous plants by colonizing roots of legumes. Nitrogen fixation, phos-
phorus solublization and phytohormone production abilities have been observed and
result in enhancement of agricultural productivity, e.g. Rhizobium for legumes (grain,
fodder) (Ali et al. 2010) plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) for cereals
(wheat, rice, grasses etc.), Azolla for rice ecosystem, and actinomycetes ( Frankia
spp.) (Zhang et al. 2012), for forest trees (Danso et al. 1992). These microorganisms
also have the ability to convert atmospheric nitrogen to plant usable form and can pro-
vide up to 200 kg N/ha/crop. Besides nitrogen, phosphorus is an essential element for
crop production. Another group of bacteria which play important role in stimulating
growth of plants are plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR), they in addition
to stimulating growth of plants also control plant pathogens, and pest infestation i.e
they act as bio-fertilizers as well as biopesticides and ought to have meticulous con-
sideration for agricultural purposes (Lugtenberg and Kamilova 2009). PGPR colo-
nizes the rhizosphere, i.e, around the root, and even in the intercellular spaces of root.
Uses of microbial products have various advantages over traditional chemicals for
agricultural purposes (Mahdi et al. 2010). These products have been commended
safer than many of the chemicals that are used, they can fix atmospheric nitrogen
in nodules of leguminous plants and soil and make it available to the plants and in-
crease the fertility of soil (Shankar et al. 2012). They solublize the insoluble forms
of phosphorous and again make is available to the plants (Hashemabadi et al. 2012),
they also produce hormones which promote the growth of rhizosphere in addition to
these properties they also help in mineralization of soil by decomposing the organic
matter (Mahdi et al. 2010).
5 Role of Bio-fertilizers in Crop Improvement 191
Above all neither toxic exudates of these microbes, nor microbes themselves
are accumulated in the food chain, self-replication of microbes curtails the need for
repeated application and target organisms rarely build up resistance as is observed
when chemical agents are used to get rid of the pests detrimental to plant develop-
ment (Mahdi et al. 2010).
Agricultural land deprived of essential nutrients gets impoverished after long
term cultivation, to provide or nourish the soil nutrient content under conventional
farming system, farmers use apply elevated doses of chemical fertilizers which in
turn contaminate the ecosystem. Thus to implement the agricultural land a balanced
and accountable use of organic agriculture is required. The principles of organic
farming also outline the similar concepts where the soil health and biodiversity
is built up to sustain the plant growth in longer term (Mahdi et al. 2010). Various
beneficial microbes and their products found in rhizosphere are useful to plants
by means of promoting growth or by acting as bio-control agents or both and are
termed as Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Akhtar et al. 2012;
Faramarzi et al. 2012). Rosenblueth and Martinez (2006) described several endo-
phytic bacteria from different plant species mainly belonging to genera Rhizobium,
Azospirillum, Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Azotobacter, Burkholderia, Herbaspirillum,
etc. play beneficial roles e.g. endophytic N-fixation, increased P-uptake, improve
photosynthesis and plant vigor, tolerance to biotic as well as abiotic stresses and in
addition to these properties they act as insecticides and help in phytoremediation of
polluted soils. Bio-fertilizers application can be used on crops prior to planting i.e.
directly to soil, as a side dressing or as a foliar spray because it does not pollute and
it adds humus to the soil (Raj 2007; Venkatashwarlu 2008). Co-inoculation of some
Pseudomonas and Bacillus strains along with effective Rhizobium spp. is shown
to stimulate chickpea growth, nodulation and nitrogen fixation (Mohammadi et al.
2010). Findings of Mohammadi et al. (2010) showed that the highest sugar, protein,
starch contents, nodule weight and seed nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus of chick-
pea were obtained from combined application of phosphate solubilizing bacteria,
Rhizobium and Trichoderma fungus. The Bio-fertilizers fix nitrogen in the soil that
benefits the plant to overcome the nutritional stress. Appropriate doses of phospho-
rus, potassium, zinc, iron, molybdenum and cobalt along with fertilizers mitigate
the stress and the legume starts responding directly to the nutrient. Usually most
of the nitrogen fixed passes directly into the plant whereas some of it gets leaked
into the soil for non-legume plant. However, after death, decay of these legumes by
micro-organisms nitrogen eventually returns to the soil.
Types of Bio-fertilizers
A variety of recognized microorganisms for nitrogen fixation are also used such as
Azorhizobium caulinodans and is effectively utilized in rice and maize. Likewise
Acetobacter and Sinorhizobium have been used for sugarcane and soybean crop.
Respectively microbes like Thiobacillus and Thiooxidans are known for sulphur
and iron oxidization.
192 M.-ul-H. Chesti et al.
The nitrogen fixing bacteria are of two types’ i.e., biological nitrogen fixation (sym-
biotic) and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation (free living). The former develops as
an association with crop plants through formation of nodules in their roots while
as free living bacteria can fix atmospheric nitrogen without association with plants.
associated with root of legumes. It enters into plants through the root system then
it forms nodule. The name Rhizobium was established by Frank in 1889. Seven
distinct species of rhizobium has so far being discovered on the basis of “Cross
Inoculation Group Concept” and more than twenty cross-inoculations groups have
been established so far. Out of this, merely seven are most important. One group of
rhizobia are very slow growing and are known as Bradyrhizobium while as other
group is rhizobia is fast growing and is known as Rhizobium. Both slow growing as
well as fast growing rhizobia has ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen. They create a
symbiotic association with legumes and some non-legumes like Parasponia. Rhizo-
bium legume symbiosis is very host-specific process and it fixes N in particular host
plant only, this host specifity is mediated by plant compounds such as flavonoids
(Goethals et al. 1992). Flavonoid activates the nod genes present in Rhizobium. The
communication of rhizobia and legumes begins with signal exchange and recogni-
tion of the symbiotic partners, which is followed by attachment of the rhizobia to
the plant root hairs. After infection, the root hair starts deforming, and the bacteria
invades the plant by a newly produced infection thread growing through it at the
same time, cortical cells which are mitotically activated, give rise to the nodule pri-
mordium. Infection threads grow toward the primordium, and the bacteria are then
released into the cytoplasm of the host cells, surrounded by a plant derived perib-
acteroid membrane (PBM) (Van Workum et al. 1998). In the course of process the
nodule primordium develops into a mature nodule, while the bacteria differentiate
into their endosymbiotic form that is called as the bacteroid. The effective nodules
are filled with pink sap called leghaemoglobin pigment. Leghaemoglobin regulates
the supply of oxygen to the bacteria and helps the activity of nitrogenase enzyme
and other regulatory enzymes (Choudhury and Kennedy 2004). The nitrogenase is
responsible for reduction of nitrogen to ammonia in the process of nitrogen fixation.
Bacteroids, together with the surrounding PBMs, are called symbiosomes. When
symbiosomes are developed, bacteria synthesize nitrogenase, which catalyzes
the reduction of nitrogen (Mylona et al. 1995). The product of nitrogen fixation,
ammonia, is then exported to the plant. The plant provides all immediate nutrients
and energy for the bacteria and just in a week small bead like structures i.e., nodules
are formed. The root nodules act as a micro fermentor for biological N fixation
where they can convert atmospheric N into ammonia. Rhizobium is able to induce
the shoot and root growth in rice plants. (Yanni and El-Fattah 1999). Nodules occur
in many shapes such as in Alfalfa and clover, nodules are fingerlike, round in Lentil,
palm shaped in Cicer, though the entire nodule is generally less than 1/2 in in di-
ameter during favorable conditions. Since the Nitrogen fixed is not free so the plant
must contribute a considerable amount of energy in the form of photosynthates and
other essential nutritional factors which are important for the bacteria. Rhizobium
plays a key role and is the maximum researched bio-fertilizer (Mishra and Dadhich
2010). Currently the legume-rhizobia symbiosis has been extended to economically
essential food crops or cereals and certain rhizobia that are competent of crack entry
into ruptured epidermis during emergence of lateral rootlets in cereal crops (Kalia
and Gupta 2002) the process can be improved by the addition of phytohormones
(Kannaiyan et al. 2001) or use of signal chemicals (Amutha and Kannaiyan 2000).
194 M.-ul-H. Chesti et al.
1. Rhizobium leguminosarum
2. Biovarphaseoli Phaseolus (Bean)
3. Biovarviceae Vicea (Vetch)
4. Biovartrifolii Trifolium (Berseem)
5. Rhizobium meliloti Melilotus (Senji) Rhizobium loti
6. Bradyrhizobium japonicum Glycine (Soybean)
7. Bradyrhizobium species Lupinus (Lupin), Vigna, Cicer
Recently two more genera have been included in the family Rhizobiaceae. They are
Sinorhizobium and Azorhizobium which are nodulating the Soybean and Dhaincha
(Sesbania), respectively. Azorhizobium caulinodans were isolated from the stem
nodules of Sesbania rostrata but can also colonise and produce nodules in rice
roots. Azorhizobium caulinodans also capable of fixing nitrogen in the free living
state (Mandon et al. 1998).
that incorporation of Azolla-Anabaena to paddy field increases rice yields and ad-
dition of dried Azolla filiculoides at the rate of 93 kg N/ha has increased a rice yield
upto 70 %, the increase obtained with an equivalent amount of ammonium sulphate
(Anitha and Kannaiyan 1999). In a field experiment the cyanobacteria was used
to degrade coir pith with the help of lignolytic enzyme. (Malliga et al. 1996) and
produced cyanopith, it can be used as bio-fertilizer to improve the crop productivity
(Jha and Prasad 2005). Coir pith contains high lignin (31 %), cellulose (27 %), con-
tent (Bhat et al. 2003) and carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) of 104:1 (Palaniappan 2005).
Manoharan et al. 2011 used cynopith as bio-fertilizers on Amaranthus dubius that
increases the growth of Amaranthus.
and Bhaskara Rao 2012). Rice plant inoculated with A. brasilense at population
rate of 8 × 10–7/g of dry weight under field conditions showed a yield of 1.6–10.5 g
plant-1 (Mirza et al. 2000; Malik et al. 2002). Azospirillum population enhances the
uptake of P and NH4 compounds in rice plants (Murty and Ladha 1988).
Non-legume-Frankia Symbiosis
Phosphorous makes about 0.2 % of the plant on dry weight basis. It has distinct role
in plant metabolism which includes cell division, cell development, photosynthesis,
breakdown of sugars, nuclear transport within plants, and transfer of genetic char-
acteristics from one generation to another generation and regulation of metabolic
5 Role of Bio-fertilizers in Crop Improvement 199
pathway (Rodriguez and Fraga 1999). The plant obtains their phosphate require-
ments from the soil pool. It occurs in soil as inorganic phosphate, produced by
weathering of rocks that is unable to be utilized by the plants (Lee et al. 2005) or as
organic phosphate derived from decaying plant, animal or microorganisms (Rodri-
guez and Fraga 1999). About 15–20 % of applied phosphorus is recovered from the
crops and rest gets fixed in the soil and is not readily available to the plants. A group
of morphologically different microorganisms which have the property of solubiliz-
ing the fixed phosphorous by producing organic acids and enzymes and to make
them easily available to the crops are known as Phosphorous Solublising Microor-
ganisms (PSM). They include diverse species of Bacillus, Aspergillus, Pseudomo-
nas, Penicillium, Agrobacterium, Achromobacter, Burkholderia, Aerobacter, Er-
winia, Micrococcus, Flavobacterium and Trichoderma. These organisms solubilize
the fixed soil phosphorus thereby releasing the citrate and water soluble phosphorus
so as to help in mineralizing organic phosphate compounds that are present in the
organic wastes (Rodriguez and Fraga 1999). These microorganisms have the prop-
erty to bring phosphate solublization by secreting organic acids such as propionic
acid, lactic acid, formic acid, acetic acid, succinic acids etc. these acids lower the
pH and help to dissolve the phosphate bound (Rodriguez and Fraga 1999). They
also produce growth promoting substances e.g. IAA, GA etc. experiments conduct-
ed in field conditions in India have shown to replace 20–50 kg P2O5/ha in different
crops due to PSM’s inoculation (Vora and Shelat 1996, 1998, 1999). Improvement
in seed germination by application of PSB has been reported by Sharma et al. (2007)
in Cicer arietinum. Various horticultural plants and vegetables were successfully
inoculated with P-solubilizing bio-fertilizers to obtain higher yields (Khan et al.
2010; Velineni and Brahmaprakash 2011). Field experiments demonstrated that P-
solubilizing bio-fertilizers in addition to improving the growth and quality of crops,
also reduced) the usage of chemical or organic fertilizers significantly (Young 1990;
Chang and Young 1992a, b; Young et al. 1998a, b; Young and Chen 1999; Chang
and Young 1999; Young et al. 2000; Liu and Young 2001; Young et al. 2003). Phos-
phate solubilizing bacteria has the capacity to convert inorganic unavailable phos-
phorus form to soluble forms like HPO42− and H2PO4− with the help of processes
like organic acid production, chelation and ion exchange reactions and make them
available to plants (Chang and Yang 2009; Banerjee et al. 2010). Naturally occur-
ring rhizospheric phosphorus solubilizing microorganism (PSM) has a long history
and dates back to 1903 (Khan et al. 2007). Alam et al. (2002) pointed out that bac-
teria are more effective in phosphorus solubilization than fungi. Among the whole
microbial population in soil, phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) comprise
1–50 %, whereas phosphorus solubilizing fungi (PSF) are only 0.1–0.5 %. (Chen
et al. 2006). Number of phosphorous solubilizing bacteria amongst total PSM in
north Iranian soil was around 88 % (Fallah 2006). Microorganisms concerned in
phosphorus acquirement include mycorrhizal fungi and PSMs (Fankem et al. 2006).
Among the soil bacterial communities, effective phosphate solubilizers ectorhizo-
spheric strains from Pseudomonas and Bacilli, and endosymbiotic rhizobia have
been described as (Igual et al. 2001). Strains from bacterial genera Pseudomonas,
Bacillus, Rhizobium and Enterobacter along with Penicillium and Aspergillus fungi
200 M.-ul-H. Chesti et al.
annual crops. Gyaneshwar et al. (2002) suggested that acid producing microorgan-
isms are able to increase the solubilization of phosphatic rock. The PSB in conjunc-
tion with single super phosphate and rock phosphate reduce the P dose by 25 and
50 %, respectively (Sundara et al. 2002). Pseudomonas striata and Bacillus poly-
myxa solubilized 156 and 116 mg P L−1, respectively (Rodríguez and Fraga 1999).
Pseudomonas fluorescens solubilized 100 mg P L−1 containing Ca3(PO4)2 or 92 and
51 mg P L−1 containing AlPO4 and FePO4, respectively (Henri et al. 2008).
Mycorrhizae are mutualistic associations between fungi and plant roots. The host
plant gets mineral nutrients from mycorrhizal fungi, while as the fungus partener is
provided with photosynthetic products from the host plant (Jakobsen et al. 2002).
Fungi become integrated into the root structure, or fungi lives in close association
with plant roots. Fungal hyphae may live on the external surface of roots (ectomy-
corrhizal) or may invade root cells (endomycorrhizal). Mycorrhiza belong to fun-
gi kingdom Basidiomycetes, Ascomycetes and Zygomycetes. Mycorrhizal fungi,
and fungi generally, have a strong influence on soil structure (Rillig and Mummey
2006). Their hyphal strands help to hold soil aggregates together, and they also
excrete organic substances that help cement the aggregates (Rillig and Mummey
2006). Hyphae conduct water and immobile nutrients (like P) to roots despite dis-
ruption of capillary water flow in soil. Of the many types of mycorrhizal associa-
tion the most important association which are economically as well as ecologically
importance are: ectomycorrhizal associations, and the endomycorrhizal association
of the vesicular-arbuscular (VA) type (Rillig and Mummey 2006). In case of ecto-
mycorrhizal associations, the fungi attack the cortical region of the host root devoid
of piercing cortical cells. Ectomychorrhizae are recognized to occur in the families
of Salicaceae, Fagaceae, Pinaceae, Betulaceae, Tiliaceae, Juglandaceae and Ceasal-
pinionideae. The ectomycorrhizal roots lack root hairs and are covered by a sheath
of fungal hypae which almost looks like host tissue. This tissue is called Pseudopa-
renchamatous sheath. Hyphae from this sheath enter into the cortex and remain in
the outer cortical region to form a network called Hartig’s net (Alizadeh 2011). The
nutrients absorbed by the hyphae are transported to the plant with the help of this
Hartig’s net. Infection of host plants by ectomycorrhizal fungi frequently leads to
changes in feeder roots that are apparent to the naked eye but in case of endomycor-
rhizal associations of the VA type, the fungi penetrate the cortical cells and form
clusters of delicately divided hyphae known as arbuscules in the cortex (Alizadeh
2011). They also form vesicles, which are membrane-bound organelles of varying
shapes, inside or outside the cortical cells. Arbuscules are supposed to be the sites
where resources are exchanged among the host plant and the fungi (Alizadeh 2011).
Vesicles in general serve as storage space but when they are old they can serve as
reproductive structures. Vesicles and arbuscules, together with large spores, com-
prise the diagnostic features of the VA mycorrhizas. Most ectomycorrhizal fungi
202 M.-ul-H. Chesti et al.
belong to several genera within the class Basidiomycetes, while some belong to the
zygosporic Zygomycetes and Ascomycetes. On the other hand, AM fungi belong to
six genera within the azygosporous zygomycetes
VAM are common, ancient and most fascinating class of fungi which proves to
be very beneficial to plants (Alizadeh 2011). VAM is an endotrophic mycorrhiza
formed by aseptate phycomycetous fungi. They produce an interconnected network
of hyphae between cortical cells that extend to the soil and hence absorb various
nutrients and water (Sally et al. 2011) VAM forms an association with various crop
plants which include monocot, dicot, annual or perennial crops. The use of VAM en-
hances growth of plants in less fertile soils besides application of FYM and cereal-
legume crop rotations. Whereas, application of chemicals mostly fungicide sup-
presses its existence.
Mycorrhiza enhances the feeding areas of the plant root as the hyphae spreads
around the roots. It also mobilizes the nutrients particularly phosphorous that are
present in organic or inorganic form in soil and translocate it to plants with the help
of extensive mycelium. In addition to translocation of phosphorous to plant it also
stores the nutrients and removes the toxic substances for example, phenolics which
otherwise hinder nutrient availability in addition to this it also provides protection
against other fungi and nematodes. VAM also assists in transfer of nutrients other
than phosphorus, like zinc and sulfur Cu (copper), K (potassium), Al (aluminum),
Mn (manganese), Fe (iron) and Mg (magnesium) from the soil to the plant roots.
They act as intracellular obligate fungal endo-symbiont by penetrating the root
cortex (Alizadeh 2011). In addition they possess vesicles intended for storage of
nutrients and arbuscular for transferring these nutrients into root system as well as
enhances water absorption. However, in ecto-mycorrhiza, the hyphae cover both
outside and within the root in the intercellular spaces of epidermis and cortex. Trees
are usually found to be infected with ectomycorrhiza, they increase the tolerance of
plants against drought and salt stress, increase the photosynthetic activity of plants,
higher chlorophyll content, higher leaf water potential restored capacity (Wang
1989, 1998). VAM helps in soil conservation and soil aggregation, increase the re-
sistance of plants against root-pathogens, increases habitatrestoration (Dodd 2000).
which in turn reduces the amount and cost of chemical fertilizers and thus prevents
the environment pollution from extensive application of chemical fertilizers.
To get better productivity of agricultural lands and to maintain this productiv-
ity, the integrated approach to determine the most favorable plant-microorganism
interaction is important. The bio-fertilizers are thought to be more expensive and
show unpredictable performance. Besides, the effect on the crops is slow, compared
to chemical fertilizers. In order to get potential benefit from bio-fertilizers in com-
mercial agriculture, consistency in their performance is to be improved. Special
care such as mode of application on crops and to keep them effective for extensive
use is needed. As bio-fertilizers contain living organisms, their concert therefore
depends on environment surrounding them, Short shelf life, lack of suitable carrier
materials, susceptibility to high temperature, problems in transportation and storage
of bio-fertilizers are major bottlenecks that are at a standstill and have to be solved
in order to acquire efficient inoculation. The main criteria to take into consideration
in making of bio-fertilizers are microbes’ growth profile, types and optimum condi-
tion of organism, and formulation of inoculums, methods of application and storage
of the product are all critical to the success for a sustainable agriculture.
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Chapter 6
Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects
on the Tolerance of Plants to Biotic and
Abiotic Stresses
adaptation of plants on disturbed sites, this chapter will be covered the molecular
and physiological mechanisms of the association MA, responsible for this adapta-
tion and greater tolerance of plants to biotic and abiotic stresses.
Plants are constantly exposed to various abiotic and biotic stresses, such as radia-
tion, temperature, water, minerals, plants, animals, and microorganisms, which alter
the biosynthesis and development of plants as a consequence of oxidative burst
(Gill and Tuteja 2010). During aerobic metabolism, molecular oxygen is partially
reduced, generating transient intermediates that are highly reactive and damaging
to the cell. This partial reduction of O2 produces reactive oxygen species (ROS),
including the superoxide anion (O2), the hydroxyl radical (OH-), and hydrogen per-
oxide (H2O2). Further conversions can occur among these molecules, transforming
them into even more reactive species (Hajiboland and Joudmand 2009; Gill and
Tuteja 2010; Abdel Latef and Chaoxing 2011). These ROS cause morphological,
physiological and molecular alterations, resulting in plant damage and eventual
death. However, plants have enzymatic and non-enzymatic defence systems to mi-
nimise the effects of ROS (Arfaoui et al. 2007; Gill and Tuteja 2010).
The microhabitat of the rhizosphere is a specialised ecosystem, where microbial
populations are highly favoured, allowing the growth, development and multiplica-
tion of these microorganisms. Plants can form beneficial associations with these
microorganisms, acquiring tolerance and/or resistance to biotic and abiotic stress
factors (Dimkpa et al. 2009; Singh et al. 2011)
Bacteria and fungi are the most numerous inhabitants of the rhizosphere. Plant
growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are beneficial bacteria that colonise the
root system of plants and promote growth through various mechanisms including
producing plant growth regulators, increasing the cycling and availability of soil
nutrients, functioning as pathogen biocontrol agents and conferring tolerance and/
or resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses (del Mar Alguacil et al. 2009). Arbus-
cular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are common inhabitants of soil that form mutu-
alistic associations within the root systems of a large number of agricultural plant
species, conferring benefits to host plants distributed throughout various habitats
(Smith et al. 2010). Arbuscular mycorrhizae improve the nutritional status of plants,
facilitate plant adaptation to different ecosystems, and increase plant tolerance to
biotic and abiotic stress factors, and they are also considered to be biocontrol agents
(Singh et al. 2012)
Plants that associate with microorganisms become more tolerant to stress condi-
tions. Several mechanisms have been described to explain this greater tolerance
(Pozo et al. 2010). The physiological changes induced in the plant through relation-
ships with symbionts prevent pathogenic attacks and activate defence mechanisms.
Phytoalexins, pathogenesis-related proteins, and agents for the lignification of the
cell wall have been reported in mycorrhizal plants in areas far from infection sites,
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 211
thus indicating the occurrence of systemic resistance. AMF play an important role
in enhancing the absorption of water and nutrients, conferring an enhanced hydra-
tion and nutritional status to the plant (Pozo et al. 2010; Folli-Pereira et al. 2012).
The benefits of microorganisms might help plants in terms of tolerance to several
biotic and abiotic stress factors. Thus, it is necessary to understand each symbiosis
to ensure the best utilisation of the benefits to plants.
Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPRs) are bacteria that increase plant
growth through interactions with plant roots. PGPRs represent a functionally ac-
tive portion of the soil biota present inside the plant root, in the rhizosphere, or
on the rhizoplane. The literature indicates their potential as a component of the
sustainable management of agricultural systems, conferring characteristics such as
greater resistance to biotic and abiotic stress conditions to the host and promoting
plant growth, leading to their widespread biotechnological use. PGPRs can enhance
growth of plants through a variety of mechanisms: (a) production of plant hor-
mones; (b) controlling pathogens; and (c) increasing tolerance to stress conditions
(Kohler et al. 2006, 2009; Jalili et al. 2009; del Mar Alguacil et al. 2009).
The mechanisms of plant growth promotion include direct actions, such as bio-
logical nitrogen fixation, production of plant growth regulator hormones, and the
solubilisation of inorganic phosphate, and indirect actions, such as biological con-
trols, production of siderophores and allelochemicals and the induction of local and
systemic resistance. The use of PGPRs in biotechnology has intensified with the
production of antibiotics and other bioactive molecules and the application of these
microorganisms in bioremediation processes and transgenic techniques.
These mechanisms are potentially applicable in the field for the quantitative and
qualitative improvement of agricultural production. The use of these microorgan-
isms in agriculture depends on knowledge of their diversity, plant-bacteria interac-
tion mechanisms, and the ability to maintain, manipulate, and modify beneficial
populations under field conditions.
PGPRs, especially those belonging to the fluorescent Pseudomonas group,
have been well studied but have a disadvantage relative to Bacillus. Bacillus have
developed a resistance structure, called the endospore, which is produced under ad-
verse conditions and enables the bacterium to withstand these conditions. Once the
conditions change in favour of the microorganism, its reproduction cycle allows it
to express its beneficial characteristics to the host plant.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in turn have important consequences for
nutrient cycling in soil, providing plants with essential nutrients such as phosphorus
when they are scarce or if they have low mobility in the soil solution. In exchange,
photosynthetic carbon is transported to the soil through the transfer of sugar from
the root to the AMF, which subsequently translocates this carbon as lipids and sug-
212 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
ars into the external mycelium distributed throughout the soil (Bago et al. 2003).
The symbiosis between plants and AMF also results in the reduction of physiologi-
cal losses through stress (Munier-Lamy et al. 2007) and consequently faster growth,
leading to economy input and a reduction of environmental contamination (Huang
et al. 2009). Moreover, these fungi can act as potential biological control agents,
reducing the effects and damage from plant pathogens through indirect means or
increased nutrition and plant resistance (Meira-Haddad 2008; Folli-Pereira et al.
2012). AMF also play an important role in the aggregation of soil particles.
PGPRs have been traditionally used as inducers of systemic resistance to dis-
eases in plants. Currently, new PGPRs have been proposed for use in agricultural
crops. Studies concerning the specific interactions of symbiotic microorganisms
and pathogens have demonstrated the complexity of rhizospheric interactions in-
volving both mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal fungi, beneficial and pathogenic
bacteria, the plant and the soil. It is no longer possible to study only the isolated
microorganism without considering the complexity of its habitat. The association of
PGPRs with other microorganisms such as AMF is both economical and practical.
PGPRs colonise plant roots and promote the development of AMF through the
enhanced absorption of P and N (Artursson et al. 2006; Richardson et al. 2009).
However, there are limited data concerning the PGPR hyphal inoculation of AMF
(Hartmann et al. 2009).
The strength of the physiological phases of bacterial binding to AMF hyphae
varies, including a weak electrostatic binding in the first stage, followed by a strong
bond in the second stage, which is related to the production of cellulose and other
extracellular bacterial products (Artursson et al. 2006). Indeed, mutant bacteria
are unable to produce these products in the presence of the AMF hyphae (Arturs-
son et al. 2006). Some bacterial strains such as Pseudomonas spp. can colonise
both plant roots and AMF hyphae, suggesting that the mechanisms of the related
processes could be relatively similar.
The association of gram-positive bacteria with AMF is high compared with
gram-negative bacteria, although this relationship has not been verified (Artursson
et al. 2005). The significance of these interactions is due to the synergistic inter-
action of some important PGPRs, including the gram-positive Bacillus spp., with
AMF (Francis et al. 2010). The enzymes of soil bacteria and AMF can also influ-
ence the decomposition of organic matter in the soil (de Boer et al. 2005).
There are a large number of bacteria, including PGPR and Rhizobium, which pro-
mote the activity and development of AMF (Frey-Klett et al. 2007; Richardson et al.
2009). These mycorrhizal helper bacteria are usually fungus-specific (Rillig et al.
2005) and promote the growth of specific AMF during symbiosis with the host plant.
This specificity has been attributed to the size and surface rugosity of the spore (Bha-
radwaj et al. 2008). Thus, Frey-Klett et al. (2007) proposed the term “mycorrhizal
auxiliary bacteria” to describe a broader concept than “mycorrhizal helper bacteria”
(MHB), which includes the beginning of the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and
the effects of MHB on the biocontrol of other species in terms of specificity. MHB
may influence the germination of spores, affect the spore wall (de Boer et al. 2005),
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 213
produce stimulants such as CO2 (Carpenter-Boggs et al. 1995), or affect the absorp-
tion of P by the AMF (Ruiz-Lozano and Bonfante 2000).
Moreover, the AMF might compete for nutrients from the soil, resulting in af-
fecting changes within the bacterial community of the rhizosphere. The associa-
tion of some bacteria with AMF is specific (Artursson et al. 2005), suggesting that
fungal exudates stimulate communication between bacteria and AMF (Artursson
et al. 2006). Indeed, some genera of bacteria, including Arthrobacter and Bacillus,
were most commonly observed in the hyphosphere or within soil around AMF hy-
phae, while Pseudomonas spp. were more distributed in the rhizosphere of Sorghum
bicolour (Artursson et al. 2005).
The adhesion of PGPRs to AMF is determined by the formation of biofilms
(Seneviratne et al. 2009). MHB, which primarily includes Bacillus and Pseudomo-
nas, can affect the functions of the AMF, influencing root permeability, root exu-
dation, AMF colonisation of the host root, and phytohormone production, thereby
mitigating the adverse effects of the environment on hyphal growth and stimulating
the growth of root hairs in plants. Some strains of rhizobia are also able to affect
the pre-symbiotic stage of fungi, influencing spore germination and hyphal growth
(Frey-Klett et al. 2007).
The symbiosis between AMF and plants contributes to the stability of soil aggre-
gates, including soils with high salinity (Caravaca et al. 2005). Stability is initiated
through macroaggregates (> 250 mm), which tangle hyphae and deposit organic
substances that assist in the subsequent stability of soil aggregates. A key factor in
the contribution of these fungi to the stabilisation of saline soils is the production
of glomalin, a glycoprotein that acts as an insoluble glue to stabilise aggregates
(Gadkar and Rillig 2006).
The influence of AMF on plant growth has been attributed to bacteria associated
with the mycorrhizosphere (Larsen et al. 2009). The production of exopolysaccha-
rides (EPSs) in response to adverse environmental conditions such as drought can
contribute to soil aggregation, leading to increased water retention in the rhizo-
sphere (Kaci et al. 2005), which can eventually affect the growth of AMF in these
soils. The effectiveness of the PGPR inoculation of plants leads to soil stabilisation
and promotes soil fertility (Kohler et al. 2006). The study of the antagonistic and
synergistic effects of different microbial inoculants when co-inoculated is a crucial
step in the development of efficient host-microorganism combinations. The inocu-
lation with rhizobacteria, alone or in combination with AMF, improves the physical
properties of the soil, even under saline stress.
Inoculation with AMF is an effective method of increasing the capacity of host
plants to establish and address stress situations, such as nutrient deficiency, drought
and soil disturbance (Caravaca et al. 2003). In fact, several authors have indicated
that AMF inoculation stimulates the absorption of water and nutrients, especially
N and P (Jeffries et al. 2003; Folli-Pereira et al. 2012) in the plant or enhances the
aggregation of eroded soils (Caravaca et al. 2002) to improve seedling performance.
In return, the mycorrhizal plants provide fungus with photosynthetic C, which is
delivered into the soil through fungal hyphae. Thus, the formation of mycorrhizae
214 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
can affect the microbial population in the rhizosphere directly or indirectly through
changes in exudation patterns or fungal exudates. Moreover, soil microorganisms
might affect the formation and function of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM). Growth-
promoting mycorrhizal helper bacteria are known to stimulate the mycelial growth
of AMF or improve the establishment of the mycorrhizal association (Toro et al.
The combined inoculation of beneficial microorganisms in the soil rhizosphere
reduces the need for agricultural chemicals that are harmful to the environment;
consequently, these microorganisms are gaining more attention for establishing
sustainable agroecosystems. Indeed, microorganisms are active at the soil-plant in-
terface, where microcosm systems such as the rhizosphere are developed (Cordier
et al. 2000). Carbon flows are essential to the functioning of the rhizosphere. Many
microbial interactions are responsible for key environmental processes, such as bio-
geochemical nutrient cycles and the maintenance of plant health and soil quality.
The effectiveness of microorganisms as modifiers of soil fertility and facilitators
of plant development has been verified through the analysis of alterations in nutri-
tional status and plant development. The combined inoculation of selected micro-
organisms in the rhizosphere has been recommended to maximise the growth and
nutrition of plants. The study of the antagonistic and synergistic effects of different
microbial inoculants when co-inoculated is a crucial step for the development of
effective microorganism-host combinations. It has been reported that the double in-
oculation of Glomus intraradices and Bacillus subtilis promotes the establishment
of the AMF and increases the plant biomass and P accumulation (Toro et al. 1997).
Inoculation with both growth-promoting bacteria and AMF produced decreased
Na and increased K absorption in lettuce leaves, increasing the salinity tolerance
of plants (Kohler et al. 2009). The PGPR strain Pseudomonas mendocina produces
exopolysaccharides (Kohler et al. 2006) that bind to cations, including Na, thereby
decreasing the content of Na available for absorption by plants.
AMF might influence bacterial communities in the soil, including PGPRs that
are involved in soil aggregation through the exudation of carbon derived from pho-
tosynthesis in the mycorrhizosphere. However, the mechanisms underlying changes
in the soil matrix and their significance for soil aggregation are poorly understood.
Unlike AMF, which exert a strong influence on the scale of macroaggregates, rhi-
zobacteria directly influence the formation and stabilisation of microaggregates.
Thus, the AMF-mediated alteration of prokaryotic communities could indirectly
influence aggregation processes at smaller scales than macroaggregates. In drought
conditions, the formation of aggregates in the soil and the consequent soil stabilisa-
tion are essential for the increased accumulation of water in the soil, which conse-
quently increases plant productivity during water stress. In addition, PGPRs and
AMF produce phytohormones that contribute to increased development and root
growth, and plant roots contribute to the stability of soil aggregates directly through
the root “material” and indirectly through the stimulation of microbial activity in
the rhizosphere.
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 215
AMF are critical for the establishment and adaptation of plants in severely disturbed
locations, including those contaminated with heavy metals (Vallino et al. 2006).
They also affect the physicochemical characteristics of the substrate and contribute
to the formation and maintenance of soil structure through the aggregation of soil
particles, hyphal exudates, and residues. Moreover, mycorrhizal fungi produce glo-
malin, a protein extracted from soil as glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) (Rillig
2004), which plays a key role in the stability of the soil (Bedini et al. 2009).
GRSP is an alkali-soluble protein material related to AMF (Rillig 2004; Nichols
and Wright 2006), whose biochemical nature has not been elucidated. As fungal
hyphae are shed (Driver et al. 2005), GRSP is transferred to the soil as a complex of
repeat monomer structures connected by hydrophobic interactions (Nichols 2003),
which bind to soil particles and stabilise aggregates (Rillig and Mummey 2006). In
addition, GRSP contains bound iron (0.04–8.8 %) (Nichols 2003), but it does not
contain phenolic compounds such as tannins (Rillig et al. 2001).
Glomalin contains approximately 60 % carbohydrates, comprising N linked to
oligosaccharides. It also contains Fe, which is insoluble in water. Glomalin exhibits
high hydrophobicity, which might contribute to the initiation of soil aggregation.
The amount of immunoreactive glomalin extracted from the soil is directly pro-
portional to soil aggregate stability in various regions of the world. Glomalin was
detected in large amounts in many soils (Nichols 2003), which has been attributed
to the fact that AMF colonise the roots of approximately 80 % of vascular plant
species and have a global distribution. Large “pools” of glomalin might result from
their high persistence in soil (Rillig et al. 2001).
Soil aggregates have also become an important protective environment for AMF
hyphae. In degraded soils in recovery, improved aggregation is accompanied by an
increased amount of colonised fine roots and hyphae that influence the geometric
diameter of the aggregates. Because well-aggregated soils are less affected by ero-
sion and more favourable for plant development, the effects of AMF on aggregation
contribute to agricultural productivity and sustainability and to the conservation and
functionality of natural ecosystems.
C losses in the soil result from leaching and erosion (Rillig et al. 2006). Stable
soil structural units (aggregates) provide resistance to erosion. The importance of
AMF in reducing erosion losses is related to their role in soil aggregation (Rillig
2004) and consequently in nutrient cycling through the reduction of carbon leaching
in soils (Rillig et al. 2006).
Cations are bound to GRSP in quantities that vary in different soils (Nichols
2003; Chern et al. 2007). Recently, González-Chávez et al. (2004) clearly showed
an increased binding capacity of GRSP to heavy metals (MTs) (Cu, Pb and Cd).
Based on the results of his investigation, it has been suggested that this sequestra-
216 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
tion could be important for biostabilisation in soils contaminated with MTs. Bedini
et al. (2009) showed that the amounts of Cu, Ni, Pb and Co bound to GRSP were,
respectively 2.3, 0.83, 0.24, 0.24 % of the total amount of MTs present in contami-
nated soil, thereby reducing the bioavailability of toxic elements and, consequently,
plant stress. Vodnik et al. (2008) showed that GRSP represented 21.2 % of the or-
ganic matter in soil contaminated with MTs, which was positively correlated with
the concentrations of Pb and Zn in the soil; notably, the amount of lead bound to
GRSP ranged from 0.69 to 23.4 mg g-1 DW GRSP, which represented 0.8–15.5 %
of the total Pb in the soil.
Wright et al. (1996) hypothesised that AMF secrete glomalin into the soil, which
helps in soil aggregation. This model was directly based on the observed correla-
tion between the GRSP concentrations with the stability of soil aggregates in water.
The increase of soil aggregation would benefit both the host and associated AMF,
justifying the energy “cost” of glomalin production. Experimental evidence, though
obtained in an artificial manner, suggested that relations between the production
of glomalin, soil aggregation and the enhancement of extraradicular AMF hyphae
growth might indeed exist (Bedini et al. 2010). However, AMF also appear to pro-
duce GRSP in soils where organic matter is not the primary binding agent in the
soil, and GRSP and soil aggregation are not correlated (Rillig et al. 2003). This find-
ing suggests that the promotion of soil aggregation might not be the primary func-
tion of glomalin. In addition, the AMF communities and many other groups of soil
biota profit from an improved soil structure (Niklaus et al. 2003), which makes it
unlikely that the promotion of soil aggregation is the primary function of glomalin.
Using an in vitro sterile culture system, Driver et al. (2005) showed that most
(80 %) of the glomalin was contained in the fungal mycelium, rather than in the liq-
uid growth medium. It is unclear if this result translates from the artificial aqueous
culture system to the soil environment, or if it applies to fungi across the spectrum
of AMF species. However, if it does, it suggests that a primary function of glomalin
may be in the living fungus. Indeed, the putative function of glomalin is homolo-
gous to that of heat shock proteins. Based on these observations, Purin and Rillig
(2007) proposed a new model for glomalin function. This model has the following
key components: (a) glomalin primarily functions as chaperone in the cell. It is
known that certain chaperones have the ability to act as a signal, resulting in greater
thermotolerance and control of spore viability; (b) in the context of soil aggregation,
the environmental function of glomalin is secondary to its primary physiological
There are few reports of heat shock proteins (Hsp) that act as chaperones in
Glomeromycota, other than glomalin. Using the AMF species G. intraradices,
Porcel et al. (2006) showed the expression of the small Hsp 30 improved plant
tolerance to water stress.
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 217
whether intraspecific variation could account for the differences observed between
isolates of the same species.
Hart and Klironomos (2002) showed that variation in plant growth was greater
among plants inoculated with different AMF species than among those inoculated
with different isolates of the same species. However, this finding does not prove
that the variability within isolates is not ecologically important. More recently,
considerable variability has been observed within AMF species. Munkvold et al.
(2004) demonstrated that large differences in plant growth and P absorption were
observed within AMF species, showing the importance of the ecological potential
of variability within AMF species. Hart and Reader (2002), tested the effect of 21
AMF isolates on plant growth, and showed that AMF families also differ in the ben-
efits conferred to host plants, although there is great variability within and between
AMF species and genera. These studies show that there is considerable functional
diversity in AMF and that variability within an AMF species can be greater than
between different AMF species or genera. This functional diversity is important for
individual plant growth and the composition of plant communities. Thus, it is clear
that there is great functional diversity in AMF and that the increase in the diversity
of these fungi in soil (Rillig 2004) influences the diversity and productivity of the
plant community.
It is unclear whether plants utilise this diversity to select efficient AMF or AMF
combinations that are more beneficial in terms of the stimulation of their growth
(Heijden et al. 2004). Thus, it is important to determine whether increasing the
AMF diversity in soil influences plants and which plant-fungus combinations oc-
cur preferentially and effectively. Moreover, it would be important to determine
whether the inoculation of plants with a mixture of AMF reconstitutes the AMF
community observed in nature. Studies like these can be used to monitor plant per-
formance and reveal whether the diversity of the AMF species in plant roots is
linked to functional diversity.
Almost all data on the variability of the functions or functional diversity of AMF
were obtained from experiments in which plants have been inoculated with an AMF
isolate and the plant growth or total P absorption was measured. Such experiments
are not entirely relevant to field situations when more than one AMF species is gen-
erally present in a single root system (Jansa et al. 2003). Currently, the challenge
is to establish mixed communities using different AMF species to assess whether
plants are able to select efficient AMF or AMF combinations that are complemen-
tary in their functions. However, such studies are complex because of the difficulty
to identify the AMF that are colonising the roots, which becomes a limiting factor
for understanding the control of these relationships. The consequences of the si-
multaneous colonisation of a plant by functionally different AMF have been little
If a plant is colonised by AMF species that are complementary in their func-
tions, for example the absorption of nutrients from different soil “pools”, they can
be more beneficial to the plant as a mixture than any one species separately (Alkan
et al. 2006; Gustafson and Casper 2006). Johnson et al. (2004) showed that the di-
versity of AMF in the roots of Plantago lanceolata was positively correlated with
220 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
the concentrations of P and N in the shoots of the plants. However, other studies
indicate that the maximum benefits to the plants could be achieved with a single
efficient AMF species and that increasing the mycorrhizal diversity would not re-
sult in greater benefits for the plants. According to Santos (2008), increasing AMF
diversity in the community present in the soil can increase the chances for the estab-
lishment of a fungus species that is more efficient for plant growth. Thus, it is im-
portant to characterise the community structure of AMF in a particular environment
or ecosystem and assess the functional diversity of these symbionts to establish
whether there is a relationship between the AMF diversity and benefits to plants.
The establishment of AMs confers the plants with a range of benefits, primarily
through the extraradicular mycelium of the fungus that facilitates the absorption
of nutrients from areas located beyond the depletion zone of the roots, particularly
phosphorus, and it increases the availability and translocation of nutrients to cortex
cells in the plant roots. Other relevant effects of AMF are increased plant resistance
to pathogens of the root system and water absorption capacity. In soil, they favour
aggregate formation and stability, not only through the physical action of the my-
celium but also through the action of glomalin. Through the enhancement of the
hydric and nutritional status of plants, AMF can contribute the increased tolerance
to environmental stress conditions.
Thus, the symbiosis between plants and AMF also results in the reduction of
losses by stresses (Munier-Lamy et al. 2007) and consequently faster growth, with
economic inputs and the reduction of environmental contamination (Huang et al.
2009). Furthermore, these fungi can act as potential biological control agents, re-
ducing the effects or damage caused by plant pathogens through indirect means,
enhanced plant nutrition, or increased resistance in the root system.
The plant response to colonisation by AMF depends on the severity and frequen-
cy of drought, and other soil conditions. AMF can affect the growth and productiv-
ity of the host plant under conditions of high and low humidity (Borowicz 2010).
Thus, symbiosis could increase plant responses to moderate water deficit through
various mechanisms, including increased water absorption from the soil through
the hyphae (Augé et al. 2003), alteration of hormonal levels causing changes in sto-
matal conductance (Augé et al. 2008), increased leaf turgor and osmotic potential
reduction (Wu et al. 2006), and improved nutrition of the host plant (Chen et al.
Mycorrhizal plants develop a root system uses carbon more efficiently. Conse-
quently, these plants convert larger quantities of photosynthates in the root develop-
ment to increase their absorption capacity (Neocleous and Vasilakakis 2007).
The chlorophyll concentration in the leaves is an important physiological in-
dex for determining the degree of photosynthesis in plants. AMF can increase the
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 221
Information about the response of the antioxidant defence system under condi-
tions of stress in mycorrhizal plants is contradictory: an increase, lack of change,
and even a decrease in SOD, CAT, APX and POD activity were reported in mycor-
rhizal soy (Porcel et al. 2003) subjected to hydric stress and tomatoes subjected to
salinity (He et al. 2007; Hajiboland et al. 2010).
Under conditions of hydric deficit, plants attempt to maintain their water content
by accumulating compatible, non-toxic solutes such as proline and glycine beta-
ine, which do not interfere with the normal physiological processes of the plant
(Ma et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2008). The accumulation of these solutes is a sensi-
tive physiological index of plants in response to salt and other stresses (Peng et al.
2008). For plants to survive under conditions of salinity and water, adjusting the
leaf osmotic potential is important and requires intracellular osmotic balance. Thus,
under hydric and salinity stresses, plants accumulate some organic solutes (pro-
line, soluble sugars, glycine betaine, among others) and inorganic ions to maintain
greater osmotic adjustment (Yang et al. 2009). The presence of AMF in the roots
could modify the osmotic potential of the leaves and influence the carbohydrate
composition and proline level.
Proline is the most common compatible osmolyte in plants and plays an impor-
tant role in increasing the adaptation of plants to drought and salinity (Hasegawa
et al. 2000). In addition to osmotic adjustment, this molecule has other proposed
functions in osmotically stressed plant tissues: it maintains and protects the integ-
rity of the plasma membrane (Hincha and Hagemann 2004), acts as a source of
carbon and nitrogen, and eliminates hydroxyl radicals. Proline accumulation in my-
corrhizal plants subjected to drought has been reported, and the variable effects of
mycorrhizal colonisation on the levels of proline in plants under saline stress have
been observed. However, to date, there is little information concerning the influence
of colonisation by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on this accumulation (Sannazzaro
et al. 2007).
Despite the accumulation of proline induced in plants under stress (Andrade et al.
2009), evidence of the effects of mycorrhizal symbiosis on the levels of proline or
soluble amino acids are scarce or null under stress conditions. Andrade et al. (2010)
observed that soluble amino acids and the proline content of the leaves of mycor-
rhizal and non-mycorrhizal bean plants increased in response to the addition of Cu
to soil, suggesting a stress response similar to the excess of this metal in the soil.
However, proline accumulation in the leaves of mycorrhizal plants showed a more
pronounced increase in response to Cu in the soil when compared to homologous
non-mycorrhizal plants, indicating a possible role of this amino acid in the response
to Cu toxicity in mycorrhizal plants, which exhibited greater biomass accumulation
than non-mycorrhizal plants.
Moreover, AMF increase the vigorousness of the root system and stimulate the
production of hormones by plants (Yao et al. 2005). Thus, the increase in plant tol-
erance to hydric and/or saline stress might be related to the increased expression of
genes in response to stress.
Glycine betaine acts as a protective non-toxic osmolyte during periods of drought
in many organisms, including algae, bacteria, large plants and animals (Treberg and
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 223
occurrence, except in plants that are members of the following families: Brassica-
ceae, Amarantaceae, Comelinaceae, Juncaceae, Proteaceae, Poligonaceae, Cypera-
ceae and Chenopodiaceae. Approximately 87 % of the Cruciferae (Brassicaceae),
67 % of the Chenopodiaceae, 37 % of the Poligonaceae and 4 % of the legumes do
not form AMs. Surveys conducted in various regions of the world confirm that AMs
are much more abundant than ectomycorrhizae and occur in most Phanerogams
(97 %), including almost all species of agronomic and pastoral interest and forest
species native to the tropics.
The richness of AMF varies greatly, and two to 33 species per ecosystem have
been identified. Although several studies have been conducted, the wealth, diversity
and symbiotic potential of AMF populations in Brazilian ecosystems have not yet
been sufficiently studied. The occurrence of AMF in the country includes surveys
conducted in various crops and non-cultivated ecosystems. Many of them reveal
the richness of the species, with many of them that have not yet been identified
(approximately 20 % of the species observed).
The cultivation of soil and the imposition of environmental stress cause major
changes in the structure of fungal communities through changes in the distribution
and dominance of the species. These effects are due to biotic and abiotic changes
in the edaphic environment, such as changes in the vegetation (roots) and chemical
properties of the soil, especially in the components of acidity, availability of nutri-
ents, water, salinity and heavy metal contamination. Propagules of these fungi are
present in almost all soils, and the type of vegetation and environment determine
the occurrence and degree of root colonisation. AMF have reduced occurrence or
are absent in soils that are fumigated, severely disturbed by erosion, subject to min-
ing, in areas of civil construction, under long fallow period or flooding, and those
cultivated for long periods with non-host species and high concentrations of envi-
ronmental pollutants.
The presence of heavy metals at toxic concentrations in the soil greatly influ-
ences the AMF. The excess metals reduce spore germination, mycelia growth, de-
gree of colonisation and sporulation of these fungi, causing a significant impact
on their ecology and diversity (Klauberg-Filho et al. 2005). Despite these effects,
more than 30 species of AMF have been identified in contaminated soils world-
wide and some at high frequencies, such as Paraglomus occultum, G. clarum,
G. intraradices and Scutellospora pellucida, in addition to abundant colonisation
and sporulation. Even at high concentrations of toxic metals, increased colonisation
rates and spore densities have been reported (Gaur and Adhoeya 2004); however,
in soils contaminated with Cd, Zn, Cu and Pb, the species richness decreases with
the increasing concentration of these metals in the soil (Klauberg-Filho et al. 2002).
The presence of heavy metals inhibits spore germination and mycelial growth, re-
ducing the mycorrhizal colonisation of plants. Several studies provide evidence of
the different AMF behaviours in relation to excess metals in the soil, and several
isolates are known to be tolerant to multiple metal contaminants in the soil. Con-
sidering the importance of these fungi in the ecology of plants, isolates tolerant
to heavy metals are of great interest in the revegetation of areas degraded by the
accumulation of these elements.
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 225
The “arable” layer of the soil is where the absorbing roots of plants are
concentrated, becoming the primary habitat and reservoir of AMF propagules in
ecosystems. Any factor impacting this layer will exert a great influence on the AMF
community. Weissenhorn et al. (1993) and Weissenhorn et al. (1994) evaluated the
tolerance of isolates of Glomus mosseae obtained from adjacent areas that were
polluted or not polluted with heavy metals (Cd and Zn), and also in relation to a
reference isolate maintained in the laboratory. Germination tests showed that the
isolates obtained from contaminated areas showed greater tolerance to heavy met-
als than the isolates from adjacent uncontaminated areas. This result demonstrates
that different isolates of the same “species” are functionally distinct and suggest that
AMF have the ability to adapt to anthropogenic changes.
The AMF responses to heavy metals are diverse at the fungus species level (Hil-
debrandt et al. 2007). For example, Glomus etunicatum was more sensitive to Cd,
Pb and Zn than G. intraradices (Pawlowska and Charvat 2004), and the G. mosseae
isolated from soils polluted with heavy metals was more tolerant to Cd than the
same species isolated from a non-polluted substrate (Weissenhorn et al. 1994). An
adequate understanding of the AMF community under stress by heavy metals could
contribute to the recognition of the interactions between fungi and heavy metals
and future revegetation or phytoremediation of regions polluted by heavy metals
(Hildebrandt et al. 2007). Studies indicate that many species of plants growing well
in areas polluted by a single heavy metal, such as Fragaria vesca, Viola calaminar-
ia, Veronica rechingeri, Solidago giante, Thymus polytrichus and Thlaspi praecox,
were colonised by various AMF and AMF isolates that can positively act to regulate
plant resistance to heavy metal stress (Zarei et al. 2008; Sonjak et al. 2009).
Studies conducted with AMF in preserved and disturbed areas show the impor-
tance of these fungi in the studied areas (Silva et al. 2005). Silva et al. (2005) identi-
fied 15 species of AMF in an area of preserved caatinga and an area degraded by
copper mining and observed a strong reduction in plant diversity and AMF species
community; the community was quantitatively and qualitatively affected by mining
activity. In areas of high salinity, Yano-Melo et al. (2003) identified 21 taxa of AMF,
especially G. mosseae and G. intraradices, which favoured sporulation in the first
cycle of multiplication in a trap culture and decreased from the second cycle.
Salinity stress negatively affects the formation and function of mycorrhizal sym-
biosis by inhibition of spore germination, plant colonisation and formation of new
spores (Juniper and Abbott 2006; Giri et al. 2007; Abdel Latef and Chaoxing 2011).
Other environmental factors such as soil water content, concentrations of available
phosphorus, organic matter content in the soil, soil pH and vegetation coverage
affect levels of colonisation in plants through AMF. AMF in wetland habitats are
periodically exposed to anaerobic conditions and high salinity in soils (Bohrer et al.
2004; Carvalho et al. 2004). Depending on the AMF species, soil salinity levels
can affect spore production and germination (Carvalho et al. 2004). The presence
of heavy metals in toxic concentrations in the soil also exert great influence on the
AMF, and the excess metal reduces spore germination, mycelial growth, degree of
colonisation, and sporulation of these fungi, which might have a significant impact
on their ecology and diversity (Klauberg-Filho et al. 2005).
226 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
of ROS generates oxidative stress and can cause membrane lipid peroxidation, inac-
tivation of enzymes containing SH groups, and RNA and DNA damage. ROS, par-
ticularly the superoxide radical (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), are generated
in the cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria, peroxisomes, and apoplast.
In microorganisms, particularly AMF, the components of antioxidant systems
are not well known. It is known, however, that enzymes such as catalase, peroxi-
dise, and superoxide dismutase participate in the decomposition of ROS. Histori-
cally, research has shown that the establishment of mycorrhizal associations result
in increased plant tolerance to adverse environmental factors, although many of the
effects are attributed to enhanced plant nutrition associated with the AMF. The in-
creased activity and induction of new isoenzymes that participate in the antioxidant
system in mycorrhizal plants confers tolerance to excess superoxide radicals gen-
erated during the prevalence of stress conditions (Costa 2003). In arbuscular my-
corrhizal associations ( Trifolium pratense–G. mosseae), there is an increase in the
activity and synthesis of new SOD isoenzymes induced through symbiosis (Palma
et al. 1993).
Through the involvement of oxidative stress enzymes against oxidative dam-
age caused by the increased production of ROS during stress conditions, AMF can
increase the capacity to resist oxidative and environmental stresses in the plant,
conferring increased tolerance to ROS, although the role of these enzymes in my-
corrhizae is little elucidated.
The protection of plants against abiotic stress caused by pathogens in soil can also
be attributed to AMF (Moraes et al. 2004; Meira 2004; Hol and Cook 2005; Elsen
et al. 2008; Meira-Haddad 2008; Vos et al. 2012).
AMF can be considered to be biocontrol agents (Azcón-Aguilar and Barea 1996;
Pozo et al. 2002) and have received much attention for promoting resistance and/
or tolerance, decreasing the incidence and severity of plant diseases, and reducing
the number of soil pathogens (Cordier et al. 1998; Hol and Cook 2005; Borges et al.
2007; Meira-Haddad 2008; Vos et al. 2012).
According to Azcón-Aguilar and Barea (1996), AMF promotes the following
mechanisms for biological control of plant diseases: improving the nutritional status
of the host plant, compensation for damage caused by the pathogen, competition for
the site of infection and colonisation site, anatomical and morphological changes in
the root system of the host, changes in the microbial population of the rhizosphere,
and activation of systemic and localised defence mechanisms (Pozo et al. 2002).
Several studies have demonstrated that AMF affect the reproduction of nema-
todes by reducing oviposition, the number of individuals in the roots of infected
plants, and the number of galls and by increasing plant tolerance to pathogen attack
228 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
through reductions in their development (Elsen et al. 2003; de La Peña et al. 2006;
Jaiti et al. 2008; Meira-Haddad 2008).
Populations of Pratylenchus coffeae, Radophulus similis, Meloidogyne javanica,
among others, were reduced by G. mosseae and G. intraradices when associated
with banana roots (Pinochet et al. 1996; Elsen et al. 2003). The mycorrhizal fun-
gi might affect nematode reproduction by reducing galls and eggs and inhibiting
penetration (Siddiqui and Mahmood 1995; Meira-Haddad 2008; Vos et al. 2012).
These diverse effects indicate that this interaction is specific, and the plant geno-
type, nematode species, fungal isolates, and changes in the environment could ex-
plain these different responses (Siddiqui and Mahmood 1995; Hol and Cook 2005;
Borges et al. 2007; Jaiti et al. 2008).
Using the root compartmentalisation system of two banana cultivars, it was pos-
sible to demonstrate the direct effect of AMF on M. incognita (Meira-Haddad 2008).
When AMF and nematodes were inoculated in the same compartment, a reduction
in the number of eggs in the cv. Prata-anã and both the number of eggs and galls
in the cv. FHIA 01 was observed (Meira-Haddad 2008). Studies have shown that
plants colonised by AMF have few galls containing few females, and the nematodes
are smaller in size. Because of this characteristic, they need more time to develop to
adulthood (Diedhiou et al. 2003; Freire et al. 2007; de La Peña et al. 2006).
Cells of the root system with arbuscules were not infected with the pathogens,
and its proliferation was reduced in the mycorrhizal roots and also in parts of the
root system, demonstrating that bioprotection is directly linked to AMF root colo-
nisation. Cytomolecular studies have shown that the systemic and localised pro-
tective effect induced of AMF colonisation involves the accumulation of defence
molecules in combination with the elicitation reaction of the host cell wall. Modi-
fications of the cell wall associated with localised resistance and the formation of
papillae characterises systemic resistance to P. parasitica in mycorrhizal tomato
plants (Cordier et al. 1998).
The changes in the root system caused by the AMF promote the vigorous growth
of the plant, thus reducing the negative effect of the pathogen (Siddiqui and Mah-
mood 1995). The reduction of plant growth due to the establishment of nematodes
in roots is lower when colonised by mycorrhizal fungi (Cofcewicz et al. 2001).
The success of the plant defence system against pathogens depends primarily on
the recognition of invasion by the pathogen in the initial stages for the activation
of defence response cascades. Plants in mycorrhizal symbiosis undergo biochemi-
cal, physiological and molecular alterations related to the plant defence system for
the establishment of symbiosis (Garcia-Garrido and Ocampo 2002). However, the
plant defence responses are limited, transient, and restricted to specific cells; how-
ever, the reactions share similarities with the physiological reactions observed dur-
ing colonisation by pathogens (Garcia-Garrido and Ocampo 2002; Lambais et al.
2003). The mycorrhizal colonisation acts as the primary system of plant defence to
pathogen attack (Elsen et al. 2008).
The physiological changes in the plant caused by the symbionts prevent pathogen
attack and activate defence mechanisms because proteins related to pathogenesis,
phytoalexin production, and cell wall lignification have been reported in mycor-
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 229
rhizal plants at regions far from the infection sites, indicating the occurrence of sys-
temic resistance (Cordier et al. 1998; Pozo et al. 2002; Selosse et al. 2004).
The successful establishment of mycorrhiza is essential for the control of nema-
todes and has a negative effect on the reproduction of these organisms (Cordier
et al. 1998; Elsen et al. 2003; Vos et al. 2012).
The bioprotector effect of the AMF to plant pathogens might be related to the
induction of localised or systemic resistance (Cordier et al. 1998; Pozo et al. 2002;
Elsen et al. 2008). When colonised by AMF, plants exhibit biochemical, physiologi-
cal and molecular alterations related to the plant defence system as symbiosis is
established (Garcia-Garrido and Ocampo 2002; De Gara et al. 2003; Selosse et al.
2004). However, the plant defence responses are limited, transient, and restricted
to specific cells, but the plant reactions have physiological similarities with the
reactions observed during colonisation by pathogens (Garcia-Garrido and Ocampo
2002; Lambais et al. 2003). Mycorrhizal colonisation acts as the primary system of
plant defence against pathogens (Elsen et al. 2008). Plants with higher antioxidant
activities are more tolerant to different stresses, and mycorrhizae increase the activ-
ity of antioxidant enzymes, such as peroxidise, catalase and superoxide dismutase
(Costa 2003; Lambais et al. 2003; Meira 2004; Arfaoui et al. 2007).
Peroxidase is an enzyme that is transiently induced and subsequently suppressed
during mycorrhizal colonisation. The peroxidases catalyse the oxidative polymeri-
sation of phenylpropanoids for the production of lignin and are involved in cross-
linking the proteins of the cell wall, thus contributing to increased rigidity (Siddiqui
and Mahmood 1995; Hol and Cook 2005; del Río et al. 2006). Consequently, hydro-
gen peroxide plays an important role in strengthening the cell wall and the systemic
induction of defence genes (del Río et al. 2006).
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase is a key enzyme in the phenylpropanoid pathway,
which is responsible for the deamination of L-phenylalanine to form trans-cinnamic
acid and ammonia. Trans-cinnamic acid is incorporated in different phenolic com-
pounds to produce phytoalexins, which are antimicrobial compounds that are closely
related to the resistance of plants to pathogens (Wuyts et al. 2006; Arfaoui et al. 2007).
The study of the mechanisms involved in the AMF bioprotection to nematodes
has been limited due to obligatory biotrophism and parasitism of both. AMF can be
considered to be biological control agents; however, the diversity of responses to
the combination AMF-nematode and plants is unique. Generalisations are hindered
because these interactions are dependent on the host, nematode species, AMF spe-
cies and combinations of nematode and AMF initial inoculum density, soil fertility
and nematode inoculum.
The various interactions that occur between plant roots and microorganisms in the
soil are of importance to ecosystems. The understanding of these interactions can
greatly benefit agriculture through the manipulation of populations of common mi-
croorganisms that inhabit the soil associated with roots, which is a promising area
230 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
of research that can be an effective option for increasing plant tolerance to biotic
and abiotic stresses. Beneficial microorganisms that promote plant growth and con-
fer a protective effect against soil pathogens are considered to be of great value to
production systems.
Despite of more than 120 years, since the first descriptions and hypotheses about
the functionality of the mycorrhizal associations, it is suspected that the deeper im-
pact of this symbiosis is yet to be revealed.
The effort by the potentiation of AMF in the field, as well as by the generation of
related techniques, demand studies incorporating multiplication protocols of AMF.
Implies consider this component in long-term studies that seek to detect not only
its impact on the growth and development of a plant, but about the magnitude of its
contribution to global events and structure of plant communities.
With the perspective opened by molecular techniques, there are the opportu-
nity to understand mechanisms of evolution of plant species and the symbiosis. It
remains to researchers in AM extend your range of research in a multidisciplinary
effort, even because, without this approach, it will not possible to understand the
full dimension of this formidable symbiosis.
The AMF and the symbiotic association process require an interaction between
root and fungi, so far not clarified with regard to the mechanism for the recognition
of symbiotic partners and interaction, or the moment from which it is recognized as
an association.
The symbiosis between plants and AMF results in the reduction of losses by
stresses and consequently faster growth, with economic inputs and the reduction
of environmental contamination. Furthermore, AMF can act as potential biological
control agents, reducing the effects or damage caused by plant pathogens through
indirect means, enhanced plant nutrition, or increased resistance in the root system.
Little is known about the physiological and molecular mechanisms responsible
for greater tolerance of mycorrhizal plants. The knowledge that one of the physi-
ological responses to biotic and abiotic stress in plants mediated by AM consists
in the increase of the activity of an oxidative stress set of enzymes (SOD, APX,
POD), in the production of compounds with antimicrobial activity (phenols, qui-
nones, phytoalexins) and the activation of enzymes that catalyze the reactions for
the production of compounds that act as chemical or physical barriers. Furthermore,
increased activity and induction of new isoenzymes that participate in the antioxi-
dant system in inoculated plants can allow the plant to tolerate excess superoxide
radicals generated during the prevalence of stress conditions.
Know the community structure of the AMF of a particular environment or bi-
ome, and evaluate the functional diversity of these symbionts are of fundamental
importance when you want to explore the potential of these fungi to increase the
plants tolerance to biotic and abiotic stress. There are few works that examine in
detail the factors that affect the survival of AMF in their natural habitats. On the
contrary, the effects of physical and chemical factors on plants are widely reported.
Studies on the factors that may regulate the establishment and functioning of
AM and changes biochemical, physiological and molecular in both symbionts dur-
ing biotic and abiotic stress conditions have been made in recent years. However,
6 Plant-Microorganism Interactions: Effects on the Tolerance of Plants … 231
the elucidation of these mechanisms is still far from being completed. The limited
information about the genetics of the AMF and the difficulties encountered in car-
rying out these studies, which is hampered by the obligatory symbiotic relation-
ship that is required and by the complexity of fungal genomics, has contributed to
limiting the knowledge of that symbiosis.
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238 M. da Silva Folli-Pereira et al.
Abstract Currently much of the wheat genetic variability is obtained through con-
ventional crop improvement methods involving land races and normal varieties.
Hence, the germplasm base available in the form of cultivars is becoming increas-
ingly narrow and the need for widening the gene pool is essential in view of the
emerging biotic and abiotic stresses due to global warming and climate change.
Major abiotic constraints that have surfaced are due to increased salinity, water log-
ging, drought and heat. Biotic stresses of emphasis here additionally contribute to
the crops productivity situation. To counter these maladies a broad genetic base
is essential to have on hand and its implementation a dire need forming the focus
of this communication. New and useful genetic variations exist in the wild uncul-
tivated wheat progenitor species that can be utilized for the enhancement of the
existing wheat breeding pools and improve yield stability. These genetic variations
can be harnessed through a combination of conventional breeding methods coupled
with interspecific, intraspecific and intergeneric hybridization approaches popularly
known as “wide crossing” that independently and cumulatively augment the avail-
able genetic variability for wheat improvement.
Diploid wheat progenitors (2n = 2x = 14) A, B, and D are the constituents of
bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L) offering extensive diversity that contributes to
crop improvement by providing novel allelic enrichment. A and D genome dip-
A. G. Kazi ()
Atta-ur-Rahman School of Applied Biosciences,
National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST),
Islamabad, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Rasheed
Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University,
Islamabad, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Mujeeb-Kazi
National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE),
Faisalabad, Pakistan
e-mail: [email protected]
loids belong to the “primary” gene pool and the B(S) genome to the “secondary”
pool. Exploiting these diploids requires skills of developing user friendly genetic
stocks commonly known as “synthetic hexaploids (SH)”. The stocks are produced
by combining durum wheat cultivars (2n = 4x = 28) with each diploid thus generat-
ing hexaploids that are genomically AABBDD, AABBAA and AABBBB(SS). All
stocks cytologically are expected to be 2n = 6x = 42 and major resources and provide
unique allelic diversity for wheat improvement.
Biotic stresses of significance vary according to location and our major ones are
the three rusts, karnal bunt with upcoming concern prevailing for powdery mildew,
barley yellow dwarf and the new emergence of spot blotch. Progress to combat
these stresses has be driven in tandem with locational priorities and these dictates
have shifted global and national focus among the rusts to stem rust with the threat
of race UG99’s spread linked with a local races presence. Thus diversity for ex-
ploitation has extended beyond the diploid relatives to include tertiary gene pool
resources where most notable mention is of the diploid Thinopyrum bessarabicum
that has the potential to address multiple stress factors and will be elucidated in an
agglomerated manner to embrace various accessional sources as they relate to the
major biotic stresses resistance management.
stocks are produced by combining durum wheat cultivars (2n = 4x = 28) with each
diploid thus generating hexaploids that are genomically AABBDD, AABBAA and
AABBBB(SS). All stocks cytologically are expected to be 2n = 6x = 42 and major
genetic resources that provide unique allelic diversity for wheat improvement.
Biotic stresses of significance vary according to location and our major ones
are the three rusts, karnal bunt with upcoming concern prevailing for powdery mil-
dew, barley yellow dwarf and the new emergence of spot blotch (Mujeeb-Kazi et al.
2008b). Progress to combat these stresses has be driven in tandem with locational
priorities and these dictates have shifted global and national focus among the rusts
to stem rust with the threat of race UG99’s spread linked with a local races pres-
ence (Mirza et al. 2010). Thus diversity for exploitation has extended beyond the
diploid relatives to include tertiary gene pool resources where most notable men-
tion is of the diploid Thinopyrum bessarabicum that has the potential to address
multiple stress factors and will be elucidated in an agglomerated manner to embrace
various accessional sources as they relate to the major biotic stresses resistance
management. This communication covers our major biotic stresses, address a few
of international importance using strategies that embrace diverse means of intro-
gressing genes integrating technologies that add to the efficiency of pre-breeding
and breeding to deliver outputs that are expected to form a conduit to food security.
The overall theme is captioned “wide crossing”.
Major credit for motivating research on the course of wide crosses goes to Kruse
1967, 1969, 1973, 1974 following the events of 1891 (Rimpau) and 1904 (Farrar).
Initial impetus was derived from the wheat/barley findings of Kruse 1974 that paved
the way for significant cytogenetical outputs by Islam et al. (1981) and followed by
some additional digressions with other Triticeae members Sharma and Gill (1983),
Mujeeb-Kazi and Kimber (1985), Mujeeb-Kazi et al. (1987, 1989), Wang (1989),
Jiang et al. (1994), Sharma (1995). All these reports have centered on “intergeneric
hybridization” and considered complex for realizing alien genetic transfers. Paral-
lel to these efforts since mid-1980s emerged the era of exploiting of close relatives
particularly the diploid wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii (2n = 2x = 14, DD) via
direct crossing (Alonso and Kimber 1984; Gill and Raupp 1987) or via bridge cross-
ing (Mujeeb-Kazi and Hettel 1995; Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 1996a). Both these strategies
will be highlighted but for handling practical outputs for key biotic stresses only
those at a priority in our perception shall be considered that others could modify
according to their desires.
Wheat Production
The productivity levels across varied environments are separated into the irrigated
and rainfed regimes of cultivation. Stress constraints vary as well and these are
locational holding their specific priority profiles. Often diversity to address a trait
is present in conventional sources but when limitations prevail then unique sources
are tapped. Over the past few decades this emphasis on suing novel genetic resourc-
242 A. G. Kazi et al.
es has increased and the benefits have also resulted (Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2008b).
Maximum benefits on a practical scale has come from the closely related wild pro-
genitors like the D genome diploid grass Ae. tauschii that has resulted in variet-
ies in China, Spain, Afghanistan, Ecuador and an abundance of advanced varietal
candidate lines globally possessing biotic stress resistances and high yield levels
(David Bonnett, Personal Communication). Specifying the contribution of special
resources towards biotic stresses a brief consideration covers spot blotch, Septoria
tritici, Karnal bunt, Fusarium graminearum, powdery mildew, yellow rust and stem
rust, substantiated by inputs from other resources that are more divergent are out-
puts for spot blotch and stem rust.
The wheat family members are distributed within three gene pools; primary, sec-
ondary and tertiary (Jiang et al. 1994) and their utilization ranges from a relative
ease to complex based upon genetic distance and genetic affinity traversing from
perfect homology to genomic homeology. Details to elucidate the species distribu-
tion and range are provided in Dewey (1984), Kimber and Feldman (1987).
a. The conventional resource. The globally available accessions in ex situ gene
banks number approximately 800,000 of which 3 % are of wild wheats (Valk-
oun 2001). Those categorized as conventional wheats, land races and grouped
into winter, spring and facultative fall in this section from which special men-
tion will be made of some land races and naturally originated wheats that have
been in extensive use since mid-1970s that carry the spontaneous translocation
T1BL.1RS. National land races approach 1,000 in Pakistan of which 112 are
widely studied and have been evaluated for various parameters. They are further
unique diversity candidates to exploit for wheat improvement.
b. The unique wild/exotic gene pool resources including the diploid progenitors of
the primary and secondary gene pool plus various tetraploids with their contribu-
tion of derived usable stocks which address biotic stresses. In extensive use have
been the D genome followed by the A and in very limited use so far the B(S)
genomes. Capturing interest also are the tetraploids Triticum dicoccum, T. dicoc-
coides, T. carthlicum and the hexaploid T. spelta.
c. The tertiary gene pool species with their diversity made user friendly and specifi-
cally targeted for a biotic stress of current global significance and a potent threat
to wheat production will be addressed. The contributions from this pool have
been tabulated and reported by Mujeeb-Kazi et al. (1987, 1989, 2008a), Sharma
and Gill (1983), Sharma (1995), Friebe et al. (1996), Mujeeb-Kazi (2003, 2005,
2006a), Trethowan and Mujeeb-Kazi (2008), Ogbonnaya et al. (2013) elucidat-
ing that almost all major stresses encountered in wheat cultivation plots can ben-
efit from alleles of value present in these resources.
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 243
The range of available genetic resources for improving wheat is enormous but if
the time span for the delivery of final products that translate into varieties is the
measure then the priority would follow intraspecific, interspecific and intergeneric.
At the intraspecific level T. dicoccum/T. dicoccoides followed by T. carthlicum
take lead for both durum and bread wheat improvement with T. spelta being a good
candidate for bread wheat.
At the interspecific level based upon homology the D genome heads the list
along the strategy of bridge crossing and direct crossing. For additive variation A
genome accessions come next and lastly usage of the B(S) from the Sitposis section
that is rarely exploited for applied goals of wheat production.
At the intergeneric level most of the tertiary gene pool species are genomically
far removed from the wheat A, B and D genomes. Hence parental choice of the alien
resource is paramount. If trait is present across various ploidy levels then the prefer-
ence of the species to be exploited would be the lower ploidy. Using such a strategy
the salt tolerance gene transfers from the diploids Thinopyrum bessarabicum or Th.
elongatum are preferred over the tetraploid source T. junceum or the decaploid Th.
ponticum. It is fortuitous that the diploid Th. bessarabicum is also resistant to the
UG99 pathotypes and thus for this paper it shall be discussed in detail.
Hybrid Production
Hybridization varies from the conventional to the radical combinations and thus
can be rather easy to highly complex. In general where polyploidy levels differ,
the higher polyploidy parent serves as the female and after crossing seed is set that
may mature and be shriveled or would have to have its embryo excised from after
10 to 15 days and give plantlets that are self-sterile requiring induced doubling or
backcrossing for further use in pre-breeding or breeding.
Of late this term has been used to justify program organization in some internation-
al output projections. Unfortunately assigning the pre-breeding category to those
crosses where F1 embryo rescue is not needed needs to be separated and fitted
into the conventional hybridization category well within the work arsenal of any
wheat breeder. Intraspecifc crosses have across many decades being handled by
breeders where the classic examples are of the bread wheat/ durum wheat combina-
tions forming the pentaploid and their further exploitation. This remains a 100 %
field operation and calling it pre-breeding in our perception is inappropriate. Thus
244 A. G. Kazi et al.
all crosses using the AABB tetraploids onto wheat or AABBDD hexaploids with
AABB tetraploids that do not require embryo culture and laboratory assistance to
handle self-fertility or chromosome doubling should fall under the breeder’s do-
main of conventional breeding and not categorized as “pre-breeding”.
Wide hybridization returning to Triticale production, the classic wheat/barley
hybrids then additional Triticeae species that require embryo rescue and media
preparation skills, special plantlet regeneration strategies, handling care of the hy-
brid that is self-sterile with its advance via amphiploidy or backcrossing to affect
alien transfers is the true categorization of the term “pre-breeding” and has been in
operation since the start of such efforts highlighted in reports of Rimpau (1891),
Farrar (1904), Kruse (1967, 1969), Islam et al. (1978), Sharma and Gill (1983),
Mujeeb-Kazi and Kimber (1985), Mujeeb-Kazi et al. (1987, 1989, 1996a, 2013),
Sharma (1995) and Mujeeb-Kazi and Hettel (1995). Outputs from such diverse
crossings require infrastructure and skills that are hard to find within the conven-
tional breeding professionals and requires expertise and controlled environment
facilities that permits adopting special tools for F1 crossing to be done, compat-
ibility to be harnessed, tissue culture to rescue the embryos, cytology to validate the
hybrid, growing conditions that promote vigorous growth, amphiploid induction
and/ or backcrossing before the BC or the amphiploid could be manipulated to
deliver advanced lines that have the potential to become varietal materials. These
facets are true “pre-breeding” steps that has been not been mentioned and the term
loosely used to chart program structures in developing world programs fostered by
international funding.
Bridge Crosses
The genetic stocks used for identifying resistance are known as synthetic hexa-
ploids and these are of the three wheat genomes. According to their usage level
they genomically rank as the D, A and B with their hexaploids being AABBDD,
AABBAA and AABBSS with all being 2n = 6x = 42. These have been elaborately
discussed in literature (Mujeeb-Kazi 2003, 2006a; Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2004, 2008b,
Ogbonnaya et al. 2013).
in use has been the D genome synthetics and their elite sub-sets 1 plus 2. Lesser
targeted usage also happens and special requests are met from the euploid reserve
holdings. One significant provision was of a synthetic hexaploid wheat stock to Cor-
nell University wheat program where after being crossed with the cultivar “Opata”
the famous ITMI population of 150 RIL’s was developed . This population was the
conduit for developing the wheat microsatellite map (Roder et al. 1998). D genome
synthetic production has been of worldwide interest but large numbers have been
associated with the CIMMYT wide cross program where close to 1,200 spring and
winter habits synthetics have been produced (Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2008b) and these
numbers are increasing (Bonnett, Personal Communication with A Mujeeb-Kazi).
In depth details of the global inputs of various laboratories towards the D genome
stocks have been recently reviewed by Ogbonnaya et al. (2013) where the current
status of their practical utilization has also been elucidated.
The close relative genetic diversity beyond the D genome has exploited acces-
sions of the A diploid resources T. boeoticum, T. monococcum and T. urartu and to
a very limited extent the B(S) genome diploid Ae. speltoides of the Sitopsis section.
The A and the B(S) genome stocks have yet to be widely utilized.
The use of the SH route is categorized as bridge crossing as upon crossing se-
lected SH s with bread wheat for its improvement all three genomes are contributors
and allelic richness is harnessed from all three of the SH genomes, i.e., A, B and D
allowing for intraspecific and interspecific coverage to occur where the intraspe-
cific portion simulates the bread wheat/ durum wheat pentaploid breeding protocol.
Direct Crosses
The most efficient technique for exploiting Ae. tauschii variability for bread wheat
improvement is to achieve direct transfers from resistant/tolerant Ae. tauschii ac-
cessions to bread wheat. The methodology rapidly produces improved BC1 deriv-
atives with the six genomes (AABBDD), five of which (AABBD) resemble the
elite bread wheat cultivar used in the cross (Fig. 7.1). Aneuploidy in the BC does
surface and thus recovery of euploids (2n = 6x = 42) requires cytology. Advantages
of direct crossing have been elucidated by Cox et al. (1990) and has tremendous
potential to go beyond the D genome into the A genome diploids. For a targeted ap-
proach screening of the genomic resource is important for practical wheat produc-
tivity goals. Alonso and Kimber (1984), Cox et al. (1990, 1991) and Gill and Raupp
(1987) unequivocally placed priority on direct Ae. tauschii crossing with bread
wheat cultivars. Based on the transfer of stem rust resistance from Ae. tauschii to
the cultivar Chinese Spring Alonso and Kimber (1984) determined that one back-
cross onto the F1 hybrids reinstated 92 % of the genotype of the recurrent parent.
Where there are constraints to screening of the Ae. tauschii accessions, screen-
ing the synthetic hexaploids derived from T. turgidum/Ae. tauschii is an alternative
particularly where the durum parent is susceptible and thus the SH resistance is
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 247
attributed to the Ae. tauschii accession. Therefore, the accession can be selected
from such synthetics for a trait and used in direct crosses.
Underutilized but with a high potential is the modus operandi is combining resis-
tances identified in two divergent D genome synthetics for a biotic stress that adds
efficiency to pre-breeding/breeding. Divergent synthetics with resistance contribu-
tion from two accessions are first crossed and their F1’s superior resistance perfor-
mance than either parent detected. The F1 upon selfing generates a segregating F2
population from which superior plants with resistance resembling the F1 and bet-
ter than either parent in the cross are selected. Representative tillers detached and
doubled haploids produced, which upon further seed increase and screening will
have value additive of the two synthetic parents in the DH derivatives (Fig. 7.2). In-
tegrated in this scheme could be the DNA profile of both SHs of the cross to ensure
that DNA polymorphism is prevalent extended further to genes in either parent that
248 A. G. Kazi et al.
Fig. 7.2 Protocol for pyramiding resistance value of polymorphic synthetic hexaploid wheats for
adding to breeding efficiency
could be combined via marker technology. Hence in the offing exists a genetic re-
source area that could combine desired SHs for enhancing recombination breeding
efficiency and for which the entire over a 1,000 D genome SH’s of the D genome
and a couple hundred of the A genome await exploitation.
With production and maintenance protocols similar to those of the D genome diploid
accession SH derivatives, uniqueness of the A and B (S) genome synthetics resides
essentially in widening the variability resource that allows for novel allelic richness
to become user friendly and provide the wheat crop additional genes that would
be additive for resistance durability. The generated resource can not only enrich
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 249
durum breeding programs but can also complement the efforts with bread wheat im-
provement akin to what pentaploid breeding (2n = 5x = 35, AABBD) efforts provide
due to bread/durum crossings. This diversification comes from numerous acces-
sions of the diploid progenitors and is extended to cover the tetraploids not being
extensively used in the current breeding programs. The allelic richness that becomes
available to exploit does have a down side and needs voicing. In case where genetic
diversity is distributed in the two ploidy level crops by combining and shuffling
their genes, a fear exists that the spectrum of divergence may be reduced or elimi-
nated thus narrowing the base making germplasm derivatives of breeding programs
prone to greater susceptibility occurrences.
Apart from the conventional mode of wheat improvement is the newer trend where
close relatives of the primary gene pool are exploited for improvement programs
and categorized as interspecific breeding. The focus here is on the D genome that
could easily be extended to the A genome diploids and novel AB tetraploids. Though
direct crossing has greater precision this group’s emphasis has been on adding di-
versity to wheat across its three genomes for global handling of complex stresses.
Hence bridge crossing has been favored and has contributed on the applied scale
as evidenced from global varietal releases, registration of stocks and generation of
pre-bred materials. Information has been captured from research conducted up to
2004 in CIMMYT Mexico and reported in Annual Wheat Newsletter of 2004 with
additional outputs from similar resource materials but environmentally removed to
Islamabad, Pakistan from 2005 until the present having the group leader as the com-
mon lead person throughout.
The most significant practical usage of the D genome synthetics for biotic stress-
es to date have been for Fusarium head blight, Septoria leaf blotch, Cochliobolus
spot blotch, karnal bunt, yellow, leaf and stem rust and powdery mildew. The strat-
egy has been to identify resistance first in the primary synthetic hexaploids and then
exploit those in crosses onto elite wheat cultivars that need such improvement. Each
of these biotic stresses are briefly discussed:
The internationally recognized Sumai 3 has over the past few decades stood as the
resistant standard for scab resistance and if the emphasis is on Type2 resistance
then acceptance of up to 15 % infection is considered as resistant since the central
inoculated florets get damaged, thus immunity is never present. The extensive test-
ing done in Mexico by the CIMMYT Wheat Wide Crossing program researchers
250 A. G. Kazi et al.
Septoria leaf blotch ( Bipolaris sorokiniana) limits wheat production in high rain-
fall areas across 10.4 × 106 hectares globally. Disease scoring is of a double-digit
scale from 1-1 (resistant) to 9-9 (susceptible) and recorded over the three grain
development stages (watery, milky, doughy). The D genome synthetics proved to
be superior for their resistance levels with numerous giving scores between 1-1 and
3-1 compared to the bread wheat cultivars that exhibited a susceptible trend with
scores between 4-1 and 9-9. The identification of resistance in unique SH sources
led breeders to exploit the germplasm in their wheat improvement efforts. The de-
rivatives allowed for selection of good agronomic plant progenies with high levels
of resistance and also led to germplasm registrations (Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2000,
2001a). Similar resistance was also observed in the A genome synthetics (AAB-
BAA) where the score range of 1-1–2-1 in abundance were superior to the levels
seen for their durum parents that had the best at 4-1 to poor forms reaching 8-9.
Recently, Aggarwal et al. (2011) developed a SCAR marker for detection of spot
blotch in leaf and field soil which is suggested to play a key role in effective man-
agement of this disease.
Spot blotch affects wheat crops across several environments from Latin America,
Asia and southeast Asia with Bangladesh being represented as a major disease loca-
tion. Its presence in the wheat crop cycle of 2009–2010 in lower Punjab of Pakistan
was alarming causing a leading cultivar “Bhakkar” to be banned from further plant-
ing in that area. The screening site for this disease is the most severe in Mexico at
the location “Poza Rica” where field screening under natural conditions allowed nu-
merous entries to be selected with resistance that included genetic stocks of various
genomes and their advanced pre-bred derivatives. The best resistant lines selected
were later called “Mayoor” and “Sabuf” leading to crop registration (Mujeeb-Kazi
et al. 1996b). Subsequently when focus shifted to exploitation of close wheat pro-
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 251
genitors, the D genome diversity at the basic primary level and for the advanced
derivatives became significant for wheat breeding efforts. From the Mayoor and
Sabuf test scores of 9-2–9-4 (9-9 susceptible) screening and a grain finish between
1 and 3 (5 poor blemished grain) the derivatives and D genome stocks utilizing
Ae. tauschii produced selected products that scored 9-2 with a grain finish of 1–2.
These were far superior than Mayoor and Sabuf and utilized via gene pyramid-
ing options. Mayoor was hybridized with a synthetic combination TKSN1081/Ae.
tauschii (222) to yield superior spot blotch resistant derivatives which also possess
multiple disease resistance that covers scab (type 1–4), Septoria and karnal bunt.
Both Mayoor and Sabuf have been further utilized in the development of molecular
mapping populations with susceptible wheat Flycatcher and Ciano (Mujeeb-Kazi
et al. 2004) as follows:
1. Mayoor//TKSN 1081/Ae tauschii (222)/3/Flycatcher with 171 doubled haploids
2. Sabuf/3/Bacanora//Ceta/Ae. tauschii(895)/4/Flycatcher with 125 doubled haploids
3. Sabuf/3/Bacanora//Ceta/Ae. tauschii(895)/4/Ciano with 102 doubled haploids.
The above populations are a conduit for molecular studies involving QTL mapping
aspects and testing internationally.
Karnal Bunt
chromosomes 3BL and 2DS which ultimately reduced the disease spread (Sukh-
winder-Singh et al. 2012).
Of the total 215 million hectares area planted to bread and durum wheat globally
about 44 % (95 million hectares) are in Asia. Sixty-nine million hectares are in Chi-
na, India and Pakistan. Most of the farmers are classed as “poor” or “small” farm-
ers and hence food security plus production stability are of significant importance.
Stem rust has been under control since the green revolution times of the mid-sixties.
Leaf rust (caused by Puccinia triticina) and yellow rust (caused by Puccinia strifor-
mis) however have the potential to affect production levels up to 60 and 43 million
hectares respectively in Asia if susceptible cultivars were grown (Singh et al. 2004).
Though fungicidal applications offer control their use is an added cost to farmers
besides being unsafe environmentally. Hence growing resistant cultivars is the most
effective and efficient control strategy (Rizwan et al. 2008). These major stresses
have to be simultaneously addressed.
Rusts have remained very dynamic pathogens that have consistently existed as
a major wheat-breeding objective globally. Currently major attention is given to
stem rust and yellow rust is a close second that should not be a reason to look at
leaf rust with complacency. The conventional picture details numerous genes for all
three rusts in the Wheat Rust compilation (McIntosh et al. 2003). Genes have been
identified from within conventional wheat cultivars and also from alien species.
The resource of the D genome Ae. tauschii is of interest for this presentation and its
contributions to yellow rust and stem rust shall be elucidated. An in depth coverage
of leaf rust has been made by Dubin and Brennan (2009) in the IFPRI 2020 Vision
Initiative Report hence it is not covered here.
Stripe rust (yellow rust), caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is an important
foliar disease of wheat. It occurs in wheat growing areas of temperate, moist and
cool regions in all continents except Antarctica (Chen 2005). Its wider prevalence is
a global threat to wheat production inflicting about 30–100 % grain losses besides
affecting the quality of grain and forage (Chen 2005). In China, India and Paki-
stan; the top wheat producers in Asia where 59.3 million hectares are under wheat
cultivation, stripe rust prevails in 24.8 million hectares i.e., ∼ 40 % of wheat
grown area (Singh et al. 2004). The deployment of stripe rust resistant genes is the
most effective method to protect wheat productivity and several stripe rust resistant
genes have been deployed successfully in the past. So far 84 Yr genes have been
designated in wheat out of which 36 genes have temporary designations (McIn-
tosh et al. in MacGenes 2010). Additionally, 52 QTLs have also been identified
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 253
conferring resistance to stripe rust in bread and durum wheats (McIntosh et al. in
MacGenes 2010).
Utilization of genetic resistance and its incorporation in wheat demands genetic
resources with enormous potential. These genetic resources have been categorized
as wild relatives, elite cultivars and landraces (Bux et al. 2012a; Kazi et al. 2012;
Arif et al. 2012). Wild progenitors of wheat possess abundant unutilized genetic
diversity. There are several stripe rust resistance genes derived from wild relatives
like Yr5 from T. spelta (Kema 1992), Yr8 from Ae. comosa (Riley et al. 1968),
Yr9 from Secale cereale (Zeller 1973), Yr28 from Ae. tauschii (Singh et al. 1998),
Yr37 from Ae. kotschyi (Marais et al. 2005), Yr38 from Ae. sharonensis (Marais
et al. 2006), Yr40 from Ae. geniculata (Kuraparthy et al. 2007) and Yr42 from Ae.
neglecta (Marias et al. 2009). Recently, Ren et al. (2012) tagged a Yr gene in syn-
thetic hexaploid line C110 and designated the gene as YrC110. Unfortunately, no
resistance gene to stripe rust has been identified and transferred to wheat from the
A-genome diploid progenitors T. monococcum and T. urartu.
Stem Rust
Stem rust ( Puccinia graminis tritici) resistance got high attention after the new race
TTKSK (UG99) emerged in Uganda in 1999 (Pretorius et al. 2000). Stem rust per
se has the potential to devastate wheat in all continents (Dubin and Brennan 2009;
Hodson 2011) The subsequent spread of TTKSK in that region soon found it to
attack wheat in Kenya, Ethiopia, Yemen reaching up to Iran throwing the SE Asia
region in jeopardy as the migration trends could take the pathogen into Pakistan
and beyond. CIMMYT wheat breeding program had been utilizing the D genome
synthetics for various other attributes and advanced derivatives screened in Kenya
gave encouraging resistant results. Selections were high yielding and also UG99
resistant (Singh et al. 2011a, b) show promise and the danger from its spread some-
what reduced. Global alliances and funding have alleviated the hazard from this
new race and also from its mutant forms. The threat of the race and its lineage has
been substantiated (Singh et al. 2008).
In Pakistan exists a local race of stem rust that has shown virulence and is an
added concern for that region. We have advocated that screening against this race
should be a priority and from the resistant selections further evaluations be made in
Kenya to ensure that final selections have resistance against both forms (i.e. UG99,
mutants, and the local Pakistan race).
Resistance gene Sr2 provided stability to wheat varieties with the release of Ya-
qui 50 in Mexico and other Sr2 carrying wheats released since then stabilized the
stem rust situation in Mexico and other countries where semi-dwarf wheats got
adopted. When present alone Sr2 gene confers slow rusting that is inadequate under
heavy disease pressure but does provide satisfactory resistance when it is in combi-
nation with other minor genes. Identifying/developing adapted resistant cultivars in
a relatively short time and replacing the susceptible cultivars before rust migrates
into our terrain is the strategy to mitigate potential losses. Although several genes
254 A. G. Kazi et al.
will provide resistance to the race UG99 the long-term strategy should focus on
rebuilding the “Sr2 complex” to achieve long-term durability. The complex to be
built will involve an assemblage of slow rusting gene Sr2 with other unknown ad-
ditive genes of similar nature (Singh et al. 2006). Addressing the target swiftly has
been considered very crucial as migratory paths present a gloomy picture for wheat
production should adequate resistance not be incorporated in regional wheat variet-
ies (Hodson et al. 2005, Reynolds and Borlaug 2006). To add to the swiftness would
be efficient tools (Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2006b; Randhawa et al. 2009) as an integral
means to drive the gene transfers (Mago et al. 2005) and give allelic output stability
(Mujeeb-Kazi 2003, 2005, 2006). The allelic diversity from unique genetic resourc-
es will also be a significant aid (Coghlan 2006; Rizwan et al. 2007; Simonite 2006).
Hence, the availability of broad-based genetic variability is a pre-requisite for
having a sound and successful wheat improvement program. Genomic diversity is
one unique option available and the maximum ease that permits exploitation of this
resource comes from the D and A genome diploids of the primary Triticeae gene
pool that have generated via pre-breeding the synthetic hexaploid germplasm (Mu-
jeeb-Kazi 2003, 2006). Synthetic hexaploids created by crossing Triticum turgidum
with Aegilops tauschii tap the desirable genes present in the wild D genome dip-
loid species (Trethowan and Mujeeb-Kazi 2008; Trethowan and Van-Ginkel 2009).
These synthetic hexaploid wheats have been used as an intermediary for transfer-
ring resistance genes from the wild D genome ancestor to cultivated wheat. As both
synthetic hexaploid and bread wheat varieties have the same genomic constitution
with perfect homology they can be readily inter-crossed.
Several varieties with UG99 and its lineage lines have been released in various
countries based upon data gathered from Kenya and Ethiopia (Joshi et al. 2011)
and as early as 2006 in CIMMYT a targeted program to increase yield and pos-
sess stem and yellow rust resistance got actively moving with its superior products
obtained as reported by Singh et al. (2011b). It was encouraging to see that in the
various promising high yielding and resistant lines identified a significant number
had unique genetic resources in their pedigrees that included several of Ae. squar-
rosa (Syn. Ae. tauschii) and Thinopyrum acutum. Almost all possessed APR genes
and others that contributed. The contribution to yield from alien resources has been
well demonstrated by the varietal release in Sichuan, China of Chaunmai 42 that
reported a yield enhancement of 22.7 % over the earlier cultivar Chaunmai 107
(Yang et al. 2009).
In initial stages has been the contribution with basic research aspects where sig-
nificant contributions related to UG99 pathotypes resistance has been reported. This
has come through screening of various accessions of the AA diploid progenitor
wheats (Rouse and Jin 2011), the D genome Ae. tauschii accessions (Rouse et al.
2011) and the tertiary gene pool diploid Th. bessarabicum promise (Xu et al. 2009).
All the above have opened up avenues for global researchers to embark on vola-
tile “pre-breeding” programs where from the closely related forms of the AA and
DD resource pay offs will be swifter while those from the EbEb genome transfers
more time consuming due to the genetic distance of that diploid resource but still
needed as translocations from this source may be additive to what has recently been
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 255
Powdery Mildew
Wheat powdery mildew, caused by Blumeria graminis (DC.) E.O. Speer f. sp. Triti-
ci Em. Marchal ( Bgt) = Erysiphe graminis DC. Ex Merat f. sp. Tritici Em. Marchal,
is one of the most devastating diseases of common wheat occurs in many areas,
including China, Germany, Japan, Russia, United Kingdom, South and West Asia,
North and East Africa, and the Southeastern United States. Yield losses range from
13–34 % due to this disease (Griffey et al. 1993). To date, 41 loci with more than
60 genes/alleles for resistance to powdery mildew have been identified and located
on 18 different chromosomes in bread wheat. 29 resistance genes/alleles have been
tagged with different types of molecular markers. The desirable type of resistance
256 A. G. Kazi et al.
to powdery mildew is called adult plant resistance (APR), which retards infection,
growth and reproduction of the pathogen in adult plants but not in seedlings. It is
also called “slow mildewing” and “partial resistance”. APR in wheat cultivar Knox
and its derivatives remained effective against powdery mildew infection during the
20 years in which these cultivars were grown commercially (Shaner 1973). Another
cultivar, Massey, which is a derivative of Knox62, was developed and released in
1981 (Starling et al. 1984) and still has effective powdery mildew resistance in adult
plants. Common sources of Pm genes are different species within the primary, sec-
ondary and tertiary gene pools. Many of the resistance genes were introduced from
ancestral and other wild species related to common wheat such as Triticum mono-
coccum, close relative of the A genome progenitor Triticum uratu, the B genome
progenitor Aegilops speltoides, and the D genome progenitor Ae. Tauschii (Hsam
and Zeller 2002). They reported a total of 22 resistance alleles at ten loci in com-
mon wheat indicating that Pm genes may still be found in cultivated wheat. Earlier
studies by Mains (1933) identified that the wild wheat relatives T. monococcum
(AA genomes), T. dicoccum (AABB), and T. timopheevi (AAGG) are the sources
of resistance genes to powdery mildew as early as 1933. Screening of old wheat
cultivars, landraces and related species for resistance to powdery mildew started
in the 1930’s (Hsam and Zeller 2002). Pm genes were identified in many different,
widely distributed wheat cultivars and landraces. Pm5a and Pm5b, followed by
Pm2, Pm6, and Pm8 are the most common in Europe, Asia and Mediterranean cul-
tivars. Pm3a is commonly found in wheat cultivars grown in diverse geographical
locations including the Balkans, Japan, China and the US. Pm3c was identified in
Germany, while Pm3d was found in several European countries and China. Pm4a
has been used in commercial wheat cultivars in Germany and China. A number
of commercially grown cultivars have been found to have Pm gene combinations
(Heun and Fischbeck 1987). The best known cultivars are Normandie with Pm1,
Pm2, and Pm9, Maris Huntsman with Pm2 and Pm6, Kronjuvel with Pm4b and
Pm8, and 623/65 with Pm4b and Pm8 (Liu et al. 1999). Gene transfer from species
within the primary gene pool of Triticum with homologous chromosomes to wheat
can be done directly by hybridization, recombination and backcrossing.
Ae. tauschii has proved to be an important source of resistance against pow-
dery mildew. Earlier Gill et al. (1986) screened 60 Ae. tauschii accessions to four
different Bgt isolates and identified 11 highly resistant and 20 moderately resis-
tant accessions. Hsam and Zeller (2002) transferred two resistance genes, Pm2
and Pm19, from Ae. tauschii to common wheat. Two germplasm lines, NC96B-
GTD3 and NC97BGTD7, were developed which carries resistance genes Pm34
and Pm35 against PM (Murphy et al. 1998; Mirinda et al. 2006, 2007). Similarly,
Pm25 has been transferred from diploid T. monococcum to common wheat germ-
plasm NC96BGTA5 (Shi et al. 1998; Murphy et al. 1998). In tetraploid wild emmer
wheat ( T. dicoccoides), seven PM resistance genes viz. Pm16, Pm26, Pm3, Pm31,
Pm36, Pm41 and pm42 have been identified and transferred to wheat (Rong et al.
2000; Liu et al. 2002; Hsam and Zeller 2002; Hua et al. 2009). Recently, Rafiq et al.
(2012) identified several A- ( T. monococcum; T. urartu) and S-genome ( Ae. speltoi-
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 257
des) derived amphiploids resistant to PM. Both diploid and tetraploid parental lines
were proposed to carry resistance genes against PM.
The other resistance sources against powdery mildew include Pm12 (6B) and
Pm32 (1B) from Ae. speltoides (Jia 1996; Hsam et al. 2003), Pm29 (7D) from Ae.
geniculata (Zeller et al. 2002), Pm34 and Pm35 (5DL) from Ae. tauschii (Miranda
et al. 2006, 2007; Qiu et al. 2006), Pm39 from Ae. umbellulata (Zhu et al. 2006),
and some undesignated genes from Ae. longissima, Ae. searsii, Ae. umbellulata
(Buloichik et al. 2008), Ae. comosa (Bennett 1984) and Ae sharonesis (Olivera
et al. 2007). From T. monococcum, Pm25 and three temporarily designated genes,
Pm2026, Mlm3033 and Mlm80, have been introduced in wheat (McIntosh et al.
So far, six genes providing resistance against diseases in wheat have been suc-
cessfully cloned (Liu et al. 2012). Diagnostic markers having ability to capture
allelic variation have been developed for a major powdery mildew resistance lo-
cus, Pm3, and Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 locus providing broad spectrum resistance against
leaf rust, stripe rust and powdery mildew (Tommasini et al. 2006; Lagudah et al.
2009; Miedner et al. 2012). The cloning followed by sequencing of the adjacent un-
translated regions of Pm3 resistance alleles helped in development of seven allele-
specific molecular markers which successfully discriminated allelic variants at the
Pm3 locus (Tommasini et al. 2006). In multiple studies, these markers identified
desirable alleles in the US and European wheat cultivars (Peusha et al. 2008; Chen
et al. 2009; Lillemo et al. 2010; Mohler et al. 2011). However, their use for identi-
fication of alleles in Chinese wheats is restricted due to the susceptibility of the all
seven alleles in China. The major locus Lr34/Yr18/Pm38 provides durable resis-
tance against many diseases and its usage is encouraged worldwide. The functional
markers developed by Lagudah et al. (2009) are very simple to apply due to their
easy resolution on agarose gels. This marker provided positive association between
stripe rust and marker data on a wide array of wheat lines developed at CIMMYT
(Wu et al. 2010). In another study on Chinese landraces, this marker showed the
presence of Lr34/Yr18/ Pm38 allele in 82.1 % genotypes. However, 25 % of these
genotypes were found susceptible to stripe rust in field (Wu et al. 2010). The sus-
ceptibility of landraces with positive Lr34/Yr18/ Pm38 allele is proposed due to
the presence of inhibitor genes or absence of a functional gene that is essential in
the biosynthetic pathway for the expression of Lr34/Yr18/Pm38. For more than a
decade, the T1BL.1RS translocation has been widely used in global wheat breed-
ing programs. Several agronomic features and resistance to diseases are associated
with this translocation, although its resistances to diseases have been overcome in
many locations. Therefore, it is important to identify the T1BL.1RS translocation
in wheat breeding. Functional markers based on the rye secalin gene on 1RS were
successfully applied in breeding (Liu et al. 2008). Another important stripe rust
258 A. G. Kazi et al.
Three areas of prevailing concern that have received enormous attention are global
warming, climate change and food security. Associated with these has been popula-
tion growth with futuristic projections made first at 2025 (8.2 billion) and now for
2050 at 9.2 billion expected to touch 10 billion swiftly by 2055. The three catchy
buzz words above have generated many discussion fora, created a lot of debate and
delivered numerous “smart” ideas as the outcome of various interactive sessions.
However, at the end of the day if we look at national “wheat” based food security
it is doubtful if we are better off now in 2012 than we were a few years before. Our
productivity is not that earth shaking, average national yields in several countries
fluctuate yearly and the yield gap remains as significant as before. The stress con-
straints are more complex and the resolve to adopt a way forward for achieving
promising returns rather feeble. Have we addressed these constraints and can the
outputs be quantified? The trend is negative or on the conservative side “STATIC”
as to progress. The umbrella cover that integrates research/production activities is
non-existent and resources are far from being neatly agglomerated. Taking wheat
in Pakistan as an example we still hover around 25 million tons per acre and mean
yields are not beyond 25–30 maunds. The per hectare figure is estimated at 2.6 t.
Stress constraints still dominate the scene and one wonders if solutions have been
found to allow us to see durability with high value. Problems galore relate to the
three rusts with stem rust the one abused most for personal projection and profes-
sional clout but done with questionable structural quality science. Then come other
260 A. G. Kazi et al.
attributes like Karnal bunt. Minor diseases like mildew, spot blotch, BYDV, aphids,
loose smut are additive and the environmental limitations imposed by heat, water
and salinity more complex.
Increasing yield per se must receive special attention as we project forward and
for that a holistic strategy is vital that embraces both biotic/abiotic stresses com-
plimented by exploiting targeted yield traits. Details to directly increase yield are
essential to have and it is prudent to be aware how we can get more per unit area
through focused research strategies. Crucial will be “food” security that emanates
from gene and varietal deployment. The tools are there in enormous untapped close
and distant genomic diversity mines, large spikes, 1,000 grain weight, photosyn-
thetic efficiency, root profile, various phenology parameters and efficient technolo-
gies that should be exploited for practical benefit. Advocates of food security must
set targets stringently and implement. The vision 2050 is excellent if we prepare
ourselves accordingly to combat those challenges by on ground outputs that capture
the wide expanses of allele rich diversity resources. Paramount would be holistic
strategies that maintain good multidisciplinary balance, embrace integration, ex-
ploit the conventional resources, selectively tap the high technology inputs, deliver
products that can redefine the output limits that currently exist and have built in du-
rability that can sustain the produce within the national boundaries and also protect
us from the vagrancies of pathogenic migrations via environmental means.
Turbulent environmental scenarios will necessitate researchers to harness genes
from close and distant species resources distributed within the three Triticeae gene
pools and utilize efficient technologies that can add efficiency to delivering varietal
output products in a swift manner. Efforts will rely more on the primary gene pool
species and accessions but not refrain to exploit those forms that are removed and
placed in the tertiary pool. Multiple stresses will be the order of research focus ad-
dressed through multidisciplinary research protocols mediated by novel techniques
that add efficiency to breeding like limited backcrossing, selected modified bulk,
doubled haploidy for rapid homozygosity at earlier segregating generations (prefer-
ably F3), molecular diagnostics (marker assisted selection, gene pyramiding, choice
of linked genes and markers) that are allele specific correlated with agronomic prac-
tices that maximize production targets that fall under crop management.
True that research is the major factor of providing food security but we can safe-
ly say that management can provide faster returns if its cohesive structure is handled
astutely to maximize production via “IMPLEMENTATION” of major contributing
strategies. Objectivity has to guide progress with “creativity” being the pivotal word
in which “diversity” takes the lead for biotic stresses across all wheat genomic
levels. Integration of all available technologies shall be essential to cope with the
projected population increases that will be dictated by availability of practical out-
puts (varieties) that have built in stability for agricultural sustainability on farmers
fields by agglomeration of genes that offer disease resistance durability that can
tackle the volatile dynamic nature of the pathogenic interplay as well as possessing
abiotic tolerance for traits that have a static system and thus generally have a longer
performance tolerance life. For biotic stresses and use of genomic resources for im-
provement the diversity combination permutations are excessive and offer abundant
7 Biotic Stress and Crop Improvement: A Wheat Focus Around Novel Strategies 261
options for stabilizing wheat varietal profiles for continued wheat global productiv-
ity. The reliance on conventionally available variation within wheat cultivars across
its spring, winter and facultative habits will persist, but the course ahead for adding
unique variations will increase. The forms of closer D genome affinity or homology
receiving greater attention currently (Ogbonnaya et al. 2013) shall be complimented
by a significant shift that shall exploit the other two genomes and the tertiary gene
pool species (Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2008b). With all pre-breeding and breeding efforts
working in tandem across multiple disciplines aided by molecular diagnostics and
efficient crop production technologies that fit the “holistic” production strategies
we end this presentation optimistically by projecting that the approximately 2 % an-
nual increase required to feed the growing populace is within our grasp.
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Chapter 8
Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt
Disease in Crops: A Transcriptomic Approach
to Characterize Dialogue Between Host and
Abstract Crops are indispensible for the existence of humans and animals and the
commercial importance comes under threat when they are attacked and infected
by the pathogens. The crops are constantly under threat and are exposed to various
pathogens. Some pathogens are host specific and thus can infect the healthy plant
and some of them are opportunists, which gain entry from the wounding site. The
most important and devastating among the pathogens are the fungal pathogens and
important amongst these is Fusarium sp. This genus contains many species attack-
ing diversity of agricultural crops. These are pathogenic to plants and also produce
toxins, which affect the animals and humans consuming the plants. This review
focuses on the pathogenesis of Fusarium sp. causing crop diseases and understand-
ing the host-pathogen interactions including plant defense responses. This article
perceives the potential of transcriptomics in association between two-species. The
identified association between species (crops and microbes ( Fusarium sp.) can
reveal processes which can be exploited beneficially for applications in biotechnol-
ogy. Specifically, we address the question how the new knowledge gained from
transcriptomic approaches and analyses of interactions between plants and disease
causing microbes ( Fusarium) can be exploited in ways that will ultimately lead to
crop improvement by development of crop cultivars that are productive under mul-
tiple environmental pressures.
The genus Fusarium consists of species that attack almost all food crops. Out of
101 most economically important plants, at least 81 are hosts of Fusarium sp.
(Table 8.1) (Nayaka et al. 2011). The Fusarium spp are responsible for various
diseases among live-stocks and humans and these diseases are ascribed to myco-
toxins produced by these fungi belong to secondary metabolites (Table 8.2). The
diseases caused by Fusarium spp have had several major economic impacts around
the world in time and resulted in loss of billions of dollars. So, due to their economic
importance Fusarium spp are being used as models for various biological and mor-
phological studies. Plant pathogenic fungi show variability as they are known to
contain a considerable number of sub-species/formae specialis or strains, which are
almost morphologically identical but they may have quite different infection capac-
ity on their hosts (Nayaka et al. 2011). This variability in pathogenic populations
results in variation in host resistance (Leilani et al. 2006). Thus, degree of varia-
tions among plant pathogens are must for understanding the pathogen as well as
the disease they cause. The amount of pathogen variation may have a direct impact
on its biological activity and its role in the environment (Zabalgogeazcoa 2008).
The variations may occur at any stage of growth leading to changes in morphology
that determine its host range, inoculum potential, infectivity, and virulence (Parker
and Gregory 2004). Therefore, it is relevant to monitor pathogen populations for
shift in virulence with changes in environmental factors and host cultivar(s). Hence,
the variability studies within and between pathogenic populations from different
geographical regions is essential for selection of resistant genotypes in breeding
programs that aim at developing resistant varieties.
The Environment has a role in limiting the plant productivity due to biotic and abi-
otic stresses, e.g. most or all the existing crops can be significantly affected by dis-
eases and have reduced productivity in terms of yield and quality. The prevention of
diseases by conventional breeding to yield resistant crops is most effective (Akhond
and Machray 2009; Gust et al. 2010) and is said to be the environmentally friendly
8 Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt Disease in Crops … 271
Plant-Fungi Interaction
The advances and development in molecular biology techniques and its applications
to genetic analysis has led to better understanding in terms of knowledge which has
led to elucidation of behavior and structure of fungal genome. For example, these
advances have helped the fungal taxonomists in identification of isolates more rap-
idly and for determining virulence/toxicity of fungal strains. The advances in mo-
lecular biology led to distinction between species (closely related) having little or no
similarity at the morphological level (Wulff et al. 2010) or strain identification with-
in species (Chandra et al. 2010). And thus by looking for the variation within DNA
sequences, the molecular biology provides the base for precise identification within
and between the species. The Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based assays are be-
ing employed widely used for identification, diagnosis and characterization of patho-
gens ( Fusarium species) (Doohan et al. 1998). Various PCR based markers are in use
(Nayaka et al. 2011), which has led to the understanding of genetic diversity and
establishing phylogeny among different Fusarium species. The PCR based methods
which have been used to generate sequence information include RFLP, AFLP,
274 R. ul Rehman et al.
(O’Donnell et al. 1998), and IGS (intergenic spacer region) (Yli-Mattila and Gag-
kaeva 2010). However, it has been seen that all these sequences do not equally work
well with all species (Nayaka et al. 2011). Further, the proteins such as histone H3,
calmodulin, and Tri101 are also used for distinction of species besides (Mule et al.
2005). In short, it is difficult to distinguish and identify Fusarium sp. accurately
based on old traditional methods because of their morphological similarity and ge-
netic variation. Hence, for the accurate identification and characterization of species
DNA-based tools are required. In this direction, SSRs (single sequence repeats) of
the EST databases shall provide a way forward in identification and characteriza-
tion of Fusarium sp. These sequences are ubiquitously transcribed which are co-
dominant and locus-specific, and also are highly polymorphic, often multi-allelic
and finally SSRs are transferrable among species within genera (Power et al. 1996;
Morgante et al. 2002; Varshney et al. 2005a, b). Various EST-SSR markers devel-
oped from EST databases are used for genotyping in several species of flowering
plants (Varshney et al. 2005a) and these have been developed in many plant species
like rice (Temnykh et al. 2001) wheat (Eujayl et al. 2002) rye (Hackauf and Wehling
2002) Cotton (Han et al. 2006) Grape (Cordeiro et al. 2001). These EST-SSR mark-
ers are gene-tagged associated with the expressed gene and are also linked with al-
leles of quantitative and qualitative trait locus (QTLs) (Torben et al. 2007). So far,
many genomes have been sequenced and thus to the comparative genomics has
become an important discipline which helps to extend the information from one
species (model) to another unrelated species or between related species having a
much complex genome (Gale and Davos 1998). The EST-SSR markers in related
species show high level of transferability in comparison to anonymous DNA mark-
ers because they are more conserved and thus these markers are useful for com-
parative genomics, comparative mapping and evolutionary studies across species
(Cordeiro et al. 2001; Thiel et al. 2003; Eujayl et al. 2004; Scott et al. 2000; Saha
et al. 2004). However, the degree of polymorphism may be limited due to conserved
nature of EST-SSRs (Torben et al. 2007) as the transferability across species of the
SSR loci within genus is reported above 50 % (Thiel et al. 2003; Eujayl et al. 2004;
Peakall et al. 1998; Gaitán-Solís et al. 2002; Dirlewanger et al. 2002) and the trans-
ferability across genera of SSRs loci is reported to be poor (Thiel et al. 2003; Peak-
all et al. 1998; White and Powell 1997; Roa et al. 2000). Amongst the molecular
markers the SSRs are widely used for molecular mapping, selection, assessment of
genetic diversity, protection of varieties and thus helping to link genotypic and phe-
notypic variation (Powell et al. 1996; Gupta and Varshney 2000; Varshney et al.
2005a). The SSRs are comprised of tandemly repeated sequences having mono-,
di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, or hexa- nucleotide units (Ellegren 2004) found in coding and
non-coding regions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA.
The presence of various characteristics within SSRs such as relative abundance,
multi-allelic nature, simple detection, high reproducibility, co-dominant inheritance,
multi-allelic nature, and extensive genome coverage make them the ideal molecular
markers (Powell et al. 1996). However, the SSRs are known to experience high rate
of mutations (reversible length-altering) by replication slippage (transient disso-
ciation of replicating DNA) and unequal crossing over (misaligned reassociation),
276 R. ul Rehman et al.
Fusarium Databases
The comparative analysis among the fungal species is facilitated by the Fusarium
database which gives accesses to various sequenced genomes of Fusarium simul
taneously. The three most important Fusarium spp, which have been studied exten-
sively due to their devastating impact on crops, are F. oxysporum, F. verticillioides
and F. graminearum. Over the last decade there has been enormous advancement
in genomic technology and sequencing of various species has been completed and
thus there arose the need for comparative projects. Thus, the Fusarium Compara-
tive project (http://www.broad.mit.edu/annotation/genome/fusarium_group/Multi-
Home.html) is one such effort which compared the above three species. This project
improved gene annotations and identifying non-coding elements. As these species
are biologically distinct evolutionary studies were done among these above spe-
cies and it was found that F. oxysporum and F. verticillioides genomes have di-
verged from F. graminearum, and thus the comparative of these offers a platform
for interaction studies in plant-fungi (pathogenicity, virulence factors and evolu-
tion). The comparative genomics among these have highlighted the presence of
lineage-specific chromosomes comprising the transposable elements (TEs) and en-
coding pathogenicity related (PR) genes. These projects have also helped in explor-
ing the genetic composition of these chromosomes among the strains of the above
Fusarium species. The F. oxysporum spp. are ubiquitous plant and soil inhabiting
microbes causing the wilt and root rot diseases in over 120 plant species (Michielse
and Rep 2009). It has been reported that many of the strains don’t show apparent
symptoms on the plant and can even protect them from subsequent infections (Al-
abouvette et al. 2009). Further, some strains have also been identified as pathogenic
8 Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt Disease in Crops … 277
Plant-Defense Responses
The evolution of fungi is dependent directly on the development and the spread of
green plants and most of fungi are saprophytic and few among them are parasitic.
These fungi require nutrients to complete their life cycle, which is provided to them
278 R. ul Rehman et al.
by the living cells. The plants have effective defense mechanisms to limit the spread
of parasitic fungi and they have to encounter the primary line of defense provided
by cell wall of host plants, which inhibit their penetration to the tissues. The second-
ary line of defense includes the production of wide range of secondary metabolites
or compounds which act as fungicides. These compounds are induced, that is they
are produced only after the infection has occurred (e.g. Phytoalexins). The fungal
parasites are host specific and some of them even require the alteration of hosts,
which may or may not be phylogenetically related for stage wise development on
either host. The fungal pathogens have been seen to cause more damage to agri-
culture (monocultures) than in plant communities rich in species due to high host
specificity. To get hold of the plant nutrients the fungal parasites are having at least
three strategies. (1) Production of enzymes for cell wall and cuticle breakdown. (2)
Production of toxins to either reduce or inhibit the cellular activity. (3) Production
of host-specific substances (e.g. phytohormones) and thus disturbing the hormonal
equilibrium and thus causing disruption of growth and differentiation of the cells
and tissues (e.g. Gibberella fujikuroi) produces gibberellins which affect the growth
of rice. The literature about pathogenicity of fungi is very extensive and majority of
these emphasize on economic considerations, classification, life cycle, symptoms
and diagnostic, host range and factors of host resistance. The processes of plants
molecular mechanisms after infection have been elucidated in recent past and these
can be partially generalized due to variation in possible interaction reactions. The
host resistance is not only based on general and unspecific defense mechanisms
but also on specific mechanisms during which genetically determined substances
are produced which are directed against specific fungal pathogen. Genetic analyses
have shown that the host resistance is caused by genes inherited independently of
each other, such as the existence of dominant alleles of the respective genes, and
resistance genes. It has been shown by microarray analysis that resistance to virus in
melon is associated with defense responsive gene expression/induction (Gonzalez-
Ibeas et al. 2012a) which led to development of a cost-effective kit for microar-
rays (Gonzalez-Ibeas et al. 2012b). Further, the silenced lines of melon developed
by RNA Interference showed resistance against the viruses (Rodriguez-Hernandez
et al. 2012). Plants protect themselves against the diversity of herbivores and mi-
crobial pathogens by expressing an array of constitutive and induced defenses ren-
dering the plant an inaccessible or unsuitable food source. The perception of attack
and deployment of the induced defenses is primarily mediated by three well-studied
defense-signaling pathways that are regulated by jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid
(SA) and ethylene (ET) (Glazebrook 2005; Howe and Jander 2008; Walling 2009).
Herbivores and pathogens introduce a distinct set of elicitors and effectors that are
perceived by host plants and these signals allow the plant to tailor its defense re-
sponse to individual challengers (Glazebrook 2005; Howe and Jander 2008; Wall-
ing 2009; McSteen 2008; Zhao et al. 2008a; Stout et al. 2006; Bari and Jones 2009).
The SA-regulated defense pathway is activated by biotrophic pathogens (pathogens
that invade living plant tissue) and many phloem-feeding insects (Glazebrook 2005;
Walling 2009; Kempema et al. 2007; Puthoff et al. 2010; Kusnierczyk et al. 2008;
Zarate 2007). Often SA-induced signaling antagonizes JA- and ET-regulated signal-
8 Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt Disease in Crops … 279
ing pathways, although exceptions do exist (Mur et al. 2006; Leon-Reyes et al. 2010;
Verhage et al. 2010). The suppression of JA/ET-regulated defenses confers suscep-
tibility to many tissue-damaging and phloem-feeding herbivores (Howe and Jander
2008; Zarate 2007; Gao et al. 2007; Pieterse and Dicke 2007) and can influence at-
traction of natural enemies (Zhang et al. 2009). However, in some plant—herbivore
interactions, SA-regulated defenses and/or novel defense-signaling pathways con-
tribute to the plant immune response (Thaler et al. 2010; Bhattarai et al. 2007, 2010).
Therefore, the nature of defenses elicited by endosymbiont-like pathogens in their
host plants have the potential to profoundly impact the plant’s interaction with the
insect and/or ability to resist attacks by other pathogens or pests. If an herbivore can
circumvent induced plant defenses or plant recognition by vectoring its endosym-
biont associate into its host plant during feeding, it may have a selective advantage
relative to insects feeding on uninfected plants. Alternatively, effectors from the
endosymbiont may circumvent the plant recognition system, compromising plant
immune responses and related insect and bacterial resistance in both the JA/ET- and
SA-regulated defense pathways. Thus, the endosymbiont’s modification of plant
defenses could result in a more susceptible host plant for both symbiotic partners.
The Fusarium spp. causes disease to crops (Table 8.1) and the disease effect is huge
in terms of economy due to problems in health to animals as well as humans by con
suming the contaminated grain (McMullen et al. 1997) with mycotoxins (Garvey
et al. 2008). Thus, it becomes necessary to understand pathogenesis (pathogenic
genes) and thereby prevent the invasion by these destructive pathogens. The plant
pathology discipline describe the pathogenesis genes as those which causes losses
or in other words are those which when disrupted causes the reduction of disease
symptoms (Idnurm and Howlett 2001). The identification of these genes can be
done with either the gene silencing or gene knockout studies (Liu et al. 2010). In
F. graminearum 49 pathogenic genes have been verified by utilizing the biologi-
cal methods and then stored in PHI-base database (http://www.phi-base.org/query.
php). However, when we consider the genome size of F. graminearum, it is real-
ized that compilation of the pathogenesis related genes is a huge uphill task as well
as time consuming. To solve this problem, the computational biological methods
could provide an alternative for solving this problem, especially after the release
of genome sequences in Broad Institute (http://www.broadinstitute.org) (Liu et al.
2010). Hence, for the prediction of pathogenesis genes comparative genomics will
be handy and will help in comparison between fungi, which are either pathogenic or
non-pathogenic (Zhao et al. 2008b, c). But, recently it has been found that it is dif-
ficult to identify pathogenesis genes in F. graminearum because there are no unique
features in specific genes among pathogenic and non-pathogenic fungi (Liu et al.
2010). On the basis of literature on pathogenicity in model pathogens (Gohre and
Robatzek 2008), it can be believed that F. graminearum pathogenesis is also involv-
280 R. ul Rehman et al.
ing the networks of proteins and molecules while interacting from itself as well as
the ones secreted by the host cells (Liu et al. 2010). Thus based on systems biology
approach, the network of molecular interaction in Fusarium spp. can provide ad-
ditional insights into the processes of pathogenesis. Moreover, the protein-protein
interaction maps can also provide clues to potential pathogenesis genes and thus
pathogenesis procedure (Zhao et al. 2009). The pathogenesis genes are generally
expressed differentially before and after invasion so that the pathogen can sustain or
pass through the host immune system and thus adapt in the host. Similarly the dif-
ferentially expressed genes of F. graminearum may be pathogenic genes (Liu et al.
2010). However, false positives may be produced by differentially expressed genes
while identifying genes involved in disease procedures, as some of these genes
are not involved in pathogenesis, despite expression changes during experimenta-
tion. However, by integrating the protein interaction and gene expression studies
on perturbations (drug, extracellular stimuli) (Zhao et al. 2010) shall be useful in
identifying the pathogenesis processes. The approaches in systems biology helps
in integrating the protein interaction mapping data and gene expression data and
works on assumptions proteins interacting in a network share similar functions and
it is termed as “Association rule” (Zhao et al. 2010) and thus are most probably in-
volved in the similar pathways (Zhao et al. 2010). In F. graminearum the prediction
results have shown that most of the pathogenesis genes belong to G-protein coupled
receptors and MAPK signaling pathways (Liu et al. 2010) (Table 8.2).
Transcript profiling is a functional genomics tool, which is used most widely and
can be conducted along with various genomic tools such as SAGE (serial analysis
of gene expression), MPSS (massive parallel signature sequencing) and microar-
rays (Dilip et al. 2010). The transcriptomics of related species (pathogenic and non-
pathogenic) have led to identification of divergence among them in the genome
(Wurtzel et al. 2012). The role of regulatory processes in pathogenesis (i.e. the
protein abundance) can be compared with reference proteomics as well as tran-
scriptomics (Voge and Marcotte 2012). The transcriptomic approach is necessary
for understanding the pathogenesis processes in particular the receptors present
in the plants which help in recognizing or perceiving the conserved signatures of
pathogens (Schwessinger and Ronald 2012). The responses of plants to the biotic
stresses (pathogens) leads to the several changes such as cellular, physiological,
biochemical and most importantly the transcriptomic levels. The interactions are
very complex and are mediated and regulated by the hormonal signaling pathways
(Atkinson and Urwin 2012; Tian et al. 2012). The modulation of defense systems
by the plants upon the infection, invasion or any other biotic stress can be stud-
ies at the transcriptomic level of interacting host and pathogen (Lee et al. 2012;
Tian et al. 2012). The metabolomic and transcriptomic studies could be helpful in
8 Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt Disease in Crops … 281
Fig. 8.1 Depicting approaches towards utilizing the interaction of plant-microbe for applications
in biotechnology. (Adapted from Schenk et al. 2012)
revealing the mechanisms of antagonism between species infecting the same plant
as reported recently among Ustilago maydis and Fusarium verticillioides infecting
maize (Jonkers et al. 2012). Based on the extensive collection of ESTs, several mi-
croarrays have been developed for crops (Torben et al. 2007). The plant expression
database of plants and pathogens (PLEXdb, http://www.plexdb.org/index.php) can
provide the microarray data of Fusarium graminearum (obtained with Affymetrix
GeneChip) (Liu et al. 2010). The transcriptomics approach to study the interaction
between two- species may lead to the discovery of important genes in plants and
Fusarium thus leading to characterization, which shall provide disease resistance
strategies (Fig. 8.1). The multidisciplinary approaches are required for obtaining
a comprehensive systems biology look of the involved processes. The studies of
genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics will provide data sets,
which shall be integrated using bioinformatics and statistical tools and thus will
help to identify important biological processes and thus make prediction models.
These approaches are being used to access the information about the associations
(beneficial/detrimental) among two or multiple species. For example, the ectomy-
corrhizal interaction between Laccaria bicolor and aspen ( Populus tremuloides)
roots led to the identification of genes expressed significantly, which were later
mapped to specific metabolic pathways and hence gave rise to the model of ectomy-
corrhizal metabolome. Identification of which genes are expressed is done by uti-
lizing the next-generation short-read transcriptomic sequencing data (Larsen et al.
282 R. ul Rehman et al.
2011). Predictions were made on the basis of the above model that various metabo-
lites such as allantoin, glutamate, glycine, which are synthesized by L. bicolor may
be used by aspen and in return; the latter provides sugars such as glucose or fructose
to the fungus and thus implying that these analyses could be applied in case of tran-
scriptomics data from other complex systems (Larsen et al. 2011). In addition, the
functional studies and analysis would be useful for the identification of functions of
genes, RNA (Fig. 8.1) and more importantly the functions of proteins and metabo-
lites during plant–microbe interactions. These studies will pin point the important
processes that control these interactions. The above vision can also be achieved by
developing genomic models, which will suit the analysis of metabolic flux. In these
models the microbes may be viewed at one level as one closely interacting super or-
ganisms, whereas the interacting plant may be viewed by genomic models at several
levels based on compartmentalization and thus distinguishing metabolic processes
in vacuoles, mitochondria, chloroplasts, cytoplasm and peroxisomes (Schenk et al.
2012). The genome-scale models have been recently constructed for Arabidopsis,
C4 plants and more than 25 bacterial species based on primary metabolites (Ober-
hardt et al. 2009; de Oliveira Dal’Molin et al. 2010a, b). In addition the quantitative
data obtained from gene expression studies and metabolomics can also be included
in both types of model. Although the transcriptomics approaches are useful for un-
derstanding the plant-microbe interactions, there is a scope for improvements as in
case of transcriptional profiling studies the data generated has not been replicated
and thus defy statistical analyses. It is due to the reason that it has high cost and
is very complex. The less complex environmental samples from sea water (micro-
bial complexity compared to soil) revealed among the unique reference genes only
17 % overlap by repeated pyrosequencing (Stewart et al. 2010) which suggests that
current sequencing platforms need to evolve further for gasping the complexities
within communities. The sequencing platforms of with better coverage are cur-
rently being developed and then are coupled with replicate profiling and statistical
analyses and thus these hold a great promise for representation of the expression
profiles of interactions accurately. Currently, HiSeq 2000 (maximum 600 Gb, cor-
responding to 3 billion reads using TreSeq v3 reagent kits; Illumina, Inc.) platform
delivers the largest amount of sequence data. New insights will be provided by
understanding the detrimental or beneficial plant—Fusarium interactions for bio-
technological purposes. For the association studies between grasses and endophytes
the use of transcriptomics is a tractable system. Similarly, transcriptomics of detri-
mental association identified candidate genes which play pivotal role in infection
processes and in which the interaction switches from being mutalistic to pathogenic
between interacting partners (Eaton et al. 2011; Beatty and Good 2011). Thus the
knowledge obtained from interactions (beneficial/detrimental) between plants and
microbes will provide tremendous opportunities to increase crop productivity. Fur-
thermore, transcriptomics of the environment (soil/water) should be included in
systems biology as an essential component and thus integrated along with other
omics technologies. The future prospect would be if we as scientists could harness
the potential of microbes by engineering such crop plants, which are particularly
suited for beneficial interactions with microbes. An example in this direction could
8 Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt Disease in Crops … 283
be the development of cereals, which can fix nitrogen significantly through their
associated N-fixing microbe partners. The cereal crops (such as rice, corn, wheat,
barley, sorghum and sugarcane) are consumed worldwide by humans and animals
and thus if the nitrogen fixing ability of microbes is controlled among these crops,
it will reap enormous financial as well as environmental benefits and the ways to
achieve these milestones are being discussed presently the world over (Charpentier
and Oldroyd 2010). Despite the recent progresses, we are at the beginning stages
and by looking at the current pace of progress the future research upholds great
promise and potential and these new insights will be of great value for the develop-
ment of sustainable production by utilizing new technologies.
Metatranscriptomics Approach
In Metatranscriptomics the environmental samples such as soil or water are used for
RNA extraction to analyze the gene expression in microbial communities without
their cultivation (Morales and Holben 2011; Simon and Daniel 2011). The study
of this multi-species association or interaction with the plant presents with oppor-
tunities, which will help in discovering relationships among plant-microbes with
potential impact. These metatranscriptomic studies of the whole microbial com-
munities at same time will lead to identification of new plant-microbe interactions
either beneficial or detrimental. For example, it is reported that among 150 Pseu-
domonas sp. from rhizosphere of wheat, 40 % of isolates increased the root growth
upon individual inoculation on wheat (Campbell and Greaves 1990). Further, the
outcome of the plant-microbe interaction can be determined by the influence of
environmental conditions such as abiotic along with biotic stresses on the physi-
ological pathways of plants. Thus, understanding of signaling processes and the
cross talk between individual pathways may allow harnessing these pathways to our
advantage for solving problems related to pathogenesis. The expression profiling of
the genes of signaling pathways have revealed that these mechanisms have protein
switches regulated by hormones (e.g. transcription factors, kinases or G-proteins)
(Memelink 2009; Yao et al. 2011; Depuyd and Hardtke 2011; Zhao et al. 2010). The
signaling responses to abiotic and biotic stresses are complicated such as the abiotic
stress-experiencing plants may channel their physiological resources for adaptation
towards such factors but in doing so these plants may become susceptible towards
attack by pathogen or herbivore (Thaler and Bostock 2004; Trewavas 2009; Hey
et al. 2010). The pathways which are activated through the mediation by abscisic
acid (ABA) seem to be dominant in providing protection towards abiotic stresses
and seem antagonistic to defense pathways controlled by SA (salicylic acid), JA
(jasmonic acid) and/or ET (ethylene) (Zabala et al. 2009; Raghavendra et al. 2010;
Peleg and Blumwald 2011). In plants under abiotic stresses such as UV radiation,
increase in ROS (reactive oxygen species) is triggered and these show resistance
against biotrophic pathogens and this response is also achieved when SA is applied
to plants (Bechtold et al. 2005; Kunz et al. 2008; Ahmad et al. 2010). In contrast
284 R. ul Rehman et al.
the necrotrophic pathogens are benefitted from any kind of physical damage to cells
and JA provides defense against these and further JA is also associated with induced
systemic resistance (ISR), which is a priming reaction against subsequent infections
(Pieterse et al. 2009; Matilla et al. 2010). Henceforth these recent advanced techni-
cal studies of microbial communities on metagenomics and metatranscriptomics
(Morales and Holben 2011; Kakirde et al. 2010) could be applied to pathogens
and then conjoining with plant transcriptomics, shall provide deeper insights into
multiple interactions. In the plant rhizospere 33,000 archeal and bacterial species
were found when grown on disease-suppressive soil, by combining a high-density
16S ribosomal DNA oligonucleotide microarray (PhyloChip metagenomics) of the
rhizosphere microbiome with culture dependent functional analyses (Mendes et al.
2011). The disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani (fungal root-infecting pathogen)
was found to be suppressed by the Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria
species, which led to the proposal or conclusion that plants interaction with multiple
microbe species can contribute to suppression of the disease (Schenk et al. 2012).
Future Prospects
The prime concerns are related to with the understanding of host-pathogen interac-
tions including plant defense responses. To monitor fungal colonization the system-
atic re-isolation procedures are required in host-pathogen combinations (compatible
and incompatible). This is a challenging issue, which will lead to developing new
strategies to control disease. In order to identify the genes required for the hyper-
sensitive response, studies shall focus on performing expression profiling of crop
plants. The cDNA-AFLP analysis shall provide expression profiling of both normal
and Fusarium infected plants, (identification of plant/pathogen genes associated
with the infection process). The focus on variability of Fusarium sp. infecting Crops
is the need of hour and will help to understand the host-pathogen relationship for
disease management. The crop colonization by Fusarium sp. shall be studied and
the samples collected from definite time points irrespective of speed and extent
of colonization among the strains. The molecular biology advancements have led
to the use of DNA based markers in place of morphological markers. Initially, the
RNA samples of (healthy/infected plants) shall be put to cDNA-AFLP analysis for
identifying transcripts differentially expressed, which are associated with resistance
response and infection process.
Further, the RNA samples from in vitro grown fungal strains shall help in iden-
tifying in planta expressed fungal transcripts and also in identifying in vitro differ-
entially expressed fungal genes among the strains. The infected plants samples col-
lected for analysis by cDNA-AFLP at different time intervals will determine early
to late stages of infection and will also allow detection of the pathogen transcripts.
The expression patterns of the transcripts shall be monitored with several different
primer combinations for amplification in a selective manner and for every primer
combination; the TDFs (transcript derived fragments) can be viewed as bands on
8 Variability in Fusarium species Causing Wilt Disease in Crops … 285
gels. These bands can be visually scored and compared for the differences in inten-
sity for detecting transcripts expressed differentially in plants and for comparison
these will be eluted and reamplified with appropriate cDNA-AFLP primers. This is
followed by sequencing and then the products are screened using public databases
for finding homologous sequences with significant alignment. Using the BLAST
analysis, sequences identical to crop transcripts, transcripts homologous to known
plant sequences in UNIPORT KB Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL http://www.expasy.ch/
sprot/databases or NCBI databases (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Blast.cgi) and
transcripts homologous to known Fusarium sp. sequences considered as express-
ing in planta shall be identified. The transcripts, which have no matches in any
of the databases, shall also be seen; these may represent transcripts that currently
lack functional annotations. Further the expression pattern and clustering of crop
transcripts shall be done to overview differences between infected and control. The
functional annotation of each transcript can be done with help of Gene Ontology
Database http://www.geneontology.org and through carefully analyzing the scien-
tific literature. Further for the identification of Fusarium genes expressed in crop
plant during infection we can include sequences from all Fusarium sp available in
public databases. Finally, the fungal transcripts differentially expressed among the
strains shall be identified when grown in vitro searching the Fusarium database (Fu-
sarium Comparative Database 2). These studies will provide with information re-
garding transcriptional changes in crops upon Fusarium pathogenesis and also if the
wilting symptoms are derived from active plant response besides the infection. The
studies shall generate information regarding In planta expressed pathogen-derived
transcripts during the infection processes which are related potentially to virulence
functions as well as the in vitro expressed transcripts (expressed differentially be-
tween strains). These will further provide the sequences, which will be helpful for
distinguishing between races. For the dissipation of information the sequence data
generated from these studies shall be deposited in Gene Bank (Gene Expression
Omnibus (GEO) database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo). The second impor-
tant concern is related to Identification of the target regions in the fungal genome
for probe generation for their use in phylogeny of Fusarium sp. Further, the use of
a comprehensive EST collection in Fusarium for SSR identification shall help to
develop EST-SSR markers for genetic mapping which will be extremely useful for
diagnostics and research concerned with fungal biology, ecology, and genetics. The
analysis will yield the frequency, type and distribution of SSR motifs in ESTs de-
rived from Fusarium sp. The Perl script MIcroSAtelitte (MISA) (Thiel et al. 2003)
can be used to identify SSRs in the Fusarium spp. EST sequences. These data can
be used to perform comparative analysis of SSR motif polymorphisms between
allelic sequences, and orthologous sequences to conduct and finally to identify
functionally associated EST-SSR markers for application in comparative genomics.
There is a need to study and focus on the development of EST-SSRs. Due to the lack
of sufficient markers for Fusarium sp, it becomes necessary to develop enough mo-
lecular markers for potential use in Fusarium sp. pathogenicity. With the develop-
ment of Fusarium database/projects a vast amount of available EST sequence data
has been generated. The screening for repeat motifs (perfect and imperfect) can be
286 R. ul Rehman et al.
done in unigenes within the transcript assembly. The SSRs with a minimum repeat
count ( n) threshold of n ≥ 5 can be selected for further analysis and EST-SSR marker
development. Flanking forward and reverse primers will be designed for SSRs in
unigenes using Primer 3 (http://frodo.wi.mit.edu/cgi-bin/primer3/primer3_www.
cgi) and products can be genotyped by sequencing and the allele lengths can be as-
certained by gene mapper. The SSR markers can be screened for amplification and
length polymorphisms among Fusarium strains on agarose. The estimation of EST-
SSR individual markers heterozygosities ( H) and Genetic distances ( G) can be done
using the proportion of shared alleles estimator in Microsat, where G = (1 − p) and p
is the proportion of shared alleles http://hpgl.stanford.edu/projects/microsat/. These
data offer an opportunity to identify single sequence repeats (SSRs) in expression
sequence tags (ESTs) by data mining. Such kind of studies shall give an insight into
the frequency, distribution and type of Fusarium EST-SSRs and demonstrate suc-
cessful development of EST-SSR markers in crop pathogenesis. These EST-SSR
markers would be enriching the current resources of molecular markers for the sci-
entific community and would be useful for Fusarium identification at species level
and breeding programs to develop resistant varieties. Further, the novel EST-SSRs
would be useful for comparative genetic mapping which shall give us information
about the genetic diversity and polymorphism among the Fusarium sp. All these
shall provide the novel insights and knowledge about Fusarium pathogenesis.
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Chapter 9
Coping Abiotic Stress with Plant Volatile
Organic Chemicals (PVOCs): A Promising
Abstract Abiotic stresses including salinity are a major threat to agricultural pro-
ductivity and hence global food security. Crop plants have adopted specialized
strategies to reduce the impact of stress. The biogenic volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) emitted from a wide range of plants help enable the buildup defense
against biotic and abiotic stresses. Plant VOCs are comprised of different isoprene
and monoterpene class of compounds in addition to alkanes, alkenes, carbonyls,
alcohols, esters, ethers, and acids which have a demonstrated role against abiotic
stress factors. Although it has been shown that several metabolic pathways may be
involved in building up the defense, antioxidant route of alleviation is believed to
be a common mechanism. The identification of the genes, transcriptomic profiling
and proteins of the biosynthetic pathway has enabled ways to manipulate the syn-
thesis of isoprenoid compounds. In recent years, there has been a growing interest
in adopting VOC strategy to alleviate abiotic stresses in crop plants.
P. Suprasanna ()
Nuclear Agriculture and Biotechnology Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400085, India
e-mail: [email protected]
P. S. Variyar
Food Technology Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre,
Trombay, Mumbai 400085, India
e-mail: [email protected]
nutrients and water. Moreover, it induces osmotic stress; the physiological drought,
which typically reduces the growth and photosynthesis in plants (Munns and Tester
2008). Salinity affects plant growth and development in two ways: through osmotic
stress by reducing the soil water potential leading to limiting the water uptake and
by causing uptake of Na+ and Cl− which have an effect on plant metabolism. The
mechanism by which plants perceive stress signals and relay their transmission to
cellular machinery to trigger adaptive responses is crucial for the improvement of
different strategies to impart stress tolerance in crops (Mantri et al. 2012).
The different abiotic stress factors result in the production of reactive oxygen
species (ROS) that are extremely reactive and cause damage to biological macro-
molecules like proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and DNA ultimately leading to oxi-
dative stress. The ROS include, superoxide radicals, hydroxyl radical, perhydroxy
radical, alkoxy radicals, hydrogen peroxide and singlet oxygen (Gill and Tuteja
2010). Under normal growth conditions, the ROS molecules are managed by effi-
cient scavenging machinery consisting of various antioxidative defense mechanisms
(Foyer and Noctor 2005). The production of ROS and their scavenging needs to be
balanced under normal conditions of growth but, however the equilibrium is dis-
turbed by abiotic stress factors including salinity (Tuteja 2007; Mantri et al. 2012).
Plants are sessile and have to encounter challenges imposed by other organisms and
with the environment mainly by depending on their chemical repertoire. The signif-
icance of natural products and their metabolic diversity contribute very much to the
survival of the plant kingdom. The biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
released from a wide range of plants help enable the buildup defense against insects,
fungi, herbivores and environmental changes (Loreto and Schnitzler 2010; Holo-
painen and Blande 2012). Plant VOCs are comprised of isoprenoids mainly isoprene
and monoterpenes (Variyar et al. 2010). The function of isoprenoid compounds dur-
ing environmental stress includes protection of the photosynthetic apparatus, de-
toxification from free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) (Munné-Bosch
and Alegre 2000a; Spinelli et al. 2011). Although it has been shown that several
metabolic pathways may be involved in building up the defense, antioxidant route is
believed to be the common mechanism (Vickers et al. 2009a). The identification of
genes in the biosynthetic pathway and transcriptomic profiling has enabled ways to
manipulate the synthesis of isoprenoid compounds. Since chloroplasts are the sites
of isoprene synthesis a possible relation may occur between isoprene production
and environmental stresses affecting the photosynthetic apparatus (Velikova 2008;
Loyola et al. 2012). It should thus be of interest to investigate isoprene synthesis in
plants in relation to environmental chemistry. The emission of VOCs contributes to
an appreciable quantity of photosynthetic carbon fixation under stress conditions,
and hence VOCs could also play a significant role in the carbon exchange between
the biosphere and the atmosphere (Guenther et al. 2011). Significant research prog-
9 Coping Abiotic Stress with Plant Volatile Organic Chemicals (PVOCs) … 297
ress has been made in the study of physiological mechanism(s) underlying iso-
prenoid synthesis under abiotic stress conditions, especially high temperatures and
oxidative stress conditions (Fineschi and Loreto 2012).
Isoprenoids protect plants against different abiotic stresses through improving
the ability of plants to deal with cellular oxidative modifications, possibly through
reaction of isoprenoids with the oxidizing species, or alteration of ROS signaling, or
via membrane stabilization. It is postulated that dissolution of VOCs in membranes
coupled to interactions with membrane proteins can lead to changes in transmem-
brane potential and modulation of ion fluxes thereby inducing gene activity and a
subsequent cellular response to stress (Vickers et al. 2009a). Plants have developed
an efficient antioxidant mechanisms for ROS detoxification (Ahmad et al. 2008;
Gill and Tuteja 2010; Ahmad and Umar 2011). Isoprenes can boost plant’s defense
system not only by keeping the membrane integrity intact and making it less sensi-
tive to denaturation, but also due to the fact that they have the capacity to quench
ROS produced under oxidative stress. Vickers et al. (2009a) discussed the possible
functions of isoprenes as natural antioxidant machinery in plants.
Plants are endowed with protective mechanisms to cope with a variety of abiotic
stresses. When the stress impact goes beyond a certain threshold, plants normally
experience stress, resulting in reduced growth and development. Most common and
ensuing response, thus, is the production of reactive oxygen spices (ROS). The
antioxidant effect of the isoprenoid compounds is mediated by their capacity to
swiftly combine with different ROS such as singlet oxygen, superoxide, hydro-
gen peroxide, hydroxyl radical that are released under stress regime (Holopainen
2004; Fineschi and Loreto 2012). Isoprenes are also known to alleviate visible dam-
age (necrosis) of leaves exposed to ozone through a mechanism involving release
of nitric oxide that interacts with increasing levels of ROS especially hydrogen
peroxide. The occurrence of conjugated double bonds (delocalized π-electrons) in
the isoprene molecule may mediate electron and energy transfers, conferring ROS-
scavenging ability (Vickers et al. 2009a). Considering chloroplast as the site of iso-
prene biosynthesis (Logan et al. 2000), the ROS scavenging ability of isoprene
molecule makes it important in plant defense against oxidative stress. Isoprenoids
including terpenoids have also been shown to confer a protective effect on photo-
synthetic process under heat and oxidative stress (Sharkey and Yeh 2001). Isoprenes
have also been implicated to protect the photosynthetic system from thermal stress.
The mechanism underlying such protective nature is attributed to the stabilization
of membrane lipid bilayer by enhancing the hydrophobic (lipid–lipid, lipid–pro-
tein and/or protein–protein) interactions (Sharkey et al. 2008). Based on modeling
studies with membranes, Siwko et al. (2007) demonstrated that isoprenes are able
to partition into the phospholipid membrane enhancing membrane order without
major alteration in the dynamic properties of the membrane.
Much less evidence has been accumulated so far on the role of volatile monoter-
penes in alleviating oxidative stress. In plants that don’t emit monoterpenes, it has
been proved that photosynthesis becomes less sensitive to ozone that are externally
supplied with volatile monoterpenes (Loreto and Fares 2007). In contrast, when
monoterpene synthesis is blocked, ROS rapidly accumulate. The highly volatile
298 P. Suprasanna and P. S. Variyar
Salt stress is known to mimic water stress limiting CO2 inflow by lowering con-
ductance of stomata and mesophyll and by impairing carbon metabolism (Delfine
et al. 1998, 1999). Loreto and Delfine (2000) tested whether revival from mod-
est salt treatment could result in bursts of isoprene emission and concluded that
the progression leading to isoprene release is resistant than photosynthesis to salt
stress, and that a secondary source of isoprene, independent of photosynthesis, is
induced by salt-stress. In case of short-term drought stress, significant reductions in
photosynthesis were observed, whereas isoprene emission was either not repressed
or became reduced in Quercus virginiana (Tingey et al. 1981) and Pueraria lo-
bata (Sharkey and Loreto 1993). On the other hand, there was a good relationship
between terpene emission and plant water status. The emission of several mono-
terpenes and sesquiterpenes was studied in Mediterranean species ( Rosmarinus of-
ficinalis, Pinus halepensis, Cistus albidus and Quercus coccifera) upon subjecting
them to long term water dehydration stress (Ormeno et al. 2007). There was a slow
decrease of emissions in plants exposed to long term water deficit periods in P.
halepensis and C. albidus as compared to decrease in sesquiterpene release of R.
officinali. Šimpraga et al. (2011) opined that drought stress can affect the VOC
emissions in plants. In their experiments with young Common beech, the authors
observed sudden burst of non-monoterpene class of VOCs during acute drought
stress indicating opportunities for plant sensing using VOCs.
Isoprenoids have been demonstrated to confer defense against abiotic stress fac-
tors, mainly thermal stress and oxidative stress conditions. A full understanding
of the function of terpenes in plant defense process will require experiments at the
molecular level, as terpenes may induce the expression of a number of stress-related
genes. Studies in this direction by using inhibitors like fossidomycin that can inhibit
the MEP pathway, fumigating non-isoprene synthesizing plants with exogenous iso-
prenoid compounds and transgenic plants either expressing terpene synthesis genes
or gene silencing, have yielded results supporting their protection against stresses
(Dudareva and Pichersky 2008; Vickers et al. 2009a).
The enzymes leading to the production of monoterpene all appear to be active
in the plastids, as all the genes in this pathway possess plastid-targeting signals
(Haudenschild and Croteau 1998) and seems to be localized in chloroplasts (Bou-
vier et al. 2000) and leucoplasts (Turner et al. 1999). The principal functional role
of isoprene emission in plants is associated with the protection of leaf physiological
processes against oxidative stress induced by heat (Sharkey and Yeh 2001). Behnke
et al. (2007) analyzed this ‘physiological role’ by testing transgenic Grey poplar
plants in which expression of isoprene synthase ( ISPS) was either silenced via RNA
interference (RNAi) mechanism or upregulated by over-expression of the ISPS
gene. Despite increased ISPS mRNA levels, there was no steady increase in isoprene
release in the over-expressing lines, suggesting that ISPS could be regulated at the
300 P. Suprasanna and P. S. Variyar
post-transcriptional level while in the RNAi lines, there was no isoprene emission.
The researchers also exposed transgenic lines to high temperature with three tem-
porary heat stages (38–40 °C), followed by recovery at 30 °C. During heat stress,
the non-isoprene-emitting transgenic poplars exhibited low rates of net assimilation
and photosynthetic electron transport, compared to situation where there was no
stress. The poplars plants in which isoprene was repressed had an increased zeaxan-
thin in the absence of stress, suggesting increased non-photochemical quenching
or may indicate an increased necessity for antioxidants (Behnke et al. 2007). This
study demonstrated that down-regulation of isoprene can influence thermotolerance
and induce increased energy dissipation by non-photochemical quenching path-
ways. Isoprene synthase transcription has been shown to increase as leaves undergo
maturity (Wiberley et al. 2005) and is temperature- and light responsive (Sasaki
et al. 2005; Cinege et al. 2008). Variation in the accumulation of isoprene synthase
protein is also observed under different environmental conditions (Schnitzler et al.
2005; Wiberley et al. 2009; Calfapietra et al. 2007).
Transgenic tobacco ( Nicotiana tabacum L.) plants transformed with an isoprene
synthase gene (from poplar) showed isoprene emission at comparable amounts to
a natural situation. These transgenic plants when subjected to heat and combined
heat/light exhibited considerable tolerance to stress-induced oxidative stress (Vick-
ers et al. 2009b). Further, Vickers et al. (2011) used transgenic tobacco lines harbor-
ing a poplar isoprene synthase gene and then examined control of isoprene emis-
sion. In mature transgenic tobacco leaves, it was observed that primary controls on
isoprene emission was thought to be via the substrate supply and changes in enzyme
kinetics rather than changes in isoprene synthase levels or post-translational regula-
tion of activity. The transgenic tobacco plants also had emission patterns remark-
ably similar to naturally emitting plants under a wide variety of conditions and the
emissions correlated with photosynthetic rates in developing and mature leaves, and
with the amount of isoprene synthase protein in mature leaves. Isoprene synthase
protein levels did not change under short-term increase in heat/light, despite an
increase in emissions under these conditions. In a study with a halophytes ( Kande-
lia candel) and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, mRNA expression of four oxidosqualene
cyclase ( OSC) genes namely, KcMS multifunctional terpenoid synthase and Kc-
CAS cyloartenol synthase ( K. candel), BgbAS ß-amyrin synthase and BgLUS lupeol
synthase ( B. gymnorrhiza) in relation to salt concentration was analyzed (Basyunia
et al. 2009). The mRNA levels of KcMS in both roots and leaves of K. candel and
BgLUS and BgbAS in the roots of B. gymnorrhiza increased with salt concentration.
This result suggested that the function of terpenoids in root is associated with the
salt stress.
Attempts have been made to over-accumulate isoprenoids in transgenic plants
to study their role in stress alleviation. Over-expression of Hevea brasiliensis 3-hy-
droxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR) in transgenic tobacco led
to an increase in sterol production (Schaller et al. 1995). Neelakandan et al. (2011)
over-expressed Arabidopsis HMGR1 in soybean, resulting in greater seed sterol
content. The Populus alba isoprene synthase gene was introduced into Arabidopsis
and has shown to confer elevated heat tolerance in the transgenic lines over wild
9 Coping Abiotic Stress with Plant Volatile Organic Chemicals (PVOCs) … 301
type (Sasaki et al. 2007). Similarly, the content in some plastidial isoprenoids has
also been successfully enhanced in plants through genetic engineering. Transgenic
mint over-expressing 1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase, one of the entry
enzymes into the MEP pathway (DXS), showed increased essential oil content
(Mahmoud and Croteau 2001). Arabidopsis plants over-expressing Brassica juncea
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA synthase gene ( BjHMGS), coding for the second
enzyme in the cytosolic isoprenoid biosynthesis pathway, have been shown to pro-
vide enhanced fungal and hydrogen peroxide-tolerance (Wang et al. 2011). The
Brassica gene was found to be down-regulated by abscisic acid, mannitol, and water
stress, but up-regulated by growth regulators like salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate,
and wounding, suggesting that it could have a role in plant stress resistance.
The genetic engineering of volatile compounds have also brought to light some
genetic changes on plant growth and development, and challenges to accomplish
efficient production of the suitable volatile terpenoid compounds in a spatial and
temporal mode (Dudareva and Pichersky 2008). For example in Arabidopsis, over-
expression of FaNES1 resulted in the diversion of carbon to linalool production,
without affecting the levels of chlorophylls, lutein and bcarotene, and resulting in a
growth-retardation phenotype that was stable through several generations (Aharoni
et al. 2003). Transgenic potato engineered for linalool production resulted in growth
retardation and leaf bleaching of plants when grown in the greenhouse (Aharoni
et al. 2006). Transgenic tobacco containing high levels of patchoulol as a result of
the expression of PTS coupled with FPP synthase, both targeted to the plastids, led
to plants with growth disturbances like leaf chlorosis, vein clearing, and reduced
stature (Wu et al. 2006). Such growth abnormalities are attributed to the conse-
quences of the reduction of isoprenoid precursors for other metabolites which are
otherwise are essential for plant growth and development, or that the newly intro-
duced terpenoids could become toxic to plant cells.
A number of plant species synthesize myriad of isoprenoid for plant growth,
development and for adaptation to environment (Leivara et al. 2011). The enzyme
3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (HMGR) in the mevalonate pathway
is modulated by many endogenous and external stimuli. Two B′′ regulatory sub-
units (B′′α and B′′β) of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) interact with HMGR1S
and HMGR1L, the two major isoforms of Arabidopsis thaliana HMGR (Leivara
et al. 2011). Since B′′α and B′′β are Ca2+ binding proteins of the EF-hand type, it
was found that PP2A modulates HMGR transcript. Under salt stress conditions, the
B′′α and PP2A mediated the decrease and subsequent increase of HMGR activity
in Arabidopsis seedlings, resulting from a steady rise of HMGR1-encoding tran-
script level and an early sharper reduction of HMGR protein level. In the non-stress
conditions, the PP2A operates as a posttranslational negative regulator of HMGR
activity with the involvement of B′′β. The authors suggested that PP2A can exert
multilevel regulation on HMGR through the five-member B′′ protein family in re-
sponse to stress conditions (Leivara et al. 2011).
The mevalonate pathway that mediates the production of isoprenoids has
been operative in higher eukaryotes. Brodersen et al. (2012) studied the necessi-
ty of isoprenoid biosynthesis for plant miRNA activity in Arabidopsis. In plants
302 P. Suprasanna and P. S. Variyar
Abiotic stresses including salinity, drought and high temperature limit crop pro-
ductivity. In this regard, PVOCs either emitted or induced from different plant spe-
cies can be applied to confer better defense. Understanding of the biosynthesis of
volatile compounds and the genetic machinery involved has greatly contributed to
use this chemical repertoire for integrating biochemical, molecular and functional
data into stress alleviation. A complete picture of metabolic network of PVOC syn-
thesis and information on their regulation will necessitate further investigation. In
addition, screening and use of suitable compounds involved in the biosynthesis of
volatile-induced plant defenses will greatly facilitate fine tuning of plant responses
to stress factors. In the past decade, considerable progress has been made in the
metabolic engineering of the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway in plants (Mahmoud
and Croteau 2001; Lucker et al. 2001; Nagegowda 2010). An increasing number of
successful attempts have raised hopes that their manipulation could offer a promis-
ing tool for increasing isoprenoid content for varied applications in stress tolerance
and protection from environmental damage.
Another direction in PVOCs is by using priming approach by which planting a
few transgenic plants that release defense volatiles in the field may contribute to
plant protection and provide an advantage to non-transgenic plants (Dudareva and
Pichersky 2008). In order to derive such benefits, it is imperative that we need to
investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying priming induced capacitance, the
detection of volatile signal components that activate the capacitance, species spe-
cific responses and molecular markers for the primed state in crop plants. It has also
been suggested that histone modifications that are operative during a primary event
might create memory associated reaction to a second stress exposure (Jaskiewicz
et al. 2011).
9 Coping Abiotic Stress with Plant Volatile Organic Chemicals (PVOCs) … 303
Plants produce a plethora of volatile compounds for both general and special-
ized functions (Ueda et al. 2012). The plant volatilome is defined as the complex
consortium of volatile organic compounds through different biosynthetic pathways
and produced by plants, constitutively and/or after induction, as a defense strategy
against biotic and abiotic stress (Maffei et al. 2007). An integrated approach will
greatly help our understanding about the metabolism, genomics and interactome of
the VOCs in plant’s adaptation to environmental stresses.
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Chapter 10
An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain
Quality Improvement
Abstract Cereal grain quality aspects are integral aspects of a complex food chain,
which assimilate outputs achievable by breeding, production and processing. In
order to get better economic gains and be internationally competitive in diverse
market scenarios, it is paramount to breed wheat cultivars with better grain quality.
Higher grain quality demands are exponentially increasing due to novel processing
technologies, environmental changes and change in consumer preferences due to
striking demographic shifts. Advances in the genomic arena of grain quality are
considered crucial for defining genes and their networks underpinning functional
flour qualities. The complexities associated with the genes underlying these traits
can be resolved by elucidating functional and comparative genomics information
of relevant genes and the efficient transfer of such information across cultivars.
Wheat, due to wider consumption as a staple food, has been a subject of inten-
sive cytogenetic investigations which are now extended further in the genomics
era using powerful tools of molecular biology and new genetic stocks. The recent
progress in wheat genomics research particularly the use of molecular markers for a
variety of purposes and advances in map based positional cloning of several genes
has been remarkable. As a result we have been able to better understand the wheat
genome and the mechanisms involved in the function of different quality encod-
ing genes. Additionally, we have also utilized information generated from genom-
ics research in producing better quality grains. The advances in the genomics of
quality presented in this chapter provide ample information to the underlying gene
networks controlling quality traits thereby addressing the challenges of the brisk
changes prevalent within the wheat based food systems. Aiding the exploitation
of novel genome diversity for quality value addition, research has benefitted from
the unique germplasm resource generated by synthesizing wheat from genomic/
allelic variability residing in the wheat progenitor accessional resource. These
under-utilized diploid wheat progenitor accessions are a promising conduit to wheat
productivity enhancement and the novel genomic resource contributing to wheat
quality as elucidated here.
Bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum) is one of the most important crop species, with
global annual production currently over 600 million tonnes providing approximately
one fifth of the world’s total calorific input (FAO 2009). Continually raising the
yield potential of wheat to match human population growth and stabilizing yield
against the damaging effects of climate change is a top priority for agricultural sci-
ence (Reynolds et al. 2009). The multitude demands of variable wheat products are
challenging to fulfill in a scenario of maintaining competitiveness in international
marketplace. Especially, in the most rapidly growing markets of South-Asia and
China where the grain quality improvement has a critical role to play in establish-
ing the linkages with customers. The traditional quality aspects of wheat need to be
evolved due to the advent of new processing technologies and changes in the market
place resulting from the striking demographic changes in the region. The integration
of several disciplines like functional genomics, biotechnology and exploitation of
the genetic resources is stimulating the identification of genetic, biochemical and
physiological basis of quality encoding traits in wheat. The ongoing activities for
wheat quality improvement aim to address the major challenge of capturing the
information from both wheat and model organisms, such as rice and Arabidopsis,
in order to define genes that underpin the unique quality attributes of wheat. The re-
sources being developed using biotechnology, comparative and functional genom-
ics include comprehensive mapping initiatives, genome-wide expression studies
and exploring the molecular basis of quality characteristics. The linkage of large
information generated from these tools need to be incorporated in wheat-breeding
programs in conjunction with high-throughput screening in order to provide the
solution to efficiently develop new, improved quality wheat varieties.
Grain yield and quality, both are determined by the size and composition of
wheat endosperm. Biochemical and genetic studies in the past three decades have
considerably increased the understanding of genetics, structure and composition of
different proteins stored in endosperm which highly influence end-use quality traits
(Ma et al. 2007). Wheat storage proteins include glutenins, gliadins, secalins and
puroindolines within endosperm which largely determine the rheological properties
of wheat flour, the most important quality attribute. Additionally the mineral and
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement 309
The composition and amount of seed storage proteins play an important role in
determining wheat quality (Payne 1987). Beccari in 1745, first isolated the gluten
proteins and until now, the gluten proteins have been active area of investigation
at genomic and proteomic level over a period of 250 years, in order to determine
their structure and properties and to provide basis for manipulating and improving
end use quality (Shewry et al. 2002). At the beginning of the 20th century, Osborne
(1907) developed a systematic way to classify wheat storage proteins based on their
graded extraction and differences in solubility. According to Osborne (1907) four
different protein groups can be recognized in wheat flour. These groups include al-
bumins (water soluble), globulins (water insoluble and soluble in saline solutions),
prolamins (soluble in 70–90 % ethanol) and glutens (soluble in dilute acid or alkali).
The most important protein, gluten, gives rise to two distinct groups based on their
solubility in 70 % ethanol, known as glutenins and gliadins (Wrigley et al. 1996).
HMW-GS reportedly account for 12 % of the total seed storage protein which corre-
spond to about 1–1.7 % of the flour dry weight (Halford et al. 1992). However much
of the work has been focused on functional and structural aspects of HMW-GS due
to their largest contribution in wheat end-use quality. HMW-GS are encoded at
Glu-1 loci present on the long arm of homeologous group 1 chromosomes (1AL,
1BL and 1DL), each locus contributing two gene subunits that differ in their prop-
310 A. Rasheed et al.
erties and are called x-type and y-type subunits (Payne et al. 1980). These loci are
named Glu-A1, Glu-B1 and Glu-D1, respectively. The x- and y-type subunits have
a comparatively high and low molecular weight, respectively. In earlier studies on
the allelic variation of Glu-1 loci, the number of alleles at all three loci differed
greatly (Payne and Lawrence 1983). Glu-A1 had three allelic forms, eleven alleles
for Glu-1B, and six alleles for Glu-1D were found. However, in the subsequent
studies several alleles were found and the latest information has been documented
by McIntosh et al. (2010).
Gene Expression
All bread wheat cultivars express 1Bx, 1Dx, and 1Dy subunits while some culti-
vars also express 1By and 1Ax subunit as well. The gene encoding the 1Ay subunit
usually remains silent. Nevertheless, many accessions of A-genome related spe-
cies T. monococcum and T. urartu express 1Ay subunits (Waines and Payne 1987;
Rasheed et al. Unpublished; Alvarez et al. 2009; Caballero et al. 2008; Gutierrez
et al. 2011). Some bread wheat with six HMW-GS have also been reported (Mar-
giotta et al. 1996). The extensive studies on the electrophoretic mobility of glute-
nin subunits revealed that durm and bread wheat genotypes lack certain subunits
(Lafiandra et al. 1988). Beitz et al. (1975) reported some mutants lack 1D encoded
HMW-GS in landraces from Nepal. Contrastingly, some tetraploid and hexaploid
genotypes with four and six subunits, respectively, were developed by replacing the
silenced subunit of Glu-A1 by the expressed ones. These genotypes showed an in-
crement in polymeric glutenin quantity, hence better flour characteristics (Lafiandra
et al. 1998). Allelic variation at Glu-D1 has most profound effect on bread-making
quality, although limited numbers of alleles have been reported at this locus. In
addition to hexaploid wheat, Aegilops tauschii Cosson, the diploid ancestor of the
D-genome, conserves many unique Glu-D1 alleles. So far, 14 x-types and 10 y-type
subunits in Ae. tauschii have been identified resulting into combination of 85 differ-
ent Glu-D1 alleles (Rehman et al. 2008).
gluten protein result in risen loaf of wheat dough (Shewry and Tatham 1997). The
repetitive domains are consisted of short and repeated peptide motifs in both x- and
y-type subunits. These peptide motifs may be tripeptide, hexapeptide and nanopep-
tide, while the presence of the tripeptide motif is unique to the repetitive domain
of x-type subunits (Shewry and Tatham 1997). Because the HMW-GS have very
high glutamic acid contents, therefore proline and glycine contents are also very
high, while lysine contents are very low. It is also evident from amino acid com-
position of HMW-GS that the central repetitive domain has hydrophilic nature and
N- and C-terminal domains have hydrophobic characteristics (Shewry et al. 1989).
The polypeptide motifs determine the proportion of the different amino acids in
HMW-GS. Shewry and Tatham (1997) revealed that > 90 % of the repetitive do-
mains are formed from the variations in the consensus repeat sequences (PGQGQQ
and GYYPTSPQQ). Moreover, x-type subunits are characterized by the presence
of unique tri-peptide motif (GQQ). While in y-type subunits, the second proline is
replaced by a leucine in the GYYPTSPQQ repeat motif.
Alleleic identification
The invaluable platform for HMW-GS diagnosis is, no doubt, sodium dodecyl sul-
phate poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). However some limitations,
like co-migration of some subunits, difficulty in detecting differences in expression
levels, results in inaccurate identification of alleles differing in functional proper-
ties. Moreover, this technique is only possible from the flour of mature grains. The
advancements in molecular biology has enabled us to overcome these limitations
by using allele specific PCR markers. These markers are developed based on DNA
polymorphism present among the glutenin subunit genes are considered perfect to
study allelic variations for HMW-GS. The major advantage is the high-throughput
analysis of different alleles in breeding materials which is also possible during the
vegetative growth stages (Liu et al. 2008a). We have discussed in detail the mo-
lecular diagnosis approaches for HMW-GS identification in “Functional markers”
section of this chapter.
Among the other proteomics based technologies used to detect HMW-GS in-
clude reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and
the most recent matrix assisted laser desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry
(MALDI-TOF). Gao et al. (2010) analyzed HMW-GS separation and characteriza-
tion of bread wheat and wild accessions on MALDI-TOF, SDS-PAGE and RP-
HPLC. Comparative analysis demonstrated merits and demerits of each method-
ology. Incorrect identification due to low resolution and overestimation has been
the main drawback of SDS-PAGE. Irrespective of its disadvantages, SDS-PAGE
is the simplest and cheaper technique, therefore, suitable for large-scale and high-
throughput HMW-GS screening for wheat genotypes especially when the glutenin
composition is clear in the breeding material. The most recent mass spectroscopy
MALDI-TOF had several technical advantages including high throughput, high
resolution, and accuracy. However, high equipment cost is the main hindrance to
access this technology for many breeding programs.
312 A. Rasheed et al.
Low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) are also major fraction of glu-
tenins and are also known as prolamine due to high amino acid, glutamines and
pralines. LMW-GS represent about one third of the storage proteins and about 60 %
of total glutenins (Beitz and Wall 1973). The genes controlling LMW-GS are pres-
ent at short arm of group 1 chromosomes, Glu-3 loci ( Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-
D3), which are tightly linked to the Gli-1 loci. Additionally, three new loci Glu-2,
Glu-4 (Jackson et al. 1985; Liu and Shepherd 1995) and Glu-5 (Sreeramulu and
Singh 1997) located on chromosomes 1B, 1D and 7D respectively, with molecular
weights ranging from 30-31,000 Da, have also been reported to encode LMW-GS.
The LMW-GS are more difficult to characterize and study as compared to HMW-
GS, due to their heterogeneity. However, different analytical tools become avail-
able with the advancement of technology which made easier their characterization.
Biochemical classification revealed three classes of LMW-GS i.e. B, C and D types
(Jackson et al. 1983). Additionally, B type LMW-GS are further classified into three
classes, LMW-m, LMW-s and LMW-i, based on the first amino acid residue which
may be Methionine, Serine and Ile, respectively. Genes present at Glu-A3 locus
manly encode LMWi type subunits, which is the most recently identified class of
LMW-GS (Zhang et al. 2004). Additionally, LMW-i had significant structural dif-
ferences from LMW-m and LMW-s groups due to the lack of an N-terminal region
and localization of cysteine residues in C-terminal region. However, eight number
of cysteine residues are common in all groups. This structural difference is proposed
to encode quality differences by glutenin polymer formation and gluten interac-
tion. The C and D type subunits are composed mainly of proteins related to α/β-,
γ- and ώ-gliadins which have variable numbers of cysteine residues. D’Ovidio and
Masci (2004) proposed these subunits are incorporated into the polymeric network
by virtue of unpaired cysteines. The dough quality is known to be influenced greatly
by allelic variations at the Glu-3 loci and ranking of different alleles due to their
functional properties have been reported (Juhász and Gianibelli 2006).
(Gianibelli et al. 2001). This linkage between alleles of two loci helped in diagnosis
of several Glu-B3 and Glu-D3 alleles in wheat genotypes. Several glaidins were
found as reliable markers LMW-GS allele diagnosis, due to their easy detection
(Jackson et al. 1996).
Allelic identification
In wheat storage proteins, gliadin is an important fraction that accounts for about
40–50 % of the total proteins. It has great impact on processing and nutritional
quality of flour, followed by HMW-GS and LMW-GS. Gliadins are soluble in 70 %
ethanol and are heterogeneous mixtures of single-chained polypeptides. Gliadins
can be seperated in A-PAGE (acid-PAGE) based on the differences in their mobil-
ity. The four different groups identified include α-, β-, γ-, and ω-gliadins, of which
α- gliadins has fastest while ω-gliadins has slowest mobility. Gliadins are controlled
by Gli-1 loci, which are complex and comprise the ω-gliadin and γ-gliadin (Me-
cham et al. 1978) multi-gene families (Harberd et al. 1985), which in some circum-
stances may be divided into Gli-1-1 and Gli-1-2, respectively. The LMW glutenin
multigene families, which are closely linked to the Gli-1 loci (Jackson et al. 1983),
are listed separately as the Glu-3 set (Singh and Shepherd 1985); information on
map distance and gene order in relation to Glu-3 and the centromere is given in the
preamble for the Glu-3 loci.
It was identified that short arms of group 1 and group 6 chromosomes encode glia-
din genes. The genes present on Gli-1 loci are controlled by Gli-A1, Gli-B1, and
Gli-D1 loci on 1AS,1BS and 1DS, respectively. Similarly, Gli-2 genes are con-
trolled by Gli-A2, Gli-B2, and Gli-D2 loci on chromosomes 6AS, 6BS and 6DS,
respectively. The genetic analysis revealed that all ω- and many γ-gliadins are en-
coded by Gli-1 loci and all α-, many of β-, and some of γ-gliadins are encoded by
Gli-2 loci. The gene clusters of gliadins encode polypeptides as Mendalian factor
and multiple allelism phenomenons have been observed at both loci (Metakovsky
1991). In MacGene (2010), 23 alleles are listed for Gli-A1, 24 for Gli-B1 and 15
alleles for Gli-D1 in bread and durum wheat. Similarly, among Gli-2 loci, Gli-A2
encodes 36 alleles, Gli-B2 encodes 47 and Gli-D1 encodes 31 alleles. Apart from
these two loci, several workers reported many other loci. These include Gli-3 (4 al-
leles at Gli-A3 and 3 alleles at Gli-B3) coding for ω-gliadins on short arms of group
1 chromosomes (Galili et al. 1984; Sobko 1984), Gli-5 (2 alleles at both Gli-A5 and
Gli-B5 loci) coding for ω-gliadins on short arm of chromosomes 1A and 1B distal
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement 315
to Gli-1 (Pogna et al. 1993), Gli-6 and Gli-7 on short arm of chromosome 1A and
1D (Metacovsky et al. 1996; Hassani et al. 2006).
Among the four gliadin groups, ω-gliagins have high level of glutamione and pro-
line while low level of sulfurous amino acids (Gianibelli et al. 2002). Compara-
tively, they had few amino acids and high phenylalanine levels as compared to other
gliadin groups (Kasarda et al. 1983; Tatham and Shewry 1995). Difference does
exist among gliadin groups for surface hydrophobicity and ω-gliagins are lower
hydrophobic than that of the α- and γ-type gliadins. Popineau and Pineau (1987)
identified the gliadins as first peptides elute from the reverse phase-HPLC column.
Among all the gluten protein fractions, gliadins are highest hydrophilic with refer-
ence to amino acid composition with only a few residues with charged side chains
(Dupont et al. 2000). Three different types of ω-gliagins have been observed on
the basis of the N-terminal sequences. The nomenclature of ω-gliadins is followed
from the first three amino acids in their N-terminal sequences (Kasarda et al. 1983).
Therefore, these three groups are called ARQ-, KEL-, and SRL-types based on the
aforesaid nomenclature system (Tatham and Shewry 1995).
Similar to the ω-gliadins, α-, β- and γ-gliadins are also rich in glutamine and
proline. In these groups, about 90 % of the glutamic and aspartic acid residues are
amidated (Bietz et al. 1977; Kasarda et al. 1983). They are also characterized by
low levels of basic amino acids and high leucine. In α/β- and γ-gliadins cysteine
residues are 6 and 8, respectively and both all types are rich in sulfur. Müller and
Wieser (1995, 1997) confirmed that 3–4 disulfide bonds between molecules are
formed. The α/β-gliadins are represented by a very small sequence of five amino
acid residues (VRVPV) on the basis of N-terminal sequences (Bietz et al. 1977). In
α/β-gliadin, the pentapeptide motifs (PQQQP and PQQPY) are always present in a
repetitive region that follows the N-terminal region of the proteins (Shewry et al.
1986). Contrastingly, in γ-gliadins the N-terminal region is consisted twelve amino
acid residues (NMQVDPSGQVQW) followed by several repeats of consensus mo-
tif PQQPFPQ (Kasarda et al. 1983; Shewry and Tatham 1990).
Recently, Qi et al. (2009) analyzed 170 γ-gliadin genes isolated from common
wheat and its closely related species, among which 138 sequences are putatively
functional. The ORF lengths of these sequences range from 678 to 1089 bp, and the
repetitive region is mainly responsible for the size heterogeneity of γ-gliadins. The
repeat motif
is repeated from 7 to 22 times. They found a wide range of amino acid composition
in γ-gliadins, and those γ-gliadins from subgroup SG-10 and SG-12 and γ-gliadins
with a short repetitive domain are more nutritional.
316 A. Rasheed et al.
In wheat, the grain texture is encoded by the friabilin group of proteins having
Mr~13 k Da. These proteins have strong association with starch. In soft grains,
these are frequently associated with water-washed starch. While in hard grains and
durum they show limited and no association with starch, respectively. It was gener-
ally suggested that friabilins are non-sticky proteins minimizing sticking of starch
granules and protein matrix, thus allowing their easier separation. Friabilin give
rise to two major polypeptides upon electrophoresis separation and amino acid se-
quencing. There are three polypeptides viz. puroindoline a, puroindoline b and grain
softness protein-1 which are designated as PINA, PINB and GSP-1, respectively.
Morris (2002) reviewed the properties, purification methods and discovery of fria-
bilin. Hard and soft kernel textures are not due to difference in amount of friabilin
because both classes have similar amount of friabilin. Rather difference is due to
association of strach granules with friabilin during aqueous isolation. The major
locus, Ha, is responsible for textural properties (Symes 1965), and has been identi-
fied on 5DS chromosome (Mattern et al. 1973; Sourdill et al. 1996). Puroindoline
proteins encoded by two strongly linked genes at this locus were identified that is
associated with variation for grain hardiness (Gautier et al. 1994). A mutation in
Pinb gene results in change in amino acid giving rise to altered protein structure to
bind with membrane polar lipids (Giroux and Morris 1998). This results in altera-
tion of binding strength between protein matrix and starch granules. Apart from this
mutation, Giroux and Morris (1998) also identified a null allele, Pina-Da, on other
puroindoline gene. It was concluded that a variety will have the hard texture hav-
ing mutant alleles ( Pina-D1b or Pinb-D1b) at both puroindoline genes. Although,
higher allelic variation observed at these loci (Morris 2002) but genotypes having
alleles Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a (soft), Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1b (hard) and Pina-D1b/Pinb-
D1a (extra hard) are predominant (Cane et al. 2004). A positive correlation of these
genotypic classes with water absorption was observed. Genotypes with extra hard
texture absorbed 3.5 % more water than varieties with the hard texture and 8.3 %
more than those with the soft texture. Contrastingly, they, did not find any differ-
ence for water absorption in the ‘‘extra hard’’ and ‘‘hard’’ classes. However a drop
in milling yield in extra hard genotypes was observed by both. Apart from Ha locus,
several QTLs underlying grain hardness characteristics have been discovered.
Bhave and Morris (2008) reviewed the molecular genetics, gene regulation and
structure of puroindolines. MacGene (McIntosh et al. 2010) listed 17 alleles at Pina-
D1, 29 alleles at Pinb-D1 and 9 alleles at Gsp-D1 locus. Recently, Chen et al. (2009)
identified 9 haplotypes in 56 sequences from einkorn wheat. Guzman et al. (2012)
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement 317
The intronless coding regions of the Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 genes of bread wheat are
447 bp long. The genes are 70.2 % identical in the coding regions but only ~53 %
identical in the 30 un-translated region (Gautier et al. 1994). The physical order
of these genes within BAC clones was identified as Pinb-Pina-Gsp-1 in T. mono-
coccum (Tranquilli et al. 1999) and Ae. tauschii (Turnbull et al. 2003). There are
several reports where additional partial copy of Pina-D1 has been found on 5DL.
Bahve and Morris (2008) discussed in detail the gene expression their regulation
and promoter sequences of puroindolines. The characterization of nucleotide se-
quence in A and B genome of tetraploid wheat, the 50 boundary of the Ha locus was
defined by Gsp gene. A gene cluster known as Gene7 and Gene8 was also validated
by the presence of the 30 boundary. Therefore, a ca 55 kb gDNA segment is defined
as the Ha locus having the Pina, Pinb, two Pinb degenerated copies, Gene3 (only in
D-genome) and Gene5. Chantret et al. (2005) identified a deletion of 38 kb in com-
mon wheat instead of Gene3 and Gene5. Instead these genes were annotated in dip-
loid progenitors of hexaploid wheat. In barley, analysis of Ha locus identified some
genes clusters were found conserved between wheat and barley (Caldwell et al.
2004). Some rearrangements were observed in barley hordoindolines (equivalents
of puroindilines) like upstream position of gene from GC2 instead of downstream
(as in wheat) and they are also in the opposite orientation. However, in barley grain
hardiness is focused to their resistance to pest and disease invasion rather than mill-
ing attributes.
The other important part of Ha locus is Gsp-1 gene which is tightly linked to
Pina and Pinb on chromosome 5DS. Unlike Pin genes, GSP-1 genes are present on
all three group 5 chromosomes in wheat (Chantret et al. 2005). The nucleotide cod-
ing region of these genes consists of 495 nucleotides without introns and resembles
90–100 % with one another and ~42 % with Pin genes (Bhave and Morris 2008).
Some studies suggest multiple Gsp-1 copies per genome in at least some genomes/
accessions (Gollan et al. 2007) whereas mapping studies show only one gene at the
Ha locus (Chantret et al. 2005).
318 A. Rasheed et al.
Improving the grain protein content has been area of main focus for wheat breed-
ers due to its major contribution in bread and pasta-making quality and has a major
contribution in improving nutritional status of masses. Despite of its importance,
constrains prevail to increase protein contents due to its quantitative inheritence
and high influence of the environment (Simmonds, 1995). Several reports are avail-
able on QTLs controlling GPC and linked markers are available for MAS. An au-
thentic source of high protein content has been identified in accession of Triticum
turgidum L. ssp. dicoccoides (referred to as DIC) during a survey (Avivi (1978).
Cantrell and Joppa (1991) substituted each chromosome of DIC with the durum
cultivar ‘Langdon (LDN)’ and later it was found that 6B substitution line of DIC
into LDN (DIC-6B) had highest protein contents (Joppa et al. 1997). The DIC-6B
substitution line and LDN were used a parents and a RILs mapping population was
developed to map QTL conferring high GPC, which was found on the chromo-
some 6BS. Another secondary mapping population (RILs) was developed to further
shorten this QTL and it was mapped between RFLP probes Xcdo365 and Xucw65
as a single Mendelian locus ( Gpc-B1) within a 2.7 cm region (Olmos et al. 2003).
Some new markers were developed in this region for high density mapping through
Rice-Wheat micro-colinearity studies. Some additional recombination was initiated
by developing more RILs and Gpc-B1 locus was reduced with a 0.3 cm segment us-
ing newly developed markers (Distelfeld et al. 2004). The Gpc-B1 gene within the
0.3 cm segment was physically mapped which spanned about 250 kb region (Dis-
telfeld et al. 2006). The Gpc-B1 allele in DIC accelerates leaf senescence and Uauy
et al. (2006a) suggested the differences in GPC are actually pelotropic effects of the
in senescence. Kade et al. (2005) discovered the effect of DIC Gpc-B1 allele during
senescence explained the higher levels of soluble proteins and amino acids in flag
leaves after anthesis relative to those with the LDN allele. Higher mineral contents
in DIC were found to be associated with chromosome 6B (Cakmak et al. 2004), but
its association with 250 kb region including Gpc-B1 was validated later (Distelfeld
et al. 2007). The major discovery was reported when map based cloning identified
the Gpc-B1 as a NAC transcription factor ( TtNAM-B1) and it was established that
wild emmer wheat has a functional allele whereas modern wheat varieties carry
a nonfunctional allele originated by a frame shift mutation (Uauy et al. 2006b).
The functional NAM-B1 orthologous has been found on chromosome 6A and 6D
( TtNAM-A1 and TaNAM-A1) and 6D ( TaNAM-D1), and closely related paralogues
on chromosomes 2B ( TtNAM-B2 and TaNAM-B2) and 2D ( TaNAM-D2). In RNAi
studies, RNA levels of these NAM homologs was reduced which in turn delayed
senescence for more than 3 months and reduced grain protein and mineral contents
by more than 30 % as compared to control lines (Uauy et al. 2006b). Most Recently,
Cantu et al. (2011) employed mRNA-seq approach to detect small differences in
transcript levels and identified the monocarpic senescence as an active process lead-
ing to large-scale changes in gene expression which begins considerably before the
appearance of visual symptoms of senescence. As a result several GPC-regulated
genes including transporters, hormone regulated genes, and transcription factors
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement 319
The genetic control of milling and baking qualities is of paramount interest for
industry. QTL mapping population from a soft x hard wheat was used by Breseghe-
llo et al. (2005) and about 15 QTL conferred control of milling traits, protein con-
tent and baking assay, were detected on group 1 and group 2 chromosomes with
some QTLs on 3A/B, 4B, 5B, and 6B. In another mapping population from RL4452
x ‘AC Domain’ hard wheat cross, about 99 QTLs were found on 18 chromosomes
for 41 quality traits (McCartney et al. 2006). A major QTL on 4D controlling plant
height (Rht-D1b) flanked about 20 QTLs while a crop maturity controlling locus
adhered about 10 QTLs controlling grain quality characteristics like starch contents,
mixograph, farinograph and baking performance.
Apart from the bi-parental QTL studies, recently few association-mapping stud-
ies have been attempted to detect QTL for quality traits in sets of soft wheat germ-
plasm. Several QTLs conferring control of kernel morphology were detected on
chromosomes 2D, 5A, and 5B. Similarly, several quality-encoding QTLs were de-
tected on 15 different chromosomes in an association mapping population by Reif
et al. (2011). The majority of QTLs for flour characteristics, retention capacity of
solvent and softness equivalent were found to be located on chromosome 1B and
2B in soft wheat bi-parental mapping population. We have presented an overview of
QTL detection efforts for grain quality traits in wheat in Table 10.1.
During the past two decades, there are extensive studies on the molecular mapping
of the genes underlying the grain quality traits and a brief overview has been pre-
sented in earlier heading. These QTL analyses identified linked molecular markers
such as SSRs, RAPDs, AFLPs, RFLPs and DArTs with the key quality traits. The
low detection power, distance from the genes and allele specificity to the population
and parents are the key characteristics of the neutral markers which effect on their
predictive value in the diverse populations. Therefore, the diagnostics by the linked
markers (MAS) is questioned in breeding programs and their use is restricted with
some exceptional cases. Due to recent developments in molecular biology, there is
overwhelming response for the use of functional markers as a selection tool due to
their apparent advantage over the linked molecular markers. These are developed
from the nucleotide sequence of the functional gene and it has powerful tendency to
distinguish allelic variation on a single locus, thus are considered perfect markers
for MAB (Varshney et al. 2005). Nevertheless, with the progress in gene cloning
during the last years, the development of corresponding functional markers is get-
ting fast track. In quantitative terms, 97 markers have been developed as a result of
cloning of 30 genes. These markers had ability to identify 93 disease resistance al-
leles, agronomic and grain quality traits. In wheat, the grain processing and baking
quality is controlled by high- and low-molecular weight glutenins, grain hardiness,
and starch contents, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity, lipoxynase (LOX) activ-
ity and yellow pigment content (YPC). In total, 56 functional markers have been
Table 10.1 An overview of studies on QTLs for grain quality traits in wheat
Significance of HMW-GS and LMW-GS ingrain quality has been described ear-
lier. There are several reports on the nucleotide sequences of the cloned genes for
HMW-GS and LMW-GS. The nucleotide sequence of these cloned genes provided
the basis for marker development for their further use in breeding. Zhang et al.
(2004) developed markers for Glu-A3 alleles based on DNA polymorphisms identi-
fied between the LMW glutenin genes. However markers developed by Wang et al.
(2009b, 2010) for Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 are more efficient and easier to use. However,
due to limited variation among Glu-D3 haplotypes, no allele specific marker was
developed (Liu et al. 2010), and comparatively their impact is also very small com-
pared to Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 loci (Gupta et al. 1989). Zhao et al. (2007b) attempted
to develop markers for Glu-D3 haplotypes and later Appelbee et al. (2009) tried to
use those haplotype specific marker combinations for diagnosis of some specific al-
leles like Glu-D3a, b, c and f. A total of seven allele specific markers for Glu-A3 and
ten markers for Glu-B3 loci have been reported. Additionally, Wang et al. (2009b,
2010) also established multiplex PCR strategies to reduce the cost of technique in
practical breeding programs. The practical usage of functional markers for HMW-
GS and LMW-GS to test wheat cultivars and lines has been established and reported
(Liang et al. 2010; Jin et al. 2011; Ram et al. 2011; Khalid et al. 2013).
The GBSS I (granule-bound starch synthase) is defined as Waxy ( Wx) protein,
and it is a primary enzyme involved in synthesis of amylose in wheat endosperm.
The amylose contents play an important role in determining noodle quality. The
Table 10.2 An overview of functional (allele specific) markers for grain quality traits in wheat
Trait Locus Primer Allele Size (bp) PCR conditions Reference
HMW-GS Glu-A1 F: CGAGACAATATGAGCAGCAAG Ax2* 344 94 °C/60 s–60 °C/60 s–72 °C/2 m Liu et al. 2008
F: ATGACTAAGCGGTTGGTTCTT Ax2* 1319 94 °C/30 s–58 °C/30 s–72 °C/2 m Ma et al. 2003
Glu-B1 F: CCTCAGCATGCAAACATGCAGC Bx7OE 563 95 °C/30 s–58 °C/30 s–72 °C/1 m Butow et al. 2004
F:CACTGAGATGGCTAAGCGCC Bx6 321 95 °C/30 s–50 °C/30 s–72 °C/1m Schwarz et al. 2004
F: ACGTGTCCAAGCTTTGGTTC Bx7OE 447 94 °C/35 s–63 °C/30 s–72 °C/60 s Ragupathy et al.
F: CCACTTCCAAGGTGGGACTA Bx7OE 844 94 °C/35 s–63 °C/30 s–72 °C/60 s
F: CGCAACAGCCAGGACAATT Bx17 669 94 °C/30 s–58 °C/30 s–72 °C/2m Ma et al. 2003
F: TTAGCGCTAAGTGCCGTCT By8 527 94 °C/30 s–64 °C/30 s–72 °C/90 s Lei et al. 2006
F: TTCTCTGCATCAGTCAGGA By9 662 94 °C/30 s–59 °C/30 s–72 °C/90 s
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement
Wx-B1 null allele in a wheat cultivar is characterized by low amylose level that is
associated with high noodle making quality. Several allele specific markers have
been developed to facilitate marker assisted introgression of desired waxy allele
(Saito et al. 2009; Nakamura et al. 2002).
The description of puroindoline genes determining the kernel hardness has been
described earlier. Two genes designated as Pina-D1 and Pinb-D1 encoding puroin-
doline a and puroindoline b proteins, respectively, has a profound effect on wheat
milling quality. Molecular markers for identifying alleles at both loci have been
developed by many workers (Giroux and Morris 1997; Gazza et al. 2005; Chen et al.
2012). The allele specific marker for Pinb-D1b is diagnostic for superior milling and
processing qualities and is in extensive use in wheat breeding (Chen et al. 2012).
Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity is responsible for brown discoloration of the
wheat products especially Asian noodles, which is an undesirable character. It is
important to screen cultivars for low PPO activity and several markers have been
developed to serve the purpose. The PPO genes are present on chrosomosomes 2A
and 2D (Sun et al. 2005; He et al. 2007). Low PPO activity encoded by the Ppo-A1
gene is characterized by the presence of 87 and 481 PCR fragments amplified by
PPO18 and PPO33 markers, respectively. Similarly, two other allele specific mark-
ers PPO16 and PPO29 can distinguish alleles Ppo-D1a and Ppo-D1b which are
associated with lower and higher PPO activity, respectively. Practical usage of these
markers in wheat breeding for identification of genotypes with lower PPO activity
is scientifically valid (Liang et al. 2010). Nevertheless, PPO gene located on 2B
chromosome had limited polymorphism in Chinese wheat to develop a functional
marker. Lipoxygenase activity is also major determinant of color and processing
quality of wheat products (Geng et al. 2012). A lipoxygenase (LOX) gene has been
localized on chromosome 4BS ( TaLox-B1) and two allele specific markers LOX16
and LOX18 amplify 48 and 791 bp PCR fragments in cultivars with higher and
lower LOX activities, respectively (Geng et al. 2012). The gene, TaLox-B1 was
sequenced and a SNP was identified in the third exon which was helped in develop-
ment of two markers for identifying alleles TaLox-B1a and TaLox-B1b.The color
of wheat derived products is due to the yellow pigment content. Regional prefer-
ence for color does exist, like bright white color is preferred for Chinese white
salted noodles, whereas yellow alkaline noodles with bright yellow color are widely
preferred in southeastern Asia and Japan (Parker et al. 1998). Carotenoids are re-
sponsible for yellow pigment (He et al. 2008) while phytoene synthase (PSY) and
zeta-carotene desaturase (ZDS) are important enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway
for carotenoid synthesis in wheat (Zhang et al. 2011; Dong et al. 2012). PSY genes
are present chromosomes 7AL, 7BL and 7DL and several allele specific markers for
PSY genes have been developed (He et al. 2008, 2009a; Wang et al. 2009a). Simi-
larly, markers for ZDS genes on chromosomes 2A and 2D can discriminate alleleic
difference in wheat (Zhang et al. 2011; Dong et al. 2012).
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement 331
The tribe Triticeae had almost 350 species, of which wheat and barley are the mem-
bers. This natural diversity in the Triticeae gene pool can be incorporated in con-
trolled and well directed manner for which the priority is given to annual and peren-
nial Triticeae species. The species resources are distributed within gene pools and
wheat improvement for environmental stresses can be realized by genetic transfer
from these gene pools over short- and long term time frames. The allelic diversity
within Triticeae is crucial to harness for meeting the projected global demand of
wheat. The key resources of variability at priority are the primary gene pool diploid
D genome donor accessions of wheat; Aegilops tauschii, and some sources from
the tertiary gene pool possessing high potential values. Utilization of these genetic
resources to develop genetically compatible germplasm readily available for wheat
improvement needs integrated breeding approach with association of emerging
technologies and multidisciplinary specialties facilitating exploitation of molecular
tools of MAS, SMART (Selectison with marker and advanced reproductive tech-
nologies) breeding and QTLs hopefully to add to breeding efficiency.
The genes coding for high molecular weight glutenins has been dissected from
several species of Triticeae including Hordeum, Secale, Taeniatherum, Thinopy-
rum, Aegilops, Crithopsis, Dasypyrum and their different ploidy members (Wan
et al. 2002; Yan et al. 2002; De Bustos and Jouve 2003; Liu et al. 2003; Sun et al.
2004; Wang et al. 2006; Cao et al. 2007; Liu et al. 2007). Due to wheat domestica-
tion syndrome, Glu-Ay always remains silent in durum and bread wheat however
several A-genone wild species and wild tetraplopid species ( T. dicoccoides and
T. dicoccon) express this gene (Waines and Payne 1987). The presence of active
Ay genes had significant positive effect on the bread-making quality (Ciaffi et al.
1995). The narrow allelic diversity for Glu-A1 locus in bread and durum wheat
which encodes limited number of x-type subunits and does not express an active
y-type subunit require attention to expand it by using novel allelic variants reported
by several workers in T. urartu and T. monococcum (Waines and Payne 1987; Ciaffi
et al. 1998; Alvarez et al. 2009; Caballero et al. 2008; Gutierrez et al. 2011). There
are extensive studies on identification and characterization of allelic variation for
Glu-Dt1 loci from Ae. tauschii and D-genome synthetic hexaploids (An et al. 2009;
Yan et al. 2003; Gianibelli et al. 2001; Rehman et al. 2008; Xu et al. 2010; Bibi
et al. 2012; Rasheed et al. 2012). A higher variability of HMW-GS due to their elec-
trophoretic mobility has been observed in A-genome species ( T. monococcum and
T. urartu) Lee et al. 1999b; Caballero et al. 2008; Gutierrez et al. 2011), AB genome
species ( T. dicoccoides) (Ciaffi et al. 1993), and D-genome species ( T. tauschii)
(Rehman et al. 2008). More recently, Niu et al. (2011) analyzed HMW-GS in Th.
bessarabicum, Th. intermedium, Lophopyrum elongatum, Ae. markgrafii and their
addition lines. The information provided is useful for the development of molecular
markers that will facilitate the introgression of desirable genes from the alien chro-
mosomes into wheat genomes. The identified novel HMWGS alleles may serve as
new genetic resources for wheat quality improvement.
332 A. Rasheed et al.
Likewise HMW-GSs, many genes encoding LMW-GS have been isolated and
analyzed in cultivated and wild species of the family Triticeae. The genes coding
LMW-GS have been studied in the genera Elytrigia (Gupta and Shephard, 1990)
Elymus (Obukhova et al. 1997), Dasypyrum (Blanco et al. 1991) and Hordeum
(Atienza et al. 2002). Ae. tauschii (DD) has been an important source for genetic
studies of LMW-GS (Gianibelli et al. 2000, 2002a; Hsam et al. 2001; Pfluger et al.
2001; Vensel et al. 1997; Zhao et al. 2008) and exhibited greater variation in the
coding sequence of LMW-GS (Masci et al. 1991; Lafiandra et al. 2000). Similarly,
the other speices that have been analyzed for LMW-GS include T. monococcum,
T. urartu (Tranquilli et al. 2002; Lee et al. 1999), T. turgidum var. dicoccoides
(AABB) (Ciaffi et al. 1993), T. dicoccum (AABB) (Galterio et al. 2001), T. poloni-
cum (AABB) (Liu and Shepherd, 1996), T. macha (Xiong et al. 2010), Ae. bellulata,
Ae. comosa, Ae. markgrafii and Ae. speltoides (Li et al. 2010), hexaploid obsolete
cultivars and landraces (Ovesna et al. 2001). The variability found for LMW-GS
in wheat wild relatives indicates the valuable potential is available to improve the
properties demanded to make variable products. The advancements have been re-
ported on the molecular characterization of Glu-3 genes from different Triticeae
species. For example nucleotide sequences are available from several species of
Aegilops spp. (Jiang et al. 2008; Li et al. 2008), Agropyron elongatum (Luo et al.
2005), Secale sylvestre (Shang et al. 2005), Crithopsis delileana (Guo et al. 2008),
Hordeum chilense, and H. brevisubulatum (Piston et al. 2005). The nucleotide di-
versity of LMW-GS in these wild species indicated the allelic rich of Glu-3 loci in
Triticeae. The comparative analysis of nucleotide sequences of LMW-GS revealed
some important differences among species. For example, Hordeum chilense and
A. elongatum lacks the N-terminal regions in the predicted mature proteins (Piston
et al. 2005). However, further efforts need to be continued to study the evolution-
ary pattern and structure of LMW-GS gene in Triticeae which will further facilitate
their utilization for wheat quality improvement.
A wide survey to isolate hundreds of Pina, Pinb and GSP genes from wild ac-
cessions of T. aestivum, T. turgidum, T. urartu, T. monococcum, T. timopheevii, T.
zhukovskyi, Ae. tauschii, Ae. speltoides, Secale and Hordeum have been conducted
(Morris 2002). The wild ancestors are known to have very soft texture as compared
to domesticated derivatives (Morris 2002) however the exact variability for tex-
ture is not well established in diploid species. Diploid and hexaploid accessions
of wild species had starch-associated friabilin which are generally absent in tetra-
ploid species. However puroindoline genes are present in accessions of diploid T.
urartu, T. monococcum, Ae. tauschii and Ae. speltoides (Lillemo et al. 2002). SKCS
based characterization of 67 accessions of T. monococcum revealed the soft texture
(Pogna et al. 2002). Similarly, scanning electron microscopy based characteriza-
tion of texture revealed that Aegilops accessions of different genomes and ploidy
were usually soft (Chen et al. 2005) with exception of a single Ae. Sharonensis
accession. The species which lack Pina sequences include S-genome species Ae.
bicornis and Ae. longissima which was contradictory to the findings of Simeone
et al. (2006). They analyzed many combinations of 13 and 24 variable amino acids
in the seven new haplotypes of Pina and Pinb, respectively. A null allele at PINA
10 An Overview of Omics for Wheat Grain Quality Improvement 333
locus was found, which carries a premature stop codon, in two Ae. kotschyi (UUSS)
accessions. In Ae. sharonensis (SshSsh) novel haplotypes of Pina and Pinb were
observed with their possible pseudogenes. The credibility of cDNA of intron-less
genes is questioned due to the lack of cDNA equivalents for some genomic cop-
ies. Recently, Chen et al. (2009) studied several accessions of einkorn wheat and
identified 56 sequences encoding the pina protein. All the gene sequences from T.
urartu grouped together, whereas some sharing by three and two clusters was ob-
served for T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides and T. monococcum ssp. monococcum,
respectively. Guzman et al. (2012) also identified various alleles for Pina and Pinb
genes including three novel alleles for the Pinb locus, Pinb-Am1i, Pinb-Am1j and
Pinb-Am1k, from T. monococcum.
The breeding of food crops for biofortification with high iron and zinc contents
is primarily important component within the food security nexus, especially in de-
veloping countries. There is need to develop special conventional and molecular
breeding approaches for cost effective nutritional improvement in cereal crops
(Bouis and Welch 2010). Currently, the cultivated durum and bread wheat varieties
are low in grain iron and zinc contents than the related wild Triticum and Aegilops
species (Chhuneja et al. 2006). Therefore the wild relatives should be emphasized
for screening for the targeted biofortification traits. Due to ease of genetic transfer,
preference should be given to the T. monococcum L., Triticum turgidum L. ssp.
dicoccoides (Korn. ex Asch. et Graebn.) Thell, Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccon
(Schrank) Thell., and Ae. tauschii accessions. Several QTLs have been identified
for higher grain iron and zinc contents in a Triticum monococcum x T. boeoticum
mapping population consisting of RILs Tiwari et al. (2009). Two chromosomes 2A
and 7A were found important for the presence of QTLs controlling iron zinc con-
centrations. Several Aegilops species have been identified as potential donors of
useful variability for high iron and zinc concentration Rawat et al. (2009). These
species include Ae. kotschyi Boiss., Ae. peregrina (Hack.) Maire et Weill., Ae. ge-
niculata Roth, Ae. ventricosa Tausch, and Ae. cylindrica Host. Recently, Rawat
et al. (2011) characterized addition and substitution lines chromosome 1, 2 and 7
from Ae. kotschyi which possess genes for high grain micronutrients. Similarly,
Neelam et al. (2011) also identified the introgression of group 4 and 7 chromosomes
from Ae. peregrine enhances 100–200 % grain iron and zinc density. A series of
wheat–Ae. longissima amphiploids were also reported to have high grain iron and
zinc concentrations (Tiwari et al. 2008) and could be used as immortal sources of
variability for biofortification of wheat for high grain micronutrient concentrations.
for quality traits is aiding in diagnostics and introgression of favorable alleles from
different genetic resources of higher and lower ploidy including land races and wild
species. Harnessing the new allelic variability from wild sources using molecular
markers will catalyze the genetic improvement by broadening the gene pool for
maximizing the genetic gain of desirable alleles. The information discussed in this
chapter ensures that the advances in the molecular diagnostics and cytological intro-
gression approaches would resolve the complexities of the gene networks underpin-
ning quality attributes that would help to meet the challenges presented by the swift
changes occurring within the food chain.
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the analysis structure and function of quality genes. Analysis of huge databases gen-
erated from genome sequencing and high-throughput marker analyses (SNPs and
microarray) of the expressed genes in developing grain and their integration with
web-based comparative genomic tools are formulating the strategies leading to-
wards stringent objectivity. Another avenue is the use of TILLING and small RNAs
where the specific functions are assigned to quality encoding genes by identifying
mutants and deleting the mRNA, respectively. The recent advent of Multi-parent
Advanced Generation Inter-Cross (MAGIC) approach will identify more precisely
the quality encoding genes and resolve the complexities of gene networks underpin-
ning the quality attributes to meet the upcoming challenges in grain quality.
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Chapter 11
From Agronomy to Molecular Genetics and
Proteomics in an Effort to Improve Nitrogen
Use Efficiency in Crops
Abstract Agriculture plays significant role in the sustaining human society among
most of the developing countries. The agricultural practices are dependent on the
application of the nitrogenous fertilizers. The excessive application of nitrogenous
fertilizer contributes enormously to the environmental pollution. So, in today’s sce-
nario there is growing need to reduce N fertilizer applications thereby improving
plant’s N-use efficiency (NUE). Initially, various studies have been carried out to
improve inputs of N fertilizers interaction with soil, water and air but low efficiency
of the plant to make use of available N has initiated biological interferences. In this
article, we will be discussing the possible technologies applied towards understand-
ing the genetic control of nitrogen use efficiency and its improvement in crops. The
classification/identification of suitable target candidates like phenotypes, genotypes
or molecular markers, for the upgrading of NUE poses big confront. Therefore, it
is necessary to understand NUE and its importance with respect to economy and
environment. Also, to figure out the diverse approaches for progress towards NUE
enhancement and possibilities for future development.
R. Chandna ()
Department of Botany, Jamia Hamdard New Delhi,
New Delhi 110062, India
e-mail: [email protected]
K. R. Hakeem
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia,
43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
e-mail: [email protected]
food production for increasing population, since most of the available is already
under cultivation, and in many areas land cannot be used for intensified produc-
tivity because of rapid urbanization and increasing environmental pollution. To-
gether, all of these issues have forced a great challenge on Indian agriculture for
developing novel approaches that can increase crop productivity on the cultivable
land. Development of high-yielding wheat and rice varieties and use of chemical
fertilizers have made enormous contribution in doubling crop production of India
in the past 50 years. The production of wheat and rice in 1950–1951 was 6.46 and
20.57 million tonnes, respectively, which has increased to 76.2 and 85.9 million
tonnes in 2008–2009 (Directorate of Economics and Statistics 2008) (Fig. 11.1).
In order to increase crop production, the consumption of N fertilizer has increased
up to 10-folds in last 50 years globally (Lian et al. 2005), because high-yielding
present crop varieties have high demands for N. The problem lies in the, nitrogen
use efficiency (NUE) which is as low as 33 % for cereals on global basis (Raun and
Johnson 1999). The unutilized 60–70 % caused severe environmental hazards. It is,
therefore, necessary to control too much input of chemical N fertilizers into the field
by enhancing the NUE of the crops.
Nitrate (NO3−) is the major resource of nitrogen for most of the cultivated crops.
The first step in acquisition of nitrate is its uptake by root cells. NO3− reaches the
aerial organs by moving out in the external medium from root cell or by unloading
in the xylem vessel (Kant et al. 2011). NO3− assimilation takes place in leaves and
11 From Agronomy to Molecular Genetics and Proteomics … 347
root; it is first reduced to nitrite in the cytosol by nitrate reductase (NR). Nitrite
gets translocated to the chloroplast and reduced into ammonium by nitrite reductase
(NiR), NH 4+ the end product is finally integrated into the amino acids via the GS/
GOGAT pathway (Mokhele et al. 2012)
Nitrite reductase (NiR) catalyses the 6 electron transfer reaction from reduced fer-
redoxin to NO2−, leading to the synthesis of NH4+. It is localized inside chloroplasts
of the leaf, also in plastids of the root tissues (Sechley et al. 1992). In both roots
and leaves, the reduced ferredoxinacts as an electron donor. The NiR enzymes are
monomeric proteins of about 63 kDa containing siroheem and a 4Fe-4S centre as
prosthetic groups (Seigel and Wilkerson 1989). Wray 1993 confirmed that the NiR
apoprotein is synthesised as a precursor of transit peptide carrying an N-terminal
extension which helps in recognition of the protein in chloroplast/plastid. This NiR
apoprotein is encoded by nuclear DNA.
348 R. Chandna and K. R. Hakeem
adding NH4 + to the medium (Pahlich 1996). These factors also lead to higher levels
of GDH protein in maize root tissues (Oaks 1994). A primary role of GDH is known
to replenish TCA cycle intermediates through their oxidation to 2-oxoglutarate.
However, in vivo, aspartate amino transferase and glutamate decarboxylase also
maintain the supply of carbon to the citric acid cycle (Kisaka et al. 2007). Glutamate
is deaminated to 2-oxoglutarate in isolated mitochondria; however in the presence
of amino-oxy acetate, glutamate no longer contributes to mitochondrial respiration
(Sechley et al. 1992). This observation indicates that GDH does not oxidize gluta-
mate. Thus, the correct in vivo role of GDH in nitrogen metabolism of higher plants
remains to be defined (Pahlich 1996).
The nitrate uptake is the foremost step that adds to N use of any plant. The identi-
fication of genes and the proteins responsible for NO3− transport and distribution is
required for enhanced understanding of the mechanisms that takes place within the
plant. Nitrate transport is a proton-symport type of transporter system (Crawford
1995). Nitrate uptake and its release into cells are mediated by nitrate transporter(s)
located into the plasma membrane of the root. Three transporters have been identi-
fied by kinetic measurements in plant roots (Remans et al. 2006). These are consti-
tutive High Affinity Nitrate Transporter (cHATS), inducible High Affinity Nitrate
Transporter (iHATS) and Low Affinity Nitrate Transporter (LATS) (Okamoto et al.
2006; Chandna et al. 2011). Two of these display saturable kinetics; a low capacity
constitutive system and a high capacity inducible system (Okamoto et al. 2006). In
addition, a non-saturating low affinity, high capacity system becomes apparent only
at higher external NO3− concentration (Kronzucker et al. 1995; Cerezo et al. 2000,
2001). The high affinity transport system (HATS) works at low concentrations
(1 µM–1 mM). HATS transporters are constitutively expressed (cHATS) as well as
nitrate-inducible (iHATS), and are subjected to negative feedback regulation by the
products of nitrate assimilation. Both types of HATS happen to active during low N
(< 1 mM) concentration in the medium, they show up-regulation on the availability
of nitrate. Thus, constitutive HATS seems to offer a high affinity and low capacity
passage for nitrate entry in un-induced plants, a 3-fold increase in their expression
is observed on introduction of nitrate (Crawford and Glass 1998). Inducible HATS
are known to be induced on presence of nitrate or nitrite (Orsel et al. 2006). The low
affinity transport system (LATS) is known to work under high external nitrate con-
centrations i.e: > 1 mM (Glass 2003). NO3− uptake appears to increase linearly with
increasing NO3− concentration with no indication of saturation even at 100 mM
(Omata et al. 1989). The linear concentration dependence of the LATS has been
observed in a wide variety of organisms. LATS for NO3− in barley are referred to
as constitutive (Kronzucker et al. 1995). LATS which are constitutive, perhaps also
have a signalling function to play in induction of HATS and other nitrate assimila-
tory genes, which might plays a nutritional role when above a certain threshold.
350 R. Chandna and K. R. Hakeem
Carbon (C) and Nitrogen (N) both are important component that play crucial role
in carrying out basic cellular activities of plants. C and its compounds is part of
various carbohydrates like sucrose and glucose. Both the C-skeletons and energy
are provided by carbohydrates during amino acid biosynthesis. N nutrients from
the part of inorganic compounds such as ammonium and nitrate, also participates
in building organic compounds like amino acids. Research has disclosed the tight
coordination between cellular C and N metabolism, suggesting their importance
for plant growth (Xu et al. 2012). CO2 is assimilated through photosynthesis that
results in formation of sucrose and glucose via glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid
cycle to 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) or α-ketoglutarate. Nitrate reductase reduces nitrate
(NO3−) to nitrite (NO2−). NO2 by nitrite reductase finally converting it to ammonium
(NH 4+). 2-oxoglutarate provide C skeleton for the synthesis of glutamate (Glu) by
incorporating NH 4+ formed by photorespiration. NH4+ that is gained from the as-
similation of N is induced in Glu, that results in the formation of glutamine (Gln).
Glu and GlncontributeNH 4+ that is finally used for the synthesis of all other amino
acids, that also includes aspartate (Asp) or asparagine (Asn), which in-turn serves
as NH4 + donor. Proteins particularly enzymes are essential for all cellular functions,
like metabolic reactions, and are involved in C and N metabolism. Therefore, it is
necessary to maintain an appropriate proportion of C and N nutrients (Zheng 2009).
The term NUE has two basic components: (1) Nitrogen uptake, recovery or acquisi-
tion efficiency (2) Nitrogen use, physiological N use, or internal N use efficiency
The terms NUE has been used as a ratio that considers an output (i.e., grain yield, to-
tal plant dry matter yield, N accumulation in grain, or N accumulation in total plant
dry matter) as a numerator and input (i.e., total N supply, soil N supply or fertilizer
N supply) as a denominator. NUE is based on different parameters of efficiency,
including N uptake, N utilization efficiency, and N-use efficiency, it is expressed as
a ratio of output (biomass produced) and input (total N supplied) (Xu et al. 2012).
Agronomic, Recovery and Physiological efficiency ratios have been widely used to
quantify NUE. Agronomic efficiency of nitrogen (AEN) or partial factor productiv-
ity (PFPN), relates integrative index of total economic outputs relative to the use
of all sources of N. Nitrogen recovery efficiency (REN) measures the efficiency of
the plant to assimilate N provided. Physiological N use efficiency (PEN) defines
the rate at which plant uses N from available N to produce grain (Table 11.1). The
average AEN has a narrow range of 16–22 kg grain increase per kg N applied, stud-
ies have shown it to be smallest in maize and largest in rice. Whereas PFPN has
large differences as observed by Ladha 2005 in Maize and rice having similar PFPN
values of 65–70, whereas wheat had 44 (Ladha 2005). These large differences in
11 From Agronomy to Molecular Genetics and Proteomics … 351
Table 11.1 The key parameters involved in uptake and utilization efficiencies of nitrogen in plants
S.N. Components of NUE Formula
1 NUE NUE = Sw/N
2 Usage index UI = Sw*( Sw/N)
3 Utilization efficiency UtE = Gw/Nt
4 Agronomic efficiecy AE = ( G – G)/Nf
5 Physiological efficiency uptake PE = ( Gwf–Gwc)/Nf – Nc uptake
6 Uptake efficiency UpE = Nt/Ns
7 Apparent plant recovery AR = ( Nt uptake – Nc N nitrogen
Sw shoot weight, N total nitrogen content of shoots, Gw grain weight, Ns nitrogen supplied in gram
per plant, Nt total nitrogen in plant, Gwf grain weight with fertilizer, Gwc grain weight without
fertilizer (control), Nf nitrogen fertilizer applied, Nf uptake plant nitrogen with fertilizer, Nc uptake
plant nitrogen unfertilized control, PE physiological N-use efficiency, NUE N-use efficiency
PFPN, indicates that maize and rice are able to produce large economic outputs
with respect to applied N fertilizer. These differences may be due to differences in
(1) internal N requirement for plant growth, (2) ability of the plant to translocation
and distribution of N, (3) flag leaf N import/export and leaf senescence pattern
and (4) plant’s efficiency in converting CO2 to carbohydrate (Ladha et al. 1998).
Proper N-application rates and timing of application are very important to meet
plant N demand and improve NUE. Studies done by Abdin et al. (2005) states that
timing of N fertilizer applications does show noticeable results in plant growth and
N uptake with respect to its application. In addition, the application of the fertilizer
at different growth stages of plants determines NUE, which also showed genotypic
variation (Hirel et al. 2007).The amount of N that is finally available to the plant can
be improved by using various simple techniques like sustained-release fertilizers,
split applications and other nutrient and crop management strategies (Abdin et al.
2005). Nitrogen applications in split doses have shown to enhance the yield, NUE,
and N uptake efficiency in hard red winter wheat under temperate conditions when
compared with fall N applications (Sowers et al. 1994). Nitrogen use efficiency
(NUE) in the perspective of photosynthesis is called as photosynthetic nitrogen use
efficiency (PNUE), which is measured as the rate of carbon assimilation per unit
leaf nitrogen (Kumar et al. 2002).
Genotypic differences in the NR levels have been studied and reported by Ab-
din et al. (1992) in corn, wheat, barley and sorghum. Hakeem et al. (2011, 2012)
also observed the genotypic differences in the NR levels in rice. Further, Bhatt
352 R. Chandna and K. R. Hakeem
et al. (1979) showed in sorghum, a decrease in the height of the plant with the
enhancement of NR activity while such relationship with tall and dwarf cultivars of
wheat were not observed (Abdin and Abrol 1997). Abdin and Abrol 1997 revealed
in Wheat genotypes more than two-fold variation in NR activity was observed, that
might be due to genetic levels of NR enzyme which is heritable. These genetic dif-
ferences in the NR activity are also reflected in N harvest and it may be associated
with improvement in growth and yield in some genotypes. In some of the high NR
genotypes, the grain N concentration was significantly higher. It was observed that
high NR (HNR) genotypes maintained higher levels of NR activity even under low
N levels (Abdin et al. 1992, 1996) this may be because of high levels of NADH that
might enhance NR activity in high NR genotypes (Bauwe and Kolukisaoglu 2003).
The activity was especially maintained at the later stages of growth i.e. at the time
of flag leaf emergence and anthesis (Jain and Abrol 2005). Studies also indicated
that the activity of the NR was regulated at the level of gene expression (Jain and
Abrol 2005; Skiba et al. 2011). Recent studies of the genotypes that differed in the
levels of their NR activity have revealed that not only the single enzyme NR but the
whole N metabolism pathway operates at the elevated level viz. all the enzymes of
the pathway nitrite reductase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase func-
tion at significantly higher levels in the high NR genotypes as compared with the
LNR genotypes, leading to higher accumulation of grain N (Xu et al. 2012). The se-
lection of genotypes with a more efficient mechanism of N uptake and metabolism
is a strategy aimed at increasing N utilization efficiency of the maize crop. Several
trials for efficient use of N under conditions of low N availability have been carried
out with maize (Machado et al. 1992). In order to characterize and select genotypes
for efficient use of N, several authors have used physiological and biochemical
parameters, such as high nitrate in leaves (Mollaretti et al. 1987), enlarged nitrate
reductase activity (Feil et al. 1993), glutamine synthetase activities (Machado and
Magalhães 1995), or increased enlistment of N from leaves and stems to the ker-
nels (Machado et al. 1992). Genetic diversity has several ‘indicators’, which are
measured using various tools such as Mendelian genetic analysis that are employed
to assess disparity in single known gene (qualitative traits), such as resistance to
disease (Smale and McBride 1996) or multivariate traits/quantitative traits. Also,
pair-wise coefficients of parentage are calculated from pedigree information that
serves as genetic diversity indicators of (Cox et al. 1996). Nitrogen use efficiency
is a complex quantitative trait which is governed by many genes depending on the
number of internal and external factors like nutritional and environmental that lim-
its the nitrogen availability.Quantitative genetic studies are associated with molecu-
lar markers provides insight to the identification of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL)
that is known to be part of the genetic variation of a complex character such as NUE
(Harrison et al. 2004; Hirel et al. 2007) and gives a new turning point in identifica-
tion of agronomic traits.
11 From Agronomy to Molecular Genetics and Proteomics … 353
NUE is governed by multigenes that involve huge number of genes and expand be-
yond the key steps of nitrate metabolism and incorporation. The efforts of creating
transgenic that can targets those genes which participating in N uptake, transport,
assimilation, and carbon metabolism. Manipulation of signalling and metabolic
pathway regulatory elements is emerging as an important target for biotechnologi-
cal advancements. Different transgenic experiments that were attempted in a hope
to improve NUE are summarized below and some of the significant work is listed
in Table 11.2.
Nitrate reductase enzyme considered being the rate-limiting step of nitrate as-
similation, but its genetic manipulation in Nicotiana spp. indicated its importance
in other steps as well (Ali et al. 2007). The constitutive NR expression in tobacco
showed 2-fold increase in its activity while a 20 % decrease in foliar nitrate content
was observed. Also an increase in total amino acids contents, but simultaneously
354 R. Chandna and K. R. Hakeem
Table 11.2 List of transgenic effort towards improving N-use efficiency (NUE)
Gene Target plant Phenotype observed
Nrt1.1—high affinity nitrate Arabidopsis Increase in constitutive nitrate
transporter uptake but not induced
NR—nitrate reductase N. tabacum Three to four fold drop in NR
protein and activity, no change
in NR transcript
NiR—Nitrite reductase N. plumbaginifolia, NiR activity, no phenotypic
Arabidopsis difference
GS2—chloroplastic glutamine N. tabacum Improved photorespiration capac-
synthetase ity, and increased resistance to
Fd-GOGAT—Fd dependent N. tabacum Diurnal changes in NH3
glutamate synthase assimilation
GS1—cytosolic glutamine N. tabacum, P. sativum Enhanced capacity to accumulate
synthetase nitrogen and enhanced growth
under N starvation higher
biomass and leaf proreins
NADH-GOGAT—NADH O. sativa, N. tabacum Enhanced grain filling, increased
dependent glutamate grain weight and higher total C
synthase and N content, increased dry wt
GDH—glutamate N. tabacum Increased biomass and dry weight
Dof1—transcription factor Arabidopsis Enhanced growth rate under
N-limited conditions, increase
in amino acid content
ANR1—MADS transcription Arabidopsis Lateral root induction and
factor elongation
The failure to improve NUE through over expression of candidate genes in trans-
genic plants involved in nitrate and ammonia assimilation concluded that that meta-
bolic flux of these pathways are being controlled by regulatory switches outside
these pathways. Yet, the exact mechanism involved in nitrate signalling still needs
356 R. Chandna and K. R. Hakeem
of genes, fairly being fast, sensitive and productive. Proteomics science has become
an important source for generating information on physiological, biochemical, ge-
netic and architectural aspects. This approach has gained recognition in revealing/
characterising individuals or mutants or lines, estimation of genetic variability, es-
tablishment of genetic distances to be used in phylogentic studies (Thiellement et al.
1999). It has turned out to be most promising technique that is able to characterize
proteins showing differential expression or post-transcriptionally modified during
a complex developmental process like senescence. Application of proteomics has
brought about a great deal of improvement in agricultural production (Xu et al.
2006). It has been revealed by Salon et al. 2001, using proteomics that during seed
filling, supply of N from the mother plant helps in assimilation of proteins in the
seeds. In legumes, this N is accumulated either from exogenous nitrogen supplied
in soil/atmosphere assimilated by the symbiotic fixation or from the nitrogen that
is translocated from vegetative parts. In monocarpic species, nitrogen mobilization
such as in pea, for seed filling is tightly linked to the senescence of vegetative parts,
which is brings about decrease in protein and chlorophyll content, followed by leaf
yellowing.Nitrogen availability and type of nitrogen source also initiate a complex
and still not fully understood metabolic rearrangement (Wek et al. 2004; Wang et al.
2012b). Kolkman et al. 2006, showed that limitations and availability of N results in
the induced proteins belonging to the category ‘metabolism’ reflecting a significant
metabolic rearrangement in yeast enabling it to adapt to the nutrient availability.
Lin et al. 2005 in an effort to understand N metabolism and its regulation studied
the response of nitrogen limitation in cultured Monascus cells and identified pro-
teins playing role during the nitrogen-limited media and C/N ratio. These researches
demonstrates that proteomics provide means of exploring biological processes by
methodical examination of a large number of expressed proteins that bridges se-
quence information and functional genomics.
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Chapter 12
Arsenic Toxicity and Tolerance Mechanisms
in Plants: An Overview
P. Ahmad ()
Department of Botany, A. S. College, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190008, India
e-mail: [email protected]
S. Rasool · M. Iqbal · T. O. Siddiqi
Department of Botany, Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Iqbal
e-mail: [email protected]
T. O. Siddiqi
e-mail: [email protected]
M. U. Rehman
Department of Medical Elementology and Toxicology,
Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi 110062, India
e-mail: [email protected]
M. M. Azooz
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science,
King Faisal University, Ahsaa, Saudi Arabia
e-mail: [email protected]
toxicity. As is also responsible for oxidative stress in plants through the generation
of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which attack the biomolecules like, membranes
proteins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids etc. At the same time activity of enzymatic
and non-enzymatic antioxidants are increased which helped the plant to withstand
the toxicity of As. The present chapter throws light on the arsenic toxicity in plants
and their tolerance mechanism in plants. The chapter also highlights the generation
of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants during As stress.
In human history, metal pollutants have been their part. However, due to the onset
of industrial revolution, the biosphere has been intensely polluted by toxic metals
leading to the major environmental and health problems (Bhattacharya et al. 2012;
Lui et al. 2012). Arsenic (As) is of major concern among all the metal pollutants
because it is a persistent bioaccumulative carcinogen (Kaur et al. 2011). The an-
thropogenic activities have increased many folds the level of arsenic as humans
constantly endeavored to improve quality of life when compared to the naturally
occurring elements occurring in the earth’s crust (Moreno-Jimenez et al. 2012). The
global input of arsenic to soil by human activities was estimated between 52,000
and 1,12,000 t per year (Chandra and Srivastava 2003). Severe problems like vege-
tation loss, contamination of ground water, and toxicity of arsenic in animals, plants
and have been caused by arsenic contamination (Fowler 1983; Zhao et al 2010).
Although several studies have reported the detoxification of arsenic ions through
metal binding peptides (Schmoger et al. 2000; Bondada and Ma 2002), due to the
lack of literature regarding to the role of ascorbate -glutathione pathway in cellular
defense against arsenic in plants.
Heavy metals produce oxidative-stress possibly by free-radical generation and
active oxygen species (Hall 2002). The reaction of these oxyradicals with proteins,
lipids, pigments and nucleic acids causes lipid peroxidation, membrane damage
and inactivation of enzymes, thus affecting the cell viability. Two major roles are
played by active oxygen species: (1) exacerbating damage and (2) signaling the
activation of defence responses. Recently these two functions have been verified by
several abiotic stress responses (Dat et al. 2000). In higher vascular plants, change
in cellular metabolism is required to counteract with heavy metal stresses. Various
antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate
peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reductase (GR) of the ascorbate glutathione path-
way is the main mechanism for ROS quenching under heavy metal stress. (Clijsters
et al. 1999). Apart from these enzymes, low molecular weight antioxidants metabo-
lites like ascorbate and reduced glutathione (GSH) also play an important role in
plants by protecting them from oxidative. Antioxidant responses to arsenic in higher
plants have not been studied so far.
12 Arsenic Toxicity and Tolerance Mechanisms in Plants: An Overview 365
In relation to the other element, arsenic ranks twentieth in abundance and is natu-
ral constituent on earth’s crust. In continental crust, the average As content varies
between 1 and 2 mg As/kg. It is distributed in a variety of minerals but occurs
commonly as arsenides of copper, iron, lead, silver and gold or as sulfides. Realgar
(As4S4) and orpiment (As2S3) are the two common As sulphides where As occurs
in oxidized form in the mineral arsenolite (As2O3). Loellingite (FeAs2), safforlite
(CoAs), niccolite (NiAs), rammelesbergite (NiAs2), arsenopyrite (FeAsS), Cobal-
lite (CoAsS), enargite (CU3), (As2S4), gerdsorfite (NiAsS), glucodal [(CO, Fe)AsS]
and elemental As are other naturally occurring As-bearing minerals.
From its origin in the earth’s crust, As can enter the environment through natural
and anthropogenic processes. Two principal pathways of As emission in the envi-
ronment, are (a) natural processes and (b) industrial activities. In natural environ-
ment, arsenic is released through natural processes such as weathering and volcanic
eruptions and as a suspended particulate arsenic may be transported over long dis-
tances through air or water. However, the most important source of As emission is
industry and accounts for widespread section, we discuss these two principal modes
of As emissions and their comparison among these two courses.
Natural Sources
Anthropogenic Sources
The major producers of As2O3 (“white arsenic”) are the United States, Sweden,
France, the former USSR, Mexico and South West Africa. The As compounds
such as monosodium methylarsonate (NaCH3HAsO3), disodium methyle arsonate
366 S. Rasool et al.
Arsenopyrite can be oxidized by both O2 and Fe, but the rate of oxidation by FeIII is
faster than pyrite. The rate of this reaction was reported as 1.7 µ mal/m2, a reaction
faster than a similar oxidation reaction for pyrite. Under extremely acidic environ-
ment, with a pH of about 1.5 and an aqueous As concentration at > 10 m mol/l,
As precipitates as scordite (FeAsO4.2H2O). Under acidic conditions (pH < 3), AsV
may substitute SO4 in the structure of Jarosite [KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6] in different mine
wastes. Adsorption of As on Fe(OH)3 surfaces was found to be the principal sink
for As in studies of acid mine drainage. However, the adsorption of As by Fe(OH)3
may be only transient as changes in redone conditions (Eh) and pH may result in
dissolution of Fe(OH)3 with consequent mobilization of As. Effluents and water in
tailings ponds are often treated with lime to increase pH levels to stabilize the dis-
solved As and other metals as precipitates.
no longer used in agriculture in the west, but persistence of the residue of the inor-
ganic arsenicals in soil is an issue of environmental concerns. Studies by Kenyon
et al. 1979 and Aten et al. 1980 have indicated elevated concentrations of As in
vegetables grown in soils contaminated by lead arsenate used as an insecticide in
apple orchards. The recalcitrant nature of arsenical herbicides has, however, been
observed in agricultural soils particularly around old orchards. Biomethylation of
As is a mechanism through which a significant quantity of methylarsines may be
released into the atmosphere following the application of As compounds to the soil.
A relatively faster production of dimethyl and trimethylarsinics has been reported
from grasslands treated with methylarsenic compounds while grass treated with
sodium arsenite indicated slow release of methylorsene into the atmosphere.
Wood Preservation
The extensive contamination of soils and aquatic environments has been due to the
use of CCA and other As-based chemicals in wood preservation industries. The wood
preservative chemical like CCA has attained wide scale industrial application due
to biocidic characteristics of CuII and Asv. The preservative chemical used for pres-
sure impregnation comprises a water-based mineral of diachronic acid (H2Cr2O7)
arsenic acid (H3AsO4) and CuII as divalent cation at variable proportions. Cr is
used to bind As and Cu into the cellular structure of the wood. Fixation of CCA is
dependent on the transformation of CrIII to CrIII, a reaction that is dependent on the
temperature and water content of the wood. CrIII forms insoluble complexes with
both As and Cu. Further stabilization of these complexes takes place after complete
fixation of the As and Cu in the wood tissues and minimizes the risk of leaching of
the CCA components from processed wood. Among the active ingredients of CCA
wood preservatives. As is most mobile and toxic to a broad range of organisms
including human beings.
The natural content of As in soils varies significantly but is mostly in a range below
10 mg/kg. The background concentration of As in soils is governed by the lithalogy
of the parent rocks. As concentration in Swedish tills (< 0.06 mm) range between < 5
and 175 mg/kg with a medium value of 8 mg 1 kg (Selenics, Personal Communica-
tion 2000). Availability and dispersal of As in the soil environment are influenced
by several factors. Rainfall, surface runoff, rate of infiltration, and the groundwater
level like climatic and geographic characteristics and their fluctuations affect the
mobility and distribution of As. The speciation and mobility of As in soils also
depends upon the soil physical characteristics like grain size and mineralogy and
chemical characteristics such as redox potential (Eh) and pH conditions of the soils.
368 S. Rasool et al.
Behaviour of Arsenic
Both arsenic and phosphorus have similar chemical properties, therefore they act
similarly in soil. Phosphorous and arsenic competes for soil fixation sites and for
plant uptake (Adriano 1986). By decreasing soil phosphorus level the phytotoxicity
of arsenic increases (Rumberg et al. 1960). Other experiments showed that addi-
tional phosphorus may increase arsenic phytotoxicity by releasing more arsenic into
solution (Jacobs and Keeney 1970).
Availability of Arsenic
arsenic- binding species such as iron and aluminum. With the increase in pH proton-
ated sites allow the arsenic to become more mobile.
Arsenic does not have the capability to form a strong association with calcium
(calcite) at higher pH. According to Woolson (1983) under high arsenic concentra-
tions this association may be found where calcium is the secondary preference over
aluminum. Acidic conditions i.e. lower pH allows the calcite to be dissolved and the
arsenic is released.
The other aspect that affects the arsenic availability is soil texture (Adriano
2001). Soil surface area is affected by soil texture e.g. textured soils (silt and clays)
have much more surface area than sandy soils therefore they are more reactive.
Higher amounts of trace elements are likely to be retained by fine textured soils
as compared to sandy soils (Chen et al. 1999). Fine textured soils have higher cat-
ion enhance capacity (CEC) apart from increased surface area. Higher retention of
cationic species like copper is caused due to higher cationic enhancement capacity
(Chen et al. 1999).
High organic matter (OM) is found in finer textured soils with a higher CEC,
compared to sandy soils with low CEC. Often, higher organic matter leads to higher
cationic enhance capacity. In fine textured soils the pH dependent charge condi-
tions also favours the organic matter accumulation and retention. Retention of both
anionic and cationic species increases in organic matter because cations bridge with
the iron and aluminum, resulting in anion retention and the dissociation of organic
matter complexes in response to change in pH.
Sandy textured soils increases the arsenic toxicity in plants and arsenic mobil-
ity compared to soils with the clayed textures (Jacobs and Keeney 1970; Adriano
1986). Presence of aluminium and iron oxides play a vital role in the ability of soil
to retain arsenic (Adriano 2001; Jacobs and Keeney 1970). Moreover, concentra-
tions of iron and phosphorus influences arsenic concentrations in florida soils (Chen
et al. 2002). In sand grains the phophorus with clay coatings increases the retention
of elements as compared to bare quartz grains (Harris et al. 1987a, b). Metal oxides
and alumino-silicates are coating compounds that have higher affinity for trace ele-
ments such as arsenic soil horizons (i.e, albic horizons in spodosols) that have been
exposed to extreme weathering and leaching. And the weathering results in sand
grains that are exposed to clay coatings (Harris et al. 1987a, b). Rhue et al. (1994)
found that these horizons are able to retain these clay coatings and they exhibit
higher retention as compared to those that did not retain their coatings.
Arsenic Uptake
Plants metabolize the elements through the plasma membrane of the roots. Electro-
chemical potential is created by H+-ATPases across the membrane (Kennedy and
Gonsalves 1987; Palmgren 2001). Membrane potential is depolarized by plasma
membrane and acidifies the cytoplasm by the excess of positively charged ions
passing through it (Cumming and Taylor 1990: Axelsen and Palmgren 2001). Mem-
370 S. Rasool et al.
Contaminated and naturally enriched soils will be used for agriculture in future
with higher concentrations of one or more elements (Abedin et al. 2002). Met-
al resistance enhancement in crop varieties is important only as long as the food
plants with metal concentration do not exceed health levels. The variable response
of crop plants to soil toxicants extends itself to their nutrient efficiency (Aniol and
Gustafson 1989). Tolerance “represents a genotype environment interaction” (Mac-
nair 1993) and the plants have been divided into two groups such as accumulators
or excluders (Baker 1987; Tangahu et al. 2011). According to Aniol and Gustafson
1989 many crop plants are accumulators. Excluder plant reduces the elements up-
take, Baker (1987). Exclusion capacity in higher plants is poor or absent (Ernst,
1976), while as in bacteria (Nies and Silver 1995) and some mycorrhiza (Sharples
et al. 2000) are able to efflux toxicants. Tolerance is under genetic control, although
12 Arsenic Toxicity and Tolerance Mechanisms in Plants: An Overview 371
the number of genes from one to smaller or larger number of genes varies and the
action may be influenced by modified genes (Macnair 1993; Schat et al. 1996).
Tolerance may be constitutive and adaptive i.e depending upon external factor and
both types are interlinked (Macnair 1993). For example, an increase in soil toxic-
ity leads to selection pressure, which plays an important role in tolerance (Schat
et al. 1996). Metal tolerance can be separate i.e regulated by separated genes for
each metal tolerance or co-tolerance (Pleiotropy), although the multiple tolerance
developed by plant is by growing them on soils with more than one metal (Macnair
1993) e.g., Silene vulgar population originating from metalliferous sites in Ireland
and Germany and from non-metalliferous site in Netherlands, two main co-additive
gene control of Zn tolerance in this species (Schat et al. 1996). The understand-
ing of cellular level processes has been progressed by metal trafficking proteins,
but the relationship between tolerance to toxic metals or metalloids and element
homeostasis of the entire organism is less known (Clemens 2001). Parameters like
yield reduction, shoot and root length or fresh and dry matter describes the toxic-
ity (Berry and Wallace 1981; Odjegba 2012), but the reversibility of plasmolysis
enzyme activities, chlorophyll contents and other physiological parameters are also
employed (Baker and Walker 1989). Several indices have been developed for the
measurement of tolerance and toxicity. The relationship between root growth with
and without a toxic element is expressed by tolerance index (TI). The dose CD50
toxicant causes the reduction, it may be expressed as EC10 to EC50 i.e. ‘effective
concentrations (EC) to lower the yield by 10–50 % (Ernst 1997a; Kooijman 1997).
Macnicol and Beckett (1985) found that critical tissue toxicant concentration can
also be used e.g. in soybean and cabbage soil culture, 10 % toxicity occurs at the
upper critical tissue by the As level between 1 and 4 mgAs kg–1 plant shoot and leaf
dry weight. For soybean, bush beans and pea, the values for the essential micronu-
trient like Zn are higher and the values are 450, 250, and 380–500 mgZnkg–1 for
shoot or leaf dry weight (Macnicol and Beckett 1985).
Modes of action of plants under exposure instead of the term tolerance mechanism
are used in the meaning of ‘response mechanism’. Tolerance or toxicity mecha-
nisms are not fully defined as yet (Schat et al. 1996), and tolerance mechanism also
includes responses like altered permeability, enhanced metal binding capacity of
the root apoplasm and root exudates. Cellular mechanism includes the synthesis
of phytochelatins, organic acids, proteins and membrane adjusting functions togeth-
er with the synthesis of specific transporters (Hall 2002). Still the question arises as
which mechanism provides contribution to the primary and secondary responses.
These mechanisms shows the element and plant species dependency and more than
one mechanism is active simultaneously in a species (Macnair 1993). Recently
Fodor (2002) has reviewed heavy metal responses of higher plants.
372 S. Rasool et al.
regulated in control processes like stress responses, programmed cell death and
pathogen defense pathways. The estimated constant rate of 240 µMO2 and steady
level of 0.5 µH2O2 for ROS production in cells are optimal growth conditions. On
the other hand, stresses that destroy the cellular homeostasis of cells result in the
enhancement production of ROS (i.e. up to 720 µMO2 and steady state level of
5–15 µMH2O2). These stresses consist of salt, drought, chilling, heavy metal, heat
shock, UV radiations, desiccation and air pollutants such as ozone and SO2, nutrient
deprivation, mechanical stress, pathogen attack and high light. Stress enhanced the
production of ROS that creates threat to cells and these conditions also enhance the
expression of ROS scavenging enzymes.
Under stress conditions, ROS are produced by cells (e.g. by NADPH oxidase)
and the signals for the defence pathways are also produced. Therefore, ROS may
be considered as the cellular byproduct of stress metabolism as well as secondary
messenger for signal transduction pathway in stress response.
Plant cells require different mechanisms to regulate their intracellular ROS con-
centrations by scavenging ROS because ROS are toxic and participate in key signal
events as well. These include superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase
(APX) and catalase (CAT). The equilibrium between SOD and APX activity in cells
is considered to be crucial for estimating the steady state level of O2–1 and H2O2.
And the balance with metal ions like Fe and Cu by ferritin and copper binding pro-
teins is also important to prevent formation of highly toxic OH by metal-dependent
Haber-Wiess or Fenton reaction. Other antioxidants important for the defence of
plants against oxidative stress are ascorbic acid and glutathione that are found at
high concentrations in chloroplasts and other cellular compartments. Though the
ROS scavenging enzymes expression increases the tolerance of plants under abiotic
stress. However, in chloroplasts and mitochondria a group of enzymes called alter-
native oxides also decreases the ROS production in cells by alternative channelling
of electrons in electron transport chain.
It is clear now that still we are far away from having a safe, specific and effective
chelating agent for the treatment of metal poisoning. Several factors must be con-
sidered in order to accomplish a high performance of remediation result. Phytore-
mediation is the most thriving way to remediate arsenic contaminated environment,
as it has many advantages as compared to other conventional technologies.
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Chapter 13
Arsenic Stress in Plants: An Inside Story
Iti Sharma
Arsenic (As) is an environmental and food chain contaminant. The toxicity of arse-
nic was known as early as in 300 B.C. It has been used at least from the 12th century
A.D in metallic form. It bears a sinister connotation linked to suicides, witchcraft
and murder and it was a source of despair and inspiration to alchemists wishing
to transform metals into gold (Azcue and Nriagu 1994). Arsenic is a metalloid of
group VA in the periodic system. It is a natural constituent of the lithosphere and oc-
curs in some 200 minerals, frequently as mixed sulphides. Metal oars such as lead,
gold, zinc and copper, volcanic eruptions and sea spray liberate arsenic naturally,
and it can be methylated, demethylated and volatilized by soil bacteria (Matscullat
2000). Anthropogenic sources of arsenic pollution are spreading of herbicides or
pesticides, coal combustion and timber preservatives. High-temperature urban
I. Sharma ()
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology,
Banasthali University,
Banasthali 304022, India
e-mail: [email protected]
Arsenic contamination has become a problem in many parts of the world. The World
Health Organization (WHO) has set a guideline of 10 µg As L−1 as the drinking water
standard (WHO 2008). However, As concentrations in the range of > 1,000 µg L−1
have been reported from various places throughout the world (Tuli et al. 2010).
Especially Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Thailand, United Kingdom, United
States, Argentina, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, China, Ghana, Hungary, Inner
Mongolia, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Taiwan, the United States
and Vietnam are reported as highly contaminated countries (WHO 2002).
In India sever contamination of arsenic in ground water has been reported in West
Bangal (69 times more arsenic than WHO standard) whereas Jharkhand, Assam, Bi-
har, Utter Pradesh, Manipur and Chhattisgarh are some other states well effected by
arsenic toxicity. In Rajasthan also, arsenic bearing groundwater has been reported
in the vicinity of Cu (Khetri) and Zn mines (Zawar). It has been reported that agri-
cultural land contains ≤ 10 mg kg−1 in non-contaminated soil whereas it increases
up to 1,000–3,000 mg kg−1 in contaminated soil (Panda et al. 2009). Growing crops
in arsenic contaminated soil and irrigation with arsenic contaminated water effects
the crops in terms of growth, yield, biomass production and arsenic accumulation
which can directly leads to food chain contamination.
The oxidation states and electron orbital of arsenic is similar to those of phospho-
rus. Arsenic forms alloys with various metals and covalent bonds with carbon, hy-
drogen, oxygen, and sulfur. In nature, arsenic exists predominantly in inorganic
form as trivalent arsenite (III) or pentavalent arsenate (V). The major species found
in the environment are arsenite As(III), arsenate As(V), mono methylarsonic acid
(MMA), dimethyal arsenic acid (DMA), arseno betain and arseno choline (Tangahu
et al. 2011). In the environment arsenic is present in both organic and inorganic
forms. The inorganic species arsenate As(V) and arsenite As(III) are more abundant
in soil as compare to organic species, monomethyarsonic (MMA), Dimethylarse-
nic (DMM) etc. (Takamatsu et al. 1982). These forms have different physical and
chemical characteristics resulting in various degrees of mobility, bioavailability and
13 Arsenic Stress in Plants: An Inside Story 381
toxicity. In general inorganic arsenic species are more toxic than organic arsenic
species (Adriano 2001).
Arsenic accumulation and speciation in plants are affected by root aeration and
porosity (Wu et al. 2011). Behavior of arsenic in soil and also in plants is differ-
ent due to its dynamic and complex chemical species with inter conversable forms
regulated by biotic and abiotic process (Fig. 13.1).
This chapter evaluates all the changes in plants at physiological, biochemical and
molecular level to better understand toxicity and resistance mechanisms in plants.
Different soil parameters like pH and redox state has a major influence on the toxic-
ity of arsenic species due to altered availability (solubility and mobility). The up-
take of arsenic affected by some factors such as soil type, nutrient supply, pH of the
medium and mugineic acid which is excreted by some graminaceous (grassy) plants
(Sultana and Katsuichiro 2011). Among all factors phosphorus and pH are the most
important ones influencing plant growth and As uptake. As(V) has been shown to
be taken up by the high affinity phosphate uptake system (Ullrich-Eberius et al.
1989) while As(III) uptake is thought to be through aquaporins in the roots (Meharg
and Jardine 2003) while low level uptake of organic As species, such as MMA and
DMA has also been observed in rice but the underlying transport pathways are un-
known (Meharg 2004). Recently, Arsenic transformation and volatilization is also
investigated. The uptake of As species into rice roots is in the order of arsenate
[As(V)] > monomethylarsonic acid [MMAs(V)] > dimethylarsinic acid [DMAs(V)]
> trimethylarsine oxide (TMAs(V)O), but the order of the root-to-shoot transport
index (Ti) is reverse. The volatilization of trimethylarsine (TMAs) from rice plants
is also observed when plants were treated with TMAs(V)O but not with As(V),
DMAs(V) and MMAs(V) (Jia et al. 2012). Lomax et al. (2012) has reported a latest
finding on the basis of GeoChip analysis of microbial genes in a Bangladeshi paddy
soil that plants are unable to methylate inorganic As, and instead take up methylated
As produced by microorganisms. Recently, specific accumulation patterns were ob-
served among growth habitat and plant groups, it was found that submerged plants
have a higher accumulation than emergent and terrestrial plants. Whereas ( Oryza
sativa) grown in multiple sites (Norton et al. 2012).
Once arsenic enters inside root cells, As(V) is quickly reduced to As(III) and
become complexed with phytochelatines. Phosphorus nutrition influences As(V)
uptake and toxicity in Gymnosperms had a high [As](shoot): [As](root) ratio (Bergqvist
2012). Statistically significant effect of year, location and flooding management
are also reported as an important factors to develop variation in grain arsenic
evaluated in a varied section of rice plants, whilst silicon has similar influences
382 I. Sharma
Fig. 13.1 Various forms of arsenic present in the environment. (Adapted from http: elements.
et al. 1993; Meharg and Hartley-Whitaker 2002; Quaghebeur and Rengel 2003).
Exposure of plants to inorganic As leads to the synthesis of phytochelatins that
complex with As(III), those complexes or as alone, being transported across the
tonoplast by ABC-type transporters or can be efflux from the cytoplasm by As(III)
efflux transporters. Once arsenic enters in plant cell it causes various changes in
normal metabolic activities. The changes occur due to arsenic toxicity and also in
process to cope up from arsenic toxicity to some extent. But at higher concentration
of arsenic toxicity plants fails to counterbalance between toxicity and resistance.
Arsenic causes many physiological changes and damages in plants (Wells and
Gilmor 1997). There are several anatomical parameters, in which reduction in
growth is the earliest As toxicity response. Arsenic affects root growth more se-
verely than shoot growth possibly due to the retention of As in the roots in higher
amount than in the stem. Stoeva et al. (2005) also reported that arsenic accumulated
mainly in the root system and to a lesser extent in the overgrown organs. This also
confirmed from the study of mung bean and Anadenanthera Peregrina (Pal et al.
2006; Gomes et al. 2012). There is however, contrasting reports showing that the
effect of arsenic on stem and root growth varies depending on the plant species,
level of contamination and plant tissue ability to As. Arsenic also inhibits fresh and
dry biomass accumulation (Wells and Gilmor 1997) which may be possibly due to
plant growth inhibition. From the study of mung bean it is also observed that reduc-
tion in root elongation is accompanied by the anatomical changes, which occurs on
exposure to arsenic toxicity (Pal et al. 2006). The anatomical changes are severe
decrease or completely loss of root hairs, damage to epidermal cells and the cortex,
with those cells losing their shape and showing signs of shriveling and disintegra-
tion while the untreated epidermal root cells are intact and the root hairs are turgid.
Further compared to the control roots, where the stele is in a tetrarch condition,
there is a lack of complete differentiation and pith formation in arsenic treated root
cells. Also, arsenic cause necrosis and reduction of the number of raminification in
root system (Stoeva et al. 2005). According to a study by Kopittke et al. (2012) the
accumulation of As causes permanent damage to the meristem but root border cells
accumulates high levels of As and limiting its movement into the root. When roots
are counteract with arsenic in soil environment a greater diffusion of oxygen from
the roots indicates increased root oxidizability (RO). This is considering as avoid-
ance from the toxicity. The TIC, salt used to measure RO, which absorbs electrons
from the mitochondrial transport chain and correlates positively with the respiratory
activity, in term associated with enhanced RO is also an indicator of higher reactive
oxygen species generation (Singh et al. 2007).
Besides roots, above ground part of plant is also affected by arsenic toxicity.
There is reduction in leaf area, necrosis and chlorosis of leaf tips are occurred on
arsenic toxicity (Stoeva et al. 2005). Arsenic also changes the osmotic adjustment
384 I. Sharma
of plant. The leaf water potential decreases while the relative water content (RWC)
slightly decreases in toxic condition. All these changes, collectively lead to the
changes in important physiological activities of plant like photosynthesis, transpira-
tion, stomatal conductance etc.
Arsenic causes a reduction in photosynthetic rate (Miteva and Merakchiyska
2002). The reduced photosynthetic rate can be due to the many factors like result of
disturbance in assembling of the pigment protein complex and thylakoid membrane.
Arsenic can release protein; lipid and element components of thylakoid membrane
indispensable for photosynthesis activity of proteins especially connected with the
water splitting system and of lipid, glactolipid probably connected with PSII are lib-
erated. Another reason for decreasing the photosynthesis rate could be disturbance
in the pigment apparatus. The photosynthesis pigments are some of the most impor-
tant internal factor which in certain cases is able to limit the photosynthesis rate. It
is believed that they are target of toxic As effect (Miteva and Merakchiyska 2002).
There is considerable decrease of chlorophyll and carotenoid contents on exposure
to arsenic (Stoeva et al. 2005). Also photosynthetic reactions are closely related
with stomata behavior, due to closure of stomata in stress condition, diminish or
cessation of CO2 uptake, by which photosynthetic rate also reduced (Biehler et al.
1996). The insufficient water supply in tissue may also induce photo inhibition,
which influence rate of electron transport. The transpiration processes also reduced
on exposure to arsenic probably is a result of the disturbed uptake and transport of
water, caused by the changes in root system. (Stoeva et al. 2005). As(V) affect cell
wall, primary and secondary metabolism, abscisic acid metabolism and germination
of the seedlings whereas, As(III) mainly affects hormonal and signaling processes
(Chakrabarty et al. 2009). Anarchy in mitotic and labeling index, mitotic arrays of
microtubules, increased percentage of metaphase and DNA fragmentation are also
observed in roots of Pisum sativum exposed arsenic (Faria et al. 2010).
At biochemical level plants shows many changes during exposure to arsenic. Some
of the constituents are decreased due to toxicity of arsenic and some are increased to
combat from detrimental effects of toxicant. Arsenate acts as a phosphate analogue
and is transported across the plasma membrane via phosphate co-transport system
(Ullrich-Eberius et al. 1989). Once inside the cytoplasm it competes with phosphate
from several vital reactions like in the glycolysis (metabolism of glucose) the con-
version of 1, 3 bisphosphoglycerate to 3 phosphoglycerate, ATP molecule is formed
by using inorganic phosphate but in the toxicity of arsenic, arsenate competes with
phosphate and give l-arseno-3 phosphoglycerate which hydrolyses spontaneously
to 3 phosphoglycerate without forming ATP so deprives the cell from the energy
sources. Also arsenate can replace phosphate group from DNA causing disorganize
the structure of nucleic acid which effects directly to gene function. Similarly arse-
nite is a well known thiol reagent that combines rapidly with dithiol groups on pro-
13 Arsenic Stress in Plants: An Inside Story 385
teins and act as an effective inhibitor of enzymes requiring free sulfahydryl groups
(Webb et al. 2003). Thus phosphate replacement and inactivation of enzymes by
binding with their thiol groups are the main modes of arsenic toxicity (Table 13.1).
Arsenic interferes with various events of respiratory cycle. Arsenite act as an
inhibitor of α-ketoglutrate dehydrogenase enzyme in TCA cycle, causing the accu-
mulation of substrate α-ketoglutrate and no product formation (succinyl Co-A). The
nutrient uptake is also affected due to arsenic toxicity. Phosphorus uptake decreases
with increasing arsenic concentration due to similarity with arsenate. Also uptake of
nitrate is reduced on exposure to arsenic. The uptake of nitrate and further assimila-
tion to ammonium is also altered, possibly due to interference of arsenic with the
involving enzymes, nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase (Table 13.2).
Loss of melate dehydrogenase and ATP synthase FAd subunit maize Requejo and Tena (2005)
Inhibition of dark respiration alfalfa Porter and Sheridan (1981)
Respiratory O2 consumption was more resistant to As V supply, Rice Marin et al. (1993)
than photosynthetic O2 evolution
AsV-dependent uncoupling of ATP synthesis and formation of Brassica oleracea L. Wickes and Wiskich (1975)
ADP-As V from electron transport chain Beta vulgaris L.
Failed to induce AOX transcripts during microarray studies Arabidopsis Abercrombie et al. (2008)
Rice Norton et al. (2008) and Chakrab-
arty et al. (2009)
A homolog to the Arabidopsis NDA1 alternative NAD (P) H Rice Chakrabarty et al. (2009)
dehydrogenase induced at the transcript level by both AsV
and AsIII
Mitochondrial substrate carrier protein dicarboxylate Arabidopsis Abercrombie et al. (2008)
carrier2(DIC2) get repressed
Decreased amount of mitochondrial ATP synthatase subunit Agrostis tenuis Duquesnoy et al. (2009)
Table 13.2 (Continued)
Fig. 13.2 Major plant physiological reactions severely affected by exposure to arsenic
Fig. 13.3 Possible mechanism of arsenic induced oxidative stress and antioxidant defense system.
(Adopted from Sharma 2012)
There are several molecular responses by plants towards exposure to arsenic, due
to both arsenic toxicity and also due to arsenic tolerance. Arsenic affects the ex-
pression of many genes that are involved in various essential cellular processes
in plants. A number of genes involved in cell growth, cellular morphogenesis and
cell cycle are down regulated on exposure to arsenic. From the study of the rice
genome, two expansion genes (OsOlg14660 and Os04g46650), two tubulin genes
(Os03g45920 and Os03g56810), an actin gene (OsOlg64630) and two microtubule
genes (Os03g13460 and Os09g27700) which are involved in cell cycle and cell
growth are less expressed when exposed to arsenic at low concentration for long
term exposure (Norton et al. 2008). In As(V)-treated rice seedling, a triose-phos-
phate/Pi translocator gene was transcriptionally up-regulated (Chakrabarty et al.
2009). This protein would be expected to transport Pi and As(V) across the plastid
inner membrane in exchange for triose-phosphate. The effect of As exposure on
genome-wide expression was also examined in rice (Yu et al. 2012). An As tolerance
gene has been identified and mapped to chromosome 6 in rice (Tripathi et al. 2012a).
A signaling molecule Nitric oxide, was also found to be induced during As(V) stress
condition in A. thaliana (Leterrier et al. 2012).
The genes responsible for the expression of nutrient uptake transporters are re-
sponding differentially in arsenic toxicity. Norton et al. (2008) has also revealed that
genes for transporters of various nutrients differentially expressed in rice genome.
For phosphate, chloride, ammonium and nitrate transporters are down regulated
which possibly cause nutrient deficiency in plants while sulphate transporters are
up regulated, this is may be due to increased uptake of sulphur for the synthesis of
392 I. Sharma
can suppress the arsenic sensitivity. The expression of PvACR3 in Pteris vittata is
rapidly increased within 24 h after exposure to arsenate. But to date, there is lack
of information regarding these type of transporters mediated arsenic detoxification
in higher plants and effect on their expression in arsenic toxicity. Little informa-
tion are present upon the expression of these transporter from the study of whole
genome analysis in rice that three genes with the predicted putative function of an
ABC transporter family protein (Os 04g49890, Os04g52900, and Os11g05700) is
up regulated in the arsenic toxicity. Phylogenetic analysis of these ABC transporters
gene sequences revealed that they are also MRP transporter. MRPs are a subclass
of that ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter, which are involved in the transport
of glutathione conjugated compounds into the vacuoles of plants (Rea et al. 1998).
And also a single gene with an annotated putative function of a glutathione conju-
gate transporter (Os04g 1321 0) is also upregulated on exposure to arsenic (Norton
et al. 2008).
A number of genes involved in N transport also appear to alter expression in
response to As. Amino acid transporters are down- regulated in response to As(V)
in roots and seedlings of rice (Norton et al. 2008; Chakrabarty et al. 2009). How-
ever, amino acid transporter gene transcript levels were not influenced by As(III)
(Chakrabarty et al. 2009). Peptide and oligopeptide transporters have also been re-
ported to be As(V) responsive in rice, but reports disagree on the direction (Norton
et al. 2008; Chakrabarty et al. 2009).
Arsenic is also known to interfere with sulfur metabolism. It is reported at mo-
lecular level that in As(V)-treated rice, up to five sulfate transporter genes are up-
regulated in roots (Norton et al. 2008), and at least one sulfate transporter is up-reg-
ulated in Arabidopsis (Sung et al. 2009). As(III) also induces a sulfate transporter
gene in rice and B. juncea seedlings (Chakrabarty et al. 2009). Although it is not yet
clear whether As(V) and As(III) influence the expression of these transporters in the
same way, but at least one of the transporter genes is induced by both forms of As
(Chakrabarty et al. 2009). During transfer of sulfate from soil to plant once sulfate
is reduced to sulfide, the sulfide is combined with O-acetylserine to form Cys in a
reaction catalyzed by O-acetylserine(thiol)-lyase also known as Cys synthase. It ap-
pears that As(V) and As(III) exposure may cause a down-regulation of (OAS-TL),
(OAS-TL)in As-sensitive plants. OAS-TL protein disappeared from maize shoots
exposed to As (Requejo and Tena 2006), while OAS-Tl activity was repressed in an
As-sensitive line of B. juncea (Srivastava et al. 2009).
Moreover, in rice, several methyl transferase genes are induced by As(V)-treat-
ment (Norton et al. 2008). Two of these are homocysteine S-methyltransferases,
which catalyze the formation of S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and Met from S-ade-
nosylmethionine and l-homocysteine.The enzyme is involved in the synthesis of
S-methylmethionine (Ranocha et al. 2001), and may play a key role in maintaining
a pool of soluble Met, in the cycling of methyl groups within cells, or as a phloem-
mobile form of Met that can be used to translocate sulfur derived from protein
degradation (Bürstenbinder and Sauter 2012).
13 Arsenic Stress in Plants: An Inside Story 395
Acknowledgements I thank to Professor Aditya Shastri, Director, Banasthali University for his
kind support and necessary facilities for carrying out the present study. The sincere cooperation
and support of my mentor Dr. Bhumi Nath Tripathi is also gratefully acknowledged. The work
was financially supported by Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, New
Delhi, in the form of Women Scientist-A Scheme (WOS-A).
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Chapter 14
In vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites
Using Elicitor in Catharanthus roseus:
A Case Study
Abstract Secondary metabolites are mainly derived from plants and are used by
humans from time immemorial. A plant cell, tissue, and organ culture has an inher-
ent capacity to manufacture valuable chemical compounds as the parent plant does
in nature. In vitro plant materials are one of the good sources for the production
of secondary metabolite and elicitation can be used as one of the important tool
in order to improve the synthesis of these compounds. In a variety of plant cell
cultures, elicitors have increased production of terpenoid indole alkaloids, isoflavo-
noid phytoalexins, serquiterpenoid phytoalexin, coumarins etc. Although elicitation
has been carried out in large number of medicinal plants, we extensively studied it
in Catharanthus roseus, because it is an important source of anticancer compounds
Vinblastine (VLB) and Vincristine (VCR). The use of elicitor is also important in
order to meet the market demands, for reducing production costs and for in-depth
investigation of biochemical and metabolic pathways. This information helps us
in manipulation of biosynthetic pathways which can be used as a powerful tool to
make natural product-like compounds.
Z. H. Siddiqui ()
Department of Botany, Zakir Husain Delhi College, University of Delhi,
Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, New Delhi 110002, India
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Mujib · Mahmooduzzafar
Department of Botany, Hamdard University, New Delhi 110062, India
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
J. Aslam
Department of Biotechnology, Hamdard University, New Delhi 110062, India
e-mail: [email protected]
K. R. Hakeem
Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
e-mail: [email protected]
T. Parween
Department of Bioscience, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi 110025, India
e-mail: [email protected]
Plants with medicinal properties (secondary metabolites) have been used by humans
to treat infections, health disorders, and illness since the early days of mankind
(Lovkova et al. 2001; Wyk and Wink 2004; Toso 2010). Plants and plant cell cul-
tures have served as resources for flavours (food additives), aromas and fragrances,
cosmetics (cosmeceuticals), biobased fuels, insecticides, perfumes, fine chemicals
and bioactive compounds (Balandrin and Klocke 1988) and are collectively known
as secondary metabolites. These compounds are also well known to play a key
role in the adjustment of plants to their surroundings (Rao and Ravishankar 2002).
During the last 50 years research work on plant secondary metabolites has been
increasing because the daily lives including health care are essentially depends on
these plant products (Mulabagal and Tsay 2004). Therefore, in order to achieve the
market demand, cultivation of medicinal plants and in vitro production of plant
secondary metabolites are the only sustainable ways.
Plant cell, tissue, and organ cultures has an inherent capacity to manufacture
valuable chemical compounds as the parent plant does in nature which has been
recognized since the commencement of in vitro technology. In vitro plant materials
are one of the good sources for the production of secondary metabolite and also pro-
vide an excellent environment for in-depth investigation of biochemical and meta-
bolic pathways (Mulabagal and Tsay 2004; Karuppusamy 2009). In vitro studies
including plant tissues and suspension cultures are continued in diverse directions
for the commercial production of secondary metabolites (Ramawat and Merillon
2007; Ghorpade et al. 2011). The accumulation of secondary compounds during
plant cell cultures varies significantly due to the elements of the culture medium
and environmental conditions (Stafford et al. 1986). Various efforts have been made
to circumvent these biological and technological limitations (Lee and Shuler 1991).
Robins (1994) reported different strategies in order to improve the synthesis of sec-
ondary metabolites in suspension cultures. Different media have been employed for
different species and the use of biotic and abiotic elicitors has also been engaged
because of their strong and rapid improving effects on indole alkaloid synthesis
(Moreno et al 1995). There are many reports of cell culture in which secondary
metabolites has been produced, such as solasodine production from calli of Sola-
num eleagnifolium and from root cultures of Senecio production of pyrrolizidine
alkaloids (Nigra et al. 1987; Toppel et al. 1987) and production of anthraquinones
in cell cultures of Rubia tinctorum(Abd El-Mawla 2012). Jha et al. (1988) separated
cephaelin and emetine from callus cultures of Cephaelis ipecacuanha and quinoline
alkaloids in considerable amount was separated from Cinchona ledgeriana cell sus-
pension cultures (Scragg et al. 1992). In C. roseus, Zhao et al. (2001e) reported en-
hanced alkaloid biosynthesis in suspension culture, Ravishankar and Grewal (1991)
reported production of diosgenin in callus culture of Dioscorea deltoidea by assess-
ing the effect of media constituents and nutrient stress. Cardenolides biosynthesis
was noted to be maximum in the hairy root culture of Digitalis lanata as compared
to leaf (Pradel et al. 1997) and in vitro synthesis of azadirachtin and nimbin was less
14 In vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites Using Elicitor in Catharanthus roseus … 403
in field grown plant as compared to cultured shoots and roots of Azadirachta indica
(Srividya and Devi 1998). It has also been found that because of the source and the
type of explants lepidine content in Lepidium sativum vary considerably (Pande
et al. 2002). It shows that biosynthetic efficiency of populations varies; therefore
we should select a high yielding variety as a starting material (Tripathi and Tripathi
2003). The basic prerequisite in all this is a good yield of the compound, and cheap
cost compared to the natural synthesis by the plants.
Elicitation can be used as one of the important strategy in order to get better pro-
ductivity of the bioactive secondary products (Chong et al. 2005; Smetanska 2008;
Sharma et al. 2011; Hussain et al. 2012) and reducing production costs (Miao et al.
2000; Zhang et al. 2003). There are reports where elicitors have increased produc-
tion of isoflavonoid phytoalexins (Smith and Banks 1986), serquiterpenoid phyto-
alexin (Threlfall and Whitehead 1988), coumarins (Hamerski et al. 1990), podo-
phyllotoxin (Muranaka et al. 1992), azadirachtin (Prakash and Srivastava 2008),
terpenoids (Gao et al. 2011), hypericins (hypericin and pseudohypericin) and hyper-
forin (Coste et al. 2011), capsaicinoid (Gururaj et al. 2012), tanshinone (Kai et al.
2012), vascicine (Bhambhani et al. 2012) and resistance to pathogens (Benhamou
et al. 2001). Mihai et al. (2011) reported that biotic and abiotic elicitors stimulate
biosynthesis and increase of resveratrol in Vitis vinifera callus cultures. Ahmed et al.
(2012) reported that different concentration fungal extract ( Aspergillus niger and
Penicillium notatum), yeast extract and chitosan enhance the synthesis of psoralen
in Psoralea corylifolia suspension cultures.
The other side of the elicitation has also been used to elucidate the complex
metabolic pathways (Moreno et al. 1996), to characterize the interaction between
biotic and abiotic stress responses at a molecular level (Atkinson and Urwin 2012).
There are also studies which have been published to mark the effects of elicitors on
enzymes of secondary metabolism (Zenk 1991), important signal molecules that
mediate plant resistance reactions (Gao et al. 2012; Bux et al. 2012), oxidative burst
(Davis et al. 1993) phytoalexin signal transduction (Preisig 1994) and anion chan-
nels (Zimmermann et al. 1998). Beside that elicitors can be used to study the chemi-
cal nature and signaling pathways of natural substances discharged by microbes,
herbivores, and plants during pathogenic contamination, herbivory, symbiosis and
allelopathic interactions (El- Samra et al. 2011; Maffei et al. 2012).
Earlier the term elicitor was used for molecules, which induced the production of
phytoalexins, but it is now simplified as a compound which promotes various kinds
of plant defense system (Hahn 1996; Nürnberger 1999). Further an elicitor may also
be defined as a material which, instigate or advances the biosynthesis of specific
compounds when added in small amount to a living cell system. In this way elicita-
tion can be explained as the stimulated or improved biosynthesis of compounds due
to addition of trace amounts of elicitors (Radman et al 2003, Angelova et al. 2006).
404 Z. H. Siddiqui et al.
On the basis of their origin, structure and type, elicitors can be classified as biotic
and abiotic (Eilert 1987; Barz et al. 1988). There is one more benefit of the use
of elicitors is that they also encourage release of the metabolites into the medium
(Pitta-Alvarez et al. 2000).
Biotic Elicitors
Abiotic Elicitors
As compared to biotic elicitors the use of abiotic elicitors in plant cell cultures
has received less interest (Radman et al 2003, Angelova et al. 2006). Abiotic elici-
tor or stress agents are non-biological substances which includes different kinds of
inorganic salts and physical factors like UV radiation, heavy metal salts (Cu and
Cd ions), Ca2 + , high pH and other chemical compounds with diverse mechanism of
action (Eilert 1987; Radman et al 2003). Recently Zuccarini (2009) reviewed ozone
as a fungal elicitor. Addition of AgNO3 and CdCl2 to the cultures of Brugmansia
candida (angel’s trumpet) enhanced significantly the accumulation and release of
these alkaloids, but CdCl2 inhibited the growth of the hairy roots (Pitta-Alvarez
et al. 2000). Wu et al. (2001) investigated the synthesis of taxol in cell cultures
of Taxus sp. under the influence of the rare-earth metal lanthanum and reported
a considerable augmentation (280 %) of taxol. Although elicitation has been car-
ried out in large number of medicinal plants but for this chapter we extensively
studied it in C. roseus. There is a great importance of this plant as it is an important
14 In vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites Using Elicitor in Catharanthus roseus … 405
Elicitation of C. roseus
The use of a variety of biotic and abiotic elicitors or signal molecules in cell cultures
frequently increases the yield of certain secondary compounds, perhaps due to their
role in defense (Zhao and Verpoorte 2007; Aijaz et al. 2011). The biosynthesis of
secondary metabolites in C. roseus cell cultures was lucidly reviewed by Moreno
et al. (1995) and important factors affecting the production of indole alkaloids were
discussed. Further Moreno et al. (1996) studied the suspension cultures of C. roseus
cell under the influence of fungal filtrate of Phytium aphanidermatum as an elici-
tor. Although there was no enhancement in alkaloid synthesis was observed but the
406 Z. H. Siddiqui et al.
authors studied the result of elicitation on different metabolic pathways and summa-
rized that the biosynthesis of phenolics and the pathway to tryptamine are the two
important fluxes of intermediates in C. roseus cell cultures. There are reports which
suggest that indole alkaloids production is also affected by abiotic stresses of sorbi-
tol and mannitol (osmotic stress) whereas NaCl and KCl were employed to create
salt stress (Moreno et al. 1995; Zhao et al. 2000b). Zhao et al. (2000a) employed
metal stress with the help of vanadyl sulphate, sodium orthovanadate and some rare
earth elements whereas (Zhao et al. 2000c; 2001c) stimulated with various chemi-
cals. Fungal elicitors and hormones were used by (Namdeo et al. 2000; Zhao et al.
2001d; El-Sayed and Verpoorte 2004). Thus elicitation of C. roseus cell cultures not
only enhances indole alkaloid biosynthesis in short time, but it is also responsible
for the excretion of the products into the medium (Zhao and Verpoorte 2007).
Rijhwani and Shanks (1998) reported the effects of pectinase and methyl jasmo-
nate elicitor on growth and levels of several alkaloids in C. roseus. When pectinase
(72 units) was added about 150 % increase in tabersonine was observed whereas
due to addition of jasmonic acid (JA) a progressive increase of 60, 80, 150 and
500 % was observed respectively in serpentine, ajmalicine, lochnericine hörham-
mericine. The production of ajmalicine or catharanthine in cell suspension cultures
of C. roseus was enhanced by cerium (CeO2 and CeCl3), yttrium (Y2O3) and neo-
dymium (NdCl3). The yield of ajmalicine in these treated-cultures reached 51 mg/l
(CeO2), 40 mg/l (CeCl3), 41 mg/l (Y2O3) and 49 mg/l (NdCl3) while catharanthine
production reached to 36 mg/l (CeO2) and 31 mg/l (CeCl3). In these treatments a
main part of improved alkaloids was released into medium (Zhao et al. 2000a).
When 14–1 bioreactor was compared with shake flask culture of C. roseus cell
line a 80 % decrease in total alkaloid production was observed, but in the same cul-
ture when 1 mM trans-cinnamic acid was added the original alkaloid amounts was
restored (Godoy-Hernandez et al. 2000). Zhao et al. (2001b) reported that indole
alkaloid biosynthesis in C. roseus cell cultures due to the action of elicitor is asso-
ciated to Ca2 + influx and the oxidative burst and up to some extent indole alkaloid
accumulation was inhibited by calcium channel blockers which could be improved
by re-addition of calcium chloride.
In C. roseus cell suspension culture Zhao et al. (2001a, b) employed biotic
elicitors derived from 12 fungi in order to test their effect on indole alkaloid pro-
duction. They reported that different indole alkaloids were stimulated by different
fungal mycelium homogenates and an improvement (2–5-fold high than control)
in alkaloid synthesis was observed. Ten Hoopen et al. (2002) marked the effect of
temperature on growth and ajmalicine production and reported that 27.50 C was
optimum temperature for biomass and secondary metabolite production. In shake
flasks and bioreactors an improved catharanthine synthesis in C. roseus cell cultures
was observed by combined elicitor treatment (Zhao et al. 2001a). A combination
of fungal preparations and chemicals enhanced the alkaloid accumulation, a high-
est yield of ajmalicine with an enhanced catharanthine accumulation was observed
in a combination of tetramethyl ammonium bromide and mycelial homogenate of
Aspergillum niger. The combination of malate and sodium alginate proved to be
beneficial for the highest yield of catharnthine with a high yield of ajmalicine pro-
14 In vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites Using Elicitor in Catharanthus roseus … 407
duction. Later the process was optimized and refined by the authors (Zhao et al.
2001b), after 10 days of C. roseus cells in shake flasks and in bioreactor they re-
ported 25 mg/l, 32 mg/l and 22 mg/l catharanthine yields in 500 ml flasks, 1,000 ml
flasks and in 20 l airlift bioreactor, respectively. The defense responses, such as lipid
peroxidation was believed to be stimulated by the combination of malate and algi-
nate treatment in all C. roseus culture processes which further mediate the catharan-
thine production via the jasmonate pathway. El-Sayed and Verpoorte (2002) tested
2, 4-D and abscisic acid (phytohormones), salicylic acid (SA) and MJ on growth
and accumulation of secondary metabolites in C. roseus cell suspension culture
upon feeding with the precursors loganin and tryptamine. Among the tested treat-
ments only MJ enhanced the accumulation of alkaloids whereas due to addition of
abscisic acid catabolism of strictosidine was delayed.
Zheng and Wu (2004) treated the C. roseus cell with different Cadmium (Cd)
concentration (0.05 to 0.4mM) and ajmalicine yield was monitored. They reported
that due to Cd treatment a higher yield of ajmalicine was recorded because of the in-
creased level of tryptophan decarboxylase (Tdc) transcript, the cellular tryptamine
concentration, and ajmalicine excretion. The effect of different elements namely Co,
Zn, Ni, Mn, Cr, W, Cu, B, V, Fe, and Mo and various hormones including natural
and synthetic auxins, cytokinins, and gibberellin on the production and accumula-
tion of indole alkaloids in C. roseus was investigated (Lovkova et al. 2005) studied.
These compounds modified different phases in the biosynthesis of catharanthine
and vindoline and up to a certain extent a feasible mechanism of the effect of Zn and
auxin on this process were simplified. In C. roseus cell suspension cultures indole
alkaloid production through a protein kinase-dependent signal pathway was stimu-
lated using nitric oxide (Xu and Dong 2005) whereas CaCl2 enhanced MJ-induced
ajmalicine production in C. roseus (Lee-parson and Ertürk 2005). About 160 % in-
crease in ajmalicine production was noted in C. roseus cultures and the synthesis
depends on intracellular Ca2 + concentration. When Ca2 + influx was increased after
a certain level by the addition of extracellular Ca2 + , ajmalicine production was de-
clined, similarly a decrease in the accumulation of alkaloids was noted down when
Ca2 + influx was dropped off.
For the production of ajmalicine in C. roseus cultures different strategies of op-
timizing gas compositions were used (Lee-Parsons 2007). Guo et al. (2007) con-
ducted an experiment to study the effect of various temperatures on variation of
alkaloid metabolism in C. roseus seedlings. The authors observed that with relation
to the treatment time, at high temperature biosynthesis of different alkaloids were
elevated in C. roseus seedlings. In C. roseus cell suspension culture a low dose of
UV-B irradiation was applied (Ramani and Jayabaskaran 2007), which stimulated
the transcription of genes encoding tryptophan decarboxylase ( Tdc) and strictosi-
dine synthetase (Str) and induced enhanced amount of catharanthine. In another ex-
periment Ramani and Chelliah (2008) evaluated the influence of UV-B treatment on
cell suspension culture of C. roseus in different growth phase. The results suggested
that in stationary phase cultures the response to UV-B irradiation was more than the
late exponential phase. There was a 3 and 12-fold enhancement in catharanthine and
vindoline respectively. An efficient and promising protocol for achievement and
408 Z. H. Siddiqui et al.
indole alkaloids were enhanced under NUV light at 40 C in C. roseus. A homogenate
of Pythium aphanidermatum and MJ was studied on in vitro cultures of C. roseus
(cv. ‘Dhawal’) (Shukla et al. 2010). Due to elicitation transcriptional upregulation
of strictosidine beta-D:-glucosidase (SGD) occur which in turn improved the syn-
thesis of total alkaloids but did not produce vindoline. Recently in a pot experiment
foliar application of SA was conducted, to find out the unfavorable effects of water
stress on periwinkle and its amelioration by SA (Idrees et al. 2011). The result sug-
gested that SA (10−5M) foliar application minimized destructive effects of stress
and enhanced growth parameters and simultaneously improved the anticancerous
compound VCR and VLB in stressed plants. Aslam et al. (2011) reported effects of
freezing and non-freezing temperature on somatic embryogenesis and vinblastine
synthesis in C. roseus. At 15ºC temperature maximum numbers of embryos were
produced whereas the same were matured in maximum number at 4ºC. They also
reported that VLB synthesis was temperature dependent. By using cyclodextrins
and methyljasmonate along with a short exposure of UV enhanced the ajmalicine
accumulation in suspension culture of C. roseus (Almagro et al. 2011). In C. roseus
(Guo et al. 2012) studied the physiological responses of different nitrogen forms
including varying ratio of nitrate to ammonium (1:0, N1; 1:1, N2; 1:3 N3). After
long term incubation in N2 nitrogen solution catharanthine and VLB synthesis was
increased to two folds than in N1 or N3 nitrogen solution.
In order to find out the mechanism of elicitor action in plants a thorough research
has been dedicated (Angelova et al. 2006; Siddiqui et al. 2010), however, the in-
duction mechanisms conveyed by fungal elicitors and the plant signals, as a whole,
is still undefined (Djonović et al. 2007). While understanding the mechanism a
general outline for the biotic elicitation in plants may be abridged by different work-
ers on the basis of elicitor-receptor interaction (Zhao et al. 2005; Namdeo 2007).
Elicitors are of very large array of structure, and can be transmitted by the pathogen
(exogenous elicitors) or formed by the plant as a result of the plant–pathogen inter-
action (endogenous elicitors); in both cases, they stimulate the defense reaction of
the plant (Ebel and Cosio 1994). After pathogen or elicitor recognition, sequences
of cytological variation and biochemical reactions have been identified in plant
cells. The cytological variations include papilla formation, increased cytoplasmic
streaming and nuclear migration, which are connected with depolymerization of
microtubules and microfilaments (Kombrink and Schmelzer 2001). The biochemi-
cal reactions include transformation in the H + , K + , Cl−, and Ca2 + fluxes across
the plasma membrane, and the development of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that
occur within 2–5 min after treatment of elicitor (Low and Merida 1996; Nürnberger
1999), oxidative cross linking of cell wall proteins, formation of phytoalexins, hy-
drolytic enzymes, incrustations of cell wall proteins with phenolics and hypersensi-
tive death of plant cell (Namdeo 2007).
410 Z. H. Siddiqui et al.
The first step during the contact between a pathogen and its host is species specif-
ic in which elicitor binds to plasma membrane receptor for the process of elicitation
(Braun and Walker 1996; Hanania and Avni 1997), after that the genes of avirulence
brought by the pathogen (the elicitors) faces resistance from the host genes of resis-
tance. After proper recognition of the elicitors by the proper receptors of the plant,
defenses mechanism comes into play and they activate its genes of resistance (Hahn
1996; Montesano et al. 2003) through a series of complex reaction which is still un-
der investigation and might not be similar for all type of elicitors but it might give an
insight about their mechanism of action (Radman et al. 2003, Namdeo 2007). After
binding of the elicitor to plasma membrane a rapid ion fluxes across the membrane
occur (Mathieu et al. 1991). As per other reports (Gelli et al. 1997; Pitta-Alvarez
et al. 2000; Mithöfer et al. 2001) an influx of Ca2 + to the cytoplasm from the extra-
cellular environment and intracellular Ca2 + reservoir and stimulation of K + and Cl−
efflux take place (Ivashikina et al. 2001). It is followed by speedy changes in pro-
tein phosphorylation and protein kinase activation pattern upon elicitor treatment
(Yang et al. 1997; Roemis 2001); activation of protein kinases, in turn activate the
mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), MAP-kinases and calcium-dependant
kinases catalyze mostly the Thr-Ser phosphorylation in the target proteins (Roemis
2001). The MAP kinase cascade involves MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK)
proteins phosphorylating MAP kinase kinases that in turn phosphorylate MAP ki-
nases. Upon activation, MAPKs are transported to the nucleus where they phos-
phorylate specific transcription factors. Activation of G-protein by some workers
(Tyler 2002; Luan 1998; Roos et al. 1998) suggested their involvement in the early
responses to elicitors (Legendre et al. 1992), followed by the production of second-
ary messengers Ins (1, 4, 5) P3 and diacylglycerol (DAG) (Mahady et al. 1998) me-
diating intracellular Ca2 + release, nitric oxide (Delledonne et al. 2002; Huang et al.
2002) and octadecanoid signalling pathway (Piel et al. 1997). Later on AOS and cy-
tosol acidification is carried out by activation of NADPH oxidase (Leburun-Garcia
et al. 1999) and reorganization of cytoskeleton take place (Kobayashi et al. 1995)
and production of ROS like superoxide anion and H2O2 (Low and Merida 1996). It
is followed by accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins) (Mittler
et al. 2004). Earlier Bol et al. (1990) and Bowles (1990) reported individually about
the increase in PR proteins in response to elicitor. PR protein included chitinases,
glucanases, endoploygalactouranases that contribute to the release of signaling pec-
tic oligomers, hydroxyproline rich glycoproteins and protease inhibitors (Van Loon
and Van Strien 1999). In hyper sensitive responses cell death occurs at the infection
site (Luan 1998) and changes in the cell wall organization (lignification of the cell
wall, callus deposition) take place (Kauss et al 1989). These all consequences are
responsible for the transcriptional activation of the corresponding defence response
genes (Memelnik et al. 2001; Huang et al. 2002) and accumulation of phytoalexins
and tannins (Pedras et al. 2002) which stimulate the production of jasmonic and SA
as secondary messengers (Memelink et al. 2001; Katz et al. 2002) and plant cell
acquired systematic resistance (Lebrun-Garcia et al. 1999). It is known that the se-
quence of these events and arrangements is a very complex process and is still under
14 In vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites Using Elicitor in Catharanthus roseus … 411
C. roseus is a very important plant due to large number of alkaloids which are used
in treatment of various diseases including antineoplastic agents VLB and VCR.
Present review provides an overview of external stress stimuli used for eliciting C.
roseus cell to undergo a complex network of reactions which ultimately lead to the
synthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites. These secondary metabolites
help out the plant to endure in stress challenge. They are also under high demands
due to their pharmacological activities but due to the poor understanding of plant
412 Z. H. Siddiqui et al.
Fig. 14.1 Model for the elicitor mediated signal transduction leading to activation of genes in
indole alkaloid synthesis pathways. (Modified from Memelink et al. 2001)
secondary metabolism, production is still far behind the target. By unraveling the
signaling network would help in specific and competent engineering of the produc-
tion of target secondary metabolites. The elicitation approaches not only enhances
the synthesis of secondary metabolites in the plant system, it also helps us in bet-
ter understanding and identifying the rate-limiting steps of complex biosynthetic
pathways existing in secondary metabolite synthesis which in turn can contribute
towards better productivity by utilizing metabolic engineering aspects.
Acknowledgements The first author is thankful to Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
(CSIR) for receiving Senior Research Fellowship (SRF).
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14 In vitro Production of Secondary Metabolites Using Elicitor in Catharanthus roseus … 419
Mohammad Miransari
Abstract Soybean is among the most important leguminous plants with the abil-
ity to establish symbiotic association with the N-fixing bacteria, Bradyrhizobium
japonicum. With respect to the environmental and economical significance of N fix-
ation, there has been extensive research work regarding the production of legumes
including soybean under different conditions. Soils are usually subjected to some
kind of stress including salinity, acidity and suboptimal root zone temperature. One
of the most important processes, affecting the performance of soybean under stress
is the inhibited exchange of the signal molecules, specifically genistein, between
the host legume and B. japonicum during the initiation of symbiosis. Interestingly,
inoculation of B. japonicum with the signal molecule genistein has partially or
completely alleviated the stress. It is also of significance to determine the right
combination of N-fertilization and rhizobium inoculums when planting leguminous
including soybean. The use of breeding techniques may also be among the effective
methods of improving soybean performance under stress. In this chapter some of
the most important advances regarding the performance of soybean under different
conditions including stress with respect to the molecular techniques are reviewed.
Some future perspectives are also presented, the production of tolerant plants and
microbes are among the most important ones.
Soybean ( Glycine max L.) is a crop plant belonging to the leguminous family and
is widely cultivated in different parts of the world. It is a source of food, with high
protein rate, containing useful nutrients. It is the major leguminous crop plant rep-
resenting 50 % of the crop legume production and 68 % of the total crop production
in the world. It is able to develop symbiotic association with the bacteria from the
rhizobium family, Bradyrhizobium japonicum, fixing atmospheric N2. The amount
M. Miransari ()
AbtinBerkeh Limited Co., Imam Blvd., Shariati Blvd., #107, 3973173831, Tehran, Iran
e-mail: [email protected]
Mehrabad Rudehen, Imam Ali Blvd., Mahtab Alley, 55, 3978147395, Tehran, Iran
of N fixed by soybean is annually equal to 16.4 Tg, accounting for 77 % of the total
N fixed by leguminous plants. With respect to the importance of soybean as a source
of food for human and because N-fixation can contribute to a large part of neces-
sary N for plant use, there has been extensive research work regarding the process
of N-fixation in leguminous plants. Enhancing the efficiency of N-fixation can sig-
nificantly increase crop yield and is of environmental and economical significance
(Herridge et al. 2008).
The process of symbiotic N-fixation is between some soil bacteria, collectively
called rhizobium, and the leguminous plants in which the atmospheric N2 is fixed
by the bacteria and reduced to ammonia. The ammonia is then assimilated by the
host plant into the structure of amino acids and proteins. The process of N-fixation
between rhizobium and leguminous plants is specific, indicating that only one strain
of rhizobium is able to colonize the host plant roots and form nodules. Nodules are
the place of rhizobium residence and hence N fixation (Hungria et al. 2005; Wang
et al. 2011).
Between a hundred to a few hundred kg ha−1 atmospheric N2 is fixed by rhizo-
bium, providing a major part of necessary N for plant use. For example, in soy-
bean, 50–60 % of necessary N is supplied by biological N fixation (Salvagiotti et al.
2008). Although chemical fertilization can quickly supply the necessary nutrients
for plant use, it has also some disadvantages including: (1) adversely affecting soil
structure, and (2) being subjected to leaching and hence resulting in the pollution
of water resources. This is why biological nitrogen fixation is important, as it can
inhibit such un-favorable effects of chemical fertilization on the soil properties, and
hence on the environment (Evans 1993; Salvagiotti et al. 2008).
Usually rhizobium can be found in the soil, especially under soil optimal condi-
tions; however, its population may not be adequate to efficiently inoculate the host
plant. For this reason, use of bacterial inoculum can be a useful method to inoculate
the host plant with appropriate bacterial population. Inoculums have a carrier with
a high bacterial population, used to inoculate seeds before planting or at the time
of planting. The bacterial inoculum must have the ability to compete with the soil
bacteria, adapted to the soil conditions (Miransari 2010, 2011).
Exploiting the potential genetic of plant and climate properties are among the
most efficient methods, resulting in the enhancement of soybean yield (Salvagiotti
et al. 2008). Although soybean is not a tolerant crop plant under stress, different
methods have been tested to increase its tolerance under different stresses includ-
ing salinity and drought, acidity, high amount of mineral N and sub-optimal root
temperature. Among the most important hypotheses that have been successfully
tested and approved by researchers is that soil stresses disrupt the process of mo-
lecular communications between rhizobium and the host plant. In the initial stages
of N-fixation the two symbionts, rhizobium and host plant must exchange signal
molecules to realize their presence and start the process of N-fixation. The disrup-
tion of such signaling exchange between the two symbionts can inhibit N-fixation
by rhizobium and the host plant (Miransari et al. 2007, 2008, 2009).
Preincubation of Bradyrhizobium japonicum with the signal molecules, from the
flavonoids biochemical group, have been shown to be a useful method to alleviate
15 Handling Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Under Stress 423
soil stresses on the process of N2-fixation. In the case of soybean symbiotic bacteria,
Bradyrhizobium japonicum, geneistin is among the dominant signal molecules, pro-
duced by the host plant root. Pretreatment of Bradyrhizobium japonicum with ge-
nistein can partially or completely alleviate the stress on the process of N-fixation.
In this case, the bacterial genes become activated under the stress and proceed with
the next stages of N-fixation process (Zhang and Smith 1995). Accordingly, some
of the most recent findings regarding the methods used to alleviate soil stresses on
soybean growth and yield production with some prospects for future research are
Biological nitrogen fixation and specifically the symbiosis between legume plants
and rhizobium, is one of the most important biological activities, globally. In the
process of symbiotic association between legume plants and rhizobium, the atmo-
spheric N is fixed by the bacteria and turned into available N (NH3) by nitrogenase
enzyme. Depending on the conditions, most part of the N necessary for legume
growth and yield production is supplied by the process of N-fixation. However, it
is likely to enhance the efficiency of N-fixation, especially under stress (Unkovich
and Pate 2000; Yasmin et al. 2006).
With respect to the economical and environmental importance of biological ni-
trogen fixation, it can significantly contribute to the enhanced efficiency of eco-
system including crop production. Although N-chemical fertilization can rapidly
provide the necessary N for plant growth, it is subjected to leaching and hence can
adversely affect the water sources. N-fixation can also be economically consider-
able as there is a high annual rate of expenses, spent for the production and use
of synthetic N (Miransari and Smith 2007, 2008, 2009; Miransari and Mackenzie
2010, 2011a, b).
There are different parameters affecting the process of N-fixation between le-
gume and rhizobium including plant species, bacterial strains, N-chemical fertiliza-
tion and soil and plant properties. There are some legume plant species and rhizo-
bium strains, with specific genotypic properties, which can perform more effec-
tively. Accordingly, some plant-bacterium combinations may be more efficient. Al-
though N-fertilization at seeding can enhance the growth of legume seedlings, high
amounts of N-fertilization can adversely affect the process of N-fixation. Under
optimal soil conditions, the efficiency of N-fixation process can be at the highest,
however, soil stresses can decrease the rate of N-fixation by negatively influencing
both the host plant and the bacteria (Valliyodan and Nguyen 2008; Hamilton et al.
2011; Salah et al. 2011).
Climate properties including light, temperature, precipitation, and concentra-
tion of carbon dioxide can affect both plant and the symbiotic rhizobium. Light is
necessary for the process of photosynthesis and at optimal rates can increase the
424 M. Miransari
photosynthetic process. Legume plants are adapted to mild temperatures and have
the higher rate of N-fixation and yield production at the range of 20–30 °C. Higher
or lower temperatures can reduce plant growth and yield production (Lynch and
Smith 1993). Legume plants can grow well at the optimum soil moisture and hence
precipitation. High or low level of soil moisture can decrease plant growth and yield
production of legume plants (Sakthivelu et al. 2008; Sorensen et al. 2012).
The concentration of CO2 can also affect plant performance by affecting the pro-
cess of photosynthesis. Higher rates of CO2 (500–1000 µmol mol−1) decreased plant
efficiency by decreasing the rate of protein. As a result of elevated CO2 concentra-
tion, the concentration of Rubisco reduces. It is because the expression of photo-
synthetic genes, which are dependent on carbohydrate concentration, is affected.
However, other mechanisms may also cause such alterations (Stitt and Krapp 1999;
Taub et al. 2008). The reduction in the leaf protein concentration can decrease seed
protein concentration, because usually the N content of senescing tissues is trans-
located to plants seeds (Fangmeier et al. 1999; Salon et al. 2001). However, com-
pared with cereals, soybean grains indicated much smaller rates of protein reduc-
tion, which is mostly due to its symbiotic association with rhizobium. Root nodules
are sinks for photosynthates, inhibiting plant leaf to increase the level of hexose,
which can adversely affect Rubisco concentration. The fluctuations in ozone can
also affect plant performance as higher rates of exposure can have negative effects
on plant growth by adversely affecting the structure of leaf mesophyll, and hence
decreased carbon assimilation and photosynthesis rate (Long and Naidu 2002; Garg
and Bhandari 2012).
However, the adverse effects of ozone exposure on plant leaf can be inhibited by
the elevated levels of CO2 resulting in the enhanced protein seed concentration. It
is because ozone can have negative effects on the process of N fixation, and hence
decrease the translocation of photosynthates to the nodules (Pausch et al. 1996; Ti
et al. 2012). Accordingly, elevated CO2 levels may enhance the rate of N-fixation
by increasing the level of C assimilation (De Graaff et al. 2006; Rogers et al. 2006).
Carbon cycling between soil and atmosphere is important affecting different bio-
logical processes such as N-fixation. The higher rate of carbon in soil can contribute
to higher biological activities by soil microbes, improve soil structure and enhance
soil fertility. However, for N-fixing rhizobium the atmospheric carbon may be of
more importance as photosynthesis process assimilates it into carbohydrate. Rhizo-
bium bacteria utilize hydrocarbons, supplied by plant as source of energy for their
activities. Accordingly, higher rate of atmospheric C up to some level can increase
the rate of photosynthesis and hence the process of N-fixation (Townsend et al.
2011; Finzi et al. 2011).
Hence, the process of N-fixation by legume plants and rhizobium is of high
importance significantly contributing to the necessary N for plant growth and yield
production while agriculturally and environmentally sustainable. This process is
affected by different parameters and hence it is pertinent to find methods that can
enhance its efficiency under different conditions including stress.
15 Handling Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Under Stress 425
About one milliard hectares of agricultural soils are saline or subjected to some kind
of salinity, worldwide (Flowers and Yeo 1995). Leguminous plants are classified
among sensitive or moderately tolerant plants to salinity (Lauchli 1984). Legume’s
tolerance to salinity differs among different species (Lu et al. 2009) and usually un-
der salinity they excrete ion salt from the leaf or localized the salt in different parts
of the plant. Under high salinity rhizobium are not able to become dormant, and
hence must have the ability to tolerate high salt levels. Parameters including soil
fertility, N source, temperature, drought, relative humidity and physical properties
can affect plant growth under saline conditions (Velagaleti et al. 1990; Munns 2002;
Vercruysse et al. 2011; Meilhoc et al. 2011).
Higher concentration of salt in mature leaf, relative to the young leaf, results in
the senescence of mature leaf. Plant ability to allocate salt to the cellular vacuoles is
among the important parameters determining plant tolerance to salinity. The higher
the plant ability to allocate salt to the vacuoles the higher its tolerance to salinity
is. Plant hormones such as abscisic acid (ABA) can also regulate plant activities
under stress by for example controlling the stomatal activities (Wolf et al. 1990;
Yang et al. 2012). Salt adverse effects on plant growth under salinity also include
cytoplasm malfunctioning, membrane leakage, and loss of turgor and water.
Drought and salinity adversely influence legume-host plant symbiosis by affect-
ing the growth and survival of bacterium, delaying the infection process, suppress-
ing nodule functionality, decreasing the photosynthesis rate, plant growth and N
uptake in the host plant. There are usually interactions between drought/salinity and
rhizobium as there are bacterial strains, which are more tolerant and hence efficient
under stress. Physiological alterations under stress make the plants allocate more
carbon to their roots (Miransari and Smith, 2007; Miransari et al. 2007; 2008).
Researchers hypothesized and proved that addition of genistein (4′,5,7-trihy-
droxyisoflavone), the plant to bacterium signal, under stress, enhanced the activa-
tion rate of bacterial Nod genes resulting in the increased production of nodulation
(Nod) factors by Bradyrhizobium japonicum (Miransari et al. 2006; Wang et al.
2012) and hence faster formation of nodules (Zhang and Smith 1995; Pan and Smith
1998a; b). According to Miransari and Smith (2007, 2008, 2009) the effects of ge-
nistein became greater with time by more effectively influencing N-fixation and
hence plant growth and yield in the second sampling compared with the first sam-
pling. This also indicates that genistein persistence in soil is suitable.
Flavonoids are able to:
1. regulate the polar transport of auxin followed by the imbalance of auxin-cytoki-
nin and initiation of nodule meristem formation (Schmidt et al. 1994),
2. enhance bacterial growth,
3. increase the production of Nod factors by bacteria as a result of higher Nod genes
activation, resulting in the alteration of root morphological properties including
root hair curling and bulging and eventual formation of root nodules by inducing
cellular division at different sites, and
426 M. Miransari
4. increase root exudates of isoflavonoids (Verma et al. 1992; Zhang and Smith
1995; Corradini et al. 2011).
Under stress root growth is less affected than nodulation (Abd-Alla et al. 1998;
Miransari and Smith 2007), because under stress plant must spend more energy to
alleviate the stress rather than developing a symbiotic association with the soil mi-
crobes (Miransari and Smith 2007; Miransari et al. 2007, 2008). Nodules are tissues
with a high energy requirement and hence a part of energy produced by plant must
be allocated to nodules for different activities such as respiration and development
(Zhang and Smith 1995).
Under stress different concentrations of genistein ranging from 5 to 20 µM were
tested and proved to be effective. In addition, the highest concentration of genis-
tein (20 µM) did not adversely affect bacterial N fixation and hence plant growth.
Results indicated that with increasing the level of stress genistein became more ef-
fective. The mathematical equations used to relate genistein concentration to nodu-
lation and plant growth indicated that the most effective concentration of genistein
ranged from 5 to 11 µM. Using multivariate equations, it is possible to predict the
most optimum concentration of genistein under stress with respect to plant response
to genistein affecting plant growth and yield production under field and greenhouse
conditions (Miransari and Smith 2007).
During drought stress, water deficiency can adversely affect plant growth and
yield production. Plant roots absorb water, which moves solutes to different plant
parts for utilization and assimilation, and nutrients from the surrounding soil. Water
is necessary for cellular expansion and development by producing the necessary
turgor for cell growth. During the process of evapo-transpiration, water is evapo-
rated from plant leaf creating the necessary potential for the uptake of water and nu-
trients by plant roots and their movement to different parts of the plant. Hence, with
respect to the importance of water in plant its deficiency can significantly decrease
plant growth and yield production (Asbjornsen et al. 2011).
Under drought plant utilizes different mechanisms to alleviate the stress. Such
mechanisms result in the adjustment of plant growth and production of organic
compounds as osmoprotectants regulating cellular water potential and the uptake
of nutrients. The morphological and physiological alterations in plant growth under
drought can alleviate the stress up to some extent. Yamaghuchi et al. (2010) indi-
cated that different parts of soybean primary roots respond differently to drought
stress. They attributed such a response to the regulation of phenypropanoid metabo-
lism in different parts of the roots and hence the biosynthesis of isoflavonoids. How-
ever, contrary to this alteration, the production of caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferse,
which is responsible for the production of lignin, highly increased resulting in the
inhibition of root growth in the specific parts. In addition, different proteins were
produced in the water stressed part of roots to alleviate the oxidative stress.
There are some responsive genes, being induced under salinity. For example, Li
et al. (2008) found that a protein, which is homologous to oxysterol binding protein
in soybean, was expressed under salinity stress resulting in cotyledon senescence.
Under salinity, the isomer of a pathogenic related protein, as a responsive protein to
15 Handling Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Under Stress 427
high rate of salinity and drought was localized in the extracellular space of soybean
roots. In addition, a lucine like protein was also identified in the mature tissues
of soybean shoot under saline conditions. The production of enzyme, acid phos-
phatase, was related to plant response, under salinity by affecting the formation of
reactive oxygen species as well as by affecting the transduction pathways, related
to stress (Liao et al. 2003; Sobhanian et al. 2010). The salt responsive gene, Gm-
DREB2, was expressed under salinity stress, resulting in the production of higher
levels of proline, relative to the wild types, improving plant tolerance to salinity
stress (Chen et al. 2007). It has been indicated that soybean genotypes, which are
tolerant to salinity have the same gene (Lee et al. 2004).
Relative to the wild types, the salt tolerant of soybean genotypes was due to the
inhibition of Cl− transport from the soybean roots to the shoots. However, in the
wild variety the tolerance was more related to the prevention of Na+ movement
from the plant roots to the aerial parts. This indicates that salt tolerance in the ge-
netically modified varieties have been improved relative to wild types (Lee et al.
Under stresses like salinity and drought the level of proline increases in soybean
nodules, as its synthesis is enhanced. High proline accumulation in the nodules
results in the high ratio of NADP/NADPH and hence the activation of pentose phos-
phate pathway and eventual production of purine. The derivatives of purine can act
as transporters of fixed N. Proline can be the transporter for the redox potential from
plant cytoplasm to the bacteroid, verified by the high activity of pro dehydrogenase
in the bacteroids of root nodules (Kohl 1988, 1990; Verbruggen and Hermans 2008;
Sharma and Yadav 2012).
Although plant morphological and physiological properties are altered by salin-
ity stress, the role of plant hormones is among the most important mechanisms
by which plant can alleviate the stress of salinity (Velitcukova and Fedina 1998).
Accordingly, the production of several proteins during salinity stress is induced by
plant hormones such as jasmonates (Chao et al. 1999; Thaler 1999), salicylic acid
(Hoyos and Zhang 2000) and abscisic acid (Jin et al. 2000; Wang et al. 2001; Kang
et al. 2005; Miransari 2012a).
Yoon et al. (2009) found that salinity stress significantly decreased plant
growth, gibberellins concentration, rate of photosynthesis and transpiration, and
considerably increased ABA production as well as proline accumulation. How-
ever, application of methyl jasmonate (MeJA) significantly alleviated the stress
of salinity on soybean growth, chlorophyll, photosynthesis and transpiration rate,
and proline content, while enhancing the level of ABA and gibberellins (Miran-
sari 2012a).
Calreticulin is a protein, which is able to bind calcium, and hence regulates cal-
cium homeostasis and protein folding in the plant endoplasmic reticulum. Under
salinity, osmotic stress resulted in the down regulation of calreticulin in rice, indi-
cating the role of calcium under salinity stress as the main secondary messenger.
Salinity also down regulated the activity of RuBisco activase, adversely affecting
photosynthesis (Menegazzi et al. 1993; Rokka et al. 2001; Sobhanian et al. 2010).
428 M. Miransari
The flow of cell cycling under stress must be maintained to alleviate the effects
of stress on plant growth. Cellular cycling and integrity is important for cellular
communication and signaling, particularly under stress. Using the proteomic analy-
sis, Sobhanian et al. (2010) indicated the responsive proteins in soybean, which are
expressed during salinity. They found that under salinity, the related proteins are
mostly down regulated. The results of their study showed that NaCl down regulated
the activity of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase at both protein and m-
RNA levels in soybean. In addition, Kinesin is a large family of proteins affecting
microtubule activities and hence cell cycling (Liu et al. 1996) and its up regulation
under saline conditions indicate its role in the alleviation of stress.
Using hydroponic growing medium, Martins et al. (2008) indicated that drought
significantly decreased the mitotic activities of root cells as the expression of the
related genes was altered. Drought stress can markedly decrease the rate of photo-
synthesis, followed by stomatal closure and increased temperature. As a result of
cellular dehydration and increased leaf temperature, electron pathways are changed
during respiration, significantly decreasing the rate of ATP production in mitochon-
dria and hence the rate of photosynthesis (Flexas et al. 2004; Ribas-Carbo et al.
Plant initiates its response to stress at molecular level resulting in the alteration
of the related genes. For the start of gene expression under stress some transcrip-
tional elements like clone A2B3-2, which is a helix-loop-helix with a putative basic
(bHLH) is necessary. Such bHLH proteins are transcription factors with so many
genes (Dey and Harborne 1997; Lewin 2000; Chen et al. 2002). Accordingly, if the
related transcription factors are modified, it may be likely to enhance plant toler-
ance to stress (Jaglo-Ottosen et al. 1998).
There are carrier proteins, which are able to move carrier monomers in the cel-
lular bilayers (Cleves et al. 1991). Such kinds of proteins are able to influence the
transduction pathways, the related signal molecules, and the movement of mol-
ecules across the cellular membrane (Kapranov et al. 2001). Such proteins can also
regulate different cellular activities including perception, division and development
as well as stomatal activities. However, drought may alter the structure and activi-
ties of such proteins and plant hormones (Martins et al. 2008).
Acidic and infertile soils including Oxisols and Ultisols are widely distributed in the
humid areas covering about 1.6 × 109 ha of tropical soils worldwide (Sanchez and
Salinas 1981). High rain leaches the alkaline cations in the soil and results in the
high rate of weathering producing iron and aluminum oxides. Soils are subjected
to pH fluctuations usually ranging from 4 to 10. There is a wide range of alkaline
soils adversely affecting plant growth and the process of N-fixation. Under alkaline
conditions low precipitation and the accumulation of anions such as carbonate and
bicarbonate and cations such as calcium and magnesium increases soil pH, affect-
15 Handling Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Under Stress 429
ing different soil processes including microbial activities and nutrient availability
(Joris et al. 2012).
In addition to the high H+ concentration, the high level of Al can also adversely
affect plant growth under acidic conditions. Under such conditions high Al decreas-
es plant growth by reducing root growth, the photosynthetic ability and competing
with nutrients such as N, Mg, P and Fe. In acid soils the reaction of P with Al and
Fe, results in the precipitation of P compounds and hence significantly decreases P
availability (Akaya and Takenaka 2001; Shamsi et al. 2008).
Al presence increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes including malondi-
aldehyde (MDA), super oxidase dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD). Shamsi
et al. (2008) indicated that the differences in soybean genotypes under the high lev-
els of elements such as Al are determined by the root ability to absorb such metals.
Fluctuations in soil acidity can affect the physiological properties such as enzymatic
structure and activities in plants and microbes. Accordingly, neutral pH is the most
optimum acidity for the growth of crop plants and activity of soil microbes (Marti-
nez et al. 2012; Bissoli et al. 2012).
The most suitable method to adjust high soil hydroxyl concentration is the use
of elemental sulfur inoculated with the chemo-autotrophic bacteria, Thiobacillus
spp. These bacteria are able to acquire the energy necessary for their activities by
oxidizing sulfur, resulting in the production of hydrogen and sulfate ions, and hence
decreasing soil pH. Use of tolerant plant species may also be another alternative to
alleviate acidity stress on plant growth and yield production (Miransari and Smith
Soil acidity can adversely affect the process of N-fixation in leguminous plants
by affecting both the host plant and rhizobium. In a 17-year experiment under acidic
conditions Popescu (1998) found that pH’s less than six decreased soybean yield.
Usually the leguminous family is sensitive to high levels of soil acidity. High soil
acidity decreased root nodulation in white clover (Wood et al. 1984) subclover
(Whelan and Alexander 1986), pea (Lie 1969; Evans et al. 1980), cowpea (Keyser
1979), alfalfa (Munns 1968, 1970) and bean (Wolff et al. 1993; Vassileva et al.
1997) even in the presence of high rhizobial population. Soil acidity, lower than
five, inhibits nodule formation (Appunu and Dhar 2006).
There are plants, which are able to accumulate high rate of alkaline cations in
their tissues, while their growth and performance remains unaffected. Soybean
plants grow the best at pH’s around seven and under high or low acidity their growth
may be adversely affected. Under acidic conditions plants produce lower amounts
of hydrogen ions affecting the uptake of nutrients by plant roots (Marschner 1995).
It can also affect the cytoplasmic pH and hence result in the reduction of shoot and
root growth (Schubert et al. 1990; Yan et al. 1992).
Appunu and Dhar (2006) evaluated the survival of different strains of acid toler-
ant Bradyrhizobium japonicum under high acidity (pH = 4) and found that they can
tolerate high acidity level. Interestingly, the strains showed higher tolerance to acid-
ity in soil than in YEM broth medium. The slow growing Bradyrhizobium are more
tolerant to acidity than the fast growing rhizobium (Cooper et al. 1985; Graham
et al. 1994; Miransari and Smith 2007; Ferreira et al. 2012). All the tolerant spe-
430 M. Miransari
cies were able to noldulate the soybean roots with high differences in nodulation,
nitrogenase activity, N uptake and plant growth (Zhang et al. 2002; Meghvanshi
et al. 2005). Inoculation with the bacterium significantly enhanced the growth and
N uptake of soybean plants.
The most sensitive stages of nodulation to acidity appear to be the early stages
including attachment (Howieson et al. 1993), root morphological changes (Munns
1968; Evans 1980; Miransari et al. 2006) and the formation of infection tread
(Evans 1980; Franco and Munns 1982). The followings may indicate the higher
sensitivity of the early stages of N-fixation to low pH: decreased rhizobial number
and growth, changes in the structure of plant roots adversely affecting bacterial rec-
ognition and higher uptake of some nutrients (Vassileva et al. 1997; Miransari et al.
2006; Miransari and Smith 2007; Ferreira et al. 2012).
The onset of N-fixation is with the exchange of signal molecules between the
bacteria and the host plant. Plant roots produce different products with nutritional
and non-nutritional values acting as secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites,
which are necessary with a threshold level of 10−12 M have different functioning in
plant including the activation of microbial genes during the process of symbiosis
(Boller 1995).
For the onset of N-fixation the specific host plant produces flavonoids, which are
able to trigger the bacterial chemotaxis response and movement toward the plant
roots. Subsequently, the nodulation genes (Nod genes) in bacteria are activated, re-
sulting in the production of lipochitooligosacharides (LCO) by bacteria (Subrama-
nian et al. 2004). LCO molecules are able to induce morphological changes in the
roots of their host plant by curling or bulging the root hairs, inducing cell cycling,
and stimulation of nodule formation. These stages are followed by the formation
of infection thread, which results in the entrance of bacteria into the plant roots.
Bacteria alter some of the root cellular, morphological and physiological activities,
which can increase the division rate of root cortical cells resulting in the formation
of root nodules (Aguilar et al. 1988; Long 2001; Miransari et al. 2006, Miransari
and Smith 2007, 2008, 2009).
Miransari and Smith (2007) hypothesized that stress results in the disruption of
the signal molecule exchange between the bacteria and the host plant at the onset of
symbiosis under acidity. They also hypothesized and proved that preincubation of
Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculum with the signal molecule genistein may par-
tially or completely inhibit the adverse effects of stress on the process of N-fixation
under greenhouse and field conditions. By addition of salt or sulfur to the field soil
they adjusted soil salinity and pH to the desired values, followed by the plantation
of soybean seeds, and inoculation with the bacteria preincubated with genistein at
µM levels. Different nodulation and soybean growth and yield parameters were
measured both under salinity and acidity treatments. According to the results, ge-
nistein could alleviate the stress of salinity and acidity on soybean nodulation and
hence N-fixation as well as soybean yield production. The enhancing effects of
genistein on nodulation could be due to increasing the possibility of infection, re-
sulting in the higher number of infections and nodulation (Zhang and Smith 1995).
Under stress the production of signal molecules by soybean root as well as the sen-
15 Handling Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Under Stress 431
There are areas in the world, which are subjected to sub optimal root zone tempera-
ture, most of the year. Under such conditions plant growth as well as microbial ac-
tivities is adversely affected. The symbiotic association between the host plant and
the N-fixing bacteria is also influenced by suboptimal root temperature, resulting in
the decline of N-fixation between the two symbionts. Similar to other stresses, sub-
optimal root temperature can also disrupt the initials stages of N-fixation, most im-
portantly the exchange of the signal molecules between the two symbionts (Smith
and Lynch 1993; Miransari 2012b).
The optimum temperature for soybean growth is between 25 and 30 °C (Lynch
and Smith 1993). Falvonoids can act as Nod gene inducers and also enhance plant
resistance to pathogens in soil. Higher rates of flavonoids are produced at higher
temperature by plant roots. Accordingly, under lower temperature higher concen-
tration of signal molecule may be necessary to induce the molecular changes in
rhizobium as the effectiveness of the signal molecule is temperature dependent. The
signal molecule by itself and its concentration can also affect the communications
between the two symbionts (Miransari and Smith 2008; Miransari 2012b).
The activity of nitrogenase enzyme is oxygen dependent and under stress where
plant growth is adversely affected the nodules permeability to oxygen may also
change. This may influence nodule functionality by affecting the activity of nitroge-
nase enzyme (Wei and Layzell 2006). Temperature fluctuations can alter root respi-
ratory demand and its permeability to oxygen. Hence, plant can use such a mecha-
nism to regulate root permeability to oxygen under decreased temperature, which
reduces root permeability to oxygen (Kuzma and Layzell 1994; Wang et al. 2012).
Using intact soil samples in cylinders, collected from the field soil, Miransari and
Smith (2008) stimulated some of the field conditions under greenhouse conditions.
They found that soil texture may also affect the signal communications between the
host plant and rhizobium. This has been attributed mostly to the physical properties
of the different soil textures. According to their results genistein addition was more
effective under loamy and clay textures. Textures with finer particles have a higher
rate of microporosity. Finer soil textures are higher in soil nutrients, because of their
chemical structure and hence can provide more nutrients to the soil microbes as well
as plant roots affecting their activities.
Different microbial activities are affected by soil texture including mineralization
of organic matter, microbial biomass, respiration, nitrification and denitrification
(Hassink 1992). Soils, with a more improved structure, result in the higher produc-
tion of roots exudates influencing microbial activities more effectively. Van Gestel
et al. (1996) indicated that relative to the bacterial population in sandy soils (7 %),
significantly higher bacterial population was found in clay soils (More than 50 %).
432 M. Miransari
There are some kind of interactions between genistein and some plant regula-
tors such as the plant hormone, auxin. Falvonoids can adversely or positively affect
the activity and transport of auxin (Brown et al. 2001). Geneistin may inhibit the
transport of auxin in the plant. It has been indicated that the use of auxin transport
inhibitors in soybean may result in the formation of nodule like organs, and expres-
sion of genes, which induce morphogenesis alteration in the roots resulting in the
formation of root nodules (Fang and Hirsch 1998).
During the past 30 years, soybean yield has increased continuously, due to the im-
provement in the use of genetic techniques and agricultural practices with the yearly
increase of 28 kg ha−1, globally (Specht et al. 1999; Wilcox 2004). Biological N
fixation and mineral N fertilization are the main sources of providing necessary
N for soybean growth. However, biological N fixation by the residing bacteria in
the root nodules and mineral N fertilization can behave antagonistically, especially
when the other soil stresses are not present (Streeter 1988; Soares Novo et al. 1999;
Purcell et al. 2004).
If there is not adequate amounts of N for plant use, plant will re-translocate N
from the leaf to the grains, reducing plant photosynthetic potential and hence crop
production. Van Kessel and Hartley (2000) indicated that rate of yield production
can adjust nitrogenase activity, as higher amounts of yield results in higher nitro-
genase activity. This is especially the case for when soybean plants yield at rates
higher than 4.5 t. ha−1 (Mengel 1994).
In situations where the process of N-fixation is not able to supply the necessary
N for plant growth and yield production, plant response to N-fertilization can be sig-
nificant (Thies et al. 1995). However, usually there are antagonistic effects between
N-fixation and N-fertilization. Nitrate present in the soil can decrease the process
of N-fixation (Herridge and Rose 1994). Even little amounts of N-fertilization can
suppress N-fixation during the first stages of plant growth; however at the same
time N deficiency may delay the onset of nodule formation and hence, N-fixation
by adversely affecting crop growth (Zhang and Smith 2002; Ikeda et al. 2011).
Salvagiotti et al. (2008) analysed a complete set of data regarding N-fixation and
N-fertilization related to different parts of the world. They found that N-fixation
is negatively and exponentially related to N-fertilization when it was applied to
the soil surface at 20 cm. Their economical analyses, with respect to soybean and
N-fertilization pricing, indicated that N-fertilization is advantageous when plant re-
quirements are not met by the process of N-fixation. They accordingly suggested
that to enhance the efficiency of N uptake by plant, future research must indicate
the contribution of each N component including, N-fixation, N-fertilization and
soil N. It is because, if N-fertilization is supplied adequately, while not affecting
N-fixation, it can enhance the efficiency of plant N uptake (Ikeda et al. 2011).
15 Handling Soybean ( Glycine max L.) Under Stress 433
It has been suggested and tested that plants be modified genetically for nitrate
tolerant; however such a method has not been appropriate, because it resulted in the
reduction of crop yield (Salvagiotti et al. 2008). Although the physiological altera-
tions in plant metabolism is one of the main reasons for decreased N-fixation at the
time of N-fertilization, however the other important reason is that the process of
N-fixation is demanding and requires high rate of energy spent by the host plant;
when N-fertilization provides mineral N for plan use, the plant will not be willing
to develop a symbiotic association with the bacteria, adversely affecting the process
of N fixation.
Handling crop plants under stress is among the most important research issues. Soy-
bean is a leguminous crop plant most used by human. Although it is not considered
a tolerant crop plant to stress, research has indicated that it is likely to alleviate the
effects of different stresses such as acidity, salinity, sub optimal roots zone tempera-
ture and N-fertilization on soybean growth and yield using molecular and breeding
methods. Researchers have tested and proved that use of the plant to bacteria signal,
genistein, for the pre incubation of soybean symbiotic bacteria, Bradyrhizobium
japonicum can be useful to alleviate the unfavorable effects of stress on soybean
growth and yield. Identification of tolerant genes in different plant species and in-
serting them in soybean may also be effective to alleviate stress.
Although research work has indicated much detail related to the handling of
soybean under stress, there are more, which must be elucidated. For example, us-
ing proteomic analysis, the production of different proteins under stress must be
indicated and accordingly the related genes be recognized and inserted to produce
tolerant varieties. The other important point is the production of tolerant rhizobium
under stress, which may also be similarly recognized and produced.
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Chapter 16
Environmental and Economical Opportunities
for the Valorisation of the Genus Atriplex:
New Insights
Maali Benzarti, Kilani Ben Rejeb, Ahmed Debez and Chedly Abdelly
Abstract Atriplex species are members of the Chenopodiaceae. There are more
than 400 species growing naturally in arid and semi arid regions of the world, most
of which are highly tolerant to drought and salt. Atriplex species contain high levels
of protein and economically valuable compounds. These characteristics could make
Atriplex a suitable food for livestock in saline or arid/ semi-arid area. Furthermore,
Atriplex can take up salt ions from saline soil and sequester it into the salt glands at
the leaf surface. This trait is of high significance since it allows them to be used
for revegetation of saline or arid/semi-arid lands. Atriplex species have also been
used for cloning some genes related to drought and salt tolerance. This review is a
new contribution that updates knowledge on the ecological and socio-economical
potential of some plant genus Atriplex.
Many arid and semi-arid regions in the world have soils and water resources that are
too saline for most of the common conventional crop systems (Pitman and Lauchli
2002). Halophytes are plants that have been naturally selected in saline environ-
ments and are distinguishable from glycophytes by their capacity to cope with ex-
M. Benzarti
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Debez
e-mail: [email protected]
K. B. Rejeb
Physiologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire des Plantes, UR5,
EAC 7180 CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC),
Case 156, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris cedex 05, France
e-mail: [email protected]
Atriplex species constitute the largest and most diversified genus of the family Che-
nopodiaceae (Kadereit et al. 2010). Atriplex species (saltbushes) are dominant in
many arid and semi-arid regions of the world, particularly in habitats that combine
relatively high soil salinity with aridity (Ortíz-Dorda et al. 2005). Over 400 spe-
cies of Atriplex have been found to be geographically distributed on all continents.
Atriplex species are mainly found in the deserts and semi-deserts in North America,
South Australia, South Central Asia, West and South East America, and the Medi-
terranean basin. A. nummularia, and A. halimus are the most widely distributed
species of the genus Atriplex. A. halimus is a perennial native shrub of the Mediter-
ranean region (Ortíz-Dorda et al. 2005). This species has two subspecies: the subsp.
halimus, which is present on the northern shores of the Mediterranean basin and the
subsp. schweinfurthii (Boiss.) common on the southern shores of the Mediterranean
basin, North Africa and Near East. A. nummularia occurs naturally in the semi arid
and arid zone of southern and central Australia where it was divided in three subspe-
cies (subsp. nummularia; subsp. Omissa and subsp. Spathulata). Molecular genetic
and taxonomic evidence suggests that Atriplex was transported to Australia during
the late Miocene (Kadereit et al. 2010). A. nummularia is proposed to have evolved
from a common octoploid ancestor A. paludosa ssp. moquiniana (Moq.) Parr-Smith
in the coastal semi-arid fringe of southwestern Australia. Sampson and Byrne
16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 443
(2012) suggested that many species spread and diversified from this zone to exploit
the arid and saline habitats that were increasingly becoming available as a result of
changing climatic conditions through the Pliocene and Pleistocene in inland areas
of Australia. There are two species that are considered to be closely related to A.
nummularia that are found in the arid zones of Western and South Australia, respec-
tively: A. amnicola Paul G. Wilson and A. incrassate F Muell (Sampson and Byrne
2012). A. breweri and A. cansecens are relatively close to A. halimus. Between 1920
and 1930, A. nummularia, A. semibaccata from Australia and A. canescens from
USA were introduced to Tunisia and Morocco (Ben Salem et al. 2010). Only 13
species and subspecies are used for rangeland rehabilitation and fodder production:
A. halimus subsp. halimus, A. halimus subsp. schweinfurthii, A. mollis, A. glauca,
A. leucoclada, A. nummularia, A. canescens subsp. canescens, A. canescens subsp.
linearis, A. amnicola, A. undulata, A. repanda, A. semibaccata, and A. barclayana
(Ben Salem et al. 2010).
Salt affected soils are widely spread in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world
and increasingly threatening agricultural expansion and productivity. Yet, in many
arid environments, high quality water in not available to support the establishment
of plants for revegetation projects. The removal of sodium salts from saline soils by
halophytes plants, as alternative for costly chemical amendments, has emerged as an
efficient low cost technology (Gharaibeh et al. 2011). It is well known that Atriplex
species actively accumulate soluble salts in leaves, especially sodium, in association
with a drought tolerance mechanism. For this reason it is also considered as an ex-
cellent species for reducing soil salinity in drylands, if cut and collected (Ben Salem
et al. 2005). It was found that the dehydrated A. halimus accumulated more Na+ than
the control plants even without the addition of NaCl to the stressed plants (Martinez
et al. 2003). Glenn and Brown (1998) concluded that tolerance of A. canescens to
water and salt stress was linked through a common mechanism of accumulating
Na+ for osmotic adjustment. By comparing salinity tolerance of three Atriplex spe-
cies in well-watered and drying soil Glenn et al. (2012) found that A. hortensis was
able to complete its life cycle on drying soil with a final salt content 85 g/l NaCl. A.
lentiformis was able to survive on drying soils with salinities five times higher than
seawater, whereas A. canescens had high survival on drying soils but was less salt
tolerant than either A. hortensis or A. lentiformis. It has been demonstrated that there
is a relationship between the habitat of the Mediterranean xero-halophyte species A.
halimus and the strategy adopted for NaCl and osmotic stress resistance. The coastal
(Monastir, salt-affected site) population is more tolerant of salinity than the inland
(Sbikha, non saline semi-arid area) population and displays a higher ability to ac-
cumulate glycinebetaine (GB) in response to this constraint. In contrast, the inland
population, exposed in its natural habitat to transient periods of drought, is more
444 M. Benzarti et al.
resistant to osmotic stress induced by 15 % PEG, and mainly accumulates proline in
response to this treatment (Ben Hassine et al. 2008). Some Atriplex species grown
under rangeland conditions has leaf ash concentrations of 13–27 % (Welch 1978;
Hyder 1981; Berrett-Lennard 2002) and Atriplex species grown in saline soils can
have leaf ash concentrations up to 39 % (Malcolm et al. 1988). Khan et al. (2000)
reported that A. halimus was more salt-tolerant than A. calotheca and A. nitens,
when grown at 750 mM NaCl (− 40, − 67 and − 80 % of biomass production) but in-
terestingly, all three species were able to survive at this salt concentration. Recently,
Benzarti et al. (2012) found that A. portulacoides was able to grow in medium con-
taining 1,000 mM NaCl without displaying salt-induced toxicity symptoms. The
salinity resistance of some Atriplex species is often attributed to the presence of
vesiculated trichomes covering the leaf surface and containing large amounts of
salt (Smaoui et al. 2011). These trichomes play a significant role in removing salt
from the the leaf tissues, thereby preventing the accumulation of toxic salts in the
parenchyma and vascular tissues. For many Atriplex species, more than 50 % of the
salt transported to the shoots is excreted via these epidermic trichomes (Belkheiri
and Mulas 2011). These attributes have led some workers to suggest that Atriplex
species could be grown to remove salt from the soil (Barrett-Lennard 2002).
Atriplex species ( A. canescens) has been especially recommended for arid zone
restoration projects (Fitzsimmons et al. 1998). In a field experiment Chisci et al.
(2001) demonstrated the use of A. halimus in improving physical characteristics of a
clay soil in Italy and to provide environmental protection by controlling runoff and
reducing soil erosion on slopes. Atriplex plant litter can modify the top soil salinity,
along with other soil properties. Maganhotto de Souza Silva et al. (2008) found that
soils cultivated with A. nummularia and irrigated with saline effluents, in semi-arid
conditions in Brazil, improved their fertility (organic carbon, nitrogen and phospho-
rus contents) and microbiological properties (enzymes activity). Sameni and Solei-
mani (2007) studied the distribution of salinity and of some soil physico-chemical
properties, observing significant changes in salinity and pH and found that A. num-
mularia may actually facilitate growth of plants under their canopy. The work by
Zucca et al. (2011) in a study site in Morocco also confirmed that the significant
relationship between soil properties and A. nummularia development can be mostly
observed within the first 10 cm. A. nummularia is one of the most important species
used for the revegetation of degraded land in low rainfall areas. Slavich et al. (1999)
planted A. nummularia as a vegetative cover in a salt affected land in southeast Aus-
tralia. Brown et al. (1999) showed that A. barclayana could be used as a biofilter to
remove nutrients from saline aquaculture effluents. Gharaibeh et al. (2011) showed
that amelioration of a calcareous saline sodic soil can be achieved efficiently by
growing A. halimus without applying an amendment. Planting A. halimus reduced
soil sodicity and electrical conductivity considerably to values comparable to that
of gypsum treatments.
The Atriplex species may also be used for wildfire prevention purposes. The
high salt concentration found in its leaves increases their moisture content, which
makes this species behave as a fire retardant in the event of wildfire (Montgomery
and Cheo 1969).
16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 445
The contamination of soil by heavy metals is one of the most serious environmental
problems and has significant implications for human health. The clean up of heavy
metals contaminated soils is one of the most difficult tasks for environmental engi-
neering. In most cases, traditional physiochemical methods are quite expensive and
may lead to soil alterations (Gardea-Torresdey et al. 2005). Phytoremediation based
on the use of plants to remove or degrade inorganic and organic pollutants, has
been proposed as a promising, environmentally friendly and relatively cheap. The
success of phytoremediation depends upon the identification of suitable plant spe-
cies those hyperaccumulate heavy metals. The use of deep-rooting xero-halophyte
species is may be of special interest in this context to remediate salty contaminated
area, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Several species of the genus Atriplex,
which are naturally salt- and drought-tolerant have been also suggested as poten-
tial candidates for a phytoremediation approach (Table 16.1) because of their high
biomass production associated with a deep root system. A. portulacoides was sug-
gested as a suitable species for the phytoremediation owing to the high translocation
rates of Cd and Cu towards the aboveground tissues (Reboreda and Caçador 2007).
A. portulacoides can tolerate external Cu levels of up to 15 mmol/l (1,000 mg Cu/l)
without suffering adverse physiological effects (Cambrollé et al. 2012a). Further-
more, despite the fact that Cu concentrations of between 20 and 100 mg Cu/kg
DW in leaf tissue are generally considered excessive or toxic (Kabata-Pendias and
Pendias 2001), growth parameters of this species are unaffected by leaf tissue con-
centrations as high as 80 mg Cu/kg DW. A. portulacoides is able to survive with
external Cu levels of 35 mmol/l and can be found growing in sediments that con-
tain 300–3,000 ppm Cu. Sousa et al. (2008) stated that compartmentalization and
detoxification mechanisms are crucial to allow A. portulacoides to tolerate high
levels of heavy metals, and found that this species is able to retain a considerable
quantity of metals in the root cell wall. Cambrollé et al. (2012b) reported also that
this salt-marsh shrub may represent a valuable tool in the restoration of Zn-polluted
446 M. Benzarti et al.
areas since the plant can tolerate high tissue concentrations of Zn without suffer-
ing adverse physiological effects, and can produce a significant amount of biomass
while sequestrating high concentrations of this metal. Other species that belong to
the Atriplex genus, such as Atriplex halimus, have already been studied for their
level of resistance to heavy metals (Cd, Zn, Pb). These species have been recom-
mended as a promising species for the phytoremediation of heavy-metal contami-
nated areas based on their high biomass production, deep root systems and ability to
tolerate high concentrations of toxic elements (Lutts et al. 2004; Lefèvre et al. 2009;
Manousaki and Kalogerakis 2009). Precipitation of heavy-metal with oxalate and/
or its excretion into trichomes and increased synthesis of glycine betaine may con-
tribute to the tolerance of A. halimus. Among the heavy metals frequently present
in contaminated soils, mercury is arguably of the greatest environmental and public
health concern. A. conodocarpa proved to be the most suitable candidates for mer-
cury phytoextraction because of its ability to translocate mercury from roots to the
above-ground tissues (Lomonte et al. 2010). Vickerman et al. (2002) evaluated 30
Atriplex lines for potential habitat improvement and phytoremediation of selenium
contaminated sites. A. patula was found to be one of the top selenium accumula-
tors and grew well in saline soil. A. atacamensis Phil has been proposed as possible
candidates for phytoremediation of Ar (Vromman et al. 2011).
The main limitations to animal production in the arid and semi-arid regions, is the
scarcity of green forage. The use of native or introduced halophytes for livestock
production is an important issue in many semi-arid and arid areas. Several halo-
phytes plants have been used as fodder crops under saline conditions in order to
produce green forage during the dry season (El Shaer 2010). These include planting
perennial salt marsh plant species, mainly Atriplex species, in numerous regions. In
several experiments, the Mediterranean Atriplex species has been the most success-
ful shrub species in terms of establishment and productivity. Research conducted in
north-east Morocco showed an average production of 920 Kg DM/ha (1,000 plants/
ha density), with variations from 406 to 2,140 Kg DM/ha depending on the spe-
cies studied. A. vesicaria, A. semibaccata, A. nummularia and A. paludosa scored
the high levels of production. Other reports indicate that forage production from a
2-year old Atriplex plantation was 5 t under 150 and 200 mm rainfall.
The pastoral value of fodder shrubs depends not only upon their biomass but
also upon their nutritive value and their palatability and digestibility (Salem et al.
2012). The low concentrations of metabolizable energy and high concentrations of
soluble salt in herbage of Atriplex species as well as the presence of anti-nutritional
compounds, including tannins, flavonoids, oxalate tends to reduce fodder palatabil-
ity and feed intake of sheep and goats. Several methods have been devised to lessen
adverse effects of phenols and to alleviate deleterious effects of sodium chloride
found in tree and shrub fodder foliages. These include treatment with alkalis such
16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 447
as urea, ammonia and calcium hydroxide and oxidizing agents such as potassium
dichromate. Addition of exogenous enzymes is also a method to improve the nutri-
tive value of tree leaves. The study of Salem et al. (2012) showed that there are ben-
eficial impacts of sun-drying and/or dietary exogenous enzyme addition for sheep
fed A. halimus.
Despite the limited nutritional values, the use of Atriplex species as an important
component of the diet should be considered in arid and semi-arid regions since
this plant produces 2.5–20 t of dry matter per hectare per year and it is available
most of the year. Given the low nutritional value of the Atriplex species, various
authors have proposed supplementing them with other types of feed like barley
grain, barly straw or spineless cactus so that the animals could obtain the energy
from the hay and grain, and the protein and minerals from Atriplex species. Abu-
Zanat (2005) reported that grazing a combination of salt-tolerant grasses, legumes
and Atriplex species improved feeding value and maximize animal production (feed
intake and growth rates) from saline land. Norman et al. (2008) reported that 170 g/
day of grain was the minimum required to ensure sheep fed A. nummularia and A.
amnicola maintained live weight. In the study of Ben Salem et al. (2005) lambs
fed A. nummularia and supplemented with barley achieved a growth rate of 67 g/
day over an 85-day period. Data presented by van der Baan et al. (2004) clearly
demonstrate that supplementation with grains such as barley or maize significantly
increases the digestibility of A. nummularia and this leads to an increase in growth
rate of ruminant. Mixing alfalfa with Atriplex as green fodders to sheep may in-
crease the palatability and consequently intake and utilization of Atriplex which
lead to improvement of the performance of animal. Abu-Zanat (2005) reported that
it is possible to replace up to 50 % of alfalfa hay by A. nummularia without negative
effects on intake and digestibility of dry matter by Awassi lambs. Jacobs and Smith
(1977) reported significant differences in chemical composition between ( Atriplex
nummularia, A. Canescens, A. Brewerii and A. Lentiformis) species and between
seasons. Kandil and El-Shaer (1989) reported that Atriplex nummularia had higher
nutritive value in spring and winter than in summer and autumn. Riasi et al. (2008)
reported that A. dimorphostegia have more number of beneficial chemical nutritive
components and digestible values than Suaeda arcuata as forage for ruminants.
Farmers in some arid areas of the world have already begun to cultivate Atriplex as
a salt-tolerant forage crop on lands where other crops are difficult to grow.
Several salt marsh plants have traditionally been used for medical, nutritional, and
even artisanal purposes. Currently, an increasing interest is granted to these species
because of their high content in bioactive compounds (Ksouri et al. 2011). Various
Atriplex species have medicinal values, e.g. A. semibaccata has been used as an
antifungal agent and A. vestita in the traitement of bronchitis. A. hortensis has been
448 M. Benzarti et al.
regarded as a source of Vit A (Siddiqui et al. 1994). The arial parts of A. hortensis
were used in flak medicine against diseases of respiratory tract, digestive and uri-
nary systems, and due to their analgestic properties, in rheumatism (Bylka et al.
2001). A. halimus is effective in the treatment of type II diabetic patients (Bakh-
tiuary 2011) and it used in veterinary medicine to combat internal parasites. Extracts
of A.confertifolia has significant bioactivity against human breast cancer cell lines;
the bioactivity of A. confertifolia extract on these cells was compared to a FDA-
approved cancer drug (Onxol®) and an industry-standard leukocyte control cell line.
A dose-response curve of the extracts displayed significant cell death similar to
Onxol® (Capua et al. 2010). Boughalleb et al. (2009) reported that many Atriplex
species ( A. inflate and A. portulacoides) may contain phytochemical compounds
with fungicide properties.
Several studies attributed the anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflamatory, antifongique
and antioxydants activities potential of plant extracts to their bioactive compounds
compositions (Ksouri et al. 2011). Chemical investigation of the species of the
genus Atriplex (Table 16.2) showed the presence of saponin glycosides, alkaloids,
ascorbic acid and phytoecdysteroids (Keckeis et al. 2000). Benhammou et al.
(2009) reported that A. halimus leaves and stems were characterized by the pres-
ence of the flavonoids, the tannins, the alkaloids and the sponins where the leaves
exhibited the higher yields. Bylka et al. (2001) isolated from leaves of A. hortensis
tow relatively rare sulphated flavonoids: kaempferol 3-O-sulphate-7-O-arabinopy-
ranoside and quercetin 3-O-sulphate-7-O-arabinopyranoside (belong the group of
compounds easily soluble in water) and a new acetylated flavonol glycoside from
16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 449
A. littoralis (Bylka 2004). Other earlier works suggested the presence the narin-
gin, naringenin 7-O-glucoside, isorhamnetin 3-O-rhamnosyl (1–6) glucopyranoside
and isorhamnetin 7-O-glucopyranoside in A. farinose (Al-Jaber et al. 1992). More
recently, two new flavonoids, quercetin 6,4′-dimethoxy-3-fructo-rhamnoside and
quercetin 4′-methoxy-3-fructo-rhamnoside in addition to another five known com-
pounds were isolated from A. lentiformis (Torr.) S. Wats (Awaad et al. 2012). All of
the extracts and the isolated compounds were tested for their antioxidant activity,
the two new compounds were found to have the highest antioxidant activity with
no side effect.
Atriplex species are among the most salt tolerant higher plants. And the elucidation
of its salt tolerance mechanisms is of significance for generating salt tolerant crops
via selective breeding or genetic engineering. Studying the regulation of stress in-
ducible genes can lead to understanding of the mechanisms by which halophytes
maintain growth and thrive under abiotic stress. Several stress related genes have
been isolated from these halophytes (Table 16.3). Both glycophytes and halophytes
cannot tolerate large amounts of salt in the cytoplasm. Plants maintain a low con-
centration of Na+ in the cytosol by active exclusion of Na+ ions into the apoplast
and vacuole by using specific plasma membrane and tonoplast Na+/H+ antiporter
450 M. Benzarti et al.
(NHX1) (Shi and Zhu 2002). In particular, the vacuolar Na+/H+ antiporter had been
demonstrated to play a key role in salt tolerance of plants (Blumwald et al. 2000).
The greater salt tolerance in Atriplex species is related to the transport to shoots of
high quantities of Na+ concomitant to an efficient vacuolar compartmentation of
this ion, which prevents the ionic damage to the cytoplasm. The vacuolar Na+/H+
antiporter genes has been characterized and identified from A. gmelili ( AgNHX1)
(Hamada et al. 2001). The analysis and comparison of these genes showed that
they were highly homologous with similar structural and conserved domains. Ohta
et al. (2002) demonstrated that transgenic rice plants overexpressing AgNHX1 gene
could survive after short period of high concentration salt exposure (300 mM NaCl
for 3 days). Evacuation of Na+ from the cytoplasm is energy-dependent. A partial
sequence of an isoform of the plasma membrane PM-H+-ATPase was been isolated
from A. nummularia. Increased H+-ATPase mRNA abundance was reported in A.
nummularia when NaCl adapted (342 mM NaCl) cells were re-exposed to NaCl
after having been grown in media without additional NaCl (Niu et al. 1993). Which
provide evidence that enhanced H+-transport activity by NaCl in A. nummularia
is mediated at least in part by transcriptional or post-transcriptional processes that
result in higher mRNA accumulation.
Exposure to saline and drought stress results in the accumulation in the cytosol of
low-molecular mass compounds, termed as compatible solutes, which do not inter-
fere with normal biochemical reactions. It has been frequently reported that GB acts
as the main stress-induced agent involved in the osmotic adjustment and protection
of cellular structure in plant species belonging to the Chenopodiaceae (Rhodes and
Hanson 1993). GB facilitates osmotic adjustment by lowering the internal osmotic
potential that contributes to the water stress tolerance ability. In addition, it stabi-
lizes both PSII complex and RuBisCO during photosynthesis under stress condi-
tions (Sakamoto and Murata 2000). Yang et al. (2007) reported that genetically
engineered tobacco with the ability to accumulate GB showed a higher content of
ascorbate and reduced glutathione as well as an increase in the activity of superox-
ide dismutase (SOD). The positive effect of exogenous glycine betaine application
in plant growing under salinity stress has been proven. Plant cell could be pro-
tected from the adverse effect of salinity induced oxidative stress by the exogenous
application of glycine betaine (Demiral and Türkan 2004). In A. nummularia GB
play a major role in cytosol osmotic adjustment in both leaves and roots, regardless
of NaCl presence (Silveira et al. 2009). In higher plants, the first and second steps in
the biosynthesis of GB are catalyzed by a rate-limiting enzyme choline monooxy-
genase (CMO) and betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH), respectively (Saka-
moto and Murata 2000). CMO gene from A. hortensis ( AhCMO) has been isolated
and used for GB production in tobacco (Shen et al. 2002) and cotton plants (Zhang
et al. 2009) to improve its abiotic stress tolerance. CMO homologs have been also
identified in A. prostrate (Wang and Showalter 2004) and A. nummularia (Tabuchi
et al. 2005). The gene encoding the second enzyme, BADH, has been cloned from
A. hortensis ( AhBADH) and introduced into rice, wheat, and turf grass (Xiao et al.
1995; Guo et al. 1997, 2000) and improvement of salt tolerance in transgenic plants
16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 451
was observed during growth. Similar result was also achieved in transgenic trifoli-
ate orange (Fu et al. 2011). The enhanced salt tolerance was correlated, at least in
part, with reduced lipid peroxidation, greater abundance in photosynthetic proteins,
stimulation of K+ uptake, and low Na+/K+ ratios. The BADH gene that originated
from A. hortensis was also transformed into the most important forage crop alfalfa
with Agrobacterium-mediated transformation method. The transgenic plants grew
vigorous in salt stress condition, whereas the wild type plants was retarded and
did not survive. The expression of BADH gene in alfalfa genome enhanced its salt
tolerance through improved membrane protection as measured by relative electrical
conductivity and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, scavenge of free radicals by
increase of peroxidase (POD) and SOD activities, and the osmotic adjustment
(Liu et al. 2011).
Transcription factor genes play important roles in stress survival by serving as
master regulators of sets of downstream stress-responsive genes via binding to spe-
cific elements ( cis-elements) in target genes. Functional analysis of the promoter
regions of some of stress-inducible genes has led to identification of the cis-element
DRE (Dehydration-responsive element), which is responsible for dehydration-
inducible transcription (Yamaguchi-Shinozaki and Shinozaki 1994). Full-length
DRE-binding transcription factor ( AhDREB1) gene has been isolated from A.
hortensis (Shen et al. 2003). In transgenic tobacco, AhDREB1 led to the accu-
mulation of its putative downstream genes and these transgenic lines showed an
increased stress tolerance, suggesting that the AhDREB1 protein functions as a
DRE-binding transcription factor and play roles in the stress tolerant response of A.
hortensis. DREB in A. halimus ( AsDBRE) is regulated by the osmotic component
but not by the ionic one of salt stress (Khedr et al. 2011). It seemed that DREB
was not involved in the regulation of sodium manipulating genes like NHX1, SOS1
or H +-PPase. Moreover, DREB could be involved directly of indirectly in CMO
regulation because of timing of induction. Also, DREB was the most up-regulated
gene under salt (fivefold) and drought (twofold) conditions, which reinforced the
importance of this gene in A. halimus tolerance to stress. Moreover, its constitutive
expression under normal conditions also indicated its involvement in other growth
and developmental programs (Khedr et al. 2011).
Microsatellites are widely used in population genetic studies and may prove to
be useful in studies of closely related species to infer relationships when sequence
variation is very low or there are few or no genome resources available. Ortíz-Dorda
et al. 2005 has evaluated the genetic structure of 51 populations of A. halimus from
the Mediterranean Basin using RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA)-PCR
technique. The authors found that there are a clear intrapopulational diversity of
A. halimus. Such heterogeneity could be exploited to select clones or develop syn-
thetic populations with a combination of good traits such as high palatability, high
edible biomass production, and good adaptability to environmental limiting factors
in semi-arid Mediterranean environments. 12 polymorphic loci were isolated in A.
nummularia (Byrne et al. 2008) which will be useful to describe levels of genetic
variability across the range of the species and in a breeding programme.
452 M. Benzarti et al.
Xu et al. (2011) investigate the physiological responses and differential gene
expression caused by salinity exposure in A. centralasiatica plants grown from
two different seed morphs. A. centralasiatica widely distributed in China produce
tow type of seeds, yellow and brown seeds. Seedlings derived from yellow seeds
showed a greater salt tolerance than those derived from brown seeds. By using sup-
pression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and subsequent microarray and RT-PCR
analysis to isolate and compare genes that were differentially expressed, the authors
suggest a major contribution of gene regulation to the salt resistant phenotype of
seedlings derived from yellow seeds. These genes encoded proteins related to os-
motic and ionic homeostasis, redox equilibrium and signal transduction. This study
clearly links physiological responses with differential gene expression in seedlings
derived from dimorphic seeds. Such dimorphism offers the advantage to halophytic
plants to survive in highly variable environments.
The global distribution of the genus Atriplex in arid and semi-arid areas and its abi-
otic stress tolerance combined with the utility of Atriplex species for restoration, re-
mediation and forage for livestock have helped these plants to rank among the most
widely studied native halophytes species. The major limitation of use Atriplex in
livestock production is its high salt concentration. Atriplex species are best consid-
ered as a supplement rather forage. The plant used for these purposes are primarily
wild type and there are little information available on the nutritive value of Atriplex
species growing in greenhouse and irrigated with different concentration of NaCl.
Strategies need to be devised to minimize the salt contents in the Atriplex leaves.
Although the biochemistry of Atriplex species tends to establish that they may be
a source of novel compounds along with providing a new source for many already
know biologically active compounds. Data of chemical composition of Atriplex
species is still not completed.
Atriplex species are well adapted to both salt and drought stress and can serve
as model species to understand the mechanisms of tolerance in plant (Flowers and
Colmer 2008). Very little research has been carried out to identify the molecular
mechanisms directly responsible for the specific tolerance of Atriplex species to
abiotic stress. In this way, Atriplex may serve as a particularly useful model plant
for studies of regulatory mechanisms related to the activation of the GB biosyn-
thetic pathway in response to environmental stress.
With over 400 species of this genus, a significant opportunity then exists to ex-
plore the potential of other locally adapted Atriplex species. Research is required to
select and breed potentially useful plants and identify the best species combining
nutritional, agronomic and environmental potential.
Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Tunisian Ministry of Higher Education and
Scientific Research (LR10CBBC02).
16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 453
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16 Environmental and Economical Opportunities for the Valorisation … 457
G. F. E. Scherer
e-mail: [email protected]
of PAs in abiotic stress responses in plants and possible means of manipulating PAs
in the crop plants for enhanced stress tolerance.
et al. 2012; Shelp et al. 2012) are extensively reviewed. PAs are crucial components
in embryogenesis (Evans and Malmberg 1989; Galston et al. 1997; Kakkar et al.
2000; Bertoldi et al. 2004; Silveira et al. 2006; Pieruzzi et al. 2011), differentiation
and morphogenesis (Kusano et al. 2007a, 2008; Hassannejad et al. 2012; Takano
et al. 2012; Yoshimoto et al. 2012), floral initiation and development and fruit de-
velopment (Galston et al. 1997; Bagni and Tassoni 2001; Kusano et al. 2007a, 2008)
and senescence (Evans and Malmberg 1989; Takahashi and Kakehi 2010). Involve-
ment of PAs in several types of abiotic stress responses such as salinity (Alcázar
et al. 2006b; Liu et al. 2007; Alet et al. 2012; Hu et al. 2012), drought (Galston et al.
1997; Alcázar et al. 2006b; Groppa and Benavides 2008; Wang et al. 2011), extreme
temperature tolerance (Evans and Malmberg 1989; Urano et al. 2003; Zhang et al.
2011; Cheng et al. 2012; Cvikrová et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2012;), and in mineral
deficiencies and heavy metal toxicity (Martin-Tanguy 2001; Alcázar et al. 2010a;
Shevyakova et al. 2011; Kumar et al. 2012) is extensively described.
PA catabolism is an important process in regulating PA levels in cells. In plants,
copper-binding diamine oxidases (CuAO/DAO) and flavin adenine dinucleotide
(FAD)-binding polyamine oxidases (PAO) have diversified roles in growth cycle
and in environmental stress tolerance (reviewed in Cona et al. 2006; Moschou et al.
2008b). CuAO/DAO and PAO are involved in cell wall strengthening and rigidity
during cell growth and development (Paschalidis and Roubelakis-Angelakis 2005;
Cona et al. 2006; Delis et al. 2006; Tisi et al. 2011). In dormancy alleviation, dif-
ferential regulation of genes involved in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production
including amine oxidases is observed (Oracz et al. 2009). Further, association of
PAO in developmental programmed cell death is reported (Paschalidis and Roube-
lakis-Angelakis 2005; Cona et al. 2006). Differential regulation of PAO genes and
concomitant accumulation of proline accompanied with enhanced H2O2 production
leading to salt tolerance is reported in some plant species (reviewed in Cona et al.
2006; Alcázar et al. 2010a; Campestre et al. 2011). Induction of PAO is described
in water deficient conditions leading to stomatal regulation by ABA signalling
(Moschou et al. 2008b) and osmotic stress tolerance (Aziz et al. 1997; Moschou
et al. 2008b). Evidences indicate that H2O2 induced by DAO and PAO activity has a
function in plant-pathogen/elicitor defence responses (reviewed in Cona et al. 2006;
Moschou et al. 2008b; Wimalasekara et al. 2011a).
Biosynthesis of Polyamines
The intracellular levels of PAs are determined by their biosynthesis, degradation and
conjugation. Spatial and temporal variations of intracellular PA levels are reported
in many plant species. The initial step of the biosynthesis of PAs is the formation
of di-amine put. Biosynthesis of put in plants occurs through two distinct pathways
either directly from ornithine by ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) or from arginine
by arginine decarboxylase (ADC) followed by two successive reactions catalysed
by agmatine iminohydrolase (AIH) and N-carbamoylputrescine amidohydrolase
462 R. Wimalasekara and G. F. E. Scherer
Fig. 17.1 Schematic representation of PA biosynthetic pathways in plants. ADC arginine decar-
boxylase, AIH agmatine iminohydrolase, CPA N-carbamoylputrescine amidohydrolase, ODC
ornithine decarboxylase, SPDS spermidine synthase, SPMS spermine synthase, SAM synthase
S-adenosylmethionine synthase, SAMDC S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, ACC synthase
1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylic-acid synthase, ACC oxidase 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-
carboxylic-acid oxidase. (Adapted from Wimalasekara et al. 2011a)
(CPA). The tri-amine spd and tetra-amine spm are synthesised by successive ad-
dition of aminopropyl groups to put and spd respectively in reactions catalyzed by
spermidine synthase (SPDS) and spermine synthase (SPMS) (Slocum et al. 1984;
Tiburcio et al. 1997). The aminopropyl groups are produced from decarboxylation
of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) catalyzed by SAM decarboxylase (SAMDC) (Slo-
cum et al. 1984; Tiburcio et al. 1997) (Fig. 17.1). The presence of ODC pathway
and characterization of genes coding for ODC is reported from many plant species
(Michael et al. 1996). However, Arabidopsis lacks ODC pathway and biosynthesis
of put occurs exclusively through the ADC pathway (Hanfrey et al. 2001). ADC1
and ADC2 are the two genes that encode ADC of Arabidopsis and they are shown
to be expressed in a tissue specific manner (Soyka and Heyer 1999). Arabidopsis
has single genes that code for AIH and CPA (Janowitz et al. 2003; Piotrowski et al.
2003), two genes namely SPDS1 and SPDS2 that code for spermidine synthase
(Panicot et al. 2002), genes SPMS and ACL5 coding, spermine synthase (Hanzawa
et al. 2000) and at least four genes coding SAM decarboxylase (Urano et al. 2004).
In some plant species, subcellular compartmentalization of ADC pathway is re-
ported which probably lead to a concentration gradient of put in a cell (Borrell et al.
1995; Bortolotti et al. 2004). A number of studies indicate that genes coding for PA
biosynthesis is highly regulated by an array of abiotic and biotic factors and PA me-
tabolism interacts largely with other metabolic pathways (Bouchereau et al. 1999;
Soyka and Heyer 1999; Urano et al. 2003; Alcázar et al. 2006b, 2010a).
17 Dealing with Environmental Stresses: Role of Polyamines in Stress Responses 463
Catabolism of Polyamines
Abiotic Stresses
PA-mediated stress tolerance. A number of recent studies indicate that cross talk of
PA signalling with other signalling pathways in a variety of abiotic stress responses
(Alcázar et al. 2010a).
Salt Stress
Plant growth is restricted when the soil contains excess amounts of minerals. Salin-
ity affects a considerable amount of crop loss worldwide specifically in arid and
semiarid regions. Salt injury is caused by decrease in water potential and by accu-
mulation of ions to toxic levels. Tolerance levels to soil salinity differ dramatically
among plant species. The mechanisms by which plants tolerate salinity are complex
17 Dealing with Environmental Stresses: Role of Polyamines in Stress Responses 465
to spd and spm synthesis. spm and spd prevented the leakage of electrolytes and
amino acids from roots and shoots of rice proposing a positive correlation between
salt tolerance and increased accumulation of PAs (Chattopadhayay et al. 2002). The
protective function of PAs in salt stress may be at least partly due to rigidifying
microsomal membrane surfaces leading to stabilization against NaCl and osmotic
stress (Legocka and Kluk 2005).
PA effect on salt-stress tolerance can also be attributed to the differential regula-
tion of catabolism of PA by DAO and PAO (Moschou et al. 2008b; Angelini et al.
2010). The catabolic products of PA such as 4-aminobutanal, H2O2 and GABA are
associated with various physiological processes involved in stress responses includ-
ing salt stress tolerance. Enhanced DAO/CuAO and PAO activities was observed
in the salt stressed oat seedlings and tomato leaf discs followed by accumulation of
proline and proline accumulation was hindered when these plants were treated with
DAO/CuAO inhibitors (Alcázar et al. 2010b).
In high salinity exposed soybean roots increase in CuAO and GABA activities
was seen with concomitant decrease in put, cadaverine and spd levels (Xing et al.
2007). Decrease in CuAO activity, recovery of PA levels and a simultaneous reduc-
tion of GABA level was found in soybean during the recovery from NaCl stress pro-
posing that GABA derived from PA catabolism is probably involved in salt-stress
mediated defence reactions (Xing et al. 2007). Increased amounts of H2O2 produced
by DAO/CuAO and PAO activities lead to PCD and expression of defence genes
suggesting importance of amine oxidases in salt stress responses. Maize ZmPAO
overexpressing tobacco plants showed high quantities of spd followed by increased
activity of apoplastic PAO. As a result, an elevated amount of H2O2 was produced
and PCD was induced (Moschou et al. 2008a). In contrast, tobacco plants down-
regulating endogenous PAO accumulated lower amounts of H2O2 in response to salt
stress exhibiting less PCD than wild type plants (Moschou et al. 2008a). Induction
of several stress-responsive genes could be observed as a result of apoplastic PA
catabolism by PAO (Moschou et al. 2008a). Moreover, downstream signalling sub-
stances such as mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) were induced by H2O2
produced through PAO activity. In maize, salt stress induced ROS generated by
PAO was involved in signalling the adaptive responses to high salinity (Rodríguez
et al. 2009). These studies indicate that ratio of PA catabolism and anabolism is
crucial in salt stress tolerance.
Taken together, increased PA levels represent a salt-stress induced protective
function in many different plant species. Genetic modification of PA biosynthesis
and catabolism pathways is useful in enhancing salt-tolerance function of model
plants as well as in crop plants.
Water Stress
Drought has a direct effect on agriculture leading to crop losses in different mag-
nitudes in many parts of the world. Far beyond the crop loss, drought causes many
17 Dealing with Environmental Stresses: Role of Polyamines in Stress Responses 467
water stress tolerance was attributed to PA-mediated regulation of inward K + chan-
nel in the plasma membrane of guard cells and modulation of stomatal aperture.
Further, these findings indicate that PAs target a putative guard cell K + channel
KAT1-like inward K + channels in guard cells and modulate stomatal movements,
providing evidence for presence of link among stress conditions, polyamine levels,
and stomatal regulation (Lie et al. 2000). When dehydrated in vitro grown Citrus
reticulata plants were treated with exogenous spm, stomatal closure was promoted
and exhibited a less wilted phenotype, reduction of water loss and electrolyte leak-
age compared to spm untreated plants (Shi et al. 2010), again indicating a function
of PA in stomatal regulation.
The importance of PA catabolism in water stress responses is described in many
plant species (reviewed in Cona et al. 2006; Moschou et al. 2008b; Angelini et al.
2010). Osmotic stress tolerance of rape leaf discs and whole rape seedlings sub-
jected to drought is linked to increased amounts of put and DAP which is a product
of PAO activity (Aziz et al. 1997). Experimental evidence of Toumi et al. (2010)
indicated that drought-tolerant grapevine has increased PAO activity as compared
to drought-sensitive variety. H2O2 produced by PA oxidation reaction was involved
in signalling cascade of drought tolerance (Toumi et al. 2010). DAO/CuAO and
PAO are considered as important controllers of ABA signalling pathway in stomatal
regulation (Lie et al. 2000; An et al. 2008; Moschou et al. 2008a, b). In Arabidop-
sis, induction of AtPAO2, AtPAO3 and AtPAO4 by ABA suggests a role of PAO in
ABA signalling (Moschou et al. 2008a). Gene expression analysis demonstrated
that PAO2 of Arabidopsis is upregulated during drought stress and shows similar
expression kinetics as the ABA-inducible RD29A and RD22 genes supporting a role
of PAO2 in drought resistance (Alcázar et al. 2011). An et al. (2008) showed that
exogenous application of ABA to the Vicia faba leaf epidermis caused stimulation
of apoplast CuAO activity followed by increased H2O2 production finally leading
to induced stomatal closure. When CuAO inhibitors were applied these processes
were impaired. These factors indicate that CuAO in V. faba guard cells is an es-
sential enzymatic source for H2O2 production in ABA-induced stomatal closure.
For the ABA-induced stomatal closure, second messengers such as Ca2 +, ROS,
and nitric oxide (NO) are also important. CuAO/DAO and PAO may be important
in regulating the other signalling substances probably via generation of H2O2 in
stress situations like water stress. Involvement of DAO in the ABA induced H2O2
production in roots of rice seedling is reported (Lin and Kao 2001). Biosynthe-
sis of H2O2 by ABA-stimulated CuAO activity resulted in root growth inhibition
by cell wall stiffening by peroxidases (Lin and Kao 2001). Involvement of a
copper amine oxidase gene, COPPER AMINE OXIDASE1 ( CuAO1) of Arabidop-
sis was tested for its role in ABA mediated stress responses using the knockouts
cuao1-1 and cuao1-2 (Wimalasekara et al. 2011b). Compared to WT, the knock-
outs showed less sensitivity to ABA during germination, seedling establishment
and root growth inhibition characterizing knockouts as ABA-insensitive. Fur-
ther, PA-induced and ABA-induced NO production in cuao1-1 and cuao1-2 were
impaired suggesting a function of CuAO1 in PA and ABA-mediated NO production
(Wimalasekara et al. 2011b).
17 Dealing with Environmental Stresses: Role of Polyamines in Stress Responses 469
Global warming is becoming a worldwide concern and over the last 25 years an in-
creasing rate of warming has taken place. Regional temperature anomalies, extreme
high temperature with frequent heat waves and extreme cold weather conditions
are also inevitable. Influence of unusually high and low temperatures on agricul-
ture, forestry and fisheries are enormous finally leading to socio-economic impacts
around the world. High temperature on crop production most of the times affect
Asia and Africa. Prolonged winter and irregular low temperature conditions affect
agriculture in many European and American countries. In terms of agriculture, apart
from mitigation measures, adaptation mechanisms to such adverse impacts include
development of cultivation techniques and development of resistant crop varieties.
Most plants are unable to survive extended exposure to temperatures above 45°C
while succulent plants are adapted to high temperatures tolerating temperatures of
60–65°C. High temperatures most of the times lead to heat stress and heat shock and
often the water and temperature stresses are interrelated. Heat stress inhibits pho-
tosynthesis and impairs membrane function and protein stability. Adaptive mecha-
nisms to heat stress include responses that decrease light absorption by the leaves,
heat shock protein synthesis which act as molecular chaperons in stabilizing and
correcting protein folding and biochemical responses leading to pH and metabolic
homeostasis (Taiz and Zeiger 2006).
Chilling and freezing stresses are triggered by low temperature. Typical chilling
injuries such as slow growth, leaf lesions and wilting are caused primarily by loss of
membrane properties ensuing from changes in membrane. Freezing injury is linked
basically to damage caused by formation of ice crystals within cells. Mechanisms
that confer freeze resistant include dehydration and supercooling of leaves, which
limit the growth of ice crystals to extracellular spaces. Cold stress leads to osmotic
stress and activate osmotic stress-related signalling pathways and accumulation of
proteins involved in cold acclimation (Taiz and Zeiger 2006).
Several plant species including important crop species have been produced for
better tolerance to high and low temperature regimes by modifying physiological
and biochemical pathways concerned. There are number of reports showing differ-
ential accumulation of PAs in response to high and low temperatures (reviewed in
Kakkar and Sawhney 2002; Alcázar et al. 2006b, 2010a; Cona et al. 2006; Groppa
and Benavides 2008; Moschou et al. 2008b; Gill and Tuteja 2010; Wimalasekara
et al. 2011a). Importance of put accumulation in freezing temperature tolerance
in Arabidopsis and transcriptional upregulation of ADC1 and ADC2 upon cold
treatment is described (Cuevas et al. 2008, 2009). Compared to wild type plants,
mutants adc1 and adc2 displayed higher sensitivity to freezing and treating with
put complemented the stress sensitivity (Cuevas et al. 2008, 2009). Moreover, this
study revealed that detrimental consequences of put depletion during cold stress are
due, at least in part, to alterations in the levels of ABA by modulating expression of
ABA biosynthesis genes (Cuevas et al. 2008, 2009). Complementation analysis of
adc1 mutants with ABA and reciprocal complementation of aba2-3 mutant with put
470 R. Wimalasekara and G. F. E. Scherer
revealed that diamine control the levels of ABA in response to cold by modulating
ABA biosynthesis (Cuevas et al. 2008, 2009). In another study, PA levels specially
put levels increased in chickpea subjected to chilling temperature (Nayyar 2005).
Accumulation of put occurs as a rapid reaction to low temperature as seen in poplar
seedlings grown at 4°C (Renaut et al. 2005). Supplementation of growth medium
with spd prior to the cold treatment resulted higher cold tolerance in cucumber (He
et al. 2002). In cold-tolerant cultivars of cucumber, markedly increased level of spd
was observed during chilling as opposed to the cold sensitive cultivars (Shen et al.
2000). OsSPDS2, a novel SPDS gene from rice was involved in chilling responses
in rice roots (Imai et al. 2004). Further, Arabidopsis plants overexpressing Cucur-
bita ficifolia SPDS1 showed increased tolerance to chilling and freezing tolerance
(Kasukabe et al. 2004). Microarray analysis revealed that increased transcription
of several stress responsive genes in the transgenic plants under chilling stress sug-
gesting an important role for spd as a signaling compound or as a regulator of stress
signaling pathways, leading to developed stress tolerance mechanisms (Kasukabe
et al. 2004).
Altered regulation of PA biosynthesis is observed as one of the mechanisms in-
volved in high-temperature tolerance. Overexpression of SAMDC (from Saccharo-
myces cerevisiae) in tomato caused 1.7–2.4 fold higher levels of spd and spm pro-
duction under high temperature stress, enhanced antioxidant enzyme activity and
the protection of membrane lipid peroxidation (Cheng et al. 2009). The levels of
free and conjugated PAs and ADC were higher in calli of heat-tolerant rice cultivars
than in heat-sensitive cultivars under non-stressed conditions. Heat stress caused
greater accumulation of free and conjugated polyamines in calli of the heat-tolerant
cultivar (Roy and Ghosh 1996). PA catabolism was also associated with heat stress
as shown by increased PAO activity in heat-tolerant rice cultivars (Roy and Ghosh
1996). In another study, tobacco plants over-producing proline showed a transient
increase in the levels of free and conjugated Put and in the levels of free spd, nor-
spermidine (N-Spd) and spm after a 2-h lag phase (Cvikrová et al. 2012). The find-
ings indicate that proline and PA biosynthetic pathways act together in dealing with
heat stress conditions.
All these experimental results indicate that transgenic approach, which increases
PA biosynthesis could be a good strategy to improve the high and cold temperature
Oxidative Stress
instances, plants generate ROS as defence responses to various stresses. If the equi-
librium between ROS production and scavenging is disturbed it is harmful to the
plants (Apel and Hirt 2004). The most important ROS scavenging enzymes are
superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), glutathione peroxidase
(GPX), and catalase (CAT).
PAs play a role in oxidative stress tolerance by functioning as antioxidants under
some environmental conditions (Groppa et al. 2001, Chattopadhayay et al. 2002;
Kakkar and Sawhney 2002). Few examples are, leaf injury of the ozone-sensitive
tobacco cultivar Bel W3 caused by ozone treatments was minimized when put, spd
or spm was applied to the root system (Bors et al. 1989) and it was suggested that
the antioxidative effect is due to a combination of their anionic and cationic-binding
properties in radical scavenging function (Bors et al. 1989). Løvaas (1997) reported
that PAs are involved in preventing photooxidative damage. But there are contrdict-
ing evidences regarding lack of antioxidant activity of PAs.
A study using vesicles prepared with mixed soy bean phospholipids showed
that PA mediated inhibition of lipid peroxidation by metal-catalysed the oxida-
tive reactions (Tadolini et al. 1988). H2O2 produced as a result of catabolism of
PA by CuAO/DAO and PAO act as a signalling molecule that promotes activa-
tion of defence responses but it can also act as a prooxidant agent (Groppa and
Benavides 2008).
Both, natural and agricultural ecosystems are most of the times known to have
sub-optimal levels of mineral nutrients (Lynch and Clair 2004). Mineral stress con-
ditions cause important, complex, and poorly understood interactions with global
climate change. Factors such as changes in rainfall, temperature, solar radiation and
atmospheric CO2 concentration have significant impact on soil nutrient status and
soil erosion rates. Inadequate supply of minerals to the plants results in nutritional
disorders manifested by characteristic deficiency symptoms. Presence of excess
minerals in the soil mostly associated with accumulation of heavy metals such as
zinc, copper, cobalt, nickel, mercury, lead and cadmium causing severe toxicity in
plants (Taiz and Zeiger 2006). In plants metal toxicity arise from the binding of
metals to sulphydryl groups of proteins inhibiting enzymes activities or altering
protein structure (Van Assche and Clijsters 1990), stimulation of ROS formation
leading to oxidation of macromolecules and oxidative stress (Sandalio et al. 2001).
The presence of excess minerals in soil also leads to saline conditions in which
plant growth is restricted. Most of the times mineral deficiency and toxic stresses in
plants are not clearly identifiable with other stress conditions making it even more
complicated to predict and find solutions in improving crop yield. Genetic variation
among plants has a significant influence in dealing with mineral stresses. Plants
display variable morphological, physiological and biochemical adoptive responses
in dealing with particular mineral deficient condition and heavy metal toxicity.
472 R. Wimalasekara and G. F. E. Scherer
Considerable efforts have been made to improve the yield of plants subjected to
these stresses by modifying the soil, selecting and breeding genotypes and by ge-
netic modification.
Mineral deficient conditions influence differential regulation of hormones and
growth promoting substances. Altered metabolism of PAs in response to K +, Mg +
and PO4 + deficiencies are reported (reviewed in Groppa and Benavides 2008).
K + deficiency-induced PA metabolism is mostly studied. Young and Galston (1984)
showed that accumulation of put under K-deficiency by long term growing of oat
plants on a low-K nutrient medium. ADC and ODC activities in entire K-deficient
shoots were 6-fold and 2-fold greater than in the K-sufficient grown plants respec-
tively (Young and Galston 1984). Arabidopsis thaliana responded to K-deficiency
by increasing ADC activity upto 10-fold over unstressed plants with a correspond-
ing increase in put levels up to 20-fold (Watson and Malmberg 1996). Important
function of put in maintaining cation-anion balance in plant tissues is well known
(reviewed in Bouchereau et al. 1999). In birch leaves, increased amounts of put and
DAP, a product of PAO activity was found in K-deficient situations (Sarjala and
Kaunisto 2002). Put accumulation is considered as a good indicator of K-deficiency
of forest trees (Kaunisto and Sarjala 1997; Sarjala and Kaunisto 2002). In tobacco
plants a short-term boron deficiency caused an increase in free put in roots and con-
jugated put in leaves indicating a possible link between boron and PA levels (Cama-
cho-Cristóbal et al. 2005). Source of Nitrogen dependent PA accumulation has been
reported in wheat and pepper. Significant increase in put content was observed in
ammonium nutrition and to a lesser extent in urea nutrition (Houdusse et al. 2005).
However, put content was significant reduced with nitrate nutrition (Houdusse et al.
2005). Proline content of the plants also showed a similar pattern as put content but
to a lesser degree (Houdusse et al. 2005). They hypothesized that put biosynthesis
might be related to proline degradation by a specific pathway related to ammonium
detoxification. It is also reported that Mg and N deficiencies induced changes in PA
content in grapevine (Evans and Malmberg 1989).
Changes in PA metabolism occur by metal toxicity (Groppa et al. 2001, 2003,
2007; Lin and Kao 1999). Increased accumulation of total PAs was observed when
tobacco BY-2 cells were exposed to 0.05 mM Cd2 + for 3 days (Kuthanová et al.
2004). Among all the PAs, put content was significantly higher and DAO activity
was also stimulated (Kuthanová et al. 2004). Treating mungbean seedlings with
CdCl2 (0.1–1.5 mmol/L) resulted decreased DAO activities and subsequently re-
stricted the accumulation of endogenous PAs (Choudhary and Singh 2000). Groppa
et al. (2003) reported that PA metabolism is differentially regulated by Cd2 + and
Cu2 + in sunflower and wheat leaves. Both metals increased put content in wheat
leaves but reduced put content in sunflower leaves. Treating wheat leaves with Cd2 +
raised the ADC and ODC activities while Cu2 + raised only ODC activity (Groppa
et al. 2003). Groppa et al. (2007) showed that both ADC and ODC activities in
shoots of sunflower plants were increased by 1 mM Cd, whereas 1 mM Cu en-
hanced only ADC activity. A protective role of PAs in Cd2 + and Cu2 +-induced oxi-
dative stress in sunflower leaves is described (Groppa et al. 2001). Pre-treatment
17 Dealing with Environmental Stresses: Role of Polyamines in Stress Responses 473
with 1 mM spd and spm prevented the Cd2 + and Cu2 +-mediated reduced activities
of glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase activities (Groppa et al.
2001). In accordance, Tang et al. 2005 showed increased tolerance of Typha latifola
under Cd2 + stress by exogenous addition of spd, primarily by increasing GR activity
and GSH level.
Taken together all these experimental evidences indicate a function of PA in
mineral deficiency and heavy metal toxicity stress responses although the molecular
mechanism is not well understood.
Mechanical Stress
Mechanical damage/wounding caused by abiotic factors such as rain and wind, and
by biotic factors such as pathogen attack and insect bite is a continuous threat to
plants and it leads to a reduction in crop yield. Mechanical stress initiates signalling
pathways and known to generate signalling substances for example jasmonic acid,
salicylic acid, NO and H2O2 for the induction of wound-responsive genes.
Recent studies indicate that PAs are also involved in mechanical stress respons-
es. In mechanically injured Arabidopsis and oilseed rape a significant increase of
put levels was observed (Perez-Amador et al. 2002; Cowley and Walters 2005).
In response to mechanical wounding and methyl jasmonate treatment, Arabidopsis
showed increased expression of ADC2 and a transient increase in the level of free
put (Perez-Amador et al. 2002). Moreover, after wounding a decrease in the level
of free spm, coincident with the increase in put was observed (Perez-Amador et al.
2002). Cowley and Walters (2005) showed that mechanical wounding of the oilseed
rape leaves led to significant, but transient, increases in ADC activity and decrease
in DAO activity both locally and systemically (Cowley and Walters 2005). Several
reports provide evidences regarding the wound-healing function of CuAO/DAO and
PAO (reviewed in Angelini et al. 2010). In chickpea seedlings mechanical wound-
ing induced a rapid increase in CuAO expression levels and treatment of plants with
CuAO inhibitor decreased the accumulation of H2O2 and lignosuberization along
the lesion (Rea et al. 2002). In Zea mays, involvement of PAO in increased H2O2
biosynthesis during wounding was observed and wound healing was accelerated by
the deposition of lignin and suberin along the wound area (Angelini et al. 2008).
Importance of PAO-mediated H2O2 in wound healing was observed and it was re-
vealed that lignin and suberin deposition along the wound area was accelerated by
increased PAO activity (Angelini et al. 2008). Furthermore, CuAO involvement in
wound healing is demonstrated in pea seedlings and injury induced an increase of
CuAO and peroxidase activities and increased levels of put, cadevarine, spd and
GABA (Petrivalský et al. 2007). In general, the function of CuAO/DAO and PAO in
wound healing is considered to be due to the intensified lignin and suberine deposi-
tion as a consequence of H2O2 release.
474 R. Wimalasekara and G. F. E. Scherer
Other Stresses
Increased levels of UV radiation and ozone and herbicide are some of the factors
that impose stress in plants and they have developed various physiological and bio-
chemical adaptations to deal with these stress conditions. A number of components
in plants involved in the stress tolerance reactions are identified. PAs, CuAO/DAO
and PAO are among these components playing a role in these stress responses (re-
viewed in Groppa and Benavides 2008).
Increasing UV radiation in the atmosphere is a reality in Antarctic regions. A few
of the examples of association of PA in UV stress are: in response to UV-B radiation
total free PAs was decreased and conjugated PAs increased in Phaseolus vulgaris
plants (Smith et al. 2001), in cucumber leaves UV-B radiation resulted in decreased
total PA content concomitant with increased electrolyte leakage and weakening of
plant growth (An et al. 2004), in tobacco cultivars subjected to UV-B radiation, PAs
especially put was increased and after extended periods of UV-B exposure PA levels
declined (Lutz et al. 2005). The influence of UV-B on PA metabolism is an indicator
that plants indeed sense UV-B as a stress that also may affect crop yield.
Increasing ozone content in the biosphere is a great problem, which contributes
to global crop losses and forest decline. For the year 2000 global crop yield loss
due to ambient ozone was estimated to be worth $14–26 billion, and 40 % of this
damage occurred in China and India (Van Dingenen et al. 2009). Exposure to ozone
results in foliar injury, impaired photosynthesis, reduced growth and yield, and an
accelerated onset of senescence in plants (Langebartels et al. 1991). Plants have
evolved preventive mechanisms to minimize the damages caused by ozone. They
can limit entry of ozone to interior through stomatal closure or they have tolerance
mechanisms, which include the detoxification of ozone diffused into the leaf inte-
rior through chemical reactions with ascorbic acid or enzymatic conversion to H2O2
(Chen et al. 2003). Since the toxicity of ozone results mainly from oxidative stress,
protecting plants through application of antioxidants is being investigated. PAs ex-
ert several functions, which counteract ozone effects (Langebartels et al. 1991).
Accumulation of PAs in response to ozone exposure and protection against ozone-
derived oxidative damage has been reported from different plant species for exam-
ple from barley (Rowland-Bamford et al. 1989), wheat (Raab and Weinstein 1990)
and tobacco (Langebartels et al. 1991). Increased ADC activity and accumulation of
free and conjugated put was observed in tobacco cultivar Bel B (Langebartels et al.
1991). In accordance with this study, Van Buuren et al. (2002) showed that accu-
mulation of free put in both tobacco cultivars, ozone-resistant and ozone-sensitive
when exposed to ozone. In tissues undergoing cell death in ozone-sensitive cultivar,
accumulation of conjugated put and transient increase of ADC and ODC activity
was observed (Van Buuren et al. 2002). The protective function of PAs in ozone
damage may be due to the control of the cellular redox state, though the precise
mode of action remains unknown (Van Buuren et al. 2002).
17 Dealing with Environmental Stresses: Role of Polyamines in Stress Responses 475
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γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), 463, 466, 473 Agrobacterium rhizogenes, 2–8, 10, 12, 14,
2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), 126, 15, 20, 24, 25
407 Ri plasmid, 6, 10
5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase Ti plasmid, 5
(EPSPS), 134 Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10,
124, 131, 134
A Ti plasmid, 5, 9
Aarrouf, J., 4, 24 Agrobacterium vitis, 2
Abarca-Grau, A. M., 5 Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, 2,
Abd El-Mawla, A. M. A., 402 23, 25, 451
Abiotic stress, 135, 295, 302, 461 Agropine-type opines, 7
drought, 4, 135, 138, 240, 277, 295, 302, Agropine-type Ri plasmid, 8, 9, 11, 12, 18
422, 442, 460, 461, 463, 470, 476 Aharoni, A., 301
heavy metals, 4, 374 Alcázar, R., 460–469, 475
high temperature, 135 Alkaloids, 17, 402, 404, 406–408, 411, 448
salinity, 4, 135, 138, 213, 221, 240, 295, Alpizar, E., 4, 10
302, 422, 442, 460, 461, 463, 470, 476 Altamura, M. M., 15
temperature, 138, 277, 295, 302, 422, 442, Amaranthus dubius, 195
460, 461, 463, 476 Amaranthus palmeri, 134
UV radiations, 135 AMF–nematode interactions, 229
Abiotic stress tolerance, 24, 50, 68, 72, 73, Amine oxidases, 461, 465, 466
107, 191, 210, 211, 260, 270 Amplified fragment length polymorphism
in halophytes, 449, 452 (AFLP), 58, 273, 320
in seeds, 245 Analysis of co-variance (ANCOVA), 59
in transgenic crops, 123, 151 Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 59, 168
PAs, 475 Ansorge, W. J., 55
ROS, 373 Antagonism, mechanisms of, 281
using ABA, 283 Antidiabetic agent, 405
using AMF, 210, 227, 230 Antioxidants, 298, 300, 364, 389
using isoprenoids, 297, 299 Aoki, S., 11, 21, 22
Abscisic acid (ABA), 12, 17, 283, 301, 384, Aoyagi, K., 17
407, 408, 425, 427 Arabidopsis thaliana, 50, 52, 71, 169, 170,
Acifluorfen, 135 178, 181, 301, 391–393, 472
Ackermann, C., 3 Arabidopsis thaliana tilling array express
Actinobacteria species, 284 (At-TAX), 72
Actinomycetes, 190, 197 Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), 209,
Adriano, D. C., 368, 369 210, 226
Agriculture, 2, 131, 191, 203, 278, 367, 460, Ari, S., 4, 23
466, 475 Arican, E., 24
N Park, P. J., 72
Nader, B. L., 4 Parker, G. D., 319, 330
Nakamura, H., 99 Parker, I. M., 270
Nakamura, T., 9, 330 Parkinson, H., 70
Nakano, M., 67 Payne, P. I., 309, 310, 331
Navarrete, G. E., 7, 9 Pellegrineschi, A., 3
Necrosis, 16, 19, 244, 297, 383, 411 Penicillium notatum, 403
Nematodes, 4, 24, 133, 197, 202, 227–229, Petersen, S. G., 9, 12
258 Petit, A., 7, 8
Nemoto, K., 10 Phelep, M., 9
Neuroblastoma, 405 Phenome analysis, 96
Nicotiana tabacum L., 11, 14, 15, 17–19, 21, Phenotype gap, 169, 170
22, 300 Phillips, G. C., 298
Nilsson, O., 9, 12, 16, 17 Phoma lingam, 133
Nitrogen fixation, Phosphorous solublising microorganisms
non symbiotic, 192, 195, 196 (PSM), 198–200
symbiotic, 24, 190–192, 194, 422, 423 Photorhabdus luminescens, 132
N-methyl-N-nitroso-urea (MNH), 171 Photosynthesis, 134, 191, 195, 198, 214, 220,
NMR spectroscopy, 85, 96, 408 296, 373, 384, 423–425, 428
Phytium aphanidermatum, 405
O Phytoalexins, 210, 229, 230, 278, 401, 403,
O’Connor, P. J., 218 404, 409, 410
Olempska-Beer, Z. W. S., 23 Phytophthora infestans, 133
Omics resources, 50 Phytoremediation, 25, 191, 225, 392, 395,
Oncovin®, 405 445, 446
Ooms, G., 11 Phytozome, 53
Oono, Y., 17, 24 Plagiotropism, 15
Opine catabolism genes, 5 Plant biotechnology, 124
Osmotic adjustment, 222, 383, 443, 450, 467 application of, 2, 24, 123, 124, 130, 131
Otten, L., 20 Plant breeding, 2, 4, 56, 57, 99, 100, 126, 130,
Ouartsi, A., 8, 20 135, 150, 154, 163, 172
Oxidative stress, 380, 382, 470, 474 Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR),
by chemical inducer, 475 190, 191, 197, 198, 210–214
due to salinity, 221, 450 Plant volatile organic compounds, 296, 303
enzymes, 230 Plant–fungi interaction, 273
ROS generation, 227, 296–298, 373, 385, Plant–Fusarium interactions, 282
389, 392, 471 Plant–microbe interactions, 24, 198, 274, 280,
Oxidative stress tolerance, 282, 283
in transgenic plants, 300 Plants defense mechanism,
Oxidative stress tolerances, during oxidative stress, 299, 300, 374
VOCs, 297 Polio type III viruses, 405
Özcan, S., 2 Polyamine (PA), 15, 17, 460, 468, 470
Ozyigit, I. I., 2, 3, 5–7, 23 anabolism of, 466
catabolism of, 461, 463, 466, 468, 470
P Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 15, 57, 58,
Pal, A., 15, 383 175, 176, 179, 181, 273
Palazon, J., 16, 17 Porter, J., 8, 24
Pan, B., 425 Posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS),
Pan, Q., 408 101, 174
Panicot, M., 462 Powell, W., 275
Panse, V. G., 169 Prinsen, E., 15
Paradi, I., 223 Programmed cell death (PCD), 258, 466, 475
Index 491
Proline, 18, 222, 315, 427, 444, 461, 472 Salinity, 4, 135, 138, 213, 221, 225, 240, 295,
Protein analysis through evolutionary 302, 422, 425–427, 433, 442–444, 452,
relationships (PANTHER), 87 460, 461, 463, 466, 470, 476
Protein–protein interaction, 280 Savka, M. A., 7
Proteobacteria, 2, 284 Schmelzle, K., 81
Proteomics, 51, 73, 75, 76, 79, 81, 85, 86, Schmulling, T., 9, 11, 12, 16–19, 21, 22, 24
280, 311 Scorza, R., 12, 24
Pseudomonas fluorescens, 201 SDS-PAGE, 75, 311, 313
Pseudomonas mendocina, 214 Secondary metabolites, 4, 16, 17, 270, 274,
Pseudomonas putida, 198 278, 401, 402, 404, 405, 407, 411, 412,
Pseudomonas striata, 200, 201 430
Psoralea corylifolia, 403 Sentoku, N., 22
Sequence-tagged sites (STS), 56
Q Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE),
Quandt, H. J., 4 67, 107, 280
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs), 50, 276 Sevon, N., 9, 10
Shen, W. H., 11, 12, 16, 56, 450, 451, 470
R Shkryl, Y. N., 16, 17
Random amplified polymorphic DNA Shoja, H. M., 16, 17, 20
(RAPD), 57, 126, 274, 320, 451 Shoot apical meristem (SAM), 22
Ranjan, R., 11 Short interfering RNAs (siRNAs), 63, 107
Rao, A. Q., 3, 5 Signal transduction, 258, 298, 373, 403, 452,
Rao, S. R., 4, 5, 402 460, 467
Ravishankar, G., 4, 5, 402 Simple sequence repeats (SSR), 55, 58
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), 210, 221, Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), 56,
226, 283, 296, 385, 392, 409, 58, 62, 64, 176, 179, 324
427, 461 Sinha, N., 22
Ream, W., 3 Sinkar, V., 6, 9
Recombinant DNA technology, 2, 23, 138 Slightom, J. L., 6, 11, 19, 20
Remeeus, P. M., 4, 24 Smigocki, A. C., 24
Resistance, 2, 4, 17, 23, 24, 131, 133, 135, Smith, D. L., 423, 425, 426, 429–431
168, 191, 211, 220, 221, 227, 229, 245, Smulders, M. J. M., 9
247, 249, 250, 253–258, 278, 283, 370, Sodium arsenite (Na H2 As O4), 366
391, 403, 410, 443 Sodium azide (NaN3), 171
Respiration, 196, 373, 428 Soil borne pathogen, 227, 251
Restriction fragment length polymorphism Solanum melongena L., 131
(RFLP), 57, 273, 319, 320 Somaclonal variation, 99, 123, 127–130, 152
Retinoblastoma (RB), 22 Soybean TFD, 106
Rhizobium leguminosarum, 194, 198 Spano, L., 12, 19, 24
Rhizoctonia solani, 133, 284 Specq, A., 21
Ri plasmid, 3–12, 15, 19, 22 Spena, A., 12, 15, 16, 19, 24
Riker, A. J., 2 Spontaneous mutations, 99, 152, 155, 170
Rossi, L., 6 Stable isotope labeling with amino acids in
Rugh, C. L., 4 cell cultures (SILAC), 78
Ryder, M. H., 8, 9 Staden, J. V., 24
Stead, D. E., 3
Stieger, P. A., 20, 22
S Striga hermonthica, 134, 135
S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), 394, 462 Sun, L-Y., 15, 330, 331
Saha, P., 17, 275 Suzuki, K., 8
Saito, K., 87, 93, 330 Suzuki, M., 12
Salicylic acid (SA), 278, 407 Symbiosis, 178, 192, 193, 197, 212, 217,
Saline soil, 213, 442–444, 446 220–223, 225, 227–230, 423, 425, 430
492 Index