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1.General communication

- Introduction

- Use and care of drawing instruments

- Line symbols and lettering

- Measurement and dimensioning

- Two dimensional drawing

- Scales

2.Plane geometry

a) Triangles


c) Polygons


3.Solid geometry

a)Development of surfaces of truncated regular solids

b) True shapes of sections on regular solids

4.Pictorial drawings

a) Free hand sketching

b) Isometric drawing

c) Oblique drawing

5. Orthographic projection

a)1st and 3rd angle orthographic projection

b) Orthographic views of regular solids

c) Orthographic views of irregular solids

1.Foundation of Chemistry

-Properties of matter

-Properties and effects of acids and bases

Chemical bonding

2. Light and sound

- Laws of refraction and reflection of light

- Refraction of light using different media

- Refractive

indices of different media

- Lcation of images formed by mirrors and lenses

- Power magnification and magnification power of instruments

- Principle of operation of optical instruments

- Polarization of light and its appllications

3. Heat

a)Temperature and temperature scales

b) Types of thermometers

c) Forms of heat transfer

d) Determine heat capacities and latent heat

e) Terms used in calorimetry- )Graphs of change of state

f) Applications of heat capacity and latent heat

4. Density and pressure

a) Terms used for solids ,liquids , and gases

b) Determination of densities

c) Archimedes principles law of floatation and bouyancy

d) Calculation of of density from relative density

e) Problems involving Archimedes principles and law of floatation

f) Pressure and types of pressure

g) Pressure in solids,liquids and gases

h) Methods and instruments of measuring pressure

i)Practical applications of pressure

5. Work, energy power and machines

a) Definition of terms and units

b) Forms, sources and types of energy

c) Law of conservation of energy

d) Problems involving work, energy and power

e) Calculation of potential energy and kinetic energy

f) Simple machines

6. Magnetism and electromagnetism

a) Terms used in magnetism

b)The compass

c) Lines of flux around a magnet

d) Electromagnetism

e) Electromagnetic induction

f) Laws and rules of electromagnetic induction

g)Self induction

h)Applications of electromagnetic induction

7. Electrostatics

a) Definition of electrostatics

b) Types of charge

c) Sources of electrostatic charges

d) Basic law of charge

e)Capacitors and capacitance

9. Electromagnetic Radiation

a) Definition of terms

b) Properties of electromagnetic waves

c) Methods of producing and detecting radiation

d) Cathode Ray Oscilloscope


a) Plane

b) Solid

2.Symbols and circuits

a) Electrical and electronics symbols

b) Motor connections and motor control circuits

c) Lighting switching arrangements

d) Schematic circuits

3. Design

a) Principles of PCB design

b) Electronic circuits

c) Electronic circuits

d) Manual sketch processing

e) PCB layout drawing

5. Computer Aided Electronjcs Drafting

a) Introduction to computer aided drawing

b) Drafting software

c) PCB drawing

d) Making printed circuit boards

e) Stimulation of electronic circuits

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